Stella Dimoko Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post

  #tuesday #newday #newyear #2024 #blessed #awesomeGOD #newbeginning #neversaynever #whatGodcannotdodoesnotexist #itiswhatitis


It is the second day of a beautiful New Year...
May all things in your life be bright and beautiful ....
Enjoy the day!



    1. A lot of women will get pregnant and give birth...
    2. People will work every month and collect salary at the end of each month..
    3. Many people will borrow money, and refuse to pay....
    4. People will travel alot this year - by air, by land and by sea.
    5. There will be many marriages, birthdays and anniversaries...
    6. There will be rainfall, heat and harmattan this year..
    7. Some people will fall in love because of money....
    8. SDK blog fam will have lots of amazing testimonies all year round...
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    2. 😂😂😂
      No 8, I say a big Amen 🙏
      Happy New Year

    3. Bro, this your prophecy ehh 🤣 I say Amen to that number 8. May it be so for all of us 🙏

    4. I hear you Sir!

      Ride on Papa. I receive it.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

    5. Amen to your prayers 🙏 Pastor Ali 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂

    6. Amen ooo .... Prophet Ali B🤣🤣🤣

    7. Amen thank all the good predictions.

      Let's all make great effort to get closer to God this year.🙏

      Happy new year my neighbors.

    8. Teejay you are very funny.nobe small ride on papa I receive it..

    9. I say a big Amen to 1,2,4,5,6,8 in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏻

  2. We're His Witnesses!!
    Acts 1:8.


    "A witness is a proof producer; one who has evidence. We produce evidence that Jesus is alive and that His message of salvation is a message that works."

    "Jesus brought humanity out of sin so that they might inherit His righteousness. He brought us out of death, pain and penury so that we might have life to the full and live in prosperity, health and wellness. Now we can help those who don’t know Him to discover His light, learn about Him and receive His righteousness. He saved us and made us His partners in saving others."

    "We’re the bearers of the Gospel of His grace. What an honour."


    Dear Father, I'm grateful for the privilege of being your witness, and for entrusting me with the Word of reconciliation - the message of your love and grace. I recognise that I am a partner in your divine plan to bring salvation to many and usher them into their glorious inheritance in Christ, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Isaiah 43:30; Acts 4:19-20; Mathew 28:19-20.

  3. Heavenly father we thank you for this beautiful day.
    Let this year be a year of new and better beginnings, let a new chapter open in our lives in Jesus name 🙏
    This year, no weapon that is fashioned against us shall succeed and we shall refute every tongue that rises against us in judgment in Jesus name 🙏
    May we continually dwell in the secret place of the most high and abide under the shadow of the Almighty in Jesus name 🙏


    In 2024, you will see outcomes and wins that are FAR GREATER than you imagined.

    Many will walk under an Ephesians 3:20 anointing — uncommon increase and mind blowing supernatural victory will become your way of life.

  5. Today, the Lord Almighty will make you the centre of attractions for every wonderful things He created.

    That door that seems closed now shall be opened for you today.

    God will not allow your helpers to rest until they all locate you and deliver your blessings to you.
    God will cause you to take the right decisions and succeed by them.

    God will re-arrange every broken piece of your life into a vessel of super honour. Tough as things may be now, you will laugh with evidence of testimonies in Jesus Name.

    Good morning and have a beautiful day.

    Happy Tuesday and enjoy your goodself. Don't worry be happy. God bless you


    'Teach us to use wisely all the time we have.' Psalm 90:12 CEV

    We all get twenty-four hours in a day. That's 1,440 minutes, or 86,400 seconds. And we 'must give an account to God' for how we use them (see Ecclesiastes 11:9). A good place to start is by asking yourself, 'How would I spend the next twenty-four hours if I knew I would stand before God tomorrow?' Your answer can help you prioritise your life. Think about it: if somebody steals your car, you can get another one. If they steal your wallet, a few phone calls to the bank usually resolves the matter. But who can you call when you lose your time?

    How you spend your time is how you spend your life! Ephesians 5:16 says, 'Make every minute count' (CEV), so learn to do these:
    (1) Stop saying yes to everybody. When your spiritual gut says no, but your people-pleasing gut says yes, go with your spiritual gut. Jesus did. It's what enabled him to tell his Father, 'I have finished the have given me to do' (John 17:4 NKJV). Don't let the good rob you of the best; back off on some activities so you can excel in others.
    (2) Be led by the Spirit, not the flesh. Paul says, 'If you are guided by the Spirit, you won't obey your selfish desires' (Galatians 5:16 CEV). Furthermore, when you walk in the Spirit, you burn the oil, not the wick; the Holy Spirit supplies you with strength.
    (3) Put first things first. A mark of real maturity is doing what you don't feel like doing when you don't feel like doing it.

    So, in 2024, put first things first - and keep them there!
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. God over everything 🙏 🙌 ✨ this 2024

    2. Insightful piece 🙌

      Thanks for sharing Sis 💖❤️💖

    3. Thanks for this. Put first things first and leave it there.

    4. Thanks for sharing, sis.

  7. SDK Psychologist2 January 2024 at 08:00

    Happy Prosperous New Year 🥂💜💚💙🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💗


    Planning for health and wellness involves a systematic approach to maintaining or improving physical and mental well-being. Here's a detailed explanation of how to plan for health and wellness:

    1.) Self-Assessment: Begin by assessing your current health status. Identify areas that need improvement and consider both physical and mental aspects of well-being.

    2.) Set Health Goals: Define specific and realistic health goals. These could include fitness achievements, weight management, stress reduction, or establishing healthy habits.

    3.) Consult with Healthcare Professionals: Seek advice from healthcare professionals, such as a doctor or nutritionist, to understand your specific health needs and receive personalized recommendations.

    4.) Establish Healthy Habits: Develop a plan to incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine. This may involve creating a balanced diet, incorporating regular exercise, ensuring adequate sleep, and managing stress.

    5.) Nutrition Planning: Plan balanced and nutritious meals. Consider your dietary needs, and aim for a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated and limit the intake of processed foods.

    6.) Exercise Routine: Create a fitness plan that aligns with your goals and preferences. This could include a combination of cardiovascular exercises, strength training, flexibility exercises, and activities you enjoy.

    7.) Mindfulness and Stress Management: Incorporate practices that promote mental well-being, such as mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques. Manage stress through activities like deep breathing, yoga, or hobbies that bring joy.

    8.) Regular Health Check-ups: Schedule regular health check-ups and screenings. Prevention and early detection are crucial for maintaining good health. Follow recommended vaccinations and screenings based on your age and health history.

    9.) Sleep Hygiene: Develop healthy sleep habits by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and avoiding stimulants before bedtime. Quality sleep is vital for overall well-being.

    10.) Hydration Plan: Ensure you stay adequately hydrated. Plan to consume a sufficient amount of water throughout the day, and adjust your intake based on factors such as physical activity and climate.

    11.) Plan for Mental Health: Prioritize your mental health by recognizing and addressing emotional needs. If necessary, seek professional support from counselors or therapists. Plan activities that bring joy and relaxation.

    12.) Social Connections: Plan for social interactions and connections. Maintain meaningful relationships with family and friends. Social engagement contributes to emotional well-being.

    13.) Avoid Harmful Habits: Identify and work to eliminate habits that can harm your health, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or substance abuse. Develop strategies to overcome these challenges.

    14.) Emergency Preparedness: Plan for emergencies by having a basic understanding of first aid, knowing emergency contact information, and having essential supplies on hand. This contributes to a sense of security and well-being.

    15.) Regular Review and Adjustment: Regularly review your health and wellness plan. Assess your progress, celebrate achievements, and adjust your plan as needed based on changing circumstances or goals.

    By incorporating these steps into your health and wellness plan, you create a comprehensive approach to fostering a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Consistency and a proactive mindset are key to achieving and maintaining optimal well-being.

    Happy Prosperous New Year 🥂💜💚💙🤎🖤❤️🧡💛💗

    1. Please how do I make Friends? I don’t have a single Friend.
      I am in my 30’s. Why people see me esp Women they are always guarded.
      One even told my Mom that it’s like I am a snub cos my mom sent me to her for Employment referral. She assessed me by mere physical appearance ( I’m beautiful, Tall with nice body and I always look good no matter what I am passing through). My mom told her no, before she even told my Mom, I noticed her attitude towards me and immediately I got home I told my Mom about it. Another lady told me that the first Time she saw me, she had to put up a Defensive attitude towards me because of my look and that I look intimidating.
      SDK PSYCHOLOGIST, Help me to build social connection. How do I look less intimidating? I need Female Friends in my Life.

    2. 👌👌👌
      Thanks for sharing

    3. Sorry for that.
      1. May be you can start by greeting people with a lovely smile.
      2. Be more accommodating
      3. Give a helping hand when the need arise.
      4. Greeting is important too.
      5. Lastly while at it be diplomatic, don't devalue yourself because of what people thinks about you.
      Just Be Yourself!

    4. Anon 8:20 Sorry about how you feel and how people perceive you. You may not be proud but may have a proud look. It may be your body build up or your facial expression. This may still have nothing to do with you, probably just the way you are. In as much as you can't change your structure and natural make up, you can try making the first approach when you meet people, smile often, be more interactive and ready to lend a hand. Give people reasons not to perceive you as intimidating but while at it, do not loose your self. Be intentional about it but don't give people the leverage to treat you badly.

    5. Thanks for sharing very Educating..

  8. Top of the morning to y'all on this space.
    Hope you had a super sweet night rest?

    Word Of The Day
    Ineffable- (a) Defying expression or description.

    Ineffable ecstasy.
    Inexpressible anguish.


    Ineffable- (a) To sacred to be uttered.

    The ineffable name of the deity.


    Its synonyms are indescribable and unspeakable.


  9. Dear Kings...Do not be a Lion at home and a cat outside...Love, Protect and lead your family, do not lead with fear nor intimidation, hold your queen dear to your heart.Lay down your life for her and your children, and if she does not submit to your leadership then she is incorrigible and was never your queen. Never gain respect through fear or intimidation, it is a sign of weakness. Women are the weaker VESSELS (Containers) which means what they lack in physical strength, they make up in emotional intelligence. Be very wise when you deal with them, because they can make or marr you!

  10. That's how my step mom, the only surviving parent of the family passed away yesterday. 😞

    1. Ndo!
      Be consoled Nne...
      May GOD rest her soul 🕊️

    2. Accept my condolences dear 🤗
      May her soul rest in peace

    3. Accept my condolence,may God rest her soul.

    4. Chai!!!
      Accept my condolences.

      May God rest her soul

    5. I'm so sorry for your loss ,may the good Lord comfort your family at this time.. God rest her soul 🙌

    6. My condolences. May the departed soul rest in peace.

    7. Accept my condolences Sandy. May her soul rest in peace.

    8. Be comforted and strengthened dear Sandra. May her soul find eternal rest.

    9. May her soul rest in peace. Please accept my condolence. Take heart.

    10. Oh no. Sorry your loss. Accept my condolences and may God grant her eternal rest. Amen

    11. So sorry for your loss
      May her soul rest in peace

    12. My condolences to you Sandra. Sorry for the loss. May God rest her soul.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

    13. Sorry for your loss, be comforted.

    14. OMG! I'm so sorry Sandy. Please accept my condolences. May her soul rest in peace.

    15. Sorry for your loss.
      May her soul rest in peace 🙏

    16. Oh my! So sorry for your loss. May her soul RIP. 💔

    17. Pls take heart.
      May her soul rest in peace. Amen

    18. I'm so sorry for your loss
      May her soul rest in peace

    19. So sorry dear.🤗🤗🤗🤗

    20. Accept my condolences 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    21. My condolences

    22. Take heart sandy..the lord will comfort you..

    23. So sorry Nne.
      May God comfort your Family 🙏🏻

  11. Each day brings new opportunities, allowing you to constantly live with love—be there for others—bring a little light into someone's day. Be grateful and live each day to the fullest

  12. Always remember, people know exactly what they're doing.

    1. Exactly Blacky,

      They actually do.

      You see this year baa, I have just one advice to give people. No gree for anybody. Energy should be returned in the same propensity they were served.

      I repeat again, no gree for anybody eeeh.

      © TEEJAY..........✍️

    2. Everyone has a motive for everything.

  13. It's a beautiful day, good morning fam 💖💙.

    E go be✌️

  14. Amen to your prayers Stella 🙏
    Enjoy your day too!
    Good morning beautiful people
    Thank GOD for life...
    Let's go again!

  15. Life is a lesson.
    Good morning my people.
    Hope we woke up great 👍

  16. Goodmorning Stella, Goodmorning Beevees.
    Work starts!!!!!
    May God give Us All a Testimony that will sound like a Lie.

  17. Dear friend, instead of worrying too much, why not lay that heavy burden at the feet of Jesus? He has promised to be your burden bearer.
    Good morning & have a stres- free day.

  18. Good morning my darlings. Have a blessed day today. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  19. Good morning everyone 🎉🎉🎉
    Alhamduillah for everything

  20. Today is blessed!!!
    Have a day nice at your businesses, offices and homes y'all

  21. It's very easy to condemn young people into yahoo, drugs and prostitution yet it still doesn't solve a thing.

    In Nigeria, we often addresses the symptoms(actions) without getting to the root of the problem and why people get involved into these acts.

    These are the problems and until we get the WHY answered and fixed, we will only be scratching the surface. We're not yet ready to create a better society.

    When people watch and wriggle in pains, seeing what money would do to save a terrible situation, yet there is no money to do that. In the middle of that pain, anything becomes an option to be considered for them to survive.

    It's one of the reasons I will never fault any lady who goes into prostitution. Do you think these women are delighted that different men goes through them everyday? Some of these men even disgust them. Most times I feel pity on the risk some of them take just to survive.

    Nigeria is such a weird place. I can tell you that in all honesty.

    This Country defies actual logic!

    © TEEJAY..........✍️

    1. Prostitution is a choice, just like every source of income. Regardless of the terrible state of the country, a person decides how he/she would make ends meet.

    2. believe you have had really tough times in life, and probably gone through a lot that can make you go out of line. Did you resort to any of the things you mentioned above? If no, why? If your answer is that you would rather get it the right way than be involved in crime and hurting others, then there is no excuse for others.

  22. Amen to your prayers 🙏. Good morning to us all 💞💕

  23. Good morning lovely people of Sdkville
    It's a brand new day. Thankful for the gift of life.

  24. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    Ameen to your prayers Stella

  25. Good morning everyone and happy new year to you all..this new year will bring us more blessings, favour, joy,happiness and love..and may our day be blessed and productive today in Jesus name..Amen..

  26. Good morning to u all🥰🥰
    Have a lovely day ahead

  27. Amen
    Good morning everyone

  28. WINNER, YES I AM!2 January 2024 at 08:10

    Let your insight come from observing others, asking questions and thinking through answers. Ben Carson (THINK BIG)

  29. Good morning Sdk God bless us and protect us

  30. Good morning SDK and blog fam, let's go out this year with more positive vibes and do away with negative energy.
    Love makes things easier for us.

  31. Happy New Year guys!
    May this year fill our lives with beautiful testimonies. Amen.

    Words on Marble.

  32. Good morning everyone. It's a new day, God bless us all in it. 🙌🏽💝

  33. Good morning beautiful people ♥️
    Thankful for the gift of life 🙏

  34. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    I hope you love yourself even more in 2024. I hope you see and understand how limitless you are, and that drives you to do all you have been dreaming of. I hope you are more intentional about your happiness and you have more reason to smile, laugh and feel alive in 2024. These are my hopes for you 🥰💕🥰

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

  35. Please forgive me o but I came with early morning ranting this morning.

    Why do ladies with big nyash believe they've Made it in life? 🙄😒

    Shebi this big nyash, I must get it, me too I would oppress others as Dem oppress me... Nansense

    1. But then, I noticed most of these big yansh ladies are not beautiful facially. I said most and not all before I'm misquoted. They're also hot tempered too but I still love it though.

    2. LoL. Dis year, no gree for anybody. If dem show you big nyash, show dem big brain! ✌️

    3. Lol @ new year resolution. Praise, you should repent this year fa 🤣🤣🤣

    4. You too brag with your natural endowment, if you don't have big nyash, I believe you have other qualities. And how do you intend to get the big nyash? 🤔

  36. Good Morning Everyone

    Thanking God for the gift of life and sound mind 🙌 🙏.

    A resounding Amen and Amen to your prayers 🙏 🙌 ❤

    We go again 2024 with Love ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 💕 💘

  37. Yes o. This is yet another day the Lord has given to me, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
    Work begins in earnest today. I am going about this year in an intentional manner, determined to achieve set goals. So help me God.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  38. A big Amen to your prayers Stella
    Good morning sdkville.
    It's a blessed and favoured day for us all

  39. And So, The holidays is gradually... Teachers are resuming tomorrow In my school 😔.
    Dunno, if it's a resolution oo, but this Year. I wanna return same energy given to Me. Being 'too' good, saw one taken for granted and for a fool.
    Not anymore !

    Beautiful Morning blog famZ ❣️

  40. Today is gonna be a wonderful day.
    Holiday is over, work resumes today for those working.

  41. We were handed a lot last year, but we didn’t allow it to break us. Do you see how strong we are?
    To you now:

    Notice how resilient and how powerful you are. You are truly amazing, believe that. You are full of courage, strength, power, love and bravery. Never allow yourself to quit, keep going and neglect all negative distractions

    Good Morning, Everyone.

  42. Chai. It's been 4 days of mad pain from cheek biting.

  43. Thank you Jesus for another day 🙏

    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  44. Good morning beautiful ones. Beautiful Tuesday to you all.

  45. Happy new year to you SDK and wonderful bvs,may this year be kind to us and our loved ones. Thanks SDK for your kindness and love in 2023, may the good Lord reward you.
    I'm in my hometown and the network is very poor. I have to go out of the house and move down the road to make calls and use the internet.
    As it is now, I won't spend up to a week like I had planned, I'm leaving by tomorrow morning. It wasn't this poor I'm the past, I wonder what happened to their connection here.

  46. Goodmorning blog family.
    Have a merry New year this 2024 is a mega blessing for us

  47. That God for a beautiful day He has made. Good morning SDK and BVs and do have a fantastic day today.

    1. Deep condolences Sandra. May God comfort you all. Good morning everyone

  48. Good morning everyone.

  49. Welcome to a year of fruitfulness and flourishing in difficult times.

    See you all in 2025.

  50. Good morning Stella and bvs
    Happy new year 2024. I pray that all our unanswered good prayers be answered this year.
    2023 was a good year to me. I took that step to change the course of my life and I'm glad I did.
    4th of January 2024 wiill make it one year.
    I am very grateful to God Almighty for pushing me to take that step, I'm grateful to Him for using SDK and blog angels to make the journey easier. More blessings I wish you SDK and blog angels.
    I will get my certificate from the fashion school this week and then move to the next phase of my life.
    I pray that my path be made smooth and easy by God's mercies. Amin 🙏

  51. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Thanksgiving mood 🙏

  52. Good morning Sdkers 😍
    Wonderful Tuesday to y'all 🙏

  53. Good morning to my people of SDK and happy new year to everyone here. Thank you for all you do here, Stella. Please, I'm in need of you people's help. I'm a newly married. I need suggestions for breakfast for me and mine as we are both tired of spag, rice and yam. I've ransacked my brain tire nothing come out o. Help a babe you all. Thanks

  54. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday. Forever thankful to you my maker 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  55. We making money
    we making money
    we making money this year

    A sanwa si ire
    A sanwa si ayo
    A sanwa si gbogbo nkan
    Teyan fin layo

  56. Good morning beautiful people.
    May the good Lord bless and keep us all.🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰😍😍😘😘💙💙💙😎

  57. It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy. May the mercy of God speak for us in all of our activities today in Jesus name. Amen!

  58. Good morning Bvs
    No work day🥳🥳


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