Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative -UPDATE On RIGHT OF REPLY


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative -UPDATE On RIGHT OF REPLY

Na wah!!

Hi Stella,

I needed to put this out there to clear myself, even though nobody here knows me…except the person it concerns. I am the poster of this chronicle HERE
I had already made up my mind and moved on when I sent the chronicle and just needed to hear opinions to be sure I am not MAD and BV WORDS ON MARBLE understood clearly the situation while others were screaming that i was desperate. And then the person had their right of reply HERE
I saw his responses a few days later and read all the manipulations and subdued insults he wrote, then I sent you an email, which I said i saw the right of reply and read the response and I couldn't help but be shocked at the long epistle he wrote. I am surprised he is even a BV cos I remember asking him once and he said NO.

Anyway, his response is full of twists and turns, and this is because the first time he responded to my message, he drew a line of do's and don'ts, he doesn;'t do phone calls, no pictures, he is lazy with communication, but is open to anything...he asked for my boundaries and i mentioned them and told him I love communication, I have receipts Stella. He also asked me what I wanted from the relationship and I told him. I am surprised at all he wrote there trying to justify his behaviour.

Stella, I have receipts of several times when I challenged him on why we were not moving further than mere greetings, the guy will come up with long English just like the one he wrote there and we will end up arguing up and down. I even asked him if he was dating someone so I could move on as I was not understanding....he knew from day one I wanted a relationship that would lead to marriage, so why did he tag along when he didn't want the same.
He called me bossy, wow, wow, wow....should I share receipts of the conversations where i was 'BOSSY'..

I am happy that he has been brave enough to say via his response....that he is not into me, which is something he would have told me since and we would not have had to waste each other's time.
All he does is subtle flirting online, which is nothing to me because I made it clear to him I never wanted an online ship, but to move it offline.

I am happy that at least now I know his mind....and for the record, I am not desperate, never have and never will be.
And I am so SORRY for reaching out to him and wasting his time......there was no need for all this long english, for a simple...I AM NOT

God bless you Stella and I am happy I got the answers I was looking for through the chronicle, and I have no regrets over sending it....

Few days later, I changed my mind and asked you not to bother sending my response as I have moved on…, if you check all emails from me have been from one email address.

Then I opened your blog and saw an apology supposedly done by me HERE

The update made me look sorry, apologetic and desperate chai CHINEKE….I WANT TO STATE CATEGORICALLY THAT I DID NOT WRITE HIM ANY APOLOGY AND I DARE HIM TO SEND YOU THE RECEIPTS OF WHERE I APOLOGIZED, we haven't even contacted each others since my chronicle was published, he just sent this to you to make himself look good, while I am the desperate and lonely devil CHAI.

I know I made a mistake by reaching out to someone I don’t know online, which was why I was eager to move it offline so as to know who I am dealing with. But now I am convinced this guy is a FRAUD. For daring to write an apology that I NEVER SENT, or gave….wow this is too low…

Jesus, I can't even believe this….I am so disappointed.

Dear friend CH....., you are nothing but an emotional manipulator and I am happy things ended without me knowing the devil you really are.

I hope you find PEACE, because my chronicle apparently disturbed your conscience so much for you to write an APOLOGY ON MY BEHALF.
I leave you to GOD..,..
Stella, pls check all my emails to you are from this email…..type in my email and my previous emails will come out, so you know the truth…..
Thank you and pls post this…..I need closure pls GOSH…..
I have attached some receipts to this email to prove my truth and I have blocked him after sending him this chronicle link and challenging him that he knows I didn't write the apology…'s well…

Na wah oh...Please just move on


  1. Replies
    1. Which one is love on? Guy man obviously lied and tried to manipulate the narrative by writing SDK an apology mail in her name. BVs yeeeeee na like this una dey change mouth 😳 Hiaaaaaan o chimo

  2. Poster, you are stressing me! If i am the guy, I will run. Your drama is nauseating. So what if you were desperate before? Move on now. We have already forgotten all about you until you wrote this long epistle again.
    We have had enough. Move one!

    1. You sound like the guy. Shame on you for writing a fake apology to make her look desperate. You will meet your match soonest.

    2. It's so easy to tell someone to move on when lies and insults were heaped on the person because it wasn't you. She has every right to defend herself, especially when the guy sent an apology on her behalf.

      Poster, forgive and allow God to take control of everything. May the Lo4d provide genuine man for you that will give you peace of mind

    3. Don’t mind them. You tell someone to move on when she has been lied against . If it were u wouldn’t you clear your name

  3. This is becoming really interesting

    1. Poster please repeat after me - GOLIAT HAS FALLEN and My David has RISEN for what God cannot do, does not exist. May God come through for you in Jesus Amen, 🙏.
      My apologies, I was one of the BVs that referred to you as desperate but now I know better. He is not straightforward. Fashi anything about him and move on. Please don’t reply again.

  4. Poster it's okay just move on. You are big on communication which should be so and he told you he is lazy about communication.

    That alone shows he is not keen for a relationship. Count this as a lesson and move on please. There is so much beauty out there. Betrayals are inevitable in life.

    All the best

  5. Ewooo....are we still on this matter? You guys should learn when to leave well enough alone. This is so tiring and immature. I guess you needed this closure,but it wasn't really necessary. Shame to that man if he actually sent that false apology. Thank God you are seeing him for who he is,so please move on already.

  6. You just dodged a bullet. I knew from the beginning of the Chronicles that these kind of relationship will not stand. If he is truly into you, he would have made efforts to see you.

    How can you be emotionally attached to someone you haven't met physically. He might even be married with children.

  7. Was about to say on the last post that it looked too suspicious , the syntax and style as well as structure looked different from the original post.

    Also no matter what you say for reaching out to a man first , you came across as desperate no matter what you say.
    Also Stella please let’s move on from this matter, both or the three of them will be fine las las

    1. Thank God she didn't write it. The guy is obviously married.

    2. You wonder why marriages fail at one year! You guys aren’t even officially dating, engaged or married. Poster stop appearing desperate! The man doesn’t want you. Nah by force? Society needs to stop putting pressure on women to marry or have kids. There is more to life, abeg!

    3. Is that why the guy will write a fake apology letter? The guy is definitely a fraud

    4. It’s a “he said, she said” situation, we don’t know it’s the guy that wrote fake apology letter. All we know is that there is no real relationship and she wanted one, he did not seem to. The rest is hearsay. Mine is if two people are so disconnected why even write a chronicle on a non existent relationship?

  8. You haven't met ,no picture, lazy with communication.... Something fishy, doesn't look real ...Oya breath in ,breath out .,relax and think again.....Love is not hard.

  9. Poster you are actually bossy like must you respond to everything thrown at you to prove a point, just move on ,the back and forth isn’t worth plus, I now understand the guy really you have receipts,you have this you have that, you really do hold on to grudges and it’s unhealthy no one really wants to deal with that type of energy including yourself.learn to let go.

    1. She has already let go, didn't you read her reply. She has to clarify the false narrative being peddled by the guy. If na you nko???

    2. It is good she responded. Some bvs called her desperate.
      How can someone heap lies on your head and you won’t respond? You want to form “the bigger person”
      This response is worth it!! Allow her hold grudges if she wants to.
      When it gets to your turn and someone accuses you of things you didn’t do or say, I hope you’ll act “the bigger” person without clearing your name.


    3. She seems bossy and must have the last word… two ingredients of a bad marriage. Let it go. You didn't have to write a rejoinder!

    4. When someone lied against you ,you can move on without saying a word but for now, let the poster be.

    5. She had to respond to this one please. How can someone forge a whole dirty response and pretend it was her.

  10. Pls try as much as possible to forget about this and move on.focus more on things that brings you joy and peace of mind.goodluck dear.

  11. Both of you are the same manipulators ànd narcissists just move on and learn your lesson ,don't contact men to start dating especially if you are single mother it doesn't end well.If he is fake and you don't know then you are also fake,we are not law court and we don't give judgement so presenting evidences is nothing but mere waste of energy and time ,best of luck next time

    1. Live 'narcissistic' alone, try another word abeg.

  12. It is well with all of you

  13. Thanks for coming back to clarify. You did well!
    Honestly, the apology was poorly constructed and made you look pathetic. I am relieved now knowing you weren't the one that sent it because what was that for goodness sake?

    Of course, he knew about the SDK blog but denied it, else who would have directed him just in time to read the post you made about him here? Such a coincidence.

    When I saw his right of reply, I thought he was sly, spiteful and very vindictive. I saw through his fake attempt to portray himself as an understanding man who holds nothing but the utmost respect for his potential love interest.

    He gave himself away countless times at different parts of his chronicle. He was all words and no action. I didn't even believe his story about not being available for the exclusive date you invited him to because if he missed that, why didn't he suggest another date to make up for that? Life is not supposed to be hard.

    He said you guys never talked about sharing photos like come on! Like it was something that was meant to be discussed. When he was just supposed to take the lead as a man and just act. Those things come naturally to men who want to truly get to know a woman.
    They initiate, ask questions, suggest a meetup and not hide behind the screen of their computer being evasive.

    I just have one advice for you if you don't mind. When next you meet a man who makes you question yourself, who puts you in the position of trying to initiate a date or a man who acts clueless like he doesn't know how to step up to the plate and chase a woman or lead the getting-to-know process, please run!

    I don't know what impression he gave or what he said to you to make you conclude that he ticked all of your boxes but I doubt all that was real.

    I wish you the best!

    1. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽.

    2. God bless you for this reply! Poster, you will do well to follow this advice. While I feel you should have read in-between the lines, I also think you're being slightly misunderstood here. You're just an emotional person that just wants to properly explain herself, and you also hate being gaslighted, which is exactly what that guy did, and I think this your second reply of setting the record straight is necessary, however, just move on, and learn your lessons from this one.... All the best.

    3. Very good comment 👍

    4. One million likes for your comment Words on Marble 👍

  14. Poster I'm happy for you that you actually didn't date this man. Cos the man is a manipulator, wicked person.
    That noted pls move on and be very happy, don't invest any energy in online relationship, take it as cruise and only invest when you have met the person and he has proven to have a good head.
    We move

  15. Are we still on this issue?
    Truth be told, I understand you poster. If sending 1000 right of reply will make you feel better; please"send away". My advice is never reach out to a guy, it doesn't end well. Look, next time you make a connection with someone online, if they delay in making proper connection offline, don't lead the conversation. It's a man's job to do that, just block them and move on.

  16. If a man likes you , you will know. If he doesn’t like you , YOU WILL BE CONFUSED. Poster , I personally use this motto whenever I meet any new person coz a lot of Men won’t open their mouth to tell you they aren’t interested, they will just keep you confused. Now move on. No more chronicles . And the next time you’re confused as to whether a guy likes you or not , know that he isn’t .

  17. You know it's not everything one get closure on.I believe you have learnt a lot from this matter which will help you a great deal in your next relationship.I wish you well as you finally move on.No more back and forth in Jesus name.

  18. 😂😂🤣
    Thank God u came to tell ur truth, and to hell with a manipulator...

  19. You were not desperate, you only try to start a relationship with a man, not a crime. My grouse is that there were a lot of signs that he was not interested and you still carried on, that's where the resentment stemmed from. As women, our instincts are never wrong. Next time listen to your instinct. Count your loss and move on. You deserve better and you will get your own that will appreciate and march your energy and you won't have to try hard to make things work, it will flow naturally from both parties. You will smile soonest. #tighthugs

  20. All these back and forth on top someone you have never met before,abeg the drama is too much. Move on!

  21. Auntie your "salaye" is getting out of hand. Kindly move on. You are lucky, someone like me will just freeze out on you.

  22. What does this even matter, nobody knows ŵho you are . Why even send the 1st chronicle in the 1st place. Quite ridiculous

    1. Thank you! All those saying she “needs to clear her nam”, and such nobody knows who you both are but Stella the email recipient so you both seem immature with this back and forth. Move on please, God will give you your own person.

    2. E be like say them no get problems🥲

  23. LMAOOOO person chook you stone for eye you are still addressing him as "Dear Friend"🤣 make it make sense please.🤲
    ...hope you've learnt your lessons sha..never you ever expressed interest in a nigerian man or toast him.
    You are setting yourself up for shaaaaame and failure.
    Many of them are emotionally primitive and mentally unbalanced.
    Be wise.

  24. I am glad you didn't type that apology.
    Dude is obviously married.

    Focus on single men.
    Leave that man and his long English.

    Next time, don't invite a man youhave never met to your party.


  25. But what if someone else read the story and assumed it was her "bobo" who sent it.
    Then the person decided to send the apology post.

    Different people with similar life experiences read this blog.

    Someone once sent a Chronicle here and word for word, it was exactly my story. Shey if my friends read it, they would have assumed it was me who posted it

    All the posters should just relax abeg

  26. Wait, you mean you didn't write that apology yourself? Oh My God😳😳😳😳

  27. Honestly as much as I understand where the lady is coming from, she didn’t even need to set any record straight. No one knows you people so what does it matter? If I was the lady I would freeze out that nigga and not even respond to him at all. He is is clearly a deranged lunatic. This is why I stay away from men who dey too like to chat online. That’s all they’re good for. They don’t have the balls offline. Na just to dey write grammar online and impress themselves thinking they’re impressing you 🤣. Poster don’t vex any more. You dodged an IED! Next time no send chronicle dey tell us person wey you never see ticked all your boxes, na that one vex me. 😒

  28. WTF!! 😳 run 🏃‍♀️ far far away from this craze guy!

  29. The man must be stupid to forge a response to himself. What was he thinking? That you wouldn't see it or you wouldn't respond? Toxicity at it's best.
    Thank God you've seen him for who he is.


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