Stella Dimoko Actress Lilian Afegbai Apologizes To Ladies In Their 30s She Mocked In Time Past


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Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Actress Lilian Afegbai Apologizes To Ladies In Their 30s She Mocked In Time Past

Nollywood Actress Lilian Afegbai has sent apologies to all aunties she previously mocked in their 30s as she just realized that age is just a number.
In a video she posted on Instagram, the actress apologized profusely to all the ladies she used to make fun of because they were single and in their 30s.

She claimed that she wasn't aware of the true meaning of life at the time.
She blamed her ignorance on "youthful exuberance",and said that she is now aware that age is just a number.

She used herself as an example and said that she is the oldest at her present school and described how difficult it had been for her to blend in.


  1. We must all learn a lesson in this life.

    © TEEJAY

  2. One good turn deserves another.
    Why mock people with age?
    Don't you want to get to that age or you want to die at a young age because, you don't want to be called aunty.
    Let change our mindset.

  3. Life have humbled Lilian. She was acting like she has it all figured out.

  4. What goes around comes around. Don't mock someone going through a pain or challenge because you think you are better than them, this life has a way of putting us in those people's shoes.
    I won't lie, I mocked ladies in their forties during my teenage years, guess what, I'm in my forties too and still single. Now I know better.

    1. True words, Zaram 🙌🏽. Life has a way of putting one in another’s shoes.

    2. Na so one of our church members that year go dey talk anyhow about one advanced lady that was my mum's friend. He was so irritated with the lady cos she was in her 40s and she no even send. Was now advising us, teenagers then that we must not let 22 pass us by.

      My mum saw him last week, his 3 daughters are in their early 30s and late 20s, mum asked him if his daughters married at 22, he started backpedaling saying they've relocated to UK, they are doing well etc, but you were saying this lady who was doing well for herself is an eyesore.

      We need to learn how to talk and behave in this life, not wise to let life happen to you before you have some empathy about what another person might be passing through. Na God dey give blessings, say you quick achieve something no mean say others dey dull.

    3. it is well with you ..God indeed sees you

    4. Our first born (male) was mocking me after our father's buriel, saying no daughter of his will give birth out of wed lock and no daughter of his will get up to 30years in his house without getting married and that his daughters wouldn't be like this one(that's me) that prays always yet has nothing to show for it. Then i was in my late twenties, and a single mum of one. My daughter just clocked 2 then, i ran into my mum's room and cried my eyes out. The father of my child has done introduction and has already collected list for our Igba nkwu(traditional wedding) before he impregnated me. But this senior blood brother of mine mocked the hell out of me.
      Guess what, today his first daughter had a son out of wed lock, dropped the son for him and got married to someone else. There are two grown daughters of his now, close to their thirties and still single, one got married but was chased away by her mother in law, she's in her father's house now. Today, i am happily married to the father of my daughter and we are blessed. Never you mock anyone for any reason because the person may cry bitterly just like i did and his/her chi might revenge. I am a living testimony.

  5. Thank God that she knows better now.

  6. The arrogance of youth

  7. expereince really is the best teacher innit

  8. Ogodo ga elu Nwanyi ebe olulu ibeya.😎

  9. Don't be hard on yourself. Most of us are guilty of this, mocking a situation we're not in. Yes, we may have not been vocal about it but in our hearts we did.
    Time is a teacher.

    1. I love you 💕 you always say the truth even if it's bitter.

    2. Why do some of you like roping others into something negative, just say you are guilty of mocking people, stop using "most of us", some people actually pitied them and some feared not to experience same, I know a lady that married the first man that came her way because she was afraid of being unmarried in her 30s as she has seen her neighbors experience, so don't say most people mocked them, few that were mocked were mostly those with terrible character, I know so many people that tried to match make nice unmarried mature ladies.

  10. With what I've seen in this life, I will never mock anyone over any issue. NEVER. life can be very humbling. This minute, you have it all figured out, the next minute, it flips up on you and you are asking questions.

  11. We should learn from what happens to others and not only till it happens to us.

  12. Thank God you've realized. Toke should also apologize cos she tot she's got it all figured out .

    1. Toke ke? When did she mock anyone? Or do you mean before her exhusbandgate? I see people mocking her. Venita Akpofure mocked Toke until life showed Venita whatsup.

      Or do you mean to write Tonto who mocked Genevieve? Or Chioma Akpothat&Funke Akindele who both severely mocked Muma Gee?

      Toke seems to self aware to mock anybody

    2. Toke keh don't bash women or their decisions.she has never mocked any woman before.. If it was Linda maybe,because she low keyed shaded baby mama's back then and now she's one.

    3. Toke has never mocked anyone. Funny though Toke hardly never shaded or directly fought anyone publicly but is always bullied just because she has the guts to be rich, and always look nice despite what she went through. You guys should stop. It should be normal for at least 1% of single women to be rich..they have more time to focus on career growth and excellence so it should be expected. Abi you want them poor ontop? Life tries to balance sometimes.

      No one mocks the single rich men.

  13. God please have mercy on me for every matured single lady or man I must have mocked in my ignorant and younger years. I am sorry Lord, please forgive me father and please bless those I have mocked with their heart desires swiftly. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen.

  14. Thank God you know better now.

  15. I mock people who are older and still stay at their parent house. Lagos agents has humble and i regret not moving back to my parent house when i had the opportunity. lol

  16. E don reach your turn. Laughing at people for what they can't change is bad, and this is for all trolls to learn. You get mind they call person ugly, have you created a human before?

  17. I hope Phyna sees this.
    May God forgive our ignorances.

    1. You mean Big Bro Winner Illebaye ala "I am yang/young at 21, how old are you? Whatabout you?I am yanga/younger than you'!!

    2. Ilebaye was responding to a particular someone who attacked and bullied her, so I will say they both owe each other an apology. And I believe they have made up. As much as young ones shouldn't mock or age shame older ones, older ones also shouldn't oppress or envy young ones who are enjoying their youthfulness. Youthfulness is sometimes the height of life: of great optimism, pursuing dreams and goals and feeling good about oneself. Let us stop the comparisons too.. at your age I was this, I was that, I was married with kids blabla..

      It goes both ways

  18. Chika(hello iya boys)31 January 2024 at 10:48

    Life has humble her
    It has finally reach her turn
    Me no koko mock anybody ooo
    She's Remorseful anyway
    Go and sin no more dear..🫂🫂

  19. Such is life
    Don't beat yourself up
    As we grow older,we understand life better

  20. Good u know better now

  21. May God have mercy on us all and help us to do better.

  22. Time will humble you in this life

    I have also learnt my lessons, when i see these young ones acting up and doing anyhow, i say one thing "you gon learn someday"


  23. No need to beat yourself up about it. That's how life is, it will teach you.

  24. It's good you realize your past mistakes and correcting them. This life eh, eni ija o deba lonpe ara re lokunrin.

  25. That’s life for you. You think all is going good for you and those it’s not favoring must be doing something wrong. Thank God she has realized her mistakes.

  26. I don't know why in life people are naturally mean to those they are not related to.

    If you were married and your unmarried sister or relative were in their 30s and above, would you mock them?

    It doesn't have to happen to you before you show empathy. You only mock others because they are not your blood and not because you haven't experienced it.

    Even on the blog when people are trolled and castigated. You will see some blog visitors come out to laugh, sneer and jeer and I ask if the person being dragged was their blood would they behave the same? As long as you don't love your neighbours as yourself you won't fully learn.

    Fine, You may no longer judge unmarried ladies but what about another aspect of life that you haven't experienced and you may never experience yet others will? will you try to understand or judge them considering you only apologised in this instance because you are now affected? Must you experience a situation before you show kindness?

    Still, I commend you because it takes a very strong person with a healthy dose of self-esteem to admit they were wrong.

    Words on Marble.

  27. Happy you have experienced what others went through, you felt like a mini god back then. Welcome yo reality.


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