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Thursday, December 14, 2023


 Hailings #awesomethursday

Today is freestyle day...
Please send in your Chronicles because the folder don get half past 10 eyes....
I hope the day has been good to you? What is this I am hearing about so many people in Naija sick with COVID symptoms and calling it Malaria? Please guys takecare of yourself ooooooooooooo

Straight to bizness.....
The remaining ten names for the business giveaway are as follows....I will select the rest today and post tomorrow Friday

-Slim Shaddy
-Miss Ess
-Golden tulip

God bless everyones hustle....
Wait let me ask....Why is it that in Indian series or movies, there is a lot of Domestic violence? its as if its not a big deal with them....I watched one movie that slaps were just flying and no one cried domestic violence.....Until the end na so so slap.........


BV Benycoco messaged me on Instagram and says she lost her sister yesterday and wont be commenting for a while... I asked her what happened and she said that her sister was posioned.....She attached a photo that has spoilt my day..its if a rotten leg and says her sister stepped on Juju.......
I am like in shock...
Please take your time to recover if its what you want but know that you can become depressed if you isolate yourself....
Godspeed healing is all i wish you...



  1. Una happy harmattan o
    We welcome IHN

      Congratulations 👏

    2. Take heart Bv Benny, may God comfort your family at thos trying time and may the person responsible never know peace. Rest on Sis

    3. IHN IS HERE

      Good afternoon everyone..
      Congratulations to all the business giveaway recipients.

      My condolences to your family @ bv Benycoco

    4. Congratulations 👏🎉

  2. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen

    1. Congratulations to the giveaway recipients.
      So sorry for your loss bv Benycoco,may your sister's soul rest in peace.

    2. So sorry for your loss bv Benycoco, may God console you. Congratulations to the selected BVs. Praying to be lucky one day.

  3. Divine Health Confessions!!

    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me and in me; the Almighty God has breathed life into me; as a result, I carry God in me wherever I go. Wherever I am, I perform miracles by His mighty power; I heal the sick and raise the dead, and nothing is impossible to me.


  5. Holla lovelies 🩷🩵

    I wanna gonna dem don land oh 🤣😂🤣😂 but dem no no see me ! Story plenty

    Nons miraj is doing the Lord's work this December by gifting and changing the lives of unknown person's across lasgidi...what a kind gesture,God bless her 🙌🙌 see how money changes the lucky ones so far, money is a defense! I have seen 3 videos so far,she's picking 10 people to better their lives

    Going to any market now is not for the faint-hearted 🙆🙆 aside the skyrocketed prices of goods,the mammoth crowd is unbelievable 😲😲

    Congratulations @Martins🎉🎊 God's favor upon you 🙌

    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients 🥳🎉 God bless you richly Stella and angel Koof 🙌

    Ciao 🥰🥰

    1. I swear, this is the season, gonna wanna fuck fuck😁😄

    2. Good afternoon beautiful,its the mammoth crowd ni oooo

    3. Yes she is doing a great job, so far I have seen like two videos, her beneficiaries are mostly the vulnerable.

    4. Good afternoon beautiful paree 😘

      Congratulations to Martins

  6. IN HOUSE NEWS Don show ☀️☀️☀️

  7. Sunny Afternoon 🌞

    Good afternoon everyone 🥰🥰

  8. Why do pastors' make it look as if their job is the most difficult job on earth? Why do they act as if their job is the most tasking?
    Every job on earth has it's peculiarities and it's difficulties,no job is easy.
    I know a lady who is a teacher,she comes back home, almost everyday with headache from shouting, teaching ain't easy, sometimes u have got to shout your brains out before the children can actually 'hear you '😂. We have those who are engineers, architect,market women who stay in the market from morning till evening, sometimes under the sun.We have drivers who are hardly at home with their family,they are always on the road. We have those who carry blocks and sands on their head,we have the barrow pushers,under rain ,under sun etc. The job of a pastor is important because it helps to remind us of who we are,so we don't get lost in this cat and rat chase,that seems to have no helps remind us,that it doesn't all end here,it helps remind us of the life beyond etc but surely,not the most tasking or demanding, except you are a pastor who wants to play God by making people believe you are the solution to their problems,then you have put on yourself a burden bigger than you.If anything at all, the job of a pastor allows more 'rest' than any other profession.
    There is a pastor who lives in my yard,who hardly comes for meetings in the compound whenever there is one, instead he sends the teenagers who he is using as his 'boys' to represent him, with the excuse that he is tired,he just returned an hour ago or 15mins ago and needs to rest.And I have never been able to fathom it,I mean I don't get it.Most of us go to work everyday and returns in the evening,tired and exhausted,yet we still come out whenever there is things like this.The man of God is mostly at home all the time , ministrations ain't everyday, sometimes he goes out like 2 or 3 times in a week, except on days,they are organising special programmes or he is being invited somewhere else, that's when you hardly see him at home.And he can't come to compound meetings,simply bcos he just returned from ministering and to think,the next day,he will probably be at home all through,if it is by being tired,then none of us would come out for these meetings.Most of us are out there every single day of life hustling, and you that yours doesn't require 'everyday' wants me to believe that yours is the most difficult.I really don't understand it.
    Most of are tired in the evenings yet we still try to to attend evening services,so the kingdom of God keeps advancing and gathering of the brethren isn't forsaken.Yet is like Pastors don't understand that we are all really making sacrifices to keep balance in our lives. What do you guys think? Or is theirs the most difficult ?Am I missing something?

    1. Taxing not Tasking. Na Vicky talk am oo

    2. Some people get tired easily not because they are working harder than others. That's how their is.

    3. Their tiredness is spiritual which requires scerenity to boast.

    4. He is tired not because he is a pastor. That is his kind of person. Everyone does not function the same way.

  9. Oh my! Thank you so much Stella! I am super grateful and I appreciate

  10. Even if I lose my memory, I no fit forget this year.
    So sorry for your loss Bv Benycoco

    1. If you can't afford NEW CLOTHES, wear the o ones you already have. It's JESUS' birthday and not yours. You mustn't 'out dress' the celebrant.
    2. If you can't afford the kind of FOOD you want, eat what you have and move on. If you don't tell people what you ate, no one knows. 'belle no get show glass'.
    3. If you don't have the means to TRAVEL, stay where you are. JESUS wasn't born in your village afterall. And your village isn't the appointed place for His birthday celebration either. Any villager who is desperately bent on seeing you, should come look for you where you are.
    Of all the things he said, "Do in remembrance of me", CHRISTMAS wasn't one of them.
    Take life easy and don't stress yourself.

    Good afternoon to you all

  12. BV Benycoco, so sorry for your loss. May her soul find rest. May God comfort you and your family, and whoever is responsible for it will not experience peace. 🤗🤗. Congrats to the giveaway recipients. God bless the givers.

    1. Benycoco sorry for the death of your sister, may her soul rest in peace amen.

  13. Good afternoon everyone
    The weather is very very hot now.




    MEMORISE: As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Romans 9:13

    READ: Romans 9:10-16

    10 And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac;

    11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)

    12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.

    13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.

    14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.

    15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

    16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.


    When you look at the Apostles of the Lord, you will see that there were twelve of them, but there were three in the inner circle and there was one who was called 'The Beloved'. The three in the inner circle were the favourites of Jesus Christ and He took them with Him everywhere He went. When He was going to Jairus' house, He had all the twelve disciples with Him, but it was only those three who He took into the room (Mark 5:35-42). Peter, James and John saw His power; they saw Him raise the little girl from death while others only heard about it. Jesus revealed the identity of the disciple who would betray Him because John whom He loved specially asked Him (John 13: 23-26).

    Why did the Lord have a special inner circle amongst His disciples and why did He love one of them specially? Well, the simple answer is that God has favourites.

    Many people say that God has no favourites. This is not true. The question you should be asking therefore is, "How do l become one of His favourites?" When you read Romans 9:11-16, the Bible says a woman was pregnant with a set of twins. Before they were born, God said the elder would serve the younger, that He loved one and hated the other, even when they were not yet born. He said He would have mercy on whom He would have mercy and compassion on whom He would have compassion. He said it is not of him that will a thing or of him that runs, but of the Lord who shows mercy.

    In Acts 10:34-35, the Bible says:

    Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth l perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with Him.

    This passage makes me see clearly that God looks out for certain things in people before He makes them His favourites. I took a close look at Peter, James and John - Jesus' inner circle. Peter and John especially, because it wasn't long after Jesus' Ascension that James was killed.

    I will share what l learnt from these two with you in the next two days.

    Father, even if you will only pick one person as Your favorite, please let it be me.

  15. My condolences @ Bennycoco
    May GOD rest her soul 🕊️

  16. Good afternoon everyone,

    Sorry for your lost bv benycoco, May the Lord console your family and rest the soul of your Sister.

  17. Good afternoon Bvs
    May God comfort your family@Benycoco☹

  18. Kai! So sorry about your lost BV Bencoco.
    Good afternoon everyone 💕

  19. So sorry for your loss Benycoco. May the soul of your sister rest in peace.

  20. May the soul of benycoco sister rest in peace 🙏

  21. Good afternoon Stella and my fellow sdk family member, so sorry for BV bennycoco sister's death, may God comfort hear

  22. Sorry for your loss bv Benycoco

  23. Bv Bennycoco so sorry on the loss of you sister may her soul rest in peace amen,please take heart the Lord will comfort you 🙏

  24. Omg! Sorry sorry about your sis bv Bennycoco. May God comfort you and your family.

    Lovely afternoon to y'all 🌺

  25. Congratulations Starr darling 😍😍

    Congratulations to all the recipients.

    God bless you Stella and Angel koof 🙏

  26. Good afternoon sdkville and SDK, someone came to ask me where to get COVID vaccine yesterday, and I directed him. Nigerians are very good at self medication, not blaming anyone though. Hospitals are expensive because not everyone has a well paying job or business.
    Good health I wish everyone in the house.

    1. People have resumed wearing facemask here

  27. Congratulations Martin on your relocation.ije gi ga abu ije mmiri.Success in Jesus name.

  28. Hello everyone in the house, welcome ihn, I bought some attachments for my Ghana weaving tomorrow Omo attachment don really cost oo, na big person they make hair now na wa.

    1. I don go charter Yeye wool. They said it is good. I will use it for simple twisting.

      Congratulations on your jaja dear Martins. The new place will favour you.

  29. Good afternoon everyone
    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients.
    Sorry for your loss BV that lost her sister


  30. Bennycoco so sorry for your loss.
    Congratulations to the recipients.

  31. Good afternoon blogfam.
    These guys mean business o. A foodstuff shop on my street was boggled yesterday night of several bags of rice and beans, you need to see the owner rolling on the floor crying, even the vigilante was shot dead. May God protect us this season.

    1. Imagine taking someone's life and someone source of income, hunger in the land, small robberies are taking over at my place too

  32. Pls accept my condolences bv benycoco. May the holy Spirit comfort you and your family in Jesus name 🙏

  33. So sorry for your loss Bv Benycoco. My condolences and may your sister soul RIP. 💔

  34. good dry afternoon B&G!!!!?
    how are you doing.
    sorry bennycoco

  35. Bv Benycoco so sorry for your loss.

    Martins congrats on your relocation, may the land favor you. I am suppose to write chronicles of naija hospital. My eyes have seeeeen

    1. Martins don relocate??? Jesus igweeeeeeeeeee 💃💃💃💃💃💃
      Nwannem o, I'm very happy for you. This was indeed a good year.

    2. Wow
      Congratulations Martins..May u find favour in your new place of abode

  36. IHN is hereeee💃💃💃💃💃 Stella Thank you thank you thank you so much🙏 you are indeed a God sent... Chai, am just speechless

  37. Good afternoon my people.
    So sorry BV Beyonce on your sister's demise. May her soul rest in peace. Congratulations to all the giveaway recepients. Sign out meme is the truth.

  38. Soooo sorry BV Benycoco May your sister’s soul rest in peace and whoever poisoned her will forever be in pain and know no peace for taking a life they didn’t create.

  39. Chai Stella i can see my name up there, you have really made me so happy by choosing me, a stranger like me💃💃💃..
    Our Angel, all the Angels in this blog, you guys rock. Thank you so much!
    Good afternoon everyone

  40. Happy IHN and merry Christmas in advance.
    My condolence to the BV that lost her sis. May God console you and family Amen. It is well.

  41. So sorry Bv Benycoco.
    God will grant your sister eternal rest and may her soul find peace with her maker.Amen.

    Be strong.God will heal your heart.

    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day everyone.

  42. Good afternoon
    My condolences@bv benycoco,may she rest in peace
    God will come through for you
    He's never late.

  43. Congratulations to the Giveaway Recipients. Merry Christmas to you all

  44. And one of my customers came to ask me if I can cope with doing foodstuff business as against my previous medicine 💊 seller business.She said I look too ajebutter for the business.

    My sister if you are reading this,just know that I have plenty mouth to feed and one source of income is not very sustainable in Naija hence my quest for something new.
    We don't sit at a place to watch

  45. Good day beautiful people. Congratulations Martins, may the new land favour you. Miracle can still happen to someone here before the year runs out, He's an awesome God.

    Yesterday I passed my bus stop because I was reading the blog and trying to catch up on old posts. Naso bus carry me pass my bus stop, SDK addiction is dealing with me. I don't think I've learnt my lesson yet, I'll still open the blog as soon as I get on the bus tonight
    The streets are well decorated. Have a beautiful day everyone 🥰🥰

    1. Hello Beautiful...
      Compliment of the season...
      Ije gi nile ga abu IJE DI MMA!

    2. Amen to your first paragraph.
      Compliments of the season Ij baby 😘💕💓

    3. Stella blog is very addicting.

  46. Bv Eka joy.. Take everyday pills to normalize your cycle. That's the antidote for when the implant messe up your cycle. Learnt from the Matron at the clinic. Worked for me.

    1. I think I will try this first. How long do I need to take this and how long before the bleeding should stop

  47. Milkshakes please why did you stop posting Remo omokris writeup now.abi stella ask you to stop?nobody should determine what will be posted here now. If you don't like someone just jump n pass anything they post.some of us actually read and learn from some of these writeup.

    1. The owner of the blog asked me to stop after they cried wolf
      I wouldn't have ordinarily na trust me
      I love how bitter and threatened people are always crying on here
      What haven't they said to me on the other blog?
      I always do me and keep them crying the more
      Congrats @Martins
      I didn't even see your post on SP earlier on

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3. The owner of the blog doesn't have a name ba? Rude, disrespectful lout 🤮

  48. Good afternoon everyone.

  49. Sorry Bv Bennycoco,May theLord comfort you and yours at this time.
    May her soul rest in peace.

  50. Sorry bennycoco.may she find rest .pls ,be comforted

  51. Welcome IHN...
    Harmattan has helped my washed clothes to dry fast, thank you Harmattan. You even added starch on the clothes.. Weldon oo😆

  52. Accept my condolences Benycoco
    May God rest her soul.
    It is well 🤗

  53. When I settle all my gbese,I will employ someone to man the shop for me.

    1. You never start, shey you took someone else's money to run your business. Alright

  54. E dey play e dey show!

    When we talk, people feel we don't know much about the system. I will refrain from saying much but just a few. Twelve out of the 27 law makers are begging to return back to PDP.
    It's too late. They know the game is up for them.

    They shot themselves already.

    AGF resigned to protect himself from being sacked.

    I loved what Femi Falana said about the defectors losing their seat already. You can only defect if a party is having problem. But there was no crisis in the party and they defected.

  55. Safe to say Iyabo Ojo is the most hated celebrity in Naija 2023 after Yul Edochie.
    Well, she had it coming after all that drama on RHOL
    Who's the most liked? *Racks brain*

    Errmm , Where is Belinda Effah? There was a time she would appear in 90% Hollywood movie, I think Nancy Isime replaced her.
    Omo, the game is not for the faint hearted.

    Good afternoon y'all.

    Iya Nimi.

  56. Pls ma stella remember in ur kingdom,in bussiness givaway,i love you so much

    1. Lol @Fidel

    2. 😂😂😂 e say na I love you so much 😂😂 wetin giveaway go cause.
      So suddenly you realize you love Stella so much.

    3. You love her cos of what you stand to gain. You won't get a dime, I promise you that

  57. Sorry for your loss bv Bennycoco,I pray God almighty give your family the fortitude to bear this great loss. So sorry dear.
    I dust that comes with this weather na go mate. Good afternoon house.


  58. Good Afternoon Neighbour's 💕💕💖❤

    1. Onichabor Christopher14 December 2023 at 14:31

      Good day bvs, howz the day dey go, pls I am in need of the giveaway money, I want support my bedsheets business. I have not collected anything before. Pls look my side

    2. Onichabor Christopher14 December 2023 at 14:40

      Bennycoco, so sorry for your loss. Pls accept my condolences. It is well my dear sister

  59. BV Benycoco sorry for the loss. May God grant your sister eternal rest and grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss.

  60. Stella I own a provision shop. I'd appreciate it if I'm being considered.


  61. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. My condolences Benycoco. Eternal rest for your sister 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  62. This harmattan is finishing me here.

    1. BV Benycoco what your sister stepped on is called achiere in my place. They said it can't be treated with English medicine and the sickness forbids injection; that is; injecting her will cause more problems to her condition. (I don't know, that's what I hear in this place)

      There are people who treats it with ease in a local way here.

    2. Oh, she is late already? So sorry about that BV Benycoco

  63. Sorry for your loss, bv benycoco. May her soul rest in peace. Congratulations to Martins on your relocation, may Europe favour you. Good afternoon everyone.
    Special good afternoon to Shooter Gyal😂🤣. The greetings this morning choke.
    Una stay blessed

    1. 😄 shooter is a sweet girl with a touch of madness.

  64. Accept my condolence, Benny. May her soul rest in peace.

  65. This weather nawa o.mehn.oha n cow tail on my mind!

  66. Are you striving or are you abiding? There are plenty of opportunities to strive. We can all live worried, stressed, trying to fix everything in our own strength. But that’s overwhelming. Come back to a place of peace. The Scripture says, “Your Father knows what you need.” He knows what you’re facing. He knows the dreams He’s placed in your heart. He sees the struggles, the unfair situations, the times you were put at a disadvantage. You don’t have to do life on your own, trying to make up for it, trying to accomplish that goal. Jesus said, “Come to Me and I will give you rest.” Stop your striving, depending on your own efforts, your own ability. That’s draining. If you’ll start depending on Him, relying on Him, you’ll feel that load lift off of you.

    Joel Osteen

  67. Bennycoco, I'm truly sorry for your loss, May God comfort you and your family🙏, rest in peace to your dear sis

    1. Congratulations Starr and other giveaway recipients!!!

      BV Bennycoco So sorry for your loss. May her soul rest in peace (Amen)

  68. The harmattan is here. Drink a lot of water and cover up too.

    Leave all those cream you rub, petroleum jelly/palm kernel oil is good for this season. So many good brands available and affordable too.

    My condolences, Benycoco.

  69. Benny, chai, so sorry. May God receive her soul.

    On the stairs of my office, I saw very big and black feather. It was strategically placed like it was waiting for someone. Na wa oo.

    That was how someone stepped on JuJu that was put for someone else. The JuJu is the one they call 'belt'. The two ends must not touch. Luckily for him, he has strong 'elders' who swung into action. They sent it back. The guy was sick for some days sha. May the good Lord have mercy on us, amen.

    Welcome IHNs.

  70. So sorry Benycoco. May her soul rest.
    May God heal your family from this loss.
    Omo harmattan keeps going strong.
    Big Sis Stella , Indian Men are naturally violent, same thing I was telling My siblings in my family group chat .
    It is well.
    God bless our blog Angels.
    God bless us all.

  71. May her sister's soul rest in peace.

  72. Hello beautiful people 😍
    Thankful to God Almighty for a successful academic year..
    God is really faithful
    Have a wonderful day 💗

  73. May ur sister’s soul Rest in Peace, Bennycoco.

  74. Sorry to the BV who lost her sister, accept my condolences.

  75. Bennycoco,so sorry for your loss
    May God confort you and rest her soul

    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients

  76. Something strange happened to me today. I started work in a new place. I am a matured Igbo lady. There is this Yoruba guy that has been on my case. Office romance is a no no for me. He came to my unit today and said he has an urgent 6k need. How? How will you ask me for money?. I asked him for his account details thinking it's a joke. , He said he was very serious. Told him to go as I will send the money later. He was busy begging like a child for the money and still talking follish love What? This has spoilt my day. Please stay 1000 metres far from me. Let me send the money and block him. Shameless man

    1. Why even send him money? You sef

    2. Don't send the money.

      Words on Marble.

  77. My condolences @Bennycoco.
    May her soul rest in peace.💔

  78. So sorry for your loss sis. God comfort you and your family.

  79. Accept my condolences dear BV Benycoco 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
    May your sister's soul rest in peace ☮️

  80. Good afternoon everyone

    Congratulations to the recipients

  81. Bv Bennycoco, please accept my sincere condolences. May God comfort you and your family.

    May her soul rest in peace.

  82. So sorry for your loss Bv Benycoco. May the Lord rest her soul and comfort you all. Amen

  83. Benycoco, I'm so sorry for your loss. Please, take time to mourn. I pray the Lord comforts you in Jesus name.

    Martins a European, congratulations on your relocation. May you be highly favoured in Jesus name.

    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients. May you be bigger bundles of testimonies soonest in Jesus name.

    Sometimes I wonder if some people come to test their jazz on me. How can a total stranger ask me to lend him money from my POS business, promising to pay it back later this evening as he's expecting some money? I don't know you. Even some people I know sef, I can't lend them. It's well. This is not the first time something like this is happening. My neighbour says I shouldn't mind them, that they're find of such gimmicks during December.

  84. My condolence bv Bennycoco, the Comforter will comfort and console you. May your sister's soul RIP.

  85. So sorry for your loss bennycoco.
    May her soul rest in peace. Amen

  86. We had sooo much fun yesterday, My Pupils and I . See everyone struggling to take Pinsure with Me😁
    One of them screamed haaa !!! Ms R******* I will Miss your shouts 🙆🏻 Emi ke? Shout when ? how ? 🤣
    I pretended not to know how I used to scream whenever the noise gets on m
    My nerves 🤣.
    Will Miss you Munchkins too. Pls remember me when you're tearing your Christmas chicken o
    Children eeehn !! 😂

    Jewelu That domestic violence of a thing eeehn, between India and Africa I don't know which people own worse .
    Indians don't really have or place much value on women . They, like Africans treat women anyhow they like too.

    This Harmattan be calming down ooo🤗
    Cheers as the day progresses 😍❣️

  87. Sorry for the loss of your sister Bv Benycoco. May You and your family be comforted.

  88. IHN is here
    I love this weather

  89. Pls be strong's not easy loosing a love one.this brought a very sad memory to me.may her soul rest in peace.amen.
    Good afternoon everyone 💕

  90. Onichabor Christopher14 December 2023 at 14:43

    Pinky, I dey miss your stories, you get big fan here after stella

  91. BV Benycoco so sorry about your sister. The thing is common here in Badagry, those who stay in a getto like me at Elijah u dare not leave your shoes outside.

  92. Congratulations to the GIVEAWAY Recipients..
    God bless all the Angels 😇 🙏 in the house 🏠

  93. Good afternoon blog family ❤️❤️
    Bennycoco sorry for your loss.

  94. In house has landed,good afternoon blogfam.
    So sorry Bennycoco,may God rest her soul and comfort your family🕊🕊
    Congratulations on your relocation Martins🎊🎉.I'm so happy for you.May the land favour you.May you achieve all you set out to do,divine favour is your portion.
    Enjoy the rest of the day fam,one love❤❤❤

  95. Congratulations to the giveaway receipeints. God bless you Stella.

  96. Bv Bennycoco, so sorry about the loss of your sis. May her soul rest in peace.

    Congratulations to those selected for giveaway.

    Stella, you dey try to watch those Bollywood movies. They can frustrate viewers ehn.

  97. Bv Martin congratulations for your arrival to Europe.i

  98. Good afternoon BVs. Stella please consider me for the giveaway. Thank you.

  99. So sorry for your loss Bv Bennycoco, it's well
    May her soul rest in peace

  100. So sorry for your loss Benny..The Lord is with you always.

    Congratulations to the giveaway recipients..The Lord will multiply it for you in Jesus name.

    Stella and Angel Koof, my good Lord will continue to bless you and perfect all that concerns you

  101. Take heart BV Benny, may God grant your sister internal rest 🙏

  102. So sorry for the death of your sister BV Bennycoco, please accept my condolences. May her soul rest in peace.

  103. Stella remember me in your end of the year showers of favor.

  104. Congratulations martins, may God be with you and your family,, may the land favour you
    Congratulations to the recipients, God bless you Stella and all the angels touching lives here, may your pockets never run dry,
    Deepest condolences to BV Benny coco who lost her sis, may God comfort you all and grant her eternal rest Amen 🙏
    Greetings mo, Shyla, lynix hope I got it right, shooter.

  105. Congratulations Martins. May the land favour you

  106. So sorry Bv Bennycoco may God comfort you and your family in this trying time.

    Stella pls I checked the names for the 50k business giveaway I saw berrilicious , i thought i was the one. My blog ID is berrycious is it me or is there another Bv with blog ID berrilicious or is it a typographical error?
    Pls I applied, pls consider me for the giveaway my business really needs a boost.
    Thank you

  107. Stella💋💕💕💕
    Angel kOOF 🥰😍😘
    All blog angels💕🥰😍
    Congratulations to BV Martin and condolences to BV Benny,may God console you

  108. Take heart Bv Benny, Good afternoon all! hope our day is going as excepted.?

  109. Congratulations Martin
    May the new land favour 🙏 ✨

  110. Congratulations Martins Nwanne m, I'm so happy for you 🤗

    So sorry for your loss Bv Bennycoco, may God rest her soul.

  111. Welcome ihn of today..
    Congratulations to all the bvs who got giveaway..
    Benny sorry for your lost.
    May her soul rest in peace.

  112. Good afternoon everyone 😘💕💓

    Congratulations to all the beneficiaries of the giveaway. May your business flourish. God bless you Jewelu star woman,we can't thank you enough.

    So sorry for your loss bv Bennycoco and may your sister's soul rest in peace. It is well with you and your family 🤗🤗

    Bvs I greet you all.
    E go surely be ✌️

  113. I am in need of the business giveaway to help me establish myself since from back to Lagos from Zamfara. I left Zamfara because of the bandit and I having staying with my parent since I got . I will use the money to startup charcoal business since it's moving because of increase in electric tariff.


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