Stella Dimoko Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post


Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #niceday #awesome #itiswhatitis #neversaynever

Good Morning.....
I pray you have a good start in the new day and may your day end well with promises for the new....
Warm hugs


PS- Please send in your Chronicles, thank you!


  1. Keep Satan In Check!!
    James 4:7 AMPC.


    "Our opening scripture implies that you have a responsibility to keep Satan in check, to restrain him from carrying out his manoeuvres, manipulations and destructive acts of wickedness. The Bible describes him as a liar, the father of lies, and the originator of deception."

    "Satan doesn’t seek friendship but rather aims to kill. Deception and destruction are among the many works attributed to him. He is referred to as the evil one and the wicked one, meaning that all his works are evil. These descriptions clearly demonstrate that we can’t give him a chance."

    "When you see the works of Satan in your city, in your country, in your family or anywhere—do what the Word says: resist him by affirming the Word of God, and on certain occasions, cast him out."


    In the Name of the Lord Jesus, I resist the devil's influence in my life, in my family, city, and nation. Through the Word and by the Spirit, I discern and identify the works of the devil and stop him in his tracks from manipulating, deceiving and misleading the nations, the leaders and the people. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Luke 10:19; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:10-13.


    Will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?' 2 Kings 20:19 NKJV

    The Bible says: 'Then Isaiah told Hezekiah, "I have a message for you from the Lord. One day everything you and your ancestors have stored up will be taken to Babylonia. The Lord has promised that nothing will be left. Some of your own sons will be taken to Babylonia, where they will be disgraced and made to serve in the king's palace." Hezekiah thought, "At least our nation will be at peace for a while." So he told Isaiah, "The message you brought me from the Lord is good." (2 Kings 20:16-19 CEV).

    Hezekiah heard that the things he had inherited from his forefathers would be lost and his children would live in slavery to their enemies. But instead of being concerned and praying for God to intervene on their behalf, he said, 'At least I will have security and comfort during my lifetime.' Why did he say that? Was he callous and indifferent? Was he being selfish, thinking only of himself and not about the welfare of his children? Was he being fatalistic, thinking, 'The prophet has declared it, and there is nothing I can do to change it?' Earlier in this chapter when the prophet Isaiah told him, 'Set your house in order, for you shall die, and not live,' he cried out to God to spare his life and was given an additional fifteen years of life (see 2 Kings 20:1-6 NKJV). It seems he was more concerned about his own future than his children's future.

    How about you? Are you praying for your children?
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. The need to keep praying for our children cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for sharing sis, 👍

    2. Create in my child pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within them (Psalm 51:10).
      Help our child to know your word and to grow in faith each day. Thank you that your word says I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate our children from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord

    3. This is one prayer I do always, praying ahead for my unborn children calling their names and prophesying good things upon them🙌

      Thanks for sharing Nneoma 💖💜💝

    4. Paris S, yes ooo,na so.

      Thanks for sharing Essa

  3. Lord, on this Tuesday we ask that you would give us the grace needed to achieve all that is in store for us today. Help us to make wise decisions and to be used for your glory in Jesus name 🙏.
    Father, we ask that this Tuesday would be a Tuesday of breakthrough. Lord that we will see your hand move in our lives and that you will grant us favor and grace with those around us in Jesus name 🙏
    Abba father, as we ask that you prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies, anoint all our heads with your oil and our cups overflowing with your goodness in Jesus name 🙏

    Icor 7:17-20

    Many people are living on earth thinking that the only thing we need is Just to hustle, acquire good certificates, live a good life, invest and give yourself and family quality life.

    When God created man,
    His purpose for creating us was to obtain d worship and service unto Him.

    Everything on this earth has a reason and purpose it was created. For example Car is for transport, Generator is a substitute of national light. Etc All these things are serving it's purpose, but some people do not even know what theirs is talkless of fulfiling it, before they leave this earth.
    Delay is dangerous, time is ticking.

    Many have neglected their purpose and blatantly refused to adhere to the clarion call from above.
    While some are too busy with the activities of life, wanting to make it first before surrendering to the saviour's call.

    Leaving this earth without fulfilling your area of calling is very dangerous and has dragged many souls into hell.

    Find yours and engage quickly before it's too late.
    U might be called into the kingdom service, as a singer, through you, many will give their life to Jesus, and you are busy with something else, you might be an intercessor, prophetess, teacher, counsellor etc. God has given us a mandate to serve him, you don't need to disobey or delay. Simply answer your area of calling and be happy while at it. And our lord Jesus will help you.

    Say this prayer of salvation

    Dear lord jesus, I'm sorry for all my sins, please come into my life, i believe you died on the cross of calvary for me, and on the 3rd day you rose again, please come and be my lord and personal saviour. Please Wash away my sins and bring me into your loving light. Amen

    1. Father, I ask that you help me to find and fulfill my purpose on earth.

  5. Good morning everyone, it's a cool morning here.

  6. Men in Suit or Men on Suit?

    Neither of them is correct grammatically. I'll tell you why.

    First, you need to add an 's' to 'suit' = suits.

    Now, go ahead and say: "Men in Suits". The acronym is MIS.

    It's not "Men in Suit", and it's not "Men in Suit".

    Men in suits ✅
    Men in suit ❎
    Men on suit ❎


    In Standard English, the meaning of Men in Suits may shock you into a new awareness.

    The expression "the men in suits" refers to the men who are in control of an organization or company and who have a lot of power." (Collins dictionary)

    For example:👇

    Young people in Nigeria don't like corrupt politicians and INEC officials – the men in suits.

    In Nigerian English, "Men in Suits" refers to men wearing suits during a formal occasion (eg, a wedding).

    Take note that "men" is plural and so collocates with "suits" which is also plural.

    The meaning of "suit" may also surprise you.

    A suit does NOT refer to only a jacket.

    A suit refers to a JACKET and TROUSERS or a JACKET and SKIRT that are made from the same material.

    In other words, a suit consists of a jacket, trousers, and sometimes a waistcoat, all made from the same fabric.

    Got any value reading this?

    I'm rooting for you! 💪

    1. No be to only read gist here na to learn English join wetin person no sabi 😃 thank you for sharing.

    2. Thanks, Vicky👍. Henceforth, it's men in suits, not men in suit.

    3. I saw a man in suits🤣🤣🤣🤣.
      Thanks dear

    4. Wow! Thanks Vicky
      Even The American singer Will Smith sang "men in suit", he no put "s". So na wrong English all this while? Chai! See my life, always thinking people over there speak impeccable grammar 🤣🤣

    5. @Imrah, Americans are known for baaaaad English.Lol

    6. Thanks Vicky.

      @Imrah, are you whining me, hahaha 😁? America wey their own English na upside down.

  7. Comparison is the thief of joy
    Good morning everyone 😊😊

    1. In other words, don't compare yourself to another person. Good morning slimzy 💜

    2. Good morning beautiful queen 😚😚
      Have a stress free day

  8. Amen to your prayers Stella,I wish everyone a great day.

  9. I don't know if it's a spirit of entitlement, please I need advise.

    There's this friend of mine in the UK, though I turned his proposal for dating down but we remained friends. He's always bored at work, you know abroad things,so he calls often just to have someone to speak with of which I understand, I oblige him since I'm not working yet.

    Recently he told me,he stopped doing a particular business he used to do back home, I encourage him to start again, he always takes to my advise,so he started and has been thanking me cos the business is moving, once he gets paid, he'll forward the payment receipt to me , and not 1 Naira for me, this is in millions o. He's always gisting me about how he's making money,if he receives paycheck,he'll forward it to me, thought he has given me money like 2 times of which I never asked him for money. He always says that's why he likes me and comfortable around me, because I don't ask for money. My question is,am I right to be angry with him for not giving me money? He told me he's talking with a girl he wants to marry and he's giving that one upkeep money monthly,he even told me the amount, infact he tells me everything, how can I be hearing money every time and I can't get a token too? I'm thinking of not picking his call again. Please am I right?

    1. Lol God abeg o
      Okay lemme not say entitlement so you won't feel bad. Maybe he's feeling like you're being nice out of the goodness of your heart, and rightly so.
      Well, you can ask him for money if you like, but me I don't like asking people for things like that. Just learn to do things you're comfortable with so you don't feel some type of way when people react differently than you expect.

    2. Why should he give you money? Please leave him to his fiancée

    3. @08:03, yes it is the spirit of entitlement, but I also understand how you feel after encouraging him to go into that business which is now paying off. Two things you can do here, ask him outright for your cut, or let the relationship die a slow death.

    4. Anonymous I can imagine how feel...You activated something in him which yielded results and you deserve some accolades, some token of appreciation from him.

      Dear Friend, sometimes you are there to wake up the sleeping giant in some people, besides you encouraged him to reactivate the business; it was not a new business idea..That is what friends do. You do things without waiting for such reward; reward must not be in monetary value alone; you can get increment in any sphere of your life.

      Cultivate a life of not being entitled to save yourself from disappointment; look at it like you did for a loved one.

      I don't know if you are a Christian but the bible says in Galatians 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

      You are sowing seeds now, don't worry and be anxious about those around you in their reaping season. If you feel, you want to end the relationship, please do so you don't get triggered and angry...

      Ehugs and all the best

    5. Please face front! If he gives you thank him but you are not entitled to his money. It is his money for christ sake. If you hear millions nko? Is it your money??? I dont understand how people could be envious of another person money? That means you can kill him If the opportunity arises! Please face front the money is not yours!!!

    6. Its witchcraft spirit. You dont want him and dont want to let him go. I think you should block him for your own sanity cos the spirit of jealousy is about to take over you.

    7. My dear, he who wears the shoe knows where it pinches. Its not the easiest thing in the world to be jobless.
      He also should be should be emotional intelligent enough to understand your position.
      That said; is he in a position to help you get a job or know people that can?
      This is what true friendship is about. Not showing you receipts when you are not working.Thats a bit much.
      What you feel is very human but it's not right.
      Take it to God in prayer. It is well.

    8. Sis it is normal to feel the way you are feeling but you need to control it before it heads to bad blood. If he can be earning millions when not in Nigeria then you physically present can also earn.
      You can ask him to teach you or guide you how to start same. Giving you one off money won't help you. see it in a positive way so it cultivates your hunger to hustle too.

      Learn!!! Learn!!! Learn!!!

    9. Follow sis Nene's comment. Tell him to teach you the business so that you can earn too as you are not working

    10. If you are tired of his calls ask him for a huge money, he will stop calling you.

    11. I don't think he has anything negative in mind while telling you all these, neither do I think you are entitled. He's just happy to have a confidante but he isn't conscious of the social cue of not discussing money issues with someone that isn't in the same financial circle/level with him.

      I advise that you withdraw slowly and gently from that friendship so you won't start feeling resentful, you assisted him and he assisted you as well, so don't feel bad, he has a fiancée, let him confide in her, tell him you started a new training and aren't really available to chat like before.

      That way, the friendship is preserved and you are wisely removing yourself from situations that generate negative emotions in you, trust me, it's healthy to do that, parties/gatherings that remind you of such things should be avoided, focus on your job search and ways of improving yourself while waiting. Cheers.

  10. Thank you Jesus 🙏 for life, good morning my people 🥰.

  11. Good morning everyone
    Do have a blessed day.

  12. Arise and shine 🌞🌟💫✨
    Amen to your prayers Stella Ma'am & thanks for the warm hugs 🤗

    1. Good morning babe 😘
      Hope your grandma is getting better? wishing her total healing

  13. The last time Chelsea FC was in upper half of the Premier League table, queen Elizabeth was still alive and the ceremonial head of some countries that make up Common Wealth countries. Chelsea, upon their new owner and the amount of money injected in the Club, seem in love with the lower half of the table.. Shouts of " the blues" have come down online and in the streets and there's sanity everywhere. The sky is still blue and tomorrow is Wednesday. Money sometimes don't buy success .

    1. It's your last line for me. "Money sometimes don't buy success".

    2. Allow Chelsea to breeeeef 🙄🙄 for that fact that it's not working now doesn't mean they haven't enjoyed success unlike your noisy club who have been wasting money all these years and just get it right last season! Talk about how your club contracted the like of Mancini,Pellegrini then just to win CL but couldn't,even the Pep how many years did it take him with all the money spent so far? Mtchweeew 😏

    3. Well said Baltika, please next time reduce the volume.

      @Paris camdan, hanhan wetin my club do you nah, no vex you hear 😄😄

  14. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Amin to your prayers stella

  15. Amen to your prayers Stella
    Good morning lovelies 😘

  16. Good morning everyone
    Have a lovely day 💞

  17. Happy Tuesday everyone
    Thank God for the gift of life
    Remember he never said temptations will not come our way, remember he didn't promise us that the road was going to be smooth always but the promises was that I will be with you during that tough, painful situations.

    Never you think or feel that God is not with you or he has forgotten about your situation. Relax and hold onto God always.

    Have an amazing Tuesday.

  18. Good morning.

    I say amen to your prayers Stella 🙏.

    May our day be bless people.

    Have a great day y'all.

  19. Amen to your prayers, Stella. Thanks. ❤️

    May the Lord continue to keep us safe in this wicked world. The news one hears sometimes can be scary but the Lord is our shield and protector. It's well.

    Good morning everyone. 💕

  20. Attention bvs:
    This is the recipe for the back to sender prayers.
    Put water for bathing on the fire, open it and start reading psalm 121 into it till it boils, pour it into a bucket and read psalm 3 into the coconut thrice, then take a knife or any other means of breaking the coconut into the water in bucket. Mix the water to your level of warmness and use it to bath. If you don't use warm water for bathing, allow it to cook down before bathing with it.
    Anyone that plans evil against you, evil will start happening to them. That my neighbour is still receiving it hot hot.

    1. @anon 08:13, this is subtle witchcraft,sending spells to unseen enemies...what happened to 'bless those, who despitefully use you, bless and curse not' or am I reading a different bible here?

    2. I forgot to add that you can dispose the coconut by taking it to a T-junction and drop it there. You can drop it stylishly at night.

    3. 09:35, you can keep praying for your enemies to they kill you or your child. I hope you are also keeping other commands of the Bible and you are not committing sin?
      What am i saying, is it not the same Bible that said "suffer not the witch to live" Exodus 22:18

      Then Matthew 11: 12-15 says:
      12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. 13 For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 14 And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. 15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

      Keep praying for your enemies o.

    4. 9:35, if you don't get the fuck out of here!!! So innocent people should suffer and die cos of the wickedness of others, we shouldn't pay evil with evil because????? Get your holy ass outta here. Can't stand y'all sanctimonious lot 🤮

    5. This is plain witchcraft. Practice it at your own risk. Inviting demons into your life. Is this practice anywhere in the Bible. The standard is God's Word, any other thing is from the devil.

      Instead of praying against real and perceived enemies, do what the Bible says: Pray for your enemies, bless those that curse you. And watch God fight for you. Who can battle with the Lord???

    6. Drop coconut @T-junction, modern day ritual, SMH.

    7. Anon 8:13, While you do this, make sure you come to equity with clean hands.
      That means make sure you have never ever hurt anyone consciously or unconsciously because if they do this and call your name, you will also receive it hot hot.

    8. Yes o
      I do it and it works for me cos I don't hurt people

    9. You don't have to take the coconut to a tjunction, you can even use it to cook rice or eat it or just throw it away in your dustbin. I don't drop mine in a tjunction

    10. 9:35, you say?? God Abeg o. Have I finished praying for myself and family? Those of us that have decided to live right and stay away from evil, you think we are fools?
      If you are bold enough harm people, go the “xtra” mile to throw evil arrows, whatever you get back is your headache.
      Keep firing them back to sender please 🙄


    11. 09:35 and 11:06, have I finished praying for myself and my loved ones?
      Iffa hear?

    12. If I had known this since, maybe my life would be better.
      Household enemies have twisted my destiny. I'm sending their their evil back to them in hundred folds with this prayers.

      Those of you saying "pray for your enemies" have you prayed for them this morning? Did you pray for them in church yesterday?
      You lots will be praying and sending fire to them in church.

    13. Anon 11:06
      Is it after they kill me that God will fight my battle? Those that have suffered and died, no be their loss and their family's loss be that? I am giving them judgement as e dey hot as long as I don't wish evil on people let alone sending evil arrows to them.

  21. Amen to your prayers Stella thank you,good morning everyone 💛💜♥️🤍💙❤️💗💞😍🥰

  22. Thank you Jesus for another day 🙏🙏
    Good morning everyone 🥰🥰

  23. Now that judges and the courts have joined the two day warning strike which will hold today and tomorrow, who will now pass the final judgement tomorrow to restore Mr Yes daddy's stolen manhood? 🥵

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
      They sha want to frustrate that judgement. His supporters are coming for you 🏃🏃🏃

  24. Wow..

    So nobody wants to marry me ABI na because of the 50k giveaway them no get my time?🤔🤣.

    This hurts sha😒😏

    Omo that Pink gist in yesterday's IHN is an eye opener..
    Me, I don't know babes steal oh, Asin yea I know they steal but not in these shameless manner.. 😂😂 So babes dey thief sef, later dem go dey form and pretend like say they only do evil when men do evil to them first😂😂

    Ashe ole ni awon girls yi sha..

    Dear kings, open your eyes oh, make you no go marry thief enter house,.

    Just imagine

    1. You post your pics on top IHN, no customer, you still dey disturb inside comment section, sebi na amotekun girls full here, why are you looking for a girl from here? Have you run out of the oloshos and broke entitled girls that you meet?

    2. Lol.. 8.37
      Who be this one again..

      Who post pix?

      The guy that was posted is cute tho, even me as a guy trip, girls here are still in shock, them no even see wetin them go use fit curse am, people wey get bad mouth, all of them zip it😂😂.. them no fit even talk say them dey trip as them see say the bobo is out of their league..

      Shebi you don get my time this morning as giveaway post don finish.. you don log out from your ID wey you use apply, go back anon go dey troll😂😂

      Make I see say you chop giveaway for this blog😂

    3. Make you rest as non of my gender want to marry you 🤣🤣🤣😃😃

      Women Tif so also men do so. Is not a gender thing but is based on the society pressure that people no longer have fear of God.

    4. With this kind of character e go hard to find better I mean good wife material 🙄

    5. Dante ooooooo....

      Which one be Dear kings again bayiii..Don't forget that we also have Queens that needs to be careful of some men too🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. You’re beginning to sound irritating

    7. 😂😂
      Pink, them MUST declare their love for me oh, them don too insult me, na only person husband dey collect this kind magnitude of insults wey dem dey give me, since I don collect the insults finish, I MUST also collect the lovings too to balance am..

      Between my comment and yours, which 'sounds' more irritating

    8. 08:57, he has always been irritating

    9. Lawyer layiwasabi abeg go front, nobody is interested in you

    10. Buhehehehehehahaha

    11. 9:28, 😂🤣😂

    12. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  25. Good morning bvs!!!! May our joy be full today and always.blogbrity,mor,essa,Paris,Rosiehope ur all fine?

    1. Good morning beautiful 😘,blessed 🙏

    2. Thanks Sweetie ❤️💕 I'm fine,thanks for asking..hope you're good too? Have an excellent day

  26. I don't know what is wrong with some people. You will want to beat your erring son, you will now pick early morning (5am) or late night when people are sleeping to do so. The tenants have come together to report him to the landlord, let him pray he doesn't get a quit notice since he refused to heed the plea of other tenants.

    1. Wicked people everywhere, if not for the way economy is no one should give out their children to people cos of what is happening. You people should report that woman/man to the right authority so that they can discipline them appropriately.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Na late in the night my mama dey beat us then

    3. This method is out-dated na. That was how they used to beat my stubborn brothers. They wait for them to sneak in and sleep 🤣🤣🤣.
      I can never put my own children through this. Let them evict the tenant, what rubbish!

  27. Good morning to you all...

    It's been cold all through since 3days ago now. We no know who switch on the air condition for heaven oooo. Anyways, we are grateful that we are not consumed by our circumstances.

    Alot to be thankful about

    1. I love this weather

    2. The AC never reach here oh, abeg tell them to increase the volume so that we too go follow enjoy.

    3. As in...... I'm liking the cold weather sha.

    4. I love the weather too 🥰 makes me cover up wella and fire the sleep unlike heat 😏

  28. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Hope you had a super sweet night rest?

    Word Of The Day
    Hullabaloo- (n) Disturbance usually in protest.


    Its synonyms are excitement and turmoil.


  29. I want to specially thank all the bvs that encouraged me to continue with the exercises that gave me body pains.
    I did again last weekend, no pains till now. As in, the pains have disappeared.
    My energy level too has increased. Before, when I walk for two kilometers, I will be breathing heavily, now I'm bouncing on the road, I feel lighter.
    I have decided to do like three different exercises every day for like 30 minutes. I did on Sunday and yesterday, will do it today and keep doing it to keep fit.

    1. Well done beautiful 👍

    2. That is how workout pains is, if you take pain killer bad for you or you stopped you will still experience same pains whenever you are ready to go back.

      Best option is to continue as your body will get used to it.

    3. keep doing what you do. incorporating exercise into your lifestyle is the best decision.
      we've never lived in a storey building till we all left home, recently we moved my mum into a three storey building, the third floor for that matter, the reason was that the building we lived in was sold and it was urgent, plus we were not around to deal with agent wahala, so when we got this one we took it but was concerned how she will cope with stairs my mum is in her early '70s.
      its been 3mnths and she attested to the fact that climbing the stairs helps, she use to complain of joint pains, but she said those are gone now.

    4. 💪💪💪💪keep it up

    5. Keep it up ENNIE, I wish I can do it too.
      8:54, really? A grandma in her 70s climbing stairs to and fro third floor? That turned out to be a good decision by you all at last.

    6. yes oh Imrah ever since she has stopped taking her pain meds. before now if its not her leg today it is her waist. best decision


    Consider the fact that just 11 men, namely Paul Kagame of Rwanda (23 years), Paul Biya of Cameroons (42 years), Teodoro Mbasogo of Equitorial Guinea (43 years), Dennis Nguesso of Congo (38 years), Isias Afwerki of Eritrea (30 years), Yoweri Museveni of Uganda (37years), Alhassan Outtara of Ivory Coast (13 years), Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo (38 years), his son Faure Eyadema of Togo (18 years), Omar Bongo of Gabon (42 years) and his son Ali Bongo of Gabon (14 years) collectively ruled different African countries for a total of 347 years in the name of democracy!

    This is what can best be described as AFRICA WONDER!

  31. Na tomorrow we go know whether our constitution get value

    1. Me I no like to waste time on that constitution thing... value u call like that wey u no put brother and aunty abi

    2. You never buy handkerchief keep

    3. Hope this strike will not affect the people that will pass the judgement?

  32. Good morning beautiful people, wishing y'all a productive day.

    Sorry about the passing of your aunty Supernova.

  33. Goodmorning my blog family. Have a great day

  34. Good morning SDK and BVs. Thankful Tuesday 🙏

  35. Good morning everyone 🤩🤩🤩

    God will never make you wait for no reason. Trust his timing. 💯💯💯

    Y'all have a productive day ahead 😘

  36. Amen and Amen To the Prayers 🙏🏻

    Beautiful And Blissful Morning blog famZ ❣️


    1793 The Reign of Terror began as harsh measures were undertaken against those suspected of being enemies of the French Revolution (nobles, priests, and hoarders); in Paris a wave of executions followed.

    1946 Freddie Mercury, British singer and songwriter. Lead singer of ‘’Queen’’ was born.

    1960 American boxer Muhammad Ali (then known as Cassius Clay) won the gold medal in the 175-pound division at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome and then embarked on a professional career that saw him become one of the sport's most legendary competitors.

    1972 Palestinian terrorists attacked the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany, during the Summer Olympic Games, taking hostages and eventually killing 11 members of the Israeli team.

    1975 Lynette (“Squeaky”) Fromme attempted to assassinate U.S. President Gerald R. Ford; Fromme, a follower of Charles Manson, was sentenced to life in prison but was released in 2009.

    1976 The first episode of The Muppet Show, which was cocreated by Jim Henson, aired, and the TV series became hugely popular, known for a cast of puppet characters that included Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy.

    1997 Mother Teresa—who was awarded the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her charitable work with the poor, especially in India—died at age 87 in Calcutta (Kolkata).

    2000 Tuvalu, a group of nine coral islands in the west-central Pacific with a population of about 10,000, became the 189th member of the United Nations.

    ~~ Culled from the Britannica

    1. Mother Theresa 😍. May her soul keep resting in peace.

      Nice compilations. Thanks babe 😘

  38. Beautiful morning to everyone, it's a cold day.

  39. Rejoice with us, we finally have a king in my hometown, Ogbomoso since the last king died two years ago. He is a Redeemed church pastor who lives in America, he is coming home to rule.
    All hail the new Soun of Ogbomoso Prince Pastor Olaoye Gandhi 🙌

    1. Wow! Congratulations 🎊 to the Ogbomoso people. May his tenure favour all.

    2. I saw it in the news last night. Congratulations to Ogbomoso people

  40. Quick for child support is meant to go to the child right? How can this be ascertained? Just heard a story of a mother collecting money for child support, and does not have any real job, but building a house? Chai Naija women! Now the man has insisted that he gets custody of the child, if money he has been sending is not explicitly accounted for! Learn to zip up to avoid all this drama!

  41. Good morning everyone
    It's about raining here
    Have a beautiful day.

  42. Good morning raining here.

  43. My gaydar gets super active when I see a man admire another man. Weird, if you ask me

  44. Thank God for today.

  45. Good morning everyone. Wishing you a successful day ahead.


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