Stella Dimoko Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post


Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday Morning Spontaneous Post

   #sunday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #10thdayofchristmas #wearegettingthere #tenlordsaleaping #AWESOMEGOD #thenameoftheLordisastrongtower #staysafe

Guten Morgen
Sei Gesgenet und Blieb gesund!
Ich Wunsche dir alles gute fur heute!


  1. One of the HIGHLIGHTS of #TheExperience18, was comedian, Akpororo singing 2 songs of gospel artist, Ebuka Songs, and telling the convener of the event, Pastor Paul, that the guy is a really good singer, and deserves to be on the 'Experience' platform. #Class πŸ™Œ
    If you're in position to help, it costs you NOTHING to hold others by the hand, and let them soar!
    We should all learn from this, instead of gossiping, backbiting, hating and pulling others down.
    God bless you Akpororo. Your own nor go spoil. πŸ™
    Have an amazing week y'all.❤️. #ALiSpeaks

  2. Reigning By Him!!
    Romans 5:17.


    "We’re called to exercise dominion and to live as masters and victors in life through Jesus Christ. We reign over Satan, darkness, the world and all creation."

    "The actual Greek rendering of the word “reign” means “to king.” You’re supposed to be “kinging” in life."

    "As we take up the responsibility of prayer, using the Name of Jesus and operating in His stead, we enforce the Father’s will in the earth and establish His righteousness in the nations of the world!"


    In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I exercise dominion over circumstances and the spirits of darkness, for they're subject unto me. I enforce the heavenly Father's will in the earth and establish His righteousness, peace, prosperity, wholeness and wellness in the nations of the world. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Revelation 5:10; Ephesians 2:4-6; Romans 5:17.

  3. Heavenly father,we come before you this Sunday morning as your servants.
    Lord we submit ourselves to you as we lay our burdens and challenges before your throne.
    Lord deliver us from the evil pestilence and arrow of the devil.
    Deliver us from destruction set by the devil and his agents in Jesus name πŸ™
    Lord take away sickness, accident, disappointment, sorrow, and pains from our lives today and redeem our souls from those marked for death today in Jesus name πŸ™
    Thank you gracious Lord for answered prayers πŸ™

  4. A very beautiful morning to y'all on this space and πŸ‘‹ happy Sunday to you too

    Idiomatic Expressions And Their Meanings

    To bury the hatchet- To finish a quarrel between..

    To be between the devil and the deep sea- To be between two evils.

    Wear one's heart in one's sleeve- Showing one's affection openly.

    To be nosy- To be inquisitive.


    1. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


    Possible reasons why people carry out a "Relational Aggression" or "Smear Campaign" against other people:

    People may engage in relational aggression or conduct smear campaigns against others for various complex reasons, and understanding these motivations requires considering individual and situational factors. Here are some possible reasons:

    1.) Jealousy and Competition: Individuals may feel threatened by others' success or qualities, leading to feelings of jealousy or a desire to undermine their perceived competition.

    2.) Insecurity and Low Self-Esteem: People with low self-esteem might engage in relational aggression as a way to feel more powerful or superior, attempting to boost their own confidence.

    3.) Retaliation and Revenge: Past conflicts or perceived wrongs may lead someone to seek revenge or retaliate through damaging social relationships or reputations.

    4.) Control and Power Dynamics: Seeking control over others or asserting dominance can be a motive, particularly in situations where one person desires power or influence.

    5.) Unresolved Issues: Individuals with unresolved personal issues or traumas may project their pain onto others, using relational aggression as an outlet for their emotions.

    6.) Social Rejection or Exclusion: Fear of rejection or exclusion from social groups might drive someone to engage in relational aggression as a defensive mechanism.

    7.) Mental Health Issues: Certain mental health conditions, such as narcissistic personality disorder, may contribute to manipulative or harmful behavior within relationships.

    8.) Lack of Empathy: Some individuals may have difficulty empathizing with others, making it easier for them to engage in harmful behaviors without considering the impact on the other person.

    9.) Personal Inadequacy: Feeling inadequate or unsuccessful in comparison to others might lead someone to try to bring others down as a way of alleviating their own feelings of inadequacy.

    10.) External Influences: Societal pressures, cultural norms, or peer influences can contribute to certain behaviors as individuals conform to or rebel against perceived expectations.

    These reasons are not mutually exclusive, and often multiple factors may contribute to a person's engagement in relational aggression or a smear campaign. Addressing such behavior may require a nuanced and empathetic approach, possibly involving therapy, counseling, or mediation depending on the severity and context of the situation.

  6. When it comes to your clothes, are you team white, black or colours. I'm forever team white.
    Have a beautiful Sunday, enjoy your rice and stew.

    1. Black was my favourite colour but now,It's white,white colour is so regal.

    2. Team any colour, but today na white get me. I look like an Angel. 😁

    3. Did you travel for civil service games?

    4. White and black, brown and milk

    5. Both Team.

      I love the Simple but Classy that rocking all Black or All white gives.

      The aesthetic is purely ethereal

      Good Morning Beautiful Shyla πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  7. The rate of robbery these days is alarming. Living down stairs stakes the odds against you. If not for anything, your gen is exposed and some of the robbers have perfected the act of tearing mosquito nets and how the collect people's phones is another story for another day.

    1. The thing is getting out of hand here, may God help us

  8. When you call on the Source, the Creator of the Universe, that’s when things happen that you couldn’t make happen. God wants us to depend on Him. He's the source; He’s the provider.
    Happy Sunday blog fam

  9. Good morning and happy Sunday. Wishing us all a blessed week.

    1. Is this the same Angel eyes from years back on this blog? The one that lives in port harcourt?

    2. Hmmm, Stella, you really keep tabs of your blog visitors,nice one.I can't even say the names of bvs, even though I have been here for years.

    3. Stella, she is the one. The blog profile has been since 2013.

  10. My dearly beloved family, I salute you all this Sunday morning. It's no longer news that we have entered another season of shege banza. Please with this reloaded shege in the country, we must all ensure that these market people don't cheat us. It's time to shine our eyes as we spend our hard earned money. It might interest you to know that one cup of rice contains *Seven Thousand, Three Hundred and Twenty Six (7,326)* grains. Please don't buy if it is not complete. Take your time to count every single grain and confirm it before you pay. I will count beans tomorrow. Please someone should help us count garri because I hate cheatingπŸ˜‹πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


    Happy Sunday famπŸ₯°πŸ€—

    1. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰,happy Sunday beautiful

    2. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Happy Sunday sis.

    3. Kikikikiki πŸ˜… πŸ˜… πŸ˜… πŸ˜…
      Happy Sunday sis

    4. Counting garri dikwa very riskyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    5. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣. Count beans when you finish o.

    6. STOP THIS ANNOYING RICE MENTALITY.....Rice is not even healthy...must you people eat rice on Xmas day? Is there no other food?.........

    7. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„

    8. Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      Stella, Biko Rice is bae.

      I’m making Ofeakwu (Banga Stew) with Fried plantain with 🍚.

    9. @SDK, I no know who do us this kain thing oo. It's as if there's something special about Christmas rice.

    10. 🀣🀣🀣
      Happy Sunday to you, dear.πŸ’™

    11. This kind job for my enemies ooπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    12. Lmao 🀣 you no just serious rara

    13. I will cook correct egusi soup with goat meat and fire it with pounded yam/semo. Thanks bv Mercy for reminding me that goat meat is there too apart from the Almighty chicken.

  11. Stella, wishing you a peaceful Sunday too!

    Good morning πŸ’•

  12. Happy Sunday everyone, may God answer all our prayers. Amen

  13. Happy Sunday everyone, may God answer all our prayers. Amen

  14. Happy Sunday everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  15. Praise The King Of Glory, He Is God Alone,
    Praise Him For The Wonders He To Us Hath Shown;
    For His Promised Presence, All The Pilgrim Way,
    For The Flaming Pillar, And The Cloud By Day.

    Praise .? Him, Shining Angels,
    Strike .? Your Harps Of Gold,
    All .? His Hosts Adore Him,
    Who .? His Face Behold;
    Through .? His Great Dominion,
    While .? The Ages Roll,
    All His Works Shall Praise Him
    Bless The Lord, My Soul!

    Happy Sunday!

  16. Happy Sunday beautiful people πŸ’‹

  17. Goodmorning and Happy sunday everyoneπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  18. Happy Sunday morning to everyone πŸŽ‰

  19. Good morning madam Stella, and SDK.
    God thank you, we are up and grateful πŸ™ , thank you Lord .

    1. Why add MADAM to my name? My name is Stella and its a positive name, it means star and a star brings light...It means when God brings me into somewhere he shines his light thru me into the lives of others..u become blessed by the name of God...dont add aunty, sister, dama or anything to my name ...

    2. Reminds me of Oki that used to call you Aunty Stella. She stopped it by force 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    3. Thank God sey Stella dey comment section today.

  20. Good morning beautiful people
    Happy Sunday to you all 😘😘

    1. Good morning nwanne.

      Omo, Man United disgrace themselves yesterday. 3:0?
      Even one asarasa?🀯😁

      Arsenal even tried.😩

  21. Good morning ladies and gentlemen
    Happy Sunday to everyone
    I wish y'all a blessed day.

  22. I greet you all Specially this morning
    God's guidance and protection on us all πŸ™
    Good morning and happy Sunday

  23. Happy Sunday people.

    Party happening in my street today. Cooking already going on. I give it to the yorubas, they know how to party..

    No church for me today, online gat me.

    1. With their big meat. I learnt how to cut my meat big from them

    2. I tell you. But me I don't like big meat. I like it very small. Once it's big, I get tire easily.

  24. Good morning everyone
    Happy Sunday to everyone
    Have a great day


  25. Happy Sunday to y'all
    May the Lord perfect all that concerns us today❤️❤️❤️

  26. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Something bizarre happened yesterday on camp inside girls hostel, there is this beautiful fair lady sitting at the reception area of the hostel around 9pm clad in only shorts, she was topless, very beautiful fair lady, I went upstairs to shower and later came down around 9:30pm, to buy food, she was Still topless and talking on phone.
    I walked up to her and told her she is very beautiful, but she can see some men are in the reception, some waiting for their wives, others waiting for their delegates, she smiled and used the transparent scalf beside her luggage to cover her front πŸ€”πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ it got even more outlandish parce que you can virtually see everything, I just Waka Commot 🀣🀣🀣 she was not even timid.
    I still don't understand if she is okay, fine skin, beautiful face, nice tits lol.....nawaoooo people carry market come camp again? Even if the weather is hot so??? Abi nudist don dey Naija nii???

    1. Why should you go and meet her to cover up? next time mind your business...if it is me and you come to tell me that i will land you hot slap oh....people need to respect boundaries, is it your breast she exposed?if anyones husband cannot control their eyes then let them look nah......

    2. Did you say topless asin bare chest?? πŸ™†‍♂️πŸ™†‍♂️πŸ™†‍♂️eweleke!

    3. NYSC Camp Dey get Reception Area for Girls Hostel???

    4. Stella you smoke Igbo this morning ?πŸ˜‚

    5. Why won't she tell her to cover up? Where lies morals? It's not every thing this una mind your business and face front dey applicable. She is a woman likewise the stupid woman. Abi you never hear say shame nor dey catch mad person?
      You, Stella for be Gen Z make we wash our hand commot for your case. How do you think mothers that went to see the wards will feel? Do you know what is embarrassment?
      She for kukuma engage in sex in the open and nobody will care with your support.
      Women demand respect forgetting respect is earned and this girl as described by Helen is possessed. She is. Not even oyibo with their weird life style can stay in a public space naked. And you know this, Stella. Don't always judge cases here with the way it is there. And you be doing as if you did not grow up here.

    6. Helen you do well jare, for camp Kwa?

    7. Which camp? Redemption camp? Cos what you described is not Nysc camp

    8. Shiloh camp, she is too beautiful to be exposing herself like that @ Stella I spoke with her politely besides some young boys of 12 years and above were at the university hostel reception too

    9. Helen you no do bad jare!
      That one don drink seamanns shnapp!

  27. Good morning and happy Sunday to you all,Am off to Church❤πŸ’œπŸ’ŸπŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ˜πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  28. Happy Sunday Everyone πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’žπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  29. Good morning everyone
    Happy Sunday People

  30. Good morning SDK and BVs. Happy Sunday. Awesome God,thanks for making me a wonder. You're Awesome my maker. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  31. God says "For I know the thoughts that I have towards you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end" Jer. 29:11

    May God specially attend to your situation today and Beyond in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.πŸ™πŸ™

    Good morning SDKville Fam,happy Sunday and compliments of the season..🎊

  32. Good morning everyone
    Happy Sunday!
    End of Year party Today πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ
    Enough to chop and dance away Naija Hardship .
    Lovely day πŸ’ž

  33. Good morning wonderful BVs and Happy Sunday.
    Give it will come back to you good measures pressed down shaking together running over.
    Christmas is in the air

  34. My Daddy, my Daddy
    Your baby is singing
    I will be singing
    And dancing and shouting
    For the rest of eternity

    1. And shouting for the rest of eternity?
      You people should use your brains small while singing these songs lyrics

    2. 09:47, 🀣🀣🀣
      Be nice na, even if it's just for today

  35. Good morning Stella and bvs πŸ₯°
    Blessed Sunday to us πŸ™

  36. Good morning everyone

  37. Good morning my people and happy beautiful Sunday to us all. May all my hidden and positive prayers been answer by Almighty.

  38. Happy Sunday fam πŸ’–πŸ’™

  39. Nepa is not Nepaing nowadays. They now bring light only at night. Thank God I did not allow that DStv lady trick me into subscribing. I can't be wasting money in this season. Nepa has also turned me to late night cook cos I always need to use my blender. Lol.

    Happy Sunday to us all.

    1. Nepa is known now as Never expect power always.

  40. Good morning blogfam
    Happy Sunday
    Have an amazing time in God's presence
    One love ❤❤❤

  41. Good morning Stella and bvs..
    Happy Sunday to everyone,
    Indeed what God can't do doesn't exist.

  42. Happy Sunday everyone, first service is always my best.


    Sei Gesgenet und Blieb gesund!
    Ich Wunsche dir alles gute fur heute!

    Good morning

    Be well-loved and stay healthy!

    I wish you all the best for today!


  44. Good morning Bvs
    woke up very hungry!
    checked my weight on Friday and I have lost 5kg.
    I wasn't exercising or dieting.

    1. All these sob stories and lamentations is for what exactly? Come out straight and apply for giveaway if you need one.

    2. Anon be nice, depression is everywhere and it's comments like yours that increases it.

  45. Happy Sunday Everyonnne... Wishing y'all a blessed blessed loving Sunday... Muah😘😚😍🀩Ciao...

    And please remember to spread only love today , just SMILE... and i promise you, everything would be OKAY!kisses

  46. Just here lost in thought how someone can go from 100 to 0,how everything you build for years can go down in a twinkle of an eye🀦

    1. You shall rise again. Be hopeful.

    2. Sorry dear. God will come through for you πŸ™πŸ™

    3. The Lord will restore all that you have lost.keep your faith alive.

    4. You will rise again. Don't give up, God is with you.

    5. Hang in there. God will come through for you again.

    6. Soory about that. Don't give up, it happens. If everyone start sharing theirs, hmmm

  47. Good morning BVs
    I’m so sleepy right here.
    Couldn’t sleep throughout the night because the Babalawo that lives next compound is celebrating their Ifa festival and they were playing loud music through out the night.

    1. This is one of the reasons why those who relocated to the West do not want to come back to Nigeria even when they are not doing well like they were doing in Nigeria. Over there , they can't try that rubbish. They will look for a hall with sound proof or do it in an open space in an area meant for such. Churches and mosques, etc, do not mount loudspeakers outside in a residential area. They have areas where churches are located and they don't disturb.
      My relatives abroad said they will never come back to Nigeria. That if they die over there, they should bury them over there.

  48. Good morning and happy Sunday everyone

  49. I have headache. Woke up with a banging headache when one nuisance of a pastor decided to bring a very loud speaker and balanced on our street junction around 5:am, to sing and preach. That type of loudspeaker that they use inside church that can deafen the ear if you sit close to it.
    We have reported him this morning to the chairman of our area.
    What sort of nonsense is that? I'm a Christian too but I don't use my own to cause others pain.

    1. Sorry, take paracetamol and sleep for 30mins. Some of those church people do too much

  50. Happy Sunday to us all, my beautiful people.πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ˜Ž

  51. Just coming from ig. Stella you are stunning. Your hair is everything.

    1. IG? Stella? Let me go and see the pics πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

  52. Good morning Stella and bvs.
    I'm in church, preaching just started, I pretended like I was reading the Bible on my phone, in order to say "Hi" here.
    May God hear our silent prayers.
    See you all later πŸ€—

  53. Guten Morgen Stella
    Wie geht's dir heute?

    I don hear German language
    See me see Germany very soon πŸ’ƒ

    1. Me too have spoketh one German below. I even added biabia to mine 🀣
      It's only guten Morgen that I know, which is good morning.

  54. Good morning
    Headache, abeg lemme oo

  55. Happy Sunday my people
    My Apollo is clearing but I no go church today. I'm making one of my daughters hair, hubby is taking them all to ShopRite to celebrate the birtbday of the one that added a year yesterday. I will just sleep very well when they are away.
    Thanks for all your wishes and prayers yesterday. I appreciate πŸ™

  56. Good morning everyone and happy Sunday!

  57. Thanks bvs for your prayers yesterday.
    I ended up spending 36k in total at the hospital.
    This is why some people resort to self medication which is very risky especially when it is a child. It is better to even borrow if you don't have and take that child to the hospital.

    Don't forget that important prayer against anything that will take you to hospital, except ante-natal or delivery

    1. May God restore his health fully and replenish where you got the treatment money from

  58. I love this weather! πŸŒΊπŸ’•

    Happy Sunday everyone. Stay blessed!

  59. Sunny 🌞 blessed Sunday morning πŸŒ„πŸ’•πŸ’‹✨

  60. Na me dey close comment section gate today 😁
    Happy glorious Sunday 🌺

    1. Reminds me of Bv Chinedum, the gate closer. Where is she or he sef?

  61. Obianuju Augustina10 December 2023 at 11:04

    Happy Sunday to us all, may we have a blessed one πŸ’•πŸ’ž

  62. Good morning blogfam , and happy Sunday to all of us.
    @Sdk, hope you are fully recovered now.

  63. Guten Morgen Stella.

    Ictch sie biebie? 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    I said I should reply you in German too.

  64. Happy Sunday to you all,May the peace and Love of JESUS Christ fall upon you all❤️🌹


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