Stella Dimoko Tuesday Spontaneous Post


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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tuesday Spontaneous Post

 #happywishes #peace #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #goodday


I salute everyone this fine Morning!
It is the last day of October 2023 and we thank God bringing us this far..
Enjoy the day and concentrate on your day job, not gossip...LOL


  1. So, normally, when I'm gisting with my son, he tells me about his classmates and what they all do in class. Now I practically know all his classmates' names, surnames, hobbies etc.
    But I didn't bargain for today's gist. I was bathing him jeje, when he told me that one of his classmates told him yesterday, that his dad always beats his mum. These kids are just 4+. I just weak. I had to tell my son not to tell anyone about this in class or anywhere else. When we were done bathing and dressing up, he looks at me keenly, and says rather emotionally, "Daddy, don't beat my mummy". Omoh!! πŸ₯Ί
    I hope the father of that child, stops this. I pray that couple don't scar their kids for life. I pray that boy doesn't grow up to think beating a woman, is a man's divine right.
    Parents, we MUST do better. These kids are watching us oooo.
    Marriage and parenting - toughest jobs in the world. May God help us!
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. The kids are truly watching. Parents need to do better.

    2. Same here with my 5yr old son, immediately we step out of their school compound, it's gist time, he tells me a lot of things about his classmates, their activities during the day, up to what the teacher said or did in the course of teaching. We as parents just have to act right because their eagle eyes and ears are watching and hearing everything we probably think they are not.

    3. So sad. The poor boy will grow and think it's the right thing his dad is doing. I pray he don't end up beating his wife in future.

    4. Some doesn't know the psychological damage their actions are having on their kids. God will help us πŸ™

    5. πŸ’―

      Before some people come and run this south..
      Let me also tell you that my big cousin ( I have spoken about him here in the past) kids had also reported to me how their mother insults and fight their father always, they were also around that 4-6 years..
      So this isn't gender specific.

      Parents, (not man or woman) need to do better.

    6. This is bad, parents really needs to do better, kids are always.
      Imagine the psychological damage this will cause to those kids.
      So sad

    7. I felt teary reading this Ali. Some of these kids grow up resenting the parent that maltreats the other . In his case, he may grow up hating his dad and then show him pepper at old age for treating his mum that way.
      Parents, let's do better

    8. Imagine!
      See what the foolish man is planting in the mind of his son. The woman too remained there thinking she is doing her son good by remaining in her marriage, not knowing she is damaging her son. I just pray he doesn't kill her soon.

    9. Children are very smart these days. We have to be conscious of what we do around them.
      It's well...


    'Absent from the body and...present with the Lord.' 2 Corinthians 5:8 NKJV

    Try as we may to avoid it, and as reluctant as we are to discuss it, we all must release the hands of the one we love into the hand of the one who loves us most.

    What happens when we die? What happens to us between our death and Christ's return? Paul responds, 'I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those are who have no hope' (1 Thessalonians 4:13 TLB). Scripture is surprisingly quiet about what happens to us in the period between our death and the resurrection of our body.

    Paul writes: 'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labour for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far' (Philippians 1:21-23 NIV). Bible scholar Anthony Hoekema says, 'What Paul is saying here is that the moment he departs or dies, that very same moment he will be with Christ.'

    Ultimately, Heaven is the greatest healing of all for the believer! We have pain here but have no pain there. We struggle here but have no struggles there. You may wonder why God took your loved one home, but they don't. Now they understand. They are, at this very moment, at peace in God's presence.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Thanks for the awesome teaching, sis.

    2. Thank you Lord my great healer.
      Good morning Essa baby 😘 and thanks for sharing.

    3. No more sorrow
      No more pain
      There will be no crying in that place
      The darkness fades away

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’–

  3. Good morning everyone!
    It's a very cold morning.
    A blessed day I wish us.....

  4. Happy to be alive.
    God bless you all.

  5. Learn To Respond To His Promptings!!
    1 Samuel 3:10.

    "Samuel, as a young man, was taught by Eli, the priest how to respond to God's voice. God called Samuel by name three different times and on each of those occasions, Samuel thought it was Eli that was calling him and ran to Eli."

    "When you study His Word, He talks to you, but you have to respond to Him. For example, when you read the Scriptures; don't just read or quote them; respond!"

    "Always respond to God and to His Word; your response is where your blessing is."


    Dear Father, your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I hear and discern your voice. I'm sensitive and attentive to your guidance, promptings and counsels. I respond in faith, and my thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with your will always. I walk in victory continually, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    John 10:27; Isaiah 30:21; James 1:22.

  6. Who are we that you are mindful of us, Lord?
    Heavenly father,we thank you for seeing another end of the month.
    Thank you, Lord, for not allowing us to be vessel in the hands of the devil. We are grateful for how far we have come under your grace.
    Lord, we want to enjoy more of your grace, increase us in power and strength in the coming months in Jesus name πŸ™
    Father Lord, we thank you for putting our enemies to shame, over our lives.
    Abba father, cleans us from any secret faults, that will stand against us on the judgement day in Jesus name πŸ™

  7. Good morning beeveeleons.... Festive Period is so close..

    Start buying those things you need now..

  8. So there's this place I supply stuff to. We have a very good business understanding, Infact they patronise me every week, I submit invoices and payment usually comes anytime but they always pay up sometimes they clear all, other times they pay gradually. We were good.

    Their MD relocated so, September payment was pending with no payment at all because most of their funds was used to sort her out. The Admin I had a very good business relationship with promised to clear all by October ending. So I was just supplying and supplying.
    2 weeks ago, she called me to come. I went there and we started. Brought out the invoices for September, I started calling out the ones on my record. She called out one that's 11,400 I said let me check, I did and none like that on my record. Saw only 10,100. I asked again, she said don't worry it's not here. It's the 10,100 I'm seeing too. She paid some and I left. Another time she called to clear September bill, I went again, and she mentioned the same 11,400 and said o don't worry it's a mistake. Apparently she forgot to remove the invoice and refuse showing me too so I can update my record. She cleared September and We continued supplies for October.

    This past weekend I've been having reoccurring dreams of loosing money, it falls and someone calls me back to pick it up, I purchase stuff and forget the change and someone calls me back. Etc.

    Yesterday, I went to pick up some bills from her, something sha happened and I was led to check her records and update because her invoices I saw on her table was more than what I have on my excel sheet for debts owed from that centre. My people, I had a crazy busy month, e no easy. Most of the supplies I made to them this month was not entered. I also saw an invoice of 11,400 for September that was not paid. The invoices not entered for October ahhhh. It is well ooo. What was I thinking? I had to check the past months and it was just that 11,400, others were well updated. I called her immediately, sent proof and she said oh! Okay I'll check.
    Something she knew since, and just wanted me to not know, so she'll remove it and take the cash maybe or not.. Hmmmm.

    Stress is not a good thing at all. I need to start paying more attention to my dreams.

    1. You have to reduce the credit you give to them. This one that their MD had relocated, they may start owing you for a long time. All these small one man companies , one needs to be careful while dealing with them.

    John 3:16

    What do you think about you breathing in bad air everywhere you go, anytime any day. You Don't need to be a doctor to know that the continous inhaling of this bad air will harm you at a certain point in your life.

    This is the way the life of a sinner is, you keep inhaling polluted air, at a point you are tired, you feel like you are suffocating,you become desperate for fresh air, but you find it difficult to get it, or continue in it, you begin to wonder, why is it so difficult for me to continue in this new path, why can't i just adapt to this.
    What you Don't know is that, there are demons, principalities, powers that are bent on keeping you in darkness, they want you to keep inhaling this polluted air in other to keep your mind too busy for God, too interested in sin and in the flesh in other to inherit the kingdom of hell, where you can only come out, when Jesus christ cease being king(which can never happen).
    HELL is a horrible abode, a dark place filled with stench of dead rotten burning flesh.
    Housing demons of various kinds that don't get tired of drilling your soul in various wicked degrees and dimensions.
    There is no mercy there, mercy ceases the day you leave this earth. No matter how you wail there, your cries is nothing to God.

    The torture of hell is horrible, it is a place where you should not even experience. Don't even wish it on your enemy talk more of yourself.

    Hell is a dangerous place to be. Do not fall into that place. Jesus christ is here to give you a life that will have you celebrating forever.

    He has come that you may have life in abundance.
    You can't find salvation outside christ. Acts 4:12 John 14:6

    Are you thirsty for a change in your life, are you tired of your sin, do you need a new experience that will profit you much, then come to Jesus Heb 7:25 Rev 22:17.

    The soul of every sinner is empty with the word which is Jesus, but when you come to him, he fills you up with him.
    He said in his word, the thoughts he has for you is the thought of good, to bring you to an expected end.

    Child of God, stop hating yourself and come to Jesus today, he is desperate to cuddle you like a baby in his awesome hands, and show you the kind of love you have not experienced. He loves you deeply despite those abominations you have commited. He cares not. He does not judge you based on what you have done, as far as you are willing to repent, he is ever ready to welcome you.
    He can only judge you when you have refused to turn from your evil ways.

    Oh witch please come to Jesus

    Adulterous woman, sleeping with your boss, sleeping with your ex, sleeping with your inlaw, sleeping with your side whatever please come to Jesus

    Oh prostitute please come to Jesus

    Oh liar, armed robber, ritualist, gossiper, etc.
    Come to Jesus
    He is waiting for you today.
    Tommorrow might be very late for you.

    Please repent and give your life fully to him.

    Rom 10:10
    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  10. It takes a lot of courage to push through hard times. Never give up. Good things are coming your way.
    Be strong enough to be patient while you're waiting for your blessings to show up.

  11. Today na my birthday, I was born on the 31st of October, as in the last day in the month of October. God, Thank you for bringing me this far πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
    Happy birthday to me πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚, I wish myself the very best and every good things I crave for be mine πŸŽŠπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

    1. Happy Birthday BeeJay. This is the beginning of your best years. Have a great celebration.🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺

    2. Happy birthday Beejay, May the Lord bless you in Jesus name.

    3. Happy birthday dear. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. Happy birthday Beejay...
      I love your name..
      Cheers to more God's blessings in your life πŸ™

    5. Happy birthday dear,God bless you.

    6. Happy birthday sweetheart 😘

    7. Happy birthday to you, enjoy your day.

    8. Happy birthday to you beautiful ❤️

    9. Happy glorious birthday to you

    10. Happy birthday darling πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰ may lines fall in pleasant places for you πŸ™Œ have a blast πŸ₯‚ lots of love ❤️

    11. Happy birthday to you. Live long and prosper

    12. Happy birthday dearπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚

    13. Happy birthday Bee. Many happy returns of the day. Enjoy your special day 😘

  12. Top of the morning to y'all on here.
    Hope you slept well?

    Word Of The Day
    Pontificate- (v) Talk in a dogmatic and pompous manner.

    The new professor always pontificates.



  13. Please, is there any risk using your bank alert number as your WhatsApp number?

    1. No risk as far as I'm concerned, the most important thing is not to divulge vital information about your bank details to the wrong person.

  14. Good morning Stella and blogfam. It's a cold morning. May God go before us to lead and guide us through the day. May we find favour before him and before men. Stay safe

  15. SDK Psychologist31 October 2023 at 08:02


    Talents are developed versions of gifts. While gifts are innate, talents are honed and refined through deliberate practice, training, and experience. Talents are typically built upon natural abilities but require effort and dedication to reach their full potential. For example, someone with a gift for singing may develop their talent by taking singing lessons, practicing regularly, and performing in front of an audience. Talents can be cultivated and improved over time, allowing individuals to excel in specific areas and achieve mastery.


    1.) Musical Talent: Possessing an innate ability to play instruments, sing, compose music, or have a keen ear for rhythm and melody.

    2.) Artistic Talent: Demonstrating skill in drawing, painting, sculpting, or other forms of visual expression.

    3.) Writing Talent: Excelling in writing creatively, journalistically, or academically, storytelling, poetry, or crafting engaging written content.

    4.) Athletic Talent: Showing prowess in sports, such as running, swimming, basketball, or soccer.

    5.) Acting Talent: Displaying a natural aptitude for performing on stage or screen, portraying characters convincingly.

    6.) Mathematical Talent: Showing proficiency in numerical reasoning, calculations, and problem-solving.

    7.) Scientific Talent: Having a curiosity for the natural world and excelling in scientific inquiry and experimentation.

    8.) Linguistic Talent: Displaying ease in learning and using languages, with a strong grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

    9.) Teaching Talent: Excelling in conveying knowledge and facilitating learning in others.

    10.) Technological Talent: Showing proficiency in using and understanding technology, including programming, web development, or IT skills.

    11.) Analytical Talent: Having a talent for critically analyzing information, identifying patterns, and drawing insightful conclusions.

    12.) Design Talent: Exhibiting a flair for visual aesthetics, whether in graphic design, interior design, fashion, or other creative fields.

    13.) Culinary Talent: Showing exceptional skills in cooking, baking, or food presentation.

    14.) Entrepreneurial Talent: Possessing a natural inclination towards identifying business opportunities, taking risks, and creating successful ventures.

    15.) Networking Talent: Excelling in building and nurturing professional relationships, expanding personal and career opportunities.

    16.) Research Talent: Demonstrating an aptitude for gathering, analyzing, and interpreting information in a thorough and systematic manner.

    17.) Negotiation Talent: Having a knack for finding mutually beneficial outcomes and resolving conflicts through effective communication.

    18.) Interpersonal Talent: Excelling in building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others.

    19.) Presentation Talent: Demonstrating skill in delivering engaging and compelling presentations.

    20.) Time Management Talent: Having an innate ability to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and manage time effectively.

  16. Happy Tuesday people of SDK
    Stay safe and blessed

  17. Good morning everyone
    God bless your day. πŸ’•

  18. Good morning beautiful BVs. Thank God for bringing us to the last day of the month of October, he has be faithful, kind, generous and protected us thus far. Wishing everyone a wonderful day at work

  19. Good morning SDKville Fam

    That one thing you swore never to do but you do as a mum or dad😁😁
    **Eating leftovers
    **Watching cartoon and singing along
    **clearing your child nose with your mouth
    **catching vomit with your hands
    **washing dirty bumbum while eating

    Parenthood is indeed a game changer.

    1. So true. God bless all parents Amen

    2. Good morning everyone
      May this last day of October usher us to a greater heights in Jesus name Amen πŸ™πŸ».

    3. I'm telling you. Being a mum has a way of humbling somebody 🀣

    4. Parenthood is a course of its own.
      May God all parents

  20. GΓ³od Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Paris Savana, I no just get mouth to analyze that Manchester derby, I they very young to get BP, the way it's always very easy for Manchester City to win Manchester United ehh, if not for passion I for don port from Manchester United to Manchester City.
    I like this new SP time.πŸ˜›.
    Have a nice day ahead guys, one Love

    1. Good morning
      Abeg no get HP ooh for people that are enjoying their money πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. Lol 🀣🀣🀣🀣 abeg just watch without emotions, that's what I have been doing since 2007 ! Stay with us jare,let's weather the storm together 🀣🀣🀣 no leave,no transfer

  21. Isn’t Allah the All Kind, the All loving?

    When you think of the blessings Allah has bestowed upon you, the ones you know of and the ones you don’t even recognize, you will be moved to tears.

    From the littlest to the biggest, ALLAHU AKBAR KABEERA. (Allah is most great indeed)

    Good morning everyone πŸŽ‰

  22. Good morning beautiful people 😍
    Thankful for the precious gift of life..

  23. PUT TO BED: Is it Correct?

    I know you'll immediately say, "It's not correct!"

    Calm down fes, abeg!
    *wide toothy smile πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

    Now, listen up, buddies. ✌🏾
    Let me explain.

    I was taught English Grammar & Usage by Prof Ozo-Mekuri Ndimele and Prof Nkem Okoh, the best lecturers anyone could ask for.

    I remember my first year in UniPort. I attended a 7 o'clock class on Grammar and Composition.

    Prof. Nkem Okoh used to like 7 o'clock classes ehn!

    On that day, Prof. stepped into the Arena and declared:

    "My elder sister has put to bed is grammatically wrong."

    Of course, some of us, students, began to argue. We were already used to saying "put to bed". The phrase was used all around us, at home, in the hospital, church, etc.

    So, we assumed it was correct.

    Prof. Okoh stated with all authority, "There is no such phrasal verb as 'put to bed' in standard English. Bring out your dictionary and look it up!".

    I did, try looking it up in Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary. It wasn't there.

    Back then, Prof. Okoh was right. There was no such phrasal verb as 'put to bed'.

    But right NOW, 'put to bed' is grammatically sound.

    Did you hear me?

    The expression, "put to bed", is today, grammatically sound in SBE (Standard British English).


    English language (just like other human languages) is dynamic; it keeps changing or evolving. Thus, new words are either coined or existing words are codified.

    Codification is a linguistic term that refers to the methods through which words are standardized (or made standard).

    Such methods include listing of new words in a reputable dictionary, production of style/usage guides, etc.

    "Put to bed" has made its way into the dictionary. It's one of the 29 Nigerian words recently added to Oxford dictionary. This means that it's been codified and standardized.

    Just google: full list of 29 Nigerian words in Oxford dictionary. Or check the comments section for the link.

    What's the major takeaway from this post?

    As a conscious language user, always be ready to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

    Alvin Toffler, American thought leader, writer, futurist, and businessman said:

    "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn".

    Learn, unlearn and relearn: what do they mean?

    LEARN means to gain knowledge or acquire a skill in any subject or niche either by personal study or by being taught and mentored.

    UNLEARN means to discard or remove from your memory some previously acquired knowledge, especially false and misleading information, or outdated knowledge. It means letting go of old unprofitable ways of doing things in your field/ career.

    RELEARN means to learn a skill afresh so as to update your knowledge because of new research findings and current realities in your niche or career.

    Unlearn and relearn the fact that two years ago, "put to bed" wasn't a standard English expression. Today, it is.

    If "put to bed" can make it in this life, you will also make it in this life!
    Say "Amen!"

    I'm rooting for you πŸ’ͺ

    1. Amen πŸ™
      Thanks for the teaching, Vicky πŸ’š

    2. Thank you for always adding great value to us everyday πŸ₯°.

    3. Our English teacher thanks.

    4. Thanks Vicky.
      So what was the correct thing to say back then when it was seen as incorrect?

    5. English teacher why did you run and lock your profile? You don't want us to see when you opened your blog id?

  24. Thank God for this rain, it came at the right time, the sun in Lagos wan roast us, surprisingly my people in PH have been complaining of cold since last week, God is wonderful.

    Beautiful morning to everyone, have an awesome day.

    1. This God is indeed indescribable oooo. The sun in lag past few days before this rain was really terrible. e no pass 3 minutes to hell fire. e hot reach like that oooooo

    2. Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

    3. Hahaha @e no pass 3 minutes to hell fire. e hot reach like that. Honestly

    4. It's a cool morning here too 😁😎 I wish the weather will be like this all through today

      Good morning Momma ❤️πŸ’

  25. Good Morning. Thanks be to the Almighty for the privilege of seeing another day and also the last day in October. Indeed God is faithful!

  26. Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Be true to yourself by honoring that small inner voice that knows what is right from wrong, because this voice will lead you to life you were created for. One of prosperity, contentment and liberation.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

    1. Brianna, let me tell you why I dey vex with you anytime I see your comment, make we thrash it now, I don't like keeping person for mind. I for don marry abroadian man if not for you! Yes ,you Brianna.

      The guy left for Yankee with the promise of coming back to marry him, only for him to change mouth cos he met one black American named Brianna, he left me for Brianna

    2. Have an awesome day πŸ’œ

    3. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

      Anon08:20 lemme ooo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. I'm so short of words, you had me almost keeled over with laughter.

      Anon, no vex. Na mistake 😁

    5. Lol
      What's happening @Anon0820?
      Transfer of aggression or what?

    6. Anonymous, no vex for our Brianna you hear, lol.

    7. Anon 8:20 abeg no vex again πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    8. Anon8:20...🀣🀣🀣6🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    9. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
      No vex for her abeg anon. Your man was not a loyal and responsible man, he would have still fallen for another lady if Brianna did not come along. Any man that lacks self control is not a real man. Thank your stars for showing you his real colours, a better man will find you and you will be grateful that your ex left.

  27. Thank you for not given up on me.
    Oh Lord I'm very grateful for life and sound health.
    Good morning all😘

  28. Good morning everyone
    It's a wet wet morning here. Raining 🌧️ here since last night..

  29. Good morning everyone...
    I have been Mia for some days now
    Good to be back.
    Catching up with old posts.

    Congratulations to all the business giveaway recipients, May God bless your businesses πŸ™

    Congratulations to Bv Fidel on the birth of her beautiful baby girl. She will fulfill God destiny in her life πŸ™.

    October came with lots of birth news, my cousin gave birth to a baby girl last night.πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    God bless Stella and all the Angels.

    1. Congratulations to the family.

    2. Congratulations to your cousin πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ God bless and keep the newborn

  30. Good morning everyone. Thank God for the gift of life. October ends today. May the month of November favour us all. AMEN. Y'all have a wonderful day today. Stay blessed. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Amennnn πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    2. My candilicious candy πŸ˜˜πŸ’•
      I wish you luck in the house hunting and I pray for strength upon you. By God's grace you'll get a good and affordable house soonest. It is well with you dear πŸ€—πŸ€—

    3. Amen πŸ™Œ

      Have an excellent day lovie πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’–

  31. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday.

    1. Good morning my Bloggy πŸ’žπŸ˜˜

    2. Good morning Sweetie πŸ’œπŸ’–

      #Toosday #Twosday #Toolsday

  32. Replies
    1. Good morning Rosy πŸ’žπŸ˜˜πŸ’“

  33. Some people have turned themselves to heaven gate keeper, who has the list of the people that'll enter heaven even though they themselves no go smell heaven ,no be curse, cos bible says, thiu shall not judge,but na them judge pass, awon holier than thou even though some of them they raise skirt up receive anointing from back door.

    November is upon us , as October don dey pack him load comot, thank God, the year is ending with a good note for me

    1. heaven gatekeeper, funny how I used that word to describe someone this morning.
      our time don change again?

  34. Happy new month in advance my people. Its going to be so worth it all round Amen

  35. Some people's day job is gossip Stella

    Good morning my people 😘

    1. Good morning to you too,have a profitable day.

  36. Midnight Sun Netflix very interesting, so emotional

  37. Congratulations Fidel on the birth of your baby, thank God for safe delivery πŸ™

  38. Last day of October
    May my troubles and worries die with October and November shall bring a fresh start in my life, Amen

  39. There's this business I do in my husband place of business.
    This man called me to tell me he wants to take over the business o

    He was the one doing this business initially, but stopped due to poor sales. he has not been doing this business since 2019.

    Last year when I lost my small job
    While praying for something else to do,God led this business in my heart, when I told him he tried convincing me not to do it, that it may not sale,I told him at least let me try
    This business is now doing well by God's grace and he told me to go look somewhere else and start selling my own there that he wants to take this one lol

    Is not as if I don't contribute to the house o, all the money I make from the business goes to my children
    I hardly buy anything for myself
    Right now I'm broke as in my account is red because my child just entered one of the unity schools I paid every thing from common entrance form to all the items in the boarding list.
    Because guyman say e get money for unity school. I asked him but if I will bring the money will you approve ,he said yes, when we went to drop my child off in the school he called me and said he is sorry for all the bad words he used on me cos of the school matter that he doesn't know that the school is this big ,he also thanked me for all my efforts in ensuring that my child entered that school, I said no problem I understand.

    Only for this man to call me one day that he has something to discuss with me, and he dropped the bombshell. I thought he was joking
    Yesterday I understand he is dead serious
    This is what I get from being a mumu wife of over ten years to this man
    I don't even want to talk about all we have been through together that one is a story for another day

    1. DO NOT hand over your business to him.

    2. Na wah. If to say na oyibo wife. He go become her slave.

  40. Good morning all
    On that picture post of Tony Elumelu, his wife and Wizkid, an anon said Elumelu's wife slippers cost 760 pounds and so it was not simple.
    My eyes popped out when I googled the amount in naira, over 700 thousand naira, but it was simple despite the price, simplicity does not mean inexpensive.
    Baba God, pls make me comfortable πŸ™

    1. Hmmmmmm...700k for just 1 easy wear slippers. Father, remember me for good.

  41. Thank you Jesus for the gift of life, I'm so grateful.
    Good morning everyone.

  42. Good blessed morning everyone, may November bless us greatly indeed, Amen.

  43. Happy birthday BeeJay.
    May the Lord bless your new age.

    Thank you Lord for being alive
    Thank you Lord for battles seen and unseen that you fought for us.
    Thank you Lord for miracles.
    Thank you Lord for everything.

    Have a jolly good day everyone

    1. Where is the update of the thrift wears that you claim you sell which you got 50k a few weeks ago?

  44. Good morning everyone πŸ˜˜πŸ’žπŸ’“
    Thank God for seeing us through the month of October and today is the last day,to God be all the glory.

    This new set of birds I bought are excellent I tell you,they're healthy and growing so perfectly. They clocked 10 days today but you need to see how big they're. Somebody came and paid for 60 and I'm taking them to her this morning, I sold 30 on Saturday. I brood and sell at 2wks. So now they're remaining just 10. I've booked for another set and those ones will be for Christmas.

    Mummy Andre how're you and our princess doing, please take care of yourself and the baby too.

    Sweet Jewelu chocolate Noir πŸ’•πŸ˜˜ how're you doing today,the Lord is your strength and He'll definitely perfect everything concerning you.

    Bvs have a beautiful day ahead ❤️
    E go surely be ✌️

    1. I'm so happy for you 😍❤️

    2. God bless your business, my darling. πŸ€—

    3. You mean the ones you’ll brood next will be for Christmas?


  45. Thank you Jesus for fighting our battle for us.

    Very soon, with the way I'm thinking oooo, #50 and #100 note will soon be useless and the lowest naira note will be #200.

    These people are not for us at all

  46. That blog visitor Ava is a fraudulent someone. You applied for giveaway twice despite the warning, they picked you and bvs kept saying you have gotten before, you kept quiet until Stella asked you to clarify yourself. The thrift wears that you claim to sell, you did not show evidence of buying them with the first 50k that you got, yet you came to apply for another one the same month. Thief!

  47. Reno Omokri tells you-know-who to wake up

    Those saying Tinubu is not their President should wake up and smell the coffee. Bola Tinubu is your President, and for that, you can blame only one person – Peter Obi.  Before 2023 elections, the Peoples Democratic Party had won in every state of the Southeast in every election since 1999.

    If Peter Obi had not contested in 2023, the PDP would still have won in the Southeastern states during the #NigerianElections2023. Peter Obi had absolutely no path to victory. None whatsoever. I told him this personally. Others told him. He even knew it. The only people who believed he could win were the same people who believed that Buhari died and had been replaced by Jubril, a clone from Sudan.

    If Peter Obi runs in 2027, then that election will turn out exactly like 2023. Peter Obi contesting will be the best thing to happen to Tinubu. His not contesting will be the greatest blessing to Waziri Atiku.

    If you like insult me. Truth is bitter, but better!

    Reno Omokri ask a pertinent question

    Why are the papers and TV stations which carried the drop in the value of the Naira with much glee not publishing the story of the Naira's appreciation today? Strange! Are they unhappy that the Naira is appreciating?


  48. Happy birthday Bee❣️

    Thank you Jesus! It has been a nice ride dear October. Praying and hoping for more blessings πŸ™

  49. Who saw the video of that beautiful 'evangelist' preaching against natural hair and boring girls? Go watch and learn. Btw, she's beautiful and hot 😍 a preacher that slays! Love her


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