Stella Dimoko OAP Dotun Calls Out EX Wife For Denying Him Access To His Children..


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Thursday, October 12, 2023

OAP Dotun Calls Out EX Wife For Denying Him Access To His Children..

On air personality Dotun has called out his ex wife for refusing him access to see their Children and posted receipts to show that the Judge awarded joint custody to both Parties in 2022 ...

Why deny a man access to his children? This is a very wicked act


  1. She used the DV lie against him knowing the public would buy it.
    Fight for your children Dotman, fight.

    1. It seems you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

      That woman was abused physically and otherwise. He felt like he was doing her a favour by marrying her.


    2. Zozo,
      Fair enough the marriage has ended cos of domestic violence but why deny him of his kids? They are his flesh and blood.

    3. Every action has consequences. The woman won primary custody of the kids. It was not a joint custody else they will spell it out.

      Let him find a mediator to reach out or go to court again and again. He has no case.
      Let the woman take her time and heal.

      You can't be violent and senseless at the same time, choose one.


    4. Xoxo, lets face the matter squarely. Custody was awarded to both parents.

      Its unconscionable and a disobedience of court order for her to willfully refuse him access.

      Let's be fair in our analysis.

    5. Her own is good, he wants to be a participating dad. My own has been dodging visits & responsibilities since 19 gboboro. Madam, pls forgive his past wrong & allow him see his kids mbok

  2. Words on Marble.12 October 2023 at 10:54

    I don't know why some parent do this. This is so immature and selfish. Okay, you are not in good terms with your partner what has their relationship with the kids got to do with that? They are your exes but also your kids' parent. They have every right to be in their children's life even though they don't want to be in yours anymore.
    They belong to the both of you for goodness sake.This is so annoying and parents who are guilty of this need to stop.

    1. Have you experienced a violent man?

      Let her take her time.


    2. Xoxo on what basis do you make your assertions ?
      Hearsay , what you read online or privilege information?

    3. Words on Marble.12 October 2023 at 11:59

      The violent angle and all other unprintable angles you know nothing about, would have been brought forth and tendered in court, yet the judge still went ahead and granted joint custody, right?

    4. ZoZo take her time in what way? They are no longer in any relationship again. He's entitled to see his kids. I feel such women who deny their ex husbands access to the kids, are still in love with their ex, if not for peace sake move on.

    5. How can you be an abusive husband and a great father? Stop immersing yourself in unrealistic Hollywood movies.

      You can't want the mother of your kids unlive and love those kids.

      The violent angle was tendered in court hence divorce was granted. The woman was granted primary custody of the kids while the man was granted access during holidays.


    6. Words on Marble.12 October 2023 at 17:01

      You are actually the one immersing yourself in everything here. There are still both his and her kids and he should be allowed to meet them except if meeting them poses a danger to them or they don't want to meet with him personally.

    7. Xoxo, question should be 'is he violent toward the kids'? If not, why should he not be allowed to see his kids especially if the court has granted him that permission? It's okay if the wife does not want to see or have anything to do with him, the least she could do is find someone else to act in her capacity whenever the dad needs to be with the kids, it is totally unfair on her part to take the kids away from him if he's willing to be in their lives.

    8. king xoxo, tomorrow when the children start resenting their mother for separating them from their dad, hope you will come and ask them to forgive her. After the judgment, if he did something wrong, go back to court and ask for for custody arrangement to be altered, the father of a child has as much right as the mother also

  3. I like the fact that he is speaking and fighting to have access to his kids not tomorrow they mum will brainwash them into believing he abandoned them. I don't care what happened in the marriage or what led to it's crash but as long as a man is willing to be in his children's life and he is not a threat in any way to them then he should be allowed to play his fatherly role. To me is selfishness and wickedness of the highest order to deny my children that father/child relationship just because I have issues with the man

    1. Thank you. I won't bother typing.

    2. Honestly that's the best approach allow him visit see them shikena life it's not hard, if he no participate now Wahala

  4. This man has been shouting for help for a very long time. Can the internet help him get justice and access to his kids just as we did for the female counterparts like Snow White and co.? Why is the media so quiet on this? This guy is truly broken; let's not wait and write "justice for..." When it's too late.

    What kind of woman keeps kids from their Dad. I'm so sick of it!

    1. So you think the court of law didn't look at facts. It is the Internet that is moved by sentiment that will do that.


    2. Xoxo did you not read that the court gave them joint custody?

      Dotun is not your baby daddy, stop the transfer of anger. If yours is a deadbeat, this man is not and should be given access to his children.

    3. There was no need to cast xoxo personal life like this na why are some of you so insensitive?

    4. Anon
      This was a temporary order he filed before the dissolution of the marriage. What the judge granted him is a temporary order for divided custody. He should submit the divorce final judgement, let us see.

      We tell an abused woman to flee, if she runs without her children, we will shout. If she runs with her children, we will shout. If she dies from the abuse, we will ask why didn't she run?


    5. Anon 13:12, there is need abeg. What the person said is the truth.

    6. Anon 13:12 she casted herself and you just helped to confirm she's actually bitter from her personal experience. I didn't know before but I figured from all she's saying. I think you should rather advise her to drop the bitterness. Preventing children from seeing their dad will only harm the children. There are too many people with Daddy issues so if their Dad is not a bad Dad then stay away from him but allow the children to have a relationship.

    7. Dumb anon and dumber anon

      I don't have time to engage in your childish IQ lowering exchange.


    8. 🤣🤣 irony of life; Xoxo calling someone dumb? There's nothing I won't see on Stella's blog. Girl bye.

    9. Naaaaa, 14:27 unless the 9 o'clock boat just brought you to this blog. Xoxo is no where near 'dumb.' I rarely agree with her opinions, but she puts them out in a clear and concise way.
      The problem with most of you is that you dont know how to assimilate differing opinions, must be something in your childhood trauma.
      As soon as someone's opinion counters yours, you jump out like diabetic frogs, croaking 'haturz' and hogwash.
      Keep croaking biko, it's good for your blood count.👏🏼

    10. Anon 16:14 where did you read XOXO being called dumb? You didn't notice she's rather the one throwing insults and calling others dumb? Do I take it that you are XOXO?

  5. This is bad nau
    Allow the children be with their father, why use the children to punish your ex

  6. As long as he is a good and responsible dad then there is no need to deny him access to the kids over you both issues. But if the dad personality get small comma esp. with abuse please run with the kids. I envy couple who coparent in peace this life is nothing why waste time on irrelevant things.

    1. Can a good and responsible father beat their children's mom to a pulp? Is it that you people have brains but willfully decide not to use it?

      It will be better for the children to lose their mom.


    2. There is a Court order according to him. So the comma stage has passed.

    3. Xoxo he might not be a good husband to her, that will not stop him from being a good father. The court gave him all the right to have access to his kids.
      You are a self acclaimed feminist Zozo, does it makes you hate men or not going to be a good wife?

    4. Violence is just one part of domestic violence.

      These people are controlling in every way possible. When the victim leaves they continue the abuse by fighting over children, maintenance and any property. Victims are doomed unless they can go far away and pray that the perpetrator finds another focus, unfortunately another victim.

      Even with another victim under their control, they may continue to punish the one who got away unless that person ignores and doesn’t rely on them for anything.

    5. I don't see A and call it B. I speak facts. How does that translate to hating men?

      The woman was granted PRIMARY custody, while he was given acess during holidays and vacation period. If you believe this document he tendered, you will observe that he filed a sepate application for custody still the court granted him acess during holidays and religious event. It is not a joint custody.


    6. XOXO, I was agreeing with you o! I was talking about the abuser continuing to be the controller. They hate losing control.

      They never let go even after the woman gets away. They control by refusing maintenance or pretending to want custody. They also fight women for the house. They spend years in court to disturb the victim who got away.

      The social media call out is a red flag! When a person can no longer control you, they try to control how others perceive you.

    7. Anon 12:50, XOXO, and 14:50 you are on point. Many don't get how being in a home of domestic violence negatively affects the kids involved. Hmmmmm, the confusion, the pains, the abuse, the push_pull dynamics, the lies, the disgrace, the shame, the fear, the dread, in some cases the poverty, the exposure etc etc. If parents can't get along, even after divorce, it is a long shot that they would peacefully coparent. When the kids are grown, they would find things out for themselves and pair this with their experience of the dv and decide to seek out or avoid a particular parent involved. Better they are apart than tear themselves to shreds physically and online.

    8. Anon 14.38 💯🥰

    9. I meant 14:13

  7. Why is she denying him access to the kids? At the end they won't forgive her for this. And if there is a ruling for joint custody, he should go back to the court nah.

    1. Do you know the trauma those kids suffered because of him?
      This one is a twitter father.

      Let him return to court.


  8. Mehn! I really feel for Dotun..I can imagine his mental state...I am glad he is talking about this continuously. Why would you stop your kids from having a relationship with their dad and they are girls for that matter...Fathers don't joke with their daughters at alll....I pray he gets justice...Amen

    1. You don't feel sorry for the woman that was beaten and abused.

      Who do una this thing?


    2. Xoxo, you are all over the comments today. Is Dotun the baby daddy you always talk about?
      This matter appears to be very personal to you.

      I'm so sorry for the pain you suffered nwanyioma.

    3. I’m all over the comments too and I’m not XO nor do I know either of the parties in the dispute.

      Domestic violence has been destroying us blacks for years and we africans always find a way to blame victims. We also underestimate the impact that this terrible crime has on the children and its repetitive cycle.

    4. Last time I was defending beautiful women, I was accused by in the box thinking anonymous that I want people to think I am beautiful.

      When I defend fat women, it means I am fat.

      If I defend single mothers, it means I am one.

      If I defend men, it means I have turned a new leaf.

      If I defend married women, it means I am married.

      If I defend single women, it means I am single.

      Life is just black and white to some of you, then you wonder you kept on failing ordinary Jamb.

      Are you people on the same weed?

      Keep your backhanded sympathy to yourself, I am good here. Are you truly?


    5. Madam Xoxo, work on yourself and stop this bitterness abeg. Person tell you sorry, you still dey vex for the person. What's with the vile and bitterness? Go and face the source of your problems and leave us to rest on this blog.

    6. 13:45 rest abeg. Xoxo is not a single mom. And yes, she's right.
      Kudos Xoxo and 14:04.

  9. Watch all of them come and start singing "it is a wicked act" like clones.

    My take on this, when your partner is physically and mentally abusive, take the children, place them on his laps and give him plenty of gift as well done. Comparenting is tolerable if there was no abuse.

    From what he posted,
    Didn't the ex wife file divorce? How come he is the applicant? Or was it a separate application for the custody of the kids? Is he not supposed to be a respondent?

    He has functional penis, can't he make more kids? Beat a woman to the extent of her losing her baby and you are so shameless...SMH.


    1. So because he can make more kids,he should forget them??? Make it make sense. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    2. Was he abusive to the children, did the court grant him access to his children? That's the question. People can be bad spouse but good parents. It's wrong to keep a child from the other parent because of what he/she did to you.

    3. How can you be an abusive husband and a great father? Stop immersing yourself in unrealistic Hollywood movies.

      You can't want the mother of your kids unlive and love those kids.

      The violent angle was tendered in court hence divorce was granted. The woman was granted primary custody of the kids while the man was granted access during holidays.


    4. It is evil to deny willing and responsible father access to their children. That woman will end up raising daughters who hate men. I am a woman and I say no to women converting children from a union to their personal property once they fall out with their fathers.

    5. There is a difference between socialmedia fathers and real fathers.

      Real fathers will be repentant, develop wisdom, get a mediator, pay school fees e.t.c. this one is a loud noise maker. You think you can emotionally manipulate the public.

      So you think with all these noise, he actually want his kids? Haha. That is the only way he can trend.


    6. 11:54, if a man is abusive to me to the extent of losing a pregnancy, I'll never grant him access to my kids. Hell cry blood.

    7. Thanks Castle.
      Imagine beating a woman to that extent.

      All of them were sheding crocodile tears when Osinachi died of domestic violence. If only she ran away with her kids.

      His ex wife did well. Very well.
      She deserves to heal and recover. Those kids deserve that too.


    8. Xoxo 💯💯💯. He still has the same aggressive hostile attitude. If you really care about your kids, you would move heaven and earth to make peace with their mother. You would right your wrongs so that you can co parent peacefully

      But they never will. They will hunker down and fetch more and more ostler.

  10. Dbanj sister is wicked. Her family is not helping her nor the children by keeping them away from him. What of the future when the kids get to know the truth through the internet, how would she face them..

    1. So you think the children didn't witness the father beating the mother?


  11. Whatever happened between them, is in the past,give him access to his kids,don't use them as a means of punishment.

    1. Tomorrow if your husband uses one of your housewares to continuously beat you, carry your kids and give to him as souvenir.

      The woman was given primary custody of those kids in court. If he has an issue, let him take it up with the court. He knows he has no case that is why he is manipulating the public.


    2. When your brain is porous,your talking and typing,gives you away,no matter the coding. Using kids as a form of punishment is evil and barbaric.

    3. Xoxo, why mention her husband?

  12. Anon 11.46 you are right , if he honestly love his children he will respect their mother .u beat the mother of your children and u still except her not to make your life a living hell for u.

  13. Children of abused women are also victims of the abuse.You can never be an abuser and be a good parent. That is one of the fake beliefs keeping many women trapped in bad marriages.

    1. So you think the solution is raising them to hate their father!?That's negative energy multiplied.

    2. And who told you that is what she is doing?

      He has lost control that is why he is running to social media, a court of sentiments and emotions. If he has a solid case, why is he not in court?


    3. It’s a fact and in fact now UK law that children who witness it are also victims. Nobody said the kids should be made to hate the abuser. Don’t twist my words.

      Anyway, why is there an onus on the victim to start brainwashing the kids that their abusive parent is good? It’s the responsibility of the abuser to own their behaviour and seek help to make them a better parent. Well, what are the chances of them owning the abuse since almost all abusers deny it?

      In any case, abusers usually go on to abuse the kids as well. Tina Turner’s children ( may they RIP) learned the hard way.

      I stand against all forms of domestic violence.

    4. Anon13.52 💯💯💯

  14. In saner climes if you abuse your spouse you will never get joint custody like never. Max they’ll give is supervised contact or indirect ex did same. Went to back him still I left again and I’ve agreed to co parenting yet he won’t unless I’m also in a relationship with him. And I don’t want him anymore. He’s now using not seeing the kids as a weapon against me .still I’m not budging. To hell with da loser

  15. Any party to a suit can make an application to the court for an order of the court. That person becomes the applicant even if the party is the defendant or respondent in the main suit.

    An order made by the court on an application in a suit binds both/all parties to the suit until it is set aside by a higher/appellate court. Even when an appeal has been filed against an order of court, it is still binding and should be obeyed especially where obedience to the order will not destroy the main subject of the suit. A joint custody order made by a court is not likely to destroy the children because if there was a real threat to the children, the evidence of such threat ought to have been presented to the court and the order would not have been made.

    Infact, joint custody order are never final. Once there is evidence of unsuitable circumstances against the order, any of the parties can go back to the same court for variation of the order or outright setting aside of the order.

    The weaponisation of children in matrimonial dispute is age long. Every savvy matrimonial Judge is aware of it and factors it in making welfare and custody orders. Some Judges even interview the children to know the truth because both wives and husbands generally do not tell all, but I children do or can be easily cross examined to find out the real facts.

    Parents who successfully weaponise children against the other parent may gloat and pride in their victory. But ultimately, they hinder the development of some aspects of the children. Weaponisation of children is therefore a selfish action.

    Based on the facts presented by the man here it would be in the interest of the woman not to be seen as an aggro person.

    If woman disobeys the Judge from who she seeks a favourable judgment, how does she want the Judge to rate her in the overall apportionment of blame for the challenged marriage.

    1. I just wasted my time to read this. This is a temporary order he filed pending the final order in the divorce judgement.

      Stop typing long memoir that makes no sense. New wigs are always doing the most.


    2. Thank you very much. My parents have been apart for 26 years, but I’m very grateful that my mother never kept me away from my father. I grew up to know and see the truth, not hearsay. There’s a place of a father in a child’s life that cannot be forgotten and anybody who says otherwise is unwise.
      Allow these children access to their father!

    3. XX,
      @13:13 didn't claim to be a wig, but at least the person knows enough that a respondent can be an applicant in a case😜. And the person may also be at it than your biological age to know that no wig knows it all as you pretend here under your wig.

      Who goes to court and doesn't know a court order should be obeyed.

      Read you again:
      A "temporary ORDER HE FILED pending the final divorce in the divorce judgement"
      Yet you get finger press new wig
      Dey whyne yourself

  16. Shouting all over social media. What did people do before the internet?

    1. What did you do before the internet, instead of being here reading about other people’s lives?

    2. Abeg anon is right. Him writing all of this on Instagram is not for any justice.
      Me too, I wan ask wetin people dey do with family issues before dem invent social media?

  17. I don't know why some women do this.

    Na you pregnant yourself? It's so annoying ehh.😏🤯

  18. How can he say that a woman is denying him access to his children in Nigeria? Impossible! Abi no be the same Nigeria we dey?

  19. I keep saying it, the highest level of wickedness between a separated couple is denying the children access to their other parent. Children can buy the truth now, but I bet they will not forgive you if they grow up, especially if anything happens to their other parent before maturity.

    1. Henceforth, I'm goin to start denying my own ex access. You can be seeing the children you refused paying school fees on. Radarada!

    2. Anon 20:32 that's a valid reason if he has money but refused to support.

  20. XOXO, I love you so much 😘


  21. XOXO, I agree with you on this one.
    Dotun should go back to court and fight his ex legally to regain access to his kids.

    If he was granted joint custody and she is refusing him access, the most reasonable thing to do is go back to the court of law and have this issue resolved since the Ex is going against a verdict.

    I do not believe him— he wants emotionally burden the woman.

    May God help every woman that made a wrong choice in partner and currently enduring some form of abuse.


  22. Dotu isn't mentally balanced from the start of that marriage I knew it was doom. The guy s too hyperactive ecn without energy drink and he's not controlled. He needs Jesus abeg because that DV go still dey him blood


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