Stella Dimoko TUESDAY Spontaneous Post - Welcome To The Month Of AUGUST


Tuesday, August 01, 2023

TUESDAY Spontaneous Post - Welcome To The Month Of AUGUST

#august #anothermonth #anotherblessing #anotherbreakthrough

Good Morning...

Welcome to the 8th Month!
In this Month, you dont have to ask for Blessings or Miracles cos they come unsolicited....
This Month, the smile will never leave your face and Joy will never depart from you!
Welcome August!!



  1. 5 Years Ago today, Sound City/CorrectFM started official broadcast in the amazing ancient city of Kano, and changed the narrative of broadcast here, forever!
    Congratulations to my colleagues and I for being steadfast in spite of the many ups and downs. Its been a worthwhile run.
    5 years don waka, we still dey carry go. Some don go solo, others replace them, barrack still stand!
    Its going to be a party in the office and plenty giveaway for listeners. 5 years nor be beans.
    Cheers to many more years of entertaining, educating and informing Kanawas!
    Good morning SDK Ville.❤️.#ALiSpeaks

    1. Congratulations to you guys πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

    2. Congratulations to your colleagues and you.

    3. Congratulations to you and your colleagues

    4. Oh Wow! Congratulations. I never knew you are an OAP. Well done!

    5. Congratulations πŸŽ‰ My brother

    6. Congratulations to your company. Have fun

    7. Congratulations πŸŽ‰

    8. congratulations and happy new month

    9. Congratulations to you guys.

    10. Congratulations to you guys

    11. Congratulations my bro Ali
      I believe I will share this type of testimony too one day

    12. Congratulations to you and your station

    13. Congratulations Ali B
      More good news I wish you and your company

  2. Luminosity By The Word!!
    Psalm 119:130.


    "The entrance of God's Word into your heart will make you luminous or shine; your life will be like the dawning of the morning and glorious."

    "When something is described as luminous, it means it has the quality of producing or reflecting light. The entrance of the Word makes you glow; you become a burning and a shining light—you produce from within you such brightness, radiance and brilliance of the Spirit!"

    "Let the Word get into you; feed on the Word; it’ll shine through you."


    Dear Father, your Word is the true light that lights my heart. Through diligent study and constant meditation on the Word, my heart is flooded with light and I shine forth with such intensity, glowing ever so brightly, radiating your goodness and exhibiting your kindness and graciousness to my world, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Psalm 119:105; John 8:12; John 12:46 AMPC.

  3. Yeeee it's August the month of newness

    New beginnings
    New songs


  4. Amen
    Happy New Month People.

  5. Happy new month to y'all, Amen to your prayers Stella and I wish you same. God bless everyone.

  6. On a photo post on Facebook, I saw monkeys in their numbers on top of a car and some were inside the car that has its doors widely opened. They forcefully took over the car but couldn't drive it. This post is not about monkeys. Don't miss the point pls!

    Good Morning Guys!!!!

    Happy New Month.


    If you respect the Lord, you will live longer. Proverbs 10:27 CEV

    Does the thought of ageing make you anxious? If so, its time to re-examine your value system. With God, the contents are more important than the package. And in order to make peace with your wrinkles, you must come into agreement with him. Ultimately, its not the number of days in your life that count but the quality of life in your days.

    Jesus first miracle was turning water into wine. Note what the host of the wedding reception said: Everyone brings out the choice wine firstbut you have saved the best till now (John 2:10 NIV). And that can be the story of your life too. You dont have to suffer from gerascophobia, the fear of ageing. Keep fighting, keep growing, keep moving forwards.

    Listen to the words of Caleb: For my part, I wholeheartedly followed the Lord my GodMoses solemnly promised me, The land of Canaan on which you were just walking will be your grant of land and that of your descendants foreverNow, as you can see, the Lord has kept me alive and well as he promised for all these forty-five years since Moses made this promise even while Israel wandered in the wilderness. Today I am eighty-five years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then. So give me the hill country that the Lord promised me So Joshua blessed Caleband gave Hebron to him as his portion of land (Joshua 14:8-13 NLT). Thats called growing older with grace.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Amen πŸ™ πŸ™

      God's grace πŸ™ upon me

    2. I will grow old with grace. Amen

    3. Lord may your grace abound to me forever πŸ™Œ

      Thanks for sharing Sis ❤️πŸ’œπŸ’–

    4. Happy New Month ❤️

  8. This new month came with wisdom πŸ˜ƒ.
    My wedding will be on Monday morning, so it's left for you to decide between jollof rice and your Job.

  9. Happy new month to all the beautiful people here, osu yi' a tura fun wa.

  10. A very Big Amen to your prayers @SDK.
    Happy blessed & prosperous new month people of SDK ville. May God remember every one of us for good this month.

  11. Thank you, Jesus, for this new month. May it bring us peace, abundance of your blessings and answers to all our silent prayers. Amen.

    Good morning everyone. Welcome to August. πŸŒΊπŸ’•

  12. AMEN OOOO to your prayers Stella.
    Happy birthday in advance to you too πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—
    Happy new month FAMILY!
    Love and light!

  13. Ameeeeeen and ameeeeeen to your prayers Stella.

    Good morning great people. Happy new month. We will experience less stress, great result this month and beyond in Jesus name.amen.

  14. Happy new month fam πŸ’œ
    May this new month bring great blessings and miracles our way, Amen πŸ™

  15. Happy New month
    Welcome to the month of August
    Have a wonderful day πŸ’—

  16. Happy new month fam...

    My boss told me why he had issues with the lady he wants to marry. They aren't talking at the moment. You see stinginess, it's a big red flag. It's not gender based and in my opinion, there's no particular gender that is bound to be providing in a relationship.

    Since they started dating, my boss has been the one giving her and she doesn't bother to reciprocate. Even when she comes to stay for the weekend, she comes empty handed, she doesn't even buy ordinary table water when it's finished. My boss doesn't hesitate to remind her of how stingy she's, to avoid one feigning ignorance.

    Few months ago she relocated to U.K. Few days to her departure, My boss gave her a huge sum of money, took her out on a date, sprayed her money, bought few things for her. Of course he should, after all she's his woman. When she got there, he still sent her money for winter jacket, shoes, clothes, part of her rent cos she didn't want to continue living with her brother after a month.

    Could you imagine that on my boss's birthday this lady never sent him anything, not even a birthday cake. She only called and wished him. Where's her conscience? How can you claim to love someone and be soo soo stingy towards them? Not like she's struggling. I know she's schooling and working, but all her family members are rich. They don't even need her money. Not like my boss on the other hand is struggling, no he's not. He doesn't need her money as well, but show gratitude for once. Even billionaires don't joke with gifts no matter how little, as long as it's coming from a place of love. This man is not stingy, he provides for you despite the fact that you're comfortable, he gets you gifts even now that you're not here with him, what else do you need to convince you that he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with you?.

    She's just STINGY. She doesn't even have an excuse for that. If he eventually marries her tomorrow, will she be proud to say that she contributed in the relationship? The answer is a big No.

    1. Lol..
      Didn't see the post yesterday but saw the replies under..
      No wonder many girls were mad at youπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚..
      Most of them are just like your boss's girlfriend.. it's really so shameful abeg.. some people are so shameless and proud of it

    2. Very selfish and self centered woman. But if I may ask, why is your boss so comfortable saying all this to you about his woman? Have they separated or at the point of separation? I don't get the point discussing his woman to you.

    3. Happy new month IYAWO πŸ’š

    4. Hmmmmmm.
      Some people are just not givers

    5. Just remove your soul, spirit and body from this gist. This your boss will still marry her. Just wait.

    6. So why is your boss telling you that? So he will do osho free with you, not spend a dime and still go ahead to marry that extremely stingy girl.

      Let him stop lamenting and call her out on that atrocious behaviour or break up with her .

      When a man is horny, he can say and unsay because she is not within miles to satisfy him. He loves that girl or he would have broken up with her to date someone with a good heart. From what he has invested in her, I promise you, he is not going anywhere. If he meets another generous lady, he will shag her, dump her for having no self respect and marry that stingy lady.


    7. That girl doesn't have conscience at all. These are the type that will abandon you in times of difficulty. If he goes ahead to marry her after seeing these signs then I would say he lacks common sense. How can you be stingy to the one you claim you love?

    8. @teejay
      .. discussing his woman WITH you

    9. Xoxo your points are valid πŸ‘ Very valid

  17. The last straw that broke the camel's back was few weeks ago, my boss told her how he feels about everything and told her that he can't continue that way. Stinginess is a deal breaker for him, especially when he has held nothing back from her. She kept making excuses and at some point picked offense. Since then they haven't settled their difference.

    If you ask me, I'll say that the love was one sided. She probably didn't love him at first cos I don't know the reason you'll claim to love someone and not show it. He didn't ask for much, he only said you should do the little things that matter. On his birthday you couldn't give your man ordinary birthday cake.
    Could you imagine that on my boss's birthday this lady never sent him anything, not even a birthday cake. She only called and wished him. Where's her conscience? How can you claim to love someone and be soo soo stingy towards them? Not like she's struggling. I know she's schooling and working, but all her family members are rich. They don't even need her money. Not like my boss on the other hand is struggling, no he's not. He doesn't need her money as well, but show gratitude for once. Even billionaires don't joke with gifts no matter how little, as long as it's coming from a place of love. This man is not stingy, he provides for you despite the fact that you're comfortable, he gets you gifts even now that you're not here with him, what else do you need to convince you that he loves and wants to spend the rest of his life with you?.

    She's just STINGY. She doesn't even have an excuse for that. If he eventually marries her tomorrow, will she be proud to say that she contributed in the relationship? The answer is a big No.

    The last straw that broke the camel's back was few weeks ago, my boss told her how he feels about everything and told her that he can't continue that way. Stinginess is a deal breaker for him, especially when he has held nothing back from her. She kept making excuses and at some point picked offense. Since then they haven't settled their difference.

    If you ask me, I'll say that the love was one sided. She probably didn't love him at first cos I don't know the reason you'll claim to love someone and not show it. He didn't ask for much, he only said you should do the little things that matter. On his birthday you couldn't give your man ordinary birthday cake.

    Now for those that'll begin to ask me what's my business, he told me, he tells me things and we're okay like that. I call him my boss to make it sound official, but he's my family, we're more like family including our family members. He's a very young guy hence my closeness with him.

    1. Oh I see. I didn't read this second update when I dropped my comment above. Suffice it to say, they're separated now.

    2. I have never met any girl like my last ex girlfriend, She's not perfect but Omo I can't even fault her.. her good side weigh so much than the bad one..
      That girl would never visit without coming with stuff, come and see all the meals she'll see online and decide to experiment with me Lol..
      This babe won use nice meal finish me that year, plus she's always there and wants to support, in summary, it's obvious she was an asset, she was the one that came to spend some time with me post surgery..

      The funny thing is I always refuse all her assistance, help and generosity but she no dey gree.. she goes to the market with her money refusing my ATM card, even when I find a way to repay her for foodstuff, she no dey like am but man dey avoid "after all I did for him", "I fed him" etc etc in future πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ tho, I don't think she's that kinda girl, but you know girls and their emotions, especially when it becomes obvious they've lost you..

      Una go come ask me why I no marry am abi😁.. personal reasons, plus she began to talk so much about me and her getting married, Asin she was like let's get married and when I don't give her the answer she wants she begins to give me attitude, Omo, me that that word 'marriage' scares plus, I didn't think I was ready.. so I sat her down and we mutually ended it..
      She almost wanted to make us enemies after that, but I no gree Lol,. We're good friends now..

      Ps: Baby, I'm not comfortable with your closeness with this your oga ohπŸ€”πŸ˜Œ

    3. 🚢🚢🚢🚢

    4. So why is your boss telling you that? So he will do osho free with you, not spend a dime and still go ahead to marry that extremely stingy girl.

      Let him stop lamenting and call her out on that atrocious behaviour or break up with her .

      When a man is horny, he can say and unsay because she is not within miles to satisfy him. He loves that girl or he would have broken up with her to date someone with a good heart. From what he has invested in her, I promise you, he is not going anywhere. If he meets another generous lady, he will shag her, dump her for having no self respect and marry that stingy lady.


    5. Can you see Dante's submission? The last girlfriend was so generous yet he didn't marry her. Is she even supposed to remind you about marriage?

      Supernova, read Dante's submission and understand the way the mind of a man works.


    6. XOXO,

      What point are you trying to make bro? Did I pick a stingy one over her or what exactly are you driving at..

      Let me be clear, I have experienced how relationship is supposed to be, I have experienced how lady brought up well and with common sense are, I have experienced how ladies act to a man they respect, regards and submit to..

      I won't settle for less.. that includes your Stingy girls association.. Omo, I fit just nack and ball if I'm lusting so much after her bodyπŸ™„πŸ€¨

    7. He didn't complain all the while that she is in Nigeria it's now that she left that he started seeing that his fiancee is stingy. Yimu. Na who never go no go know.
      Xoxo πŸ‘.

    8. Thank you Xoxo
      Super, so you both are not related by blood but just close family friends, that means you both can date. Anyway, I repeat, don't do osho free. Collect your own share while giving too.
      This one that you are saying the other lady did not contribute anything to the relationship, didn't she cook for him? Didn't she clean? Didn't she warm his bed?
      Don't go and do osho free o, I repeat, collect your share.
      Anyway, na you sabi.

    9. XO,.
      Your first comment, you see that investment talk ehn, that can never be me, na that guy make that babe dey do anyhow, if I spend on you and you are not making any sacrifice one way or the other.. I stop putting any efforts too..

      Women tends to act like ogbanje when they haven't made any sacrifice in the relationship, they feel they have nothing to lose, and only the man would lose so they start acting like witches, some would even threaten you with ending the relationship..

      Never me Fam, Never me..

      There was one of my 'ex' (if you notice, most time I write ex and put in quotation, it means something, I'll explain some other time) was like that, she wanted me making all the sacrifices and when I called her attention to it, she said she hates people that count what they do for someone and that one isn't supposed to expect things back when they do, that you do it for love and God, I come ask am why she sef no dey do make God bless am, abi she no want God's blessings πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, I kuku stopped doing anything too..

      No be a whole tested authentic like me babe go use him head 😁

    10. 09:29, this uncle is coming for you. 🀣🀣🀣

    11. 09.29

      If I headbutt you with your nonsense advice.. does my baby look like ahewo to you?
      Abeg, carry you dirty business and face another place for recruitment πŸ™„

  18. He put a new song in my mouth!
    Delay is nt a denial, wen we tot He has forgotten us but He assured us He is just starting with us...

  19. "Az Yet - Last Night" been on repeat since I woke up.. all these sweet nice music go won make person lose guard fall in love.. God abeg oh Lol..

    Happy New month fam..

    Happy birthday in advance Big Stellz 🎊

  20. Good morning SDK and BVs. Happy new month.

  21. One thing i hav come to learn and understand these days is how to say THNK U LORD
    Either He has done it or not!
    U might b wondering why saying thank u Lord wen u hav nt seen results..
    Still say thank U Lord because He is aseyi o wu, I cant change Him but He CAN change me! May He do something bigger and better in our families

    1. This is one word I can't stop saying, regardless of anything going on..thank you Jesus is my watchword every second,hour, daily,all day, everyday

  22. Good morning everyone 🀩🀩🀩

    Knowing I can't but knowing He will. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    Happy New month Y'all. Get ready to reap great harvest of prosperity and succes this month. It shall be with us all.

    Y'all have a wonderful day ahead πŸ₯°


    10 B.C.E Roman Emperor Claudius I, who extended Roman rule in North Africa and made Britain a province, was born in Lugdunum, Gaul (now Lyon, France).

    1589 King Henry III of France was stabbed this day by Jacques ClΓ©ment, a Jacobin friar, and died the next day after acknowledging his Bourbon ally, Henry of Navarre (Henry IV), a Huguenot, as his successor.

    1714 Queen Anne, the last Stuart ruler of England, died at age 49.

    1744 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck—a French biologist best known for his theory that acquired traits are inheritable, an idea known as Lamarckism—was born in Bazentin-le-Petit.

    1819 American writer Herman Melville—best known for his novels of the sea, most notably Moby Dick (1851)—was born.

    1876 Colorado was admitted to the union, becoming the 38th U.S. state.

    1920 Henrietta Lacks, Africa-American woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line, the first immortalized human cell line is still instrumental in the advancement in medical research especially on cancer to this present day was born.

    1936 The Summer Olympics opened in Berlin, and the efforts by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to demonstrate the superiority of the “Aryan race” were undermined by the success of African American athletes, notably Jesse Owens.

    1936 Yves Saint Laurent, French designer was born

    1940 John F. Kennedy's Why England Slept, a critical account of the British military that became a best seller, was published.

    1944 The final entry was recorded in the diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who spent two years in hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

    1944 The Warsaw Uprising began as the Polish underground tried to oust the German army and seize control of the city before it was occupied by the advancing Soviet army; after running out of supplies, the Poles were forced to surrender in October.

    1966 Charles Whitman, a student and ex-marine, fired down from the clock tower on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, killing 14 people and wounding 31 others (one of whom died years later from complications related to his wounds); it was one of the worst mass murders in a public area in U.S. history.

    1980 Icelandic teacher and politician VigdΓ­s FinnbogadΓ³ttir became president of Iceland; she was the first woman in the world to be elected head of state in a national election.

    1981 The cable television network MTV debuted, with the broadcast of the music video for Video Killed the Radio Star by the Buggles.

    1987 American boxer Mike Tyson defeated Tony Tucker and was unanimously recognized as heavyweight champion by all three sanctioning organizations (World Boxing Council, World Boxing Association, and International Boxing Federation).

    1996 American author George R.R. Martin published A Game of Thrones, the first installment in his hugely popular fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire.

    2005 Fahd, who became king of Saudi Arabia in 1982, died at age 82; he was succeeded by his half-brother ΚΏAbd Allah.

    ~~ Culled from Britannica

  24. Good Morning Everyone πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

    Welcome to the Month of August
    The Month of New Beginning

  25. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Happy new month to each and everyone of you too.
    I pray that it turns out to be the best month sfsg for all of us.

  26. So in conclusion, We Nigerian men are the best in the whole world.
    Even Mr. XOXO mystery , your king of feminist confirmed it. Ikwakwakwakwa.
    If I hear pim from Nigerian women again, you people will start paying to date us, because we are precious like Diamond.
    If you can't humble yourself, go and date SA men, let them kill you or go and date European/American men, let them use body odour, flower and gun to kill you or move on like you never existed.
    But if you date Indian, those ones will move around the street with your head in honour killing.

    Kings, you are the price. 99% of Nigerian women have objectified themselves.

    1. Are you trying to be funny? Don't. There are a lot of things to try in life, humour isn't one of it.

      Don't try this dry taste of a humour next time. Ask Princess Dante how it is done.


    2. πŸ˜…πŸ˜… . You also know that Nigerian laddies are the best

    3. Xoxo 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Anonymous is Dante wannabe but e no sabi the thing

    4. Daddy XOXO..

      I stand with my brother..
      Naija men are the best😌😌

      But honestly, jokes aside, even foreign girls don't joke with us.. I'm not saying this from hearsay but from a witness point of view

  27. I know this is gonna be hard to believe but it is true. I saw with my very eyes, A Dog eating grass No jokes! Shey Jungle don mature true true..

    1. Don't dogs eat grass?

    2. Oh dogs eat grass? @9:11
      So they're like omnivores?

  28. Good morning and happy new monthπŸ’πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ˜˜πŸ’–❤
    Anon 17:57 on IHN yes i am in Lagos my side is Ilupeju/Palmgrove

    1. You see that your sick joke on IHN yesterday, don't ever try it again. Anything that has to do with kids and adult privates is a no no. Watch what you copy and paste here @Lilly Angel

  29. Amen to your prayer Stella,good morning everyone. Its a new month and a new beginning. Hello August!
    R.I.P Jibo Musa,God be with you till we meet again.πŸ•ŠπŸ™

  30. Amen to your prayers Stella πŸ™

  31. Bonjour Blogfam ❤️ Dear Kings!
    Sivouplait! Allow your wife have acces to your ATM pin in case things go awry..... e get why, my neighbour slumped on Sunday morning and we rushed him to the hospital, he was to be admitted because he was oblivious and the wife had no money in her account. She doesn't know her husband's pin, she is to deposit money before they can run tests. By the time they resucitate him, he couldn't talk, but he could write, you won't believe if I told you he can't remember his pin πŸ₯ΊπŸ€«
    Seigneur! even the wife does not know the code to his phone , c'est quoi ca??? we had to call his pastor to borrow us 150k due to his insentient nature. I have never seen anything like this, he has millions in his account but he cannot save himself. Allow your wife have access to your account in case of emergency.
    I have my husband's pin/password/ email /Instagram gbogbo eee likewise my ex boyfriend's ATM pin and he has mine too even though I was earning more than him then. I just can't wrap my head round it, what if the pastor didn't have money??? God forbids, he almost died ooooo hmmmm. I can't stand men like thisπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ this is totally against the grain.

    1. Lol..
      Calm Dan oh..
      If some men give you some stories about their babe/wife, you'll understand why it's good their wives doesn't have their pin..

      Make Una dry cam Dan oh..
      No use yourself think say other women dey like you

    2. Good advise.


    3. Most men are on this table.

    4. Thank God for your neighbor. We also thank God that even though some of us don't understand french and that "insentient" big English you wrote there, we still use our head to understand weti dey happenπŸ₯±
      Helen stop stressing me. I get belle abeg🀦

    5. Stingy men association πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Nonesense and ingredients. Your write-up describes my ex in full.

      In his case, he hid everything from me. Even his monthly take home inclusive reason being that I'll be asking for money always. Phew! Good riddance

    6. Wait, he has millions in his account while his wife does not have up to 150k in her own account?
      What sort of marriage is that?

      The man is evidently stingy and the wife too is not wise. So if he dies today and his family takes over all he has, the wife would be left empty? She is not wise and I hope someone advises her NOW.

    7. I tell you Dreza. How can you be married to a millionaire and you don't have a dime in your account and at hand too? God forbid

    8. The wife is not the flashy type ohh and she is TTC though he had a child outside wedlock, I believe he should be transparent to his wife.

  32. Amen and Amen Jewelu πŸ™πŸ»
    Welcome August πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»
    I know you come with Good news for us. Happy to have you here.

    Good morning great family ❣️
    Beautiful day ahead ❣️😍

  33. Amen to the many prayers here.
    This year is running out so fast.
    May August favour us all, Amen

  34. Ekaaro gbogbo ile

    Happy new month to you allπŸ€—

  35. The sky's the limit. ☑️
    The sky's the starting point. ❌

    Here's why?

    I chanced upon a good friend of mine (my former student) in the city of Port Harcourt yesterday.
    You: "Excuse me Sir! Is there any word like CHANCED?"

    ME: Yes, there's a word like CHANCED UPON.

    Chance upon is a phrasal verb; it's used in this manner: πŸ‘‡

    Chance on/upon somebody/something: This means to find or meet somebody/something unexpectedly or by chance.

    So, as I was saying, I chanced upon a good friend of mine yesterday.

    After an exchange of pleasantries, we had a lengthy roadside chitchat.

    Then I said:

    "The sky's the limit in your entrepreneurial drive."

    And she immediately responded:

    "God forbid! The sky's NOT my limit. The sky is my starting point."

    I smiled and gave her this explanation: πŸ‘‡

    Some people think that "The sky's the limit" has a negative meaning.

    That's why some folks would usually try to change the idiom to:

    "Heaven is the limit
    The sky's the starting point".

    Listen to this: πŸ‘‡

    "The sky's the limit" has a positive connotation.

    It's an idiomatic expression that actually screams:

    "There's no limit!"

    It's used to say that there are NO LIMITS to anything you want to achieve in life.

    It means that in fact, anything is possible! Your positive dreams are valid and achievable.

    For example πŸ‘‡

    1. The sky's the limit to what you can achieve if you work hard and work smart.

    2. You want to make a First Class? The sky's the limit! πŸ†

    1. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― Thanks for teaching me and making it very clear. Well done

    2. Who even started that "the sky's the starting point"?
      Somebody will just want to over positive an already positive statement.

      Thanks fam. We must learn on SDK blog🀭

    3. Fidel, it is the motigbesional speakers that started it

  36. Amen Stella.
    Happy new month fam, and thank you Jesus for all the blessings.

  37. Reno makes a case for Africa and its leaders

    I see African leaders attending the Africa-Russia summit, Africa-French summit, the Africa-UK summit, or the Africa-China summit. First of all, these summits never hold in Africa. They are always held outside the continent. Why should the leaders of a continent with 54 countries travel to Europe or Asia for a summit with one leader? Does it not make better economic sense for that one leader, be it Putin, Macron, or Xi Jinping, to travel to Africa?

    But, of course, it is not about what is right, proper or convenient. It is about power. To subdue African leaders. To assert dominance over them.

    That is why these summits, sadly, consist of African leaders kowtowing to White saviours.

    I mean, look at how the President of Comoros, Azali Assoumani, was grovelling to Putin on video over sitting arrangements and protocol. So disgusting!

    Look at the attached photograph. Just see the messaging that is communicated by Putin's hand gesture.

    And after going to such extents to suck up to Putin, African leaders left Moscow with neither a grain deal nor a peace agreement. What was the essence of the trip?

    Look, African Americans in the USA have a combined wealth that is more than that of the collective GDP of sub-Saharan African nations. And then Africans in the diaspora send more money back home to Africa than the World Bank and the IMF combined.

    If Africa really wants to improve its economy, the summit we should be having is a world Black African summit, for example, to unite the Black diaspora.

    We should collaborate with the US Congressmen Black Summit and deliberate on how African Americans and Caribbean Blacks can reconnect with Africa, just as the Jewish diaspora is connected to Israel. We should be looking at a right of return to Africa for all Blacks, whereby if you can trace your DNA to any African country, you should be legally entitled to a passport, just as Israel does for the global Jewry.

    Only by uniting the global Black race can we have the type of financial and technological transfer, as well as the reverse brain drain that Africa needs to develop.

    Russia, the West, China and other powers would not do it for us. Helping us become a rival economic and military power to them goes against human nature, which seeks its own self-interest.

    Conversely, it is in the interest of the African American and Caribbean Blacks for Africa to succeed. And that is where we should be directing our diplomatic efforts to.


  38. Amen to your prayers Stella πŸ™.

    Happy new month people.

  39. Hello all😊
    Happy new month to you
    Amen to your prayers SDK

  40. Happy new month my people
    How are you all?
    SDK thanks for your prayers. I say a big Amen.
    Pls bvs, which app is he new for watching movies, including animation movies?

  41. Which app is the best for watching movies pls?

  42. August came with rain, showers of blessings. A month of positive transformation it shall be for us.
    Happy new month πŸ’–


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