Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



As a child,I was molested by about three of my mum's House helps and that messed up with me growing up,
My 14 year old neighbour too will take me (5-6year old) to use me as a toy and later say,did you enjoy it (fear women o)So on my part I grew up to be a s#xual monster.
I would get my then main chicks and flings to do threesomes ,and there was a day we r#p#d one of my girlfriend friends,I held her while the other girl gave her head till she came.
I am sleeping with a married Alhaja who covers her hair and has 4 kids at the moment.
I have slept with three different women on different occasions.
I have also slept with a mother and her daughter.
I have slept with a girl that her brother later begged to give me head which I allowed.
Is there a therapist that can help me? I need healing.

He asked for this to be made a Chronicle from the Saturday Anonymous post so that he can get advice that will help him...I have never read anything like this before, I am shocked and blown away and will read as he is given advice...I think reading this also traumatised me in away.....Like how???????????? Why??????????????????? 
Oga please get help before you marry and have kids...


  1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars10 January 2024 at 15:10

    Two types of damage occur when a person is molested as i have come to discover.
    It is either the person becomes uncontrollably towards sexual activities or becomes frigid. You truly need help.
    However, sexual activities brings about transfer of spirits hence you need prayer of deliverance then you will need therapy.

  2. Please sir nothing wrong with you. I’m worse than you and I’m a woman. Na pervert we be we nor kee person.

    1. I am so sorry sir! But your first deliverance starts with you acknowledging that you have sinned no matter what led to it.
      Then ask God for his mercy that u want to change, leave the rest for him!

    2. Same you say you're a pervert, same you say nothing is wrong with you... You see that even your brain is perverted and can't think straight. Please don't be a demon, allow this young man to find his deliverance and freedom., while you continue to wallow in wantonness and perversion

  3. Even a married Alhaja that uses hijab is not left out. Hmm

  4. Start by not watching porn anymore..

  5. Poster First off Sorry that you met horrible adult women and teenagers who should have protected you and known better to treat you well. However now is the time to move to a brighter future and push the past behind..

    Please seek the help of a professional therapist or counsellor and also back it up with intense prayers. Involve yourself in restitution since you were involved in raping someone based on your childhood traumas and you really need to heal, ask for forgiveness for the wrong you did to those women and forgive yourself too...2024 is another opportunity to save yourself from self-destruction and damnation.. One step at a time...

    All the best...

  6. Mo gbe fun e oga mi..tuale baba o.Give your life to Christ

  7. Lagos Mainland Girl10 January 2024 at 15:25

    It is well

  8. Hmmmmmmm.. all I know is you need to heal, forgive yourself & everyone who turned you to this se# ual monster

  9. Ha. Eleyi gidigan o. Dear poster, after seeing a therapist, go into like seven days white fasting, ask for God's mercy and for him to heal you totally. You yourself need to make up your mind consciously never to go back to your old ways, if possible cut off from friends, pornography (if you watch it) or situations that will bring such thoughts into your mind again. I pray you find the healing that you need.

  10. You need help….
    Sicko 🤦‍♀️

  11. The Original ShugarGirl10 January 2024 at 15:36

    Walking out of post.

    You know what to do but if you aren't yet ready to let go of the pleasure you derive while destroying your limits. Then there will be no change.

    Seek professional therapy and personally meet God for deliverance daily till you lose the desire for wild S. fantasies.
    This messed up my mind. Sorry
    Too much of everything is bad. No matter how good it was intended.

    Let's try to seek help sooner instead of soaking up in so much destruction thinking that it's a strength based on world views.

    Our conscience tells us low key even when we aren't fully knowledgeable what's right/ wrong. Let's pay attention to it, that God's voice in the midst of chaos pointing us in the opposite direction.

    And to parents, please suffer the suffering you have signed up for with your full chest the moment you choose to have kids. Stop outsourcing your role, besides it's only for a moment nonetheless how daunting the task of parenting is.

    I for like to swear for all those people derailing little children but God's curse is surely upon them.

  12. You need to make a conscious effort to stop this and ask God to help you. Do this while you're waiting to see a therapist. May the Lord help you.

  13. What is happening 😳

  14. oga give your life to Jesus Christ before it is too late. There are too many troubles in the world, have you not had enough of the guilt. Jesus saves and He is waiting for you to call on him for help. He will help and heal you of the monster you have become. It is well

  15. Before he marries and has kids???
    Urrmmmm 🤔😰😱

    Mister...please, don't do either. There's no need passing on this trauma to a spouse, and future generations!

    You can try betterhelp(dot)com! They'll match you with someone suitable!

    P.S. How were you able to get an erect**n for a man to give you oral xes?

  16. Lol..

    It's not new to me likewise to some shaaa..

    You need a psychologist to help you out bro because you have taken this as a normal life style

  17. Resist the urge when it comes, by so doing, the sexual feeling will gradually leave you, it's a gradual proceese and also pray and ask God for forgiveness, you will surely overcome. God be with you

  18. For a moment there I thought this was me. I've been on the wild side myself. That's why I have explicitly refused to have a nanny for my sons.
    All said, I think I came out pretty well adjusted. I still fancy cougars though but I'm married so that's out of it.

    OP got a sister and her brother to give him head? That's like the holy grail except I didn't read that right.

    Here's the thing. It doesn't matter what your past experiences may have been. You still retain the power of choice! Our past can only shape us for as long as we permit them to.

    1. Nothing holy grail about it, very perverted act . Poster apologize make restitution to the those you raped and molested. MFM 3 days deliverance, repeat it again

  19. Poster how can I judge you when I have done worst? I too was molested as a kid by my mother's brother , who I grew up with, his children and other people. I grew up to be addicted to inc*est po*rn and forced, ra*pe po*rn.
    I couldn't c*um unless I thought about inc*est or being forced. Unfortunately I grew up doing what was done to me to an innocent soul.
    I once forced a little girl to lick my vag*ina till I came. The most horrible thing I ever did. For years I couldn't forgive myself. Yes, I prayed and asked God for forgiveness but then my conscience would remind me of the bible verse that says woe unto thee that hurt these little ones and is better for one to be thrown into the sea with a stone tied on their neck than to make any of the little ones to sin. I was feeling guilty and felt as God would never forgive me. Until I told myself that the same God says that he loves a contrite heart and that if we humble ourselves and confess our sins he is merciful to forgive. I prayed, cried and begged God to forgive me and promised that I would make sure that I would take care of that little girl financially since her mother was not buoyant and a single mother. I did 14 days fasting. Prayed for forgiveness and stopped watching po*rn totally. Was very careful also about social media, news and music etc. that I was feeding my mind and soul with. I stopped listening to secular music that glorified sin and got myself busy with volunteering in my free time. I focused on my career and business and God blessed me but I knew He was blessing me so that I could take care of that little girl. I gave my life to Christ after the fasting and sent 23.000 euros to the mother of that little girl for help towards her education and opened a shop for her mother so that she can take care of her and her little brother. Her mother is a single mother. I have no contact with that precious child since I only talk with the mother. I know I could never harm her or any other child again but it kills me to see her because I wonder what came over me .
    Every day I pray for that precious little girl. She was around 2 o 3 when I committed that horrible act and I keep praying that she forgets so that it won't mess her head up and she ending up hurting others like I did because I was molested which is no excuse, I know. Now the little girl is around 12 years and she is one of the best students in her school. I plan to sponsor her entire education till she graduates from university. I also wrote a will that makes sure that I leave a house and a 50.000 euros in inheritance for her. I am not married but even when I get married and have my own kids I will still leave a share of my money for her.
    Poster, pray and ask God for forgiveness. There is nothing God can not do or forgive.
    Repent truly and take Jesus Christ as your Saviour. I would tell you seek for a therapist but I understand you might feel judged or ashamed but remember you have a redeemer in Jesus Christ and God love us so much he doesn't want anyone to perish. He is ready to forgive you and welcome you back in his loving embrace.

    1. Forgive me but part of me just wants to do you like Odin did Loki in Norse mythology. A 2-3 year old girl??? I can't even imagine it. I have daughters and.... No ,no, no... Can't even imagine it. It's good you're on the path to restitution but know that, money can't wash away guilt.
      I pray you find peace with God.

    2. Wowwww! Dunno y I singped out ur own comment and read till the end. God wil forgive repentance is all He needs and He sees ur heart...

    3. I pray that little girl doesn't remember that incident and may God really forgive you

    4. Anon 16.03 money truly can’t wash away guilt but the blood of Jesus does. He came to die for her type and has forgiven her.

    5. I was molested too, incest sex videos or imaginary incest scenarios are what makes me cum. I am truly tired of this but I don't know how to help myself. Lately I have sex with anyone who is willing to have sex, I am turning myself to a cheap sl*t, God help me.

    6. 16:56 I remember you! You brought your story here I think 4 or 5 years ago and you were dragged by two popular blog visitors who insulted you and told you hurtful things. I can see you have finally forgiven yourself. Even though what you did was extremely bad, God has already forgiven you. I remember you promised to do a lot for the girl and I can see you have. Good to know you are now living a life dedicated to Christ.

  20. God please protect my son from monsters.

  21. You need Jesus and join a prayer band for continuous strength especially that your fucking of mother and daughter is bad only then can a therapist help you to maintain your deliverance

  22. Let me say something:
    What happened to the poster as a kid is the story of majority of men that grew up around older girls. I for example, was used as a sec object by my two aunts and the help and no, my parents were very much present at home. My mum suspected at a time but I couldn't tell her. I was really young, between 3/4 till 9/10.
    However, am fairly well sexually adjusted. That, to me, isn't enough reason to indulge in any sexual depravity. Especially one that is as harmful and damaging to others as what's posted above. It's a Convenient excuse definitely but not one we should even indulge in a moment. Not when you can't predict how low you'll sink.
    @poster, get some discipline and God's Love and Grace. It helps.

    1. You should tell your mother. These things should come out, it is the secrecy that keeps them going. Confess and release the burden of carrying the shame of others. There is no place in the world where such acts are acceptable. Release it out of you

  23. Have not experience anything like this in my life .

  24. God please have mercy upon this poster and help him out of this terrible character.
    Please protect children 🙏

  25. God abeg protect my children. This is why I don't trust anyone with my kids. My eyes dey shine up and down like torchlight when it comes to them.

    Poster, pray to God for discipline. You can control it if you have the determination. Shalom

  26. Haaaaaa 😯😯😯😯😯 this is heartbreaking 💔💔💔💔💔
    You're molested by the people that are suppose to protect you.
    Dear post first of all you need to forgive yourself and those that molested you, then seek a professional help. It's well

  27. Unfortunately, a lot of people have been molested. I pray you get the help you need

  28. I was also molested as a child by 2 of my eldest sister's friends. I was very little but I knew what they were doing to me was bad.

    By God's grace, I turned out normal. Im happily married now and I have never told my wife about it. The 2 ladies are also long married, and I'm sure they assume I can't remember what they did to me.

    Ladies, while you are protecting your female children, also don't neglect your male children. There are abusers everywhere

    1. That’s why I believe in helicopter parenting. I prefer a child to say that you never gave me space than to hear these stories. When you can take care of yourself you will get all the space you need until then your behind is under this microscope.

  29. Hmmm this is terrible.
    Lord Jesus fix him please 🙏


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