Stella Dimoko Lady Narrates How She Praised Husband On The Social Media But Was Going Through DV


Friday, December 15, 2023

Lady Narrates How She Praised Husband On The Social Media But Was Going Through DV

What a sad Narrative and another one to prove that most show off and posts of ''the best spouse in the whole world'' on the social media is done after serious beating.....


  1. Replies
    1. Chika (hello iya boys)16 December 2023 at 06:16

      Abeg I no read oooo

  2. You were scared to be called a divorcee, but not scared enough that you could loose your life. Hmmm. I just hope that as you have left, you won't run back to him to bear the "Mrs" title.

    1. Like 🤦‍♂️.

      She had the fear of what the society will think of her, but she wasn't scared of death. This marriage thing is more important to some people than their life.

    2. You see this institution called marriage ehn, it is not for the faint-hearted...

    3. Thank God she had realized that her life comes first before marriage.” What people will say”,has killed a lot of women in bad marriages.


    4. Live your life for you, and screw what people think.

    5. She will definitely settle and run back to him, this one she isn't scared of her dear life but scared of divorce, women shaaa!

    6. I am sorry but serves you and your colleagues right! If u see where they these married women are shaming and abusing single women u won't pity them one bit!
      They always think they have arrived once they get married. Enjoy your happy married life ma'am

    7. Abeg l no read oooooo

  3. I don't doubt her narrative at all.
    I have two people very close to me that are like this,infact one was beaten to the point of death and after she recovered,she started posting My heart beat,we signed look I just dey look her.

    1. we signed forever????God
      She's mentally down already

    2. Na really her heartbeat o abi person wey dey use blows and 2by2 beat person body and heart na wetin? Heartbeat isonu🤣

    3. She really sign forever SMH


    4. Forever indeed mtcheeeeeew for her

    5. Internalized misogyny making women slaves to evil men

  4. Thank God you borrowed sense and left before it becomes too late

  5. Okay, he always sent you out of the house, meaning he locked you out?

    They said we should ask you what did you do? Because no mad man will suddenly send his wife out or lock her out.

    You know, only reasonable men exists on this earth. So what did you do for him to send you out?


    1. Yes, even though I'm yet to read the post..
      It's only a mad man that would lock you out for nothing or a minor disagreement..
      So it's either you deserve it or you're married to a mad man..
      If it's the former, then put yourself on check unless you keep getting checked..
      If it's the latter, leave before his madness drives him to do the unthinkable

    2. Okay una hear am now.
      Sometimes it is not Your fault that a man locks you out. Sometimes he could just be that he is mad.

    3. @10:24
      You know, only reasonable men exists on this earth. So what did you do for him to send you out?

      Well barbed sarcasm. True, contrary to view popular here, there are reasonable and unreasonable men and women in the world.

      Well said and balanced. Especially "If it's the latter, leave before his madness drives him to do the unthinkable."
      No woman (or man) should stay in any physically abusive relationship. There are enough laws in the statute books a woman can use to get what she thinks staying in the relationship (if work or marriage) will give her

    4. Women if you pay the rent and the man says something unreasonable or insulting please lock him out, as according to Dante, whoever pays the rent has every right to lock the other out of the house when provoked...(sic)

    5. Lol..

      Contine looking for how you'll twist my narrative to fit into your agenda..
      There's nothing you people can do here to me here that have not been done..
      Call me woman hater, misogynist, and all because I refuse to allow you people turn this place to a toxic feminist coven..
      They'll use their IDs to form nice because of giveaway but go anon to troll and do evil..
      Whether giveaway or not, I go still dey talk my own, as Una Don demonize me finish and I no see giveaway chop shey I don die? Lol

      If you like continue arguing and twisting, it won't change the fact that you'll not be respected by any man if you don't bring something to the table and when you misbahave he can decide to lock you out.. first for being useless and secondly for having a bad character..

      Person go dey feed, cloth and shelter you, you go still dey insult am..
      Them never lock you outside finish..

      Don't learn from what I've been saying to make yourself valuable for your own good, continue looking for how to escape accountability and responsibility like you are a child.. you'll end up being treated like one and then come here to cry..


    6. 13:49
      Women who own the matrimonial home or pay rent the man cannot pay do one of two things - lock the man out, send him out (home owners; pack and leave the man knowing he cannot pay the rent (rent payers).

      You guys give your fellow women too much benefit of the doubt until they do you in competition for a man.

    7. Only a sick man will lock his wife outside, nothing she does warrants exposing her to ridicule , weather and harm

    8. Only a sick woman would be rude and unsubmissive to her husband. Nothing warrants not being submissive and exposing their husbands to ridicule, shame and insults

    9. But a man that locks his wife out on any pretext is a mumu, ridiculing himself na. Abi he thinks he is ridiculing his wife? But as usual some of you would encourage rubbish. No sane wise, disciplined man does that.

  6. But if a man treats you well, you will start insulting him and calling him a useless man. That's why you are attracted to an oppressor

    1. Did we read the same story?

    2. But a man treats me well and I don’t go about calling him a useless man or insulting him, so what’s ur point again?

    3. What's this Anon saying?😱

    4. Anonymous 10:28, do you read upside down because I don't understand this your comment.

  7. This is me right now. I wanted to send in my chronicle, but was scared cos i only comment anonymous here. I don't have an id yet.
    Just pray for me bv.

    1. Please just take the bold step and leave.
      Forget the number of years you think you've wasted or what the society would think of you.Be selfish and leave.

      You are not a failure.

    2. If you are going through DV, why are you still there? I don't mean to sound harsh, but pray for you for what? That he stops beating you, or that you continue to endure. You alone have the power to change it

    3. The convenant of life is greater than the convenant of marriage.Do you want to join the statistics of those that have gone because they were ashamed and scared of what people will say?Though it won't be easy,if you want to remain alive,please leave!Every one will adjust to your decision,please put your life first.

    4. Well said @Candy 👏
      @Ava: she is not yet ready to leave o. She is still thinking about it. We pray that she activates her #6 🙏.

    5. Candy, maybe she needs prayers to be able to survive on her own. Wetin be ur own today. One woman finally realized she could be dead and left but u were still dragging her

    6. Are you in Lagos State?

      If yes, help is nearer to you than you think.

      Like or not, the Lagos State Government is Nigeria's No. 1 State on Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences matters. This is no politics or party matter. It is a fact.

      Yes, Pray.

      But Act NOW! Goggle "Lagos State Government Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Agency"

      #the Legal Trainee

    7. @ Eka, I doubt that's the prayer she needs.

    8. But you don't have to wait till you get ID before getting a good advice here nah, whatever it's you are going through just make sure you don't allow any man beat you please!!, You only live once o, hmmmm!!

    9. Candy, pray that she ends up dead na. Anon don't bother us with your issues abeg, if you're not ready to leave your marriage stay there and be seeking for unnecessary prayers. You people are just so annoying mtchewwww

      Shooter Gyal

    10. Pray for you that what should happen? For more beating or for more endurance?🤯

      Shey they tied you there with udoefi and ekwele?

      Dey play, Just dey play!😏😏😏

  8. Hmmm this is so sad😭. Women go through so much. Please let us have compassion for Women that do this. Society, especially nigerian Society is svery hard on divorced Women. A lot of times, either the man manhandled the kids away from the Woman or he refuses to provide. Even your family may be against you for leaving a bad marriage 😢. It is f#cking hard. Let us be more understanding of them and not call them names. Let us continue to encourage and pray for them.

    1. Nigeria society is hard on all singles and divorcees whether male or female.

      Used to think that only females were harassed over marriage issue as Mum and Dad left me alone until Nigeria people remembered my then singleness.

      Funnily, the male co-tenant/neighbour who did the most was being fed and housed by his wife who later abandoned him. Lol.

      No really a gender issue as we think.

    2. 12:31 Even men are harrased on top this marriage issue. If you are not married before the age of 35 in Nigeria as a man, be ready to be scritinized.

      Your friends that are married will tell you, "Do you want my son to call you uncle"? what is he supposed to call someone who is not his dad before?
      They will start reminding you that you are getting close to 40.

      Some would even automatically have a bad impression of you that you must be sleeping around to be still single at your age or you are a bad person so women are running from you.

      They feel you are irresponsible Like marriage is what indicates who a good man is.

      Words on Marble.

    3. That's how they also make the 'widow' thing to be perceived like the Nigerian society is against women,. When in truth, Nigerian widowers who survive richer wives are treated worse than widows who survive richer husbands.

      So the issue isn't even about gender but that the demised partner is the one with the money so of course, there'll be a lot of suspicion and also greed too

    4. Offer them your prayers then. It's those that let society get to them that can kill themselves all they want. Can never be me

      Shooter Gyal

    5. Wives don't encourage their husbands to have single men as friends. Meanwhile, the single men may be 100% "purer" than their husbands or the all round anchor of their husbands.

    6. Dante you are talking rubbish about widowers

  9. The last sentence off me . Osino survival?

    1. It's clear she means survivor. We all make mistakes.

  10. This is so sad. May she find peace, love and fulfilment. She deserves better

  11. People who say, they do not want to raise kids in broken home, most times do not have an idea what damage staying put will have on the psyche of that child.

    I think when most women marry they no longer give importance to their lives but only that of their kids and it is sad. Because I don't understand how you will be hurt over and over again and yet the only thing you can think of is your child.
    What about you, are you a wood?

    What if in the process, you go blind or die? I am not saying don't love your kids, please do. What I am saying is, your kids matter but, you matter too and you are equally important. Having children is not an excuse not to leave someone who is bent on damaging your organs with battering or snuffing out your life. Even God will not forgive you if you put the key to your demise in the hand of a mere mortal simply because he holds the title of a husband.

    I am happy she finally saw the light.

    Words on Marble.

    1. Thanks, OmoT. 💛

      Words on Marble.

    2. Flowers ain't enough for this comment @WOM. Biko, take your garden👇
      🌳🎋 🏡💐🌹🌸🏵🌼💐

    3. They were brought up to believe their lives have no value

  12. Until the Nigerian society change the way single women, divorced women and women TTC are perceived, then I am afraid many women will die in loveless marriages, many will continue to suffer from low-self esteem due to being single or without child. A society where the men are Lord's and Master's without accountability at all, what a society!

    1. 👏👏👏👏

    2. It is not a gender issue.

      If you listen to some male divorcees, you will weep.

      There are men who are afraid to divorce their wives because of the societal stigmatisation of singles and divorcees.

    3. You don't need to wait for society to change anything except you are looking to society for validation. I am TTC for 9 years now and I carry my myself with so much respect and grace you won't even have the mind to be asking me nonsense question. You don't feed me and you do not wear my shoes. I don't need society's opinion,pity or validation. People should learn to live for themselves and care less about what other are saying about them.

    4. I love your confidence God will grant your heart desires.
      Shebi Patrick doyle is about to remarry with pre weddings pics everywhere it's really do what works for you not the opinions of the society

  13. Hmmm this is so sad😭. Women go through so much. Please let us have compassion for Women that do this. Society, especially nigerian Society is svery hard on divorced Women. A lot of times, either the man manhandled the kids away from the Woman or he refuses to provide. Even your family may be against you for leaving a bad marriage 😢. It is f#cking hard. Let us be more understanding of them and not call them names. Let us continue to encourage and pray for them.

    1. Prayers no dey work for their heads like that o. Even if you forcefully drag them out and provide them financial stability, they will still go back to Armageddon. Whoever prefers to die there should do so. Life goes on. As for the other situations, pay people dust and put them in their place. They'll learn.

    2. Amebonawork,can please loud the 🎤🎤🎤

  14. You see how she successfully portrayed the man as a monster in her narrative? If we hear his side of the story, might be very different. Women are very manipulative and economical with the truth when it comes to sharing marital issues.

    BTW she claimed she was being pummelled by the husband but singing his praises on social media. That's why l am very wary of people who come to sing praises of their partner on social media. Often time, it's a sign that all is not well with their relationship and just doing that to console themselves. Someone who is really enjoying his relationship or marriage is very jealous/protective of it hence feels no need to come and advertise it to the world any chance they get and tries to protect it from evil eyes

    1. He is a monster!

      He should have divorced her instead. If she had died, nobody, not even you would care about his truth. You need to run away from people who you believe tries to push you to the wall.
      I am surprised both are still alive. Because in instances like that; one person is bound to die over time. Either he kills her in the process or she tries to protect herself and kills him. It doesn't always end well for the abuser or the abused.

      Words on Marble.

    2. Three other groups of praise singers in really good marriages
      1. Those who are sponges. They are the takers. - Selfishly taking everything out of their partners without putting anything back in the relationship.

      2. Those who are deceivers. They contribute almost equally in the marriage, but make it look and deceive other women that all is on their partners thereby creating ill feeling their listeners towards their partners.

      3. Those who fakers. They foot all their bills. But pretend that they are being catered for beyond their partners income to create envy or longing for their lifestyle, and strive in other peoples relationships.

    3. Living for others validation through unnecessary show off is pure bondage

  15. I'm glad she finally left.To anyone going through this right now.Please leave and secure your life.

    Learn from the stories of people that stayed because of one thing or another and finally lost their lives.Yours will not be like that.


  16. WINNER, YES I AM!15 December 2023 at 11:09

    Na them. No manual for any marriage

  17. Same thing with Bestie display friendship online.
    One that is close to me but does FB bestie is having serious issues with her. She doesn't respond to her on WhatsApp over 2 weeks. Last Sunday, she posted in FB, she was all over the comment session. 🤦‍♂️
    She told me people will laugh at them if it becomes public knowledge.

    Chukwu ajụ.. I Can't live fake life.

  18. I have to wear fake wedding band just to go for important stuff to avoid being talked down on or called ashawo . Then I tie headgear. No makeup no eye lashes no false nails. I get attended to with dignity and respect quicker. SMH. Nigeria is a joke.

  19. Marriage isn't a do or die affair,if you are going through DV leave, before your spouse kills you. And why do some of them going through DV, come online to heap fake praises on their abusers?, I have heard of this in many cases.

    1. Trauma bonding
      Stockholm syndrome
      What will people say
      Fear of the unknown
      Too many reasons

    2. They are trying to placate their abuser

  20. An only child and her mother were using her life to play sporty bet in the name of marriage. May God have mercy on Nigerian women and Nigerian marriages o.

    "Whoever supports evil shall see evil." You sef, don't support evil against yourself.

  21. My gender it's not always good to praise your husband publicly.
    He will be like you can't leave him no matter what and you are making him attractive to side hen

    Does he praise you publicly too
    And unless you are used to mocking divorces and single mothers your self
    And pepper them.
    I see no reason you should die in silence cos of what people will say

    1. Sebi you see one picture there with Church wrapper?
      Single women dey wear /tie that wrapper?

  22. But one of una Pastor for that una country say husbands na them be Masters , so then plummeling is what wives get when they disobey their 'Masters'

  23. But one of una Pastor for that una country say husbands na them be Masters , so then plummeling is what wives get when they disobey their 'Masters'

  24. Stella and BVs ,you see this thing called marriage in Nigeria and especially for Igbo woman mostly, is like do or die affair due to culture.
    A mom always bring her below 8 years for infection,and discharge issue.
    Checking the girl, we noticed, she is already opened but the mom can't give you chance to ask the child anything.
    Till one day, she came again with frustration over persistent itching and discharge, and in her not so alert mood, the girl was asked who used to touch her there. She said her dad!
    Like? We asked well, she said, he touched her yesterday, yesterday yesterday, children pattern na.
    We called the mom, she agreed that she knows but never caught him red handed that he started when the girl was four, that she is already begging him not open the second girl wey dey like 3 mk she just dey cope with the one he don open.
    Infact, her marriage is far important to her compare to what the child is going through.
    And if you see where she go dey talk about the man in high esteem.

    1. @Anon13:23 Both the woman and her husband should be reported to the appropriate authorities and arrested.

    2. God!!! 😰😰😰

      I really feel for the little one. Imagine being used as pawn in a game of relevance by your own mother. Sad 😔

    3. Beast of a father

    4. For the love of God!!! Please get the police involved. A very minor child is getting raped & you people are all enablers. Healthcare workers are mandated reporters. My heart is broken for that little baby girl. See how casually, you are mentioning “open”. It is rape. I can’t imagine the trauma that baby girl is going through & will go through for life. In a sane society, The healthcare workers would have reported. Police arrested the sick father & CPS will take the child away from that useless mother

    5. How on earth can I unread this? My Goodness! How can a mother allow this just to answer Mrs? Please help that poor girl by reporting to the authority

    6. 13.23, if you do not do anything about this, you are an enabler!

    7. When animals breed , they are evil "parents"

  25. As a single man, a newly employed female head of office almost first words to me were "go and marry". The words were surprising from an obviously educated woman. Those words were already a regular retort or insult from lower educated women. But till then nobody had said it to me in a formal setting.

    Finding her words awkward, I immediately asked if she had not worked with a single man before or had issues with single men. She replied no and even said her younger brother about my age was still single

    As it turned out, she had no respect for an unmarried man. And those words proved to be the harbinger of serial harassment, which led to my reaction that nearly caused my dismissal from employment so I resigned from the employment

    Reading Female bvs say "women this and women that" about Female singles and divorcees just make me laugh.

    Do female Bvs here think only women live in this world or suffer societal stigmatisation on marriage issues?

    Is any female bv here ready to pray that what single and divorced men face in Nigeria should reach the doorsteps of their sons and male relatives? Please note nobody said your sons or male relatives should experience it, just for it to reach their doorsteps so you too can see. Would you pray right now?

    Societal issues should be addressed unitedly by the society rather than hiding under gender alibis that men are not facing the challenge, only women are facing them; or vice versa.

    1. They shame every gender!
      They're just using sentiment when it comes to female gender.

      These women that rather die in marriage than to leave are the ones using it again others that are not married, divorce/single mothers ECT, that's why they die in silent out of shame.

    2. Men face ridicule
      Women face ridicule, harassment, violence and discrimination

  26. Glad you gave yourself sense and left. I hope others in your shoes take a cue. I have no iota of pity for women that deliberately remain in violent marriages

    Shooter Gyal

  27. It's better he loves you more than you love him, it makes the marriage last longer.if he values you, he wouldn't raise his hands on you.
    pls run away from an abusive relationship/marriage .

  28. Take heart my sis, God is ur strenght

  29. The greatest asset you have as a human being is not giving a damn about what people will say. Don't be afraid to walk away from a life of abuse.

  30. Women please watch, listen and RUN from jokes, talks, behaviour many animals start to show themselves

    PS Not every single man is marriage material , he may be handsome, rich and your mothers/fathers idea of husband but the sickness is in the spirit and the head. Don't manage into marriage

  31. Female virgins should ask themselves this: is he worth it?

    I'm tired of reading stories where they cast pearl before swine and are then shocked foe being trampled upon. When you go after a man with a checkered past and think your inexperience will suddenly change a pattern of behaviour, it seems funny.

    It's not enough to be a virgin but to have value in yourself. There are those who are holding back because they want far better and won't settle and there are those who are holding back because they don't think they are worth anything good otherwise. Maybe it was due to the trauma she was raised with, maybe due to the way her mother saw the world. Whatever it is "pride" would never have been enough for a mad man.

    Those looking to call their husbands lord lord like Sarah, ask yourself if he has earned it because he knows if it's not true. Abraham stood in the gap, fasting and covenanted with God while Sarah was laughing. He didn'twake his wife up or pass up that responsibility. He was the chief priest of his home. He lived a life of integrity, not even considering a relationship with their servants or anyone else till she manipulated him into it. He chased the woman away with their son the moment his wife complained of being disrespected. He provided for his family comfortably. He fought and won wars. Till he was in his 80s, he had no extramarital affairs. How is your dream come true measuring up to this standard? Even a carnal Adam called his wife bone of my bone despite bringing "nothing " to the table asides her degree in snake language.

    1. Not degree in snake language 🤣🤣


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