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Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 #wednesday #wcw #blessingsbeyondbelief #neversaynever #awesomeGod #itiswhatitis


This Wednesday is special because it celebrates you woman!
Have a great day and dont forget to Bless God for making today possible...
Send in your Chronicles please!!!!



  1. Dear Lord,
    As humans, we pray NEVER to be ill. But we also realise that living in this evil world, we might fall sick at some point.
    But God, na beg we dey beg, if we go sick, make e be sickness wey need chinkini money to treat.
    But we still beg you o, if e possible, make we no even sick at all sef. Thank you Sir!

  2. Femininity Tips 101 Invest in your Skincare.

    Great Skin starts with a Good cleanser for your skin type. Normal, Oily, Combination Skin.

    1. Dear CEO Empress, kindly recommend different cleansers for the different skin type please πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½, especially for a sensitive, acne prone skin.

  3. Beyond Assumptions!!
    1 John 5:20.


    "The knowledge that we’ve overcome the world is in our spirits; we’re more than conquerors and victors in Christ Jesus. It doesn't matter how dark and gloomy things get; be unruffled. The knowledge we have and by which we live is beyond the senses."

    "Likewise, when we pray, our prayers transcend the arena of assumptions. Our prayers produce results because of our deep and intimate knowledge of the One to whom we pray. Our relationship with Him is based on our knowledge of Him; it transcends religious rituals and formulas."

    "Therefore, when we pray about something, it’s because we’re confident that it’s in accordance with the Father's will."


    Dear Father, I thank you for the spirit of wisdom and insight into the deep and intimate knowledge of you. My spirit is alert to discern your promptings, and have a deeper understanding of the mysteries of your kingdom. I grow in grace and in my relationship with you, with a replete knowledge of your perfect will, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Ephesians 1:17-18; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20 AMPC.

  4. *Do Not Put Riches Above God*
    _(Wednesday, 22 November 2023. Read 2 Maccabees 7:1,20-31, Ps. 17:1,5-6,8,15, Luke 19:11-28)_

    _*“Antiochus not only appealed to him in words but promised with oaths that he would make him rich and enviable if he would turn from the ways of his fathers. ... While she was still speaking, the young man said, ‘What are you waiting for? I will not obey the king’s command...’” (2 Maccabees 7:24-30)*_

    Today, we read the gory account of persecution under the reign of Antiochus Epiphanes. Seven brothers and their mother were arrested for their refusal to partake in idol worship. After the death of the sixth, Antiochus, moved by shame at the boys’ courage, decided to lure the youngest of them with riches and political power. Just as King Antiochus sought to persuade the boy with riches, many young men and women today have sold their souls to the devil, following the mantra: “Get rich or die trying.

    _*Saint of the Day:*_ Saint Cecilia. At a very early age, she vowed her virginity to God, but her parents married her off to Valerian of Trastevere. Cecilia told her new husband that an angel accompanied her, but he must be purified to see it. He agreed to the purification and was baptised; returning from the ceremony, he found her in prayer accompanied by a praying angel. The angel placed a crown on each of their heads. Valerian asked the angel a favour: that his brother be baptised. The brothers developed a ministry of giving proper burial to martyred Christians. In turn, they were arrested and martyred. Cecilia buried them at her villa on the Appian Way and was arrested for the action. She was ordered to sacrifice to idols; when she refused, she was suffocated and later beheaded. St. Cecilia is the Patron Saint of musicians, composers, poets, singers and bodily purity.

    Let us pray: Almighty, ever-living God, teach me to love you above all things on earth. Free me from the lure of riches, especially if it compromises my faith. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

    *Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Saint Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr. Bible Study: 2 Maccabees 7:1,20-31, Ps. 17:1,5-6,8,15, Luke 19:11-28).*

    1. @Anne and Shady; Maccabees is one of the books in the Catholic Bible. They (books) are called Deutrocanonical books. If I remember correctly.

  5. Read a thread on X, Twitter, where the argument was if a single girl can fall in love with a married man? I was in the comment section. Very funny



    When someone asks you about your behaviors, they are likely interested in understanding how you typically act and interact in various situations. Behaviors encompass a wide range of actions and responses that you demonstrate in your daily life. Here's how you can respond:

    1.) Be honest: Share your genuine behaviors without trying to present yourself in a way that is not true to who you are.

    2.) Use examples: Provide specific instances where your behaviors were evident to help the person understand you better.

    3.) Reflect on different contexts: Behaviors can vary depending on the situation, so be open about how your responses may differ in different scenarios.

    4.) Include both positive and negative behaviors: Everyone has a mix of behaviors, so don't be afraid to mention both strengths and areas for improvement.

    5.) Emphasize adaptability: Highlight how you adjust your behaviors based on the environment and the people around you.

    Example responses:

    "I tend to be very organized and structured in my approach to tasks and projects. I create to-do lists and set clear priorities to stay on track."

    "When faced with challenges, I try to remain calm and look for practical solutions. I believe in tackling problems rather than dwelling on them."

    "In social situations, I'm outgoing and enjoy engaging in conversations with others. I like to make people feel comfortable and valued."

    "Sometimes, I can be a bit impatient, especially when things don't go as planned. However, I've been working on being more patient and understanding."

    "I adapt my communication style depending on who I'm talking to, whether it's colleagues, friends, or family members, to ensure effective and meaningful interactions."

    Behaviors can evolve and change over time, and it's okay to acknowledge areas where you're actively working on improvement. By sharing your behaviors, you provide others with insight into how you navigate the world and interact with those around you.

  7. Good morning to y'all on here
    Hope you had a sweet night rest?

    This is for them Doyin et al
    Scientists have warned that s#x toys can cause diabetes, disrupt immune response and damage the nervous system if care is not taken

    Did you see the video of Abians celebrating the 'first ever' public water fountain in the state? No be small thing

    Proverbs And Its Meaning
    A good dog deserves a good bone- Good work deserves good pay

    A miss is as good as a mile- A narrow escape is an escape

    A new broom sweeps cleaner- A new officer introduces new change

    A pet lamb is a cross ram- Indulgence ruins


  8. Heavenly father, today we approach your throne with a grateful heart on behalf of all mothers and yet to be mothers. The gift of motherhood is a rich blessing, and we thank you for the privilege and honor of bearing the title, Mother.
    We thank you for the gift of time moms give for their kids.
    We thank you Lord for the flexibility of moms, for their tirelessness, their perseverance, and their devotion.
    We ask you lord to be the sources of spiritual and physical strength to all mothers. We pray that the same grace that flowed from Father to Son to us in salvation will flow from mothers to their children in Jesus name πŸ™
    All mothers shall live to continually see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living and their morning shall know nothing called sorrow in Jesus name πŸ™
    Crushing on all Mothers, Ttc and all single ladies.

  9. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’‹

  10. SODOMY

    Sodomy is the crime of oral or anal sexual contact or penetration between persons or of sexual intercourse between a person and an animal

    Children of God i want to open your eyes to the reality of life. Modernisation has packaged and modernised sin in such a way that it has been generally endorsed and accepted to be good and ok, Even Christians have been decieved by this demonic agenda and conspiracy. The society is now morally bankrupt. Sin is now globally accepted as wokeness, while hardcore Christianity have been hushed down and forced to be become ancient and archaic, making believers to look like extremists.

    One of the strongest weapon of the devil in this Christianity eradication agenda is the weapon of consistency, when a sin or evil practice is introduced, they keep pushing and churning it down our throats till we get used to it and it becomes a global thing.

    Do not get weak to this evil and luciferian ideology and demonic agenda.

    Homosexualism and lesbianism is a sin in the sight of God. All gays will go to hell if they don't repent.
    God is not changing his principles because of Modernisation. 1cor 6:9 leviticus 20:13 leviticus 18:22

    Even if you started practicing it from a little age, if you don't seek help and come out of it, you will land in hell. Any mother or father accepting this evil ideology is an enabler and you will land in hell for not speaking against it.

    The sin of sodomy is an abomination in the sight of God. Leviticus 18:22

    The world is globally celebrating gays, the anger of the lord is upon this world.
    Judgement day is coming, and it will begin from the house of God.
    Many Christians have compromised in there walk with God. Evil has now been exchanged to good Rom 1:25-27

    If you are gay please do not accept it that you were born that way, you were created in the image and likeness of God, he did not create you to like your fellow gender, when he mandated us to go into the world and multiply, how then would u multiply in that way you are, eve was created for Adam, if God wanted that, he would have created another Adam, Go for counselling and deliverance to be free.
    All you need is JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH.

    Flee from this abomination else you will burn in hell when you die.


    ROM 10:10
    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  11. Beautiful morning my beautiful neighbors πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’πŸŒΉπŸ’πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ’πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜š

  12. Good people of SDK ville, I greet you all this wonderful Wednesday morning. Hope our week is going as planned? Please pray for my daughter's speedy recovery. She's been down with cough and malaria since the weekend. Thanks and have a blessed day ahead.

    1. She's healed in Jesus name, Amen.

    2. Good morning beautiful,God's speed on your princess πŸ™πŸ»

    3. She's healed in Jesus name, I hope she has been taken to hospital.

    4. Gods healing upon her πŸ™

    5. God's speedy healing upon her πŸ™Œ Chris is Rapha

    6. Healing raining of the most high God pour on your daughter for speedy recovery in Jesus name AMEN.

    7. By his stripes she's healed in Jesus Mighty Name πŸ™πŸ»
      . Beautiful Morning Sis

    8. It is well with her in Jesus Name πŸ™

    9. I thought of you yesterday. Wishing your daughter speedy recovery 😘

    10. God almighty heal her in Jesus name.

    11. Wishing her speedy recovery πŸ™

    12. Many thanks for your prayers, fam. I say a BIG AMEN πŸ™

    13. I pray for quick recovery on your daughter in Jesus name, it is well with her.

    14. The Great Physician will heal her in Jesus name.

    15. I pray for her speedy recovery

  13. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Here is me wishing us the best of today, have a nice day ahead guys.

  14. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord release every blessing held captive from reaching you and cause them to come to your speedily...

    May the Lord cause your glory to rise with the rising of the sun and never to go down again...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name.

    Beautiful and glorious day, I wish you!!!

  15. Good morning everyone
    It's a sunny morning here
    I thank God for the gift of life
    I wish y'all a great day.

  16. When are we going to get winter in Nigeria.
    I’m getting tired of this hot weather.

    1. LOL πŸ˜„, winter ko, fall ni. What we have here is raining and dry season with touch of harmattan.

    2. Hmmm! It will be the 9th wonder of the world..but I think J-town weather is very close

    3. Don't worry slimzy, Winter is at your door stepπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

    4. Serious cold over here and catarrh

  17. WCW

    Celebrating every legit, genuine and successful women out there keeping the family going and more also to men as well who doubles at father and mother to their kids. May God bless you all and keep you safe always.

    Good Morning.

    1. Every legit, .....woman* and men also who double*

    2. Amen !!!!!
      Thank You Ezege❣️

    3. Yeah every legitimately and successful woman is worth celebrated

  18. Goodmorning...
    today is going to be a blessed dayy!!!!

  19. Thank you Lord for making today possible.

    I greet you all this cool morning. Enjoy your day.

    1. Good morning Cyn πŸ’žπŸ˜˜ and have a beautiful day ahead.

  20. This year I don save screenshot pass money πŸ˜”

  21. If you are doing daily contribution. It's time to go and collect your money o. This is the period daily contribution owners do Wiliwili style😞


    1. Are you for real Zaram?πŸ˜ƒ
      Good morning.

    2. Wait am coming first let me check something.


    'To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown.' Job 6:14 NKJV

    A pastor writes: 'What makes you glad or sad or mad? What puts a holy smile on your face? What causes your spirit to sob uncontrollably? What makes you pound your fist on the table out of righteous indignation? Somewhere in the mixture of that gladness, sadness and madness is your God-ordained passion. Or maybe we should say compassion, because you are feeling what God feels. And once you identify it, doing something about it isn't optional. You can't not do something about it.'

    In 2006, Blake Mycoskie was touring Argentina when he noticed that many of the children didn't have shoes. He could have returned to the United States and gone about his business. Instead, he started TOMS shoes, a business with a mission of putting shoes on the feet of children in developing countries. It worked like this: when you bought a pair of TOMS shoes, you were giving a pair of shoes to a barefoot child somewhere. For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair was given away. Their mission was straightforward: one for one. Blake identified a need. He personalised it. And he decided to do something about it. It didn't start out big, it started out small. Yet that is how primal moments begin. A person decides to do something about something that makes him glad or sad or mad. It was barefoot kids who broke Blake's heart. And he literally placed shoes on his faith.

    When you discover the thing that makes you glad or sad or mad, the only question left is this: what are you going to do about it?
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  23. May the Lord go before us today and make our paths straight.
    Good morning wonderful BVs

  24. Good morning everyone

    I thank God for making me to be alive. Thank you God for the gift of life.

  25. As a single man or woman imagine if there is a verdict that you must marry who you are currently dating.🚢🚢🚢🚢

    1. Na to remain single for life be that ooooo as I no dey in any relationship for now

    2. That means I will remain single for life,because currently am single.

  26. Amen to the prayers
    Thank you Father for another opportunity to see this dayπŸ™πŸ»

    Beautiful Wednesday Morning πŸŒ„
    Crushing on all the queens on SDK . God gat our back always.
    Keep that smile on 😁



    'To him who is afflicted, kindness should be shown.' Job 6:14 NKJV

    A pastor writes: 'What makes you glad or sad or mad? What puts a holy smile on your face? What causes your spirit to sob uncontrollably? What makes you pound your fist on the table out of righteous indignation? Somewhere in the mixture of that gladness, sadness and madness is your God-ordained passion. Or maybe we should say compassion, because you are feeling what God feels. And once you identify it, doing something about it isn't optional. You can't not do something about it.'

    In 2006, Blake Mycoskie was touring Argentina when he noticed that many of the children didn't have shoes. He could have returned to the United States and gone about his business. Instead, he started TOMS shoes, a business with a mission of putting shoes on the feet of children in developing countries. It worked like this: when you bought a pair of TOMS shoes, you were giving a pair of shoes to a barefoot child somewhere. For every pair of shoes purchased, a pair was given away. Their mission was straightforward: one for one. Blake identified a need. He personalised it. And he decided to do something about it. It didn't start out big, it started out small. Yet that is how primal moments begin. A person decides to do something about something that makes him glad or sad or mad. It was barefoot kids who broke Blake's heart. And he literally placed shoes on his faith.

    When you discover the thing that makes you glad or sad or mad, the only question left is this: what are you going to do about it?
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  28. Good morning
    Our going out and coming in bless

  29. My "sleek" hair arrived yesterday, let's just say it's darling yaki with frontal 😭😭🀣🀣

    I've been following the vendor for some time now and she looked legit though I had my doubts about online vendors. So few months back, a certain blogger posted another luxury hair brand that charged in dollars, I dmed her to recommend a trusted brand that is less expensive and she recommended this particular vendor. Na wetin give me liver wey i go order this sponge be that. Christmas slaying in the mud🀣🀣🀣

    1. Pele πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    2. 🀣🀣🀣@"Christmas slaying in the mud". Thank God the hair finally arrived.

    3. That’s so bad of the Hair Vendor.

      The Referral Knows exactly what she did.

      Since you can’t afford her own Hair Unit, will refer you to Sponge seller.

      What’s the name of the Bad hair seller? Others need to be wary of her

    4. 🀣🀣. Miss Aboki pele

    5. So sorry about that, can't you call her out?

    6. How much is the hair fess?
      The price will determine our judgement because you cannot buy 20k hair and expect something quality,

    7. Enjoy am nah wetin you order you get 🀣🀣🀣

    8. Ehya. Sorry.

      Na people way day buy wig.

      Go and give a review on her page.

    9. Where I wan start the call out from kwanu? She say I should style it fess before the real beauty will come out 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    10. ChaiπŸ™†πŸ™† ive been silently eaiwait for your comment about the hair so I can change my mindset on buying hair online. Since the day I bought one sponge online from jumia, I vowed never to buy any hair online again. The what I ordered vs what I got was so so annoying.
      So sorry miss Aboki.

  30. Good morning everyone 😍😍😍

    Self-care is not selfish. It is necessary. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    Happy Women Crush Wednesday to every exceptional women out there and on here. Cheers to the women who never stopped trying one more time. Keep being strong, keep being fearless, stand to the oppressed, I love you.πŸ’‹❣️πŸ’‹

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

  31. Things are really happening! Another Vid again, if I talk now, haters will say I don start!….Anyways:

    Dead Okuko
    Kgidhdufurrjdusslrduaydfnr if you know what I mean! SMH! Very terrible

    Kelvin Dat Edo Boi (Stellz Cousin)

    1. abeg throw more light for this matter for we the anonymous amebos. whose video o

    2. Why are you always looking for perverse videos to watch?

      Let me give you a short story: A professor of psychology started studying about paedophiles and how their minds work. He spent hours in research and studies about paedophilic tendencies. After a while, he became strongly and irresistibly sexually attracted to children. He began molesting the children around him, he was helpless. One day, his wife divorced him when it became a thing of disgrace and she got tired of helping him. It was the late Papa Kenneth Hagin that helped him and his marriage was restored.

      I know say you no ask me but you are doing yourself a lot of harm, you have no idea the kind of spirits you are attracting to yourself and what they are doing to your spirit, until you find yourself doing those pervert acts you have been watching

      Ire o!

    3. Hmmmm
      I have learnt something new today. Thanks Yetunde

    4. Research shows that what you are fixated on and search out for, is truly who you are

    5. I agree with you Yetunde.
      Kelv please stay away from such videos for your mental health. Love and light.

  32. Good Morning Everyone πŸ’• πŸ’ž πŸ’–

    #selfcrush πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’ž❤

    Brb ✌🏻✌🏻

  33. Reno Omokri prays against the wishes of Obedients

    May the wishes of Obidients and the prayers of Arise Peoples Party for Nigeria to fail, for our economy to tank and reach an all time low, and for the Naira to crash fail. May God continue to bless all our collective efforts to salvage Nigeria from those who want to savage her because they lost an election or their preferred candidate did not win. May those whose secret agenda is for the break up of Nigeria themselves break apart from their evil partners in secession and division. Finally, may those who see Nigeria as a zoo be zoomed away from any positions of power and authority, along with their fifth columnists in the media. This we pray for Nigeria. And God fearing people say...


    1. I hope he has bought you a new power bank atleast? If he can't buy you even the cheapest android phone

  34. Suck-away OR Soakaway: which is correct?

    Do you really want to master how to use English fearlessly and flawlessly?

    I came back from work yesterday and my peaceful neighbourhood was enveloped in a very pungent odour.

    The stink was overpowering.

    I inquired from a neighbour who said that the block of flats next to ours was draining their suck-away pit.

    A flash of inspiration and bam, I got content for this grammar class!

    πŸ“Œ Bam (used above) is an interjection used to show that something happened very suddenly or quickly.

    Hey buddy! Lemme ask you:

    Which is correct: suck-away pit or simply suck away?
    Indeed, is it soakaway or soak-away pit?

    The correct word is soakaway.
    E shock you, abi? πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜‚

    Truth be told, it's not SUCK away.
    It's not suck-away pit either.

    Stop saying or using any of the above expressions.

    You won't find suck away or suck-away pit in any reputable dictionary. I challenge you to google them.

    SUCK-AWAY pit is therefore a common misuse and flagrant abuse of English.

    It's one of those Grammar lies your teachers (society) taught you.

    Suck-away is a bit of a misnomer.
    Misnomer means a wrong or inaccurate name; a name that's not correct and doesn't suit what it refers to.

    As I've already pointed out, the correct word is soakaway.

    It's not even soak-away PIT.
    Soak-away pit is a tautology.

    Soakaway refers to a PIT filled with hard core, into which waste water is piped so that it drains slowly out into the surrounding soil.

    Stop saying: suckaway /'sʌkΙ™weΙͺ/.
    Don't even say: soakaway pit.
    Simply say: soakaway /ˈsΙ™ΚŠkΙ™weΙͺ/.

    I'm rooting for you πŸ’ͺ
    StayWithME πŸ₯°

    1. I've always known it's soakaway.
      Weldone, Vicky πŸ‘

    2. I don sabi this one teytey

      Thanks Vickie

    3. Thanks. I have known this a long time ago, though. See me "prouding"πŸ˜‚

    4. I know this one.
      Thank you Teacher Vicky πŸ’•πŸ˜˜

  35. Reno Omokri on Yoruba Music

    Music of Yoruba origin should be studied as a course in Nigeria’s ivory towers because it has the capacity to not only rapidly change Nigeria’s negative international image, but also to take our economy out of the doldrums by attracting music loving tourists to our nation, the way Rihanna has done in Barbados, and even in death, Bob Marley is doing for Jamaica.

    For every decade of Nigeria’s existence as an independent nation, music of Yoruba origin has dominated our country, and now it is conquering the world.

    •Bobby Benson dominated the 60s
    •Abami Fela Kuti over dominated the 70s
    •King Sunny Ade and Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey dominated the 80s
    •Sir Shina Peters and King Wasiu Ayinde Marshall dominated the 90s.
    •Paul Play Dario shared dominance with a non-Yoruba artist (Tuface Idibia) in the 2000s
    •D’Banj, the Koko Master, shared dominance with non-Yoruba artistes (PSquare) in the 2010s
    •Davido, Wizkid and Burna Boy (non-Yoruba) dominate in the here and now.

    Their female artistes are not left out. Tiwa Savage, Yemi Alade, Asa, Simi, Teni, and Seyi Shay dominate locally and internationally with their girl power!

    And Yoruba music transcends race and language. It resonates beyond those who die Aj Yoruba. And, again, it is no coincidence that ALL Nigeria's Grammy Award winners are either wholly or partly of Yoruba origin, including:

    Sade Adu (1986), Babatunde Olatunji (1991), Sikiru Adepoju (1991) and Seal (1996), Burna Boy (2021), Wizkid (2021), Temilade Openiyi AKA Tems (2023).

    How do they do it, that even where they sing wholly or partly in Yoruba, their music is able to crossover locally and internationally?

    Christy Essien Igbokwe was quoted as saying she would not have made a breakthrough in the music industry without her anthem, Seun rere, performed entirely in Yoruba.

    Throughout the Black world, no other ethnic group has been able to CONSISTENTLY breakthrough in the music industry internationally while singing wholly or partially in their native tongue. I am not saying that some others do not sing in their native tongues. I am saying that they have been unable to crossover internationally while singing in their native language. Rema is brilliant. But he is not projecting Nigerian culture. Pidgin English is not our culture. We need music that projects our culture. Nevertheless, he is still brilliant.

    Caribbean reggae artistes sing in English or patois. African American R’nB, Jazz, Soul and rap artistes sing in English. Black Brazilians crossover with Portuguese. Francophone artistes (except for Manu Dibango) crossed over with French. South African artistes crossed over with English (with the exception of Brenda Fassie and Mariam Makeba).

    Even the world’s top Francophone female artiste (Angelique Kidjo) did not crossover internationally until she sang in Yoruba.

    There is something about that language and the musical genres that the Yoruba have introduced that can permanently put Nigeria on the world map for good.

    Nigeria needs to rebrand quickly from our unfortunate and undeserved international reputation for corruption and scams. And the best way to rebrand a country or a corporation is by projecting positive things about that entity that are ALREADY happening. Sadly, our government’s rebranding efforts focus on things they hope will happen.

    So, again, I call on universities and research institutes to do thorough research into this phenomenon to identify what makes that sub-sector of the music industry so successful so that already established acts can use that knowledge to further crossover.

    Globally, music is a $5 trillion industry. Let us use what we have to corner at least 10% of that bottom line.

    Reno Omokri

    Deep Thinker. #TableShaker. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Globetrotter. Hollywood Magazine Humanitarian of the Year, 2019. Business Insider Influencer of the Year 2022. Puffier of the Feathers of Obidients.

  36. To God be the glory great things he has done.
    Beautiful Wednesday morning to everyone. Have a fantastic day fam.

  37. Good morning Stella and blogfam.I am crushing on all women on the blog working relentlessly to make it. May our hustle pay. I wish us a productive day ahead. Stay safe

  38. Amen Good morning everyone.

  39. An awesome morning SDKville.
    Celebrating all women doing their best against the odds,may God Almighty bless and reward you mightily.
    Have a pleasantly rewarding day fam,stay happy always,one love❤❤❤

  40. "Do not put up with an abusive partner in the name of love.They will never change".

    When you tolerate verbal abuse,you loose self esteem,self worth and you start blaming yourself for all the problem.An abuser is a mind controller avoid them like a plaque.You are worth more than you believe.

    Good morning blogfams❤πŸ’—πŸ’žπŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ’œ

  41. My woman
    My everything
    Paris sweetness πŸ₯°
    My woman crush everyday

    1. Awww so sweet πŸ’•
      Paree nwa oma πŸ˜˜πŸ’• my everyday crush 😘

  42. Thank you Father for making me see a brand new day. May your light shine upon our paths today. AMEN.

  43. Hello everyone.

    I want to ask two very important but hypothetical questions? (Money & Relationships)

    1. How and when do parents teach their children how to manage money?

    2. How and when do parents teach their children about relationships, including marriage relationships?

    Please pour in your answers. I am curious to know how different Nigerian backgrounds handle these issues.

    Ire oooo

    1. Let me tell you on these

      - At the tender age although it's depends on their family income.
      - At the she's of five because these children tend to know more about relationships than we do.
      My two cents

  44. Good morning everyone.

    Please those that have an idea about Ikoyi registry;is it possible to register and wed within a space of two to three weeks?

    Like the whole process please;kindly respond as it's urgent hence why I posted here.


    1. Yes,it is Possible.
      Ask for Express Service.
      Note that it is Way more Expensive though.
      Best of Luck!!!!!

  45. πŸ’‹❤πŸ€—πŸ˜

  46. Good morning bvs
    I Thank God for the gift of life.

  47. It's very painful when you see a project you can do but your laptop's memory is too small to handle it. A very simple project that will enhance your skillset and improve your life, but you are helpless because midway into the project, your laptop freezes, shuts down and starts again, thereby losting all your work. You can't even save them as you are working because... memory size. I'm tired.
    Please BVs, is there a way I can increase the size of my laptop's memory, it's a 2GB RAM, I've added another 2GB RAM before but it seems the capacity has been exhausted.

  48. Good morning blog family ❤️❤️ I crush on all mother's,they are worth being celebrated❤️πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ’‹πŸ’‹
    @anon08;38 I am not in aboard yet but still in Nigeria,thanks for prophecying about me being in aboard in advance
    @Zaram, thanks for the congratulations in advance.

  49. Good morning SDK and BVs. Wonderful Wednesday.

  50. A blessed morning to everyone...
    I have to omint attachment and weavon from my list..
    I will be going to market to buy the rest things today.
    Thank you Jesus.

  51. Good morning everyone..

    Lagos dispatch riders are something else, nobody is talking about how dispatch riders are killing online businesses.
    A consumer ordered some shirts from Ajah to Agbara and dispatch rider is charging 13k
    for delivery.

    1. Send the shirts through public transport, then get a rider in Agbara to pick up from the park and deliver to your customer. It would be cheaper
      To get a rider in Agbara , you can ask for contacts on your market groups or from fellow sellers.

  52. Bonjour Blogfam ♥️
    Happy WCW ♥️😍

  53. Good morning my people and thanks for your replies yesterday. I deleted the link. The sender sent another link this morning again, this time around, it was for a supposed grant. I deleted it and blocked the person. It's like he wakes up every morning and sends links to all his contacts, at least one or two will fall mugu.

  54. A customer wants to do naming ceremony but she and her hubby are broke, she had an emergency CS which they didn't plan for, it took away their savings. She was now begging us to sew for her on credit, my boss advised her to wear her last Christmas outfit which is still in good shape instead of stressing herself, she refused, she sha wants to wear new cloth on credit. We no gree.

    I don't know why some women are like this.

    Shout out to all women who do according to their capacity.
    Happy women crush Wednesday to you all.

  55. Good morning Fam
    Stay Blessed
    Stay safe
    And remember to add a smile to your attire.πŸ™‚


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