Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



Good day…

Please I want to ask and question and also want to know if any mother has been in this situation before ….
This is my 3rd pregnancy, the previous are currently I’m 6weeks 6 days and then I went for an ultrasound sound joyfully to see what’s going on only to see that there was no gestation sac like (like week 5)before and no baby too…

I mean no sac. no nothing nothing…then I was asked to do a pregnancy test again…it was showing pregnancy and all my symptoms are very very much present..please help.
Who has been through this before ? I’m ashamed and helpless though I was asked to repeat scan to know the final resolution…Stella pls post

HUH????? You are pregnant but there is no baby seen in your stomach from the scan? Are you freaking kidding me? if there is no baby seen inside your womb then you are not pregnant but probably still suffering from the symptoms of your previous pregnancies cos there were terminated before you had them..Please dont let anyone use this opportunity to sell that Cryptic pregnancy ish to you!

Go for the test again and let us know please.I am so interested in knowing...


  1. It’s too early to detect baby, wait till 7-8 weeks, most times they only see a yolk sac. Nothing to be ashamed of, happens to a lot of women here ( got to know about it too). Worrying will stress your body and you may end up loosing it. I will advise you stay positive and go for a scan at 8weeks. Wishing you good news! You deserve it

    1. My first pregnancy was same case at 7 weeks, although it lasted resulted to threatening abortion where I lost the baby, but yours will not be so in Jesus name, Amen.

      After the scan just make sure you get a lot of rest, avoid okada and pineapple for now. God will help you poster.

    2. Avoid pawpaw too.

    3. You are pregnant that's it.
      Be praying for safe delivery

      Mao Akuh

    4. Please why should she avoid pawpaw? Does it cause miscarriage?

    5. Anon 2:41
      Pawpaw could lead to abortion in pregnancy.

  2. Try another hospital to confirm

    Also do a good testing of you and your husbands compatibility to have children together
    There’s a combination of sperm and egg that will always lead to miscarriage of you carry that genetic marker

  3. I have heard this alot wait a little and go back for the scan don't also forget the place of prayer you can join NSPPD

  4. Please go to another hospital. Sorry about your previous miscarriages. Check yours and hubby's Rhesus factor as well.....Ehugs..It will end in praise!!

  5. I have heard of psychological pregnancies where women have all the symptoms of pregnancy and no fetus was present. Yes, it is possible. However, try again at 8 weeks and if there is still no fetus showing, then your pregnancy is psychological.

    I wish you all the best on your journey towards motherhood.

  6. Check again, pray it's not implanted elsewhere, coz na problem be that.

  7. You want to bring a child into present day Nigeria and what do you expect the child to do? If na you nko? You go gree display for the scan? The young dude is busy applying all the levels of stealth he knows.

    On a serious note though, I don't think you got nothing to worry about. 6 weeks is probably a bit early for you to be apprehensive. You can't even detect fetal heartbeat then. I'm sure your baby will be fine.

    1. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ lmao Kai thanks for making me laugh

      Poster Fret not okay

  8. Poster, calm down.
    I will suggest you take a break from the scan and test. If you need this baby, pray to God to make what you want a reality.
    Hold God because I have seen people make mistake in such situations and some refused to believe scan and ended up delivering baby.
    Your might be carrying the baby on your waist as my people use to address people with invisible pregnancy.

    Stay away from stress and anxiety. Only praise God for his deeds.

  9. This actually happened to me in June of this year. Its known as a "blighted ovum" im sorry but you have miscarried. Its really sad and trust me i feel your pain. If there was a sac, soon enough it will come out (bleeding) but since you say there was no sac. It probably disintegrated in the womb. GOD will do it for you in His own time.

    1. 15:44, Na waoh for you. How could you say she has miscarried? That it happened to you does not mean it will happen to her or anyone in this situation (sorry for your loss). I miscarried twice, the third one i bleeded heavily at almost 12 weeks and i was told by a medical practitioner that i have lost the pregnancy due to the level of the bleeding. I bleeded until the pregnancy was 6 months, yes 6 months. I had a healthy baby at 39 weeks with no complications. Poster don't panic, do another test around 8/9 weeks. I pray that you have as many children as you desire.

    2. A blighted ovum is not a miscarriage though it will most likely result in one (either spontaneous or induced).

      Poster, you need to repeat a scan in one week, it might be too early to see your sac and fetal pole. This is why where I am, doctors do not refer for a scan until past 8 weeks gestation, stuff like this can get mothers worked up for no reason

    3. Bleeded is not a word na

    4. Lmaoooo @20:12. 18:01, please it's bled not bleededed

    5. Lol, thank you @20:12 and shooter. I typed with so much pain, i was admitted to the hospital. I typed bleeded instead of bled, English hard oh. Lol

  10. The Post is for mothers

    I never born but hopefully
    waiting on the lord

  11. This is called blighted ovum and is a missed miscarriage.please see a gynecologist for proper management. There is nothing spiritual about it so don’t allow anyone advise you otherwise or waste money. See a gynaecologist for proper care and to also plan for future conception

  12. Repeat the scan hopefully the first scan was too early and not blighted ovum

  13. Stella might be correct, the previous pregnancy hormones might still be in your system. or you probably had a chemical pregnancy that might have been lost before week 6 because at 6weeks if your calculation is correct, the gestational sac ought to have been seen. If that is the case, it will take time before the hormone and symptom wane off so you will still be getting positive pregnancy symptom until it goes back to baseline.
    You can try another lab for a thorough scan after a week.

  14. Please go for scan in another hospital

  15. If there's no gestational sac at 6 weeks and you still getting positive pregnancy test, relax and repeat the scan after 3 weeks.
    Meanwhile after miscarriage or pregnancy, one tends to get positive pregnancy test as result of rise in hCG for months after until it clears.
    I know the feelings under my transducer with women.
    E hugs, I wish you the best

  16. It is too early to know if there's baby or not, give it sometime and hope and pray.

  17. Please, check back in 8-10 weeks. Infact, 10 weeks but go to a good obstetrician. God, will see you through. He created us and He knew us before we were created. He does everything in his time. Just believe and Pray. Sing songs to Him. I wish you and everyone one watching out for the cry of a baby in their homes well๐Ÿก
    He is the same yesterday, today and forever!!!

    EUM Cali

  18. It's well dear poster ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

  19. I'm 20 weeks pregnant but my belle is not big o, as in my belle is very small but ultrasound scan shows that my baby is growing well

  20. I think it's quite can repeat the scan again in few weeks time.pls relax.

  21. Turn to God please, as a matter of urgency.

    Bv Marigold

  22. Continue knacking nothing to worry about by 12 weeks you will know whether you are pregnant or not

    1. Please poster don't knack until the pregnancy is past 3 months. Check again in 1 week, hopefully everything will come out well

  23. I suffered yesterday to be able to start commenting here I gave up! Today it worked
    Can't believe I did it myself

  24. May God give you your heart desires

  25. I discovered same at 3months, it’s called blighted ovum. An evacuation was done. So sorry dear i definitely knw how it feels

  26. After your previous miscarriages, did your pregnancy test show negative in between?
    Might be too early, you may have conceived later than you thought. Check back in about two weeks
    Worse case scenario, it may be ectopic and it could have implanted somewhere else ( there are other symptoms tho)
    I hope you get the result you desire

  27. Back it up with prayer join the fire altar of NSPPD

  28. This is a case of blighted ovum(missed miscarriage). I had the same experience with my first pregnancy. Stay strong and prayerful and you will become a mother soon.

  29. I think this happened to me with my first pregnancy. The first scan at only at few weeks showed no gestational sac, until later (like 2 months that we checked again), so I think might be too early sometimes. Also, do not be ashamed my sister, God has your back, no matter the outcome.

  30. Please pray about it. Join NSPPD 7am prayers. It will end in praise.


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