Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Saturday, December 09, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



I am 43, unmarried and not even in a relationship. For years now, the only relationship that will last for more than a year is the one with a married man. If I try to date my mate, it won't work. I noticed my parents were very unconcerned.

 There was a time I told my dad that it's like there is a problem somewhere. He didn't take me seriously. My mother recently confessed to me that I was sacrificed so that I will have plenty money. 
Ok, the money I have, you people are the ones chopping it. I can't get married because of your stupid sacrifice. Are you saying you sacrificed me to make money for you all to spend.
 I have decided to put all of them aside. God willing, I will adopt a child soon, maybe, just maybe then I will throw all of them away. Family is nothing to me right now.

You were used as sacrifice for money by your parents at birth? what kind of wicked parents gave birth to you? Please dont just cut them off without first knowing the repercussion of doing so...Since they dont care, they might not care if you die since you wont be helping them anymore...
Thread with caution so that you can find a solution to your being tied down sacrificially.
And please do not adopt a child into this situation until you sort out the issue otherwise that child may only battle with ill health with you..... How do i know this? I know someone who has exactly this story but hers is more serious than yours and the mum has passed on...... All the Babas that were part of it have passed on so there is no one for her to ask for the way forward, she is now 80 percent NOT NORMAL 


  1. What kind of wickedness is this again? from someone's parents..
    These are people that should protect you

    1. The Original ShugarGirl9 December 2023 at 15:35

      Crazy guardians.
      Deliverance is what you need to seek.
      Please be courageous.

      Can you still consider freezing some of your eggs?

    2. So sorry about what you are going through poster, but its not only to put your family aside for now you have to load up on prayers and go for deliverance also. God will show up for you in Jesus name Amen

    3. Poster, please go to MFM headquarters.
      Matters like yours have been prayed on by there since the Ministry started decades ago even before it became internationally known

  2. Dear Poster Please join Dunamis live midnight prayers from 11:30-12:30am tonight and other nights and watch altar cancel altar.

  3. Knowing the root of a problem makes it easier . That deliverance starts from you poster. May God see you thr'

    1. Gbam. I wonder why she waited this long especially when parents were not concerned from the get go.

  4. OMG! What did I just read? I believe there's nothing God cannot do, now that you are aware of the situation, take it to God and God will set you free

  5. Things are happening.. Poster, your only way out is through embracing and accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and saviour. Sacrifice yourself to God!

    1. Yes please follow this advice,Only Jesus can set you free indeed, He did in my case and as been doing for those who will genuinely surrender their lives to him for whom the Son ( Jesus) will make free such a person is free indeed and you need a Bible believing church to attend to make you more grounded in God

  6. Wicked parents why can't they used themselves for money ritual. God will come through for you dear.

  7. What kind of wicked parents are these?🤷🏾‍♀️

    Poster, thank God you now know the cause of your problem, just go for deliverance.

  8. E kaaan Mbe! Strange things are happening. Have your mom confess in totality then engage a solid man of God to help with family liberation and deliverance. There is so much wisdom in Stella's red pen. All the best. There is nothing the power of God cannot destroy.

  9. 😲😳😲... Your own parents... Just WOW

  10. OMG! What kind of parents are they??

  11. Hmmm,it is well with you.

  12. Lagos Mainland Girl9 December 2023 at 16:29

    Locate a Bible Believing Church and start attending, give your life to Christ if you have not and belive that God will do it.

  13. Your parents are very wicked,only God will set you free. Go to a good church for deliverance.

  14. My dear i feel you. I am almost in same situation. I have been wondering why men come and go despite my good looks. I am a product of single mother. . I have enough money to last me for life but no man, no child. The child i adopted, training her abroad she has cut contact with me.I got to know she is the problem.
    And she does not care cause she wants me to focus on her.
    I have decided to face my life. I am keeping distance from her only send her peanuts.

    Even adoption these days can't bring you joy. I am going through depression cause I am retiring soon. No where to go. No family. No friends. I keep to myself.

    Please, think fast. I realised late. I thought the one i adopted will be my world. I spent heavily on her sending her to school abroad. She has now started working over there and cut me off. May that not be your potion. Its still the manipulation of my so called mother. She is now languishing in poverty waiting for the day God calls her. I have already fixed money for her ceremony.
    Men give me appointments but don't show up. I have never been in a relationship. They admire and want relationship but it ends there since I was in my twenties till now. So unlucky with men. I dont even show off. I run from churvh to church. They see the problem but no solution .

    I will like to see you if you dont mind. May God perfect all that concerns you

  15. Some people are not worthy to be called parents,what kind of wickedness is this? Poster what you need is deliverance. Pray your way out,go on your knees and ask God to deliver you.

  16. poster all you need is Deliverance and do it without your parents knowledge since they brought this upon you they might want to stop can connect Zion prayers movement outreach via any social media handle

  17. Mscheww. Sacrifice ni,sacrifice ko

  18. At least your parents confessed. Mine took theirs to the grave. Thank God for discernment and deliverance. Poster, forgive your parents but keep them at arms length. Start your self deliverance through fasting and praying for at least 30 days straight with the last 3 days being water fast only. Then pray the prayer of Jabez and stay away from immorality. Close your legs to married men. You are only 43. After 25 years of celibacy, I got my deliverance at 55 and married at 56 and now have twin boys. Nothing is impossible for God.

    1. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars9 December 2023 at 17:57

      Wow! Pls share your testimony pls. I want a baby and in my early fifties. Indeed what God cannot do does not exist.

    2. What an encouraging testimony

      Family, blood can be the most evil because you will never suspect or believe they can harbour such evil motives

  19. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars9 December 2023 at 17:07

    Dear poster, this is what I recommend for you to do.

    Give your life to Christ and then confront what has been done on your behalf without knowing.
    Renounce and reverse every covenant entered into by the Blood of Jesus. You need the Blood of Jesus to negate every agreement. You can do this by using the word of God to pray. But only after you have given your life to Jesus.
    You will declare that Jesus is Lord over your life and every agreement and covenant is hereby nullified by the Blood of Jesus.
    Take some days to pray declaring what the word of God says.
    1 Corinthians 5:17. You are a new creature all things have passed away and all things have become new.

    Gal. 3:13, you are redeemed from the curse of the law.
    John 1:12 You now believe in Jesus and have accepted him, therefore You are His child and only he has the right over you.

    Isaiah 49:25-26 The lawful captive of the mighty shall be set free. It says lawful, your parents did this but now there is new government in place. The government of Jesus over your life.

    Don't play hanky panky with Jesus.
    Google search for more scriptures on how to reverse every covenant. You will find prayer points.

    John 8:32. For he that the son sets free is free indeed. You can be free.

  20. God of mercy. Poster may God be with you. Your parents didn't do well.

  21. Poster, get more info about what was done on you and pls be ready to battle it spiritually.Spend time praying and put your trust in the lord alone.
    The bible say,no weapon fashion against you shall prosper.God can still turn the situation around.pls soak your self with the blood of Jesus Christ and believe God who does miracles in the lives of people who put their trust in him, will surely do yours.Amen.

  22. Just surrender your life totally to God. Meeting a pastor to pray for you will never bring everlasting solution to your problem. Try your best to learn to know God one on one. Relate with him by praying and studying his word to find the hidden truths and treasures there-in, and gradually, you will begin to get your freedom from the shackles of the demons.

  23. Your parent entered into a covenant that can only be divinely broken. Don't lose or give up hope. Please accept Jesus into your life and go for deliverance. There is nothing God cannot do, absolutely nothing.

  24. If you try to get pregnant that will not work cos they have already sacrifice you to make sure nothing will take your attention from your family. You need to break out of this evil else when you adopt any child you will not have peace of mind cos that child will take your attention from your parents.

    Find a way to speak more with your parents to find out what can be done to break out from this devilish challenge. I wish I can assist you with a contact if someone that will really help you out to open your eyes from this evil you are suffering.

    Do not adopt yet till you are free from this whole issue.

    1. How can she ask what can be done from people who are benefitting from the situation?

  25. Haaaaaa
    This is serious ooooo
    Why are some parent wicked and selfish.
    Dear poster you need serious deliverance

  26. Your parent are very wicked and selfish
    Please poster give your life to Christ and join a bible believing church, may God come through for you🙏

  27. You dey look for husband while knacking other people's husband. Anemenum

    1. Irony is the eligible ones will not come her way till she gets delivered

  28. Pray until something happens....... I wish you knew all these earlier, you would have been half way to solution. Well you still have 100%chances again, with God a thousand year can just be a day.

  29. Dear poster, go for deliverance.

    Me wey dey advise sef, I need serious deliverance. Can't we just pray to God for deliverance and he answers us, do we have to fast for 30 days?

  30. There poster I know this may sound awkward to you but God can actually deliver you from this spiritual ties your parents willingly put you.
    Just come to Glory dome,Dunamis Abuja for healing and deliverance service((Tuesday) you will be glad you did. I am a living testimony of God’s goodness.

  31. Stella just gave the perfect advise. It's so sad when I see stories like this. Very painful

  32. Nawahoo some parent are not fit to be called parents I swear, what kind of wickedness is ehen? Poster please soak yourself in prayer if possible relocate abroad and cut off from this people called family. In abroad enjoy urself and live your life to the fullest while planning for retirement. It is well with you 🙏

  33. I don't agree that anyone can decide the destiny of a determined personality.
    Everyone here is blaming the parents. But did not confirm if it is not the poster's kind of attitude that is driving away men and not sustaining relationships.
    Poster the answer lies in your hands.. dont go looking for who to blame.

    1. Her mother confessed yet you want to blame the poster because it doesn't fit your toxic misogynistic thinking abi? Mtschew

    2. 12:28
      And you assume from reading the comment that the Bv is a man.
      Well maybe women can be misogynists too.
      We learn by the day.

  34. Am glad when most commentators advice the poster to seek help in churches named at least you all accept that the church of Christ and his pastors are the solutions to wickedness in the world though many of you abused pastors and churches to gain views and for catching cruise BUt you know now that JESUS REIGns supreme and the church of God is matching on and gates of hell won't prevail, Amen

  35. First chronicle wey make me cry
    Darling solution dey and the good thing is that you know the source unlike many. Mountain of Fire na dia speciality. Find time at least spend a month in the camp on ibadan expressway. God has done it

  36. Poster, I don't think you should seek family deliverance, seek personal deliverance instead, remember your family is profiting from your painful situation. Still assist them but set strict boundaries and keep them at arms length. Freeze your eggs since you can afford it and hopefully do IVF or use a surrogate when you finally get married. I'm rooting for you dear.

  37. If you hold grudges and bitterness in your heart against your parents for doing this to you, your prayers will not work, so first of all you will forgive them from your heart and then pray.

  38. That is why the worship of parents in Nigeria is idolatry and presumptuous…. “My mama is my priority”…”I want to build house for my parents first”.., etc while not bad, they show a widespread societal manipulation to become incapable of discerning when your challenges or toxicity is actually from your parents, siblings or close family. “Honor your father and mother” is what God says not become their “Jehovah Jireh” or turn them into idols. My own “family” did me dirty but God helped me and is still helping me because he sees my heart towards them. Up till now. Poster you should forgive but that does not mean remain close to them. Go for deliverance at MFM headquarters or Prayer City. Then continue to be close to God in prayer and watch him work wonders in your life. Mine have drained so much if I put a number nobody will believe but God delivered me through Jesus Christ. “If the son (Jesus) shall set you free, you are free indeed”… you need prayer warriors or deliverance ministers in mfm prayer city to join you. They may want to hurt you since their money bag is free from them but God will cover you according to psalm 91,


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