Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Saturday, February 03, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



I think i have a very big problem I have tried to pretend it’s not there I have tried to believe I’m normal I’ve tried so hard to keep my faith with God but this keeps getting worse.

 Every man leaves me! 
Every single man that comes into my life disappears out of it without a word, some treat me with so much hate and coldness before they disappear and some suddenly stop talking to me.

 Of course I have asked myself is it something about me? Maybe my character, My personality etc but to be very honest i’m a good woman; I'm not perfect but I'm the definition of a good woman :
I know this because I’ve made conscious efforts to be better ,I know this because every man has always said I’m a good woman and sometimes they say they don’t know why they suddenly developed hatred for me. 

Sometimes they say they know I’m good but somehow for reasons they can’t tell they lost interest in me, sometimes they leave and come back months later when I’ve lost feelings for them. I’ve tried hard to not believe what I'm about to say but I maybe unable to, 

I’ve been told by different people that I’m an ezewanyi (mariner/ogbanje) all my life I have been dedicated to the things of God and I have made every effort to be close to God....
 I thought he said if we call on him he will answer? Even if truly he didn’t create me is my hunger for him not enough to adopt me? I thought he said if we acknowledge his name he will be with us? why has he abandoned me? 

I am dead inside ,I died slowly everyday till it got to today that I know deeply that the only reason I haven’t committed suicide is because I know it would hurt my family. 

I have lost good men, good jobs, hatred everywhere I go, friends pay me bad for my good, how can it be that every friend I’ve ever had irrespective of how I go out of my way to be good to them just so I have someone to call a friend but they’ll still hate me and plot against me?
. Why has life isolated me this badly? I am writing this because I’m confused and I sincerely do not want to go against the word of God but different spiritualists have asked me to go and settle my chi and water people. 

I was recently told by a dibia that except I settle my water people I will not find peace in my jobs, friendships, business, relationships or anything I lay my hands on. He said I need to appease the ancestral spirits in my fathers house ( my grand father,Great grandparents and the ancestors before them were all idol worshipers) but my question is why is it that as large as my family is they chose me to frustrate and inflict pain on. 

For years I have suffered from different sickness and severe body pains which isn’t detected in any medical scans or check up. I’m isolated from people because everyone I ever associate with either relationship’s or friendships end up hurting me. 
People may ask how come I consulted with spiritualists and dibias if I say I have dedicated myself to God. The answer is this spiritual consultation was done on behalf of me by other people, I didn’t stop them because I thought if the last one said something and the next one says something else that means they are a fraud but they all keep saying the same thing.

 I was convinced to allow this people do a consultation on my behalf after I visited a mountain of fire church in awka and the pastor said and I quote “ You have a lot of spirits following you around ,they will never let you marry, you need a strong deliverance and the day you try to do the deliverance the spirits will try everything to stop you” .
Since that day any day I go for deliverance that’s the exact day the pastor won’t be available or one excuse to the other. I wanted to go to Zion ministry ago palace but I’m afraid of being televised by his camera men and the whole world would know my problem. 

Please what do I do? Who has been in this situation before? Who has or knows anything that can help me?   please if you have any information that can help me be kind enough to drop a comment 
 Thank you .

WOW....... I dont understand this thing but there are some people that are proud Ezewanyi's and they are happy..... Maybe when you learn to accept that you are one, and do the things expected of you as an Ezewanyi, then the bad fortunes will turn around......It cant be so bad and it is not your fault that you are one....
Go and find out what is expected of you as an Ezewanyi and after that i think things will be better....


  1. Ezenwanyi is not a bad thing!
    But first thing first, you have to be very very sure that you are supposed to be an Ezenwanyi in the first place, or maybe to appease some spirits to let you be.
    Nowadays, it's very common no longer a big deal to compare before. I can help you too.

    1. I know someone with this same problem. She has offered many sacrifices to the 'water spirits'....

      I suggest you take the following steps:

      1. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to take over your soul and become the Lord of your soul indeed.

      2. Get three witnesses and go for water baptism by immersion.

      3. Ask the pastor to serve you Holy Communion - preferably on the day of water baptism with other church members.

      4. Prepare and serve PRIVATE Holy Communion with biscuits and fruit juice at least twice a werk. Read and quote John 6:57 and declare the biscuits and juice (three to four teaspoon) the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ indeed.

      Tell Jesus all your problems and ask Him for deliverance.

      5. Prepare for war through vigil. You will experience victoty after you conquered all the spirits following you.

    2. I know someone with this same problem. She has offered many sacrifices to the 'water spirits'....

      I suggest you take the following steps:

      1. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to take over your soul and become the Lord of your soul indeed.

      2. Get three witnesses and go for water baptism by immersion.

      3. Ask the pastor to serve you Holy Communion - preferably on the day of water baptism with other church members.

      4. Prepare and serve PRIVATE Holy Communion with biscuits and fruit juice at least twice a werk. Read and quote John 6:57 and declare the biscuits and juice (three to four teaspoon) the flesh and the blood of Jesus Christ indeed.

      Tell Jesus all your problems and ask Him for deliverance.

      5. Prepare for war through vigil. You will experience victoty after you conquered all the spirits following you.

    3. Prayerfully attend Commanding the day midnight Prayer on dunamis youtube. 11:30 every night.
      God's word for your change of story will come

    4. Poster Ezenwanyi is a deity which has nothing to do with GOD.
      Don’t listen to those who are asking you to go to Baal

      Go and listen to the Mystery of deliverance part 1-4 by Joshua Selman

      Get MFM prayer rain book.

      Go to Nathaniel Bassey’s page and watch the video someone tagged him to where she had an issue with getting married.

      Gather knowledge FIRST before you pray

      Come to Lagos and book a deliverance at MFM
      You lodge from Monday to Wednesday with dry fasting.
      But gather knowledge first on who you are before you go anywhere. That’s why I asked you to watch the videos on YouTube.
      Dedicate this February to breaking this yoke and you will see it broken.

      Ignore the Ezenwanyi asking you to go and become a traditionalist. They’re trying to recruit disciples.

      Then start making positive declarations to handle the victim mindset you have probably developed as a result of all the disappointments you’ve faced.

      What you’re facing isn’t normal oh!

      I wish you the best

      Mma Nwachukwu

    5. Oh God! I was saying this yesterday!
      The devil has caged plenty women and people are seeing it with ordinary eyes......women that are not married are being insulted online not knowing its never their fault!
      God please have mercy on single ladies looking to find a partner.
      Let me tell u dear even if u settle them they won't free you, they want acknowledgement not separation so better don't start what u can't finish. Evil spirits are wiser than u, they know u are doing it to get married and go and continue serving God so they won't allow it.
      Hold on to God even if it doesn't happen come to that point where shedrach meshak and abadnego said 'even if God won't save us we won't bow down to baal'

  2. Be doing consultations up and down, if you like don't go and settle your spirit guides.
    You believe in some imported religion but when it concerns your own ancestors, you keep asking stupid questions.

    1. Poster going thorough your writeup..I can deduce three things (1) Your environment (2) Your thoughts (3) The Spiritual aspects

      I believe you need to look within yourself carefully: You might be emitting some negative or masculine energy which sends away guys or you are attracting the same kind or type of men based on what you exude? Are you one who carries your emotions on your face? You might have to change that.

      Plus where do you meet these men? You might be attracting men from a particular environment or those who exude positive toxicity or totally unserious men...How was your growing up like? Did you have any unsettled childhood trauma?

      For your place of work, I like to emphasis that no one should be your friend; you are all colleagues and you are there to work, earn your pay and go home. Anyone who wants to extend their friendship outside work is up to you to decide..Avoid forming cliques or gossip groups: know your job through and through and bring results.

      Finally, you must understand the office politics and play it your favour; the bible says you must be gentle as a dove but wise as serpent..Be highly observant and trust me you won't have issues with work or your office colleagues/boss/supervisor. Study your boss/supervisor; some of us manage our MANAGERS in order to get what we want and no I am talking about EYE SERVICE..

      To be continued 👇👇👇

    2. ** I am not taking about EYE SERVICE but being discerning in thoughts (Pray to the holy spirit to help you with a discerning spirit; it is a gift of the Holy spirit)

      Now on the spiritual aspect: The bible says give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar..Nobody says you should switch to become Ezenwanyi thereby you become in a fix of ''serving two masters''..No!! What I mean in order to be on the path of freedom, you must end a part of your journey to lead you to your place of freedom.

      (a) Go and make enquiries about your root, birth place e.t.c..Your best bet is your mother; ask her some pertinent questions. If possible, you might visit your village...

      (b) Consult a dibia i.e Reach out to BV Nnukwu Nwanyi..They will direct you on how to end and appease your ancestors if you are confirmed Ogbanje/Ezenwanyi....Make sure you do it and complete it (remember give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar)

      (c) Now that you have ended this phase: I believe more in personal and agreement prayers; I don't like church or miracle shopping or looking for the reigning ''miracle centres'' because everything (Faith, Belief) starts from your heart and mind...Look for a strong man of God (must not be popular) or visit Mountain of fire ministries....Pray agreement prayers with yourself, mum and that man of God (A 3 cord threshold is very difficult to break)...Stay consistent and back up with Vigil...This battle is not something you can fight alone...

      Read your bible and pair with an accountability or prayer partner (Choose a day or two or as the spirit leads in a week to meet and pray)

      Believe in your heart that God will see you through..Never apportion power or miracle on any man of God...God is the Almighty and powerful.. Read Psalm 91 and 121..

      All the best...

    3. Poster Ezenwanyi is a deity which has nothing to do with GOD.
      Don’t listen to those who are asking you to go to Baal

      Go and listen to the Mystery of deliverance part 1-4 by Joshua Selman

      Get MFM prayer rain book.

      Go to Nathaniel Bassey’s page and watch the video someone tagged him to where she had an issue with getting married.

      Gather knowledge FIRST before you pray

      Come to Lagos and book a deliverance at MFM
      You lodge from Monday to Wednesday with dry fasting.
      But gather knowledge first on who you are before you go anywhere. That’s why I asked you to watch the videos on YouTube.
      Dedicate this February to breaking this yoke and you will see it broken.

      Ignore the Ezenwanyi asking you to go and become a traditionalist. They’re trying to recruit disciples.

      Then start making positive declarations to handle the victim mindset you have probably developed as a result of all the disappointments you’ve faced.

      What you’re facing isn’t normal oh!

      I wish you the best

      Mma Nwachukwu

  3. Lol that means something is following lots of women

    You say they don’t detect anything in medical tests. Some Naija hospitals don’t even detect sickle cell properly so the fact that they don’t see something doesn’t mean you’re not physically ill. Keep looking for better hospitals to diagnose you of state your symptoms here let someone try to help you. A popular actor lost his wife to cancer while the hospitals were treating back pain and ulcer

    Guys leave doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It just means they lied to you about their commitment.
    Instead of consultation why not find a love coach or matchmaker to help you in selecting the next guy

    1. Poster, these people don't know what you are talking about. They can't understand Only those who have experienced what you are experiencing can advise you.
      Do the settlerment. Reconcile with your ancestors.

    2. Anon 15:26, here is a tip: All guys like! not just the ones the poster comes across.. Do you know matchmaking wouldn't be different, I have been matched by a few of them. And let me shock you, they say if you experienced failed relationships while dating on your own, chances are you still will with them.

      The issue she described is spiritual, let her go appease her chi, there's no other way. Africans need to have an open mind concerning their ancestors God's. Not everything was bad as we've been made to believe. My grandparents are idol worshippers till date and you can't convince them otherwise. My dad tried to stop them to no avail.

      See, I know I'm giving so much information but my aunt from the US is doing an extensive research, the colonialists couldn't have penetrated us without making us lose our touch with our spirituality. It was their first strategy to use religion. Now where are they with their Christianity?

      Please Poster shame not and go do what's necessary!

    3. bee hill
      Sorry but your ancestors couldn’t save you from nothing
      All that our god is the best stuff is just a matter of who had more money to kill the other group
      People that don’t believe in any god get married. Ma’am you are experiencing heartbreak and you’re not the first one
      Find someone to help you and stop dating losers

    4. Anon 17:06, maybe you should talk more about your own ancestors because you don't know mine and how much they saved my family. If yours did nothing for you then bad luck to you!

      Where did I mention that you must believe in any god to get married? Please work on your comprehension skills as I was specific to the poster's issue.

      I'm not going to bother responding to your last statement because it's of no use. Many of these relationship experts are single, what does that tell you?

      Goodluck till you are faced with problems that will test your faith ✌

    5. Bee Hill my statements are quite honestly not directed at you
      No vex. I’m talking about ancestors in general. Pls feel free to remove yours like you did

    6. 15:26, your last paragraph is very correct

    7. The 'colonial' masters didn't get you to believe their 'Christianity' before colonizing you. They used science, technology and faith in their 'Christianity' to defeat your gods and fore fathers before offering love through their 'Christianity'.

    8. Anon 21:49, What research have you done on this? Because you believe your forefathers were primitive and not advanced technologically.

      Many of our herbs, medicine, rituals were more effective than theirs.

      Please get rid of your slavery mentality cos you think Africans didn't contribute to the advancement of the West.

    9. Love through their Christianity then wickedness and exploitation through slave trade and mining our minerals.

      Bravo 😎

    10. Bee Hill same wickedness with your ancestors
      Or don’t you know Africans sold other Africans to slavery first

  4. One thing I caught is the pastor not being around anytime you decide to go for deliverance..
    Maybe you should find out when they run their deliverance program and if there's an option to camp at the church premises, then you can go days before the event cos even if the pastor isn't available, they should have ministers who can attend to you..
    In all, I pray you find a lasting solution soon.

    1. Seconded, and on her own she needs to start doing midnight prayers and reading the holy bible and constantly reminding God of his promises.

    2. Same pastor that told her they deliverer will not be around is the same church where he’s not available
      Y’all too dey believe

    3. Buy Mfm 's prayer rain and use the prayers on pages 62 to 65 for midnight prayers coupled with white fasting.

    4. Even if she gets deliverance done, the spirit will come back if she is not in a right standing with God. It will even come back in multiples.

    5. This case here is small compared to mine! My dear poster! Pastors will run 🏃‍♂️ away! The marine principalities go and warn them. I thought mine was completely over! Reading your story makes me reminisce on my journey!
      I graduated early, moved to europe; these spirits kept pulling me back to Nigeria,moved to middle east, lived across North America 🌎,lived across Africa! Been to different mfm globally! The powers came themselves when I was in prayer city! My dear Sister only you can deliver yourself using the word of God!
      I now do all my mfm prayers online, because I noticed the Church physically has been infiltrated by top marine agents!
      You must stay constant in the place of prayers.
      Listen to messages by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, then follow mfm prayers and programs online! Then if you know any Catholic charismatic movement join! Get the Catholic Bible and read Tobiah 3; I got this from a teaching from pastor Chris! Find an exorcist rev father! Marine powers is like an octopus, you cut one head; they come from another end. We are dealing with asmodee spirit!
      You must stop using jewellery, attachment or weaves; give them all their accessories!
      I have lost top global opportunities! But I only make God my source! You must notallow anyone consult any oracle for you; they are opening more portals. You must fight alone until you meet a man that's ready to combat these principalities with you. I have been celibate for years; I have had several proposals but only one was bold to tell him, an old man came to warn him to leave me alone, because I am a Pastor's wife. So my dear, most women that have fibroids these days are battling marine powers! I got completely healed from bleeding heavily almost 30 days a month for almost 10 years; last year through warfare prayers! You must isolate yourself from friends and families; who are worshiping the deity! Stay away from their houses and food and don't take anything from them. I thought I was all clear , but I had sexual dream again just last night! So warfare begins again! Please stay away from any man who does not have Christ; so they don't become sacrifices; as the spirits have tried to kill pastors who took up my case! They are very jealous spirits! I am currently in Nigeria; doing my prayers! I now realised that most of my siblings are mariners; they worship the deity and some of them have occultic affiliations to appease the dieties. I cut them off completely; because they are the ones servicing the altars.
      My life is now dedicated to God's service; I am almost 50,never been married, no children and I have told the powers that be; that my servitude is to only the Most High God; the creator of the universe! You frustrate them more! When are you are not interested in material things.I enjoy my life doing the things of God and living right! I hope this helps! If you go the African way; you will put yourself in more trouble! Just live for Christ and you will be fine.

  5. What a dumb advise from Stella. Poster, please face God for your deliverance and do not accept any nonsense ezenwanyi tag. Flee from the devil and don’t look back.

    1. So being an Ezenwanyi means she is following Ezenwanyi. You are dumb and brainwashed. The people who gave you that foreign religion you believe is the best brainwashed you.

    2. @anon 15:34... That advice from Stella is not dumb.

      Poster settle your people.

    3. Anon 15:37, what you don't know is many Africans are going back to their roots. Just wait and see

    4. Some of you are so uncouth and disrespectful..You could have simply said you don't agree rather than using the rude word ''DUMB''..You lack decorum and need to reset your brain

    5. Poster, do not listen to all those advising you to go and appease eze..whatever. Go to God and if you don’t get a man, remove your mind from there and live your life. Must you marry? Desperation scares men away. At times they misinterpret your kindness for desperation, I have experienced it. For me the guys come back and start begging and by then I have lost interest.please look to God he is the author and finisher of our faith.He is the creator, the beginning and the end…. No other God is above Him.

    6. Poster read Isaiah 31:1. Woe unto those who go to Egypt for help. I understand your writeup very well. Hmmmm. Don't despair but I will tell you some things you are not likely to agree with.

      My dear choose you this day which god or God you will serve and stick to it. I detect from what you posted that you are wishy-washy in your faith. You doubt a lot and as such the Bible says a double minded man will not receive from God. You have to build up your faith by listening to the Word of God and putting it into practice.

      I also detect negativity. You speak and see and think negatively about yourself. Again Bible says as a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you are negative you can never operate from faith. The whole of Christianity is based on faith and love. If you don't believe God exists, or believe in Jesus as the Saviour of your soul, or that the devil who is always out to destroy God's children exists, then there is no point being a Christian.

      Also Christianity goes beyond bread and meat or merriment. It is about love and fellowship with God and a commitment to His kingdom. Job decreed that even if God slayed him, he would remain committed. That is why he was able to withstand the horrible things Satan did to him. God has promised that he rewards those who diligently seek him. But do you really believe Him? God has to take preeminence to the point that you love him more than your life, worldly goods, pleasures, family and everything. Job lost everything but he didn't lose God and God restored even better what he had lost. God's Word has told us to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and all other things He will add unto us. Also the blessings of the Lord makes rich and He adds no sorrow to it.

      Finally I am saying it is not easy to serve God. It requires full commitment and daily carrying your cross to obey God. I recommend you read Pilgrim's Progress if you can get it. Read your Bible a lot! My dear, love God and seek Him. Ask yourself do you love men more than God? Is marriage a god in your life? Are you kind, gentle, wise and hardworking like a godly woman should be.? Do you have faith and trust in God? Do you love God above all else? Are you listening to men, spirits, this world or God? How exactly is your relationship with God? My dear poster God Almighty has the final say. It is God I know. I can't advise you about anything else. All the best dear.

    7. Stella will be claiming going to church yet you do not know servicing ezenwanyi is idolatory? very wrong advice....stop playing with light and darkness. till the poster chooses a stand sorry you will continue to be tormented. God is not a babalawo that gives instant fixes.. choose him/life that you may live...appeasing any ezewanyi is going from frypan to fire...take that to the bank

  6. If you say you are close to God
    Jesus died that you might be free. Of all these
    U shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free
    Read your bible
    Read your bible
    Read the bible
    And ask God to speak to you
    Read the account of Jesus. Jesus came to make you free. Don’t accept freedom from any other spirit. They never make you free
    The gifts of God bring no sorrow and they are yours to keep
    You can never appease the devil. You will only be buying time. And pls note that your deliverance will come when you know and act on the truth in Gods word
    Don’t be deceived sis. I wish you the best


    1. I didn't even want to comment. If the poster is sure of who she is, why believe others account of her life? She will not be the first nor last unmarried lady that has been told she has marine husband, her fathers people did one thing or the other etc. What you believe and fear will start manifesting.
      She cannot say that there is no guy that wants her. She admitted that some of the men come back later but by then, she would not longer be in love with them. Desperate women give out an aura that drive men away or send only f**k boys/men who want to take advantage of the desperation their way. When you stop searching and focus on enjoying your life, you attract men.

  7. If you know what's good for you just disassociate yourself from that Ezenwanyi thing,I'm from that core Eastern State, that believe in that thing, and I ve seen it ruin a lot of Young women, light and darkness has no relationship,you don't go to them but your money goes for you,same thing,my uncle was a well known Dibia in my town,he ruined a lot of lives,he always had something like an Effigy to represent any body he wants to manipulate,that shrine /spiritualist and Dibia will do you no good, they will make you live in constant fear, I have a lot to write about these people and their deceit,but do not agree to do any Ezenwanyi thing,if you have phone and data join NSPPD 7am on YouTube every day except Saturdays and Sundays, you need to decide to forsake every other god and follow Jesus solely, I will come back to tell you how my uncle ended, meanwhile I worship with Living Faith Church,if you don't mind to attend any our closest branch to you for our Live Services.

    1. I wrote bellow about someone I know that did that ezenwanyi thing . Fear! Chai... This woman, little life's challenge, she has started looking for whom to deliver her. She prays very well o but she wouldn't mind going to those people that will tell her to buy things to do some work on her in other to help her solve a difficult challenge. A lot of things I have observed about her over the years and I was wandering how she prays too well and reads and preaches.

      Aeon, once you settle your chi, you are free.

      Once you do these things you can never stay at a place. You will keep going from place to place looking for miracles anytime a little challenge comes your way instead of trusting God.

    2. Is her chi not like her guardian angel? Why does she have to settle her chi?

  8. Talk to a well known ezenwanyi for advice

  9. Poster please don't follow Stella's advice. Light and darkness have no relationship. Pray for God's mercy and don't give up on doing the deliverance.The pastor's not being available is just a trick of the devil to discourage you. Please go for the deliverance and cultivate a habit of reading your bible daily and doing 1hours midnight praise. God will give you your breakthrough.

  10. You know, Stella , i am tired of advising people. Most times, these annoying christians will come under my comments to write rubbish.
    They think their way is the right way and the only way.
    They are so ignorant.
    Poster, when Jonah refused to go to Nineveh, what happened to him?
    Bad luck. Storm. Fish swallowed him. Suffer suffer.
    Same thing is happening to you. Bad luck. Suffer suffer.
    Do what is needed.
    And this is for any christian who comes under my comment to write rubbish.
    May thunder that has done 100 press ups, thunder that is looking for vengeance strike the hand you use to write rubbish under my comment.

    1. 70% of Nigerians or so are below poverty line
      Bad luck is everywhere pls
      Una leave spirits
      Spirits that couldn’t stop colonial masters from taking over

    2. that thunder from your marine kingdom will locate you first..the fire of God will consumme and drown you in your evil thoughts in jesus mighty expect us to advise her to play with demons? was it the devil that advised jonah to go to niniveh? you evil souls will come and be turning the bible upside down.. POSTER I REPEAT DO NOT GO TO APPEASE ANY EZEWANYI. YOU WILL REGRET IT

  11. Hmmmm poster you're not alone on this. Pls when you find solution don't hesitate to bring it here. I will be checking. Thank you.

    1. I am a traditionist. Stella, maybe i will start a column here to educate people that there is nothing demonic about pure traditional practices.
      People are really suffering in silence.

    2. Some will pray through Jesus and be healed others will go to Alfa others won’t do anything
      Some of these things are just coincidental
      Y’all should rest
      Sister change environment and stop following men that clearly don’t want you
      You think every guy that says I want you is telling the truth?
      Most just want to sleep with you and when you refuse or when they finally do sleep with you they move on

    3. The signs are always there that they don't want them, but they'll still stay hoping to make it work someday . You shouldn't be forcing love. Allow it flow naturally. Stop wasting years dating when the signs are always there that you are not important to the person.

    4. Truly the signs are always there.

  12. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars3 February 2024 at 16:31

    Pls join Dunamis at 11:30pm-12:30am on YouTube for midnight prayers. Pls asap.

    Don't start what you can finish.

  13. I thought I was the one that typed this chronicle.
    I had to ask myself if I sent Stella an email.
    I'll keep believing, and trusting in God. Keep praying and fasting.
    I shall conquer.

  14. I mean, y'all above can actually tell us what the hell Ezenwanyi means right?

  15. Be sure that you are not giving off vibes of desperation. Men pick up on desperate women and they never connect to them. Also, once you have sex with someone the mystery is gone. If you really care for someone and want to have a future with them then take sex out of the equation. Men who are marriage minded and seeking wives make their minds up within 3 months of meeting someone. If you don’t know where you stand after 6 months it is time to move on. Don’t linger and waste time waiting to see if things will change. Be decisive and intentional with relationships.

    Look for jobs where you work alone. I work alone, technically, and I would never trade it to go back and work in a team environment dealing with all the negatives and positives. I enjoy running my own show. Yes, it gets heavy during the busy periods, but I can manage. The other thing is, since working solo, I have made the most money ever. If you can look for jobs that you work alone and have limited contact with others then go for them. If you love to be around ppl and cannot work alone, then do not try to be friends with anyone in the workplace, stay on a strictly professional and formal level with everyone, that way there is a line that ppl don’t cross.

    Friendships work best when you share things in common. Just being friends for the sake of having a friend is going to end in disaster. Be friends with ppl who share your core values and beliefs. Surround yourself with positive ppl who are not in wahala with everyone, or everyone is ‘jealous’ of them. If someone tells you their entire family is against them also stay away from them. Just be more strategic in those you allow to get close to you.

    Sometimes we do not align to the energies of the location that we live in. You may have to relocate, even to a completely different state or country. Every place has a rhythm and energy to it, and everyone has their own unique energy and rhythm. If you are not prospering in many areas of life in a specific place, then move. Travel around and see how you feel in different places. There are cities I have travelled to that I hated immediately and couldn’t connect to and others that I loved immediately. Start moving around in different places to feel out where you belong.

    1. I love your comment. But you are anonymous. I and the universe agree that it is a bad move. Get a BV ID please.

    2. Nice advise.I dig. Poster this!

  16. Stella what is expected of her is not going to go down well with her believe especially when she is a delivery, born beliver at that.

    Poster, you need to look for a good delivery church where the pastor can see and make prayers. The pastor will be the pastor to make such prayers while you go home and have your own prayers. This one you are waiting to have one on one deliverance that will not happen cos those spirits will never allow you to be get delivered.

    ezewanyi job is not bean's, the spirit will fight you till they get you frustrated so that you will remain thr way you have been. They don't want you to reject this offer and still progress, all effort is to frustrate you so that you can run back to serve as ezewanyi.

    Your fore fathers gave you out or dedicated you back then. Is very possible that you can back from one of your fore fathers abi mothers. You reincarnated so you are thr one they have choose as the ezewanyi to take after them. This is a serious battle that you need to work on it.

    Look for a good, strong and believing church where the pastor can see vision. You will raise an alternative and this whole battle will be over.

    1. If she is sincerely serving God those things won't have power over her. Visiting of different pastors as spiritists doesn't mean that she is in a good relationship with God

  17. I'm also suffering from the same problems and I desperately need solutions to my problems, I don't mind if the solutions come from alpha, pastors or traditionalist, all I need is permanent solutions, I've been to many places to no avail, I've fasted, prayed even in the midnight, I'm tired.

    1. Go to Zion ministry, ago okota or come to Abuja on the 24th of this month, brother Ebuka will be in Abuja, the crusade will take place at the Pavillion beside ICC opposite Radio Nigeria. Area 11, Abuja.

      For the poster I understand your camera fear, but since it's difficult to see the man one on one you just have to leave shame aside and go there to get delivered.

  18. Poster I think with your outlook of life I can understand why anybody who has come in close association with you deserts.
    Sometimes it's not just about character, it could be your psyche.
    I have dated someone with similar characteristics, At first I was determined to stick with her, as she had insinuated about other guys left her for no reason. And the first thing I noticed about her is she saw most people around her as evil. She was always kabashing and fighting evil forces that only her can see, sometimes it would be a short incantations with kolanut and alligator pepper. She wouldn't hesitate going to any church that she heard houses a powerful man of God. She was always associated with a kind of negative vibe.
    The first time she slept at my place she woke up the next morning and told me to see her off. The first thing she said was how she had an evil dream and how I was living in the same compound with witches. Mind you I have been in that compound for two years and I have never had issues with any of my neighbours. She came to my place one night and she was already battling demons.
    I tried to overlook all this but somehow every discussion would always degenerate to fighting principalities and power. that coupled with her always somber outlook of life made me run for my own dear Life before whatever demon she was always fighting starts to chase me too😂.
    Some people would say but you don't believe in those kind of things why didn't you stay?
    Well I tried to talking to her about it, everyone can't be against you all the time. One nonchalant look from your neighbour does not mean she has any other thing in mind...but it was to no avail because it was deep-rooted in her, she was brought up that way and you can't teach old dog a new trick.
    I couldn't imagine raising my kids under such conditions, and spending the rest of my life in isolation or living the rest of my life in constant fear of phantom enemies, so I quietly exited myself from the possibility of such a future.

    So poster look more into yourself, your problem could be more psychological than spiritual... whatever it may be I honestly hope you find a way to deal with it.

    Mr J

    1. You are right

    2. You have established a contact with the dark kingdom when you allowed people to consult dibias on your behalf. You don't have to physically visit dibias to establish a contact, some people send money to relatives for consultation and will still boldly claim to be Christians. Separate yourself from every covenant you have entered knowingly and unknowingly. Invite Jesus Christ into your life afresh and see a turnaround in every aspect of your life.

    3. Poster Na you dey wear the shoe Na you know where e dey pinch you. Try and attend Zion ministry, brother Ebuka might ask you questions with out the audience hearing you except the spirit in you starts to display. Since it's difficult to see him one on one you have to put shame aside and go to his programme for deliverance.

    4. You didn't lie

    5. Mr J thanks so much for your male perspective on this chronicle. Mindset is so important because it greatly affects people.

  19. Please join NSPPD fire altar 7am-8am Nigerian time can also go to Zion min.and buy serafic water and oil and be using it.God will surely see you through ijn.

  20. My dear , you are not truly serving God. If you are truly for God you will never think of visiting those dibias that you visited to tell you about your life. The moment you think of them , God disconnects himself from you and let the other spirit that you fear may have power over your life to take charge. You may be praying without knowing that the spirit of God has left you. Sometimes these things may not be there but because you have set your mind on them, they begin to manifest. Just as I used to believe in those stories about eating in the dream... but thank God I later got a better knowledge of who I am in Christ and since then, those things never occurred again.

    If you believe that God is the most supreme being and no other God can contest his supremacy over your life, then why did you at some points in life visits dibias? God cannot be mocked. People make it to look as if God is not truly there for his children, whereas they are the ones who made God to disconnect himself from them.

    You use your leg go meet dibia, what do you expect. They will even possess you with a spirit that was never there.

    I recently got a revelation about someone who told me that she settled her chi and all that blablabla, she said a person can settle her chi and still continue serving God as a devoted child of God that she has always been. All these years I kept pondering and imagining how that's possible. We all know that light and darkness has nothing in common. God and mammon cannot bargain over anything. The only power that saves is the name of Jesus and the blood. No power can contest the supremacy of God over our lives. Your mother didn't go to any dibia before you got conceived, so how can a foreign god come and claim ownership over your life. Who breathes the breath of life into the nostrils of men if not the heavenly father? Who can challenge the power of God over our lives? What is the name and the blood of Jesus Christ for? Does it mean that there are some miracles that Jesus cannot perform? Are there people that Jesus cannot deliver? Are there forces that can prevent God from delivering those who honestly depend on God?.... These and many other questions I kept asking myself over the years until recently when I got a revelation that ,yes she settled her chi and yet she still prays and speaks in tongues , but she is not for God. Every good thing coming her way is not from God. Many things were revealed to me about her which I don't even know how to start explaining right now.

    This person I am talking about prays very well, she doesn't joke with her Wednesday prayers in her shop every week. And I kept wandering until I had a revelation about her. I was even planning on inviting her to come and pray with me over something that I wanted to start before I got the revelations. Her prayers works most times when she prays and I admired her for that but thank God for the message I got. If not that's how I would have invited rubbish into my life.

    Make sure that you are a child of God who knows who God really is. You don't just believe because they say every christian should believe. You believe because you have studied the word very well and understood the ways of God. Know this, the moment you doubt the supremacy of God, he leaves you. Go and read the book of Hebrews and James and even start from Revelation. Read all to the end.
    Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God ..

    Hebrews 10:38
    Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”

    It's not just about praying and believing. Make sure you leave a life that is Worthy of commendation by God.
    You are not like people who disobey without minding. You know you need God so much so stay focused and connected.

    1. Where does Bible say God disconnects from us for any reason
      Be careful

    2. Anon 22:14 Remember King Saul in the Bible. It was clearly stated that the spirit of God left him because of his disobedience.
      Even King David cried in plenty Psalms that God should not withdraw from him, or take His Holyspirit away from him. Check Psalm 51.
      Other instances in the Bible, but I'll stop here.


    3. 22:14

      Yes, God can actually disconnect from a person.

      But let me start with this: The bible made us to understand that the spirit of God will remain forever with those who believe in Jesus (Ephesians)

      In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory (Ephesians 1:13, 14)

      God will never leave a TRUE BELIEVER, even when they at some point in their lives, fall for the desires of the flesh. True repentance is a continuous process. God knows if you truly wants to do his will. He searches the heart and he will know if you truly want to obey him but the desires of the flesh keeps causing you to fall back into sin.

      1 John 2

       1  ¶ My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
       2  And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
      Romans 8,
      12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
       13  For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die:(If He decides to deliberately live in sin against the Divine disposition in Him as a believer, He will die. That also means God will disconnect from him) but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

      But in the context of this chronicle, the poster doesn't really believe in God as she claims. She visits foreign gods to make enquiries about her life, then runs back calling on God to deliver her from a problem, then she goes back to the other gods, asking them what it would take for her to be saved. In this case what she is doing is blasphemy and it is a sin against the holy spirit. This is a sin that separates us from God except we repent from it. Faithfulness is also blasphemy against the holy spirit. Even in the old testament, when the Israelites disobeyed God by service idol, God left them for their enemies to take charge over them and overpowered them.

      [3] Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

      [15] I have sent also unto you all my servants the prophets, rising up early and sending them, saying, Return ye now
      every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them, and ye shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear, nor hearkened unto me.

      Practices like that can make God allow your enemies to take charge over you but once you truly repent, God forgives you and fight for you.

      The moment you start to seek help outside God, it means you have denied God and he will also deny you because you do not believe in him.(luke 12:8-20) You can't claim to be for God and still meet foreign gods for solution to your problems. Remember God is a jealous God. He can't share you with another god.

  21. Attend commanding the day on dunamis youtube channel. 11:30pm. Its on every day. Your word will come!

  22. What if after appeasing,the spirit now transfers to you children. Satan can never do you any good. When Jesus set's you free, you will be totally free

  23. If you are in Lagos, go to MFM prayer city. There is deliverance there every week of the month. Someone gave testimony of her deliverance (she was from the marine and she knew it).

  24. I presently know someone this has happened to. At the end of the day, she had to give to ceaser what belongs to ceaser

    1. She didn’t have to
      She did

  25. @ Poster I understand your plight...Please leave all this people on this blog telling you to appease the gods or give to caesar what belongs to caesar. Do not start what you cannot finish o....they have told you your problem. Look for a church, or better still go to the blessed sacrament. Another thing i will advise is do stations of the cross..... drag those spirits there. at every station tell the marine sprits that you are dragging them at the foot of the cross...PRAY FERVENTLY...there is this church in enugu called upper room. Please go there if you can..they deal with all sorts especially from the roots..MARINE SPIRIT IS A STRONG SPIRIT BUT IT CAN BE DEFEATED..... ALL THE BEST...DO NOT WORRY YOUR TESTIMONY IS AROUND THE CORNER

  26. People that dabble between being Christians and making sacrificing or whatever the tibia tell them always use this "give to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser ". Na only that part una see for Bible? What about where God said that He is a jealous God and you cannot serve 2 masters at the same time?

    1. 😂 that's actually the only passage of the Bible they know

    2. I copied the following👇 from online .It talks about giving to ceaser . Not everybody will understand it though.It was written by one Partric Sawyer.

      What does Jesus mean when he says: ""Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God" in Luke 20:25?
      Jesus was being confronted with a "gotcha!" problem. He was asked if good righteous Jews should pay tax (tribute) to the hated Roman conquerors.

      If he said Yes, he could be accuse to the public as colluding with Rome, not really "one of us" not "on our side"

      But if he said No, he could be denounced to the authorities as one of the many instigators of rebellion. Those had been frequently springing up, and maintaining civil order demanded that they be quashed before their movement gained any traction.

      The question put to Jesus was of the "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" variety.

      I think his answer was both to escape the trap, and make a deeper point.

      He basically said "it is a small thing, and doesn't matter. But THIS does…

      He turned it on the point of whose image is on the thing. And of course at the heart of Hebrew understanding is that humanity is made in the image of God.

      so "whose image is on the coin? Caesars? Well then give it to him. But if there are things with God's image, give those to God."

  27. My dear psalm 16: 4 said those that visit other gods multiplies their sorrows ie it never ends, the more you visit, more portals are opened, more troubles increased and more sorrows, the circles never ends!!! Please be careful! Stand on the solid rock which is Jesus, read your bible to understand the nature of God( the word of God is real and truth!). Don't be a wavy christian and don't cover up your problems, the Zion ministry you mentioned is a good one, the man(prophet ebuka obi) is blessed in deliverance ministry, why do you want to shy away from troubles that has been disturbing you for years, please join their programmes, they are doing 21 days fasting and prayers now, connect to their 11pm open heaven and 3pm divine mercy prayers,. You can as well connect to apostle joshua selmans ministries, that man is gifted in these areas, you can download his mysteries of deliverance series, you can connect with nspdd, testimonies abound in all these ministries i mentioned, particularly in these areas, so dear, there's solution to your problems but you must have to find them in the right way!!

  28. Lagos Mainland Girl4 February 2024 at 14:09

    How will you say it's the day you choose to go for deliverance that the pastor won't be available? It is God that delivers, if you say you want to go to MFM, the door is always open, different pastors are there to counsel you if you need counseling.

    1. Like eh. I'm not an MFM member but I believe that she can be delivered there if she's serious. The kind of fasting and prayer they do there makes the heavens to react to ones case.

  29. Poster,
    You have tried the Christian way and you have seen that it didn't work for you. That's the reason you should try the traditional route so you can appease your spirits and be one with your Chi.

    People are stating "this is idol worship" blah blah blah....but this Traditional way of worship is what our ancestors practiced for generations to generations until the white men came to Christianity religion and a lot of our people are suffering the consequences.

    I also battled a serious illness that going back to traditional ways was what saved me in under 3 months. I battled with this illness for more than 10 years; I prayed and did everything Christainity taught me but nothing cured me until i became one with my Chi.

    Just as there are fake pastors, there are also fake dibias or alfas etc... you need to go to your father's village and ask around for the genuinue ones. All these your tears and frustrations will stop and you will enjoy life.

    You alone know your pain, be open-minded but also be guarded. Traditional worship is not idol worship. The Indians and Asians practice their traditional worship proudly but unfortunately we Africans see it as pagan/idol worship. Our ancestors from the begining of the world were all traditionist, our roots are very, very deep! People will die and others are born but the earth is still the earth.

    It's your decision but I want to advise you because i remember some years ago, while i was still battling with my illness, someone on this blog mentioned that i should go the traditional route but i didn't pay attention. Later, fortunately for me i did and i am free; so i am paying it forward by speaking up for Traditional way of worship; It is not idol/pagan worship. It's a true and sincere way of speaking to your God. You can read books about it or watch youtube videos about it to educate you better, so you can remove this unnessary fear you have.

    From your narrative, i think that your have been called for a mission and you have to fuifil it, otherwise anything you lay your hands on will be unfruitful. I say this because i remember a dibia telling me that he returned from U.S after trying to hustle for more than 8 years. He was told that his mission is to be a dibia but he refused and decided to travel. He told me that he suffered so much during those years in U.S that he came back empty handed. He then went and started the training for his dibia work; after some years he started praticing and he is now successfully married with kids, and doing very well-he 's about to send his son abroad to school.

    Go to your village or speak to your father and mother first about this. I hope you find peace and love!

  30. OP I hope you get to read this. Forget all these advices on Stella's blog where everyone is forming overnight children of God. We can pray this much in this country yet Nigeria is still in shambles. Honestly seek out traditional means to settle the Marine spirits so you can move forward. I was once like you, an Ogbanje, i was even given marks on my forehead by my grandmother to cure my constant sickness as a child, yet the removal of my blood didn't end it. Grew up a brilliant and promising young lady, yet couldn't get married cos of marine spirits as every suitor suddenly grows cold after proposing. I eventually went for deliverance in church when i was in my early 30's, sowed seed after 3 days white fasting and eventually got married, yet the marriage packed up after having kids, for the flimsiest reason. In 2020, I decided to confront my issues and went for consultations, mine was done, I was separated from my marine roots through some sacrifices, I didn't even go to the water, I paid for someone to be used as my doppleganger. I can tell you since that day, I am free. I got jobs I didn't search for, friends who have been very good to me, favour all round, I am at peace today. I am yet to remarry but I am trusting God for it. And yes, I am a Christian, I didn't have to worship Idols, I simply did the necessary rites of separation and appeasement, and I am free. Please I advise you to settle your water people so you can move on and enjoy your life. God bless you

    1. your comments just shows you are not even a believer. don't be deceived you are not at peace. they will come back to haunt you. you cannot serve 2 masters...light has nothing to do with darkness.

  31. do not consult any ezewanyi and dig yourself deeper into the marine have been choosen to serve them that is why they are FUSTRATING YOUR LIFE...pls dont be tempted to go near any appeasing them....give your life to Christ and know that they are powerless. for the love of God go to youtube and watch some videos on "life is spiritual" by Erica.....listen to her stories about the marine kingdom, witchcraft etc and see that only the name of jesus can are still being tormented because you have not decided to truly give your life to christ....only him has the power to save you. your deliverance will be a gradual process but trust me it will be the best decision for your life..


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