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Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 #wcw #womancrushwednesday #itsiiswhatitis #celebrate women.....

Good Morning..
May today be rewarding for everyone!
It is a beautiful day, woman do your thing and celebrate yourself
Have a good day!



  1. On the 1st of January this year, some of you prayed thus:
    "Oh God, please give me 1M Naira this year, to execute so and so project".
    The year is almost done, and you are still waiting for God to answer you. What you don't know, is that He already answered. How? He sent you the money in trickles - 50k, 100k, 200k, 450k, etc. Instead of saving these to make up your 1M, you 'chopped' it, and still anticipated the 1M in bulk.
    In 2024, I pray you are wiser. No be everytime money wey you want, go come in bulk. Sometimes, it comes in forms of little earnings. Chop small, save small.
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

  2. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.(phili.4:19)
    Beloved of God,fret not for the LORD our God has good plans for us and our family this season; plans to prosper us.
    We decree this morning, no harm will befall us nor any member of our family throughout this period and beyond in Jesus name 🙏.
    May he cloth us with his glorious riches and order our steps out of misfortune in Jesus name 🙏

  3. Abba Father Ekenedilichukwu 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

    #WCW 🥰🥰🥰

    I celebrate you Stella ❤️ Angel Koof 🩷 my mother inlaw 💜 Eka Joy ❤️ and all my soul sisters on and off here 🩷💖♥️❣️ y'all amazing 😍😍😍 I appreciate and I'm thankful for the gift of you ❤️💝❤️💝

    Much love 🩷💖💜♥️💛

    Namaste lovelies 🥰🥰🥰

  4. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord grant you a new experience of angelic ministrations for help and accelerated increase...

    May there be grace for outstanding accomplishments upon your efforts wherever you go...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and fulfilling day, I wish you!!!

  5. Good morning everyone. God bless your day. Amen .


    'I came so close to the edge.' Psalm 73:2 TLB

    If you'd met Asaph, who wrote some of the psalms, you'd probably have thought he hadn't a care in the world. But you'd have been wrong: 'I came so close to the edge of the cliff! My feet were slipping and I was almost gone.' Then at the end of the psalm he does a one-eighty, and writes, 'My health may fail, and my spirit grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever' (Psalm 73:26 NLT). Despite his problems, he chose to speak words of courage.

    When you have an opportunity to encourage someone, do it. You never know what a person is going through - that's true whether they live in a mansion or a mud hut. Here's an important principle to keep in mind: people tend to become what the most important people in their lives think of them! So, think the best, believe the best and express the best towards them. You say, 'But they need to stop making the same stupid mistakes!' Change happens by inches, not miles. Even when it seems simple, it's rarely easy.

    The only way we can break old habits is to form new ones, and that takes time and practise - lots of it. You can't tell people something once and expect them to get it; they need to hear it over and over before they can make the adjustment. And how you tell them can determine whether they freeze in fear or soar above the obstacles. Be persistent. Never give up trying to help them improve. Acknowledge every step of progress they make. The way to get lasting results is through patience, love and encouragement.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  7. If we doubt his ability to answer our prayers, why then do we pray?
    Have faith and believe in the power of the born King that all that your heart yearns for has been answered even as we await the manifestation.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we slept well? Me I couldn't sleep to be sincere, just trying to get over my lost phone and money. I sha know I will be alright.
    Thanks Mor, Saint Elsewhere phoenix, metoyou, Castle , Morayo and Dimplez for your concern yesterday. I really appreciate. May others who do not merit our sweat not rob us of the reward. Do have a productive day ahead.
    Stay safe.

    1. It's well... God will surprise you with double portion in Jesus name 🙏

    2. You are getting double blessing for your lost dear 😘❤️

    3. I'm so sorry for your ordeal,may the Lord restore all you lost speedily 🙌

    4. God will give you a miracle. Your phone and money lost will be compensated.

  8. If we doubt his ability to answer our prayers, why then do we pray?
    Have faith and believe in the power of the born King that all that your heart yearns for has been answered even as we await the manifestation.

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we slept well? Me I couldn't sleep to be sincere, just trying to get over my lost phone and money. I sha know I will be alright.
    Thanks Mor, Saint Elsewhere phoenix, metoyou, Castle , Morayo and Dimplez for your concern yesterday. I really appreciate. May others who do not merit our sweat not rob us of the reward. Do have a productive day ahead.
    Stay safe.

    1. Sorry for what happened to you yesterday 🤗
      It is well

    2. Sorry for what happened to you.
      May the Lord give you doubled for your lost.🙏

  9. I was just wondering,Is it not the same thing that Mercy Aigbe and Kazeem did,that Judy Austin and Yul did? After dragging them,everyone(the west)seems to have accepted Mercy and Kazeem own and moved on,So,why is Judy and Yul still being dragged at every slightest opportunity?

    it was Funke Akindele,I first heard was dropping her movie on the 15th in the cinema.Mercy Aigbe, coming out later to announce same date,was a subtle act to help boost her first cinema film.

    I don't support what Judy did but they have been dragged enough,as we enter the new year,let everyone face his or her own life and let God be the judge and the rewarder,that same energy you use in dragging them at every opportunity,put it to use in your life and see if your life will not have a turnaround in the coming year.

    Funke Akindele is my WCW.

    1. Mercy Aigbe's husband is a muslim and polygamy is allowed. The initial backlash Mercy got was as a result of her friendship with the man's wife. How can you even compare yul and Kazeem? Have you seen Kazeem try to disrespect his first wife in any way on the internet? Did you see him try to milk the situation in order to "cashout"? Yul and judy will continue to get dragged as long as they keep disgracing themselves on SM. You cant put out rubbish and expect people not to talk.

    2. What Mercy Aigbe did is even worse than what Judy did, Mercy Aigbe was a very good friend to Kazeem's wife, hers was betrayal. Judy was not friends with Yul's wife but the issue is, Kazeem is a Muslim and can marry more than one wife but Yul is imposing a second wife on May as a Christian.

    3. What exactly is your point? And who are you to advise grown ups,how to use their data?🙄🙄🙄

    4. Blogbrity my babyy ♥️♥️

  10. *WED, 3RD WEEK OF ADVENT, 20TH DEC. 2023. The virgin shall give birth to a Son who will be a manifestation of God's presence.This is what is proclaimed in d 1st reading (Is 7:10-14) & d Gospel (Lk 1:26-38) This is also what we celebrate in five days - d incarnation of God's presence in d birth of d Male Offspring of d Virgin Mary. Mary wasn't prepared for d Angel Gabriel’s message. She was not, & this is evident when she questioned d Angel Gabriel’s announcement. Despite her lack of preparation, she soon embraced it with all of her immaculate heart. When d Blessed Virgin Mary obeyed d will of God for her to be d mother of Jesus she sacrificed her own comfort & happiness for d will of God. The Blessed Mother put aside her own safety & honour so that she can honour d will of God & so that she can help bring salvation to all of humanity. Everyday God is challenging us to always be like Mary who embraced her role in d salvation history with faith, humility & obedience. How sincere is your love for God? Will you be willing to sacrifice something of yourself for God? May God help us to live a grace-filled life as Mary did by believing in His promises & by giving Him our unqualified 'yes' to His will & plan for our life. Amen. Good day & have a favour filled midweek!*

    Good morning and have a glorious day 🎉.

  11. A very fine morning to y'all on here.
    Hope you had a super sweet night rest?
    The harmattan is not that harsh for now.

    Idiomatic Expressions And Their Meanings
    Good for nothing- Be of no use, be wasted.

    A clog in wheel of progress- Stumbling block, debarred progress.

    Have a heart of gold- Be very kind, sympathetic.

    Have a heart of stone- Be very unkind, unfeeling.


  12. It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way.
    Be strong enough to be patient while you're waiting for your blessings to show up.

  13. Good morning ndioma. On the fifth day of Christmas

  14. Good morning bvs, I celebrate myself and every woman out there. Let's keep pushing


    Many say their is no GOD anywhere, some say their is but they believe that when you die, that is the end.

    Yes truly that is the end of you on earth but not the end of you on the other side. God created this world on a balance of two ways. Their is bad or good, right or wrong, etc. When you die you cease to exist in the physical world, you begin to see the spiritual world which is in existence before the physical was created.

    Your flesh dies, but your spirit lives on, it can never die. At that moment everything will begin to make sense to you. If peradventure you did not live a godly life, you will begin to regret it.

    Your soul will be raptured to hell where you will be tormented forever.

    A life without christ is crisis, a life without christ thirsts, while Christ satisfies the hunger and thirst of those who long after Him, the thirst of those without Him is unquenchable. They read books, seek knowledge, acquire wealth, tour the whole world, eat drink and merry yet the thirst is not quenched because Christ who is able to satisfy their thirst is missing, but when you are in christ you find out that you don't thirst for all these because you are satisfied with the ones God have given you.

    A Godly woman doesn't care about her looks, she is rather satisfied with keeping herself clean, neat and presentable. but a wordly woman would want to keep enhancing and changing so many things in her body till she is damaged and completely ruined.

    A life without christ is a life of darkness, a live outside him is a life of ignorance, you think you know it all, because you have the best certificate, houses cars, good business, job etc. But you are totally ignorant. A stark illiterate who knows God is superior to you, because you are only in pursuit of earthly things which will pass away.

    A life without Christ is a life of sadness, sorrow, zero peace. If you are living a life without Jesus, be truthful to urself, how happy are you, how satisfied are you, if your joy is weighed today, will it be 100percent. With all that you pursue daily and want to get or amass for yourself, does it give you satisfaction.

    Listen JESUS CHRIST wants you to free yourself of that burden and come to him. King Solomon went about enjoying, marrying and merrying to find satisfaction, yet nothing gave him peace like Jesus. That was when he declared that the pleasures of this world is vanity.

    In John 10:10 God is opening our eyes to see that devil has come to kill, to steal and destroy, but Jesus is here to give us life in abundance. One of the devilish strategies people of God is ignorant of is this beauty enhancement, the craze for surgery in this generation is too much, many are being slaughtered daily, many will end up with cancer and severe body impairment that will leave them damaged. The thirst for big boobs, booties, lips, six packs etc is nauseating. The side effects to the body is being downplayed in other to promote this evil lust. Many are ready to get their body worked on at all cost in other to garner so called confidence and attention which is foolishness in the sight of God.

    Ths pleasure of this world is nothing compared to the pleasure you will gain when you make it to Heaven.
    What ths devil is offering is chaff, but Jesus is giving us original.

    In Jeremiah 29:11, Jesus christ is promising us a good ending which is heaven. Grab the mighty right hand of God today which he is stretching towards you and let him draw you out of that pit of sin, before it becomes late.


    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  16. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    The Catholic Diocese of Ahiara Mbaise in Imo State, where am from, now has an indigenous Bishop, and that's what Mbaise people have been fighting over the years for an indigenous Bishop, and we have achieved that.
    Do you know Mbaise has the highest number of Catholic Priest in Africa? And somehow somehow they wanted to give us none indigenous Bishop, since after the death of Late Bishop Chikwe, I no say politics plenty for church but you see this one, D Mbaise nation's got it right this time around.
    God Bless You My Lordship and Bless the land of Mbaise.
    Have a nice day ahead guys one Love.

    1. Wow finally. That battle is over ten yrs based on my knowledge, I'm not Catholic but I heard from my people.
      So you are my brother?

    2. Congratulations to Mba 5 🥳🎉 anytime I'm in Mba 5,I attend Elekonwasi not sure of the spelling tho


  17. It's eleven years of God's faithfulness in my marriage💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 💃💃💃💃. Some people say that Yoruba men are not husband materials, maybe because of their experience with the ones they've come in contact with. But I am bold to say that God blessed me with the most amazing Yoruba man I have ever known. Una no go understand, but na me know wetin I de yarn so. Truly, marriage is just too SWEET when you're married to your best friend. Happy wedding anniversary to me and mine.

    Oluwa mi, mo dupe 🙌

    1. Happy anniversary Morayo,many more years in good health,love and prosperity 🎊🎉

    2. Congratulations, happy anniversary to you and your hubby.

    3. Happy wedding anniversary Iyawo, God will continue to bless your home

    4. Happy wedding anniversary morayo, More of God's amazing blessings upon you and yours.

    5. Happy wedding anniversary to you dear. Continual God blessings I wish you.

    6. Awwwh my dear. Marriage is sweet when you married your best friend.
      Happy wedding anniversary sis.
      Your home is blessed in Jesus name 🙏

    7. Happy marriage anniversary Morayo

    8. Happy anniversary 🥰🥰

    9. Congratulations dear sister. Marriage nor be moimoi. God bless your home. Una go celebrate 80yrs anniversary. 🙏

    10. Awwwww!!!
      Congratulations 🍾🥂nwanne m ❤💖💕💞
      May God continue to bless your home..

    11. God will continue to bless and strengthen your union. Happy Wedding Anniversary to you, and your hubby.

    12. Happy wedding anniversary. You both shall grow old on one pillow.

    13. Happy wedding anniversary sis
      May God continually bless your union

    14. Congratulations to you and yours 🎉💃🥳🎊🎈 more blissful years 🎈

    15. Congratulations happy wedding anniversary I wish you many more years together in good health, peace and harmony Amen

    16. Congratulations beautiful 😘😘😘

    17. Happy anniversary to you and yours. Cheers 🥂 to more blissful years ahead.

    18. Happy Anniversary Morayo

    19. May your marriage remain sweet.
      Happy wedding anniversary.🎉🎉🎉🎈🎈🥳🥳😘😘💙💙🥂🥂

    20. Happy anniversary to you and yours

    21. Happy wedding anniversary to you..may your home continue to flourish and may peace continue to dwell in your home..

    22. Happy wedding anniversary 🎊🎉

  18. Bv Dollagodess, Jehova overDo will put a smile on your face.. You and your sister shall rejoice with your babies in Jesus name amen.

    Thank you everyone that rejoiced with me, Celebration shall be your portion this season and beyond in Jesus name amen. 💜 🥂

  19. Hello;Free movie streaming app for Christmas enjoyment😊

    1) Go to your CHROME browser,open a new TAB and search for ONSTREAM

    2) Follow(open) the first link which has ONSTREAM dot SO with a green colour logo and S icon in-between

    3) Scroll down to the bottom of the page,you would see two options,one says ONSTREAM FOR ANDROID TV,while the Other is ONSTREAM FOR ANDROID,choose the android if you are using a phone..

    There is a recommended video player,but I choose the first which is the ONSTREAM app option..

    That's all,search for any videos and stream for free...

    Hope this helps;merry Christmas my SDK family 🥰


    1. Morning bros.. which country u dey now. Make u give us clue on how to japa

    2. See who's here 💃💃💃💃🤸🤸🤸

    3. Thanks for this "Abroadian". 😊

    4. Yes I have this app on my android TV, endless streaming of new your data go hear am..howdy Nwoke Oma?

    5. Your own no go ever spoil, our Abroadian Martins 🙏. I don see where I go chill this period 💃

    6. Merry Christmas in advance, nwoke oma.

    7. Thanks for sharing.
      God bless you.🙏

  20. WCW

    I celebrate you all good women here. You guys rock.

    So a question was asked yesterday on a Facebook page if women make promises when enjoying a good knack and guys should give example of those promises if there is any.

    The responses I read threw me on the floor.

    One guy said, My woman will be screaming ''Baby it's all yours. Have it. I will keep it for you alone. No one will ever have it.'' 😂😂

    I laughed tired with all the funny comments till my belle began dancing. Just few minutes enjoyment oo and someone's daughter is already making a vow.

    1. Pls it's too early for this nonsense.grow up

    2. Idiot, I have relegated you to anon mode. If them born you well use that your stinky ID make I roast you give your people.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣
      If you even hear Men own 🤣🤣🤣

    4. Teejay, the imp knows it will be roasted like a goat 🐐. Never seen a more cowardly rat in my entire life

  21. Candy, I read such chronicle from a lady in a group I belong on FB.. She gets paid by the husband every month to stay at home and just take care of the family but no freedom of association. No friends nor family social gathering. She is feed up already..

    People were wishing to be in her position and telling her to stay put since no DV from the husband. She told them that money is not everything.

    1. My dear, it can never work.

    2. Make the man kuma sew blue wear join for her nau. Aye radarada

  22. December periods phcn used to be stable, I don't understand this year own. They will bring the light for just few hours. Na wa.

    Have a good day people.

    1. Hope you feel better today? It's well with you Sweetheart 🤗🤗♥️

  23. Good morning everyone 🎉
    Crushing on everyone here.

  24. Paree... The most gorgeous 😘
    Phoenix... Daa, Anwuchuloo 😘
    IJ PH... That your prayer for me enter wella, you are in the spirit 😘
    Lane Minder... You have a good head on your shoulder, keep it up, thank you 😘
    And to all my beautiful hard working Soul Sisters... GOD bless us all 🙏
    Good morning!

  25. Amen, I celebrate myself and all female blog visitors .

  26. Hello dear friends; finally my big day has been set after a long wait and contemplating and that it is no longer a secret. I feel that we are family and i must include you.
    We have been together in this group for a long time. Its a good chance to get to meet and know each other. I am soo soo happy
    Therefore, I wish to invite you all on Saturday, date 23/12/2023 to come and witness me as i walk down the forest to collect firewood to use for Christmas day. Come one!! Come all!!

    Good morning blogfams💝💜💟💞💕💖💙❤💗😍😘

  27. Amen to your prayers Stella....

    How una dey for this angle now? Christmas is knocking at the door bayii. Please, don't stress yourself because you want to satisfy anyone. Anything you have, give out, it na garri and epa, we are still giving na ni.

    No do pass yourself make you no go regret am..

    I don tell anyone wey wan come greet me for house say na shop I go dey and if you meet me for house, na Indomie and one egg I go cook for you. I can't stress myself.

    Ire oooo

  28. I am saying it again that the igbos are majorly responsible for the fake products thingy.
    I said it yesterday and y'all were insinuating that I went anon to ask a question that I answered myself.
    So y'all aren't just fake but liars too that accuse one falsely?
    Why would I even go anon to say whatever I want to say when I have an ID?
    Y'all need to step up your game(s) cause you are obviously not the saints plus victims you are painting yourselves to be.
    Stop killing Nigerians with your fake products from cemetery road/factory, Abia factories et al.
    Easy peasy stuff.
    T for thanks.

    1. You are not wrong..
      But why are you not also stating your facts on who are majorly responsible for kidnapping in the country?
      Yea, exactly, that's the hypocrisy and gaslighting you're being dragged for..
      Now get out of here

    2. Oga I hope the same energy you apply when it concerns the Igbo's you do in developing yourself, if martins senior you e no too senior you. That is what a focused young man looks like. don't waste all your years hating and by the time you realize it it becomes too late.

    3. We are on fake products that's the forte of Igbos for now and not kidnapping et al
      I am pretty sure when that time comes, I sure will chip in something
      It's fake products only for now
      I ain't a hypocrite and keeping quiet is not allowed where I am at

    4. This is not about hate @Anon
      I am saying the bitter truth that's getting you asphyxiated
      You needn't come here to compare me to anybody
      Not everybody is japa hungry
      Stop sounding like a broken record
      Be courageous next time to use your ID
      I guess I struck a nerve right? You are one of those that go about to accuse one falsely
      Pele nwanne/nwanyioma

    5. Even though, even though the handwriting says otherwise 🤔🙂. Sha dey rest 🤦‍♂️
      By the way, if Stella wan do blog award this year, 'most changed blog ID to anonymous' must be included puh lease 🤲. T for tenks

    6. But we know your hand writing we know you go anon I just pity people around you

  29. He Wants You Well!!
    Acts 10:38.


    "It has never been God’s will for anyone to be sick or afflicted with diseases and pains. Rather, He wants all men well."

    "His desire is clearly stated. He says, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." Think about that! He wants you to prosper, and that refers to material and financial prosperity, and also be in health, which is the physical prosperity or wellbeing of your body—your health."

    "So stay in God’s Word; meditate on it and you’ll always live in health, for God’s Word is medicine—health for the physical body: “My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man's whole body” (Proverbs 4:20-22 NIV)."


    I declare that sickness, disease, infirmity, weakness and pain have no place in my body. I walk in perfect health always, for the spirit that raised up Christ from the dead vitalizes, energizes and strengthens me through and through, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Isaiah 33:24; Psalm 103:1-3; Romans 8:10-11 ESV.

  30. Someone I know sent me a message that he hasn't eaten since three days and that I should help with whatever I can give. While I don't doubt the fact that he may not have eaten or he's having a tough time, I was wondering how you suddenly send such message to someone you haven't spoken with for a long time. But still, things can turn around and one can do things they never expected. The one that now shocked me was him referring to me as mummy 😳. As in good morning mummy, how are you doing ma.😏

    1. Maybe it is the hunger that made him to remember you.

    2. I have gotten such message severally. The truth is that, people are truly suffering at this time. There was a time I didn't eat for a full day. I won't lie to you. I was so broke and decided to stay indoor.

      So when someone says they haven't eaten for days, I won't doubt them.

      I know people I have gotten food for while eating at the restaurant. You will just see a young man or woman walk into a restaurant and sit beside you only to whisper to you to get them food to eat.

      It hasn't been this bad and I pray we survive.

    3. Truth to be told, I don't like to help such people. You don't text or call, and then out of nowhere you "suddenly" remember me and send that kind text ba. Naaaa.

  31. Go for hangouts? Its just my schedule! 🙄
    Connect with friends? Mbah! 😢
    Go enjoy for parties? Lai Lai! ❌️
    Go to the movies? I can download them nah 😜
    Post pictures on status? Osim introvert! 🙌
    Reply to messages? Fingers get headache 🤐
    Social media profile picture has used 1st and 2nd political tenures 🙆‍♂️
    Yet the 4 people dragging for your love ❤️ is your bed, food, phone, and sub 😂 nobody is coming to break your door to marry you..
    Do head like palm kernel dey smile there 😃 ,Christmas is here go out and flex ooo ....

    1. Talk to me directly. Intorvert life is so boring mehn but I still like it for peace of mind

    2. Kukuma put my name there. The only difference is that I meet people in my day to day business.

  32. Crushing on all the amazing women of SDK ville ❤️🌹💋

  33. Good morning
    May today be truly blessed for us

  34. Good morning everyone 💞

  35. Teejay is an attention seeker. He has been doing everything for his name to feature in Sunday boulevard but Oyingate keeps ignoring him 🤣🤣🤣
    Eka Joy is an attention seeker, she always wants bvs to come under her and praise her or agree with her, so she steers up stories and dramas for this reason. All of you will be fine

    1. That's why I applauded Shyla, the day she gave her own. Most will hide with their Ids. She can fab stories and it's only her that her story is true. Living in her imagination. I pity hmmmmmmm her "patina".
      TJ another pick me.
      Another pick me then was "Casu🏯 before her gossip with TJ got bursted, then her era of sweetheart ended.
      Aboooky is another venor but got bursted too.
      All of them yesterday, I was just laughing at them.
      Oyin ignore them jare, I celebrate them and pray they are honest about themselves one day.

    2. And you are what exactly with this comment of yours??

  36. A fine morning blogfam🎄🎅
    5 days to Christmas
    Crushing on all wonderful women including myself that keep doing their best despite the odds.
    May God crown all our efforts with outstanding success and reward every labour of love.You are appreciated.
    Have a blissful day ahead,one love❤❤❤

  37. Omo, this economy no funny oh.. I have decided to 'cut cost of governance' like my Daddy, Peter Obi advice..
    That's why instead of travelling to attend these weddings, I would rather send support and rest, but I'm giving them serious warnings, if they're not sure they'll live with the ogbanje they choose to wife for life, they should better not accept my support cos if they separate, they'll refund my money with interest,. na me know wetin I dey suffer for these support wey I dey send so, I won't suffer all these finish for you guys to marry and separate, marriage isn't by force🙄
    The only one wey dey pain me small na my gee wey both him and him bride dey come from UK come marry for South East and they even add me as grooms man, who know whether na there I for meet my own ogbanje,. Tinubu you do this one sha..

    Na this my colleague wey won do him pikin naming ceremony I still dey consider how I go do am, whether make I cut cost and send only support as him Don dey tell me say him son like money🙄, but I'm also thinking of the foods and drinks that'll yapa there as na Yoruba boy wey dey represent Lol.. but his place is at the outskirts of town, e go chop me better fuel.. make I still dey reason am sha🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

    Las Las, na this Christmas I go start my vegetarian lifestyle as God willed it from the beginning and as Christ taught (argue with yourself)..

    If I talk now, them go say I dey swear for the government and their supporters.. but no wahala sha

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Follow your heart...
      Good morning DANTE

    2. Use public transport. That is one big way to save money and protect the environment/atmosphere

    3. Come down to the South East, I'm waiting for you here.

  38. Cow - 700k
    Goat - 80k
    Pig - 120k
    Chicken - 15k
    Vulture - 3k

    Spend wsely

    I say make I give una update...

  39. Greetings to all the resilient great women on this blog. God no go shame us.

  40. My very good friend from university has been battling with cancer and she was doing well,infact she beat it at stage three.

    I make sure to check up on her every month unfailingly, why her messages are not delivering this month is what I can't fathom.I am so restless.Chatted her on IG,no response. Called her personal line,switched off.Business line,no one picking. I don't have her hubby's number. I just pray she is fine and her baby girl. God please protect my friend.🙏

    Good morning SDKville Fam 💐💐

    1. I hope she's ok,and if there's a way you can go see her, pls do.

  41. Good morning everyone 🥰🥰🥰

    I am worthy of abundance and prosperity
    I attract wealth and success in all areas of my life.
    I am magnet for wealth and prosperity.
    Today is a delightful day, money will come to me in expected and unexpected ways.
    The Universe is on my side.

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday to the bubbly, intelligent and tenacious women on here. Remember you and only you hold the key to your happiness. Just keep doing "YOU" best. No one can do it better.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

    1. Good morning dear🤗🤗. I have affirmations written on my bathroom mirror and fridge.

  42. Good morning Bvs
    Celebrating myself cos I don't know how I survived this year,na God.
    I am also celebrating every woman here may God come through for us.

  43. This Power People be killing person Joy. 3Days straight and Counting no light. It is well with them o..

    Please what do I make of this My blog famZ...
    The Beautiful White Tee shirt one of my parents gifted Me. Infact the same top I wore and sent in My Pix on IHN Wednesday is Missing. I washed and spread on the Line . We are just three People using this line. The two women all claimed they saw it on the line, sooooo Who Mistakenly carried it in naaaa? My clothes has never gone Missing before. and I doubt it's any stranger from outside.
    I need answers pls 🙏🏻

    Kisses To Every Woman On SDK, especially You Jewelu for your biiiiiiig ❤️
    Eka Joy, I heart you Sis 💕
    Glam Granny 💕💕
    Angel Koof 🙌🏻 More Blessings

    Blissful day Beautiful day ahead 💕💕💕

  44. How do I sleep 7hours as an adult ooo, I always hear " take 7hours sleep" but in my own case I will ho to bed by 11pm wake up at 2 or 3 to use the toilet and won't be able to sleep again. God help me ooo

    1. This is soo me. So what I do is,I try not to take a lot of fluid at night, that way I won't get up to pee. And if I get up to pee,I just listen to music and go back to sleep.

  45. Countdown to Christmas 🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸

    Good morning everyone 🥰

  46. Good morning my beautiful BVs and Stella Dimokokurkus with all the blog Angels

    May the blessings that come with the birth of our lord Jesus Christ be with us all in Jesus mighty name I prayed Amen

  47. I always hear 7hours sleep as an adult is good but in my own case! I will go to bed by 11pm and wake up at 2 or 3 to use the toilet and that's it, no more sleep. How do I achieve the 7hours then? Adult life ehh

  48. Christmas is already upon us 💃💃💃💃🤸🤸🤸🤸🤸
    Harmattan don go ooo

    Good Morning Everyone 💕 💖 💞 🙏


    Brb ✌🏻 ✌🏻

    1. Harmattan has left you 😂😂

  49. Good morning mothers in the house. Please I want to know if Peak 123 is also as good as NAN. My baby is 6 months plus and I wish to change to Peak 123 cos the price of this NAN want to tear my neck. I want to know how good it is too. Thanks.

    1. Peak 1,2,3 is for 1year and above
      There is peak 0-12 for newborn to 12months or you buy MyBoy,it's 0-12months too and affordable.

    2. Peak 123 is very good. Pls go ahead and buy it.

  50. I bought baked beans two days back. I want yesterday evening and bought another one from the same shop. I wanted to use them this morning and found out two of them are different. One has a lighter shade to the other. The seal on both are different, the taste and texture
    are different too. I went to a near by big supermarket to buy another one now because I have a small party and I don't want to serve people poison in the name of salad..lo and behold this too is different. Just confused. Which one is original and which one is fak. Where are all the regulatory bodies in Nigeria. Same thing happened months back I bought 25kg mama gold rice. I can't explain what they repackage inside. The rice turns to water few minutes after you put it on fire. Go to our hospitals and see how people crowd like market place. God we dey your hand.

  51. Good morning fam harmattan that flips hair and struts away our post ,your attetion is highly needed you cant just appear for two days and disappear.
    Have a good day everyone

  52. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday. Thank you Jesus,You're awe-inspiring 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  53. Last night, I watched 'Breath of life.' I'll give my review after I watch it a second time. It's worth a second viewing. Have a wonderful day, beautiful people.

  54. Little is much when God is in it,God first,God over all ,God is everything and God is all we need to survive the test of time(Matt 6:33)........... Josaria

  55. Good morning and happy WCW to all the beautiful and amazing women out there
    HWA mo boo. May God preserve your home and many more beautiful anniversaries to come

  56. Goodmorning Stella,Goodmorning Beevees. Shyla i trust You and Your Family are holding up Well.Regards to Your Mom.


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