Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



A lot is going on in t
oday's life,  a young man got married to a lady, but before he met this girl in the university,  he had 3 friends,  they were so close, they used to take turns to sleep with girls and didn't see anything wrong in it.

One day, Kelv met Sinachi and fell helplessly in love with her,  he didn't know how to woo her because everyone knows them as playboys, they r#pe, molest, humiliate girls, so he became her Mr nice guy, would help with her assignments,  buy her things sometimes and while he was doing that, Sina still sees him with other girls, so she concluded in her mind that she's just a friend.

These four friends were so inseparable,  Kelv already told his friends about how much he loves the girl and how he wouldn't want to pass her around like they used to, Timo then told Kelv that he will try his luck with the girl and if the girl agrees, he will gbensh her and  walk as usual. 

After some days he started going close to the girl and before you know it, the girl fell for him,  Kelv thought it was a joke until he started seeing the two lovebirds and then the girl started addressing him as Bros, he was so angry about the whole thing but couldn't do anything to stop them.

He approached his dear friend and begged him to stay away from the girl because both of them knew he just wants to gbensh her and dump her but Timo told him to go and sit down,  say Agaba no de fall in love,  out of shame to remain a hard man, he crawled back into his shell.

After some months,  Timo finally convinced the girl to give him her cookie-jar but what he didn't know was that the girl was a virgin,  at finding out that the girl was still an innocent girl,  he kinda felt something for her but was not ready to stay....

 after he had gotten what he wanted,  he walked away and didn't look back.
After one month,  the girl found out that she was pregnant,  tried to abort the pregnancy but the baby na isi-aki, e no gree,  mind you that amongst these four,  Somto likes Timo and Sina together and really wished they could continue,  Sina told Timo that she was pregnant,  he told her to go to hell or abort the child,  she even told him that she had tried but he refused to help. 

Somto couldn't look on as they watched the once lively girl suffer and Timo living his life, so he paid her a visit and gave him Timo's mom' address,  she packed a few things and travelled,  at getting there,  she met the woman and she was a whole vibe, Timo is an only son and his mom was actually forced by their family to hold on a bit and allow him finish the university before getting him a wife.

So ont seeing this girl,  she didn't need to say more,  she quickly called her son, and asked him to tell her the truth and he did but didn't forget to tell his mom that he no love her and the mother said,  if you don't love her but your penis is this friendly with her then I don't have any more problems because you both are one.

Na so Timo take marry ooo, it's been 10years and the marriage is blessed with 4 lovely boys, Timo fell madly in love with his wife and has been doing so much to wipe off the pain he made her go through in the university. 

Just last week,  Kelv came into town from America and decided to lodge in a hotel in the same town with Timo and Sina, Timo thought he came to visit his family, little did he know that He came for revenge. 

One day they were chatting and Timo asked him why he refused to get married but he bluntly told him "how i wan take marry when you stole my wife and she's still living with you and has been giving my kids to you ", Timo started laughing and they both laughed it off, but this man was seriously airing out his pains unknown to Timo. 

He was scheduled to leave with an evening flight on Wednesday, he called in the morning and said he was on program and would want to break with a nice native delicacy,  Timo told him that it's so possible,  that his wife will cook and bring to him because him ( Timo) has something to finish up at the office but would meet him later to see him off to the airport,  Timo instructed his wife on what to do, he got busy at the office but somebody was seriously sending him messages online,  finally he decided to check who the person is.

Behold it was Somto, he narrated everything to him including the chats, how Timo planned and intended to defile his marriage and then disappear, he called his wife to inform  her but she was not picking, so he quickly dropped all he was doing and drove straight to the hotel, on getting  there, he knocked but Kelv did not open, he heard his wife crying so loud, so he kicked the door open and saw his wife with all her clothes torn and Kelv was trying to r#pe her, he gave him the beating of his life, he almost killed him, Kelv had spilled so much to his wife,  he said everything they did at the university and told her that she shouldn't be different,  that she should be passed around too.

They got back home but something had changed about Sina, she started seeing her husband as no different from Kelv,  this man has apologised and is still  apologising  as i type  this, but she said no, she said she wants to file for divorce cos she no longer feels anything for him and seeing him irritates her, she sought my opinion, I told her to take a few of her things and go away for sometime,  it will  help her heal and  then come back a new person,  she no gree, so I told her that I also have this ogbonge family where matters like this are given a good treat, so she will be in the comments today, 

 My Dearest BV's please your unbiased opinion is needed,  whatever you suggest can either keep this home or divide this  lovely family... thanks  

Hmmmmm. please let her take time off and seeif she can heal, that Marriage will never be the same and the friendship will also never be the same between the men....So many things will change.. This story is pathetic.. She should never have married that man in the first place...I hope his sons dont do the same thing to women when they grow up`??? 
Some people have caused so much harm to other peoples children and they immediately attempt to preach ptherwise when they begin to have kids....Karma has peoples address but they dont know..Maybe this is his karma..let her go if she wants abeg!


  1. If throughout their marriage, the husband hasn’t given her reason to doubt or question him, she should consider forgiveness. It might take awhile but love conquest all.

    On the flip side, she should also know that hurt people, hurt people! That guy is hurt and has been moving around with it for years so he definitely is out to destroy her marriage since he has nothing to loose. She shouldn’t give him that power and bragging right.

    1. Madam you can take a wk or 2wks break to clear your head. You have been married for long,and all through, you husband never gave you a reason to doubt him. What he did in thr past,is unpardonable, but people change. Remember, you have 4 boys,and they need you to teach them right,so they won't turn out like their father. Your marriage would take some time to heal. It's better if you consider counselling both of you.

  2. Don’t go
    Stay with your husband and forget the past
    He treats you well
    His ways were not hidden from her na. She knew hind when he refused the pregnancy

  3. This story is so pathetic, I wish she could healed. 😭😭

  4. I hope boys will read this chronicle and learn from it.
    Well I feel she should leave the stupid husband.
    If she stats things will never be the same again.
    She can decide to continue with the marriage though.
    It's all her choice to make cosbshe knows what she currently feels and

  5. Wow what a story..
    What about all the ladies they have hurt with their waywardness? They all thought God will just over look them or just forgive them? If only they know, they must pay one way or the order..

    1. That’s not how God works
      Move on. God has

  6. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars14 September 2023 at 15:28

    Given another chance with the knowledge they have now, those men will do differently at least 1or 2 if not all of them.

    Let her forgive him. Her heart will heal.

    Of course the men's relationship will never be the same again.

  7. Kelvin is a stupid man, he's not a good friend. In fact, the guy should avoid all his friends.
    Madam don't file for divorce but travel for some days to calm yourself down.
    Yes, the trauma will always pop up but won't be that fresh.

    Your hubby needs serious deliverance and should contact and apologise to those ladies he wronged.
    Thank God Kelvin didn't succeed.

    Divorcing him won't solve anything.
    You need counselling too and don't cast him away if you still love God.

    Mao Akuh

    1. He should oo.. I was a victim of rape and is still hurts

    2. Non of them are good my dia. The whole of them are evil

    3. The hubby got what he deserved. Its unfortunate she's collateral damage. Anything kelvin see, he should take. Let her give it sometime and see how she feels

  8. She should have not married the guy
    Lizzy baby

  9. This is super story...para ra

  10. I would not want to stay married to a man who took pleasure in raping and molesting innocent girls.
    Let him reap the fruit of his sins, by himself.

    1. Sorry, in raping girls* whether innocent or not.

    2. But they already have kids together. 4kids for that matter. If kids were not in the picture I would ask her to flee. As it stands now she has shared her seed with a rapist and she can't change it even if she flees to Jericho or climbs the tower of babel

  11. He should go and do restitution to all those girls he hurt and destroyed. Let the woman do what is best for herself.
    Please start praying and imbibing Good traits and character in your Kids.

    I'm angry, The guys have not changed then

  12. Some irresponsible men are like that.
    This happened many years ago and I want to believe they have grown and have become more responsible.
    I’m glad that Timo listened to his mum and married her.
    Nowhere in your write up did you mention Timo strayed in their marriage or that he abuses her physically/otherwise..
    What’s done is done and the past should be left behind.
    I know this is a lot to take in for her, let her take a little break but she must return to her home.
    Kelv should never have done what he did, it’s been too long.
    Also, Timo has to apologize to Kelv and move on. That friendship is over.

    1. Apologize to someone that tried to rape his wife? Or get him arrested? I don't think the Sina should have married him, have the baby and ensure they take care of him, since the mother was aware and in support. As it is, she has more to lose after 10 years and 4 kids, I hope she can forgive him.

  13. The past is in the past and besides four boys are involved. She can't just walk away like that leaving behind her kids. Those kids will be mentally, psychologically and emotionally damaged and might turn out to be like their father in his youthful days or worse. Woman you owe it to your kids to stay. Stay, train and nurture them to be the best men ever.
    Kelv came back for revenge and to scatter your family. Don't give him that satisfaction. Life happens. He should just move on and the woman for him will find him.
    You and your husband should go for therapy and I believe all will be well. This trying phase is his karma. I repeat again, everyone has a past even more dirtier than that of your husband.
    I pray you find healing. So sorry about your ordeal

  14. Truthfully speaking, she shouldn't have married him from the get-go. His reaction to her pregnancy, should have told her all she needed to know about him.

    Considering the reputation he and his friends has in university as rapists, molesters come she never heard? Not a single soul told her anything, during the time they were dating and prior to her getting pregnant? I find that very hard to believe!!

    I don't really have any advice to offer her, but I hope this serves as a lesson to everyone looking for a spouse. Check, check and triple check everything about their backgrounds! It's not enough to search about the person only - investigate their families and friends. Those two groups can be very influential in shaping a person.

  15. Her feelings are valid especially since she was a virgin and not (for lack of a better word) a wild girl or runs girl. Still, she should take some time off and see a marriage counselor. If things can't be sorted, then she can call it quit

  16. Imagine all the women they have victimised, laying curses on their heads?? Then, these innocent boys will start reaping the sins of their father?!!!

  17. To err is human to forgive is divine.... I pray God gives her the heart to forgive her husband.
    Oh poor woman, she's just a victim of all these atrocious act that occurred in the past. She's lucky the husband got there on time to save her sorry ass.
    A lot might be going through her mind as we speak, it will definitely takes a long while for her to be normal again. so I would suggest she visit her parents or a Friend to cool off for some time before figuring out her next move.
    It is well with you SinaπŸ™πŸ€—

  18. I don't see anything here worth breaking the home over. I mean everything happened in the past. It should stay there. Yes, the husband may have just come to have a fling, a number of men do that but end up loving the woman. If that's how their family started, it is perfectly fine. The key thing is the marriage was fine until the friend came.

    It is now the turn of the husband to do everything to keep his home together. He most do everything to reassure his wife that he feels nothing but genuine love and affection for her. He will have to go the extra mile. But in all, this issue is not worth breaking the marriage.

  19. Let's always endeavour to do good and be kind wherever we are. Your good or bad deeds will come to haunt you one way or the other.
    Stop following bad gangs all in the name of 'I want to belong'
    Some people don't have a conscience at all, their conscience is dead'
    In fact, I am speechless. Let me read comment

  20. If the tables were turned, the man would walk away without looking back and his fellow men would support him and cast stones at women. Stray bullet will even hit team faithful, loyal and honest.

    But because it's a woman at the receiving end, even women would scream forgive him and move on.

    This life no balance.🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢

    1. Not true
      My relatives husband has forgiven more than this tho he is fuming with anger at the moment
      Omo love dey this world

  21. Let her take time off first then decide if she can let go or not.

  22. Poster since he has apologised to you,why not forgive him and keep your already have kids for him or do you want them to grow without the love of their father.This incident occured a long time ago when he was much younger and naive.pls find it in your heart to let go.

  23. She needs counseling session with her husband. He needs to ask for her forgiveness.
    She should consider her children and act as christ will.
    Don't let Kelvin succeed in his mission to destroy your life because he couldn't get you.
    Forgive your husband.

  24. Madam in this case I would advice that you leave the judgement to God. You already have kids with your husband so leaving the marriage won't do you nor the children any good. I believe he has changed. If God chooses to punish him for his past evils, then fine, and if God does not, then fine. For now enjoy the respect and love he showers on you. I pray the Lord will consider your innocence and keep your kids from the sins of their father. Your husband should suffer the consequences of his actions all by himself God abeg. That man and his friends should not just go Scott free for the pains they caused other people's daughters.

  25. The pain of how he treated her with the first pregnancy and now learning this just brought back the bad memories of the scoundrel he was. Men better shoot their shot while they have the chance. See pain an burden of a missed opportunity. See man carry baggage and anger all these years. Wow.

    Forgiveness really is a task.

  26. If since they got married tht guy didn't misbehave or those ugly character was never seen then should forgive him.

    Her husband's past should remain in the past, no need for her to start acting up. Having 4 children already with him. That guy want to destroy that beautiful home, she shouldn't allow his plans to happen. Forgive your husband cos he was younger at that time.

  27. The Bible says old things have passed away and everything has become new. The Bible still says in Galatians 6 vs 7
    "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap."
    It means that to every sin there is a punishment even though we are no longer condemned because of our sins.

    Now, God knows that of all the sinners that I'd never marry, I'd never marry a rapist or a murderer. That's why I intend to literally ask plainly if my fiance has ever raped or murdered. I know he may lie about it, but that's story for another day

    But you've married this man already and you didn't know of what he did neither are you in support of it. If he's truly repented, he shouldn't be condemned like the Bible says. What he needs is redemption. He has to find all the girls he raped and apologize to them genuinely, he should ask what he can ask them what he can do to make it better. He might get arrested and land in jail if any amongst them refused to forgive him but that would be the price he'd pay for his sins.
    Also, you'll need to take your children for deliverance prayers so that the consequences of their father's sins would not befall on them and their children. Pray for yourself too that you don't inherit the consequences as well.

    May God guide you.

  28. I can’t objectively advise someone in this situation because for me rape is unforgivable. Just imagine the number of girls that would have gone through that trauma, and I’m sure it was g*ng r*pe.
    If na me I’m just out o, I won’t be able to deal with that. We will coparent but na there e end.

    1. The chronicle is unclear about whether they raped people of students thought they raped people

  29. Pls madam, take the break from home.
    It's essential.
    You can take a month or 3. Just take each day at a time.
    But remember your husband might have turned a new leaf pls.
    Also check out his commitment to you and the kids over these years .
    For his deeds, he should pray to God. Nah God know how to deal with him on that.
    Pray for your kids to be better people in life.
    Thank God you were not raped.

  30. Nawa. This is why we must remain humble in relationship and marriage matters cos we are not omniscient, only God knows what our partners may be hiding in their past.. and what a past to have. God forgives all but rape especially gang rape is so traumatic. Imagine thinking you chose the best guy just for this to come up. Or even judging other's choices or vices (say drinking or smoking) not knowing na rapist you marry. I don't even know what to say. Love forgives all things, just that it can't be wiped off her memory..

  31. She should take a break. In fact, the man should leave the house. She needs to be near her kids. He should give her at least one month break. Please no pastor’s intervention. Let her think for herself and come to a decision.


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