Stella Dimoko FAQ On Stellas Blog



Thursday, August 03, 2023

FAQ On Stellas Blog

 Ask and you sahll be answered in Jesus name....



  1. Bring on your skin concerns from hyperpigmentation to acne and especially damaged skin. I'll profer solutions and recommend products.

    1. I have recurring sunburn on both sides of my face. This was caused by steroids cream, pls how do i get them off.

    2. I have burns on my chin from beards that I'm somehow addicted to pinching. What can I use to make them disappear?
      I'm female btw.

    3. I have dark circles around my eyes, my mum has, my sister has.
      What can I do about it? I don't use make up, which means I can't hide it

    4. I have dark patches on my thigh and armpits and tried exfoliation and moisturizing and still no improvement. What can I do

    5. Hmmmm #clearsthroat

    6. You can use qei tube cream for dark circle/sun burn on your face for two weeks morning and night. After which you can dis continue

    7. @annon 15:06, will qei tube not bleach and make the place worse?

    8. @sunburn on both sides of the face.
      First stop all lightening creams and soaps. Use cold water to wash your face, apply aloe Vera gel, leave overnight and wash off. Use baby bath soaps or pears transparent soap. Sunscreen should be your face cream for now. Slow route but works.

      If you can afford it, go for dermabrasion sessions. They'll recommend after care products.

    9. I have dark spots all over my face, please what can I use to clear them that won't give me sunburn.

    10. @dark circles under your eyes. There are eye creams that work fine but don't come cheap. It's like hereditary to you but those creams will work. Depending on your budget. Let me know your budget.

    11. I'm 10 weeks gone approaching my 2nd trimester in two weeks to come but I'm still vomiting profusely non stop, no appetite to eat and if I try taking anything no matter how small I will just vomit it out.
      Pls what remedy should I use to control this uncontrollable vomiting, suggestions pls🙏

    12. @dark spots over your face. Check your skin products and eliminate steroids and mercury. Try glytone or amlactin lotion, contains exfoliating acids. Wash with neutrogena. Don't pop your pimples. Drink lot of water daily.

    13. @dark patches on thighs and armpits, what do you think caused it? Or are you on special medication?

    14. @burns on chin from hair growth. Dermabrasion works or regular pro facials.

    15. No, im not on any medication. What i meant to say was my thighs, my underarmpit and back of my neck are way darker than my body and i am fair skinned. Never used bleaching cream and i am on the big side.

    16. My face is darker than other parts of my body, way darker what should I do?

    17. @dark inner thighs and armpits. Resist the temptation to use tube creams and all those in rave soaps and creams. They'll lighten it and dash you stretchmarks. Home remedy of lemon works but takes long time to clear off. Cut lemon into 2, rub on thighs and armpits 30mins before bath and wash off. The creams won't destroy your skin and lighten it are glutamax dark thighs cream and that of Ambi.

    18. @darker face than body. What products are you using on your face and body now? Pls list let me help amend for face. Just note you need special face products and of course sunscreen.

  2. Good Afternoon All, please house , I need ideas on age limit for applying for work visas in European countries, thanks

    1. Wouldn’t the countries set their own limits. This is something that you should be able to research on your own.

  3. Please house wall gecko is really disturbing me in my room , I have done most of the things recommended here yet I still see them. Please can I get other remedies abeg, this is not funny again.

    1. Keep your room Tidy, reduce unnecessary loads. Seal door and window holes. Use insecticide sprays at night and lock doors and windows.

    2. I used to have this issue, an entire family mom and babies would appear at nights, I got tired of caring and they eventually moved on. My room was squeaky clean too. You could spray the room with insecticide

    3. What I did. I made sure there was not space around the doors, nets, windows even the smallest ant can pass through, I blocked every where with even pieces of clothes. Then I got the black sniper the one you can spray and whenever i sight anyone still inside the house, I will spray it directly on the wall gecko and watch it struggle till it dies or I help ex-cute it out of my house while its still struggling

    4. There's a purple insecticide spray called "read the dream ". Its available in every market and supermarket. Spray ebery morning before leaving for work and sweep out the dead geckos by evening. You can also place cassava stems in your apartment. Both works like magic. Check your ceiling, doors and windows for holes. I hate them

  4. At what month can I start giving baby pap??
    Baby food is now over expensive.

    1. Biko wait till month 6, i know it’s not easy cos baby food is so expensive but just try

    2. I know many mothers that started as early as 3mths sha. And not because they were broke. But wait, even if you start at 3mths, aren't you still going to add formula to the pap? Because how else will the baby take the pap?

    3. Buy millet, sorghum and little yellow corn.. Soak and blend together. Sieve it and feed your baby. You will still need to buy baby formula.
      Best advice, exclusive breastfeed your child if you are not working.

  5. Please who knows the price or range for undertakers and casket spinning. I am asking cos we want anyone of the two during my dad’s burial.

  6. Please BVs I want to travel from Abuja to Nasarawa to do my international passport cos that's the only contact I have for express passport(like getting it the same day). But I don't know if it's possible to also get it here in Abuja instead of traveling that distance. Any idea please

    1. Im also in this boat ooo.
      But unlike you,I've got no contacts there. Only learnt it's faster there. Please can you let me into more info,and when you intend going? I also live in Abuja.
      Contact in Abuja IO says looking out for something cheaper mbok.Thanks.

  7. Good afternoon lovelies. Please, can dreams be deceptive? Can the devil manipulate ones dreams or use ones deceased parents to give wrong messages? One what does it mean if you and sister constantly dream of your deceased mother dying all over again?

    1. Dreams can be deceptive and could involve familiar faces i.e people you see everyday.

      Constantly dreaming of your deceased mother is deep and means a lot. I will advise you to engage a strong man of God to unveil the deep meaning behind the dreams. Also pray as well for God to reveal the meaning, add fasting to it and abstain from any distraction. God is the real interpreter of dreams...All the best

    2. Do saara for her. Keep her wishes and warnings.

    3. Definitely dreams can be deceptive at times because the devil is a master manipulator who can use your emotions or prayers requests against you. It not all doors that God opens some the devil opens to trap us.
      For you to not let this deception occur seek the help of the spirit of God (Holy spirit) to help you navigate.
      If you haven’t invited the holy spirit into your lie pls do (check youtube apostle selman has good teachings on the holy spirit)

    4. Yes. Dreams can be very deceptive. The devil is an entity that has existed from the dawn of time and knows everything about humans. If a dream seems out of character or beyond belief and you do not feel it is of God then reject it and rebuke it. Because you dreamed it doesn’t mean it came from you. Evil entities can use suggestions on anyone while they sleep. Remember they do not need sleep, they work even when we are sleeping.

    5. That dream is deep, it is either you and your sister are not doing something right, check your life very well, I don't believe in bloody coincidence.....there is no such thing as co-incidence, You can pray, give alms, fry Akara with palm oil and share, we do this alot in the south, it helps.

    6. Lol it means you love your mum and keep dreaming about her. The end

  8. Good afternoon bvs.
    Please, is Akure is a good place to dwell?
    I would like to know, (even if briefly), good places one live there, cost of accommodation, food, power/electric supply and any other important information.
    Thank you so much.

    1. What will you be doing in akure(I mean work) and what's your income range if you don't mind?
      I grew up in akure and love it. Akure is same and peaceful, its a pretty chill town and you don't need to earn so much to live comfortably there.
      There are areas with good electricity and those with very serious electricity issue.
      Cost of accommodation depends on the area too, there are still 2-3 br flats going for 200-300k in some area, add another 150 to 200k to that amount and you'll get someplace really good.
      Food is not exactly cheap there again, for whatever reason, there's food inflation in ondo state.
      There aren't as much business/job opportunities like in the bigger states so it's a plus if you already have a means of livelihood before settling there.

  9. Is there any mathematics student, postgraduate student, or even lecturer in the house that know maple code in term of numerical methods
    Kindly reply
    I sincerely need help with it.
    Thank you

    1. It is a mathematics software for solving mathematical problem.

  10. what can i use to reduce laugh lines ?

    1. Stop laughing

    2. To reduce laugh lines. Get Aloe Vera gel either natural or package and rub those areas. Also use natural honey day and night. Be patient to see results..

    3. @anon 14:25, 😂🤣 please be nice

    4. Elsewhere, you and I both know that doesn't work. C'mon.

    5. Botox baby, get some doses and be young again. You can actually counter the signs of aging

    6. You and who are you referring to? Instead of giving your own comment. Yours is to counter anything given. Mutula!

  11. XP nwanyioma biko where was that shop you recommended for a genuine hot water flask? I really need one urgently. Thank you ma.

  12. I just got a space at the market and I am confused on what to sell...I would have gone with food stuff but my sister told me the profit margin is small..she advises I sell clothes and palms but i m scared it might tie my money down considering the situation of the country ..pls I will appreciate ur input BTW my capital is 200k

    1. You got a space before thinking of what to sell? Wonderment! I hope the space is free. You first have to consider what others are selling. If it is a place where competition is not accepted etc etc.Then find out what moves in that particular market.
      I wish you well.

    2. Hey you put the cart before the horse. Anything any food moves like a missile. People think of food before clothes...However you have decided this before paying for the shop. All the best

    3. Food ice drinks

    4. Food stuff any day, any time.. People will eat first before cloth. Also, clothes require size, colour. Even slippers.
      By the time you buy few clothes, your capital is gone. What you don't have is what people will be asking.
      Also, wears deals with season and design.. Once the design is out of fashion, you will be dusting clothes and slippers.

      Food stuff is not season based. Egwusi and crayfish doesn't expire.

    5. Also, learn any trade before you start.. Where to get items cheap and how to sell to maximize profits..

    6. I actually had foodstuff in mind

  13. Do people who attend National Open University also go for NYSC?

  14. Please house, how do I download a movie from UC BROWSER
    please I need a step to step guide 🙏
    Thank you!

  15. I’m just wondering the point in getting a mortgage if at the end of the day it’s money to buy food and drinks I’ll still use the appreciated income to buy. Because banks will hold me to ransom for 25 years ooo. Please bvs is it worth it

    1. Yes it is
      What’s the other option you’re considering

    2. Ah for, kuku remain tenant then.

  16. Please I need a recommendation on an NGO that helps with kidney transplant.

  17. I traveled to the US for masters in econs but I see that nursing degree sells more and have decided to get one but I’m scared if I can cope since I’m was never a science student. Just asking if there is anyone who has gone through this🙏

    1. Don't do things because it sells. What do you have passion for? Stop following the bandwagon. Studying Economics is a great one. The world is looking for Business Analysts and great if you add tech on Economics.

      All the best

    2. Do you even have a calling to care for the sick and dying? Money should not be the motivation to enter into a nursing career. Unless you want to go the plastic surgery/med spa route and deal with ppl beautifying themselves.

    3. Honestly I wouldn’t say it’s my calling, it just appears to be the fastest way to get a green card here apart from getting married to a citizen which usually come with plenty headaches. Thanks y’all

    4. Sister go with money
      Go and do nursing
      There are many ways to practice it
      You can go further and be a nurse practitioner
      Also if you find a citizen to marry, go ahead. Your life is not like others. Just do you
      If you can pass for real I’m a Nigerian school, you can pass nursing. Be ready to study
      Also look out for accelerated programs that take a year or 18 months

    5. My dear, do the nursing. The world has changed and passion alone won't pay your bills. You have to put in extra efforts to learn and you will be good.

  18. I saw batwing big alligators in my dream. What does that mean pls

  19. Please what is the best Extract soap I can buy. The one I got is in white pack made in Philippines
    How can I identify the original one?

    1. Papaya extract is very good and the made in Philippines one is the original.

  20. I read an interesting book a long time ago and now I want to search for that book.
    It is a foreign novel where a family adopted a baby unknown to them the baby was evil. The woman was so inloin with the baby that she never believed all what others were saying about the little girl until she killed almost all her family members.Even when the husband asked they return the baby,the wife was ready to divorce him abi she even divorced him. The baby will do all kinds of havoc when alone but will look so innocent when the woman is around.
    Please who knows the novel and the name of the author.
    Thank you.

    1. Could this be "Rosemary 's Baby"?

    2. After all this you still wantu read more??

    3. There are a lot of books on this. If you know the name of one of the characters, it would have helped to know the novel and name of author.

      Only thing in my head is: Orphan Black, Rosemary's baby, The Perfect Child

  21. Please how do I stop mobile from growing in my house and pop. We renovated early this year now mould wants to spoil the pop. I know don’t even know the kind of temptation that Is this one. I know this cold weather And we’ve been looking windows

    1. There might be a leakage in your roof or poor ventilation hence the mould growth. Why not engage a professional to take a look at it.

    2. Locking windows causes heat retention which actually causes mould and damp. I know it's cold but you need to keep you home well ventilated. You can leave the windows open for a few hours and then lock them.

    3. Leaks can also cause mould. Check if there's a pipe or roof leaking anywhere and sort it out

  22. Mother's in the house pls help me ooo. My babies are 5month old this month. They both get tired of their food easily. Their formula doesn't sustained them for too long again so I introduce them to millet, Gini corn, yellow corn and soya bean. They enjoy and love it but now they don't like it again, I don't know what to introduce to me. My mum advice I introduce them to smashed Irish potatoes and egg yoke which I blend together and they love it but is not something I can be giving them always.

    Please help a new mum on the kid of food to give them and secondly my first twin don't like breast milk, what can I do to make him take breast milk

    1. I have twins too.
      I made pap for them with the same ingredients plus groudnut.
      Omo, begin give them proper food.
      Maybe sweet potatoes
      And soup

    2. Kids are like this, constantly changing their tastes. What you give them depends on their age. How old are they?

    3. If he doesn't like breastmilk, he doesn't like breastmilk o
      You can also remove the chaff of beans, really cook it till it's soft soft. Add blend crayfish and g/nut oil.
      Blended quarker oat
      The pap, you can use milk oke time and soya bean at another time. For different tastes

      But they're 5mths o. So be careful sha. Cos of constipation

    4. Give them blood tonic, when hunger fire them, they will eat whatever you give them. Talking from experience.

    5. Thank you guys. I will try your suggestions

    6. How will you give a baby blood tonic???? Gosh!

  23. Please can I get this book"Gulliver's Troubles:Nigeria Foreign Policy Since the Cold War edited by Adekeye Adebajo and Abdul Raufu Mustapha. Link me up with any book vendor selling it. Help me get this book.Thanks.

  24. Please can I get this book"Gulliver's Troubles:Nigeria Foreign Policy Since the Cold War edited by Adekeye Adebajo and Abdul Raufu Mustapha. Link me up with any book vendor selling it. Help me get this book @Martins and others.Thanks.

  25. My 16yrs cousin came for holidays in my house. She called me last night to say she entered kitchen and noticed the table top cooking gas glass has broken. According to her, the glass was intact when she was cooking. Only to see it broken after 2 hours.. Please what will have caused it. Can the gas still be used. It's a tharmcool table top two burner. I bought it last year. I am even afraid to light it since last night

    1. Don’t use it like that

    2. It happens most times. It has expired. You have to get a new one

    3. Thank God it didn't cause accident,don't buy table top with glass again. It doesnt last and it is not safe

  26. Hello my people

    I have the worst dandruff ever in my life.
    I don’t know what to do.
    I can’t even make braids again cos it appears immediately
    Please what can I do?

  27. Is it 365 days abi what? Is this a soft porn or what? There is no plot, acting is trash but the sex.

    Anon on SP post, ask your hubby to watch 365 days. This is how husband should give it to their wives.

    By the way, this movie is for married couples that are together. Don't go and watch it and start committing fornication with one random human being. The pleasure of sex will fade away after you cum but the effect of sex won't. HIV, Hepatitis, Syphilis e.t,c and pregnancy. Both of you will do the do, na only you go carry the belle.

    I have done my civic duty for today. See ya.

    Stella honeybee, bring the boxing ring post. It is long overdue. I want to box Princess Dante, he briefly stopped taking his drugs again.

    Where is Cookie?
    Where is XP

    Love you all. Stay fresh and strong. Pray until something happens.
    Teejay , stop fornicating, sex is not food. Eat cucumber, avocado pear, eggs and prepare for your wedding night.


  28. Is yaji mixed with maggi?
    Can anyone share their home made yaji recipe.

    1. The yaji they made for me at ketu Market last year had no seasoning powder/cubes, just different spice.

    2. Yes, many even use the white seasoning. You can get the yayi recipes on youtube

  29. Please, what are the effects of Hawaii premium gold soap, is it a lightening or a whitening soap?

  30. I am looking older than my real age. Pls what cream or supplement can I use to reduce wrinkles.


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