Stella Dimoko Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post


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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #twosday #toosday #positive #inspirationalmindset #Godknowswhy #smile #neversaynever #neverthinknever #tententwentythree

Good Morning..
Have a great day!




  1. Good Morning SDK Ville,
    Recently, 3 of my friends have opened up to me about contemplating suicide, and 2 have tried to abscond (abandon their wives and kids). All of them have similar stories - economic hardship and mounting debts. We don advice taya and we don help where awa power reach, and thank God, all 5 are still 'standing'.
    At the end of the day, it is not easy for any of us out here. The economic wahala is punching us all, (except of course for the crooks in government and those involved in illegal business).
    On this blog, I see steady business updates from those who have benefited from the cash giveaways and it feels my heart with so much joy.
    SDK, this empowerment you are doing here, is saving lives and giving people hope. You dey try! God bless you.
    To anyone on this blog, who's thinking of ending it all, I urge you to keep hope alive and keep pushing. One day, your story will change for good. Also, if you need help, talk ooo. Yes, some will jeer and sneer. But, remember, if you die, the same people will also say "why him no talk na. We for help am". Humans will talk regardless. It's better to open up. (Don't just take people's generosity for granted sha).
    We survive Buhari. We go survive Tinubu.
    May God meet us all, at the point of our needs. Don't give up!
    Love And Nepa..❤️..

    1. Amen 🙏.

      May we not lose hope and our life in this present Nigeria.

    2. You spoke nothing but the truth. It's really difficult out there. May God see us all

    3. Thanks Ali.

      It's a trying time for Nigerians, may God bless Stella for her generosity towards her BVs, l will never take it for granted.

      Fuel is scarce, and transport fare is on a steady increase. It's well with us😢

    4. for how long are we going to keep surviving?

    5. Anonymous 8:37 - For as long as you are still breathing. Work hard, think smart, trust God, and hope for the best. Keep pushing. I wish you all the best.

    6. Thanks for this Ali. We shall survive by God's grace.
      08:37, I pray for strength for you to keep carrying on.

    7. Thanks Ali. God continue to come through for everyone Amen. Happy beautiful Tuesday to us all

    8. So true. People are going through a lot. There is serious hardship in the land. SDK blog and some other platforms belong people to get by are God-sent. May God reward them all.
      As for those passing through hardship, hold on to that little hope left, God will come through for you all soon .

    9. God bless you Stella for coming to help people..You are blessed.

      Ali B, it is well ooo cuz no be everybody wey u see wey dey laugh get happy heart. Alot going on with them.

    10.'s not easy but we have to keep hope alive.
      It is only God that can repay Stella honestly,only God.

    11. Things are really hard.
      Fuel keep increasing and people are suffering but nobody is talking. It is well.😟

    12. I'm just wondering how long we are going to keep moving from bad to worse. Dollar is now over 1k. There's no intentional living anymore. Just surviving.

      It is well 🚶🚶🚶🚶🚶

  2. Fasting Helps To Maintain Spiritual Focus!!
    Acts 13:3


    "There’re several spiritual blessings and benefits of fasting and one of them is that it helps you maintain spiritual focus. It involves putting away food, but it’s not just about abstinence from food but all forms of distraction for the time being. This helps your spirit to become more sensitive to the Spirit of God. You become more conscious of His leading within your spirit."

    "If you’re going to be spiritually alert and walk spiritually, you should fast from time to time. That means to centre your attention on the Lord for the time."

    "Through fasting and prayer, your effectiveness in the things of the Spirit is improved. Your ability to hear and receive from God is sharpened, and you’re more attuned to the finer signals and instructions of the Spirit that you need for a higher level of life; a life of continuous glory and success."


    Dear Father, my spirit is attuned to your leading, guidance, promptings, direction and voice within me. I'm receptive and responsive to you as you guide me to walk in, and fulfil, your perfect will today, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Joel 1:14; Joel 2:12; Luke 2:36-37

  3. Reflection for 10th of October, 2023. Tuesday. Twenty-Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. Jonah 3:1-10. Psalm 130:1-2,3-4,7bc-8. Luke 10:38-42.

    In the first reading, the people of Nineveh heard God's words as proclaimed by Prophet Jonah. They accepted it, reflected on it, and they had a change of heart and attitude. They repented, and the Lord was merciful to them. "When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which he had said he would do to them; and he did not do it" (Jonah 3:10).

    In today's Gospel, the story of Martha and Mary presents two models of discipleship: of one disciple who "sees and does" and another disciple who "listens and hears." Both models of discipleship are important in our relationship with God. Jesus, in saying that, "One thing is needful. Mary had chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:42) is not condemning Martha. One action precedes the other. It is what we first hear that we will do.

    Faith comes from hearing the good news of Christ Jesus (Rom.10:17). If we do not listen to the good news, how can we have faith in God? We must first be taught before we can do anything good. The word of God that we hear produces the good we do. The people of Nineveh on hearing God's word in the first reading repented.

    May God grant us the grace to put his words into practice through Christ our Lord. Amen. May God bring a peaceful resolution to the war in Sudan, between Russia and Ukraine, and bring about a new Nigeria where there will be progress and prosperity through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    1. Amen chai I don miss mass o. May God grant us all our wishes and hear our prayers Amen 🙏🙌.thanks for sharing


    The grace is still available, the hour of mercy have not yet passed. The voice of God is still pleading and weeping for your soul to open up your heart. Accept him now, while there is still time. Jer. 3:21

    1cor 15:34
    Awake now from your sleep of sin and awake unto righteousness, for u have swimmed in the ocean of sin far too long.

    Turn to Jesus today and recieve him in your heart.
    Why don't u try this God and see how wonderful he is. He and he alone can never dissapoint you.

    The battle for your soul is fierce, please surrender today to be on the winning side. You will never regret it.

    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, come and be my lord and personal saviour. Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  5. This day for you and all yours...

    As surely as the sun rises, so surely shall the Lord cause you to rise upon the wings of grace...

    May the hand of the Most High God be at work in your favour...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and fulfilling day, I wish you!!!

  6. Good morning everyone
    Today is going to be a good day for us all 🙏

  7. Good morning beautiful people 💋

  8. Good morning everyone
    Have a lovely day 😘🌹

  9. Good morning to y'all.
    Hope you had a wonderful night rest?

    Word Of The Day
    Purveyor- (s) Someon who supplies provisions (especially food).




    'He sought...God and worked wholeheartedly.' 2 Chronicles 31:21 NIV

    Change, improvement, growth, success and victory happen through total commitment and a willingness to pay the price. When King Hezekiah came to the throne, Israel was in bad shape. The doors of God's house were shut, the Law of the Lord was not observed, and the people were worshipping heathen gods. If you seek success, you'll benefit from studying Hezekiah's life and his strategy. The Bible says, 'In everything that he undertook...he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly' (2 Chronicles 31:21 NIV).

    Commitment involves:
    (1) A change in lifestyle. Hezekiah broke the family mould, refusing to live like his father had.
    (2) Loneliness. Hezekiah was the first to turn to God. To do it, he had to stand alone.
    (3) Criticism. People don't take kindly to change, and Hezekiah faced a barrage of harsh questions from the older generation.
    (4) Hard work and money. He was willing to give up time, energy and money to reach his goal. (5) Daily discipline. Changing a culture and the mindsets of its people can be difficult. Every day Hezekiah taught and instilled God's principles into the minds of the people.
    (6) Constant pressure. The people who went along with the changes Hezekiah was making expected to see results, and they weren't always patient.

    Hezekiah 'sought his God...worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered' (2 Chronicles 31:21 NIV). The principles Hezekiah used will work for you too, so today begin to apply them.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Beautiful piece 🙌🙌
      Thanks for sharing Sis ❤️💖💝


    2. God bless you more Essa babe 😘💞💜.

  11. Good morning everyone.
    Enjoy the rest of your day. ❤️

    Fidel, my geng, I trust you're doing great today, Sis. It's well with you in Jesus' name. 💙💕

    1. Ekaaro Sis ❤️💖 have an amazing day


  12. Reno Omokri had this to say to you-know-who

    I hope those beating the drums of war in Nigeria are watching what is happening in Israel. War is like being born. You can only know when a person is born. You can't know when they will die. And you can only know when war starts. You can't know how and when it will end. So, please learn wisdom from what is happening in Israel. Please NEVER allow it happen here. Unlike Israelis and Palestinians, every Nigerian can go anywhere in Nigeria anytime for any reason. There are no restrictions on your movement as a citizen. Fulani can and have been marrying Igbo and Hausa. Yoruba can and have been marrying Kanuri and Efik. There are no laws or obstacles to marriage and freedom of association. Unlike Israel, every zone in Nigeria has produced either a Prime Minister, Military Head of State, or elected President at one time or another. No religion is oppressed in Nigeria. Every state is constitutionally entitled to a minister. And our armed forces are made up of a quota from each state. My brother and sister, don't let IPOB, Boko Haram, and others deceive you. Nigeria is a good country that will get better if we all believe in her!

    You are calling for a referendum in Nigeria. You say you are marginalised, and you want to secede. You have a widely popular association in your zone whose sole purpose is to break out of Nigeria. That group have an armed and very militant wing. Then you come on social media and condemn the Palestinians. How is your struggle different, better, more acceptable, and just than theirs?

    People are watching you guys now and laughing. Do you know why? They are studying everything you are saying and doing against the Palestinians for the purpose of doing it against you. Because you have shown that you are not against marginalisation, injustice and oppression. You are just against it when it is done to you. And if you were in a position of power, you would do worse.

    You even went to court to declare yourselves Jews. The Israeli courts flatly rejected you as legitimate Jews. Am I lying? A Nigerian man, named Onyeulor had approached Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Council and an Israeli High Court to pursue the claim of Nigeriens from a particular region being Jews, and the claim was rejected in both instances.

    Let me give you a parallel to what you are doing. It would be like the ANC in the 80s being against those being oppressed when they themselves were facing apartheid. The Apartheid government would have used it to score a PR victory against them. But sadly, you guys do not think before you act. You are impulsive. You act and then think. And you cannot be counselled, because you are so intelligent and no one is wise enough to give you insights.


  13. Good Morning Guys,

    I will be taking a break on social media and also at the comment section at this time. I wish to let my good friends here know about it so you don't get worried if you don't see my comments for the time being. I will be back but can't say when exactly. I need to get some things fixed. So I need all the time and the right frame of mind to do that.

    I will miss you guys and the conversations here and I pray God continue to see each and everyone of us through in our various endeavors in life and bless the works of our hands Amen.

    Stay blessed.



    2. Stay safe bro. All the best....

    3. All the best Ezege


    4. I wish you the best Teejay

    5. Teejay go and succeed in that thing you are arranging. I wish you bliss

    6. Teejay, you'll be missed

    7. Awww Ezege, I read this your comment like I'm reading a goodbye note 😪 yes I'm emotional like that.
      I wish you all the best in whatever you are doing and wellw miss you here. Pls don't stay away for so long inugo.

    8. WINNER, YES I AM!10 October 2023 at 11:42

      Wedding bells, i wish you all the best

    9. Wishing you all the best in every step of the way. Remain blessed

  14. The only people that their opinion can influence me on SM is Nutritionist /Medical Dr.

    I love learning from them what food to eat and how to maintain good health.

    I have started using iru to make food and my last son was happy 😊. I hardly drink soda. I discourage people from drinking soda and energy drink.

    Beautiful morning to beautiful souls 💜 ❤️ 🌹
    May God bless our efforts today.

    1. What about malt? I'm so addicted to malt 🤦

    2. Welcome to the club of iru users Nne 😀😀 I even shew a spoonful sometimes but note it's not Lagos own oh...mine is from the villa


    3. I love iru too.
      Many years ago, I remember one of my kids used the toilet in a relative's house, the woman asked me "so you are also an iru lover?" I asked how she knew, she said she smelled it in my baby's poo. I felt somehow that day. Some people are trying.

    4. @Honey,your relative is a legend ooo💪,for her to deduce iru from the smell of poo,wow...

    5. I like it but my hubby doesn't

    6. We plenty here.. Operation eat right.

  15. Good morning beautiful people 🌹😘

    1. Good morning beautiful 😘

  16. Good morning beautiful people
    Hope everyone is doing great
    Tuesday is here
    Time to hustle and show love to people around us.
    Have a great day.

  17. SDK Psychologist10 October 2023 at 08:07


    'Energy transfers are real, be careful who you allow access to your spirit '.

    This phrase "Energy transfers are real, be careful who you allow access to your spirit" suggests that interactions with others can affect your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here are some instances where this concept is applicable:

    1.) Relationships and Friendships:
    Choosing friends or partners who are negative or draining can impact your energy and overall well-being.

    2.) Work Environment:
    Being cautious about the people you work with and the workplace culture to prevent negative influences on your mindset and motivation.

    3.) Social Circles:
    Surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting individuals can contribute to a healthier, more energized state of being.

    4.) Online Interactions:
    Being mindful of engaging with positive and supportive communities online, as negative interactions can affect your emotional state.

    5.) Self-Care Practices:
    Incorporating self-care activities, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques to protect your energy and maintain balance in your life.

    6.) Mental Health Support:
    Seeking help from mental health professionals who provide positive, constructive guidance to enhance your mental and emotional well-being.

  18. The blood of Jesus has paid it all for me. I am no long in chains.
    I am born of God. The seed of God is in me. Everything God created is obligated and mandated to favour Zaram. On Chizaramekpere path there is no pain, no shame and no better yesterday. I find favor on every path. I am the salt of the earth. It's an upward movement of God's overflowing mercies. My life magnates only good things. Satan loose your hold over everything that concerns me now in the name of Jesus. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
    Good morning great people.

  19. That Edo babe comedy series and her younger sister, the height of disrespect. How much can a senior sister endure.

    1. I think they are acting..
      Because I don't understand such kind of living

  20. You are not rich, but you can only marry a wealthy man.
    You are not tall. But you can only marry a six-footer.
    You are not highly educated. But you can only marry a highly knowledgeable man.
    You are not articulate. But you can only marry an eloquent man.
    You don't have a car. But you can only marry a man with a car.
    You don't own a house. But you can only marry a man who owns a home.

    Try this experiment. Go to any bank and say, 'I don't have an account, but I want money'. If you can withdraw from a bank what you can't deposit, only then should you demand what you don't bring to the table.

    Did I speak well?

    #RenosNuggets #FreeLeahSharibu

  21. Good morning everyone
    Bvs join me to celebrate my Sister delivered a baby boy yesterday.

    She didn’t know she was in labor early morning yesterday. when she went to bath so she could rush to the hospital boom baby came out in front of the bathroom.
    Mother and baby doing fine. Lord we thank you.

    1. Congratulations to the family. May God bless the new born.

    2. Wow! Congratulations to you and yours 🍾🍾🍾🍾

    3. Thank God for safe delivery

    4. Congratulations

    5. Awesome God has done it again 💃💃 wow! Congratulations to your sis 🥳🎉🎈🎊 God bless and keep the newborn


    6. Wow. The kind of story I love to read. Congratulations to the family

    7. Congratulations to the family

    8. Congrats to your family. God made it easy.

    9. To God be the glory 🙏
      Congratulations to the family.

    10. I love baby news🥰🥰,congratulations🎊🎉,God bless the new born and the family.

    11. Congrats to you and your sister.

    12. Wow! Thank God for safe delivery. Congratulations to her.

    13. Wow God is wonderful..congrats

    14. Wow.. Yippee 🕺 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾 💃🏾
      Congratulations to your sister. Glory to God for easy delivery.

    15. See miracle, no labour room drama, dilating 3cm, 5cm, 7cm etc. Thank God for her oh.

  22. Good morning everyone

    Catarrh wan kill my enemy
    Worse thing is I am taking meds and no changes


    1. So sorry ma 🤗🤗 take mixagrip tablet


    2. Make Ori (shea butter )your nose inhaler it works

    3. It's probably the weather,pele.

    4. Eyaah, sorry. Use ginger with warm water and honey.

    5. Change your tooth brush, bedspreads and pillow case and wash your room Cottons. Ndo.😍

  23. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday 🙏🏻😘

    1. Good morning Sweetheart ❤️💝 have an amazing day


  24. Beautiful, productive day I pray for amen 🙏
    Good morning everyone

  25. Good morning beautiful people of God. It's a beautiful day 🎉🎊🎉

  26. Good morning everyone 🤩🤩🤩

    Sleep for 8 hours, not 6
    Exercise for 1 hour, not 4
    Learn for 3 hours, not 10
    Read for 2 hours, not 5
    Deep work for 3 hours, not 12
    You're a human, not a machine. 💯💯💯

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 😘

    1. Omotola, this your advice cannot work for us Nigerians living in Nigeria 🤣

    2. Good morning Omosexy 💕😘

  27. Phheeewwww! I really do not even know where to start. My sis has been getting complaints about her output at her place of work (most of which isn't her fault but I really wouldn't want to go into that as she works in a religious establishment and I have reverence for spiritual authority) but believe me, it's tiring. She's always downcast.

    She tried to leave but it wasn't "approved". I guess she just didn't want to keep making mistakes (we've both prayed about this) and not offer value. She also feels it's time for a new phase of her life.

    I advised her to find at least 2 people (it's a religious establishment so she can find anyone who's willing and has got the skill) she can train on the job, bring up her resignation again and then say it's important she leaves and she's trained people she believes would easily fill in her place and she's also going to assist whenever she can.

    May God help us all to make the right choices at all times.

    1. Eyah, I really feel for her. Your suggestion is good. If she does the above and they still do not approve her resignation, let her leave the place any how, is it by force? It is religious people that presses people's necks the most in this country.

    2. Let her leave if her spirit is not willing to remain there. Can't she just abandon them and leave? You are condemning someone's work yet refuse to allow her leave, what sort of nonsense is that?
      Poster pls leave religion out of it and tell her to leave for the sake of her mental health, emotional well-being and overall life.

    3. If she doesn't add value, why did they refuse her resignation? Hope it's not one of those places that use reverse psychology to make workers feel worthless so they stop believing they can get a better job and just stay with the current employer, even though they are unhappy.

    4. 10:35, i tell you, they want to mess up the young lady's self esteem. Poster tell her to start applying for other jobs, when they employ her, let her abandon those people.

  28. White Hair or Grey Hair?
    Grey or Gray? 📌Part 2

    NB: Butterflies in your stomach (or Butterflies) is an informal idiomatic expression that means to feel very nervous, usually about something you are going to do.
    -Cambridge dictionary

    Sometimes when I present a speech at events, I speak with butterflies in my stomach; I speak with courage in my heart since I came prepared.

    Courage is, indeed, not the absence of fear.

    Read that again!

    Courage is the dogged determination to speak in spite of your fears.

    The point is, you have something important to say.

    You've really prepared for this great day. Now, D-Day is here!

    Even if fear grips you as you get up on the podium to speak, open your mouth and say what you came prepared to say!

    Stage fright is a coward! Research/experience shows that it doesn't last up to 60 seconds (one minute).

    Stage fright doesn't last long except it's a phobia. And phobia is not just ordinary fear.

    Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder (a mental illness that makes someone very worried and affects their life) that involves an extreme fear of something.
    -Cambridge dictionary

    Phobia is treatable.

    You can overcome stage fright and other public speaking anxieties.

    Let me be your personal coach!

    Stage fright's only job is to stop you from dazzling on stage.

    My job is to coach you to dazzle on stage.

    Are you called upon to speak and your voice starts quivering all of a sudden?

    Open your mouth and speak!

    Your heart is pounding, right? Speak!

    Your hands are shaking, right? Speak!

    You feel like fainting? Speak!

    Speak even if there's fear in your heart!

    Stage fright wants to stop you. Stop stage fright now.
    Speak intentionally!

    The world wants to hear you! And that's all that matters.

    Speak! Afraid!

    Got any value reading this?

    @everyone ❤️

    I'm rooting for you!✌🏾

  29. Good morning beloved people
    Great day to everyone,
    Guys please be safe out there.

  30. Bear hug 🤗🫂 Jewelu💕

    knowing that Worry never solves any problem. Once I've done my best, I leave the rest to God .
    I have Peace ✌️

    Beautiful Blissful Morning Blog famZ 😍❣️💕

    1. Good morning NK baby of the most high 💕😘💜 have a beautiful day ahead ❤️

  31. Good blessed morning
    Lord, please help me, Amen.

  32. Good morning blessed people.
    May our day be great.

  33. NEPA decided to show themselves in my area these few days.
    No light for almost one week. Later they came to fix something inside the transformer and are asking us to contribute money for them. Is it not their job to fix faulty NEPA installations? Why ask for money from us? My hubby is already fuming, saying he won't pay. Someone needs to voice out on the extortion by these folks.

    1. Your husband will still pay. Na so we dey pay for here too.

    2. If you people want light you better pay o,if not they'll tell you they don't have the thing that spoil that you people should wait till they have it,which will be like in 10yrs to come. I don't know them and police which is worst sef.

  34. Good morning lovely blogfam. Wishing us a stress-free day.

  35. We bought an Android phone for my 12yrs old son two years ago when he was 10, we wanted him to use it for homework and interact with friends. When I saw him going on tiktok and YouTube to watch rubbish, I collected it form him.
    Fast forward to this year, he is in Jss 3 and most of his classmates have phones. He gives them my phone number which they call him on. Out of pity, I gave him my small touchlight phone so that he can at least reach his friends on phone.
    Now phones are banned in their school. He broke the law and brought out his phone during lessons, the teacher ceased it. I went to the school, begged him and he released it to me. I took it home, charged it for hours, the battery kept being low, I opened it and checked, this teacher has switched the battery. Original battery that I bought for #1500 last month when I gave the phone to my son? Tisha cannot buy Nokia battery of #1500. I am going there this afternoon. Their principal will see chomchin.

    1. How sure are you that it was the teacher who changed it? What if the battery had been changed before it was seized.

    2. @Mary, that was the first time he took it to school and he did not give it to anyone apart from the teacher

  36. Good morning blogfam 😘💜
    Jewelu I catch your hugs and thanks.

    This country can frustate its citizens eeh 😣😣 you went to school,graduated and no job. You decided to go into business but this govt won't let you strive. How can a day old bird be sold at 850/900, just how!! A bag of chicken feed is almost 10k and more. How can you make profit in all these? We haven't talked about the drugs and other things fa. This is just the height it.
    End of rant.

    Bvs have a great day ahead ❤️
    E go surely be ✌️

  37. And ask again,what is someone being in relationship or personal life has to do with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues,haters , enemies and the public.
    They all have their own safe and choose another person's own to chase clout.
    Don't think some of them really mean well. Same set of people that wish you well will later become jealous or angry when it begins to manifest.
    Not everyone should know your plan. There are those that will hear or enter and scatter.
    Guard your circle.

  38. And ask again,what is someone being in relationship or personal life has to do with family, friends, neighbors, colleagues,haters , enemies and the public.
    They all have their own safe and choose another person's own to chase clout.
    Don't think some of them really mean well. Same set of people that wish you well will later become jealous or angry when it begins to manifest.
    Not everyone should know your plan. There are those that will hear or enter and scatter.
    Guard your circle.

  39. It is well may God help us in this country

  40. Good morning beautiful people.

    Fidel, keep being strong, nnem.

    May God continue to guide and protect you and yours.😘💙

  41. " I want to do her make over"
    " I want to take her pictures"
    " She doesn't have this and that .
    What is your business and why do you keep checking a woman that has no business with you to the extent is giving you a sleepless night.
    What grown adults are doing during working hour.
    You never talk wetin you dey find.


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