

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 #beautifulday #neversaynever #itiswhatitis #loveliveshere #motivationallifestylerocks #smile

This day will be so good to you and everything you ever prayed for will be brought into existence today...
Please send in your chronicles if you have any....



  1. It is good that we teach our boys, that cooking and cleaning are not gender exclusive...
    It is also good, that we teach our girls, that financial responsibility in a home, is not gender exclusive....
    Make we dey balance the teaching...
    Una Gud Morning....#ALiSpeaks

    1. Rightly said. Amazing morning bro πŸ’™

    2. Asin eeh Ali B this your write up is so apt.

      My elder brothers are so lazy as f#ck. Gosh! They can't sweep, clean the house, do the dishes or even assist my mom in the shop; not minding if our daily bread comes from the shop.
      All they do is wash there clothes, do effizy and claim big boys(big dirty boys 🀒). To an extent I don't blame them I blame my mother who didn't give them proper upbringing but if you complain she'll say "they are your senior"

      In all my happiness is that she's beginning to see her fault because it's telling on her now.

    3. Anonymous 8:27 - Chai! Most times, parents are at fault in matters like this, especially when they make the male child feel like cooking and domestic chores, are for girls alone. We need to start changing that narrative.
      As for me, make I no lie, I nor sabi cook rara! Mostly my fault because I grew up in a house filled with women (aunties, cousins etc), so I didn't make any effort to learn. E dey pain me now o. Wish I really learned how to cook.
      But anything cleaning of house or dishes, leave am for me!
      That's why I am teaching my boy now to be domestic in the home. I'm glad the boy is really doing it with gusto. My daughter too will learn how to be independent, make her own money, and support her husband financially, like her mum.
      We need the next generation of families to be better! May God help us all.

    4. Ali, some men were trained but after marriage, they leave everything for their wives.
      My own brothers were raised to cook and clean the house. When they were bachelors, they cooked and cleaned their homes.
      My elder brother is married with kids now, his wife does everything. He will come back from work,sit in front of the TV with legs stretched on the stool. His wife too is working, the poor woman will come back, enter kitchen and cook. Bathe the kids and feed them, take them to bed before settling to eat her own food. Whenever I visit, I help her out, it is not easy at all.

    5. hahahahahahaaa.. gbamest gbam! Louder biko

      Amen to the prayer Stella. Its a beautiful day already

  2. Labouring Fervently In Prayers!!
    Colosians 4:12 NKJV.


    "The apostle Paul cites Epaphras as one “Always labouring fervently in prayers.” Those two words “labouring fervently” are rendered that way to provide a good understanding of what he actually did and how. Both words are from the same Greek word 'agonizomai'—fight!"

    "A question to ask would be, “If Epaphras was fighting for them in prayers, who was he fighting against?” It certainly wasn’t God, as it was God who inspired him to pray in the first place; it’s God who hears and answers prayers. So, certainly, God is not the enemy."

    "I encourage you to write down names of people who you might have noticed or heard are not walking in the light of God’s Word or have strayed from the faith, and fight for them in prayer. Pray fervently for them every day, and you’d see remarkable results."


    Dear Father, I break the influence of Satan over my family members, friends and others around the world who aren't yet born again. I pray that their minds and hearts are opened to the Lord, as the light of the glorious Gospel shines with great intensity into their hearts to embrace the grace of God for their salvation, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Colossians 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Galatians 4:19.

  3. Heavenly father, we come to you this tuesday morning with a grateful heart and we ask for more of your holy spirit in our lives, because it can be easy for us to become consumed with the fears that surround us in life, but we know that just as your eyes is indeed on the sparrow, so also do you care for us.
    Abba father as we step out, may we not step into calamity. May our feet be guided in the ways of the Lord and may the blessing that makes rich and adds no sorrow which is from the Lord locate us in Jesus name amen πŸ™

  4. Good morning everyone, Amen to your prayers Stella.

    1. Good morning darling 😘 how have you been? Have an excellent day


  5. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Hope you had a super sweet night rest?

    Words And Its Synonyms
    Robust- Plum, big, fat, and huge.
    Gaze- Look, stare, and steadily.



    'Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper.' Proverbs 28:13 NIV

    Mistakes are a part of life. Successful people acknowledge theirs, learn from them and work to correct them. A study of 105 executives identified common characteristics shared by successful people, but one observation was particularly helpful. Successful people admit their mistakes and accept the consequences instead of blaming others. None of us enjoy reaping the consequences of our actions. When things go wrong, we have a natural tendency to look for someone to blame. It's in our DNA. In the garden of Eden when God asked Adam what he had done, Adam blamed Eve. And when God questioned Eve, she blamed the devil. The next time you mess up, think about who is really at fault and try to look at it objectively so you can learn from it and do better next time.

    Somebody said the sooner you fail, the more time you have to improve. Ask yourself, 'What have I learned? How can I turn this failure into success? Where did I succeed besides fail?' People who accuse others for their failures never surmount them; they just move from problem to problem. To reach your highest potential, you must persistently improve yourself, and you can't do that if you don't take responsibility and learn from your errors. In life you will always have problems. The question is: will you stay down and wallow in defeat, or get back up on your feet and make the best of things by determining to fight another day?

    Henry Ford said, 'Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.' So, live by the Bible principle, 'Even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up' (Proverbs 24:16 CEV).
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Very profound teaching. Thanks for sharing πŸ‘

    2. Word up
      Thanks for sharing NneomaπŸ’–πŸ’œ❤️


    3. Thank you Siz! Had to screenshot it πŸ‘

  7. Make me wholly and totally yours, O Lord, destroy every earthly and satanic powers in my life. Amen.

    Beautiful morning to all πŸ’–❤️πŸ’–❤️πŸ˜˜πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

  8. Some people are already so used to bad behavior that they see it as normal even when they're in a professional situation. How can you attempt to harass your client? Someone paid you for a Job and you still have the effrontery to behave badly towards them. Even when you pay for services with your money, people will still not see anything wrong with going out of line?

    We needed the services of a lawyer and he quoted his price. After all negotiations we settled and he got the job done. In the process of finalizing the deal, we had to some times go to his office. Can you believe that this man started acting weird? At first, it's something that one person can go but because I had my reservations about him, I had to accompany my sister each time to ward off any inappropriate behavior but no, he still found a way to want to behave badly. When people have harassment cases, they seek the services of lawyers and one would think that such a person should know better but like I said, some people are already used to behaving badly that it's already part of their everyday life, professional or not.

    1. Them no de buy good character for market. You've said it all, some people are already used to behaving badly. It's in their blood.

    2. You did not indicate what he did, was it sexual harassment?

    3. Na like Peak Milk and Perfume. It is in them and follows them all around. Lawyer, Pastor, HR are all professional titles and does not define character. By your narrative, it seems this is sexual harassment.

    4. Yes anon 08:47 & Phoenix

      Morayo, one would think that people behave that way when you approach them for help or favor. But now, even when you pay, you will still be disrespected?

  9. Avoid manipulative people that will always talk about your reactions to make you look crazy without addressing what triggers that reaction.

    That’s gaslighting. Avoid them at all cost.

    Twitter was hot yesterday. Things are beginning to unfold before our very eyes.

    No mask can be worn forever I say this to you in all certainty. Every bad thing done in life always come to an end someday.

    I think this is where it all ends.

    The end is here.

    It is what it is......

    1. Dear Tj, I'm most interested in your marital status.

      Good morning!

    2. I totally agree with you TJ, and some of them will even want to control your reaction to their provocation, na, you do not get to tell me how to react to your provocation.

    3. It is what it is. Good morning Ezege ♥️

    4. 08:21
      Go and read Sunday in house gist, where all the blog activities for last week were captured Oyingate. You will see where Stella talked about Teejay's Marital status

    5. Anon 08:21,

      Good Morning to you.

      I'm not married yet.

    6. Your first paragraph πŸ’―

      Even here on this blog, they'll leave the root cause and face you for your reaction..

      Na them sabi sha, cos if you move mad around me, you go still collect

  10. Amen to this prayer, Stella. Thanks. πŸ’™

    Good morning everyone. Enjoy your day. πŸ’•

  11. Good Morning One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a goodnight rest?
    Wishing us all the best of today.
    Have a nice day ahead guys, one Love.

  12. Good morning Blogfam.
    May we be blessed today in all our doings Amen πŸ™πŸ»

  13. Happy Tuesday morning everyone
    Hope we all are doing great
    Do have an amazing day everyone

    Jeremiah 4:4 Rev 2:5

    Time is far gone, it is now short, the coming of our lord is at hand, you can leave this world at anytime, why are u still bent on sin, why don't you give your life to Jesus and save your neck from hell.
    Sin is very sweet but the end is bitter, sin is a dangerous practice, what shall it profit you, to have all the whole enjoyment of this world and loose your precious soul to eternal suffering.
    Sin is dangerous and risky to practice because you don't know when you will die

    For how long do you plan to keep living in sin? Jer 4:14
    Child of God it is time to divorce sin and marry righteousness, cling unto holiness because without it, u cannot see God. Heb:12-14
    It is time to stop lying, stealing, killing, masturbation,fornication, dishonesty, Adultery, prostitution, witchcraft etc.

    No matter how useful and productive that sin is to you now, if you don't repent from it and die, you will greatly regret it forever and ever. The bible said, there is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction. Child of God it is not worth it. Pls kindly dedicate or re-dedicate your life to Jesus before it's too late.

    You may be thinking that your sins are too many, and that God cannot forgive you, listen to me, no matter how many people you have killed through witchcraft, ritual, etc, no matter how many homes you have broken, when you sincerely repent from your heart, 1John 1-9 God will forgive you, cleanse you and show you so much love, just believe and you will see.


    ROM 10:10
    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

  15. Good morning everyone . It’s a brand new day


  16. Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™, God prove yourself today,and shame my enemies.

  17. Amen to your prayers Stella,I wish y'all a great day.

  18. 🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡🎡
    1. Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee; E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me, Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, (2ce) Nearer to Thee!
    2. Though, like the wanderer, The sun gone down, Darkness be over me, My rest a stone, Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, (2ce) Nearer to Thee
    3. There let the way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou send'st to me In mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, (2ce) Nearer to Thee
    4. Then with my waking thoughts bright with thy praise, out of my stony grief bethel I'll raise; so by my woes to be nearer, my God to thee, (2ce) nearer to thee!
    5. Or if on joyful wing cleaving thy sky, sun, moon, and stars forgot, upwards I fly still all my songs shall be nearer my God to thee, (2ce) nearer to thee! Amen πŸ™

    1. Oh how I love this particular hymn πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
      Thanks Eonni πŸ’“


    2. Nearer to you Lord πŸ™

    3. Thank you Lord πŸ™..
      This a reflection

  19. Thank you Jesus for another day πŸ™
    Good morning everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  20. So, since Andre's pregnancy, hubby and I had already planned our next pregnancy for early 2023. December 2022, he started this project that was going to use up a lot of cash and so we decided to wait till May 2023. Oh well, I fell pregnant earlier than that and we just accepted it. Hubby with joy, and me, apprehension. I mean, I had a very difficult pregnancy plus I had Andre at 30wks. Who wouldn't be scared?
    Fortunately, first trimester was so smooth. 2nd trimester, same. I started having hope that finally things will be smooth like other people's journey. Who was I kidding?🀦
    May, Andre started having recurrent pneumonic attacks. Like, I literally was going in and out the hospital from May till August. I was drained physically and more, emotionally. At one point, I just left the house and went into the market, looking for older women to ask for maybe other solutions. Getting to the market, I wore the back of my jean and I didn't know. I just sat there, crying. "God, look at my life! Are you going to take this child from me?" Somehow, after one very serious attack, the cough subsided this September. And I called my friends. "I've gained victory over Satan! Rejoice with me!"
    Again, who was I kidding?
    Monday, September 18th 2023, at about 4pm, I went to get some drugs from a pharmacy close to me(after speaking with my mum at about 1pm), I brought out my phone to do the transfer. Then I saw the text... "**** mummy don die" from my brother. My first reaction was really hysterical laughter. Because my house, we can talk somehow sometimes. I called him, and I could hear him discussing with the ambulance guy... "make we pay 150k abeg", the guy was saying "Bros to carry the body pass 150k" Oh!!! Carry who?? Who are you people carrying??
    I screamed, I jumped, I rolled on the floor... pregnancy forgotten. "Oh Satan won!"
    I'm sad, I'm broken, I'm dejected, the world is gray. I don't feel like I have any reason to live but here I am with a son and a husband and a baby that I don't understand how I will welcome because I can't find it in me to be happy. I'm depressed and I don't know how to come out of it.
    If you've wondered how Fidel was doing, this is how I'm doing.

    1. 😭😭😭😭😭
      So sorry Fidel

    2. So sorry dear. I know this feelings and it's so hurting. May God strengthen you and comfort your family.

    3. It is well with you dearπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    4. I pray God gives you immense fortitude to bear the Loss.

      It’s not Easy but God will see you through.

      May her Soul Rest In Peace. Please try and be strong for the sake of Andre and your unborn Child.

      May the peace of the Lord which surpasses human understanding be with you now and Always, Amen πŸ™

    5. Fidel dear, I'm so sorry for your loss.
      Please take it easy on yourself please.

    6. Sorry Fidel,you just have to stay strong for yourself,babies and family.....I know it isn't easy loosing a loved one,the thought of never seeing them again.
      Please do whatever that will take you out of depression,eat more,listen to music and get some sleep believing that all will be well.
      I pray the holy spirit comfort you in Jesus name...
      Biko take am easy,you have another life inside you and may you deliver safely too.

    7. Omg Fidel! Just take it easy ehn..
      All will be well πŸ€—πŸ€—

    8. This is too much. Stay strong please πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

    9. Baby girl please be strong. I know it's not an easy phase but please be strong for your children. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

    10. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

      You've experienced such a huge loss in saying goodbye to your mother. Her presence was a gift, and her absence will be deeply felt. It must hurt so bad. May her soul keep resting in the Lord and may her memory bring you and your family comfort.

      Stay strong Fidel. Satan can never and will never win over us.

    11. Reading from the beginning, I thought you wanted to share the news of the arrival of your baby 😞.
      Fidel, I'm very sorry for your loss. It breaks my heart to see you like this, the ever bubbling Fidel 😒.
      I know and believe that there is a strong you in there that will eventually overcome this grief. I know it is not easy and there is no universal manual for snapping out but I believe you can and will do it.
      I will keep you in my prayers sis. May mama keep resting.

    12. Fidel ☹️ please stay strong,iam so sorry, it is well Siz, Iam praying with you πŸ™

    13. Oh Fidel!! I can feel your pain from here. I'll like to tell you that God will surely give you so many reasons to be happy again. Please accept my deepest sympathy.

    14. 😭😭 so sorry dear accept My heart felt condolence.pls be strong .

    15. Oh dear ! Fidel pls you have to put in the effort to stay strong for our baby especially..I know it's not easy but make a conscious effort ..we are praying for you for strength and calmness in this tough time .. you're an overcomer,you will dance to songs of victory soon,just hang in there pls.. sending you lots of love and strength ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—


    16. I pray for you dear Fidel,may God comfort you,may the balm of Gilead soothe your heart at this trying time.The pain never quite goes away but it gets better with time.God loves you,he won't give you a burden that you can't carry.Rooting for you,stay strong for your children.

    17. So sorry Fidel, Please be strong

    18. Be strong for your babies Fidel.
      May God comfort you

    19. Kia
      May Grace of God be sufficient for this period, may He strengthen you ... Amen
      Be strong dear

    20. All will be well Fidel! May the holy spirit comfort youπŸ™

    21. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’” Fidel I am honestly short for words. Please be strong, God got you. Satan did not win anything...You will overcome this....Please just try to look after yourself. Ehugs my dear

    22. So sorry Fidel
      Please take it easy

    23. Ooh Fidel, please be strong for your family. The Lord will comfort you πŸ€—

    24. This is much considering your condition but be strong dear 😘. wishing you smooth delivery and God comfort you and your family

    25. Fidel, daughter of Zion, I pray for the holy spirit to console you in Jesus name πŸ™
      The pain of losing someone close to you, can't be measured.
      If tear can bring back the dead, I think my tears would have brought back my so loved sis inlaw .
      Pls remember your kids and be strong for them.

    26. Holy Spirit of God we present Fidel before you , give her peace give her comfort, heal her broken heart and give her the grace to carry on .
      Fidel we are sorry and we. Are praying for you.
      God is on the throne .

    27. May God strengthen and comfort you @fidel

    28. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

    29. Oh love, you are in my prayers. πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ™‡‍♀️

    30. Keep being strong, the pain never goes away. You can only learn to live with it.

    31. My prayer is with you. The holy spirit shall lead you in this trying time.

    32. Fidel pls stay strong it's not easy may God give you the strength to stay even more stronger than you think, so sorry about your mum take heart dear

    33. Fidel my darling sister, I'm very sorry, may God give you strength to overcome this and make you deliver safely too. That baby shall give you abundant joy in Jesus name. You shall be joyful again.

    34. Oh Fidel sis, you've been through a lot😭😭😭.

      But you have to be strong for your son, hubby and baby in you. You are in my prayers sisπŸ€—.

    35. So so sorry Fidel,pls be strong

    36. OMG Fidel, you will pull through. Do it for your children that you love. Heavenly comfort to you. Be strong baby girl. God is your strength. Mama is in a beautiful place

  21. Reno Omokri hails the Lagos state gubernatorial election tribunal judgement

    I applaud today's verdict of the Lagos Gubernatorial Election Petitions Tribunal granting victory to Governor Jide Sanwo-Olu. And I hope that this verdict settles it once and for all that Lagos is Yoruba Territory and a part of the Southwest that is home to all and a melting pot for Nigerians from all regions and religions, and the world. But that Lagosians are welcoming does not mean they are weaklings.

    May everybody eyeing Lagos as a no man's land continue to be frustrated the way Gbadebo Rhodes-Vivor was frustrated today! May I hear an amen?


    Reno Omokri still on the CSU brouhaha, shows pictorial proof

    A man, Olajide Adeniji, has deposed to an affidavit in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, and tendered at the Northern District of Illinois Court in Chicago, swearing that he was a classmate of President Bola Tinubu at Chicago State University.

    Rather than speculation, the media can track him down. I have highlighted him in red in the 1979 year book from @ChicagoState University.

    You people don't know this man. He is a master strategist. The records will eventually be released, and you will all see that there is nothing to these sensational gutter headlines. The man wants this controversy. He knows what he is doing. He is not in a hurry to release his records. Today, the dollar is ₦1050. But you are not talking about it. It is not trending. Do you know why? Because of this fake story. If he clears the air and the record is released, what can be used to distract you? #BBNaija   ? Leaked sex tape? Niger Republic? Nothing. In terms of strategy, what Tinubu has is more than a Ph.D.


    1. This man Reno, SMH.
      He doesn't ever talk about his principal, Atiku or PDP.
      He is always talking about BAT and APC. See him rejoicing that victory was given to APC in Lagos State, his own party PDP does not deserve it?
      I see him defecting to APC soon.

  22. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    Amin to your prayers Stella

  23. Please has anyone bought from shein? Do they have good stuff? I see alot of fine things but I don't know if the quality will be good when it arrives

  24. Good morning everyone 🀩🀩🀩

    The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new................Socrates.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead 😘

  25. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday πŸ™

  26. I just saw the movie 'the black book', now that is how to script and act a movie!!
    The actors ateeeeee their roles. I enjoyed it from start to finish.
    Make I go continue my sleep, 4 hours left to enjoy sleep.
    Have a great day all. Fidel, those grieving, and TTC mums you are in my prayers.
    I hope my comment does not get published multiple times.

    1. I enjoyed the movie too. I cried when innocent RMD son was killed, " Please don't kill in the name of Jesus". Nice πŸ‘

  27. This new day as you go forth...

    May the Lord of peace cause His peace to reign in your life, work and walk to glorify God wherever you go...

    May the presence and power of the Most High God open doors for you beyond the limits of your merit...

    In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Amen.

    Blessed and exciting day, I wish you!!!

  28. How much is rice in your area? A bag now sells for 50k from the market.
    A milk cup of rice now sells for 200 here in Ibadan, some greedy retailers sell it for 250.

    1. "greedy?" That's a strong word to use. Wait when you start selling you will understand better.
      Greedy kor stingy ni... Mtcheeew

    2. Very greedy retailers.
      How can you sell a cup of rice for #250. Here it is being sold for #180.
      That rice will remain in their store and grow molds cos I'm sure no one will see where they sell for lesser amount and still buy from them.

    3. Yes greedy! You must be a thief too to find fault in Mercy's comment

    4. 09:12, we have greedy sellers. I sell stuff too and I know this.

      Mercy don't mind them, later they will be shouting "government, government, government"

    5. @9:12, I sell too and mine is 200 per cup.
      Yes, they are greedy, very greedy. Are you one of them? Change!

    6. Mercy don vex, she say "are you one of them, change" 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Anon, those that sell for 250 are beyond greedy, they thieves, ole, barawo. If you are one of them, change before you meet your waterloo.

  29. Amen Jewelu πŸ™πŸ», Thanjs for the prayers.

    Today's My Mum's Birthday πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³.
    God Pls Continue to keep My Mum in Good health and Sound Mind She, shall surely reap the fruit of her labour in Jesus Mighty Name πŸ™πŸ».. Amen

    Tomorrow 27Th ..... Teacher NkπŸ’ƒπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³ baiday loading... πŸ™πŸ»

    Beautiful Blissful Morning blog famZ ❣️😍❣️πŸ’•

    1. I hope you have done photoshoot already teacher NK?
      Look for 5k and give a makeup artist, wear fine clothes, enter studio and snap fine pictures, enter eatery and buy ice cream, lick am well well. God gat you babe.

    2. Happy birthday to your mom and happy birthday to you in advance 🌹

    3. Happy birthday to your mum Teacher NK. More years to her in good health and wealth

    4. Happy birthday to your mom. Wishing her a very good year and days ahead. God bless her new age.

      Advance Happy Birthday, Teacher Nk.

    5. Happy birthday to your mum NK

    6. Fresh petals, it her mum's birthday today, her own birthday is tomorrow

    7. Happy birthday to your mum age with abundant blessings.

    8. Happy birthday to your lovely Mom πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸ₯³ God bless and keep her in good health and wealth πŸ™Œ

      In advance to you Baybie πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ my Libra ♎⚖️ queen πŸ‘‘πŸ’– it's Libra season ⚖️♎


    9. Happy birthday to your mum

    10. Happy birthday to your sweet motherπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    11. Happy birthday to your mum

      Happy tomorrow's birthday to you 🀣🀣🀣🀣

      Vicky posh, how do I greet somebody against her birthday the next day?
      You said "in advance" is wrong and only used for payment.

    12. Happy Birthday to your mom. Wishing her a long life and prosperity. Chai you for wait small so you and sweet mom for share same birthday..🧑πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰

    13. Happy birthday sweetest onye kuzi

    14. Happy birthday to your mom and happy birthday in advance

    15. Happy birthday to your beautiful mom

    16. Happy birthday to your mom. Wishing her long life in good health and happiness πŸ™.

  30. May our going out and coming in be blessed and highly favored.Stay safe blogfam,one love❤❤❤

  31. The newly trained pastor for our church, wey dey discipline workers that are married and have kids for coming late is now facing his own wahala.

    He got married last year and his wife put to bed two weeks ago and baba has been coming late ever since the wife was heavy till now..

    He said and I quote "is this what it means to be a father".

    Reality is setting in shaaa..

    Make I open my shop first jare

  32. Amen to the Prayers πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    A Splendid Good Morning STELLA and Blog Fam.

  33. Bonjour Blogfam ❤️
    Give thanks unto The Lord for He is good! For His Mercies endureth forever πŸ™
    I woke up with a grateful heart.

  34. Amen to the prayers up there.

  35. Good morning everyone
    May we all be favoured today Amen



    1580 After nearly three years at sea, English Admiral Francis Drake arrived in Plymouth Harbour, England, completing his circumnavigation of the world.

    1898 George Gershwin, one of the most significant and popular American composers, was born.

    1932 Manmohan Singh, (born September 26, 1932, Gah, West Punjab, India [now in Pakistan]), Indian economist and politician, who served as prime minister of India from 2004 to 2014.

    1960 The first in a series of historic televised debates (seen by some 85 to 120 million viewers) between U.S. presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard M. Nixon was broadcast this day

    1969 The Beatles released Abbey Road, their last-recorded album (Let It Be, though mostly recorded earlier than Abbey Road, was released in 1970).

    1981 Serena Williams, American tennis player who revolutionized women’s tennis with her powerful style of play and who won more Grand Slam singles titles (23) than any other woman or man during the open era was born.

    2008 American actor Paul Newman, whose striking good looks and compelling performances made him one of Hollywood's most popular leading men, died at age 83.

    2011 French politician Jacques Chirac, who served as president of France from 1995 to 2007, died at age 86.

    ~~ Culled from the Britannica

  37. Amen to the prayers. Good morning Stella and Blog fam , may the good Lord remember us for divine blessing and favour today.

  38. I said a loud Amen to that beautiful prayers up there. Same to you, Stella.

    Good morning, beautiful people.πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ’™

  39. Amen πŸ™
    Goodmorning my neighbours.
    Udo ✌️


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