
Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 Tuesday hailings!!!

How the go they go? I read so many complaints of food prices in Nigeria going up...Hmmm my people it is even worse here in Germany oh, I dont know about other countries but e touch everywhere.....The transport system is goin on a one day strike on Friday because they want more pay..As you read this eh, Doctors are on strike for a monitored period and that means no operations will take place in hospitals, they also want more is so hard everywhere and not just a Nigerian thing..Here they are also blaming the ruling party seriously....I dont know what it goin on but it is bad everywhere.
We just pray for a better tomorrow for everyone.

Please send in your chronicles.
Have a blessed rest of the day....


What do we call this now
If they tell you make you no join bad gang, you go talk say the person mouth dey smell. Na until you kan disgrace yourself and your entire family una dey gather brain.

I have a neighbor in my area. She stays right in the building beside my flat. She sells alcohol outside the compound(jedi, alomo, Mokola,Chelsea etc.). I left my shop immediately wify came back from her office to get water so I can drink due to the weather. So, she has to stay at the shop till I return before she can also go home.
On getting to my house, I saw people gathered at the entrance of the woman's house but I ignored because 2024 na to mind my business bayii. As I was about going in, some people beckoned on me and asked me to come help the woman talk to her son. I was like, "what have you guys been doing there since then" 
they said they couldn't hold him. I said ok.

 I moved close to the house and saw that, the guy was saying, he is Gonna kill his mother if she tries to come closer or into that house(Note: the house is an ordinary room and parlour).When I saw what was going on, I moved closer to him and called him by his name. People were surprised to see him listening to me. I told him to follow me which he did. Took him into my flat and gave him a very chilled satchet water.
Then I realized he was on colos but thank God he was a bit strong to have been able to control himself to that extent. He finished 5 satchet water within a twinkle of an eye. Then I asked him what happened. I also asked if he took anything and he confessed saying, he puffed colos and drank 3plastic bottle of Chelsea(the small plastic sold for 350 now). 
I asked him if he needs to shower and he said yes. Showed him the way to the bathroom and he was refreshed. While in the bathroom, me was putting on the burner to boil water for myself. Thereafter, I asked him why he took COLOS? His response was shocking.(He is just 23years of age ).

He said, he has been wanting to say his mind to his mum for long. He said his two elder sister died just within a year due to her negligence and silly attitude. He said the mum loves some set than the other by so doing, making one child(especially the one that is averagely ok) to hate the other.

 She is just after what she will get from any child that has money and not bothered about the well-being of the other. He said, the second one that died late last year was so sick that, she needed money to get treated but his mum kept blocking every area whenever the elder brother tried to help. He got to know this when he summoned the courage to visit his brother and asked him why he has refused to help then the brother said alot and told him not to blame him. 

I can't really type all in here in order not to bore you. I made him calm and he left.

I decided not to take him serious until I saw him the next day and he thanked me for the other day..hmmm. I told him to come nearer and asked him if he could still remember everything he told me and he confirmed it by repeating few of those things because I really wanted to confirm if it wasn't because he took puffed colos but truly, he knew what he was doing.

My question is, is it normal for a mother to act in that manner most especially for a woman who gave birth to 6 and above because, I'm so sure a mother of two or three won't act in this manner.

Na wah.....Some women have no business having kids at all and this is the truth...Some are so damaged from their childhood that they end up damaging their kids and fell nothing.... Some are socially and spiritually disconnected from their kids and just see them as any other person out there.....When i see parents and their kids, i study the relationship without saying anything.
Please if you read this story and have kids that you do not have a relationship with, it is not too late to try ooooooooooooooooooh.

God abeg!!!



I am the poster of this chronicles. I did nothing wrong but rather he thought he could sell the house without my permission bcos he is afraid that nemesis may caught up with him bcos of numerous atrocities. He knew I had the evidence of all his atrocities. 
And he thought that am planning to sue him to court over the s#xual abuse of my daughter ( though no s#x but he ask for it and my daughter decline) he could not face the shame. (2) he had habit of fingers young girls from our community and he thought the issue might come up. 

The mothers of those girls are very poor ( am sorry to say that) to pursue the matter. But they all told me what happened and I ask him but he denied. My husband has health issue so sexually he can't perform at all. But he will fingers those girls and give them money to keep quiet. I have evidence of everything, so he thought he can run away after selling the house.

 I kept all this secret to myself bcos of shame in the community and also to protect my kids from embarrassment. The person that alert me about the documents is a friend to the woman my husband gave the documents to.

 I read all your comments both good or bad and I say thank you for your concern. Am on top of the issue, am fine and not bothered by him bcos he can't do anything. I won't divorced him , he will divorced himself from my life at times goes on''.

Read the full Chronicle HERE

Hmmm with this your strong mind eh, you dont Chronicles oh, it is Chronicles that needs you....Please take it easy. Marriage is not by force, leave if it is not working...Imagine all these nonsense and you are still with him?



Chat or call us on whatsapp on 08051162411. Location is Lagos.............

Let me gift cake parfait to 10 people who can pick up themselves and a box of 6 cupcakes to 6 people who can pick up themselves.....
First callers get the space....



  1. Replies
    1. @SDK I saw your reply late on Triple C comment! I never gree for him oh.. maybe he's scared of the anon 🀣🀣🀣

  2. Una Weldon ooo..abeg before una curse me make I curse myself I be Bush girl ooo I never drunk Quaker Oats before,candy,Phoenix make una help una sister teach me how to make it abeg..and I fit add sugar to drink am

    1. I have never taken it as adult and I won't, but you see my aged mom eh she so love it.

    2. Put in a pot of add water and turn in low heat. Add your sugar and milk and enjoy.

    3. Aahh @Anony, you are missing alot oo.quaker oat is My children and I best breakfast.. but My husband πŸ™ˆ it as if we are eating shit.

      Euphemia u

    4. You is funny 🀣🀣 pour the quantity you want a bowl,add water to and make small paste then add it to your already boiling water, remember it swells,so be careful before measure ! Cook it with a pinch of salt and stir till it soften that's all..if it's too thick for your taste,add water and stir before putting off your gas..pour in your cereal bowl,add sugar and milk

    5. Yes, add Enough milk
      Honey or sugar, which ever one you prefer.

      Euphemia u

    6. 🀣. My dear, you're not a bush girl. Yea, you can add sugar (or honey), and milk to drink it. I just use milk. Ok, so this is how I prepare mine: soak it for like a minute in water, to soften it (with a pinch of salt), stir on fire,when it's a bit thick, then it's ok to drink. Hope this helps. πŸ€—

    7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ anon you are not alone. I've never taken Quaker oats before and I don't intend to.

    8. Una thank you ooo na me be the Bush girl oooo..I go try am this night cause I don buy am..I appreciate ooo

    9. Go to YouTube now. I have never taken it before but start doing so when I started my weight loss journey. I don't even add sugar to mine just slim milk and fruits like apple or banana and I am good to go.

    10. Meself i have not taken it before maybe i will try it out..please can I eat it with bread..

  3. Lord I'm Grateful. πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  4. Good afternoon beautiful people
    Beautiful Cakes
    May more customers locate you

    1. Holla Mother in-law ❣️❣️

      Sisi brownie customers fall on youπŸ™Œ

    2. Nnukwu nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜πŸ’œ

  5. Good afternoon everyone
    Welcome to IHN
    Mr Pinky with the gist 😲
    Sign out meme πŸ’•

    Euphemia u

  6. Good afternoon y'all
    Thanking God for his goodness to me.
    Choco Noir ❀️, Trust you good?
    Mrs A, I miss reading your comment. Sidechic, you good?

  7. At the sign out meme. I have gotten to that point in my life nothing surprises me anymore.

    Do not enter a water you don’t understand the terrain with both legs inside. This isn't all about water. Think again.

    There are different breed of humans you'll meet in this life.

    As a man, if you don't learn anything from this blog from people's experience, exposure and knowledge here, I doubt if you'll ever learn again in life.

    As a man, you can be whatever you want to be in this life but please don't be a weak man, don't be a ball-less man, don't be a man without stance & firmness.

    Good Afternoon


  8. Welcome IHN πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    PHCN i no understand since one week now not even flashing for my area. Wetin dey play?
    Una good afternoon πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’š

  9. That gentle whisper may be telling you to forgive, let go of that hurt, quit holding that grudge. That’s uncomfortable. Your mind will say, β€œNo way; they hurt me too badly.” You get to choose. Which voice are you going to obey? The loud, forceful, don’t change, take the easy way out voice? No, let the gentle whisper be the voice that you follow. It may be uncomfortable, but God knows what He’s doing. When you’re sensitive to the still small voice, when you’re in tune with what you’re feeling in your spirit, not just living by your intellect, but listening to the promptings, the impressions, then you’re going down the best path for your life.

    Joel Osteen

  10. Even in your happiest moments, you still need God.

  11. Good afternoon house..honestly this country is no longer funny again.i keep wondering how family of 4 cope in this hard times.. I went to the market to buy ingredients for soup for only me ooo watin my eyes see my mouth no fit talk am..God na beg we day beg ooo..

    1. Not funny anymore, it's well with us.

    2. No πŸ”Š am abeg.
      It's now a daily sky rocking .

      Euphemia u

    3. These days I dread going to the market.

  12. Hell hath no............
    How do they say it Again?

  13. Fantastic sunny 🌞 to you all

  14. Madam Poster, your husband molested your daughter,and other lil girls around him and you are still with him. You are still saying no sex because your daughter declined. You won't divorce him, he will divorce himself from your life. Are you freaking kidding. WTF is wrong with you? 😑You ain't keeping this secret to protect your kids. You are protecting him, cos why on Earth do you still wanna stay married to that monster?? Or wait, the "Mrs" title, right. Speak up,and PROTECT YOUR CHILD.

    1. Candy 🍭🍬 don't mind her.
      Na patient understanding wife she be 101 yds.

      Euphemia u

    2. I saw her writeup and just shook my head. I tire for these women. They want to bear mrs by fire by force even at the detriment of their children. Damaged women. Its really sad.

    3. Someone that is supposed to be reported to department in Lagos so he can see what happens to molesters.
      Some women are not just it at all. She still dey call am my husband. Osim my husband.
      Smh πŸ™„πŸ˜’

    4. Candy i read it too and was wondering whether what I read was true abi she is just saying it..cause I dont understand what she is still doing with that sick man that usually molest children all in name of I must remain married..

    5. Tufiakwa women put criminals above sanity and safety

    6. Mentally disturbed woman. Even if the husband ra.pes his child, she will still cover for him.
      What exactly does she think she is covering when everyone knows her husband is a paedophile?
      Or she doesn't know people talk?
      Awon I must stay a Mrs even though I married a dustbin.

  15. Good Afternoon Beautiful People β™₯️

  16. Pinky some mothers show how they love some of their children and forget about loving all their children. Even if you prefer some than others please never show that to your children, everyone love attention. That boy is already damaged at this young age, i pity him.

    Chronicle poster the lord is your muscle, just be strong and okay.

    SDK no location on that flyer so for me to know if is within my location lol.

    1. That's why we have siblings rivalry.

    2. Stella please can you write about divide and rule fathers and mothers? Evil narcissists doing scape goat, golden child , black sheep and manipulating children.

  17. A pastor asked an older farmer, decked out in bib overalls, to say grace for the morning breakfast.
    "Lord, I hate buttermilk", the farmer began. The visiting pastor opened one eye to glance at the farmer and wonder where this was going.
    The farmer loudly proclaimed, "Lord, I hate lard." Now the pastor was growing concerned.
    Without missing a beat, the farmer continued, "And Lord, you know I don't much care for raw white flour". The pastor once again opened an eye to glance around the room and saw that he wasn't the only one to feel uncomfortable.
    Then the farmer added, "But Lord, when you mix them all together and bake them, I do love warm fresh biscuits. So Lord, when things come up that we don't like, when life gets hard, when we don't understand what you're saying to us, help us to just relax and wait until you are done mixing. It will probably be even better than biscuits. Amen."
    Within that prayer there is great wisdom for all when it comes to complicated situations like we are experiencing in the world today.
    Stay strong, my friends, because our LORD is mixing several things that we don't really care for, but something even better is going to come when HE is done with it. AMEN! πŸ™β€οΈ

  18. Everything money can buy is very expensive in Nigeria. The hardship is so much. Most people cannot afford one meal per day. It's not easy but it's well.
    Imagine a carton of indomie is 9k. Meat and fish are now luxury. Cloths and shoes are now ostentatious goods

    1. My dear..... As I no fit marry under Buhari government, fear don begin dey catch me for this government. 😠😠

      Β© TEEJAY

    2. Abeg zaram no πŸ”Š am.
      We will all survive this hard economy.

      Euphemia u

    3. No need to fear Teejay. People are still making too much money in this regime, buying exotic cars, building mansions and getting married. The koko is for God to pick our calls , order our steps and bless the works of our hands despite who is in power. . What is money🀣🀣

    4. The situation of the country ehn, I don't just know where we are going,I don't know what to do, business sef is on standstill . Cos of living is now killing people, imagine shawa that used to be poor man's food is now expensive, Titus don dey drag price with turkey price

    5. Zaram exactly what I was just saying up there..I went to buy soup things and my mouth was wide open all through..may God coke to our Aid

    6. You are speaking from a position of poverty.
      In this same economy, people are talking and thriving.
      Bottom line what you lot elected, is what you are eating.
      I pray you enjoy the feast of the next 8 years.

  19. Bv sisibrowbnie cakes nice handwork😍more sales
    Customer fall on you yakata😁

  20. Chronicle poster. If I were you. I would sell the house. Because we women are very emotional. Tomorrow he will cook one gist and collect the papers and sell it and run away. And you won’t be there
    Sell it oo


  21. God bless your kind heart stellz
    Abundant sales sisi brownie cake

    So I read that economic crisis is worldwide.Na to tighten seatbelt.

    The importance of registering ones business can't be over emphasized.So Ola of lagos did an advert for Amala skye in lagos and abuja.But the most known amala skye is in ibadan.The thing is the one in ibadan names theirs ose olorun but became popular because of skye bank beside them. Now they cried out that they are only in Ibadan and the people using their names stole their name of over 20years.I guess she didn't register with cac and another person has leverage on their brand to his own advantage.

    1. They could have trademarked the name with the Federal ministry of industry, trade and investment..
      They might have, if not.. I'm sorry for them oh..
      Na only spiritual fight go fit help them lol..
      Or they'll need to negotiate with these new guys to sell the name to then, and it's going to cost them money..

      Next time them no go dey think say lawyer dey find their money, they'll have one close and pay less now instead of paying more tomorrow..
      This is an advice to everyone. Always involve lawyers in your dealings

    2. Completely right King Dante
      Lawyers are there for guide.

  22. Good afternoon my good people of SDK blog.

  23. It's sunny afternoon, hello everyone.

    Some mothers have no business with being a mother at all.

  24. That Bible cake looks so beautiful. Well done, Sisibrownie.

  25. Really prices of food stuffs has skyrocketed. May God keep providing for us πŸ™.

    I detest when parents prefer some of their kids than the others. So annoying 😑.

    1. Some people have no business having children

  26. Good afternoon all! Na only God go see person through for this country and world.

  27. Welcome IHN
    More sales sisibrowniecakes
    May God bless us and have mercy on our country πŸ™
    Enjoy the rest of your day guys

  28. Beautiful cakes up there. More sales fall in you sisi brownie cakes.

  29. Good day to us all. Pinky, that your gist up there is terrible.The young guy needs rehabilitation too

  30. Lori indomie 9k oluwa gba ope

    Lori luxurious meat and fish ,oluwa gba iyin.

    Gari is not 2500 for painter, oluwa gba ogo

    In everything dey say make we dey give thanks

    Indeed it is well with us

    1. It is well my sis

      Euphemia u

    2. Where una dey see indomie 9k?? For Aba it's 9800 today.

  31. Sisi brownie cakes may God bless your business,customers fall on you 😘😍

  32. You are so much stronger than you think you are as God is preparing you for BIGGER and His BESTβ€ΌοΈπŸ’ƒ

  33. Some of you that have money stash in your Nigeria account don't take Martins expo very serious. I wish I have unused money in an account in one of the bank.

    Save this comment, dollar is heading to $1 - N2,000 in the shortest time you can ever imagine. It's already over N1,500 now at the black market.


    1. Martins, please how can I go about dollar account?

    2. Ezege worldwide;my own na to help my fellow BVs by giving free updates;it's up to everyone to do with the information what they wish..

      Dollar was 960 last few months and I told everyone here to buy as much as they can;some Anon were discouraging people that what if naira riseπŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„;like how??

      Dollar will head to 2k for sure;nothing like "God forbid";the economy and trading charts show you all you need to know;so invest as much as you can in dollar if you don't know what to do with the naira you have..

      Normally the only naira you should have in your bank account should be SMS charges not more than #100πŸ˜„

      Every other thing should head to your Dorm account or buy USDT if you value your money..


    3. @15:21;you need:

      Bank account existing of more than six months..

      Two Guarantors with a current account or Business account from same bank..

      100 dollar cash or transfer for account opening;might differ in various bank.

      Go to your bank and tell them you want to open a dollar account or a Dorm account;with the above you are good..

      Hope this helps..


    4. Martins, I remember you saying that. The truth is that, the naira have been floated. It's a free fall and it will only get bad. It's just a matter of time, it will head to N2,000.

      The higher the dollar rises, the more difficult things get with commodities.


  34. The weather is frendly today ....

    Thank you Lord for the mercy and grace bestowed upon us.

  35. Good afternoon all πŸ’•πŸ’•

  36. Pink oh!!
    Which water do you want to go and take from home that you cannot buy in the shop.. you wanted to go and disturb iyawo bah.. ashawo!!

    Let me leave the evil mother before the queen mothers here will come and cry..

    @Chronicle poster,. You are an enabler and supporter of evil

  37. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Sisibrownie your cakes look beautiful, I wish you plenty customers. Thank you Jewelu star woman πŸ’•

    Some mothers brewing siblings rivalry without knowing it. It is well.

    Cost of foodstuffs in the market is frightening. Woke up this morning with a headache after going to the market yesterday. At this point,I'm scared!

    Bvs enjoy the rest of your day.
    E go surely be ✌️

  38. Pinky that woman is not normal too, so how can she even raise kids well? Imagine what she sells at home, Chelsea and the rest. I am very sure her kids are for different men.
    They will be fine o jare
    Chronicle poster, you made up your mind to remain with your darling horseband, what should we say?
    I just pray your poor daughters don't get fingered by him soon too.

  39. I wish you massive sales sisi brownies.

  40. Employees need to advocate for themselves. Too many timid and eye service staff its nauseating.

    If you know your work can be done just as effectively remote or hybrid then, as a team,advocate for this.

    In this economy, business that refuse to increase salaries even though they increase costs of their goods and services every market day should at the very least look for ways to minimise the spend of their staff.

    What are people doing in offices that they cannot do at home?

    During COVID were businesses not in operation?

    I don't even know why comosmues would prefer to rack up huge operational costs putting generator for over 10 hours, payments of cleaners, repairing of office equipment, office supplies, when your team can work from whatever and still deliver fantastic results?

    We are not in 1960. Better advocate for yourself o, advocate for as many cost saving measures as you can. No dey do mumu mumu. Na you go lose las las.

    1. in naija ur federal govt insists that their staff come to work daily with the now tripled cost of transport and the same 30k minimum wage, u beg the frustrated bosses they refuse to understand while they follow thier heartless dr*g b*ron leader

    2. 16:29 most of the staff end up sitting around and gisting all day as there is no much work, too many staff and little work. Why not arrange them in shifts and let them come to work thrice a week? One set comes today, another set comes tomorrow?

  41. Consuming too much coffee while under a lot of stress can cause you to have schizophrenic-like symptoms.

    1. Lady Port, this is so true. It distorts the already stressed brain

  42. Pinky
    This colos is what one guy took the other day, he stumbled and fell on the tarred road, breaking his head. Blood was everywhere. I was told he survived and that it was not his first time of taking it and getting injured.

    These yeye musicians sing about this useless substance like it's a fanciful thing to take, making our youths to want to try it out.
    I pray for God to help this generation.

    1. drugs ambassadors drinking and smoking rubbish promoting death and destruction

      NBC wake up! Ban videos that promote evil

    2. Mercy, I tell you, I feel sad for today's youths. Drugs, sex, crimes being promoted all over social media by the songs and lyrics they listen to. One 17 yr old that just gained admission into Uni beside me here is pregnant and running around to abort it, the pregnancy refused to abort. Her mum is not aware according to her friends, I have sent her mum an anonymous message with my niece's line before she kills herself and throw the struggling mum into sorrow.


    1. hahhahhahahhaa
      SDK leave us alone please

    2. Lmao πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Stella no gree for dear Kings this year

    3. Kikikikiki πŸ˜… πŸ˜… πŸ˜…
      Mama bambino dey press Kings neck oo

    4. Beyond irritating.
      But can't blame them, the fruits of joblessness and immaturity.
      Sounding so dense, childish and lame.
      When it comes to offering sensible and constructive insights on social issues, their single digit IQs will be forever absent as expected.
      This is the blog that taught me that some old people still have a loooooooooooooong way to grow up.

  44. Thank you Lord for everything
    Goodafternoon bvs

  45. Hmmmmmm
    The most complex B

  46. The prices of foodstuffs going up is so alarming.. especially as kids are involved. It's so depressing


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