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Monday, November 27, 2023

Monday In House News...

 What a beautiful new week!!


How una dey? I hope that your weekend was OK? 
 Enjoy the new week and stay away from toxic people and their toxic comments and behaviour...avoid be a trolling and trolling. Use your time wisely and a motivation to yourself and others...Ask yourself if you are proud of who you are when no one is watching..
Do you spend private time wishing evil on others? Do you wish others well?
Have a moment and try to get it right as the year 2023 rounds up....

Catch my hugs from afar....



My princess is three months old and since that happened over a week ago I have gotten a lot of advises from the grandparents. Advises on how to start helping her to sit, stop supporting her neck especially when backing her and so on.

With the boys all this was done by four months not three because I was told that was tradition and I didn’t question it , by that time their neck control was perfect and all so it didn’t matter.
But with the girl it’s different there is more pressure to start all this processes earlier, so I decided to do my own research and I found out that, helping a child to sit has nothing to do with gender ( trust our culture to put more pressure on the girl child).

It has to do with when a baby has full head control which is usually between three to four months it can take some babies slightly longer. I am relieved that I found this out, it has taken away the pressure and anxiety

We will be practicing sitting at her own pace .

Three months is too young to start that process, you will hurt her without knowing...


Any BV interested in a flat in Surulere Lagos?

Hello Stella,
I am relocating and will be moving out of my flat in Surulere Lagos. It's behind Ogunlana Drive and is a mini-flat (Rent is #500k, water #20k).
I was wondering if any of your BVs might be interested in it (perfect for a single person).
The new rent cycle starts counting next month (Dec 1st).
If any of them are interested, I can be contacted here or at +2348029401212 (WhatsApp).
Best regards



Guys please what can I do? I have an office and there's the space in front where I sell stuff too. I employed a lady to sell for me, I'm looking for best ways to solve issues with her. It's raining heavily,my road is flooded the kind of rain that has wind and can cause cold,I was inside my office came out to see my staff curled in one corner exposed I was peeved,I shouted and shouted. 

I've told her that harsh weather conditions shouldn't meet her outside,she can come into the office where's there's ac and warmth she can monitor her wares from the glass. Last time it rained I came out and told her to come inside she said okay and stayed there,she didn't come ,some minutes I heard someone asked Ng her if she's cold she said yes.

 I felt terrible.I called her and calmly told her I asked you to come inside you insisted on staying there. Today it rained again and she is under the rain exposed . I am so mad. She could catch cold,she could be hit by anything the wind carries,she could develop fever. I am mad I threatened to sack her ,she started crying.
I hate this but I don't what to do to stop her doing this. It is so annoying. What kind of problem is this one

#Sack her so that she will see that you are serious...When she has grasped the message, then you can re.employ her..This is the only way she will two cents oh



Hi bvs,
You all remember my chronicle on getting pregnant six months after I gave birth to twins, I'm here to announce that I delivered my bundle of joy few months ago, this my baby is the most beautiful baby ever and I thank God for the support I got from hubby and my mum, it was not easy because the pregnancy showed me shege banza,
Hubby has been eyeing me since but fear no even let me near him or enter his room because of how I got pregnant with this my baby, abeg I don't want story that touches the bombom, but I have missed my hubby sha---

Thank you all for your advices and words of encouragement and also bvs that had similar experience and encouraged me, God bless you all because I contemplated terminating the pregnancy because of what people will say, I also quarrelled with hubby seriously because of the pregnancy, I tackled him like mad when I discovered I was pregnant but after reading comments under my chronicles, I was relieved.

I have hanged my boot mbok, and no more withdrawal method, if hubby no use condom I no dey do till I go for family planning, thanks Stella for this wonderful platform, love you all.

I almost forgot, hubby got me an expensive push gift, this man sabi my mumu button but you see that room, I no dey enter if we are alone with the baby and I no go sleep there for now.

LMAO......You dont need to avoid going to his room..go in there and say no..You need to teach him to be able to restrain himself cos avoiding him like this eh, you wont know whats on his mind.....Go in there and if e too hold am then dash am BJ from time to time.....
Congrats on the new baby and the two others.. Your hand must be full with work and i dont envy you right now...Nacking will be the last thing on your mind for a long time....



One bright morning, a man found a silky cocoon of a butterfly in a garden. He was very eager to see what will happen to that cocoon. The next day the man found a small opening was appearing from the cocoon. He sat there in a sheer curiosity and started watching what will happen to the butterfly for several hours.

The butterfly was struggling to wrench its whole body through the little hole. Then suddenly the man found that the butterfly stopped its movement and couldn't go further. Therefore, the kind man pitied the innocent butterfly and started to help it. He tried to free the butterfly from a tiny hole by cutting the cocoon with the help of scissors.

The butterfly emerged easily because the man helped it, but the butterfly had withered wings with the swollen body. The man was very happy as he has helped the butterfly to come out from the tiny cocoon hole. The man continued to watch it.
The man was expecting that any minute, the wings of the butterfly would begin to enlarge and it will start to fly but to the man’s surprise, nothing happened!
In fact, the beautiful and innocent butterfly was not able to fly with its beautiful wings.
The man was very kind but what he did not understand is, by cutting the cocoon, he is disrupting the whole life cycle of the butterfly because the struggle while coming out from the cocoon was necessary for the butterfly’s ability to fly later in life..

Moral Lesson Of The Story:
This beautiful short story depicts the importance of struggle in life. The struggle is what makes us strong. The struggle is necessary for life to prepare ourselves for future opportunities.
So, next time when you feel your life is going through struggles, problems, and obstacles, try to remember this inspiring short story to embrace the truth that-
The struggle is a start of achieving something extraordinary.



There's this G-guy that comes to use pos at my neighbours shop, but he drives very rough, though it's a common thing for them G-boys

So today I don't what happened, but the VIO people tried to stop him but he refused to stop and one of them hit a wood at his side mirror and it broke, na so fight start ooo, before you know it, the place was filled with G-guys, they all parked and joined the fight, the crowd was much, right there in front of my shop, everyone was busy separating the fight.

 I overheard one guy telling the guy he stood with to use style and pack the guys phones from his car, I quickly opened the car and took the 3 phones, the phones were apple products, the ones with 3 cameras,
As I took the phone, I went close to my pos neighbour and told her that I had taken Collins' phones ooo, incase if he starts to look for it, she said okay,
Suddenly they screamed that the younger brother to the pos woman had been injured, she took the guy out of there and they left cos he was bleeding really bad, immediately I saw blood, I ran back to my shop too....
The matter lingered till they all went to the police station cos many of them were injured especially the VIO guys..

I left to go pick my kids from school, I trekked cos am very rich this period, we got back and met Collins angrily waiting for me, he said he had been looking for me, that why didn't I tell him that I moved his phone, what will I gain by stealing his phones, was I thinking that people won't see me and recognise me? Stella na so my feet stamp for ground, I was broken beyond words, I didn't utter a word, I gave him his phones and he left...

My neighbour came back, I narrated everything to her and immediately, she called him, told him that I did him a favour and he should be grateful, she told him that I had informed her that I was the person that took the phones to avoid someone stealing the phone...

This evening he came, was apologising but my mind was not okay with such apologies, I have forgiven him but I may never forget, I don't have but I can never steal from someone to survive, I shouldn't have saved those phones, I for mind my business and save my dignity, I have never stolen in my life and will not start now, imagine accusing me of such in the presence of my kids and I was too dumbfounded to even defend myself...
The thing shock me enter bone, so if not that I pre-informed the pos woman, ns so I for take answer thief for our line? Godforbid ooo!!!...  

This is the reason God gave you mouth...To stand up for yourself especially as your kids were there and listening...You did not do well at all so dont blame the collins, he reacted according to what he was told but you should have defended yourself...If na amebo matter you go enter inside but common to defend yourself you become Dumbfounded......Dey play!



  1. Replies
    1. Please people should be careful. I read that zobo drink is not good for pregnant women.

    2. Yaaaaay! I'm first to comment today!💃💃💃💃

      Stella, hope you had a great weekend.

      Hello beautiful people 👋👋👋👋

    3. One tombo for you.

      Madam you should have told him you overheard some guys planning to steal the phones.

      May God bless and protect us. Amen

      Mao Akuh

    4. Anonymous 14;34 You are absolutely correct. It causes preterm contractions

    5. 😂😂😂😂😂 stella leave me alone 😂 why u change an for the woman that removed the phones 😂 maybe the question shock am and she became dumbfounded nah!

    6. The woman with the sales girl, maybe she is afraid to stay in the office some people are so introverted that they prefer that weather to where people are

    7. Living in peace is very necessary

    8. To the person with a sales girl, are you a man or woman? If you are a man, she may be suffering from past trauma that makes her hesitant to be alone with a man. If you are a woman, ask her why she is uncomfortable coming inside. Either way, tell her to make sure she packs a thick sweater, raincoat, umbrella etc. everyday she is coming to work since she has refused to seek shelter inside else you will let her go because she is creating the impression that she is being maltreated and slwon't tolerate it going forward.


    Lust is a strong craving for sex. It also can mean a hunger for anything, like lust for power, wealth etc.

    When you strongly crave for anything in a manner that it takes sleep away from your eyes, you have an intense desire to have sex, get a particular position, aquire wealth, perform surgery to have a particular body structure. Etc all these are lust of the flesh which will put you in danger of hell.

    The lust of the flesh is very risky, you need to abstain from it. When you allow yourself to lust after things you are at risk of getting consumed. Because you would want to have it by all means, which might end up destroying you.

    Even in marriage, do not lust after your wife, rather desire to have her, vice-versa. Thess 4:4-5. Too much of everything is bad. Control your sexual desires so as not to be carnal. Do not forget that the goal is to make heaven. Let nothing take you away from it.

    2Timothy 2:22, tells us to flee from youthful lust, but pursue righteousness. We are in a generation whereby the lust of the flesh abounds.
    Many are burning for the flesh rather than God, this generation is running after the flesh, which passeth away. Few seek for that which last(righteousness).

    We are in the last days, the devil and his dark kingdom is pumping this world with various things to occupy your mind in other to derail you. Oh how i wish your eyes will open to see the reality of satanic agenda.

    Spirituality is being downplayed and watered down as archaic. A very highly minded spiritual person is considered poor, or seeking to solve one problem or the other.

    This generation is only after the shortcut way of getting things. No body want to wait on the lord to get his or her problem solved.

    Many wants car, soft life, trips abroad, private jets, baby mama to a celeb, butt, breast and all kinds of beauty enhancement surgery, power, the lust to be a celebrity etc. GOD IS GREATLY DISPLEASED. and your dirty desires grieves the holy spirit.

    The day and hour is unknown, rapture is taking place privately daily, prepare yourself so you don't miss your goal.

    The lord will not keep begging and chasing you around to come to him.
    In a short while, he will pour his anger upon you when your time is up. Jer 5:7-9

    Make hay while the sun shines.

    #Stand for Jesus#

  3. A young lady disrupted a wedding ceremony at the weekend here in Port Harcourt. She stormed the venue of the wedding with some thugs and tore the groom's suit.

    Although the solemnization has already been concluded before they arrived. The said woman who is believed to be pregnant, accused the groom of avoiding her after gotten her pregnant.

    The bride was so embarrassed and speechless.

    Some men act recklessly without conscience. Why not put your shit together with the woman you impregnated before contemplating moving on?

    I felt so pity on the famines, friends and all who witnessed the show of shame a man's wandering dick caused him on a day that's supposed to be a special day to him.

    May we not be the architect of our own misfortune in life.

    Good Afternoon guys.

    1. Just negodu the kind of embarrassment he has brought on his bride because of wandering preek.

    2. Hahhahahahahahahhahahahaha good for the man. Remind me of that actor then that went to do secret weeding at Surulere but was caught up by his wife, that news brought me to blogging and from there to SDK lol

    3. Men. I read that news. But what was the pregnant chick trying to achieve? The couple had already said their vows. What did she gain by disrupting the reception?

      Pregnancy can never keep a man. Except a man already had plans to marry and you got pregnant along the way, to think that pregnancy could be used to trap a man who never intended marriage is the easiest and quickest way into a life of bondage and unhappiness.

    4. I blame the pregnant woman. This thing plays out all the time. The women open legs anyhow, get pregnant and get dumped. The man moves on and mostly marries another woman, whom he hasn’t impregnated. What does that tell us? We r always putting the cart before the horse, yet shouting we r a religious ppl.

    5. That man can't abandon her like that, he must pay for the upkeep.

      Mao Akuh

    6. Makason,the same gist bought me here 2013.
      His name is Solomon Akinyesi

  4. Life is like Standing fan...e go blow you e go turn blow me💓...our prayer be say make NEPA no take light when e wan
    blow us🙏
    Good afternoon bvs
    IHN don Land oo
    Sign out meme 💕💕

    1. Baba God, na beg we de beg oo. 🙏

    2. Thanks so much for the home relocation information and many thanks SDK for posting. We will appreciate if we can get more of this please cos landlords and house agents for Lagos no get fear of God again at all. Please i am in need of a standard room and pallor around mainland, specifically, mafoluku/ajao estate. Helpful info's on this will be gratefully appreciated. God bless us all Amen

  5. Replies
    1. I surprised myself today.. No shop today. Has been on bed and slept too.
      My neighbors thought I went to oshodi market. 😄They have called me enough. "Hope you are not sick? "
      Let me go and open now. 😁

  6. You are stepping into a week of SUDDEN VICTORY and deliverance!

    The Lord has heard your prayer! Blessing after blessing and the victory you need THIS WEEK in Jesus’ name!

    ▪️Psalm 34:4
    I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.

  7. God bless our dear Stella and Angels on this blog.
    Only God can reward all you do
    50k alert received.
    Coming from a place of gratitude and deep appreciation

  8. Maybe what you’re believing for is taking longer than you thought; you don’t see how it can happen. Thoughts are whispering, “You’re wasting your time. It’s never going to work out.” Instead of going from, “I believe” to “I gave up; I got discouraged. Nothing was happening. I had big setbacks.” Do like Abraham and go from “I believe” to “I still believe.” “The odds are against me, but I still believe I can accomplish my dreams. I’ve had this illness a long time, but I still believe I can get well. I was raised in dysfunction, a rough environment, but I still believe I can live an abundant life. I still believe that I can break limitations of the past. I still believe I can set a new standard.”

    Joel Osteen

  9. Walk away from people who put you down.
    Walk away from fight, that will never be resolved.
    Walk away from trying to please people who will never see your worth.
    The more you walk away from things that poison your soul, the healthier you will be.
    Good afternoon everyone 🎉

  10. Good afternoon blogfam. Hope our day is going smoothly? Today's sun did not come to play after yesterday's heavy downpour.
    May our struggle make us achieve something extra ordinary in life. Stay safe.

  11. Good afternoon y'all

    I don't wish anyone bad. Enjoy the rest of your day people.

  12. Replies
    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣All the men on SDK blog are hereby celebrated.

  13. Divine Health Confessions!!

    The Word of God grows mightily in me, it prevails in me and produces health in my body. I refuse to be a victim. I continually live above sickness, disease, and infirmity. As the Lord Jesus is, so am I in this world; vibrant, alive, and far above the elements of this world.

  14. Congratulations to the bv that just gave birth. Abeg give oga his right o.

    Motherhood poster, our gal is 3 months already? So fast💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻

    Poster with a worker, maybe you should threaten to sack her and see her reactions.

  15. Ihn is here
    First to comment
    Xmas is coming the geese are getting fat put a Kobo in the old man hat 🎩 (who remembers this rhyme )


  16. Nice story from the butterfly 🦋. 'The struggle is necessary for life to prepare ourselves for future opportunities:
    Good day lovely peopl..

  17. Good afternoon everyone 😍😍

  18. Honestly I don't know what kind of wife I married, very posh and educated, but the only music she listens to is pasuma and kwam1, I'm off duty today, she's a stay at home mum, my wife has been blasting pasuma since morning, saying today is his birthday. Anyway happy 56 birthday to him,but can I have silence in my home now ? She's a bv so she'll definitely see this

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Would you have been okay if she were blasting Eminem or Burna or Davido songs???

      Abeg, let madam enjoy her fuji gyration.

    2. 😂 😂 😂 😂
      Oga, inform her at home. Use WhatsApp for quick result.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣oga let madam enjoy herself na

    4. This is funny 🤣🤣🤣

    5. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 Oga allow your wife enjoy the music she like now,haba! Don't be a kill joy

    6. 😂 😃 Funny people 😂

    7. 😂😂😂😂
      Is your madam my aunty?when I went for my predegree,I stayed with her for the nine months program,my aunt will play pasuma and osupa everyday,the only time I play my hip pop is when she is not at home.
      I later fell in love with pasuma's songs especially the Ade ma sere gele Ade gun keke Pon Pon di p!
      Let madam be ooo
      Listening to such songs doesnt make one less possssshhhh!

    8. Lmao!
      It’s giving Real Housewives of Peckham 🤣

    9. It doesn't matter sir...

      Once she is giving you rest of mind..leave the woman make she enjoy herself joooor

    10. Hahaha, allow madam to blast her pasuma in peace 😂
      I follow you wish him happy birthday

    11. Haaa Help me greet your wife for me...Make she blast dey go...Kwam 1 Ori Ade Okin on repeat!!! Let her add Adewale Ayuba ''Mr Johnson'' Koloba Koloba New single 💃💃💃💃💃💃

    12. The kind of wife u married? A pasuma/Kwam 1 fan.

    13. Hahhaahhahahahahahah reminds me of my cousin if she likes a song it will be on replay till thy kingdom come

    14. Lmao,so this is the message you said you dropped for me 😩😩. Justice for me, see this man that was doing kerekerekere gi when it got to oluyole won se carnival? Engr. Weldone oo, na bvs go cook for you this night 😠

    15. Emi Omo Igbo, but I love all of Kwam 1 music 🎵💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
      Allow Madan enjoy her day . You can even spice up her day by dancing for her 😜

    16. Happy birthday to Oganla.

      Engr, leave madam to enjoy good music. She can even add Baba oko or Malaika if you complain too much. This one that dinner ti lo, don't let your stress increase o.

  19. Hello everybody
    Hope you're feeling fine?

    Hello everybody
    Hope you're feeling feeling feeling

    Hope you're feeling fine

    1. I want to make happy
      Hope you're feeling
      Feeling feeling fine

    2. No I am not feeling fine, my back aches from too much stress

  20. IHN is loaded...
    Good afternoon everyone, wishing you all a successful week ahead..

  21. Replies
    1. Holla Sis 💖💋💖

      Hope you enjoyed our game yesterday? Garnacho's goal was absolute beauty 😍 I just hope dem bois continue in this form! CL this week 🙃

  22. Una good afternoon my people. Welcome IHN. Wishing us all a blessed day.

  23. Congratulations madam.
    Goodafternoon everyone.

  24. I finally feel (and smell) harmattan. Love the weather (hate the dust that comes with it). Congrats to the new mum.

  25. The quote up there is food for thought

  26. Good afternoon SDK and BVs. The only food for trolls is attention,starve them,till they die 🙄🙄🙄

  27. IHN came loaded as usual.

    Pos neighbor: you should have defended yourself. I don't think you know the damage you have done to your kids cos of your inability to defend yourself.

    They may become timid people and get scared of defending themselves out there cos their mum didn't.

  28. God bless everyone and grant us that miracle that seems like a lie.

  29. A beautiful afternoon to you all. Plenty stories on IHN. I have stories to tell tooI. just hope I will have the time to type them someday

  30. Life !!
    Life !! !!
    IHN loaded !!!
    Motherhood poster Put your mind at rest, nothing me ga !
    Hmmm Butterfly story na so life be stage by stage, jejely jejely
    Exam Mode Activated

    Bv relocating, that area would have perfect for me, but it's a Room self I need.
    Oluwa Pick My calls m, there's nothing you cannot do.

    Pleasant Afternoon 😊

  31. Good afternoon people. Happy 3 months to our princess

  32. Madam with the phone issue, don't be discouraged from doing good. God will reward unexpectedly.

  33. God is too faithful to fail you
    He's done it before and will still do it again, don't give up.
    Warm regards, everyone

  34. You fit dey genuinely nice to person make the person dey see you as mumu.

  35. Hello 👋 lovely people 🥰🥰🥰

  36. So I have this friend I am really really close to. We are so close that we talk about everything. But where she draws the line is that, you can never advise her and she will see the advice as good and take it. She’s most likely going to flare up.

    She’s been divorced for a while and I have been praying and hoping tirelessly for a good man for her because her ex is a perfect scum (no exaggeration).

    My problem is, this lady will not stop posting men upon men on her status as her besties. Like a whole bunch of grown ass men. Believe me, I know she has absolutely nothing to do with them but how will someone she’s dating or thinking of dating supposed to take it and believe it’s innocent. If it’s one or two men sef, ok, but she can post up to 10 men. It’s beginning to annoy me and I think of calling her attention to it but I know the kind of person she is.

    The day I advised her about always posting Davido on her status every minute of the day and even using him as her do, a very grown woman oh, I know what I heard that day.

    Make I just bone? I want a happy home for her and I know she wants that to but is it just me or is this behavior not detrimental to her?

    1. I think it's best you let her be. I know someone like that too. She posts a lot of people on her status, claiming almost all as besties. Although, she posts both male and female but they're so many. I see her as someone who has the gift of human relationships because she knows so many people ehn. And many of them are her besties. Your friend will be fine.

    2. Anyone who keeps bestie of the opposite gender for me, is not a serious person. I know some may say it means nothing but wait till their husband keeps female besties.

      I know you said the ex wasn't a good man but who knows, maybe that was the part of the reason she had a fallout with her ex coupled with her inability to take reasonable advice. Only God knows how she related with her truckload of besties while married.
      10 males besties not even 1

      Don't advice her. Let her keep flaunting them. Besides, why wear yourself out praying for her, when her besties can easily help connect her to one of their single friends?

      Words on Marble.

    3. Since she's not the advisable type Biko mind ya business, to avoid stories that tickle the bum bum 😜

    4. Word on Marble, trust me, the man was scum and back then when she was married, she was a lot more reserved than this. Always minding her business. Na these her new found besties I no just understand the posting. But, I may be minding my business now but I know myself, my mouth no dey close, will probably still mention it to her eventually

  37. My credit alert na gbagaun 🤸🤸🤸🤸
    Make una thank SDK and blog angels for me o. SDK and Angel KOOF, your well shall never go dry, you shall go from glory to glory, thank you so much

  38. Good afternoon Stella and bvs
    How Una dey?

  39. This sun can fry egg o🏃🏃🏃

    Our baby girl is 3months already, how time flies.

    Sign out meme is so on point 💯

    Good afternoon everyone 🥰🥰

  40. A doctor told me she is depressed. She is overwhelmed with work. Everyone is looking up to her to attend to them yet no one cares about her mental health. People only call her when they need her and no one calls to ask how she is doing . Everyone thinks as a doctor she is not suppose to complain. She has family that needs her attention too. She can't remember the last time she had her full off. She went further to say they loose staff constantly due to japa and it's not easy getting a replacement as Nigeria is short of doctors. She said she is feeling for medical students as they might not be getting quality teaching due to inadequate teachers. I encouraged her in my own way. Promised to call more often to check on her. It's sad but it is what it is.
    Kindly call that your medical practitioner friend/relative just to find out how they are doing. It's not easy. they are humans and need care too.

  41. BV with Flat in Surulere - Well done for bringing it here

    Motherhood Poster - Wow our baby girl is 3 months...True True na only for belle dem dey tey. Congratulations

    From Comment Section - I think you should look at your approach in driving your concern. I know you mean well but you may come across as being passive aggressive. In your comment, you stated you were angry and had to shout at her...See! She can't see your good intention if your way of passing the message is harsh and looking at your countenance....You need to engage her more and ask her reasons why she does not come into the office when faced with harsh weather conditions...Just a friendly chit chat while being professional can make her loosen up a bit and come to your side...She might be a shy type or may have several issues...if you try it and she still does not listen, then you have to let her go...

    From Friday Night Post: Congratulations on your new born!

    Gist from Saturday: Thank you for saving his phone...You did well....Sorry about your ordeal with him. It is obvious he had a very rough day and with bystanders, everyone is a suspect and with the way Nigerians even treat accident causalities by stealing their valuables before seeking help to them; it is sad but no one is an exception...When he accused you wrongly; I understand he was angry but you could have spoken up to him and defended yourself...Remember he is not in your mind and cannot know your true intentions...Since he has apologized to you, please try to understand considering the circumstances of what happened that day..

  42. That was how my mum inlaw (ex) wanted to sit my girl at 2 months i refused and many more things she wanted to do i know that was where her hatred for me started but i stood my ground cos this is my first child and i dont want life threatening comma. Congratulation to BV on your baby with a supportive hubby you can be giving birth steady nothing to fear lol

    Have a blessed day you all!!

    1. Thank God you didn't allow it, it was way too early...

  43. Good afternoon everyone 🥰
    Sunny ☀️ afternoon

  44. Holla.....
    Happy new week fam🤗
    The month quick finish sha

  45. Onichabor Christopher27 November 2023 at 14:58

    Ihn don land, how u na day dey go, make u na enjoy well

  46. Good afternoon everyone, congratulations to the new mom.
    For the employer please forgive her for the last. Or you can write down as agreement , that is it happen again you will sack her, make such she sign and have the photocopy.

  47. So sorry for been accused wrongly, I wouldn't have dared taken the phone to avoid exactly what happened to you I would have just informed one or two people there of the intentions of the thief. What if you were caught while taking it it would have been another story entirely. Pls let's be careful of the type of help we render.

    That your sales girl wants to tag you as a bad person abi what's her reason for acting that way? Wait to see if she'll change next time rain falls before you sack her

    Withdrawal method na scam o my sister. Congratulations on your bundle of joy

    Congratulations to all the giveaway beneficiaries may it yield increase

  48. Good Afternoon Beautiful People ♥️

  49. How Una dey? IHN is loaded!

  50. The signout is for me o, am try to stop it for I Don know how. God help me

  51. You could have explained yourself to the Collins guy that you did him a favor rather than keep silent, the fault is yours honestly, but thank God you told someone about the phone to prove your innocence.
    Follow Stella advice @ the poster that her worker is not listening to. When she falls sick now, people around would start seeing you as a wicked boss.
    Sign meme 👌, may God help us to live in peace.

    Hello everyone 💖💙

    1. Perhaps, the sales girl thinks it rude to sit in the shop with customers or with her boss in such a small space. Maybe drilling or into her that her salary would be deducted from if she continues to ignore your directive may help.

  52. You were accused of stealing and couldn't defend yourself due to some flimsy reason. So if you were accused of murder that's how you'd close your mouth. If I were the yahoo boy, i wont apologize sef

    Shooter Gyal

  53. congratulation for keeping that baby and happy you are doing well. Please stop avoiding your husband cos you already have your bundle of joy.

    Madam, next time do not keep mute but speak out so that people can understand what happened. If you did not explain yourself, i will also think you took those phones for your own use. Someone might have told Collins something else and he decided to react that way than confronting you2.

  54. I have been praising God for His special love for me. Who am I that God is so mindful of me???
    BVS, I have had this business idea in my mind for a long time now, and then a location came out and I spoke to my husband about it. He said aahh you will blow from that business location,I was excited and I quickly went looking for the landlord to indicate interest and know the rate. He told me and I happily went to meet husbandman for assistance. Chai this man finished me and told me,he doesn't have money to give me,that I should sort myself out.

    I cried like a baby and afterwards I prayed to God to help me. I started thanking him as if I had gotten the rent and money to stock up. I started advertising products online and sales were coming, some customers paid for the orders and I'd use their money and purchase and supply, make my small profit. A woman I know very well came to beg me to keep huge amount for her, she will be needing it next year because she will use it if she keeps it herself. I have paid for the rent and business is so ongoing and beautiful. I know God used her to set up this business for me. I am forever grateful to God. I have started keeping money aside for her repayment though small amount ,but I trust God.
    You guys should rejoice with me ooo and pray for me too.

    I got divine connections to source goods from, very's like a dream. Thank you Father.🙌🙌

    The butterfly story is apt

    1. Not trying to downplay your joy but how do you use someone's money that was entrusted to you for safekeeping for your own personal needs? Did you ever think of what might happen if she comes earlier than expected to demand for her money? And then the gall of you to use God to justify your actions! Madam, you no try abeg. Your friend gave you that money so she wouldn't use it but here you are, thanking God that you used her money for rent and goods. Na wa for you sha.🙄

    2. Congratulations. The Lord will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus name.

    3. I rejoice with you dear 💃🏻

    4. Your victim didn't loan you the money but entrusted it in your care for a time. May this corner cutting not turn to a chronicle next year where your husband who knows nothing about this fund conversion now has to be going from police station to family meeting.

      For people who mouth God so loudly, it's seriously funny how our values are so far removed from his.

    5. Sharply assemble her money add it together, you have no profit till her money is complete, after her money is complete is when you have a business

  55. Nice butterfly story, life comes in highs and lows, struggling is part of the process (I call it phase or bus stop) we move ahead ahead as we remain focused to victory.

    But along the struggles of life we hands of help and favors are needed to help us achieve our next move. On this note I say thank you from the deepest part of my heart to SDK for finding me worthy of the business support giveaway. It was a huge relief, May God's light continue to shine on your path, on everything you do and anything you lay ur hand on will turn gold.

    Lolzzz the day wey I get that alert ehn, I begin dance anyhow 😂😂😂😂

  56. Congratulations on the arrival of the baby. The Lord watch over them.

  57. Good afternoon everyone, the 500 for mini flat at ogunlana drive is quite cheap because ogunlana is amongst the coolest area in surulere.

    1. It's better to see the apartment first before concluding.

  58. Wow! Congratulations to you mother of twins and new baby

  59. Thank you Lord for the gift of life. Madam you no do well wey you no defend yourself at all

  60. Una Good Evening Neighbour's 👍 👏

  61. Here I am , processing my cassava in stage 4 remaining stage 5 which is the last stage after that food don land, God no go shame us.

  62. That woman with 3month baby thks for d advice

  63. Congratulations to the new mom

    Phone wahala, you were too shocked to talk, how? Why didn't you talk and defend yourself In the presence of the kids so that they would know how to do so when faced with such in future?

    I sat outside the bank till they called us in. Pray not to have any issue with your bank account, they will turn you to tout inside the banking hall. I spent the whole day there. So annoying.


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