Stella Dimoko Monday Spontaneous Post


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Monday, August 14, 2023

Monday Spontaneous Post

 #newday #newweek #newhope #newthoughtsforoldhustle #neversaynever #itiswhatitis #namaste #monday #thrilling #awesomeGodweyfitdoeverything

Una doh!
Have a great week ahead!
Remember say nothing wey dey hard Baba God to do.....If you are still waiting on him, please wait, HEIS FAITHFUL and will do all that he promised to do!

Have a safe week...

PS - Please send in your Chronicles eeeeeeh


  1. It doesn't matter how tough it gets in Nigeria, when people are saying there is a casting down, we shall declare that there's a lifting up! πŸ™
    May the Good Lord order our steps, deliver us from evil, and provide all our NEEDS. πŸ™
    SDK Ville, Una Gud Morning..❤️..#ALiSpeaks

    1. Amen
      I will not lack, I will not beg to feed cos God is still on the throne.

    2. Amen. Good morning Ali.

    3. Amen.

      Good morning and a beautiful week ahead

    4. Amen

      Mao Akuh

    5. Amen.

      Beautiful morning to everyone.

    6. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    7. I tell you, we shall always say there's a lifting up.
      Amen jor
      God I dey hail You for your faithfulness

    8. Amen o

      Yesterday's chronicle and comments blew me away, I thought long and hard last night

      Have a blessed day every one

  2. Passionate About His Mandate!!
    Romans 1:16.


    "The Bible says, “…This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come” (Matthew 24:14)."

    "Those are the words of Jesus; they were personal to me. They must be personal to you. They must be your motivation to do more for the Gospel."

    "Be passionate about spreading the message of the Gospel, not just in your catchment but also to the regions beyond. Take the Lord’s mandate seriously: He said, “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15)."


    Dear Father, I'm conscious of my calling as a minister of reconciliation, stirred and inspired by the words of the Lord, and motivated by the plight of the lost. I pray that today, the eyes of many around the world who are in darkness will be open to the light of the Gospel, and they're turned from darkness to light, and into the glorious liberty of the sons of God, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    1 Corinthians 9:16; Mark 16:15 AMPC; Mathew 28:19.

  3. Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the blessings of seeing another Monday morning.
    Father let this day be of favor to us and whatever we plan to do, be exceptionally good in Jesus name πŸ™
    Psalm 90:14 says :Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
    Father cleanse us of anything that is displeasing to you and renew our body and soul as we worship you alone in Jesus name πŸ™
    Lord send your angels to guard over us throughout this week, as you lead us into our divine purposes in Jesus name πŸ™


    'When you are tempted, he will...provide a way out.' 1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

    Jesus said, 'A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers' (Luke 10:30 NIV). Jerusalem represented the place of God's favour, whereas Jericho was cursed by Joshua when God levelled its walls (see Joshua 6:26). The road connecting the two cities was teeming with robbers, so was this man's intention to travel part of the way, then get off? The Bible doesn't say, but one thing we do know is God goes to great lengths to keep us from going down the road to temptation and getting hurt.

    But, even with all God's safeguards in place, we still manage to get into trouble. First, we stop listening to the promptings of his Spirit. Second, we're unwilling to pray about certain desires with a submitted heart. Third, we're not interested in talking to a trusted friend who will hold us accountable. Fourth, we don't want to know what the Bible says about the matter. We have unilaterally decided to quench the Spirit so we can indulge our fleshly impulses. Remember, there is always free food on the end of a fishhook, but while temptation promises freedom, it ends up costing us. King David's affair wrecked his family.

    Real freedom isn't about having the liberty to gratify your every appetite; it's about refusing to become a slave to unhealthy desires. The battle against temptation is noble, but if all you do is struggle to repress your desires, eventually they will wear you down. You need to maintain a clear mental image of the kind of person God wants you to be and cooperate with his Spirit to become that person.
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

    1. Thank you, I had to screenshot this ❤️

  5. Good morning, my people.
    It's the start to a brand new week and πŸ‘‹ go get all of them Benjamins today.

    Word Of The Day

    Manic- (a) affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason.

    Outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity.



  6. Good morning everyone. πŸ’•
    God bless your week.

  7. Good morning everyone
    Rain rain go away.

  8. Good MONEY Monday Morning to you all 😘😘😘😘

  9. I pray for you this morning that you will not see shame in life. God will raise helpers of destiny for you. Every direction you face shall be in your favour in the name of Jesus. The Lord that has begun the year with you will see you through it by God's grace. Every blessing and benefit that is meant for you this year will come to you in multiple folds. All God's plans for your life and family will come to reality in no distant time through Christ our Lord. Amen
    Good morning and have a prosperous week.


    'Advice’ is a non-count or uncountable noun.

    That's why it's ungrammatical to say 'an advice'.

    Many people use it a lot but it's not Standard English.

    The correct thing to say is: 'a piece of advice’, not 'an advice'.

    For example:

    Chinedu wants to give you AN ADVICE. ❎

    Chinedu wants to give you A PIECE OF ADVICE. ✅

    Again, it's correct to say 'some advice' but not ‘some advices’ or 'a lot of advices'.

    For example:

    Let me give you some advice: avoid red meat in your diet. ✅

    Let me give you some advices: stay away from bad friends, alcohol, and cigarettes! ❎

    Let me give you a lot of advices: stay away from bad friends, alcohol, and cigarettes! ❎

    If you want to use 'advice' as a countable noun, then bring in a partitive.

    In English grammar, a partitive is a phrase (such as 'a piece of' or 'a slice of') that indicates a part or quantity of something.

    For example

    I have a piece of advice for you today.✅

    I have two pieces of advice for you today.✅

    Mary loves to eat breads. ❎

    Mary loves to eat a slice/loaf of bread. ✅

    Mary loves to eat two slices/loaves of bread. ✅

    'Advise’ is a verb. It means to give someone a piece of advice, that is, to give an opinion or suggestion to someone.

    The past tense is 'advised'.

    For example:

    The teacher strongly advised us to study hard. ✅

    The teacher strongly adviced us to study hard. ❎

    I advise you to swap your old phone for a new one.✅

    My advise to you is to swap your old phone for a new one. ❎

    My advice to you is to swap your old phone for a new one.✅

    Got any value reading this?

    I'm rooting for you! πŸ’ͺ

    1. Thank you so much for helping out those of us who went to night schools πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    2. This helps a LOT. Thanks for this πŸ€—

    3. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    4. @NN, excited courtesy and Candy it's my pleasure πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ.

      Hi Phoenix, how are you doing today? πŸ₯°

    5. Mao Akuh loves to eat breads. Whether wrong or bad. I love to eat breadsss- we have coconut bread, wheat bread, banana bread,normal bread, etc)

    6. 10:26, una get coconut head. Keep basking in your ignorance.

    7. I've been waiting for this.
      Thank you so much VickyπŸ’•

  11. "You've just go to line up with what you want, which means: be as happy as you can be as often as you can be there, and let everything else take care of itself."

    Good Morning and Happy New Week!

  12. Good morning my darlings😘. It's a new day. May the blessings of the Lord follow us this week. Amen. Y'all stay safe out there. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  13. Reno Omokri calls out "monitoring spirit" MTN online

    Dear MTN,

    Thank you for your feedback. Why are you guys monitoring me like a monitoring spirit? I have noticed that every time I ask Nigerians to patronise Glo over MTN, you find a way to use a stooge to undermine my Buy Nigeria campaign. What is your beef with Buy Nigerian?

    MTN is the largest company on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. But in your own home country, there is not a single Nigerian corporation in the top 100 firms on your stock exchange. And sadly, the corporate and public mood in South Africa is rather anti-Nigerian.

    You ask Nigerians to port to your network and celebrate them when they do, but you make money in Nigeria and port it to South Africa. You guys are more portable than the singer, Portable. Oti zeh!

    As long as you control ₦4.3 trillion of our economy, our currency will never be able to compete with the South African Rand because no Nigerian company holds a proportional percentage of the South African economy.

    I urge all Nigerians that want the Naira to rise in value to take out their MTN SIM card and replace it with a Globacom SIM. If just 1 million of us do it today, by tomorrow, the Naira will rise, and the Rand will experience a grand fall. Patronise your own. MTN is taking your money and jobs to South Africa. Sacrifice and use Glo. They will keep money and jobs in Nigeria. Their services will improve the more you patronise them. But the more you patronise MTN, the more you destroy the Naira. Capisce?


    1. Tell Glo to improve on its services. Network is poor in most places, their data is expensive too

  14. Good morning everyone
    Baba God I am patiently waiting ohh
    There's nothing hard for you ABBA Father.
    May we all be blessed Amen πŸ™πŸ»

  15. Good Morning and Happy New Week, One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had an amazing weekend?
    The King of highlights has done it again and again, at 38 he delivers at big stages, 2 red cards and 1 goal down and he delivers, CR7 the real GOAT, thank you for the passion for this beautiful game, am so happy and pleased to have witnessed this era of football cos e for pain me Wella if CR7 was told to me as history.
    Research shows that 1.5billion viewers around the world viewed the FIFA world Cup finals, while 2billion viewers view the just conclude Arab Cup finals, that shows you the effects of CR7.
    Have a nice day guys, one Love.

    1. Cristiano Ronaldo is the greatest player of all time ❤️πŸ€—πŸ’•

    2. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜ ndi football fans

    3. CR7 is a GOAT no cap

      Honestly I'm so happy to watch him and the likes play in this era and not something I have to be told or watched as classics like Pele and some other legends

  16. Reno Omokri talks about adult entertainment and their likes

    Adult entertainment is not entertainment. That is a name an exploitative industry gave to an immoral act to make it appealing to you. Friends with benefits are not friendships at all. That is pure prostitution and harlotry. Big Brother is not a show. It is mind programming to deaden your mind to immorality, thereby affecting your immortality. Night clubs are no clubs. A club is a gathering of people for a specific endeavour for which they are enthusiasts. Night clubs are just places where it is easier to get drugs, fornication, drunkenness, and sometimes r*pe. Abortion is murder, even if it is labelled as birth control. Do not allow clever branding make you abandon your morals and swallow a lifestyle that will waste your body and mind as well as your existence in the hereafter. Find positive things to do with your spare time, such as sports, travelling, joining a choir, participating in a book club, or visiting family and friends. Have a social life, not a life that may leave you suicid*l in the end.



    A Short Moral Story.

    A boy went to an old man and said to him.
    "What is the biggest lesson that life has taught you?"

    The old man paused for a moment and said.
    "I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to talk right now. I am deeply worried"

    The boy asked.
    "What's the matter, sir"

    The old man responded.
    "My pregnant cow has been in labour for more than twenty hours. I'm afraid she could die as the pain is excruciating"

    The boy whistled.
    "You have to do something about it"

    The old man muttered.
    "I have no knowledge about things like this. I'm old and weak, I can't do anything to help. But maybe if we seek the opinions and advice of other people, we could save my poor cow from dying. Don't you think so?"

    The boy nodded his head, then the old man added.
    "Do me a favour and take a walk down the road. You'll meet random people on your way. You will have to seek advice from at least four people. We need to know what their opinions are about my dying cow"

    The boy left immediately, then returned about an hour later. He said to the old man.
    "I was able to ask four people for their advice... The first person suggested you call the local vet immediately so that he can perform a surgery to remove the calf. The second person suggested you give the cow more time to give birth naturally, and that calling the vet won't be necessary. The third person suggested you kill the cow and sell the meat as she would eventually die. And the fourth person suggested you assist the cow by pulling the calf from the womb with your hands"

    The old man said.
    "Interesting, isn't it, that everyone's opinions differ so much. So which do you think I should follow?"

    The boy thought for a while and said.
    "I find the whole thing very confusing. Everyone gave a different piece of advice"

    The old man smiled. Then he tapped the boy on his shoulder and said.

    "I was actually kind of surprised when you asked me to tell you the biggest lesson that life has taught me. And instead of just saying it, I decided to let you experience it yourself. In doing so, I pretended as if my cow was in pain and needed help. It was a strategy to enable you to realize how different the opinions of people can be. The biggest lesson I've learned in life is that different people can look at the exact same thing and have different perspectives. We all have our own view of things. And just because someone's opinion is different than yours, it does not mean they are wrong. We shouldn't quarrel, fight or argue with others just because we feel that our opinion doesn't match theirs. We should learn to be open minded and respectful to people's opinions even if we don't agree with them.

  18. Martins if you see this, do you buy gift cards?
    Good morning guys

    1. I think Isaac Baba is into this but don't know for now if he is still doing the business

    2. Isaac don leave us comot for this blog. I did a survey and got paid with a $10 gift card

  19. Good morning

    Another week, may our hustle be fruitful this week.

    Have a pleasant day y'all.

  20. using air pod to make calls on the road actually makes some people look like mad people. You just see someone talking and demonstrating. Not everyone will remember you're using air pod. As you come close, people may dodge or even cross the road thinking you're a mad person.

    1. You are very correct, especially when your hair covers it. I have experience what you are saying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  21. One Igbo man entered a canteen and ordered fufu eight hundred naira with meat two hundred naira. Just as he was settling down to eat, a Yoruba man also settled down and ordered amala two hundred naira with 'assorted' meat of one thousand eight hundred naira.
    The two men had issues in their heads. The Yoruba man wondered why the Igbo man was eating too much fufu. How would he be able to breathe after eating all that? He wondered.
    On the other hand, the Igbo man wondered why the other man was eating too much meat. Was he a lion in his past life?
    While these thoughts hovered over their heads, the Yoruba man remembered that he was running late already. Turning to the Igbo man, he pressed;
    "Oga, please what is the time?"
    The Igbo man, already brewing with rage retorted; "Oga, ask your meat there. You don't have a wristwatch and you are eating all that meat!"
    For this Agbado period , U dey eat all that meat.!.
    Oya, be the judge, who's to blame?

    Good morning and happy new week to you allπŸ’™πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’—πŸ’❤πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ŸπŸ’•πŸ˜πŸ’œπŸ˜˜

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣
      Lily angel, I think the Igbo man is actually jealous and bitter, typical of them.
      Why is he pained that the Yoruba man ate all of that meat? Did he beg him for money to buy it? Ewu

    2. If we kuku reply ur tribe now, we fit no see the comment

    3. Most Yoruba people like meat. Ever attended a top class Yoruba Party? They are ready to serve 1 roasted turkey per plate. I love meat sha 😊 Well spiced one at that.

  22. Goodmorning my blog family.
    Madam Stella don talk finish o nothing wey Baba God no fit do.
    Na for Him side we dey ti we join am for the other side.
    Make una enjoy this new week.
    I hail all of una

  23. Monday came so quickly
    Happy new working week
    Happy Monday
    Everyone should have an amazing day

  24. I’m really tired of everything that is going on in this country. It’s hard to be a Nigerian quite frankly.
    I am a single girl still leaving with her folks and really scared of how to leave this country. For the funds part, I have about 20m

    1. You this anon again? So you are still on this your traveling? The money has increased to 20m from about 12m few years ago, yet you still don't know what to do. God will help you.

    2. Anon, you don come again abiπŸ˜‚

    3. Did you go for deliverance as advised?
      You better do quick before someone will discover that money and kidnap you

  25. Genny drop pics?

  26. What a beautiful day 🌹🌞


    1457 The first book printed in Europe with a colophon bearing the name of the printer was completed in Mainz, Germany.

    1880 Originally started in 1248, construction of the cathedral (KΓΆlner Dom) in Cologne, Germany—the largest Gothic church in northern Europe and the city's major landmark—was finally completed on this day.

    1917 China declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary during World War I.

    1941 British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the Atlantic Charter, a joint declaration that stated, among other points, that they desired no territorial changes without the free assent of the peoples concerned.

    1947 Pakistan became a sovereign state, bringing an end to British rule there.

    1959 American basketball player Magic Johnson, who led the National Basketball Association (NBA) Los Angeles Lakers to five championships, was born in Lansing, Michigan.

    1966 Academy Award Winner, Halle Berry (American actress) was born this day.

    1994 Venezuelan militant Carlos the Jackal, who orchestrated some of the highest-profile terrorist attacks of the 1970s and '80s, was captured by French agents in Sudan; he was later sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.

    2016 Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt won the 100-metres at the Rio de Janeiro Games, becoming the first person to win the event in three consecutive Olympics; he later claimed an unprecedented third straight gold medal in the 200-metres.

    ~~ Culled from Britannica

  28. Greetings to everyone, thank God for another new week with green blessing.

  29. Good morning, everyone...

    Congratulations to our gallant Chelsea players. I love how they played against Liverpool yesterday.
    Mauricio Pochettino is a coach, and he will do well in Chelsea.

    I really enjoyed yesterday's game.
    More winnings ahead.

  30. I have a question please... Why is it that many BVs here, assume that "anonymouses" with a contrary opinion to theirs, or the "anonymouses" who attack them verbally, have IDs but are deliberately not using it?
    I have been an anonymous BV since 2017, and I have never bothered to get an ID. I always find the way some of you declare with a cocksure certainty, that those anonymous trolls have IDs, amusing.
    Even if someone trolls you with their IDs, what is the worst that you can do? At the end of the day, it is a blog, and learning to ignore people and their wahala is always best, because their words do not really matter in the larger scheme of things.

    1. 😘😘

    2. Taaah!
      Withdraw that your last part.
      The opinions of BVs(anons or not) matter in the larger scheme of things for those that need giveaway here. By the time they finish slandering your name here, even data giveaway you will not see.

    3. "...their words do not really matter in the larger scheme of things" πŸ‘Œ. Well said.

    4. same oh I'm just so lazy with the ID thing

    5. Their words matter o
      Imagine being labelled a scammer falsely?
      You will clear your name tire

    6. People assume that because a lot of times blog visitors has been caught mistakenly commenting twice (very insultive and vile words) one as Anonymous and the other with their ID. They do that thinking they are still anon and since they believe their first post did not go through, they comment again hereby exposing their cover forgetting they have already switched back to their ID.

      "learning to ignore people and their wahala is always best"

      Is this advice up there of learning to ignore people for the troll or only for those being trolled?

      Why can't the the troll too ignore people? Why go and disturb others with your wahala in the first place? If 'it' ignore people will it die?

      Until you get an ID and you are being trolled you won't understand. It is easy to give advice when you don't wear the shoes or you are the instigator.

      It is just a blog, it is just a blog, yet people are meeting their spouses here,
      Getting business partners,
      Getting jobs
      Getting financial help
      Making friends
      It is just a blog yet those who comment are flesh and blood and not robots. We can even put a face to their names- some of them.

  31. Good morning SDK and BVs. Blessed day and week πŸ™

  32. Good morning all
    Have a blessed day, week.

  33. Good morning everyone 🀩🀩🀩

    Lesson for life:
    You cannot escape the difficult days.
    You can only learn to live through them. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

    Happy New Week Y'all. Praying Y'all to have a great and wonderful week ahead.

  34. Amen πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™Œ
    Aerobics/ Morning drills

    Beautiful Morning My Blog famZ ❣️
    Wishing everyone a Blissful Day Ahead ❣️🏡️πŸ’•

  35. Please is there a way I can still speak English spre spre, as in to speak unadulterated problem is I was taught English in primary school with Yoruba language, even mathematics was written as isiro , infant all subjects were taught in Yoruba,it was when I entered secondary school that I started speaking small small English πŸ˜₯ even some of our secondary school teachers sef still used Yoruba to teach, now to speak English na war ,I will think of it perfectly in my head but to speak it out go turn to war.i don use Google pronouciation tire. There are some words I know the meaning but to pronounce it ehn. My daughter don dey correct my English for House sef, the other day shey asked if they didn't send me to school ni as she's tired of correcting me, pikin wey I dey pay her school fees o

    1. Make enquiry about adult school in your area and register or get queen primer, start from queen primer one

    2. Humble yourself and learn from her make you still benefit from the school feesπŸ˜„πŸ˜†

    3. Lol@waju abi na, I'll pay for 1 and get 1 free🀣. Anon you no understand,not the queen primer English stuff

    4. but you write well

  36. Rainy morning
    Feel like eating "show" ripe plantain with fried egg dipped in pepper stew and a mug of hot tea sweetened with honey and plenty milk.


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