Stella Dimoko Singer Tiwa Savage And The Expensive Handbag She Wants To Buy...


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Singer Tiwa Savage And The Expensive Handbag She Wants To Buy...

Nigerian singer Tiwa Savage shared on her Snapchat that she is contemplating buying an expensive handbag for $147,000 to celebrate her 44th Birthday coming up on February 5th....
This may sound very expensive but Nigerian women are not smiling and some have handbags worth more than this amount in their closets...


  1. It's best to flush the money down the toilet. Hermès are for people with money and no sense. There self worth lies with material possessions.

    1. You people have started with trying to dictate to people how they should spend their hard earned money again.if Tiwa wants to buy a $147k bag,Tiwa should buy it

    2. Anon 10:10 Abeg don't say that. There are people to whom $150,000 means absolutely nothing though I'm not sure if Tiwa has gotten to that level yet.

    3. True. That bag is meant for people with quite a number of such expensive bags. She ain’t such a person and a famous person like her can’t use that bag everyday to everywhere. It is not jewelry.

  2. wow... that is some huge money there!!!!
    Her choice btw, i think she should. i heard hermes bags are investment

  3. Buy mai dia, afterall how much is money to agba baller?

  4. Buy it,if you like it,world best 😘😘😘

  5. Madam - he has seen it and hopefully he will buy it for you.
    But stop deceiving your fans, you no get such money to spend on a bag.

    1. Your ignorance is appalling..Tiwa doesn’t have $147,000 to spend on a croc Hermes bag?stop projecting your life struggles on others.If u say Ayra star can’t afford it,I will listen but Tiwa?it shows how very ignorant you are of basic knowledge

    2. Lmao how much is her RR Autobiography?? Anyway, I agree with you that she just messing around here. Still love her crazy

      Shooter Gyal

  6. Anything that makes you happy 😁 is allowed.

  7. Since she is asking for advice, I'd say don't buy it.
    It is a ridiculous amount of money to pay for one handbag.

  8. ChIka (hello iya boys)24 January 2024 at 10:41

    Bag wan dey Balogun market
    Same quality will not even cost this much

    1. 🀣🀣but the balogun quality and this one is not same naa

    2. Money way person go use invest in landed properties... May I not be stoopid when I start handling sunch amount of monies πŸ™πŸ˜©

    3. Same quality you say? πŸ˜ƒ

    4. What are you saying

    5. Do you know how many landed properties she already has?so she should use every money she has to invest Abi and not enjoy the good things of life.Widen your horizon people,just because you can’t afford something doesn’t mean someone else shouldn’t be able to afford it day you’re going to be rich too and understand that these kind of splurges are basic for some people

    6. You don't know shit dear

      Shooter Gyal

  9. How much is money? Knock yourself out Tiwa.

  10. What will some one carry in that kind of bag?
    Tiwa, it's your money. Spend it anyway you deem fit.
    It's poverty that makes people like me feel guilty paying for an expensive item that you can buy with your own money.

  11. I would have to have 1 billion pounds in my account before I can buy a bag like that.

  12. The most expensive handbag I have now is 65k.Story behind is that my husband after shaving is hair,he now rubbed damatol hair cream for head.I was about sleeping jeje o,when he now came he wants to do the do.Na so I begin dey feel sey the place sey pepper me small small, the pain con dey increase,I asked what happened you no wash your hand after eating ni, he said it could be the damatol he used. Na so I just karamo the tin for ham,me wey I be no wan do before. I just hang my legs for up begin cry,my mama o,my pap o,dey use hndfan dey blow the place still sleep carry me go.Next day ,when he came back he used the bag to compensate me for my trouble.Na so I take get the bag o.sorry for the typo in advance

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 drama queen 😏

    2. Lobatan! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Chika(hello iya boys)24 January 2024 at 14:38

      What a goodie

    4. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  13. If you can afford it and it makes you happy. BUY IT. Life na once.

  14. It's her money and she works for it so if it make her happy she should buy it

  15. I will rather used the money to buy land.

  16. I think most people don't know the value of this bag,this is not your everyday birkin bag, this is one is the birkin Himalayan very expensive and a very good investment if she buys today and decides to sell tomorrow she will make more money on it.

    1. Naa..its not ignorance because they can look it up and research before they talk nonsense.A lot of people just feel that because they can’t afford something,someone else shouldn’t be able to afford it not knowing that they might become rich someday too.

  17. You can buy, but also asked your people too, what did need.

  18. It’s an Investment

    Tiwa, How much is money??? Ego ΓΆ bu Gini????

    Nah your Money…

    Enjoy Mama

  19. Tiwa, if you can afford it, why not? Buy it. This life na once

  20. Do whatever you want, it’s your money. Just make sure it is insured after purchase. See all these fires in celeb homes and thieves breaking in. The same social media you used to showcase London house and you got robbed. If you get the bag just keep it quiet, social media doesn’t need to know.

  21. Buy it. it's your hard earned money you have worked really hard, spend the money πŸ’―πŸ˜


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