Stella Dimoko Monday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #monday #goodday #awesomeGOD #neversaynever #itiswhatitis #smile

Good Morning....
The day is Bright and fair!
I hope that your day started well? I pray so!
God bless your day!


  1. There's NOTHING more shameful, than seeing a couple coming online, to insult each other, leak chats and act foolish!
    You think by talking down on yourselves, you are scoring points and people will support you abi? Dey play. No one really cares about your issues. They just love gists and trends, and they will surely use your issues to mock you endlessly. Also, your kids will grow up to read all the nonsense you and your spouse have written against each other. Even if you delete it, there'd be screenshots. The internet NEVER forgets!
    The problem these days, is that several immature people are getting married, for selfish reasons.
    There's no perfect marriage. All couples have challenges. They just find ways to handle them. If it's no longer working, they quietly exit. Na only immature people dey disgrace themselves upandan...🤦
    If you're single, may God not let you marry a PROBLEM!
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

    1. Rightly said, bro. A lot of immature people are getting married, for selfish reasons.

    2. The blame should go solely on who started it not on both because if u come online to insult me and lie against me to tarnish my image just because things didn’t work out, rest assured I will be defending myself on the same social media by any means possible

    3. Well written, there are many childish adults in marriage these days, SMH.

    4. hmmmnnnn.. It is well with my generation.
      Good morning and happy new week

    5. Children now get married, I mean children in the brains

    6. Eka I agree with you, not everyone can ignore, there are several sides to every story.

  2. Good morning to y'all on here.
    It's the start to a new week and 👋 do make it count.
    I am currently under the weather..Phew!
    I slept early yesterday and couldn't even unplug my phone cause I was weak.
    Going out soon to see what I can do.

    Proverbs And Its Meaning
    Familiarity breeds contempt- Too much familiarity leads to disrespect.

    Habit is a second nature- Bad habit is difficult to break.

    All that glitters is not gold- Appearance is deceptive.

    Man proposes, God disposes- God decides what man may do.


  3. For this is what the LORD,the God of Israel says: "The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain to the land".(1Kgs.17:14) Beloved of God,may all glory be to our God who has sustained us through the famine of this month. We decree this day, there shall be miracle of overflow in Jesus name 🙏.
    We declare that our jars of flour will not be used up,and our jugs of oil will not run dry no matter the harshness of the economy in Jesus name 🙏.
    May everything we lay our hands upon this week, beginning from today be prosperous in Jesus name 🙏.

  4. I observed the school near where I live sings "O God of creation..., instead of "Arise O compatriots... Can teachers in the house confirm if this is the new norm now.

    1. That's the second verse of our national anthem na! Wait o! So you no be nigerian? Why you come dey put mouth for our matter?

    2. It's the second stanza of the national anthem and it's more of a prayer. Very appropriate considering the situation of the country.

    3. We have two national anthem now, it's the second seems you didn't attend primary/secondary school in 9ja oh

    4. That is the second verse. It is the second verse of the national Anthem.

    5. Nigeria national anthem has two stanzas, O God of creation... is the second stanzas. some schools sing the two.

    6. Every one knows it's the second verse of the national anthem. Why the first and popular one not used is why I'm asking. I hope you comprehended my comment. 🥂

    7. Omoh I just realised that I can recite the second verse very well than the first verse.

    8. @Paris; No, we don't have "two national anthem" at the moment. Except you want to include the old one used before we were born.
      We have one which has two stanzas.
      😊 You are welcome.

    9. Baltika @ 09;07, since the school is near you, you can ask one of the teachers to tell you the reason.

    10. It's no new norm dear, It depends on whoever is conducting the assembly. The First and second stanzas could be taken or just any. ,👌🏻

    11. Simple as ABC as bv Lostly said, ask dem, abi you dey follow dem fight?

  5. May God keep sickness far from us oo🙏. The past week was terrible for my enemy. Two of my kids were wounded by malaria, from my daughter to my little boy. But I thank God that they're both okay now.
    Amazing morning amazing people of SDK ville. Here's wishing us a productive week ahead 💙

    1. Good morning sis.
      You and your family are healed in Jesus name 🙏

    2. Thank God for healings.🤗

    3. Thank you Jesus for healing.

    4. Thank God for your family
      Their healing is permanent in Jesus Name

    5. Thank you Jesus for your healing upon them.

    6. Thank God for your kids, and pls try get some rest too.

    7. Thank God for healing 🙏🏻 it shall remain permanent in Jesus name 🙏🏻

    8. Thank God for healing 🙏 🙌

  6. Good Morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Alert well received with my full chest, thanks so much Stella and Angel Koof, God will continue to bless you Endlessly, no evil eyes shall come close to you or your family, Amen.
    Glory glory glory Manchester United, 2 great goals was scored over the weekend by 2 great players, Ronaldo's goal on Friday night was a pure work of art while Garnachos goal was so beautiful to watch, those goals are Pukas award winning goal for 2023.
    Have a nice day ahead guys, one Love.



    "Learn to respond, don't react" encourages thoughtful and measured reactions in various situations. Responding involves a more considered and intentional approach, often taking into account emotions and the broader context. On the other hand, reacting may imply a more impulsive and immediate response, potentially driven by emotions without careful consideration. This phrase encourages people to cultivate a mindful and reflective mindset, choosing deliberate responses over instinctive reactions for more effective communication and decision-making. Here are instances where this phrase is applicable:

    1.) Conflict Resolution: In a heated argument, taking a moment to understand the other person's perspective before responding can lead to a more constructive conversation.
    2.) Critical Feedback: Instead of reacting defensively to criticism, learning to respond involves considering the feedback objectively and using it for personal or professional growth.
    3.) Workplace Challenges: Faced with challenges at work, responding thoughtfully rather than reacting impulsively can contribute to a more strategic and positive outcome.
    4.) Parenting: When dealing with a child's misbehavior, responding involves understanding the underlying reasons and addressing them, as opposed to reacting emotionally in the moment.
    5.) Social Media Interactions: Before responding to a comment or message online, taking a moment to think about the tone and content can prevent unnecessary conflicts.
    6.) Negotiations: Responding in negotiations involves careful consideration of offers and counteroffers, while reacting impulsively might lead to unfavorable outcomes.
    7.) Customer Service: When dealing with customer complaints, responding professionally and empathetically can turn a negative experience into a positive one.
    8.) Personal Relationships: In interpersonal relationships, responding to emotions and conflicts with empathy and understanding fosters healthier connections compared to reacting emotionally.
    9.) Traffic Frustration: Instead of reacting angrily to a traffic jam, learning to respond calmly by finding alternative routes or using the time productively.
    10.) Email Misunderstandings: When receiving a potentially offensive email, responding by seeking clarification rather than reacting emotionally can avoid misunderstandings.
    11.) Health Setbacks: Facing health issues, responding involves researching and understanding the condition, while reacting emotionally may lead to unnecessary stress.
    12.) Financial Stress: Responding to financial challenges by creating a budget and seeking advice is more effective than reacting impulsively to economic pressures.
    13.) Educational Setbacks: In the face of academic difficulties, responding involves seeking help and adjusting study strategies rather than reacting with frustration or giving up.
    14.) Political Discussions: Responding to differing political opinions with open-minded discussion fosters understanding, while reacting emotionally can lead to conflict.
    15.) Personal Growth: In the pursuit of personal development, responding involves reflection and intentional change, whereas reacting may involve impulsive and inconsistent efforts.
    16.) Cultural Differences: When encountering cultural differences, responding with curiosity and a willingness to learn is more constructive than reacting with prejudice or judgment.

    1cor 10:21

    I want to tell you today that once you have received christ as your personal lord and saviour, you have divorced the world and it's pleasures. You cannot have abit of this and a bit of that and turn it into one. Just as water cannot mix with kerosene so also does Christianity cannot mix with wordliness.

    A true born again child of God will not practice mixing mixing christainity, we are at the era whereby Christians copy wordly dance and style of music and introduce it in church, thereby bringing corruption to the body of christ. There is no Azonto for Jesus, skelewu for Jesus etc. If it does not originate from God, it is not of God.

    Many spirit filled sisters and brothers are on their way to hell due to ignorance.
    False teachers have corrupted the body of christ, and introduced the spirit of jezebel in the church today, and Christians have blindly embraced it.

    In those days, you will identify a Christian by their dressing, but now there is no difference between a church goer and a club goer.

    The banner of nakedness and sexiness is flying high in many churches today and in the life of Christians. How can a child of God be oozing of sexiness.
    How can you be desiring nakedness and wanting to be sexy, do you not know that sexiness is of the devil.
    The end goal of sexiness is lust. No child of God should aim to appear sexy rather holiness and modest.

    Sexiness is worldliness, while modesty is christlike. Chioma Jesus with a touch of cardi B is self deception.
    As a child of God you can dress in modest apparel and be beautiful without an ounce of sexiness(you don't need it). Sexiness is like licking mango fruit outside, flies will wrestle with you without giving up. As a child of God, when the world perceive your sexiness, how many flies do you think you can drive away in other to consume your mango in peace. Stop complicating issues for yourself and cover up in a way that will please God.

    As a married woman, your nakedness belongs to your husband. Stop showcasing it to other men.

    Eph 4:17-19 is letting us know that wd should walk not like the gentiles.
    When you accept christ, accept him fully and refuse not to be stiffed neck in picking some and leaving some.

    Let your appearance be godly always, run away from jezebellic attire. Men stay away from worldly apparels, stop sagging your trousers. Stop wearing worldly attires that make you appear like a gangster, popstar, rockstar etc. Stop exposing your nakedness in the name of I'am a man. When you appear shirtless outside wearing only your underwear(boxers etc.) You are doing a wrong thing. Cover up, how will you feel when you see a woman walking up through and fro in the street naked, wearing only pant, because you are a man does not make it right. Most of you go as far as posting your naked body on social media because you see the likes of flavor and co doing it does not mean it is right. Stop it

    Do the right thing in other not to loose your crown at the end of your race.

    Stop mixing worldliness with christainity. You cannot call yourself a child of God and you sing and dance to worldly music, taking alcohol and going to clubs, promoting and applauding sin. Be careful if not you will cry at last.
    Change while yoh still have time, or perish forever.

    Incase you are willing to repent, but don't have the power and strength to resist sin, ask the holyspirit for help, he is more than willing to help you.


    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  9. What cannot happen in Nigeria doesn't exist. Nigeria ceases to amaze me. How can an airplane that left Lagos and headed to Abuja landed in Asaba and announced to passengers they have arrived Abuja?

    Who does that?

    Were the pilots on weed?

    This country na real cruise I swear. I hope investigation of what really happened should be looked into.

    On a serious note, Nigeria and its citizens need to be studied. The impunity in which Nigerians do things is very shocking.

    A pleasant Monday to you all.

    Foggy weather in the Garden city. The harmattan is finally here. The rain yesterday brought it.

    1. heard he is a white pilot and was given wrong route....

    2. 🤣🤣🤣 Only in Naija.

    3. No where else except naija. Wonders of wonders..

    4. Naija matter nah cruise I dey use am catch. Nah only money matter fit disturb my peace.

    5. This is not peculiar to Nigeria only.

    6. I hope the passengers sue them. I can imagine how many will miss important appointments and business meetings. They should sue their a$$

    7. 😂😂 maybe the pilot was on colos 😂😂 naija na wa.

  10. Partakers And Dispensers Of His Life!!
    Romans 8:11.


    "The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of life; He’s the life-giver, and because He lives in you, He has given life to your physical body."

    "That also makes you a life-giving spirit, because as He is, so are you (1 John 4:17). Not only has He made you a partaker of His life, you’re also a dispenser or distributor of eternal life. It’s your life’s purpose to bring the lost into the life of righteousness through the Gospel."

    "The Lord Jesus said in John 20:21, “…as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.” He’s chosen you to manifest the God-life to the nations. He sent you as a bearer of His Gospel, to bring others into the glorious life in Christ."


    As Jesus is, so I my; I'm a life giving spirit, a dispenser and distributor of eternal life, and the eternal realities of the Kingdom. I bring joy to many today, as I share the Gospel with them, which is the power of God to transform their lives and catapult them into their inheritance in Christ. Hallelujah!

    Further Study:
    2 Timothy 1:9-10; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 5:20.

  11. These boys gave me so much joy yesterday! Winning is sweet sha! 😊🥰..
    It should just continue like this, please. Loses are not it eh!

    God bless your week, my people. Enjoy. 🌺❤️

  12. As we begin our day, may Allah grant us a great day full of achievement and joy. I hope we have a good day.
    Happy morning everyone 🎉.
    Enjoy your day

  13. Life is simple. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Shun evil. Let God do the rest.
    May God come through for everyone of us 🙏

  14. Gratitude is a divine emotion. It fills the heart but not to bursting,it warms the heart but not to fever- Charlotte Bronte

    Good morning Stella and blogfam. Hope our night was restful? I am grateful to God for the gift of another day. Stay safe

  15. It will be a Great Day.
    Goodmorning Stells.
    Goodmorning Beevees

  16. Happy new week blog family
    May the blessings of God overflow in our lives this week

  17. Good morning everyone,it's been a long while on here.

  18. How come the prisons and police cells I in foreign movies don't look anything like the ones in Nigeria 🤧. Other countries feel that even if people commit crime, they still deserve to stay in a good looking prison or cell. But in Nigeria, whether you're the worst criminal or went to jail on wrong accusation, you will have to experience the very bad state of Nigerian prisons and police cells. 🤮. Cleanliness has nothing to do with the crimes those people committed. The fact that they're in jail is already punishment for their crimes but I guess Nigerian police and prisons don't understand that.

    1. It is well with Naija,corruption has eaten deep into us that's why the correctional facility is not giving what it should give.

  19. Change: To replace one thing with another. Example: We change our seats for a better view.

    Shift: To move or to cause something or someone to move to a different place.

    Think deeply about the above and decide which one you want in your life. You can decide to go for the two based on your understanding. No one wants to be stagnant except if such individual has no focus and ambition.

    Let's try and envisage a very high level of profit in all our endeavors.

  20. I pray for you this morning,the Grace of God will always speak for you. You won't be delayed, you won't be denied, you won't be disgraced, you won't be disappointed, the oil of Grace upon your life will never run dry in the name of Jesus.
    Good morning and have a glorious day.

  21. It's a new week for another hustle. May our week be fruitful.

    Fidel sis, how are you and our baby girl? Hope you are getting enough rest?🤗

    Have a good day y'all.

    1. No! Mother inlaw left on Saturday, so I'm alone with my 2 children and a husband that closes late from work. So I'm not getting any rest🤦
      Think I'm going to get a help because na so my mummy do strong woman tire. Na die end am. I nor be strong woman
      Thanks sis. Good morning ma❤️

    2. Bear Hug Fidel 🤗 God gat you sis😘

    3. Sending you tons of hugs, Fidel. 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  22. I want to give 2 people 1k airtime each,Shey U go church yesterday abi?
    When Paul & Silas were in cell.. who was their DPO👮😏

    Good morning and happy New week blogfams💝💕💜💛❤💟💖💗💙💞😍😘

  23. It's a brand new week. Get up and get something doing no matter how little. I saw a woman on Facebook asking which business you can start with 10k,some people were making jest of her that the money is too small,but some people gave her enough business ideas, the situation of the country isn't smiling at all, no matter how small, just start

  24. It has been a super busy weekend. I proposed to get to shop today by 12pm but I know that I can't stay at home.

  25. Good morning all,have a blessed week ahead 🙏

  26. It's a beautiful day 🌞
    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  27. Goodmorning to my greeters association
    Ekaaro ohh👋

  28. Good morning everyone
    Do have a blessed day.

  29. Amen good morning everyone.

  30. Good morning everyone 🥰🥰🥰

    I hope this new week provides you with tangible proof that you're on the right track. I hope you can see the evidence that your hardwork is paying off. I hope your optimism is restored. I hope your faith Is rewarded in the mighty name of Jesus. Happy New Week fam🥰😘🥰

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

  31. Good morning SDK and BVs. Marvellous Monday. Blessed day and week. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  32. As I mounted my bed to sleep, I opened sdk to read few things before I sleep off . The first few names for the giveaway were spaced from the rest names so I thought that was all and I skipped to read comments not knowing that there are more names bellow (with my sleepy eyes). It was on Sunday when people were appreciating for the alert received that I saw many names that appreciated and I was like ' ah😳 the names no many like this na, when did they do this one again? I went back to check in the afternoon and I saw my name😳

    I already loose hope on the giveaway. Na wa o. May our miracles will never happen behind us 😄. Thank you so much Stella and the blog angel for this. God will reward you more abundantly for the good things you to for us here.

    1. Go to sunday boulevard post and read Stella's red pen

      Shooter Gyal

    2. Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊

    3. Shooter, Mystic also got 10k and recieved 50k alert too

    4. 10:30, must be a mkstake. Stella request for a refund

      Shooter Gyal

  33. people that type long comment Una dey try oh, I fitinth can't abeg, wish blogger has VN. a lot to say but too lazy to type

  34. This is coming from a place of sincere gratitude and appreciation. I got an alert of 50000 for the business giveaway.
    Stella and Angel on this blog, God bless you . I can't thank you enough, only God can.
    I remain committed always.🥰🥰🥰🥰.

  35. It's a super Monday and I'm fired up for a beautiful and prosperous week ahead.

  36. Good morning everyone
    Happy new week
    On my way back to my base this morning, I saw two men fighting, they said they were driver and passenger. Come and see hot blows this early harmattan morning.
    I jejely boarded the bus and went my way, I don't go near where they are fighting, before bottle or stick or stone will mistakenly fly to my direction.
    Have a beautiful week.

  37. Beautiful Monday morning to blog fam. God's going to turn around every situation that looks impossible in our lives.

    Have an amazing day everyone 💖🥰.

  38. Good morning to Stella and fellow BVs, may this week be everything positive we want it to be for us.
    Last week was a rewardingly busy week for me, and I pray this week be even more productive and rewarding.
    Congratulations to all the recent giveaway recipients.
    I wish you all a pleasant day.💖

  39. Good morning everyone ..
    Trust the weekend went well?
    Blessed week ahead 🙏

  40. Good morning Stella and bvs 🥰

  41. Good morning everyone
    Do have a blessed day.

  42. Good morning fam
    Blessed new week to everyone 💕

  43. Goodmorning
    Please blackberry and Martins
    i need a good cream i can buy for my four month old baby
    She is fair in complexion.

    1. use johnson baby cream and coconut oil

    2. Cream for four months old baby? Chei!
      Madam pls use normal baby cream for her like Boots, Sebamed kids, pears, cussons, Johnson's or coconut oil/original shea butter, you can buy Jimpo Ori product. Don't damage that poor kid's skin pls.

    3. Hi @Anon 09:03..

      Aveeno Babies
      Mother's dream..

      If funds are available;buy their wash/Shampoo too..

      Lotion and wash are less than 30k for the above brands but result is 🔥🔥🔥 and work on all skin too..

      Hope this helps..


    4. Almost all babies are fair in the early part, as they grow older they take on their real colours. If your child is a fair child, no matter what you use for her, she will remain fair.

    5. 30k or 3k for shampoo and wash? If it's 30k, how are people really surviving?

  44. Good morningmy people
    I just discovered one additional usefulness of SDK blog few minutes ago.
    Some customers said I should buy medium sized grain of rice for their sake as that would rise in the pot when cooked and it will "belleful" the kids compared to the small grains.

    I decided to taste it, I cooked white rice and stew and was eating it few minutes ago, the rice was not sweet at all, the taste was just bland, I had to go put more stew on it and manage it, but it was still not working, then I opened SDK blog and started reading some posts from yesterday that I had not read their comments, before I look, plate don empty 🤣🤣
    As I was engrossed in the comments I was reading, I was unconsciously eating the "unsweet" food.
    SDK thank you for not allowing my food to waste this morning.

  45. Amen to your prayers. It is gonna be a great day.

    The harmattan is settling in here.

    1. Yes the rains ushered me in full glory. Enjoy Nigerians

  46. These scammers are so desperate, they come up with different formats everyday. Like, you just sit down and device means of defrauding people, struggling people like you. God will punish your generation.
    I recieved an email yesterday with the heading "transaction confirmation".
    In summary, they were telling me that what I bought from them was acknowledged and that they are grateful for my patronage, they went ahead to put a link where I can contact them for details.
    So I should click to ask them who used my email to buy something and then they will hack my phone or tell me that someone bought it on my behalf as a Christmas gift and I should send money for clearing.
    The supposed name of the sender of the email? One yeye oyibo name Green Schrutz or something like that.
    Yahoo yahoo people, you all will die horrible deaths.

    1. Amen to this. Scammers, e ni kure

  47. A beautiful Monday morning it is here.
    pls always delete your bank alerts from your messages or create a folder and send them there if it's important that you have them stored. This is especially for those that have plenty money in their account, not for people like us 🤣
    Bank alert don cause police case for here, I will bring the details later in the day.

    1. We await the full gist @Faithful

  48. God bless us all amen 🙏.
    Good morning everyone


    We...learned to rely only on God.' 2 Corinthians 1:9 NLT

    Are you feeling hopeless about the situation you're in and don't know which way to turn? Maybe you're struggling to find a reason to keep going, but you're so tired and overwhelmed that you just want to give up. If so, you're in a vulnerable place. Look out - Satan will try to convince you there must be sin in your life, or that you're out of God's will, or that God's unhappy with you because you have disobeyed him in some area you're unaware of. Don't buy it! You can be in the centre of God's will doing everything the right way, and still experience adversity.

    The apostle Paul writes: 'You ought to know...about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead. And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us. And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety' (2 Corinthians 1:8-11 NLT).

    Two elements are at work in your life today. First, God is teaching you to lean on him instead of on yourself. Second, people around you are being strengthened and encouraged as they see the grace of God at work in your life.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  50. Who else heard the news this morning? How Nigerian universities now have shortage of staff as a result of japa syndrome. The painful part is that some of these professionals leave the country to go sleep in the open space over there, out in the cold. Travel agents decieved them. We should do our due diligence before leaving, Nigeria concrete plan B should also be in place.

    1. It will surely be so when the schools refuse to recruit more hands. In my school it is part time lecturers that are holding some departments.

  51. Late comer 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻

    Beautiful Morning blog famZ ❣️

  52. Good morning Bvs how are we today, some kain dreams sef I don watch movie for Netflix sotey I was with Ivar the boneless in Vikings in my dream yesterday, I know say I no get malaria Hollywood actor for dream o chi m o🤪


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