Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



My parents were married for some years and they had delay in conceiving,so after seeking for solutions both medical and spiritual. 

My mum was asked to go back to the village where her mother and grandmother took her to the river to appease and do some sacrifices for her she came back got pregnant with me that same month but had to do a caesarean section to give birth to me....
I was born in the 80s and I am always having problem in my relationships...
Yes I have been able to have my own kids but I am separated from their father.
Everywhere I go they tell me I am from the marine world and i am supposed to be appeasing them.
Hmmm another Marine child....I know someone whose live was messed up cosshe didnt appease them...Everyone who tried to marry her died....She had money and all but right now she is like a living dead...Her mum used to appease on her behalf but after the mum died, wahala started...I am not saying you should appease oooooooooooo but if you are not appeasing then you should be running to GOD for help... All these thing s sound unbelieveable but true..
Good luck!


  1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars26 December 2023 at 15:10

    Dear Poster, you can't continue in this venture. It is costly and time consuming.
    Give your life to Christ in totality and not hold back. And let the Blood of Jesus suffice for all that, that was done.
    John 8:32,"he that the son has set free is free indeed".
    1 Corinthians 5:17, if any be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed away, and old things have become new". When you give Your life to Christ there is a new government in place in your life. Then you renounce every agreement that was entered into without your knowledge on behalf of you. Renounce and revoke it by the Blood of Jesus.
    We serve a God who reverses the irreversible.
    After this the Lord will reorganize your life.
    All the best.

  2. AHH..
    Die ke..
    May we not marry, date or nack who will kee us ohπŸ™

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      God Abeg. What is the internet without your comments.

      Baby'm merry Christmas to you and a prosperous year ahead

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ continue knacking

  3. Go back to your root traditionally and things will get better with you. I don't have appetite sharing personal stuff here anymore, else I would have told you exactly about this same thing that happened to my mother's elder sister in the late 60's.

    Good luck to you.

    1. Poster run to Zion ministry and your issue will be history.

  4. This world is mysterious and the spiritual rule over the physical ,appeasing them yes but for how long the bible says they promised them freedom and gave them bondage. If you don't want to appease them run to Jesus and be born again wholeheartedly because the battle for your freedom maybe long and fierce ,surely victory is certain by our lord Jesus Christ but to continue appeasing them for how long,it can be for generations?devil has stronghold upon their victims,stealing,killing and destroying,choose your choice;Good luck

  5. Lolll. Only in Nigeria....lollllllllll. Stupid stories.

    1. Harry Potter movie came to mind, I guess it was produced and cast by Nigerians. That you don't believe in them doesn't make the story fake or stupid.

    2. Mmmm..... you think so? The Bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual host of wickedness in high places that includes Marine kingdom.

    3. The stupidest stories. Harry porter is a children's book

    4. Anons, all these stories about selling souls and blood sacrifice in Hollywood are being told by Nigerians, right? May you never have reason to believe such.

  6. If you don't believe appeasing them will work for you, kindly move closer to God now, it's only him that can set you free!
    I wish you well poster, everything will be fine!!

  7. Only Jesus will deliver you,locate a strong Bible believing church,give your life to Christ and get delivered.

  8. If you appease them, you will keep doing so for things to be smooth for you and they can demand for anything. Also, your children and grandchildren etc, must keep appeasing them but if you break it now with strong deliverance prayers, you and your generation will be free

  9. Why will African parents just decide to choose bondage as an option for innocent kids. So painful. You shed blood to bring a child into the world and you decide to dedicate the child to the devil.
    Mehn, sometimes I feel like flogging our fore father's.
    Their ignorance in those days is just shameful. 😠😠😠

    1. Because ppl’s desire for earthly things and favour in the eyes of regular average everyday humans mean a lot to them. At the core is desperation for something that is desired so greatly that anything will be done to obtain it, anything. So, they make covenants with unknown entities to bring them the things of the world and those covenants carry their various prices which must all be paid through the lineage.

  10. If you like go for deliverance 100 times u will still continue to experience the same issues bcos am speaking from the experience.

    1. You know rightly. But overzealous people won't want to hear about this.

    2. Give what belongs to Ceaser to Ceaser. Poster, go and appease and it shall be well with you.

    3. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars26 December 2023 at 17:33

      This is not true. Except if you don't follow through the deliverance process.

      Even coming out of this is a process. Its like a court case. You have to know everything that was done on your behalf and come out of it.

    4. There is nothing like overzealousness, one deliverance is enough but you must build yourself spiritually to be able to outgrow the marine powers.

      Doing deliverance is one thing, laying a foundation for an enduring relationship with God is another.

      You build yourself by daily feasting on/reading the word of God, fasting at least once a week, praying and fellowshipping with God daily.

      Know who you are in Christ, know what Christ bought for you with His Blood. Attacks will come to test you, face them and remind them how Christ stripped them naked of their powers and made a public spectacle of them on His cross.

      Be bold and live victoriously, enough is enough.

    5. Lies from the pit of hell. God is not a Babalawo. People think you can just go for deliverance with a relationship with Christ and have total victory? You need learn to pray, study the word and understand who you are in Christ. If you are delivered and continue a life of sin and no prayers or studying the word then you are jocking. Appeasing the gods is just temporary victory

    6. After deliverance, what do you do? You can't afford to leave yourself empty, otherwise the demons will reinforce and possess you again, compounding your problems.
      After deliverance, you start to actively build a relationship with God. Prayers, Word study, fasting, praise and worship, Word confessions are non-negotiable. Spiritual strength and knowledge must be acquired otherwise you continue to be an easy prey to the devil. This is when ignorance is not bliss but fatal. Once they know that you have recognised your authority as a redeemed child of God, they will flee from you.

  11. Hmmmm. This is deep ooo. Pls be prayerful. I believe with prayers and fasting you have a breakthrough.

  12. God will surely come through for you poster.

  13. Just build 🏊 swimming pool inside your 🏑 "if buoyant " cook egusi and sea foods,drop them by the poolside for mid night.. I go send person come pick am up, your
    appeasement answered

    1. Not funny πŸ™„

    2. I was only trying to pass a message,Not everything is spiritual if u take your money to the fake guys dem go just chop am

  14. Abeg. Everyone has problems. It is Africans that demons and marine spirits are the cause of their problems. Maybe,marine spirits are also after the Palestinians or Ukrainians

  15. Let me share my story.You must be willing to fight and be ready spiritualy.I had to go anon.

    I had marine connections through birth,all was going well till my teenage years when i started having relationships.

    All my bfs will leave without any reason,i was always seeing this handsome dark guy in my dreams,we would sit on a very long fence built on top of a mighty ocean,the fence is short in height which enables me to see both sides of the ocean,this fence is the demacation between the ocean world and the land.

    One side of the fence is a mighty ovean,while the other side is the land,most times in my dream,we do sit and face the land backing the ocean,this guy has a crown on his head made of aquatic shrubs,he was always dressed like all his zuma tribes.

    we would play and share fruits(bananas)the yellow one.In one of my dreams,i saw myself wearing a crown as well,all this while in my dreams,after we had finished playing and sharing fruits,i would be the one to tell him"i want to take my leave.

    Then i would stand up and bid him farewell in his sitting position,he never stood up on that fence.I would dream again and still go to meet him and then we play and share fruits.

    In my physical life,i suffered setbacks,and majorly disappointmemts in my relationships,nothing was working,it was promise and fail,stress and confusion,people will meet me and overtake me in doing things.I knew i was in trouble.I was approaching my 30s.

    This is a long read,i will share the remaining part of my story in the comments section.

    1. We are waiting o. It won't be bad if you can post your own chronicle.

    2. Anon pls come back and finish your story ooooo

  16. Breaking loose from marine spirit is not a child's play at all. You need a very strong deliverance and you yourself you need to draw seriously close to God and awake spiritually.
    I pray for breakthrough for you.

  17. This topic remains inexhaustible... O Chim

  18. I am more concerned about what this means for the future of your children, will they also be under such bondage that they did not ask for. Better to break the ties completely and end the generational cycle so everyone can be free. If breaking the cycle means you sacrifice having a long term relationship in this lifetime then that is a worthy sacrifice. Nobody gets to have it all in life, but you get the opportunity to be an emancipator for yourself and others, decide if you want a basic life or a glorious one.

  19. You have to go to any strong pastor for deliverance, stay away from sin during the deliverance and after the deliverance, read your Bible frequently. You can fast and do midnight once in a week. If you are catholic visit the chapel and take your rosary serious. I pray for God's intervention in your life.

  20. Search, "the mystery of deliverance" on youtube by Apostle Joshua Selman. PART 1 to 4.
    Prayerfully watch and pray with it.

    It is well.

  21. You need deliverance. Go to MFM prayer city if you are in Lagos. Don't appease any thing, it will not end well rather you will mortgage your generation. Be warned.

  22. There are people who are special being from spiritual realm. When I said speaking from the experience I know what am saying . If you are from marine world there are something you can not do and some food might be a taboo for you . You might even be a mesenger from them. Do you know that you can be send by them to heal and safe the humanity from the power of darkness? Do you know you can be send by them to cure the women from barreness. Either you do their bid by become a nurse or pharmacist, or doctor or Iya oshun. If you do any other job than this , everything will just be a waste of time. They will be the one to choose your job for you. And no black or red colour of clothes or shoes or bag for you, in fact your bedspread will be white and your cover cloth. Because they will be giving you vision on how to go about the most difficult issues ( sorry for the error, my phone is faulty am just managing this now) I would have love to explain more but my phone is too slow

  23. Thank you Stella for posting my chronicle. Thank you to everyone that has given me advice on the chronicle,your comments as awaken something in me.I would definitely come back to testify to the glory of God.

  24. The power they gave you is more than the pastor, if you are not careful the pastor may want to marry you bcos the power that is you is more than them. Most times our parents fuck us up by not telling us whom we are bcos they always know. They themselves are from there but bcos they refuse to acknowledge it they end up putting their children in wahala. The children will be gonig from one church to the other thinking that they had problem by that time the parents might be late therefore leaving wahala for their kids.

    1. Lies from the pit of hell. Marine power can never be greater than any true pastor. Even a true horn again believer is feared by any one from the marine kingdom. They are evil and Can never be good. One way or the other you pay with blood and will keep serving them till you are delivered

    2. Baboni please can you drop your email address inbox to Stella thank you.

    3. You are looking for an easy way out without considering the consequences of your actions. Devil have no free gift, if he gives you anything, he keeps collecting nonstop. Think about your children and their future. Run to God, let him set you free. Locate an MFM church and go for deliverance. Ire o.

  25. U better follow baboni comments,I’m a marine child also,all u need his follow their instructions n u will be fine

  26. continuation of my story

    By my 30th birthday,i was already fedup of life,my sister who was there for me,encouraging and praying for me died,i was going from church to church,montains to montains,fasting and prayers,yet nothing changed.

    I became spiri koko by force,i wasn't paying attention to myself anymore,no job,no career,no help.Meanwhile in the marine world,i was enjoying,there was a dream i had and i saw that my clothes have been changed to that zuma attire,we wore matching attire with crowns on our heads.

    When i woke up,i sometimes feel so horny or feel like i just had a very plesurable sex.When i got fedup of going to different mountains and churches,i resorted to be praying on my own.Reading bible and quoting the scripture.

    The begining of my liberation.
    I dreamt and saw myself again with him,i was telling him how i'm tired of coming to visit him and that i don't want to see him again.Then he stood up in annoyance and walked away.For the first time that i will see him stand up,I saw a very long tail(curly)like that of a monkey,but very long he was walking away furiously and the tail was following him.

    I was so scared,i shouted,i have never seen him stand before,so i woke up from the dream.

  27. My years on earth, one thing I know, as i know very well is there's powers and there is power.... God power is the ultimate but I tell you the truth is not easy accessing heavenly power it has a long process the earlier the better you start seeking God the closer the solution... Just keep asking him to save you and yern continually for his presence, if you're a Christian let the bible be your number one book.

  28. I know someone this is happening to right now. Nothing is working for her. She refuses to appease. At the end of the day, her family decided give to ceaser what belongs to ceaser. She has started appeasing. I've not seen anything tangible yet sha

  29. Marines are angel ( Oshun, Obatala, Ogun, Yemoja, and so more . They are God messenger.) believe it or not they are not evill. Christianity of today had destroyed so many things , look at what is happening at Akwa Ibom by labeling innocent children "witch" is not pastor s that told their parents to throw them away? And someone from a white country came and rescue them, she enroll them in school and give them hope for future. And yet they did not kill the white lady. God created the marine spirit period . Just used your power to do good, know whom you are but not everyone comes from there.

  30. Poster you will be fine do what your conscience tells you.

  31. How come it's only in Nigeria and Africa that we have Marine spirit, spirit husband, spirit children etc. Marine child wey dey come through CS? The devil is very crafty and the power he seemingly has is as a result of being in existence for aeons of years, and so he has over the years oobserved us individually, taking note of our weaknesses to use it or them to tempt us. Like in the case of Jesus, Jesus had been fasting for 40 days and was hungry, what did Satan use to temp him first, food. What did Satan use through Balaam to derail the sons of Israel after Jehovah thwarted Balaam's curses, women. My sister, you are no marine child. Read the Bible, pray fervently and free yourself of this baseless permutations. Don't consult or appease any spirit medium cos you will only be dinning with the devil and his demons. Hebrews 4:13 say "For the word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two-edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints from the marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart" Use the Word of God to protect your thinking and pray to God for this holy spirit. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. All power belongs to God. So why take shelter under the wings of the Devil that will soon be annihilated?

  32. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics IG: hf_emporium_ 0907230039128 December 2023 at 10:25

    Poster. I see you have settled for the marine appeasing
    Welldone. In a year's time, you will be talking like baboni and Γ¬nviting others to the marine world. Your life, your choice.
    Some of us still believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, still believe in heaven and he'll, still believe in rapture , still want to see our Lord Jesus some day.
    And ad Paul said in Romans 8, starting from 30 ďownwards, "NOTHING CAN SEPARATE ME FROM THE LOVE OF GOD THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS. "
    I won't allow my selfishness and ingratitude separate me from God.
    Is it this transient world I want to sell my soul for? Highest 120 years and I die.. can I be compared to eternity? Millions and millions of years without end in or heaven. (Your choice to make)
    Job lost all his children and properties. Was it spirit wife? Job 13v15-18.
    Pst David Ibiyomie doesn't have a biological child despite his level in service to God. Why didn't he forsake God?
    You even have children. How many believers are still trusting God and yet to get any? How can your life be all about you? Why can't it be compared to many you are mote blessed than and see what God has done?
    The truth is, if you know more believe, trust or have confidence in God's ability, go ahead.
    Maybe just maybe you will be given the finest of this world and rise to the pinnacle (not still coming to complain of bad phone or d government, or receive giveaway etc) then you know at death, you will ho to where they belong. ..for God shall cast them all into the lake of fire. Atleast, there, you can continue to appease them.

    Like Joshua, I say, "as for me and my household , we will serve the Lord". Regardless.
    For all He has Don for me from birth, the least I can do is to love and worship him. owe my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ my life, my all and nothing ot no one can separate me from Him in thus temporary world.

    Meanwhile, goodluck with your choice


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