Stella Dimoko Friday Spontaneous Post


Friday, January 26, 2024

Friday Spontaneous Post

 #friday #weekend #happyday #positivevibes #neversaynever #itiswhatitis

Good Morning from me to you!
Have a great Weekend and stay on a positive lane....



  1. No be everybody you go beg for money...
    No be every house you go chop food...
    No be every battle, you go fight....
    No be everybody wey shine teeth for you, be your friend....
    Dis life na brain work...Always use your head!
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

  2. Thank you, Lord, for all you have done for us this weekπŸ™.
    Thank you, for your care and love for us and our families πŸ™
    We receive more of your grace today to sustain usπŸ™
    Every disappointment will not find us by your graceπŸ™
    We rebuke all evil spirits that will battle over our progress todayπŸ™
    We ask for your protection and divine help this Friday morning. Every backward spirit in our lives, we terminate them in Jesus name πŸ™
    As we are go out today, God will make our ways smooth, we will prosper and be fruitful in Jesus name πŸ™

  3. There's Lifting For You!!
    Job 22:29.


    "These days, it’s not uncommon to hear statements like “I don’t know what’s going on; things are going bad everywhere. People are generally discouraged.” Don’t join the bandwagon to talk like that. You’re a child of God; your life is different. You play by a different set of rules. Always remember that."

    "There’s a lifting for you by the miracle power of God."

    "Maybe you made a mistake that landed you in the position you’re in today, and you’re wishing you did things differently. Well, the Lord is your riddance. Set your gaze on Him."


    Dear Father, I thank you for the assurance of your lifting power in my life. I refuse to be discouraged by the challenges around me. Instead, I declare that I’m making progress, prospering and waxing great in every area of my life! The greater One lives in me, and He’s made me bigger, greater and superior to inflation, insecurity, sickness, disease and the devil. I’m a victor in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!

  4. Good morning blog fam, Trust y'all are good today
    So i want to drop this for the person that complained about going back to school to write exams, please i know I'm writing you late,i haven't had time to do it, please i hope you see this
    Here's are some things that you can do to help you

    Do a 3 to 7days mercy prayer, using salt,sand, and water, and the book of Psalms,don't ask God for anything, just ask for mercy
    If you can stay indoors,on the first day of your prayer, and don't speak or see anyone for some specific hours, better.

    How to use them
    Add the salt and sand to your bathing water, before you pour the salt in the water,ask God to purify you, before you pour the sand,pray and ask God, that whatever or whoever is working against you on the surface of the earth, let it be destroyed
    Place your hand inside the water after putting the salt and sand, and read the below πŸ‘‡ Psalms into the water ...
    Psalm 33:22,30:10,27:7,25:7,9:13,6:2,4:1, after bathing, keep praying and asking God for mercy and deliverance from your case(just mention your case), and close your prayers with the book of, Exodus 14:13-14
    Do it, morning and night.

    I'm only recommending this because i did everything up there, and God heard me... I pray God comes through for you

    1. I was the writer of that. I will do this together with other suggestions. Thank you very much. God bless.

  5. 4 supplements that will help you conceive fast and reduce your symptoms with endometriosis..

    1. Magnesium
    2. Probiotics to prevent this gynaecological disease
    3. Vitamins B6 clears excess estrogen
    4. Zinc supplement

    Beautiful morning to beautiful souls πŸ’œ.

    1. ❤️❤️❤️
      Thanks for sharing

    2. TTC people, don't jump on the above listed drugs without the necessary tests and approval from a medical doctor.
      Zinc supplements should not be taken without being tested to know your level of zinc.

      The one that clears excess estrogen, how do you know you have excess estrogen if you don't do tests?

      Dont add to your problems o

  6. We need to listen more to the Lyrics and the video content of all Music we vibe and listen to. OMalay “SOSO” is a Spirited and Spiritual Music.

    He said so many things in that song. The reason he cut his Dread and the allegiance to “OSHIMILI” How he broke the commandment.

    The song is so catchy and my Fave until I listened and watched the video and my ideology changed. MUSIC IS HIGHLY SPIRITUAL, The Devil is being worshipped through music in this Generation. Most Artist has sold their Souls for Fame and money

    1. You don talk am finish

    2. I came across his songs on YouTube and I must say that the guy is talented and very creative. I particularly liked that his Holy Ghost song. I'll look for this song.

    3. You're correct about how many of them have sold their souls to the devil for fame,power and money..that's why it's always good to listen to lyrics of songs! These guys have polluted everywhere,innanet, music,movies, cartoons and books.. guide your heart and mind people and the young ones

    4. Most artists have*

    5. That was how my daughter was singing "make me sweat, make me water, make me lose my mind..."
      I almost slapped her, asking her if she knows the meaning of all the things she was saying. I warned her never to sing it again

  7. Good morning everyone
    Cheers to the weekend

  8. One important thing in life that I have learnt is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God's plan seems like it doesn't make any sense at all but God is always in control and he will never leave us.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we slept peacefully? May we not be engulfed by the trials of life. Enjoy your day and stay safe.

    1. Thanks Omo B, I need this word of encouragement this morning.

      I will continually trust you Lord.

    2. Hello Omo., Amen!... Wishing you the same πŸ™

    3. Yes, God is always in control of every situation we're going through..

    4. Let go, Let God!!!!
      Wish you the same

  9. Good morning house..we begin today in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit..Amen

  10. Goodmorning all brethens of this great blog of sdk!
    Have a blessed day. Remember to be good to today and do good

  11. Happy weekend blog family
    We're enjoying the harmattan here
    I wish y'all a blessed day.

  12. Thank God it's Friday abeg! ☺️☺️

    Good morning everyone. Enjoy your day. πŸ’žπŸŒΊ

  13. Harmattan be doing tubutubu baskalabar

    You see me now, you see me no more ! You see me now, peekaboo!
    🀣🀣🀣🀣 weyrey stay one place!
    Good morning πŸ’•πŸ’• Bvs
    May God protect and favor us all today.πŸ™

    1. No mind the harmattan 🀣

    2. πŸ˜†. Harmattan didn't my side. It's been here since last year, some mornings are really cold.

    3. Hahaha very funny I almost forgot to laugh

    4. I have finally felt the breeze this morning sha πŸ™„πŸ™„

    5. hahahahah.... harmattan dey hala ohh


    'They loved human praise more than the praise of God.' John 12:43 NLT

    The Bible says: 'Even among the rulers many believed in him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him... for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God' (John 12:42-43 NLT). How secure are you as a leader? When someone else has a great idea, do you support it or suppress it? Do you celebrate other people's successes, or feel threatened by them? If your answers are that you suppress and feel threatened, you have a problem with insecurity and need to deal with it in order to fully succeed in what God has called you to do.

    (1) Insecure leaders create insecurity in others. The old saying goes, 'You cannot give what you do not have.' Likewise, without security, you cannot make others feel secure. And to be an effective leader, the kind others want to follow, you need to your followers feel good about themselves.
    (2) Insecure leaders take more from people than they give. They are on a constant quest for recognition, validation and love. Because of that, their attention is on finding security and not imparting it to others. They are mostly takers not givers, and takers don't make good leaders.
    (3) Insecure leaders continually limit their people. They hoard power. In fact, the better their followers are, the more threatened leaders feel - and the harder they work to limit their followers' success and recognition.

    If these things at all describe you, read this: 'Take delight in honouring each other' (Romans 12:10 NLT).
    Word For Today

    1. Thanks for sharing Nneoma πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’œ♥️

  15. Thank God is Friday πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

  16. Good morning to you too Stella
    Good morning Sweethearts
    The weekend is here πŸ’ƒπŸ€Έ
    Positive vibes all the way
    Do have a lovely day πŸ’ž

  17. God is God and will never change. I personally call him my God of eleventh hour because when all hope seems to have been lost he shows up for me. my faith was further reenforced as he did it again for me. to him be all the glory.
    my testimony is to encourage you my brothers and sisters to never loose faith in God. just pray act and believe in him, he will do it.
    it still amazes me how he always shows up for me, not like I am the most righteous or religious but his grace is more than enough for me.
    I am the happiest this morning, all my worries was for nothing.
    He did it!
    I laugh we some say there is no God
    Good morning my beloved

    1. Thank you anon for this, I will always trust you my God.

    2. God is the greatest. I have so much faith in him that I don’t let things bother me anymore cos I know I’ll never be disgraced/shamed with him by my side.
      Sometimes, it’ll feel like nothing is happening but just hang in there and be hopeful, believing that he is planning something huge for you.
      May God meet us all at the point of our needs.

    3. Awwww..God is real indeed and i share in your joyπŸ˜ŠπŸ€—πŸ’•πŸ’

    4. Thank God for always being God in every situation. I'm happy for you.

    5. Thank God for you πŸ™πŸ»

    6. This made me smile. God is ALWAYS on time.

    7. God is real and awesome πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      I'm happy for you πŸ€—πŸ˜may your joy be permanent

    8. If not for Him...

    9. Your testimony is not complete, what did he do?

  18. I found the post last night.

    My sincere apology to Waju Data. It wasn't her that gifted the data to the ten persons but one Bv Reserved Queen if you can still remember that ID.

    I just want to prove a point to let you guys know I hate lies and sure of what I was saying.

    City Chocolate hurriedly gone to that post and deleted her appreciation to me. You see the kind of person she is.

    Take a look at the link below and see for yourself. I will still reproduce the names after the link.

    Reserved Queen16 April 2021 at 14:05

    Good day Stellz a.k.a Jeweluchi AND BVs, happy weekend!

    Teejay sent 10 phone numbers of BVs to me for Data Subscription which I have successfully subscribed 9 out of those numbers and the last person’s phone number is not going through…

    Below are the Blog IDs of the BVs

    (Those successfully subscribed)
    * Martinsaboy
    * Oge
    * Dimplez
    * Happy
    * Rhapsody
    * Modupeola
    * Rainbow
    * AmyVlv
    *City Chocolate

    * Official Prestige

    The above BVs should acknowledge the receipt

    Thank you Teejay for entrusting me with this and have a glorious birthday celebration


    The last person Official Prestige was later subscribed.

    Don't dare people to prove their evidence when you're not sure of a thing.

    I am done with this.

    © TEEJAY

    1. She went back to delete her appreciation? SMH.

    2. My bad!!!! Thanks for proving right.
      Slutty Chic, My comment was posted twice, once on retired Slay Queen and on another post, and I deleted one of the comments.
      Will no longer comment or respond on this issue. Am done and out ✌️✌️

    3. Ndi Repliers on comments this is for you. Beware of Gaslighters in your life that you are never aware that they are (denjarus).Yesterday INH drew my attention to something. BV Kel talked about other Bvs misunderstanding Oki's comment. As usual I saw a reply from BV Fidel, commenting"oh I saw it too and but taught I didn't read well or understand ". What happened to you ever stating your own opinions on this blog? Always commenting like you are nice but a pure goody two shoes. The other day TJ had his saga, she's was the first to reply the comment with "oh boy, it's about to go down." Fidel and chocolate city et al, this attitude irritates me here, state your mind, no one will eat you up. Not always love and light here, let me call Gaslighters out.

    4. She really did that? Wow. But she was denying.

    5. The innanet never forgets indeed
      @City Chocolate better come and apologize πŸ™„

    6. City chocolate you are so full of yourself yet shingbai no gum you, till tomorrow you still beg here. What stops you from apologising to Teejay?
      My bad yen yen yen.
      May cat bite that your long mouth

  19. Cooooooold morning. Stay warm. Stay positive. Y'all have a fab day today. 😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Have a great day, Candilicious babe 😘

    2. Good morning beautiful 😘😘😘

    3. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. It's cold just this morning but can you send me the coooooooooold from your side cos obviously yours is much colder than mine 😁

  20. Good morning everyone, so the red dragon came out this morning. chai, me wey don dey happy say baba God don bless me with baby😒.

    Anyways I sha tell hubby to pray for me, my people naso hubby starts to pray say Father I thank you for making my wife mother of children, thank that we are not running to the hospital because she can't see her period because it's only the living that can see periods.

    We thank you because you plans for us is for good, you said in your words that non will be barren.

    I thank your for your grace upon my wife to the journey of motherhood.

    He said my Love, the Lord has not forgotten us,he will make us parent in Jesus name.

    Please my lovely Bvs Fam, I beg you all to please put me in your prayers for the blessing of the fruit of the womb.

    My marriage will be three years this year, I want God to help me convince this year.

    Am sorry for the long write-up.

    1. Your children will surround your table, hold on God will come through for you. Amen.

    2. Amen to your husband's prayer,you'll testify soon in Jesus name.

    3. God has heard you. It will surely happen, and we will rejoice with you.πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. Your write up is not long at all.
      Don’t worry, God will come through for you and your hubby, don’t be scared at all.
      I know it’s not easy, but have in mind that you’ll carry your babies real soon and you’ll be back here to testify. πŸ€—

    5. Please don't be disappointed, he'll definitely come through, just hang on a little bit πŸ€—πŸ’πŸ’•

    6. The Lord has really not forgotten you. He will show up in due time. πŸ™

    7. God will bless you with children soon. You will testify

    8. God almighty will make you a joyful mother,you and hubby dearest will be parents to awesome children πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

    9. It will surely end in praise, trust him and you will testify πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    10. God shall answer every of your prayers speedily in Jesus name. Very soon you'll come back with testimony. Congratulations in advance.

    11. The same God that did it for me and other women here, will do yours. Keep trusting Him because He will surely do it for you. All the best, sis.

    12. I say a very big Amen to your hubby prayers. You shall conceive this year in Jesus name Amen πŸ™πŸ».

    13. Your miracle is sealed, may God grant you your heart desires

    14. May God come through for you

    15. Cheer up Sis πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— God hasn't forsaken you,keep the faith and it will surely end in praise πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ congratulations in advance πŸ’ƒ

    16. You will carry your babies in the precious name of our Lord. We shall all rejoice with you. Congratulations in advance my sister. πŸ’ƒ

    17. May God remember you and yours and bless you with the fruit of the womb πŸ™

      You can also work with a proactive gynecologist so he can put you both through with tests,timed sex and drugs to help concieve.

    18. He will bless your womb with fruitfulness and you shall praise God

    19. You will conceive this year in Jesus name

    20. Your miracle is on the way, you must surely testify this year cause you will carry your twins in Jesus Amen

    21. A very Big Amen to all your prayers my blog Fam.

      Thank you all so muchπŸ™πŸ™, the prayers means so much to us.

      Father I promise to come back and testify to your goodness in Jesus name.

  21. Goodmorning Stella.
    Goodmorning Beevees.
    Day 26!!!!!!
    The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength

  22. May the light of Jumma shine in our hearts and guide us towards the path of righteousness.
    May our faith be strengthened, and may we always find the strength to overcome any challenges that come our way.
    Jummah Mubarak πŸ•‹

    1. Keep holding on dear...
      The pain will fizzle away with time πŸ€—

    ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 ✍🏻 ✍🏻 ✍🏻

    ~We all believe that, "All men are the same,but their habits put them apart.

    Still ,we have different type of men with different nature.Mostly the confused ones.

    They are πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»

    πŸ’1. A man who doesn't want to raise another man's child but goes ahead and marries a woman who has a child and tells her to leave the child at her parent's home, instead of simply marrying a woman without a child at all.

    πŸ’2. A man who marries a graduate with a degree or a diploma only to tell her to quit job and take care of children. If you wanted a housewife, why not marry a class 2 dropout instead of killing dreams of someone who has worked so hard to reach that far?

    πŸ’3. A man who is a drunkard but goes ahead to marry a church girl and make her life a living hell. If you are a drunkard, marry your fellow drunkard and drink yourselves to madness without stressing anyone.

    πŸ’4. A man who after impregnating a lady, he denies being the owner of the pregnancy. Later after the lady has struggled alone and now the child is a bit older, he now wants to be involved with the child. If the child was not yours while still in the womb, why is it suddenly yours now???

  24. Good morning everyone

  25. Good morning Stella and BVs.
    In school, on an Inter-house Sport training.

    A lovely day all😘

  26. Good morning my yard people
    When last have you checked your blood pressure,sugar level and Cholesterol, this this are silent killer
    Remember health is wealth. N money to do great things you and I go get o not for sickness o(Amen)
    My prayer is for everyone on the sick bed to receive the heating of God of Possibilities.
    Enjoy your day
    Aje a wo
    Ata jere

  27. Thank God it's Friday 🀸🀸🀸🀸

  28. Good morning SDKville Fam

    Why family members should not stay with newly weds.

    If your sister or brother just married,please don't ask to stay with them because they have a spacious house or because their house is not far from your school. It is important for newlyweds to explore their intimacy,learn and unlearn about themselves.

    Newlyweds wants to;
    *They want to walk around the house naked
    *They want to eat together directly from the pot
    *they want to bathe together
    * they want to argue and resolve to understand each other better.
    *they want to make love anywhere in the house
    *wifey wants to wear sexy lingerie and they want to explore different options.

    Dear family members, don't be a vibe killer

  29. "The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever." - Psalm 37:18.
    I place you and your household in God's gracious hand this Friday, to make you blameless under His loving care. May your divine inheritance be enduring to your benefit as well as your environment. As you can never see yesterday again so shall you never see failure, disappointment, sickness, pains and sorrow.
    Today and always, all round favour, open doors, good health, long life and prosperity shall be yours. Your godly expectations shall come to pass with manifest testimonies in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN. Have a wonderful weekend. Good morning.


  30. I received alert of transport fare of 10k sent to me sir, but am sorry I can't come over againπŸ˜”Am going for evangelism πŸ™„πŸ™„Mo ti gba ipee.
    God just call me this morning for the work of evangelism 🚢🚢🚢.

    Good morning blogfams TGIFπŸ’žπŸ’™πŸ’πŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’Ÿ❤πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

  31. What will be must be: that's a lie from the pit of hell.

    What will be will only be if you agree that it should be.

    The devil cannot do anything outside your will. He needs you to agree with him that your situation is irredeemable.

    He needs you to agree with him that sickness cannot be cured or healed.

    Change your confession. Change your heart posture. If you give up you lose.

    No gree for anybody this 2024. And most importantly no gree with the devil this year.
    Jesus has won it all for us.

  32. Good morning Bvs
    Thank God its fridayπŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
    I'm so excited its already weekend(in patoranking voice)πŸ’ƒ

  33. SDK Psychologist26 January 2024 at 08:11



    The phrase "I'd rather adjust my life to your absence than adjust my boundaries to your disrespect" expresses a strong commitment to maintaining personal boundaries and self-respect, even if it means choosing to distance oneself from a relationship or situation.

    Here's a detailed breakdown:

    1.) Prioritizing Self-Respect: The phrase emphasizes the importance of self-respect and maintaining personal boundaries. It conveys a refusal to compromise one's self-worth or tolerate disrespectful behavior.

    2.) Choosing Independence: "Adjust my life to your absence" suggests a willingness to live independently and make life choices that prioritize well-being and self-esteem. It implies that the speaker values their own integrity over the presence of someone who disrespects them.

    3.) Setting Boundaries: "Adjust my boundaries to your disrespect" highlights the notion that the speaker is unwilling to lower or compromise their personal boundaries in the face of disrespectful behavior. It reflects a commitment to maintaining standards for how one expects to be treated.

    4.) Recognizing Unhealthy Dynamics: The phrase implies an acknowledgment of an unhealthy dynamic or relationship where disrespect is present. It signals a desire to distance oneself from such negativity rather than accepting it as a normal part of the relationship.

    5.) Empowerment and Autonomy: By choosing to adjust one's life to the absence of someone rather than tolerating disrespect, the phrase conveys a sense of empowerment and autonomy. It reflects the belief that one has the agency to shape their life in a way that aligns with their values and self-respect.

    6.) Emphasizing Personal Integrity: This statement underscores the importance of personal integrity and maintaining a sense of self despite external influences. It communicates a refusal to compromise on principles for the sake of preserving a relationship.

    7.) Healthy Prioritization: The phrase suggests a healthy prioritization of self-care and emotional well-being. It communicates a willingness to prioritize personal happiness and mental health over the maintenance of a relationship that involves disrespect.

    This expression encapsulates a strong stance on personal boundaries, self-respect, and the willingness to make life choices that align with one's values, even if it means accepting the absence of someone who disrespects those boundaries.

  34. LIFE is not about being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being perfect.

    It is about being real, being humble and being kind.

    Good Morning and TGIF!

    Ire oooooo

  35. Thank God it's Friday πŸ’ƒ
    Good morning fam πŸ’œ

  36. Happy weekend everyone 😘

  37. In a way, I’m so happy that I didn’t remove this implant then when I became ‘woman with the issue of blood’ because surprisingly, after about 4 months plus, it just stopped. Like totally stopped. Now I can enjoy myself without having to be taking every day contraceptives.

    Btw, I would have removed it oh but because our health insurance was still being processed and i didn’t want to go waste money in the hospital. God does work in mysterious ways.

    1. His ways are not our ways, he knows the end from the beginning.

    2. Don't allow stinginess to kee you oooo, health is wealth. Something you were not okay but don't want to waste money.

  38. Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Little by little is better than doing nothing at all. There is a tendency to doubt your growth in the midst of a big leap forward. Hold steady and allow yourself to bloom. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    Thank God it's Friyay πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘😘😘

  39. I just love myself. No one can figure me out or my moves. Good morning Lagos

    1. Good morning Harmattan!πŸ˜‚

    2. Sun 🌞☀️26 January 2024 at 08:42

      This is why I don't allow you to reign for too long. Instead of you to appreciate my generous heart of allowing you a little spotlight my elemental friend, you are bragging 😑😑😑
      It's time to finally retire you. Imma shine so brightly that no one will remember you. Imma spread my heat waves everywhere

  40. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord God Almighty Who's Word never goes unfulfilled cause there to be performance of every pending promise in your life and family...

    May this day and week end for you on a note of joyful congratulations on every side...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed day and exciting weekend, I wish you!!!

  41. Good morning everyone
    Today Is going to be great for us all

  42. TGIF!πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ, loving this harmattan, but want more of it at night.

    Have a great weekend lovelies πŸ’–

  43. “I support the decision of Christian association of Nigeria Plateau State to arm and defend themselves against Fulani killers in Plateau state. All Christians must support them at this point and provide necessary gadgets for them.” ~Cardinal Francis Arinze.
    Igbo's on a normal no dey take nonsense, frock or not.
    enough of waiting for help that will never come plateau people save yourself

  44. Good morning SDK and BVs. Fantastic Friday. Forever thankful to you my maker. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  45. Those of you that want to dry your yams, fresh tomatoes and peppers, wash your duvet and blankets. Now is the time so you get them dry quickly.
    Harmattan drying >>> Sun drying

  46. Those of you that want to dry your yams, fresh tomatoes and peppers, wash your duvet and blankets. Now is the time so you get them dry quickly.
    Harmattan drying >>> Sun drying

  47. As-salamualakum
    O Allah, bless us with good health, happiness, and success in all our endeavors. Protect us and our loved ones from all harm and danger.
    Aamin..... 🀲🏿
    Jumma'at MUBARAK' πŸŒ™πŸ•ŒπŸ•‹πŸ“Ώ

  48. Good morning Stella and bvs. Friday already!
    I have watched Breath of Life for the umpteenth time and I can never get tired of it.
    The scene where Timi was teaching Elijah how to drive may be hilarious but it reminded me of when my late husband, several decades ago, was teaching me how to drive.
    Hmm, he expected me to know what l didn't know and would lose patience when l wasn't getting it. Las Las, I became annoyed and told him I was through with the driving lessons. Oga, I no do again.
    Guess what, who finally taught me? My father o. He patiently put me through and I became a pro.
    Dear hubby, dear papa, your memories linger in my heart.

  49. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Thanksgiving mood πŸ™ still full of joy πŸ™Œ thank You Jesus


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