Stella Dimoko Monday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Monday, December 04, 2023

Monday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #monday #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #4thdayofchristmas #4curlybirds #AWESOMEGOD #thenameoftheLordisastrongtower #staysafe

Good Morning.....
It is another beautiful Morning..
If you cant gift someone the sun, dont give them blues,
if you cant be positive, dont be negative..
If you cant be motivational or inspirational, dont be a gaslighter...
There are so many 'struggles'....Choose right!
I can smell Christmas already......
Have an amazing Morning please!



  1. To be honest, I PREFER the old hymns and ancient christian songs, than the contemporary songs we sing in churches these days.....
    Just to be clear, we have some really good 'modern' songs we sing now o. However, the lyrics of some of these songs, leave much to be desired. It's like we are bending more to beats and vibes, as opposed to lyrics that are spirit inspired. Which one is "No be say I dey craze, na God I dey praise oo".πŸ™„...
    Anyways, this is strictly my opinion. πŸ’―
    Have an amazing week y'all.❤️...#ALiSpeaks

    1. What about the one of carry me dey go, Jehovah carry me dey go my husband house😁😁

    2. the way hymn transcend me eh, its my highlight in church as an Anglican then communion.
      I enjoy some contemporary songs too oh, but hymn does it for me

    3. Truly, old hymns and ancient songs are rich and ever green. The lyrics are meaningful and inspirational. Modern songs too have good lyrics but the challenge is that some song writers want to blend with today's trend of beats and vibes even though they don't agree they're blending, they call it being radical.

    4. Beautiful Morning My Brother πŸ’•

    5. I agree with you.

      Choc Noir 🍫

    6. Old church songs for me. The songs you van sing clapping hands either step hands or 3 step hands either praise or worship. Same with secular songs, old skul for me.

    7. Ali, you are the same with my parish priest. He stopped the choir last week Sunday from the contemporary song they were singing. He asked them, to sing from the hymn book and behold the church audience joined in the hymn.

    8. Honestly, I miss singing hymns in church. They should please bring it back.

      Teejay, what is this na? Lol.

    9. It depends on the situation that led to the formation of the lyrics for the song. In the bible Micah called David a derogatory name because she felt he was dancing like a crazy person while all he did was praising God. David was a psalmist. In response to that I imagine him saying "No be say I dey craze, na God I dey praise o"... Something along that line. If he had added an excerpt of his response to her in one of his psalms, you may not understand what he meant and castigate his lyrics.

      I don't know the song you are commenting on or if you have watched the video, but I believe there must have been a reason for that part of the song to exist for the artist.

      Words on Marble.

    10. Maybe you all should go back to ancient times then, since you don't want to improve or move forward. Ancient hymns that some of them sound like burial songsnis what you prefer, start attending deeper life church

  2. Happy beautiful Monday morning everyone, hope we all are doing great? just to wish us a happy and wonderful week, remember that nothing is too hard for our God to take care of. Do not stress it much cos God is still our father.

    First to comment lol.

  3. I love you, Lord
    For your mercy never fails me,
    All my days, I've been held in your hands,
    From the moment that I wake up
    Until I lay my head,
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.
    And all my life you have been faithful,
    And all my life you have been so, so good,
    With every breath that I am able
    Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God.
    May God's faithfulness never cease from our lives in Jesus name πŸ™. GOOD MORNING MY SDK FAMILY

  4. As you start this new week, remember that God has given you the strength, courage, and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Remember, you are not alone, for God is with you always, guiding you and providing for you. Trust in the Lord and tackle this new week with determination and grace. No matter what challenges come your way, you have the strength to overcome them, for the Lord is your stronghold. Therefore, trust in His plan and let go of any worries or fears. Embrace each day with joy, gratitude, and a positive attitude, and watch God swing open the doors of opportunity for you. Have faith that everything will work out for your good and the glory of God. May you experience His blessings and favor in all that you do. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) – Isaac Kubvoruno

  5. Good morning everyone
    Happy new week to y'all

  6. SDK Psychologist4 December 2023 at 08:00


    "What comes out of your mouth is what is going to come back to you".

    The phrase "What comes out of your mouth is what is going to come back to you" conveys the idea that the words you speak have consequences and can influence the experiences and reactions you encounter in life. This concept is often rooted in the principles of cause and effect, as well as in the power of language to shape reality. Here's a detailed breakdown:

    1.) Power of Words: The phrase underscores the significance of the words we choose to express. It suggests that words are not merely a means of communication but possess a certain energy or power that can affect our own lives.

    2.) Law of Attraction: The concept aligns with the Law of Attraction, which posits that positive or negative energies attract corresponding experiences. If you consistently speak positively, you are likely to attract positive outcomes, and conversely for negative speech.

    3.) Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The phrase reflects the idea of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you constantly express confidence and positivity, you may find yourself in situations that align with those sentiments. Conversely, if you habitually voice doubt or negativity, you might attract challenges or setbacks.

    4.) Impact on Relationships: The words we use play a crucial role in interpersonal relationships. Positive and encouraging language can strengthen connections, while negative or hurtful words may strain relationships and lead to misunderstandings.

    5.) Manifestation of Intentions: It suggests that verbalizing your intentions, goals, and desires can contribute to their manifestation. By articulating what you want and expressing it positively, you may create a mindset that attracts opportunities aligned with your aspirations.

    6.) Mind-Body Connection: The phrase hints at the mind-body connection, emphasizing that the thoughts and words we express can influence our overall well-being. Positive affirmations and optimistic language may contribute to a healthier mental and physical state.

    7.) Communication Style: The manner in which we communicate, including tone and choice of words, can impact how others perceive and respond to us. Effective and respectful communication tends to foster positive interactions.

    8.) Responsibility for Speech: The phrase encourages a sense of responsibility for one's speech. It implies that we are accountable for the energy we project through our words and that this energy can influence the nature of our experiences.

    9.) Cultural and Philosophical Roots: In various cultural and philosophical traditions, there is an acknowledgment of the significance of speech. For example, the saying aligns with the proverb "As you sow, so shall you reap," which emphasizes the consequences of one's actions.

    10.) Positive Reinforcement: By maintaining a positive and constructive language, individuals may experience positive reinforcement in the form of supportive environments, collaborative opportunities, and improved overall well-being.

    The phrase highlights the idea that verbal expression is not only a means of communication but also a powerful force that can shape personal experiences and interactions with the external world. It underscores the importance of mindfulness in speech and the recognition that what we express verbally can contribute to the reality we experience.

  7. Money is unisex.... If your man no get, try get

    1. Yes ooo. The other day someone was advising single mother that if your baby daddy isn't sending you child upkeep, take the child to him and start sending upkeep,they almost crucified the person that wrote that, and I agree with the suggy thought I for one don't wait for anybody money to take care of my gift from God o

  8. Good morning everyone
    Do have a blessed day.

  9. Good morning everyone πŸŽ‰
    It's going to be a beautiful day.
    Be positive


    Many say their is no GOD anywhere, some say their is but they believe that when you die, that is the end.

    Yes truly that is the end of you on earth but not the end of you on the other side. God created this world on a balance of two ways. Their is bad or good, right or wrong, etc. When you die you cease to exist in the physical world, you begin to see the spiritual world which is in existence before the physical was created.

    Your flesh dies, but your spirit lives on, it can never die. At that moment everything will begin to make sense to you. If peradventure you did not leave a godly life, you will begin to regret it.

    You soul will be raptured to hell where you will be tormented forever.

    A life without christ is crisis, a life whithout christ thirst, while Christ satisfies the hunger and thirst of those who long after Him, the thirst of those without Him is unquenchable. They read books, seek knowledge, acquire wealth, tour the whole world, eat drink and merry yet the thirst is not quenched because Christ who is able to satisfy their thirst is missing, but when you are in christ you find out that you don't thirst for all these because you are satisfied with the ones God have given you.

    A godly woman doesn't care about her looks, she is rather satisfied with keeping herself clean, neat and presentable. but a wordly woman would want to keep enhancing and changing so many things in her body till she is damaged and completely ruined.

    A life without christ is a life of darkness, a live outside him is a life of ignorance, you think you know it all, because you have the best certificate, houses cars, good business, job etc. But you are totally ignorant. A stark illiterate who knows God is superior to you, because you are only in pursuit of earthly things which will pass away.

    A life without Christ is a life of sadness, sorrow, zero peace. If you are living a life without Jesus, be truthful to urself, how happy are you, how satisfied are you, if your joy is weighed today, will it be 100percent. With all that you pursue daily and want to get or amass for yourself, does it give you satisfaction.

    Listen JESUS CHRIST wants you to free yourself of that burden and come to him. King Solomon went about enjoying, marrying and merrying to find satisfaction, yet nothing gave him peace like Jesus. That was when he declared the pleasures of this world is vanity.

    In John 10:10 God is opening our eyes to see that devil has come to kill, to steal and destroy, but Jesus is here to give us life in abundance. One of the devilish strategies people of God is ignorant of is this beauty enhancement, the craze for surgery in this generation is too much, many are being slaughtered daily, many will end up with cancer and severe body impairment that will leave them damaged. The thirst for big boobs, booties, lips, six packs etc is nauseating. The side effects to the body is being downplayed in other to promote this evil lust. Many are ready to get their body worked on at all cost in other to garner so called confidence and attention which is foolishness in the sight of God.

    Ths pleasure of this world is nothing compared to the pleasure you will gain when you make it to Heaven.
    What ths devil is offering is chaff, but Jesus is giving us original.

    In Jeremiah 29:11, Jesus christ is promising us a good ending which is heaven. Grab the mighty right hand of God today which he is stretching towards you and let him draw you out of that pit of sin, before it becomes late.


    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  11. As we go out for our daily hustles,may God protect, bless and favour us, Amen.


  12. W- Watch your Words
    A- Watch your action
    T - Watch your Thoughts
    C- Watch your Character
    H- Watch your Habits

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope we slept well?
    I wish us a stress-free day ahead. Stay safe.

  13. Stella, I am not smelling any Christmas around my side here. Everywhere is dry.

    May this week favour us all.

  14. Men are not wired to cheat... ✍️

    I hear these phrase all the time that all men are wired to cheat, all men are the same, no man can be committed. Sincerely I used to think that way. But here’s my thought.
    NO men are not wired to cheat. The only reason some men cheat is lack of discipline, peer pressure, selfishness, low self esteem and maybe to punish their spouse.

    Think about it, a man who knows his worth will not allow himself to get naked with all women. A disciplined man, one who puts his emotions in check will know when to say no and walk away. It is known that men are more prone to succumb to peer pressure. Just because you are in a gathering with your friends and 80% of them are sharing experiences with women other than their wives does not mean you should tag along and disrespect your body and marriage.

    If all men were created to cheat, God would have formed more women out of Adam. But He formed one woman and Adam named her and lived with her all the days of his life. One woman from one man not multiples. God would have said go into the world and make yourselves merrier coz the number of women you sleep with the more room is created for you in heaven. And the pathetic part is that some women have come to accept a cheating man as a normal thing. No its not. An unrepentant cheating man needs the attention of a psychiatrist.

    A Chinese proverb say a man who loves many women, loves none. But a man who loves one woman loves all.
    Don’t create excuse why you cannot be faithful to one woman because you are a man. Be responsible and be a man not a toy for any and every woman. When a man counts the number of women he has slept with, he is actually counting the number of women he has been a slave to.
    Yes as a man you can be handsome, rich, got swag and still be faithful to your spouse. Coz that’s what a real man is all about.

  15. Any man planning to break up with his girlfriend just because xmas is around the corner, may Yoruba stew enter his eyes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    Good morning and happy new week to you allπŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’•❤πŸ’œπŸ’ŸπŸ’™πŸ’πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

  16. Not all misunderstandings should lead to separation.

    A woman forgave her husband and reconciled with her on sick bed. Lost him same day as narrated by her.

    "I was summoned suddenly to the hospital after almost three years of separation. He was on the sick bed, seeing each other again, reminded me of the many dreams I've had about him and how i was the one telling him I don't have anything against him again.

    I did the same, he was calm, he responded positively to everything I said to him, I apologized for the wrongs I did, which was to call the cops, I told him the devil did us great evil and we can start all over again.

    I asked if I should go home and make food for him, he said yes, oh, what a joy! I miss cooking for him, I told him, our kids are fine and standing by him on the bedside was my 13yrs old, and I said, I never fought you back, I've been waiting and hoping that all this war will end oneday.

    The SW said he was okay that I came, There's a me that's feeling hopeful that he's going to come back home and all shall be well again.

    Only for me to be called again late night that he died. I was confused, I ran to the hospital confused, my sight became blurry, and I couldn't imagine me seeing him dead. I was hoping we would talk about everything and how much I had learned and suffered alone with the kids.

    I was hoping I would get the opportunity to tell him, he hurt me so much and made me suffer like a criminal that I wasn't. My head went blank.

    I had bladder loose.

    I couldn't comprehend anything. I was numb. I was summoned to pick up his body. Where do I go from here, koyemi.

    I was handed over all his house keys, car keys, credit cards, everything!!!

    Still in shock, I visited his home to move his stuff back home, and my heart kept breaking as many things were being revealed at that time.

    He has different types of concoctions sent to him from nigeria by his families that he's been taking, which led to his kidney damage. I realized I'm the one who often scrutinized his intakes..
    12 years of marriage, he never visited the hospital or had any course to be admitted. I began to hear many things.

    I have questions I couldn't answer.

    It feels like the enemy planned it all out.

    During his burial, I saw his eyelids moved, oh, I was going to say, "Prince, oya get up, let's go home."

    I realized that despite all that happened, at the end of it all, he was my responsibility to care for after he died.

    I said to myself, where are all the people who encouraged him to wage war against his only family? They are nowhere to be found.
    We are by ourselves now! Me, him, and his kids.

    This is family! Never allow anyone in your marriage. When it's all done and clear, it's gonna be you and him and your kids.

    There's no one else again who's as important as your wife/husband. Only my signature was accepted, I was told you're his next of kin, and he didn't change anything despite his rage.

    My heart kept aching.

    Nobody else matters at this moment, but his family. Please don't let love and forgiveness diminish from your home, no matter how bad the situation looks. We only know the beginning of war, but we never know the end of it.

    I thank God I was able to speak to him, I told him, I never fought you, despite all that you did to me.

    He was quiet, I told him, "I do call you, but you don't answer my call.

    But, it's fine, let's forget all that happens and move on. But he chose to go REST from it all.


    1. How I wish that my ex husband will read and realised that he is hurting his family(children) not me. Nevertheless we meuve.

  17. Where are the BVs complaining about the price of bra. I saw a lady pick up a bra and asked the price, the seller said 15k. The speed with which she dropped it needs to be studied 🀭

    1. That's for people who go for new ones. I buy first grade, a bit pricey but not the amount you guys are screaming.

      The annoying thing is sellers now wake up and put any price they like. I was shopping groceries in the market and husband and wife (the shop owners) were giving conflicting prices. I was just looking at them. I wanted to buy perfume and the seller was like, just bring so so amount. I should just bring... E be like you dey ment.

    2. Okirika bra?
      You won't find your preferred design and cup fit, it will now be smelling like what I don't know. Maybe you have big bwess, you will find your perfect fit among Okirika.
      Lastly, Okirika bras are not lesser than the 3k that the bv talked about the other day, so I will go for new ones instead

  18. Shey they have started looking for my trouble again for attention. If I respond d now......

    On the other hand, thinking of my yearly Xmas giveaway but e be like say I no get money πŸ€”

    1. Claiming victim is the sweetest thing in life.

    2. Don’t mind them

    3. What do you want to respond with that will be worst than the ones you did back then? πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

    4. Who is looking for your trouble?
      Your trouble bin loss??

  19. It's a new day and week. May we enjoy God's blessings and favour as we go through it.

  20. We are gradually losing our men here, the hustling is real, men don dey turn woman, hi pinky hi Dantress

  21. Normalize praying for your business(es).... it does wonders πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ


    1. You don collect Mula finish now, you don dey drop only two sentences. I'm just looking at you with side eyes

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜Ή

    3. Dear Anon 9:25, you fit continue from where I stop nau... Abi you be olodo?

  22. Good morning to y'all on here.
    It's the start to a spanking new week and πŸ‘‹ go get all of them Benjamins.
    Why have some people chosen to be monitoring spirits? Why can't they live their dang lives and let others live theirs too? Is it as a result of being threatened, jealous or envious? I loathe liars and most definitely going to have zilch to do with you if I find out that you are one.
    Numerous blog IDs from here and the other blog?
    How and where are other ones with authentic proof?
    You are a big time liar and that's on periodt @XP.
    Your shame dey shame me.
    Hypocrisy is when you are yapping bunkum and criticizing one for what your unscrupulous and divisive elements do all over social media.
    If I am lying, then check X and Instagram.
    UGM? IPOB? Y'all have got nothing to say right?
    Nobody is gaslighting any freaking soul except you have made up your mind to be gaslighted cause of obvious bitter truths.
    There are actually people that I can't go under their comments to do anything cause of the kind of disturbing lies they have put out against me in the past on here.
    Stay on your lane and steer clear if you have got nothing positive to say mbok.
    I am not a fan of you and your divisive political party and there's absolutely nothing you can do about that.

    Proverbs And Its Meaning
    Cut your coat according to your size- Do not do more than what you have power to do.

    No news is good news- If there is no information there is nothing to think about.

    There's many a slip between cup and lip- Nothing is certain until it is achieved.

    The game is not worth the candle- The undertaking is not worth the trouble.


  23. Good morning my darlings😘😘😘. May this new week bring in more of God's blessings. Have an awesome day today. Stay safe. Much ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  24. Good morning fam πŸ’œ
    This new week will turn out to be week of possiblity for us all πŸ™

  25. Good morning my people how are we today it's a bright new day with a tint of scorching sun already, cheers to a new week

  26. MCM... DANTE πŸ™Œ
    Good morning lovelies 😘
    Do have a fruitful day ahead πŸ’ž

    1. He's now a babe na. 🀣🀣🀣..

    2. Good morning mother inlaw πŸ’–❤️

      I don't understand this your shout out to Dante this morning,he's a female now,so it's WCW you will hail her..she's now a Dantress

    3. Dante is no longer a man. He's now princess Dantress, the original GenZ baddie. Pls, endeavor to hail her on Wednesday.

    4. Hello babes 😊
      Thanks for reminding me of my humble past..
      Much love momma πŸ₯°πŸ’ƒπŸ’Ÿ

    5. @ Candy
      @ Paree baby...
      I'm not accepting that female ish, DANOVA 2024 must happen oooo. He should come and give me date. Asoebi is ready sef.

    6. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ He's now Dantress the baddie πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  27. Redemption And Christianity!!
    Romans 6:4.


    "Redemption refers to saving someone by paying a price. So when Jesus died, He paid the price for man’s redemption with His own life; He did that for all humanity, not for Christians. The Christian is the result of Christ’s resurrection, not His death."

    "Romans 10:9 lets us know that salvation comes by believing in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the subsequent confession of His lordship. A Christian, therefore, is one who identifies with the resurrected Christ."

    "Being born again, therefore, you’re not the “redeemed”; you’re the fruit of the redemptive work of Christ."


    Just as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, I also have been raised into a newness of life to walk therein. I'm a new creation, conscious that I've been raised together with Christ and made to sit together with Him in the place of victory, authority, and dominion forever, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20; Romans 10:9-10.

  28. Good morning everyone.

  29. Good morning everyone πŸ˜˜πŸ’ž
    It is a beautiful day that the Lord has made and I pray that God's blessings and favour be our portion this day.

    Jewelu Stella,how're you doing today. Stay blessed nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜

    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Good morning sweetie ❣️❣️

      Make we pop champagne 🍾 for coming on early today 😜πŸ€ͺ😜

    2. Nnukwu nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜ adim oyi. Yagazie πŸ™

      My candilicious candy πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

      My Odogwuress, Paree nwa oma πŸ˜˜πŸ’•, yes o πŸ˜‚ we go pop champagne πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚
      Have a beautiful day my love.

  30. Good morning SDKville Fam
    I can smell Christmas too πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Wura season 2 is back,what a long waitπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    1. The series is boring to me though. I didn't even finish the first episode.

    2. Wahala for us when never watch season 1 oπŸ₯±

  31. Good Morning Everyone πŸ’• πŸ’ž πŸ’–

    God's blessings ahead πŸ™ πŸ™Œ ✨

  32. My people I don get alert oooooh!!! our Ekwueme STELLA DIMOKOKORKUS has done it again oooooh!!!

    My blog family make Una follow me thank her. It shall be well with you and your family Stella, when edey happen for front, you go dey for back and when edey happen for back, you go dey front, the lord's angels will guide you and yours always and no evil eyes and hand shall touch you and yours in Jesus mighty name I prayed Amen and Amen πŸ™πŸ™. THANK YOU STELLA

    1. Congratulations once again dear 🎊
      Thank you Stella

    2. Congratulations darling πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

    3. Just say thank you and move!
      I hate this "I don get alert God win" y'all always type. So irritating

      Shooter Gyal

    4. Congratulations πŸ‘

    5. Congratulations πŸ’• God bless SDK,Angel Koof.

  33. Good morning blog family..
    Wishing everyone a blissful week ahead.
    Love and light

  34. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    Hey lovelies πŸ₯°,
    I hope this week is good to you and is less exhausting too. I hope you find new reasons to smile and be happy 😊. Happy New Week Y'all.

    Y'all have a great day ahead 😘

  35. Good morning
    Productive week

  36. Amen, Jewelu πŸ™πŸ»
    Yesterday was My Baby geh's birthday.
    Though we chatted Saturday night into the Wee hours of Sunday morning. When I tried calling on Sunday her no. was not reachable due to network in their hostel. Till Much later in the day .
    Pls Fam help me wish her a happy birthday.
    Pinky Belated happy birthday to your sweetheart God's continuous blessings all the way for her... Amen

    Beautiful and Blissful Morning to us all πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

    1. Happy beautiful birthday to your baby girl πŸŽ‰
      May she be your PEACE!

    2. Happy glorious birthday to her

    3. Belated birthday wishes to your daughter.

    4. Belated happy birthday to your princess πŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ God bless and keep her..may this new age brings her joy, success, increase and greater heights πŸ™Œ

    5. Happy belated birthday to your baby girl .
      Goodness and Mercy follow her all the days of her life in Jesus name AMEN 🌹🌹❤️

    6. Belated happy birthday to your cutie. God bless and keep her always.

    7. Belated happy birthday to your daughter.
      God bless her new age. Amen.

    8. NK belated happy birthday to your baby girl, she will do you proud

    9. Happy birthday to your baby girl, wishing God's blessings now and always πŸ˜˜πŸ’œ

    10. Belated happy birthday to your daughter.

      May she always make you proud. πŸ™

      Words on Marble.

  37. Please where do I collect my certificate as the most bush person, I go prepare hot tea and bread, I'll still keep cold water by the stand ,as I'm drinking tea I'll be drinking cold water .

    Happy new week all, I pray God bless our hustling, I was just wondering this morning,what of if SDK and angel koof hasn't given me money to start this business wetin I for dey ship now as bush market no even move at all again, can't remember the last time I had order, and this okrika business no dey ever die except you no see market buy , once you have market, selling it is very easy. May God continue to bless SDK and angels here. Oya off to town, another thing is this business don help me to get new friends list and I dey hear plenty aproko 😁, as I dey make my money I dey mix with people too, especially evening time in hostels😜

    1. πŸ₯±πŸ₯±, ihe efu! are you the only one that collected giveaway that you won't allow us to hear world again? My business this my business that, who knows if you don't even have any business sef always licking SDK ass so she can give you more abi?

    2. Plenty aproko?
      Games mistress corner loadingπŸ₯±πŸ₯±

    3. Me I don't make my tea with hot water o,na lukewarm. Why will I be punishing myself drinking something that will be burning my tongue.

      SDK and angel Koof saving lives,I'm a testifier. God will continue to bless them.
      Chai GM so you dey get aproko and you no dey bring updated for us here,you no dey try faπŸ˜‚
      Wishing you plenty customers with plenty aprokos today.

    4. Anon you go dey ok last last, mind you I have like 2 customers from here , you can also send your order ,I ger fine first grade you can even use for Christmas. Oponu elenu ja wire

  38. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Blessed day and week. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

  39. I saw the backlash from some BVs to Erica when she unveiled her second passport and her statement on escaping the crab mentality and some people saying her statement is demeaning and disrespectful to her fans. If you understand the meaning of the phrase crab mentality you disagreeing BVs won't hold such opinion. Below is an explanation for crab mentality.and juxtapose it with your opinion
    Crab mentality is a term used to describe a certain mindset or behaviour in individuals or groups where they exhibit jealousy, competitiveness, and negativity towards those who are achieving success, progress, or growth in their lives.
    In a bucket filled with numerous crabs, an interesting observation emerges: none of them can ascend the bucket’s rim. Instead, they exhibit a behaviour known as crab mentality, where one crab’s attempt to escape is thwarted by others pulling it down, creating a cycle of interference. This phenomenon mirrors human behaviour seen in some individuals within our society, such as family members, relatives, and friends who struggle to celebrate and support the success and growth of others. These individuals exhibit what is commonly referred to as a “crab mentality.”

    1. Don’t Mind people defending Nonsense.

      No wonder they all contribute Money to People a million times better than them.

      Another Big Brother will show same cycle.

    2. I feel it is Erica that needs this lovely explanation of what having a crab-mentality, really means. Because if Erica herself understood the meaning of what she wrote, she wouldn't say she is trying to keep a distance between herself and the crab mentality 'people' while holding a different passport in her hand?
      Doing that in a way, painted the wrong picture that having a "crab mentality" is a Nigerian thing and that is laughable considering people like that, exists all over the world.

      I believe if she had said that without a passport in her hand, it would have made more sense that she was referring to just 'some people' and not people in a whole country but the way she phrased it while brandishing a new passport, I can't deny, she allowed herself to be misconstrued.

      Words on Marble.

  40. Please,is Agbo drink for malaria treatment

    1. Yes, different agbo for different hailment . Just look for a sure and experienced plug

  41. I heard my Christian neighbours 'ringing tone' yesterday. Not flattering at all. The wife was just hum hum ha hum hum, like she was warning the husband. When she was coming, the starting screaming daddy, daddy, daddy....(also in a warning tone). I was like wetin be all these naa. Wahala, even for love making?

    1. I cover my mind with the blood of God. Your comment almost got me thinking about sex

    2. Abionah, leave me abeg... 😁

    3. Mr Man, when do you ever stop thinking about sex? πŸ™„

    4. That’s Mom and dad style naa

    5. Who be this person with sex tone this early morning 🀣🀣🀣ABIONAH !!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    6. Haha, hope she said "daddy thank you , God bless you" after the do sha

  42. Beautiful Monday morning to everyone, not smelling any Christmas from this side yet.

    My kids start their exams today, it's been a busy weekend doing revision with them, it brought back memories of when I was teaching in one local school in Mowe, I only spent two terms with the school, but looking at how I'm impacting knowledge to the pupils made me fulfil, it brought out a passion in me then, I'm always happy going to work despite the poor salary.
    May God bless all the teachers for the great work they're doing, you all will receive your beautiful rewards here on earth.

    1. Teaching is a beautiful profession though underrated.
      As a teacher,you teach others and also learn/improve too. I cherished those moments I was a teacher.

  43. Good morning to you all.

    Apology in advance πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    I once said here that, I will talk about something either December or January depending on whatever outcome. It's time to talk about it and more reason I need to apologize to you all and SDK herself because it's gonna be a long read and I don't want to leave anything unattended to. I want you guys to judge me according to my actions.

    I have promised myself never to allow anything or anyone change my kind of person and also render help to the helpless except when I'm not capable at that moment. The reason I tend to bring the issue up here is to make some of us learn. Your insult are welcome.

    1. Where the long read? Till 2pm? All this kyn ghen ghen comment sef😴

    2. We are waiting for the story.
      Good morning Oga Pinky,how's Olori doing today.

    3. We await the story Pinky

  44. Good morning beautiful people, wishing y'all a fruitful and productive week.

  45. On a lighter note, Wura is now live.
    Yay! Good news right? I love the series abeg

  46. Goodmorning Stells and Beevees.
    May Today be the Day the Lord has Made and we Shall be Glad and Rejoice in it

  47. Una don start with greeting abi

    Shooter Gyal

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      On behalf of the Greeters Association of SDK, I greet you specially this morning my baibyπŸ˜˜πŸ’•.

    2. As Stella picked people for giveaway on Saturday SP, they have to say something every morning now

    3. Nor be say person nor get manners but God abeg!🀦

  48. When you think you seem not to get it right
    Pause abit and try again.

    Goodmorning everyone

  49. Happy n Blessed new week to us all....Ich leibe dich Sdk. Yep

  50. Blessed morning sweeties
    Belated happy birthday to your baby@Nk.. do have a fantastic day everyone

  51. Good morning beautiful people.πŸ₯°

    It's a beautiful Monday morning!πŸ˜‰
    Hope you guys had a great weekend? I did!πŸ˜‹

    Finally, I am beginning to smell Christmas.🀀

    You all have a wonderful day.πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

  52. Good morning everyone
    Happy new week.
    Exam has finished, my daughter is now at home, what do I do to keep her busy bayi? Gotv is a no go area, no money to sub on it, no light sef. It is well in Nigeria

  53. Bitterness, anger, malice and other related feelings usually cause diseases in the body. Help your heart. Help your mind. Don't stop at eating healthy. Free your mind from negative feelings. You'd be doing yourself lots of good.

    Be happy for others when they win. Your day too will come. Those that won Christmas giveaway are fortunate. Congratulations to them. Let others steer clear from being jealous, sad or angry that they weren't chosen. Stella has done enough for us here. I don't know of any other blogger that does this much. Have a wonderful day, people.

  54. Good morning SDK and bvs
    Yes SDK I can smell Christmas. Christmas songs every corner, knockouts sounds here and there in the evenings. Beautiful shoes and red clothes on display in boutiques along the road.
    It's a season of joy and everyone irrespective of the religion feels it.

  55. Stella, my humble opinion about December giveaway though I've never and can never partake in giveaway, im praying for God to help so I can also join you in this ministry. I think normally Saturdays can't be used to judge faithful bvs, even most that comment on Saturday are not the real faithful one, Saturday comments are always low due to the fact that many people have change of routine on weekends, I think you should reconsider your stand


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