
Thursday, November 09, 2023


 Shout out!!!


How are you doing`? Any better for me?gist? news? money?LOL
I saw a comment saying yesterdays chronicle is from Joro to Joro....
The person who left that comment lacks sense and probably walks in the circle of poverty encircled people...
The behaviour of that chronicle writers husband is the new thing amongst some WEALTHY MEN in Nigeria....Some do not do it with their wives but with their babes....I know so many of them and was not shocked at all to read that...
The only difference was that the poster did not want.´but many wives are doing it and their husbands reward them with lots of shopping money abroad...Some wives do threesomes with their husbands.....some stories are worse compared to what you read in Wednesday chronicle..
Dont come here saying any chronicle is made up again otherwise NA go thunder faya you there,Ekwensu anoufia.
Even if the Chronicle is fake and made up, How is it your business? GTFOH hustle not yours!!!!



In the year 2000, Mike Anderson was convicted armed robbery after holding up a local Burger King.

For the crime he was sentenced to 13 years but freed on bail pending an appeal. After his appeal was unsuccessful, he patiently waited for instructions on when and where to begin his incarceration as directed. However, those instructions never arrived.
As the years rolled by he got married, had children, became a carpenter, and even coached a local sports team. It turns out that the reason he was never sent to prison was because of a clerical error that mistakenly stated he was already incarcerated.

This error was only noticed 13 years later when it was time for Anderson to be freed from prison.

The cops arrived at his home a few days later and he was finally arrested and put in prison. Initially, he was informed that he had to serve the entire 13-year sentence. However, his lawyer presented evidence showing he was no longer engaged in criminal activities and had built a stable future for himself and his family.
The lawyer argued that imprisoning a rehabilitated man would be a negative for everyone. 
On May 5, 2014, Anderson was released from prison with credit for time served, making him a free man with no need for parole.

What a story!.......See how it went from bad to good?May it also turn from bad to goodd for you..No matter what you are going through, May suicide be the last thing you will think of......



-We call every toothpaste MACLEAN
We don't care

-We call every noodle INDOMIE
We are like that

-We call every insecticide SHELLTOX
We can't help it

-We call every detergent OMO
It's in our DNA

-We call every seasoning MAGGI
That is how we roll

-We point at an empty chair and ask “Who's sitting there ”
We are like that
We are just like that

-When NEPA takes light, we go out and,check if it's the whole
We are just like that

-We use a bar of soap till it looks like a Sim card
We don't have a problem

-We buy something,skip Instructions and ask neighbors how it's
We don't care

-We withdraw money from an ATM then count it before going
We don't trust anybody,,not even a machine that is made by man

-We lock the car then try to open it 2 times before going
We are cautious

-We turn off the volume just to smell what's burning,
-We are like that

-We cant change we are who we are.
-we are Nigerians...




  1. I just want to say thank you Lord πŸ™πŸ™

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ the ekwensu and anuofia got me.
      Stella have speak Igbo by force o πŸ˜‚

    2. We are Nigerian we do really although we calm to want it.loool

  2. #TBT
    I remember
    The general's wife
    Queen and boss of this blog
    Sexy daddy
    Nwaneka abi Nwaamaka

    I also remember RHI.😁😁😁 that was my favorite camping corner.

    1. Add LaFresh to the list.

    2. And Perxian, she's been in my thoughts lately.

    3. Exactly. Even Christian Chilaka and a host of others that I cannot remember now.

      Issac baba was the official data vendor back then.

    4. Add Villager, Money makes you want to......women, OAP Ada, Faith Oluchi Martins, Kehinde Ake and Youngman to the list.

    5. Cookie just show face during BBN and disappear again

    6. Where is BV 'tear bra, tear pant'? She is the person that made me set alarm for in house news... always the first commenter in IHN.

      What about that our Indian BV with plenty interesting stories? The speed with which I used to open RHI ehn. Aproko oo.

      Stella, what happened to wedding night tales? Another one I miss so much.

    7. Bloglord
      Christmatic diva
      Many old blog visitors

  3. Replies
    1. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

      We are truly Nigerians, happy people.. We have trust issue.

  4. A crippled man kissed a blind mans wife and a deaf man saw him.Now how will he report this issue to the blind man
    Good afternoon blogfamsπŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’œ❤πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ˜πŸ˜˜

  5. IHN
    Good sunny afternoon blog fam 🌞

  6. Do what makes you apt.

    The heat is too much and can't just imagine me sweating like Christmas goat

  7. Was sitting close to a man at a relaxation joint when someone called him on phone. After the call, the man began telling us it was his younger brother who had just called.

    He wanted to purchase a bike and was telling him the price and what he currently have at the moment to see if he can support him. He told us the brother said the price for a new bike is N720,000.

    I doubted it so also was the man. When I put a call through to someone I know in the business, he confirmed it to be true. I was shocked. You mean Okada is now going close to a million naira? something I knew when it was sold for 80,000 to 120,000 some years back.

    Na waaaa.

    Keke Napep (tricycle), that one I heard it's now 1.8million almost 2M. Keke that was sold 350k in 2013. That means tricycle is now competing with some cars in Nigeria now.

    1. The last time I heard the price of motorcycle it was 500k in the market then 750k for hire purchase. Nawa ohh.

    2. That's the price of okada here in Ibadan too.
      When they give it out on hire purchase, it is 1.3m.

  8. Have you ever failed your child's assignment or I should mind my business? 🚢🚢

    1. Yeah.

      Yoruba assignment.
      We laff taya for house that period.

    2. Please mind your businessπŸƒ‍♀️

    3. Face me and talk to me with ya full chest🀣🀣🀣

      My son doesn't even near me when it's maths assignment 🀣🀣🀣

  9. Good afternoon y'all
    The sun here can roast corn sha.

  10. Sometimes, we find ourselves in the wilderness. We know we have God’s favor, we know He’s put big things in our hearts, but we’re in a dry season. We’re not seeing any growth, doors aren’t opening, the opposition is stronger than ever. You could get discouraged, give up, complain. This is when you have to dig down deep and say, “God, I trust You. I know I’m not in this desert by accident. You’ve led me here. You won’t take me someplace where You won’t sustain me. So Lord, I thank You for the strength, the peace, the favor, the courage to stand strong and outlast this test.” If you’ll have the right attitude, you’ll come out of the dry place into an abundant place.

    Joel Osteen

  11. Good afternoon SDK, I think you meant "it turned from bad to good" with your red πŸ–Š️.
    Welcome ihn.

  12. Una well-done ooh my people

    It's a throw back Thursday, make we dey hustle dey go and it's gona be good to all of us in Jesus name Amen

    1. Holla darling πŸ’œπŸ˜˜ howdy?

      @Osundi 🩷❣️ thanks Nne,I saw your shout out late this morning πŸ€—πŸ€— ahia oma

  13. Hehe, I am a true Nigerian😁

    1. Na so πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      So I finally saw that legendary most used ,loved by Nigerian in the those days to buy..I'm talking of imperial leather soap 😁😁 omo!! The difference is 7-up

    2. The difference will definitely be clear. I don't think the sticker on the soap, will still stick to the soap sef again🀣🀣🀣

  14. Good afternoon wonderful BVs..
    We're Nigerians and that's who we are.

  15. That chronicle yesterday didn't lie, I know one whom the bf wanted thresome to pay huge but she left
    the relationship.

  16. Still in the hearts of thanks, my Angel thank you so very much, ma'am Stellz thank you.

    Bvs thank you all for your good wishes appreciate. Good afternoon everyone

    1. God will perfect your healing.

    2. Congratulations 🎊

      God will be perfect all that concerns you πŸ™

    3. May affliction not arise the second time. Congrats. Being a survivor in this, I pray that your procedure will be successful in Jesus name. Amen!

    4. Congratulations
      I pray for your healing

    5. May God perfect all that concerns you.

    6. May the Lord perfect all that concerns you.

  17. Good afternoon my people πŸ’•

    The day has been busy for me in school, let the cultural day (tomorrow) come already so l can rest a bit before exams start.

  18. The signing note is wonderful.
    We are Nigerians and like that.

    We rush to watch fight and see who's involve and gossip

  19. Stella don't mind that bad belle somebody. The things people do these days all in the name of catching fun and ticking some evil bucket list, shocks the devil himself. I no sure say him sef don do reach

    Repercussion, result and karma all waiting for them in front.

    Let us try as much as possible to live a clean life to avoid 'Had I known' at the later stages of our lives.

  20. Onichabor Christopher9 November 2023 at 14:13

    Good day house, I can't remember the last time, I checked in house news, no comment yet. How u na go dey go, enjoy the rest of the day.

    1. Good afternoon my people of SDKSPHERE. E don red o,
      Abeg how much be Onions for ur area?

    2. Onion is very very expensive now. I wonder if my people in the east still cook with onions considering how expensive it is here.

    3. @MyStic, I dey run food combo of yam, potatoes and onions. That's the best bet.

  21. Hello everyone, good afternoon!
    I hope our day is going well, may today favor us all Amen.

    To the person doubting that yesterday's chronicle you haven't even heard anything yet o
    What's happening in today's marriage will shock you to the bone marrow.
    Stella this sign out post is me jare!
    I just do what i like Biko, if today pass, e go come again? Hell no!

    1. It happens but doesn’t mean poster is not lying
      Such is life

    2. Hi Starr baby πŸ˜˜πŸ’•

  22. Good Afternoon Neighbour's ✌🏻 πŸ‘ ✌🏻

    Smiling πŸ˜ƒ reading IHN Memo
    Some people will never mind their business.

  23. Good Afternoon Neighbour's ✌🏻 πŸ‘ ✌🏻

    Smiling πŸ˜ƒ reading IHN Memo
    Some people will never mind their business.

  24. Stella,

    This your waka got me laughing. I wonder why some toxic people do feel when people share stor(ies) here it's fabu or so. I saw the anonymous who did that on my post the other day and said I'm trying to create content. I just laughed.

    The truth is that, I'm not obligated to share a story here and trust me if I choose to do so, it's cos I feel so and I will never lie or create imagination for a story here. To what end will I do that?

    I don't even need to share a story to stay relevant here. I'm already a known face here.

    Okay, let's assume stories are fabu. Do you even think it's easy to create a 'fabu' so entertaining and interesting? If e easy, drop one yourself.

    My new motto now is, ''I don't care wetin people dey talk. I no dey find anyone na money I dey find.''

  25. My love for fried eggs this period na wa.

    I fry my eggs separately, fry the stew separately then mix them together.

    1. So you still dey eat eggs? Efcc should investigate you asapπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. You like wahala oh! Like my elder Sis,she doesn't use all this noodles spice to cook her's..she will fry sachet puree with enough onions and cook it like jollof before she can eat it. Just imagine the stress but that's her preference

    3. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„Aivies no be lie, a crate here is 2900😭😭😭

      πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ Anne my partner

      Paris, Really? I'll try it one day to see if I'll like it.

      Baby booπŸ₯°

  26. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics 090723003919 November 2023 at 14:21

    So today I remember rhe video of the teen girl with just one functional hand but still gracefully hawking. Then I look at my both hands, perfectly working..
    Dear Lord, I just wanna say Thank you.
    I do not take it for granted.

    1. Heard the "supposed" teen girl with one functional hand is a boy who dresses like a girl to attract pity,heard he has been gifted 600k before by a good Samaritan.
      Luck ran out of him when Davido tagged gov Ademola and he sent people to "her" only to discover a is well.

    2. He is a make up artist,l know him.

  27. Omo naija ni mi o swaggerrr!🎼
    That sign out post is talking to me..
    God help me

  28. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. Proudly Nigerian.




    MEMORISE: The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. Psalms 145:8

    READ: Psalms 8:1-6
    1 O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens.

    2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

    3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

    4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

    5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

    6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:


    Every now and then, God commends His children; He tells them that He is pleased with them. When this happens to you, don't become full of yourself because He is only being gracious. The Bible says that God is perfect and He expects perfection (Matthew 5:48). Ephesians 5:25-27 makes it clear that Jesus Christ is coming back for a bride without blemish or wrinkle. Are you perfect yet? If God says, "Well done, my son, you are doing great", He is only being gracious. In Job 1:8, He said Job was a perfect and upright man, but then in Job 30:1, Job said things that a just man shouldn't. When God scored him as just, He was only being gracious to him. In Numbers 12:3, it is written concerning Moses that he was the meeker man on the earth, but he was well known for his violent temper. God's commendation is only an extension of grace. You must never let it get into your head; if you do, you would soon realise that you were nowhere in the first place.

    The Bible says clearly in Romans 9:15-16:

    For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

    It is not the works and effort you put in that will make you justified. It is true that you must put in the effort; if not, you may not even get a chance at being commended at all, but the effort does not justify you. It is only God's mercy that justifies you. Never forget that. When God commends a person, the fellow's efforts will yield greater results than his or her actions. When you start seeing this happening to you, you must remember that it is only because God decided to have mercy on you. Don't begin to think that you are perfect, because you are not. Rather, thank Him for His mercy. Acknowledge your weakness before Him and even before people. Ascribe all glory to Him and not to your efforts because without Him, you can do nothing (John15:5).


    God's commendation is a call to be more humble and to work harder.

  30. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics 090723003919 November 2023 at 14:27

    Lol @ We turn off rhe volume to smell what's burning. So so true.
    We are like that jare. Lol

  31. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics 090723003919 November 2023 at 14:29

    Many evil and unbelievable things are happening in thus world.
    If Γ  mΓ n can defile his toddler, is it asking for his wife to pimp sn impossible thing for such category of men to do?
    Just pray you do not see or experience evil.

  32. That is why am scared to put out my life story as chronicle bcos of people like this. U sat down in your room not doing anything, pls go out and you will see that a lot is going on. Stella believe me when I said that some story will sound like lies but it is not. Am still scared to send mine.

  33. 🀣🀣🀣🀣 Stellz don vex o. Don’t blame them, they are only aware of what happens in their world. A lot of people don’t know there’s a bigger world in comparison to the one they are in. Things Dey happen. I always tel my sister That it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    This is not a good time for bad things to happen to anyone o. Our stories will keep getting better by God’s grace.

    Good day Great people πŸ™ŒπŸ½
    Good day Pari Pari m, Engraced, Perxi, Essa, Slimzy and Stellz. Hope you are doing great πŸ™.

    1. Amen to your prayers πŸ™Œ

      Thanks Momma ❤️πŸ’πŸ’– I'm doing great...kiss kiss to babies 😘😘🩡🩷

  34. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics 090723003919 November 2023 at 14:31

    Oh Mr Anderson
    Therefore, even in d seeming dead end, God can still make a way..
    Never give up.
    Never ever say, I am finish.
    It's over, etc.
    God will show up.
    Keep the faith

    I believe in miracles.

  35. Good afternoon blogfam. Things are happening o. Where is the sanctity in marriage when husband will be engaging in threesome or asking the wife to pimp her friends for him. God please save this generation.

  36. How cold is a Capricorn man in a relationship? Those born in January. Heard they're so unromantic.

    1. Hf_beddings/fiber-pillows/honey/English-fabrics 090723003919 November 2023 at 15:33

      Be following "woke" people and be using moon and stars to judge character.

    2. I dont like that zodiac at all. Very cold and boring people.

    3. Winnie you know them. Stingy too

    4. Chai shooter,u know them well. I forgot the stingy part. I avoid them like plague.

  37. What if what makes you happy is illegal or a sin?

    Do what makes God happy😊

  38. Hello ihn 😘
    Good afternoon everyone.

    The person doubting that yesterday's chronicle never know wetin dey. Was it not few days ago Paree shared her experience here, where a woman was trying to pimp her to her husband. We also read about the popular singer that his wife pimp babes for him. Things are happening in this world o and nothing surprises me at all.

    Jewelu this your waka funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Bvs I salute you all.
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. Crazy things dey happen! Make just dey safe guard us gaskiya

      Howdy Nne πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    2. Haha.
      Was shocked to see waka.
      It's been long she used such.

      Keep keeping up.🀝

    3. Engraved and favoured beloved daughter of God. May this season( the rest of the year) birth amazing testimonies for you in Jesus name❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.

    4. My Paree nwa oma 😘 Im fine dear, thanks loads πŸ’•

      XP nwanyioma πŸ’žπŸ˜˜ 🀝

      Aww Foodie my lover πŸ˜˜πŸ’ž thank you so much and God bless you for me.

      Things are happening SMB, strange things too.

  39. Proudly a Nigerian.

    Hello everyone πŸ’–, what a scorching 🌞 today, e fit fry yam.

  40. WINNER, YES I AM!9 November 2023 at 14:42

    God, please, help us in this country. We that don't have money to travel out, continue to provide for us in a miraculous way.
    Is this how the country will continue to be? Just thinking out loud
    The next government must be worse that the last regime. Nawa oo

  41. Good afternoon lovelies
    I laughed so hard at that your Waka.🀣🀣🀣🀣
    Make una enjoy the rest of the day.

  42. Why are some people are like this, that's why am scared to share my chronicle bcos of people like this. My sister did something similar like threesome with someone, her husband left her with 3 kids and never returned back till now. Some one connected her to well wealthy man and he is also pastor, on getting there he met his wife and another woman. The man wife calm my sister and promise her that nobody must hear about it. The man slept with my sister and his wife and the other woman and it took my sister 4 yrs before she can open up to me and she stopped going to that church after the incident.

  43. Hmm who ever thought that yesterday chronicle was made up truly doesn't know what is happening these days.
    In 2017, a girl I met not long and became really close to me, always gave me gist of all her boyfriend and married men she was hanging out with, she always admired me and I always wonder abi this one na lesbo, but in my mind we were cool and always hung out once in a while, until one day she told me about one big politician in my state she was hanging out with and how the man saw my pics on her phone and he likes me bla bla.
    I was like I'm not interested, I don't do married man.
    She opened up to me that the man wants to have a 3some with both of us. I showed my surprise and she went on to school me how it's really nice making out with a girl or even doing 3some, I told her come babe behave yourself and don't ever tell me about these your 3some or lesbo shenanigans cos I will never be interested, don't waste your time.
    Later on she gave the man my phone number and he kept on disturbing me saying he respects me and wants me to be his special gf, cos he never met any girl that rejected his offer, plus his wife and kids live abroad,he likes my guts bla bla, omo I warned him to stop calling cos its a waste of time
    So married men do these stuff with their side chick's very well.
    But the wife part is what surprised me, but me I'm no longer surprised o.
    Nothing suppose surprise us for this world again 🀣🀣

  44. Where SDK wan get time to det write chronicle when the one I dropped sef is yet to be posted

  45. The little mistake Stella made in that prayer reminds me of one time in secondary school when we were asked to write an argumentative essay on why a certain idea was better than the other - can't remember exactly what it was right now. I remember I kept mixing up A for B. I failed that essay woefully. I felt bad especially because I felt the teacher must have known what I meant, yet failed me still.

  46. I just feel like screaming 😱
    No be kolo ooooo
    Na tire I tire and I need a breaaaaaaaak.
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !

  47. Ste...did waka. Aarrgghh! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
    That person finally got you,what a rile. You come para. Pele.
    Whoever it is should wait for Mrs Blessing Kanu to talk her story with Nollywood celebrities, majorly embarrassing chics. Had to read that Chronicle sharp sharp.
    Shebi her hubby was a Deacon,see curses to that actress from Egbeda people after attending Mr Kanu's burial. Ndi ori amu, Nollywood? πŸ˜―πŸ™„
    O si joro to joro.
    Let them wait for the gist.

    True Nigerian...Dem neva "move" your car that you parked and jammed with remote pick gagets,na that time your eye go clear.
    Go ceremony for Ikeja zone park and don't recheck whether your ride will not be repainted and resold.
    Guy, leave precaution. Na we know wetin wendon see for lagos that time.
    Nkwucha aburo ujo!

    Signout...flex now or regret later.

  48. Good afternoon everyone

    Proudly Nigerian oo

  49. Funny interesting story - typically but proudly Nigerian.

    About the "In house memo" like the interesting story pointed out, that is typical of us. We like raising alarm where there's none, just to appear relevant. And it happens daily in this comment section, it will still happen today.

    We criticises and suspect everything, even when it has nothing to do with us nor our story. We always want to tell the story better than the bearer, because we believe we know the truth better than the narrator. Sadly, that's an incurable attitude most of us carry everywhere we go.

    But only if most have seen the other side of life, will they understand that everything is possible - even the most insane.

    Welcome IHN!

  50. Good afternoon my people. How una dey?

  51. Shit are happening around the world

  52. Bv Cheks.
    I read that you make bombass ofe onugbu and oha soup without cocoyam and I'm won't to ask, How Come?πŸ€”
    Do you mind sharing the procedures and the condiments.

    Gracias muchos.

    1. Hi Xhirled P, I am from Delta state and cocoyam is not our stuff, infact my late mum will turn in her grave seeing me eat soup made with cocoyam. We usually use yam or banga(oil palm) as thickener. I still make onugbu soup with cocoyam(learnt how from YouTube), that is why I said with, or without cocoyam, I make the baddest onugbu soupπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

    2. Oh, now I get it.

      Like not eating ogbono so they make okra soup only.
      I know Anioma Local Government Area don't eat cocoyam.
      It's all good, we actually call onugbu and oha soup ofe ede because of the cocoyam, a specific kind of cocoyam though.

      Thanks for responding.🀝

  53. In house has landed this hot,scorching afternoon.Stella,that waka isn't complete,let me help you complete it Shege JaguaπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹.Some people can only complain,criticize and find fault in anything and everything but at the end of the day,it's only those you give the power to hurt you that can do so.We meuve abeg😎😎.Stay happy always.

  54. Dear Kings,
    Marry a woman that will secretly lay hands on your head and pray for you while you're sleeping rather than check your phone.


  55. Stella that anon must be a new bv migrated from Instagram. Let it go and read past anonymous post comments and see. Double waka to the person

  56. The heat is so much. I just want to yank off my wigggg.

  57. The average single male changes his sheets just four times in a year, according to a 2013 research.

  58. A very hot day
    Good afternoon everyone πŸ’•

  59. Good afternoon everyone.

  60. Holla.......
    We lost someone this morning πŸ’”πŸ˜­
    The most painful part of it is that he doesn't have a child, he's been married for like 10yrs+
    He has been sick for a while thou, so last week the sickness became worst than usual, they had to book an emergency flight to flee him from Abj to Lagos and the family refused the wife to follow him, that she should stay at home, saying there won't be space for her to come a long and stay over with him. Now the husband don die she no see chance say proper goodbye to her husband. Now the whole family want to still pick a place where to bury him without her consent.
    These people do not really regard this woman as a family member at all.

  61. That yesterday chronicle somebody talked about Jeffery Epstein documentary on Netflix and his wife ,I checked it Omo things dey happen ,so I believe that yesterday xhronicle


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