Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Sunday, August 13, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



This is going to be a long read and I know that not everyone would be able to read through it but I sincerely plead that at your free time please take a sit and read through this.

 I want to share things I’ve held inside for 29 years, I feel a dark empty hole in me as i live through my pain this hole keeps getting deeper and darker I maybe unable to continue living. I’m putting this out here as my last cry for help because irrespective of how badly I want to end my life I know deep down I’m not tired of living I’m just tired of living like this.

On the 5th of August 2023 a lady posted a chronicle about how things doesn’t work out for her in life and I read through a lot of comments that advised her to take things easy and to stop believing her problem is spiritual. That post has prompted me to share my story maybe I’ll get help in the comment section.

Ever since I was a child I’ve always been hated and disliked it doesn’t matter how good I am, it doesn’t matter how nice I am to strangers, colleagues, friends,lovers, family they always end up hating and plotting against me.While growing up I had a severe skin condition and nobody knew what it was I was severely bullied in school and I suffered severe child abuse in the hands of my parents.

 I would go to school and pupils will avoid sitting close to me , nobody spoke to me, my neighbors children whom I was friends with avoided and pretended they didn’t know me, I was flogged and mocked by soldiers (I went to command secondary school ), bullied by classmates until I started hiding in the wardrobe when my mum think I’ve left for school our maid would help me sneak into the wardrobe and I’d be in the wardrobe for hours when it’s school closing time the maid will help sneak me out.

 For reasons I don’t know my mother despised me so much she would flog me till I faint and still flog my fainted body, I would be asked to sleep in the bathroom floor as punishment, my mum and dad will countlessly tell me how they would prefer for me to die so they would bury me after all they had 3 other daughters in other to make this post shorter I’ll have to cut some parts but I went through a lot of pain. During this period I was a sad and depressed child before I ever knew the meaning of depression. 

At the age of 14 I ran away from home with nothing on me I don’t know how it happened but I walked a long distance and fainted about 12 steps away from my family hospital I was rushed into the hospital by a Good Samaritan that saw me lying on the road and my family was contacted. My mum came to the hospital raining curses on me and saying she would have preferred it if I was dead but my dad was gentle and I returned home. Note that this was my biological mother yes I’m sure of it well home became unbearable for me to the extent I started to wish my mother death because everyday she returns from work my heart skips immediately I hear her voice because I knew I would be beaten up and physically abused during this period I believed I didn’t deserve love or happiness I had no self confidence or self esteem . 

As I grew up my skin condition started to disappear on it’s own but left a lot of scars on my skin from neck to toe the only way to battle this was to use skin lightening products, due to my change in appearance my confidence started to build up and I started dressing better. This is just a sneak peak of what my childhood was like but it was much more painful and disheartening than what I’ve narrated above back to my story.

I got into the university and I decided to be different from the young damaged and broken girl that left home I took on a different personality ( I was more outspoken, made sure I looked good and even made friends) I was the most popular female in the entire university but even with this new personality boost I was still the same old broken person. Apart from my friends I rarely interacted with my course mates , room mates etc I was usually quiet and I liked to be on my own I could spend months in my room without going to class just because I didn’t want to interact with people but irrespective of how gentle , always on my lane and calm I was people hated me for no reason in school. 

The only people I could rely on were my friends until the day I caught my best friend sleeping with my boyfriend I asked her to leave the house and she returned to school and told a lie that she caught me sleeping with her boyfriend. I returned to school and my entire friends had turned against me , my name had gone round the entire school that I was a boy friend snatcher, I walked into the hostel and hundreds of students would be screaming boy friend snatcher boy friend snatcher, people avoided sitting next to me in the exam halls. I had nobody at all the tell my own side of the story because I had only interacted mostly with my group of friends I had no course mate, room mates or anyone at all to ask me for my own side of the story so I said nothing and I continued to bear the pain during this period but the pain became unbearable for me I had broken up with my boyfriend after I caught him with her so I decided to take 2 days out of school to go spend sometime with someone I had been chatting with on Facebook for a year prior to this moment well on getting to the location I was taken to the bush i got robbed ,physically assaulted and brutally raped -

My rapist kept saying my pussy is dry that he will rape me till I cum; I was raped in the bush for over 3 hours I know I deserve to be blamed for this encounter because I trusted a Facebook friend but the only way I could truly connect with people was online because I had suffered severe child abuse which made me unable to connect with people physically and I trusted the person I was chatting with but he said he would send his driver to pick me from the park unknowingly to me the said driver was a scammer who specialized in running fake Facebook accounts to attract women whom he drove to the bush to kill , rape and steal from. 

My rapist said the only reason he left me alive was because when he picked me form the park I had told him the name of my hometown and coincidentally he was from the same place :his conscience won’t allow him sell the body parts of his town sister. After this encounter I never spoke to a soul about it until this post I buried it deep down and continued with life I was alone no friends, no bond with family etc during my childhood and my transition into adulthood I had never ever smiled or laughed I mean as a human being I had never smiled or laughed but I continued with my life. 

After graduating I got a job at a bank I was hated and despised in my office I would hear so many terrible lies about myself I couldn’t understand what I ever did wrong to deserve it and it was usually the people closest to me that would always plot against me so I left the job and I resumed at a new place. At the new place I noticed the same thing I was hated and despised by my colleagues, I wasn’t invited to gatherings, my branch manager was always making a request to the head office to get me sacked that he can’t tolerate me in his branch but I kept enduring all this until juju was used to make me have a severe ailment I don’t want to go into details so my ex colleagues won’t be able to decode this if they come across this chronicle after this I lost the job again and got another job I started to think maybe I was been disliked in my previous organizations because I keep to myself ( people always assume people who keep to themselves are proud and feeling too big so they end up hating the person without knowing their story)

444444 I made a conscious effort to connect with every single colleague in my new work place, I had a very good rapport with them one would have guessed we were all one big family but the exact same thing started again people ganged up against me , my own friends/colleagues were advocating for me to be sacked, my boss picked on me and frustrated all my efforts, my colleagues would be so nice to face but they’ll say so many terrible things about me behind me , people were anonymously sending mails to the HR department stating that I should be sacked, my female colleagues would be secretly competing with me i started to hear a whole lot of things “ them say, this one said, that one said , she said , he said etc people will gather and slander my name then come to me to say this one said later another one will come and say that one said. I’ll be 29 on the 12th of august for the past 28 years of my life I have never ever received a birthday gift,I’ve never spent my birthday on a date neither have I ever had a man to spend the day with. 

Every 12th of august every year I spend it in my bed all alone and In my poll of tears to be honest tears is all I’ve truly ever known I have cried every day of my life but I can count with my fingers how many times I’ve ever felt truly happy. I met responsible well to do men but along the line in the relationship they’ll suddenly hate me and start to mistreat me in the beginning I chose to stay in this painful relationships even tho I was been verbally and emotionally abused I would do everything within my strength to stay because I was afraid to be alone I was afraid to be left alone because all my life I have been alone but it didn’t matter how much of a good woman I was I was always maltreated so I started speaking up for myself I’d try to have them see why and how they are treating me wrongly they’ll say I’m nagging and break up with me. I started to wake up I started to notice that this was a pattern

The funny thing is this men would break up with me but they’ll always come back they’ll say I’m a good woman that my kind is rare they’ll say they want to do better but when we give it another trial the same thing repeats itself. I started to pray harder than ever but I started attracting men that are either divorced, previously engaged, left by their previous partner and no matter how nice the man appears to be I always end up finding out why their previous wife, fiancée, girlfriend jilted them I always find out the hard way why other women ran for their lives.

I started to notice that all this was a pattern in my life I started to think deeper and I began to realize something is terribly wrong with me. Ever since I was a kid I’ve had some sort of clairvoyant ability I’ll give some examples my friend had a call and before she picked my mind has already told me what the caller would say even tho I don’t know the caller, no matter how nice a person is to my face I can feel it that they don’t mean me well when I’m around them and I always end up finding out that they said or did something bad behind me, if I think of someone even if I’ve not spoken to them in 6 years they’ll call me immediately I think of them, if I wish for something it always comes to pass but doesn’t last , the was one time my friend came to spend the night with me at midnight my mind told me to ask my friend to leave my room I tried so hard to fight the feeling off but it didn’t let me sleep until I woke her up to go to her house she was shocked but she left immediately 

she left my mind asked me to call her house mate I called her house mate at midnight the lady was surprised because we are not close neither do we speak to each other I just told her my spirit asked me to call her but I don’t know why that’s when she informed me that my friend stole something and was caught but when my friend was caught she told them that I was the one that convinced her to steal it I cried bitterly and proceeded to their apartment and I showed them the chat I had with my friend a day before where my friend stated that she had spoilt her roommate’s stuff and she didn’t have money to replace it so I told her I’d dash her 25k to add to what she has to replace it because she said her roommate insists she replaces it that was when the roommate and her friends started pleading with me to forgive them that they had already announced it to our shared acquaintances that I was a thief unknowingly to me I never knew that what my friend stole was what she told me she spoilt and I was even tried to help her replace. 

There are other instances where I dream about a man I’m dating hurting me and he hurts me in real life, I dreamt about losing my phone and I lose it in real life, I dreamt about a long ago love interest dating a friend presently and I find out they are dating in real life , I dream about a love interest fathering a child and I find out in real life he impregnated 3 women at the same time. 

One time when I sit my mind will tell me “ move your leg a snake will bite you” I’m standing “ my mind will tell me move your leg a snake will bite you” this happened for days I literally thought I was just being stupid until one day my kid sister woke up crying we rushed to her and asked her what was wrong she said she dreamt that I wanted to go out and I put my hand to pull out the cloth I wanted to wear out from the wardrobe and I was bitten by a snake that morning I truly wanted to go out so I asked my sister to come to the wardrobe and point out the cloth she saw me picking in her dream and she pointed out the exact cloth I wanted to wear out that morning. the was a time I was praying and my mind told me to immediately step out of my house the was no light I closed my door and noticed something black on my door handle

 I wanted to remove it with my hand but my instincts told me to use my phone torch behold the was a snake right there on my door handle pls note that the event with my sisters dream and the event about the snake on my door handle happened about 6 years apart I’m just trying to point out few weird things that has happened around me. When I was in the university I woke up one night I was unable to stand or move (sleep paralysis) I tried to speak the word Jesus but I couldn’t so I said Jesus in my mind and I was immediately released I stood up and the was a man on white garment staring at me I looked at him and I said to myself but I locked this door before sleeping who is this man and how did he get in here but I couldn’t speak I picked up something from my bed side and dropped it on the table afterwards I returned back to sleep and covered my body with my blanket 

In the morning I immediately called my mum ( we are now best of friends she is trying to make up for what she did in the past) and narrated my dream to her I had assumed what happened the previous night was a dream because I couldn’t really tell if it was real or a dream when I woke up but after the conversation I noticed what I picked from my bed side and kept on the table was still on the table that’s when I realized what happened was real.

 The was a time I was lying down and pressing my phone and I saw a shadow on the wall I thought it was my shadow until I realized the shadow had a different hair style from mine ( I was on all back and the shadow looked like it had its hair packed up) I stood up immediately and started praying and it stopped, some times I hear strange sounds around my house, whispers of female conversations when I lay my head on the pillow and it feels like the voices are coming from the pillow, strange laughter on the window. I had strange dreams of men wearing Igbo chief regalia’s asking me to sit with them that I’m one of them but in the dream I reject it and say I will sit alone rather than sit with them.

 I had strange dreams of always finding myself running from occult looking things and gathering I always run or fight and defeat them in my dreams, I dream and see myself in a school running for my life but when I open the door to run out I’ll see an ocean of water, I’ve dreamt of been in a pool with thousands of snakes and I swim in it, I’ve dreamt of being in a water side and I was shown the queen of the water but immediately I looked at her people started running around saying the queen was dead, I’ve dreamt of being in a real shrine I was tied up but in the dream I stood from where I was tied and I loosened it up a native doctor looking lady said I should tie myself back or she will kill my family I looked up and saw my family members tied up too and I quietly knelt down and tied myself back up.

 I once dreamt of myself standing in front of a very big ocean I mean a very big one and standing on the other side of the ocean was a very big Catholic Church with a big statue of mary and a pregnant woman praying to Mary in the church in the dream I was standing at a distance but I could feel that the pregnant woman praying was me I’ve had so many of this instances so I spoke to someone and she told me she was having spiritual issues and she has contacted an “ Ezewanyi” for the none igbos ( Ezewanyi are native doctors that specialize in water dieties etc) I was very skeptical about going with her because I’m a prayerful person and I genuinely love God but after she made several attempts to convince me to go I went with her immediately she saw me she asked me to look into her eyes and when I did she called me “ Ezewanyi e be mu” which means “ my fellow Ezewanyi” note that i didn’t tell her anything about me not even my name I was shocked and I asked her what does she mean she said I have the calling to me an ezewanyi that the water spirits have tried to come to me but I keep fighting them off she said I’m a very strong person spiritually and I’ve single-handedly fought over the power of darkness and this water entities have said that since I have refused to answer my calling or go to my river to appease them that they will cause me pain at every angle of my life. 

To be honest I called her bullshit and I didn’t believe a word she said even though I knew I’ve had strange experiences but I just couldn’t believe how someone like me who hates the things of darkness or anything related to satan would be a “ water entity” but weirdly 3 days later I went to a cosmetic store to get skin products and a shop attendant asked me “ do you know who you are” I didn’t quite understand him so I didn’t respond he asked me again “ Don’t I know who I was ? I’m a very strong person in the spiritual realm” i quietly left his shop and forgot about this whole event and moved on with my life with God. 

I got into a relationship recently a very healthy relationship with a sweet and kind man he was so happy to have me in his life it literally looked like a fairy tale but the moment he proposed to me it started again the sudden hatred, the maltreatment, the verbal and severe emotional abuse it got so bad that he started to say I’m a good person and he doesn’t understand why everything was going as it was so he consulted a pastor who told him I have a good soul and I’m a child of destiny who has been given spiritual gifts from God but I’m starting to lose my powers but the problem is I have serious spiritual problems and I must appease it that this entities have said let them see how I will marry in life etc the dude tried to convince me to go to the river to appease whatever so we can marry easily I refused and he broke it off with me.

 Truly like the pastor said I have lost my ability to see in the dream this days I go to sleep and I wake up unable to recall the slightest details of my dreams, I had to resign from my office after only 4 month of working there because 

I started suffering from severe panic and anxiety attack I started to feel like an outcast at work due to the severe hate and bully I faced. I’m at home now with no job, no relationship, rent would be due in a few months, no friends, no neighbors (I live alone in my compound) I’m all alone , I’m beginning to have severe mental illness please note I’m not running mad or anything like that I’m very sound but I’m beginning to have severe nervous breakdown,anxiety and panic attacks, depression,suicidal thoughts,inability to want to go on with life , severe ptsd from my life experiences. I’m slowly loosing my ability to remember things, I have thousands of thought’s running through my head at the same time, I’m in so much pain in all my story the only thing that changed in my life is my appearance I look so good that both men and women drool and most women envy me they think my life is perfect but all my life I’ve been moving in a circle.

 I forgot to mention 2 of the jobs I lost in the past I lost them they exact day I resumed let’s say I resumed 1st July 2010 on the 1st of July 2011 I would be sacked. I have prayed I have cried , I have gone to mfm, I have done nsppd, I thought we are God’s children even if truly I have a foundational connection with a water entity that I know nothing about I thought God said if we open our heart he will come into us? I thought he said as long as we acknowledge him as our God he will be there for us? 

I know God loves me I have seen his manifestation in my life no matter how tiny , they are days I prayed and I got what I prayed for exactly as I requested, the was a day I cooked something by 7pm and I woke up by 2am with smoke everywhere in my house I ran to the kitchen and my gas was off I don’t mean water spilled on it and the fire went off I mean the On/Off switch was turned off and I live alone in my entire compound , I was praying and God asked me to step out of my house if I didn’t do it at that time that snake would have gotten into my apartment and hide somewhere and maybe there for a while. 

I was listening to a sermon of pastor joshua selman and I dozed off immediately a hand tapped me to wake up. The power to fight of supernatural dark forces in my dream is from God so all this has made me believe he loved me, But I’m beginning to see my life moves in a circle I’m not heading forward or backwards I’m just running in a circle and a person who runs in a circle is heading nowhere. I’m in a lot of pain mentally I’m literally losing my mind I’ve endured so much pain in life without speaking to a soul about it I admit I need therapy and I tried to get one but unfortunately Nigerian therapy is very expensive. 

Someone please help me I don’t want to die I can feel myself drawing very close to the day I pick up a bottle of sniper. I’ve never felt loved , wanted , happy, I’ve never genuinely smiled because for anything that ever happened in my life that deserved to make me happy only made me scared because good things doesn’t last In my life when anything good happens to me I’m still sad because I’m afraid it’s going to disappear as quickly as it came and it always ends up disappearing.

 I honestly can’t go on like this what do I do? I don’t want to go to any river with fanta and fowl I don’t believe In such things neither do I want to be connected to such things but I feel totally abandoned by God. He has allowed me be put to shame , he has watched me cry everyday for the past 29 years of my life , he has allowed my enemies gather to say finally we have gotten her. God why have you forsaken me? 

I’m dying slowly inside everyday I lose a part of me every day I’m not perfect but I’m honestly a genuinely good person because I endured a lot of pain alone I’m always there for people I’m always the one the few friends I had would run to for advice, to cry to, to rejoice with, to carry their burden and I always did diligently but I even went cold on them because I was carrying too many problems, I’m the one that settle relationships, gives advices, cheer them up when they are down but nobody I mean nobody have ever asked if I was okay?

 Even when I try to speak to them they cut me short and continue talking about their own problems. I give my all when I’m in love because I never got any love in life so I try to give the love I was never given but no matter what at the end I’m here now crying bitterly as I type this with no single soul to speak to. I carry so much weight inside I don’t how long I can go on let someone pls save me.


  1. Ooh dear , oh dear , oh dear . This was hard . Extremely sorry darling. No words . Feels like I don’t have any problem reading this because damn

    1. This is so sad to read but I'll encourage you to keep praying, it may seem as if it is not working but be assured that every pray sincere prayer you utter works. I love you and Jesus loves much more

    2. Dear poster,
      First of all E hugs
      The devil is real, and since he exists there’s a God who is GREATER, they are trying to make you give up, but you have to hold on, you’d get anxiety because your mind is not at peace.

      Watch the exorcism of Emily rose, sometimes things happen to let other know we are in a battle between God and evil, I won’t advice you to take any sacrifice anywhere cus Jesus is all I know and trust.
      It’s better you die doing the right thing than live a little doing what is wrong.
      God loves you, but the way we expect Gods love is different from how He loves, we expect a reward for doing good and Him to push us away for doing wrong, we are used to the earthly kind of fathers love but He has told you nothing can separate you from His love, not demons or even angels.
      I think you should listen to @dahter on ig, you’d understand what I mean, we are only on earth for a time, let’s do what is expected of us.

      I have a feeling you were offered and dedicated, your bloodline had a covenant that keeps calling out for you, but the Bible says “the Blood of Jesus speaks better things…”

      Keep up with Nsppd, I know the testimonies and deliverance I have received, and hope you don’t fornicate in all your so called relationships.
      Instead of being called by them, surrender and be called by God, do His well, preach His word, win souls for Him, focus more on what you can do for Him than what he should do for you. He will never leave no forsake you. Always read your Bible.

      Your story sounds like a novel, maybe reach out to publishers… I know there’s a bigger picture and a bigger testimony
      Just hold on.
      Please don’t listen to anyone that tells you it’s your traditional calling, God doesn’t force us, so that’s how you’d know it’s bondage, something that punishes you for not choosing it… even God gave us choice/ free will

      Push up (original)

    3. Push up, I tend to believe your third paragraph. She was born into this battle just as Jabez was born into what his mother proclaimed on him. It's a pity her close family members couldn't fight for her.
      Poster, you will survive this and share a testimony, you've been through a lot. I pray that God visits your life and your foundation to correct every ill.

    4. Dear poster, I’ll advise you to begin to worship God at midnight. At least 1 hour between 12am and 1am, every night. Nothing moves God like worship, He’ll come and dwell in your worship. You must have the “though He slay me, yet will I serve Him” mindset. Don’t complain, make requests or go in with any expectations. Just go to His presence every night acknowledging Him for who He is, that’s all. Do this and you’ll see astonishing results almost immediately. Who born devil?!?!

    5. Poster this is my 3rd comment on your post visit Zion ministry on onyebuchi Avenue okota in Ago palace way , Lagos. The 100 days prayer and fasting is ongoing, Evang. Chukwebuka Anozie Obi is an anointed man of God that handles all spiritual issues, the last week of the 100 days is from 21st of August to 27th 2023 . You can join the fasting now is never too late. You can also visit the ground now to lay your problem at the feet of Jesus Christ and the blessed Virgin Mary. Their statue s are there just go there and touch the statues and pray, you can buy the seraphic water oil and handkerchief and be using it. Try and attend the last week programme of the fasting and prayer and your life will never remain the same. God loves you. Suicide is not an option.

    6. My dear Poster, pick up the Bible and read for yourself! Deliverance is DIY! You are a chosen one, but there is strong covenant with the marine Kingdom!Focus on the Word day in and out! Follow Olukoya online, for deliverances , listen to Pastor Chris for the Word; then look for any winner's Church to attend around you! Take their communion in church! Take communion every day Gal3:13 ,1 John 5:6-8; cleanse yourself and your environment daily with your oil, blood(communion ) and water.
      Until you see a change ; where a man courts you without fornication! Stay away from men and marriage. I hope this helps.

    7. If she likes let her visit all the powerful churches in this world, she will get delivered but the spirit will come back latter in life even worse. The only thing that assures permanent deliverance is a one on one relationship with the Father in heaven coupled with studying the word to know God better by yourself. The word of God will build your faith in the power that Jesus carries

    8. Poster dont go to any church!!!
      Never you go to any pastor, 99% of them are business men who will tripple your sorrow.
      Don't buy any so called anointed kini kan hanky or tissue or water. All arrant balderdash. Business techniques to fleece the 'sheep.'
      Also, would you consider relocation? There are scholarship opportunities, express route etc you can consider.
      Being away from terrible reminders and triggers can help.
      Did you find out why your parents were so harsh in treating you? You need to do a bit a tracing. A lot of foundational problems are with parents.
      Said a genuine prayer for you. Don't give up.
      You WILL WIN this!

    9. Poster I think u have psychiatric issues or at the Very least heavy psychological issues that are affecting u negatively. Everyone where u go cannot hate u. U must be unconsciously doing something to put people off. Pls try and find professional help. Good luck

    10. Why don't you try becoming a pastor for real? Like dedicate yourself Totally and Thoroughly to God? Join a real Ministry and dedicate yourself completely.

  2. What kind of environment are you in?
    Your belief and fear is affecting your thinking. Everything is not spiritual. You are surrounded by toxic people that couldn't see the best in you, why you think something is wrong with you. The moment you leave that environment to a better or safer place,you will feel new

  3. What kind of environment are you in?
    Your belief and fear is affecting your thinking. Everything is not spiritual. You are surrounded by toxic people that couldn't see the best in you, why you think something is wrong with you. The moment you leave that environment to a better or safer place,you will feel new

    1. Gbam. Poster get the hell out of that environment

    2. This actually sounds spiritual. She has changed environment several times and it keeps happening. I will not be afraid to suspect her mother tho

    3. She has had this pattern from secondary school, university till now, it's not environment abeg. Poster, maybe you need to ask your mum some deep questions oh.

    4. Her case is not environmentally induced. This is deep marine witchcraft covenant. Marine witchcraft is a stubborn entity that can't go without constant and intense prayers with the word of God.
      You need the word in you and pray with the word. Don't give up no matter their threats and attacks. Continue praying and keep joining Nsppd. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you on the right prayers to do.....

    5. Poster, at this juncture, your parents esp your mother needs to open up to you. Can you travel to your parents' house, let them read this.

      If I say your case is an urgent case, what about Lazarus? Jesus didn't come on time, but He still raised from the dead/grave.
      Big spiritual battle and only a genuine man of God that fears and believe God's wonders can help you.

      Don't stay alone, travel to your family house asap. You can't do it alone. 7 days fasting and prayers (self deliverance midnight night).

      Mao Akuh

    6. You can listen to messages from A pose Joshua Selman and pray with them as well. He has some messages on family patterns and how to overcome them with the blood.

  4. What kind of environment are you in?
    Your belief and fear is affecting your thinking. Everything is not spiritual. You are surrounded by toxic people that couldn't see the best in you, why you think something is wrong with you. The moment you leave that environment to a better or safer place,you will feel new

  5. Go on and accept your calling.


  6. Give to Cesear what belongs to Cesear. I think you should settle the water spirit.

    1. Poster pls stay on that NSPPD altar and don’t give up like Jacob until God settles you. You’re believing a lie that He has forgotten you
      Don’t give up on God. Talk to Him more. Don’t even wait for any program. Keep talking to Him. He is your loving Father. Don’t give up on God darling. He must sort you


    2. Nope, poster hold on to God tightly, don't give up and don't succumb to the temptation ti go traditional.
      There's no other name higher than the name of Jesus in heaven and on earth, just stay connected and deeply root yourself in a bible believing church, surround yourself with only positive thoughts, play only gospel, uplifting music/podcasts/declaration and affirmations before going to bed.
      That chain will be broken, you are at the verge of victory, please don't give up.

  7. Very painful read. I have never been with a man in my life, then somewhere, ‘i caught my friend sleeping with my boy friend’. So much more.
    In all, may God make it easy for you. Amin🙏🏼

    1. Plus ‘I have never been loved’ then somewhere, ‘I was in a healthy relationship’.
      Very sad read

    2. What I meant is I’ve never been loved or I could say I’ve never felt loved. I never stated I’ve never been with a man. I get into relationships and they treat me nicely but after a while they start to treat me with so much hatred. What I shared up there is a tiny glimpse of my life ordeal, Someone stated that I need to leave my environment because it’s toxic. To that poster I have left countless environments I’ve moved from one city to another irrespective of where I am this situation continues to follow me.

    3. Poster, i know what you are going through because I experienced it for years. I don't think you
      prayed and fasted more than i did.
      I was completely pure. No boyfriend, no sex but all that didn't save me until i did the sacrifice.
      In fact, as an Ezenwanyi, you will be visiting water from time to time until the end of your life.
      Your water people know you now know the truth because you have been told but you want to do strong head.
      They are going to intensify your suffering. Stop listening to people who don't know anything about the spiritual world.
      Follow my advice and come back and say thank you,ma.
      Don't worry, the water spirits don't hate you. They are angry you refused to recognise them.

    4. You need to constantly be in Gods presence, rooted in one specific church (I suggest MFM HDQ, Dunamis HDQ or Koinonial) and possibly get hands laid on you by Dr Olukoya or Apostle Joshua Selman or Dr Paul Enenche. Because with those demonic encounters you had you cant do it on your own you need a higher anointing. Also online prayers or going for church program just once wont help thats why i said you should be rooted in place.

    5. Poster, stand on Jer 32:27
      Is there anything too hard for God to do?
      Go into everyday mid night praise from 12-1 ( the battle is the Lord's, just praise God and let him fight for you)
      Also spend quality time reding the word of God and let it be the food of your soul and spirit.
      God will see you through.
      Always declare Gal 3:13, Col 2:14&15 and col 1: 13.

    6. You see your problem? You spent a lot of time praying and fasting. You don't need all that for you to get delivered. You think your fasting can change anything if you don't have deep knowledge of the word of God? If you really know how Jesus works after His death and resurrection you won't spend time fasting and casting and binding. He will just be there looking at your ignorant self. You didn't even study the scriptures, you only focused on fasting and praying.

    7. She should read the whole book of Isaiah and Jeremiah, revelation, colothians, thessalonians, Timothy, tutus, philimon Hebrews,James ,Peter Johns , Jude. Dedicate time to read them and study them.

  8. I am speechless with all you wrote up there, may God come true for you.

  9. Immediately I started reading this i knew you were an Ezenwanyi. Better go and appease your water people so you can enjoy your life.
    I am also an Ezenwanyi so I understand.
    Your mother doesn't really hate you, even your colleagues don't hate you.
    It's your ndi otu, that is , your spiritual friends causing hatred in your life.
    Look, if you like go and live inside church, fast everyday etc, you will continue to suffer unless you settle your ndi otu.
    Accept your calling.
    I am a well educated and exposed lady but i dey go greet my people for water.
    If you look me, i look you back.
    Proudly Ezenwanyi.

    1. You said what 😏😏🤣🤣

    2. This is my entire story i front of me. As for me i'd rather go through it than settling ant demonic water spirit. Yehushua Hamashiach did not die and rose in vain for me.

    3. Agent of darkness you said what pls don't listen to this advice ,go back to mfm or any deliverance church explain all these or mercyland in warri or iginla in Abuja pls you need help and will be deliver in Jesus name

    4. Anon 15:32, I used to think this was an issue but as I'm growing older, I'm having a change of heart. Poster, I think you should settle them oh, this world is very deep, even the church people might start having issues with you as you go there to pray.

      Seek a good spiritual person (not those doing jazz against people) but a traditionalist to put you through. You mustn't be an ezenwanyi but acknowledge and settle them so you can enjoy your life.

    5. Goke, you are the one who is an agent of darkness.
      You have no solution for her , yet you dare abuse the one who proffered the true solution.
      Poster, I guarantee you that you will still go the water and do the sacrifice.
      I don't think you prayed and fasted more than I did.
      You are just 29. Continue praying and fasting. Your eyes will clear when you reach 50.

    6. @ 15:32 you are liar from the pit of hell. I had the same issue of marine dedication and bloodline! When I did all those fake deliverances, it will onlygive me space for like 5 years, then it will start again! Poster don't use this advise!
      Give the marine kingdom fire 🔥 for fire! Not about NSPPD and Joshua Selma! Find God for yourself! Read his word! Follow mfm online, follow pastor Chris, follow Oyedepo! Attend winners ,catholic or baptist or even Christ Embassy, where they do communion monthly! Get communion for yourself and take it daily and sanitize your environment with it. Live a Holy life. That's all. Gradually evil will fade away from your life.Shalom

    7. Poster Jesus is the only solution. Don't meet any pastor. Someone is even mentioning mercy land of all churches. Abeg o. Get directly connected with Jesus Christ please. Jesus Christ has paid the price one and for all the we may be save only through Him. How are you sure that those pastors that you meet to lay hands on you are living a holly life? You can only vouch for your self and now for any pastor. You only need people who will explain the teachings in the scriptures not people who will deliver. Jesus Christ will deliver you through His word in your heart please.

  10. Please go on permanent 12 midnight prayers, praise and worship to God and help the poor around you, read psalms and God will deliver you. It’s only God that can save you from all these long epistle. It’s a no brainer. God will send you help while you’re at it.

    1. Permanent ke?

    2. 17:54🤣🤣🤣🤣 that kind stress.

    3. Yes, she needs to be on constant and permanent midnight prayer. That's how she can get relief. Use isaiah 49 vs 24-26. God will deliver you. Don't do any sacrifice. Your whole trust should be on God...

  11. Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus...
    What God can not do does not exist
    NSPPD 7amfireprayers

  12. My God,I pray God comes through for u,am just speechless.😞😞

  13. Poster, the first thing I would say to you wouldn't be "sorry" and there are many reasons for that. Let me say that I totally agree that your problem is deeply spiritual. As "hated" as you are, your parents sent you to school, you've got jobs and changed jobs, you've dated severally and you live "comfortably". I'm assuming you live in Nigeria because of your ezenwayin narrative as the Nigerian situation/reality for many isn't a secret.

    Now to your "problem". I have read different books about religion and different practice and I believe you are a reincarnation of one of your ancestors. Even the bible furthered my belief in reincarnation but that is story for another day. I wish I could totally blow my anonymous cover and have a sit-down with you just so you can smile genuinely. When Elijah reincarnated as Jesus's cousin, John the baptist, it didn't save him from suffering and persecution. Jesus said there was no one to be compared with John amongst those born of women; yet, that man died unjustly with all that glory. The same WORD of God that reincarnated as our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ suffered severe rejection, persecution, false accusations and even a horrible death.

    What then is the solution? I am happy to tell you that you and anyone can have a new "destiny" in Christ because of his ultimate sacrifice. Many people have bought countless plastic chairs, bathed in several rivers, done multiple "deliverance" sessions to separate them from water spirits, spirit husband or other spirits to no avail. Some of them (if they choose to be honest) will confirm this. Let me post this and continue below so that it doesn't fail due to the long length.

    1. Reincarnation in bible. Okay o

    2. @17:55: Please read Matthew 17: 1-13. Jesus (not Amebonawork) told his 3 disciples who witnessed his transfiguration that Elijah reincarnated as John the Baptist. If it is NOT in your own Bible, please throw it away or call me out. Shalom.

  14. This got me teary I won't lie, this is too much for one person to go through, may The Lord come through for you. Iam going to say it exactly how it is, you are a water goddess and a seer, you just don't know it yet, very powerful, if only you know how to use your powers. Nevertheless I'd you can engage in white fast often for 7 days without tasting sugar or salt, you will be liberated, you also have a spirit husband, iam speaking mystically now, you are a very powerful queen but you need to be very close to God in order to fulfill your destiny.
    You still.need to go for deliverance, this time try white fast for 7 days, God will show you something, I wish you all the best 🤗

    1. How did you arrive at the conclusion that she is a water goddesses? People with special gifts always face serious life's challenges because the devil won't rest until they make these kind of people to loose focus in God

  15. Please do not settle with any spirit or force. There is salvation in Christ Jesus, not a church but genuine encounter with Christ.
    I wish I could contact you and share materials that can help. (Scriptures and teachings).
    There is power in the blood of Jesus, you don't even need any pastor to pray for you.

    All you need is the scriptures and an encounter with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead and set him far above all principality and power.

    True freedom is in Christ and free of charge....

    1. Oshey!!!

      The way some of you think and believe this life revolves around Christianity alone is so alarming. You think poster haven't been praying all along or what? Christianity has that power and Nigeria have been in mess for way too long and the prayers of all the Christians and pastors scatter all over Nigeria haven't done a thing to savage it.

      The same Christianity your pastors will tell you to go and bring sand in your villages and you would wonder what it is for.

      My dear there are some foundational/ ancestral problems not even praying and fasting can solve unless you go back to the route. I can't type lengthy now else I would have share exactly this same occurrence on someone I know and how it was handled.

      Some of you think everything centers all around Christian religion alone. So in all poster narrated, you didn't see where she said for 29yrs. You think she hasn't prayed well or this years.

      Poster, if your mind is telling you to go native, pls by all means do. I have seen a situation like yours handled traditionally.

      Everyone have a path in life and for an Igbo, there's what we called, well let me not even start. Just do all you can to free yourself but suicide shouldn't be an option please.

    2. Teejay, pls practice ur traditional practice in peace and let Christians give advice based on their religion. You can also find ur own space and give ur advice based on ur pagan practice

    3. Don’t bully Foodie. She believes in her God and has a right to. You also have a right to your own beliefs. If she was the one that did this same thing to you, we won’t hear the end of it. Leave her comment alone and go post yours.

    4. Teejay did you not read where this lady stated she is not interested in mixing God with traditional religion? Hold on to your traditional believe and let this poster hold on to hers.

    5. Teejay don't think that way. The truth is those powers can't stand Jesus. Can any power stand Lazarus when it was time?
      Poster, no god in this world does miracle like JESUS. They tremble at the mention of Jesus, know His Word, use it wisely but be pure because only sin hinders our prayers.

      You need a therapy fast i.e. good environment. My dear go back to your family house, they are sendng anxiety so that you will be weak in prayer, but know this, Jesus is ALIVE and with you always. You've encountered him so many times unaware, always around you.
      Keep praying and praising Jehovah El-olam, Eloheeka, Elohim.

      Mao Akuh

  16. You have childhood traumatic experience that has made you to overly please people while requesting for loyalty. Don't do that. Be nice but not too nice not even to boyfriends. Self preservation is very important.

    You are too nice to colleagues to friends and to everyone. You are an empath. Narcissistic people prey on your type so badly. Stop it. Have friends but have boundaries. In relationships, give but note that you deserve to be given. Don't allow yourself to be used repeatedly.

    If the branch manager writes petition against you, write 10 more against the person and all their supporters. Don't cower to bullies. Fight them even if you leave, make sure you fought them successfully.

    Rule No 1 at work: Colleagues are not your friend but some can be eventually. You are not the only person they talk about. The ones gathering to talk about you will still talk about each other.
    Rule No 2 at work: Don't leave your job without having another job. While in a job, keep applying for another job.

    Friendships are like that. Most friends want their friends man. Some Nigerian men are dogs. Stop blaming yourself for things you cannot control.

    A lot of us have individual gift. Everyone created by God has unique gift and abilities. Most are extraordinary gift. Stop visiting one false woman to another , they will end up planting stalkers that will confirm their false prophecies. Stay with God. Pray Until Something Happens.

    Finally, you need to heal from your traumatic past including the rape. Did you take Prep to prevent HIV? Did you take Postinor 2? Did you report to the Police? You need to see a counsellor for the things your parents did and for that rape. Heal Sister, heal.

    My dear, no one hates you. No one but the question is, you need to love yourself enough to believe it. By the way, the only person you need on your side is God and he will send even the stone to work together for your good. Read the word of God, understand it. Don't be going from church to church for deliverance. PRAY.

    When you stay prayed up, you will have some dreams and just yinmu at it. We have all had one or two activities with paranormal activities, they thrive on fear, Don't.

    One thing you should know is this, Don't allow physical and paranormal people think they can play you. Sometimes cut off from bad friends for no reason. In this life, be a Victor. Stand by God's word.

    Love you babygirl and be strong.


    1. I also think she should have called out the rapist that almost killed her if not for her place of ancestry. Who knows how many girls/women have fallen victim?

  17. There is a lady I do check her post online. Almost all the comments on her wall is pure hatred, bitterness and anger from those she barely knows that hide behind keypad to throw insults. Doesn't it means something is wrong with the lady? No. Human beings,we have the good, the bad and the ugly. Choose them wisely and guard your circle. Better be alone than to be in the midst of such people.

  18. I read all you wrote, let me start by saying Life is spiritual some people who lack spiritual knowledge might attribute your experiences to bad luck, bad character or give other scientific reasons but an Evil Spirit is involved. They have clearly revealed this to you by the encounters/dreams you’ve had and I’m glad you know nothing about your life is normal. Water Spirits are very jealous and tenacious spirits, they don’t let go easily. they are fighting you causing hatred and bad luck for you bc you’ve refused to bow down to them. Note that even though you are in Christ and God loves you, your ancestors could have dedicated you before you were born or entered you into a covenant unknowingly, the how doesn’t matter for now but know that these Spirits have a legal right and are laying claim of you that’s why they are attacking you. Jesus came to die for us and took our sickness to the cross but since you got born again haven’t you fallen sick yet old things have passed away and you are born again does it mean Jesus didn’t take all the sickness so better believe an evil spirit can be harassing you even when you are in Christ. Now even though you’ve been to MFM and follow online prayers of great prophets it’s not enough to set you free. You need a high anointing, one to one who can conduct deliverance session for you physically to set you free and teach you how to maintain your deliverance. Remember the parable in the Bible of when a Spirit is cast out and it roams about looking for a new abode and decides to return to find its former abode swept and empty it goes and brings more wicked Spirits to join it. That’s the case after a deliverance and people do not grow in prayers and the word.
    My sister you’ve got to fight, fight, fight and don’t give up before they lead you to suicide. My prayer for you is God will lead you to a man of God who has power to cast out devils to set you free. I have not mentioned any man of God bc God is able to direct you through the Holyspirit, take time to fast and pray and ask him to direct you. God has great plans for you, devil doesn’t waste time on people going nowhere so brace up, speaking up is half the battle won. Be strong.

    1. I mentioned it down there , poster should visit Zion ministry in okota. Evang Chukwebuka Anozie Obi is a specialist in this kind of cases. 100 days prayer and fasting is ongoing she can start is not too late. Poster can decide to even visit the ground before the closing of the hundred days to lay her problem at the statue of Jesus Christ and the blessed Virgin Mary at the ground. She can buy the seraphic water,oil and handkerchief and start using also. Poster should make sure she attends the closing of the 100 days prayer and fasting which will take place from the 21st to 27th of August 2023. I assure her that her problems will come to an end.

    2. Exactly what I think
      This is her cross to bear
      Bear it in Christ or succumb
      At the end of the day, you are in this life for a time, would you rather live it for God or something else?

      Push up (original)

    3. He who is in Christ is a new creation, old things are past away and all things are become new. It doesn't matter where she was dedicated at child birth, so long as she is in Christ Jesus and She has good knowledge of God's word she has no other business with evil lineage . She now belongs to the lineage of Jesus Christ

  19. CONTD:

    First question is: Are you a communicant? This means do you receive the Holy communion? That is the acceptable symbol of the body and blood of Christ for us here on earth. Personally, I believe the Catholic Church truly understand this the best, followed by the Anglicans. I have my reservations about the bread and Tasty time blackcurrant drink shared in some Pentecostal churches and I am sorry if anyone is offended but that is my belief and it won't change.

    If you can collect the sand from your mother's village (not your father's village o because you can only be sure of your blood connection to your mother. Only DNA can prove your blood connection to your father even in spiritual cases). Get water from the major stream in her town too and pour the sand into the water in a transparent bottle. The sand will settle beneath the water. However, if you can convince your dad to take a DNA test with you, then do same if the result is positive. Keep his own in a separate (glass) bottle as well and label them both. Your case is serious and does not require a suegbe solution.

    Apply for leave when you have this ready and stay indoors for 7 days. The only place you go to is to Mass for 7 days and receive the Holy communion if you are Catholic or Anglican. If you are a Pentecostalist, I believe you are allowed to keep it at home and use as desired whenever. Switch off your phones and prepare to fight the biggest battle of your life.

    Fast for these 7 days and pray at 1am and 1pm daily. Break your fast at 6pm with the Holy Communion and fruits only. No pepper, no oil, no salt. Just fruits. Pray like your life depends on it girl.

    On the 7th day, use a brand new blade or syringe to cut or pierce your thumb and drop your blood into the bottle of water and sand. That blood is not just yours alone anymore but yours mixed in Christ's. Then begin to declare your separation from any ancestral spirit, saying the body and blood of Christ has given you a new life and so you are no longer under the influence of any spiritual agreement made by you or your ancestors. Declare for Christ and afterwards break the bottle outside into a sandy patch not concrete.

    Praise, dance and rejoice for the next 7 days afterwards whilst giving alms to the needy in your own capacity. Babe, your new, joyful and beautiful life and positive narrative wil blossom from that moment. Drink a lot of coconut water and eat sugarcane maka Uto obi gi😂. You will come back to testify and bring kolanut for blog ancestors. We love you here sisthren💓. The blood of Christ is the biggest sacrifice, weapon and power✔️

    1. It is truly blood with white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets shared in Catholic and Anglican churches. It goes so well with the grilled flesh. They quite complement each other.

      You can hype your church without mentioning Pentecostal churches at all.

    2. You cannot take the Catholic church communion out of the church, you have to eat in immediately the Rev father gives it to you in Church. If you take it out of the church you will be shocked at what it will turn to. So be warned.

    3. Hmmmm. This is deep

  20. Replies
    1. Try not to hang mirrors in your room as well;you can have pocket mirrors but don’t hang them on your walls ok..

      All the best..


  21. This is really huge, however, Jesus is the only solution right now. Genuinely and consciously give your life to Christ. Then I will say you seek spiritual counsel from Pastors of Bible believing Church, let them know the challenge, they will pray with you and tell you the how to total freedom in Jesus Christ. You have prayedand yes God answers, however, for some higher challenges, you will need to join faith with people of greater faith to get Victory in Christ Jesus. You can visit any Living Faith Church (Winners Chapel) , Redeemed Christian Church of God Church or Deeper life Bible Church and get counsel and prayed for. I trust that the Almighty God will set you totally free in Jesus name. God bless you and happy birthday in arrears.

  22. Add Psalms 51, 24, 35, 27, 28 and 147.
    Blessings darling🙏

  23. Run to God, He is still the answer

  24. Poster, I pray God come through for you. Please continue to connect to NSPPD.

  25. Total and genuine freedom comes from Christ, cos who Jesus makes free is free indeed, this is not about religion but genuine encounter with Jesus and living by His Word, every other solution is only temporary. I know what I am talking about, I come from a place of many superstitious belief, and idolatry and I make bold to say to you that your total liberty is in Christ, mark this comment if you see it, you may later refer to it in the future.

    1. Anon 1643 Share full jist to motivate people na

  26. Poster,
    It is well with you. Please, do not kill yourself; you are unique and special as a child of God.
    I will advise you to go and settle your water friends/Ndi Otu, once you do, all these your problems will stop.

    There is a lot of powers that we do not understand in this world; go to a good spiritualist from your ancestral home and settle your Ndi Otu otherwise, you will keep suffering unnecessarily.

    There is a misconception that your Ndi Otu are "bad people" or "Satanic" entities; they are Not! Go to your spiritualist from your father's land and inquire about them, and how to settle them.

    Once you do so, watch your life change for the better!

    (Remember "the white man came with their religion to confuse the black man, and now things have fallen apart"-Chinua Achebe)

    1. God bless you. People now mistake tradition for occultism/ ritualism. I am tempted to share a thing I know about this but I will refrain. It's not something to put out in a public space.

    2. Thank you Anon and Teejay, as a church girl throughout my teenage and university days, I have grown to understand and accept that there are a lot of powers that we do not understand in this world and truly, spiritualists are not necessarily bad or jazz people, they are just "ndi omenala".

      Poster, investigate and find one you know that is pure (doesn't do jazz against people) and go and see him/her to settle these spirits, you don't want to be an ezenwanyi and that's okay but settle them as directed and your life will be okay, it won't even affect your christianity.

      These things are deeper than you know and when you are sure the issue isn't a physical one, seek the spiritual side, many have died trying to fight and many are living in frustration, not every part of our traditional beliefs are bad, make a move and free yourself today.

  27. Poster, you have spiritual gifts. You're not from the water, you have spiritual gifts. Your story is so similar to mine, but there's a little difference.

    I have to prepare for church right now, I'll come back to really respond to this.
    Hang in there.

    By the way, there's nothing wrong with you, the kingdom of darkness just wants to frustrate you cos they know when you start using your gifts, you'll liberate people.


    1. "By the way, there's nothing wrong with you, the kingdom of darkness just wants to frustrate you cos they know when you start using your gifts, you'll liberate people." Correct

    2. Poster, I'm back. It's just that I don't know where to start from. I wish I could drop a very long voice note for you.

      Let's start from the physical. Dear poster, I'm sorry for all you had to go through while growing up. Your story is similar to mine but my dad actually loved me, my grandma loved me as well. These are the only two people who I've ever been comfortable living with, and the only ones who didn't maltreat me. Unfortunately my dad died when I was 14 after a very long battle with an illness that had initially kept him bedridden. My grandma is dead too. And I've vowed to just be on my own if I make enough money to stand alone.

      Back to your story, I'd say you're looking for love in the wrong places. From your writeup, you are seeking the validation of people. Let me tell you now, the devil will keep using people to get to you. I don't know if I became an introvert because of all I went through but it works for me. I am a volunteer in a sickle cell group and I'm a regular blood donor, and I can assure you that is therapeutic. I'd advice you to look for a worthy cause and volunteer. Also look for a group in the church to join. It seems like you are Catholic, I'd advice that you Join Legion of Mary, St Vincent de Paul or that group that prays (they are synonymous to prayer warriors) I can't really remember their name. Get a hobby or learn a new skill. You can find tons of free stuff on YouTube.

    3. For the spiritual aspect, let me start by pasting an excerpt from my chat with someone 👇🏾
      "The Kingdom of God is here with us, in us. The church. Us. God's people is God's kingdom here on earth. And each person has a role to play in God's kingdom. Some are given gifts for direct spiritual warfare and confrontation against the enemy. Like everyone else in God's kingdom, these people have long been ordained for that particular work even before birth.
      Satan knows when they are born and he knows who they are. They are usually marked. And their stars are usually seen by the kingdom of darkness. That's deep.
      Anyway, let me break this down. Let us take a person for example. Ade.
      So If Ade is setup to bring many out of bondage through spiritual warfare, healing and casting out of demons, satan will definitely attack him. Satan just doesn't attack him because of a single person, No. He attacks hims because he is afraid of the number of people Ade will bring out of his bondage.
      The attack usually starts from birth or even before birth. Satan will try to abort Ade in the womb of his mother. If that doesn't work, he tries to initiate Ade into witchcraft at a very tender age. Of course he knows that doesn't work well at that age, but what it does is setup a curse against Ade, that an assigned demon becomes attached to Ade at that young age. After all, this was done by a person of authority in Ade's life like Parent or Guardian. So Ade is ''to be my wizard or witch'' claims satan, ignoring God's ordained plan for him. ''Afterall, he still needs to choose between me or you, since you are all about free-will right?'' satan tells God.
      Now, after this scam initiation takes place, an evil spirit stays close and hidden to Ade until he gets to a certain age (the age where Ade becomes fully aware of sin). At age say 9,10, 11 or 12, the spirit needs Ade to completely allow him through by his own will (Ade's will). The spirit tries to communicate with Ade and make itself known to him. Though it keeps its distance in some ways because of God's protection and rules in place.
      When the spirit cannot get Ade's attention, it will afflict Ade, usually through sickness at that age. But God in his mercy still helps Ade. And He (God) is also waiting for Ade to come to Him through his own free will.
      This is the struggle Ade faces, a battle between the kingdom of darkness and Light.
      The spirit moves on to see if Ade ventures into sin and sets things in place to make him fall into a trap when he sins. God on the other side will try to draw Ade close to him, to the church, to the Bible etc.
      Ade will begin to experience a strong feeling to draw near to God, but at the same time have a strong feeling for a particular kind of sin. He cannot understand it. God can speak to him through visions and dreams even when he is drawn to sin at this time. At this time, there is a huge amount of grace apportioned to Ade to cover him from the face of satan.
      But if Ade moves into sin like say fornication. The evil spirit tries to set it up that he fornicates with a demon possessed person. If that works, the spirit will have the right to come in. If it doesn't work, the spirit will keep trying and can only fail if Ade moves to the side of the Lord and becomes committed to Him. Viola! The plan of satan would have failed in Ade's life and God's plan for Ade will have come into fruition. Amen
      But the attack on Ade will continue, though in different ways now. Satan will always attack God's people, especially those who do His will and work. Rev 12:17
      It is God who keeps protecting us all."

      Does the above 👆🏾 relate to you in any way whatsoever?

    4. The part you talked about having an affliction when you were younger reminded me of my own affliction that kept on progressing till it nearly killed me. I had series of pneumonia and eventually asthma. The day my healing came was when I did mercy prayers. In the middle of the prayers, I saw what looked like a beetle and a spider crawl out of my chest. Now, the neckline of my clothes was low and I clearly saw this strange creature crawl out of my chest. That was the end of chestpain, asthma, persistent cold and cough and all the complications that came with the illness.

      Poster, do you see spirits in reality? (I think you mentioned somewhere in your writeup that you do) Do you hear your name when it seems no one is calling? Do your dreams or "thoughts" come to pass? What are your dreams like? Do you fight in the dream? If yes then you have a gift.

      Ignore those saying that you are an ezenwanyi. Think, if you are really one of them, would they torture you like this? The devil just wants to turn you to his side so you won't be useful to the kingdom of God. Personally, I've had many initiation attempts and even till now (I'm 28) the evil ones have not given up on trying to initiate me.

      You should stop giving the devil the power to cause you real harm. These are the ways the devil can get to you and harm you:
      1. By strong negative emotion
      2. By fornication or having dirty thoughts or engaging in any sexual immoralities outside marriage
      3. By other forms of sin
      4. By stepping into a shrine. They may have sent more spirits after you.
      Now these ways I mentioned creates a channel or portal for the devil to access you and oppress you.

      My advice to you is this:
      1. Submit totally and completely to God
      2. Avoid fornication and sexual immoralities.
      3. Allow God heal you, stop dwelling in the past so the pain from yesterday does not continue to hurt and so the devil doesn't use it to work against you.
      4. Stop seeking people's love or validation, look up to God alone. Spend your quiet time with Jesus. Pray for help, mercy and healing.
      5. I believe that the spirit of God is speaking to you but you may not have been listening completely. Please begin to listen to the spirit of God. He speaks to you in many ways. Sometimes you may think it's just your persistent thoughts but it's actually God talking to you. Things could really go wrong if you ignore the spirit of God when he's talking to you.
      Also, pray for God to forgive you for going to that shrin. Reverse and nullify any repercussions as a result of it.

      Let me stop here. Please, Don't get discouraged, it will be over soon.

      I really hope you'll do 1-5 above.
      May God be with you

    5. By the way, there's nothing wrong with you, the kingdom of darkness just wants to frustrate you cos they know when you start using your gifts, you'll liberate people. The summary of it all

      Mao Akuh

  28. This is so deep,one person going through all of these.May the Lord himself deliver you completely.🤗🤗🤗

  29. Your chronicle was indeed long and I could not read it all in one sitting, I will have to come back. I feel like you are someone who would probably do well with psychedelics, ayahausca, mushrooms even ketamine, but also under the watchful eye of a skilled mental health practitioner. However, if you are on medication, especially depression medication then psychedelics will not be for you.

    The love you have never felt, you need to feel it from within. You have to feel the worthiness of your life pouring out of you. And that takes work, and time commitment. Psychedelics compresses the healing time and get you back on track quicker, while opening up that field of love abundantly in you. Yes, you can achieve the same thing through religion/spiritual practice and therapy, with a skilled trauma therapist, but you must commit, you must stay the course. Your story is an absolutely painful one, and this unfortunate experience places you in a position to be a source of hope for others. If you heal, then you can help heal others and bring more light and beauty into the world. Yes, those wicked things that you endured, as awful and detestable could be the road that leads to hundreds, thousands, if not millions of other women finding hope, self-love and inner peace. But that is if you have that desire to help others or to put your face out there. Healing others is a noble undertaking and put you in the Christ consciousness and Christ walk.

    You may think what I am saying is silly, but reading your story reminded me of a longtime dream and promise I made to help women and children who experienced abuse through having a healing centre. I recently pushed that dream to the side to follow more selfish pursuits. But reading your chronicle reminded me that there are people who need the healing centre. So, even though I did not read your entire chronicle, it inspired me to refocus my direction and not forget my original path. Do not take your life, your story needs to be told. Not a story of a victim, but as a survivor and one who conquered wickedness, who overcame hell on earth who decided not to do evil but to build heaven for others.

  30. A very long read indeed. I'll book a mass for you.
    You do have a gift, it's called clairvoyance. People with such gifts suffer series of attacks as you've described because it's a gift the evil one always wishes to possess for his side. Pray to God to teach you pray and also to teach you to harness the gift which he has endowed you with
    Your recent problems is because you're beginning to lose focus from God and depend solely on yourself. Who you are, what you are, where you are and what you'll ever become is in the hand of God. You're contemplating suicide for a life you didn't give yourself.
    My dear, people will always envy what they cannot have. Whatever you're experiencing is not peculiar to you. The devil just wants you to think that so you can withdraw, become depressed and vulnerable for his pleasure.
    Lastly, I'm a Catholic, and with regards your dream with mother Mary, if you've not done so already, I suggest that you visit a chapel near you. If you wish to sleep there, nobody will stop you. If you wish to speak with a priest, nobody will stop you either.
    Go back to the relationship you once shared with God and make it stronger. Cry unto him and watch him fight this battle in your behalf.
    Remind him that he is the one that created you and if the evil one challenges you, they challenge him as well. God is not far from you. Speak the words...Jesus save me.
    Finally, when next you begin a new relationship, take it up to God in prayer. Submit yourself and your partner to God and tell God to come and be Lord and master over your relationship. Similarly, whatever new job you get. Pray for all your relationships be it family, friends, colleagues, romantic partners even your perceived enemies. Tell God to bless each and every one of them but to fight your battles against anyone who wishes to harm you.
    Lastly, you might want to have a heartfelt discussion with your mum about why she treated you the way she did when you were younger after which you ask God for healing and forgiveness both for yourself and your mother.
    May God bless you and come to your rescue. Amen

    1. "You do have a gift, it's called clairvoyance. People with such gifts suffer series of attacks as you've described because it's a gift the evil one always wishes to possess for his side. Pray to God to teach you pray and also to teach you to harness the gift which he has endowed you with
      Your recent problems is because you're beginning to lose focus from God and depend solely on yourself. Who you are, what you are, where you are and what you'll ever become is in the hand of God. You're contemplating suicide for a life you didn't give yourself.
      My dear, people will always envy what they cannot have. Whatever you're experiencing is not peculiar to you. The devil just wants you to think that so you can withdraw, become depressed and vulnerable for his pleasure."

      Exactly 💯

  31. You're indeed an Ezenwanyi but for Christ. The Ocean you see is the Ocean of mercy, the fount of life of unfathomable divine mercy.
    Nobody will kill your family because they're already under the protective custody of God in accordance with Psalm 91 and Psalm 23.
    Poster if I could contact you somehow, I'd love to share the divine mercy prayer with you to be said by 3 O'clock. Though you can say it at other times too.

  32. Your daily affirmation:
    I am the daughter of a King, who is not moved by the world for my God is with me and goes before me. I am his

  33. Adiro ekpete ogbanje (fasting no dy deliver ogbanje)na fasting and prayer else they can kpai you which is the new stage you are at now, you can go to Jerusalem as a Christian pilgrimage and go pray at river Jordan as holy water abi? But the water in your root, i mean your ancenstral home is demonic abi? Just they play ooo, i started seeing changes in my life since the day i stopped attending churches and embrace my root, pastor you're following has an altar, he fixed and worship well that bring clients for him to extort but you see yours as demon, my life was worse than yours but now anywhere i entered am been celebrated, looked upto, in 3 years my life changed positively with no single fasting, but praying with my kola,nzu,edo and making sacrifices to my water sprite, chi an ndi iyiuwa, with agwu ikwu nnem na nnam and i had peace,progress, people wants me to be their friendship na me they chose, nnem adiro esi onye nwere ibubo ngo(great people are always noticed) Go settle your sprits, i lost a very good friend 10 months after his wedding, because he refused to settle his water sprit, yes you heard me ,they gave him incurable illnesses, he died 6months of ailments,people are all alleging that he was killed but am 100% sure he was not killed by human but by spirits, his spiritual wife they come out life whala started when he got married but he blatantly refused today a very talented, hardworking, loved young guy died leaving a young wife and a daughter that man you saw is your spiritual husband, if you love your life Go settle them and have peace,

    1. Please this is a lie from the pit of hell. No problem is too little or too big for God to solve. You only have to be willing to accept him wholeheartedly. You do not owe anybody anything.
      Dear poster, I rebuke you on behalf of this poster.

  34. All I can say is that there is nothing too hard for God .
    Keep pushing forward, one day the walls shall completely fall by the power in the name Jesus

  35. What a very sad story.
    Poster I beg you, continue to trust God.he knows you more than you even know yourself, remember he created you and have kept you alive despite some several near death experiences you have had.
    John 5 vs 7
    This bible verse talked about a man who had been invalid (someone with a problem) and was seeking solution for it This man suffered for 38years until he met Jesus. Despite meeting Jesus,he was still complaining '' I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me''. Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.' At once the man was cured, he picked up his mat and walked.
    Pls dear, lay it at the feet of Christ and trust him more. Stop complaining or asking when? Just let the one who created and gave you life fix all that concerns you. He said,if only you have faith as little as a mustard seed,then you can say to mountains be removed and it shall obey.
    Let the word of God be your guide and the impossible shall become possible.
    Good luck dear.

  36. You need to constantly be in Gods presence, rooted in one specific church (I suggest MFM HDQ, Dunamis HDQ or Koinonial) and possibly get hands laid on you by Dr Olukoya or Apostle Joshua Selman or Dr Paul Enenche. Because with those demonic encounters you had you cant do it on your own you need a higher anointing. Also online prayers or going for church program just once wont help thats why i said you should be rooted in place.

  37. My dear, there is no curse or evil spirit laid on you. Your parents were abusive to you and only both of them know why. A lot of older parents in Nigeria were abusive, the younger ones are trying to be better parents. Also, stop being overly sensitive. Stop attributing every action as ‘ hating’ you. Read a lot of self help books and watch motivational and positive speakers. Stop begging people to be friends with you. Sad, you experienced so much evil growing up. Unfortunately, so have hundreds of thousands of others too. Also, where do you find treacherous and evil people to befriend? I just have about 4 friends and I know, if they hear evil about me, they won’t go out gossiping about me. You don’t need to be the friend of all at your workplace or wherever you meet people. Keep to yourself, pray more, have a positive attitude, smile more and watch how things turn around. Remember, there is no one chasing you or you are not under any curse. Take responsibility for errors you might have made. Rebrand yourself.

  38. They always gang up against you for you to be sacked? There has to be reasons for the gang up

  39. Poster sorry for everything. This is the only thing I know I will do for you. I will always remember you in my prayers. Don't give up on life pls...all will be well.

    1. People like you that pray for others, hmmmm, God will always bless you. It will amaze you to know that though there are many Christians in this country, few can genuinely pray for others, especially those not directly or indirectly related to them.

  40. Before Christianity came into place, there were gods people were worhsiping and it worked for them. Even the Bible says give what belong to Ceaser to Ceaser. Dont mean to scare you or be insensitive, but some people never make a headway until they settle there roots. There's a guy I know that was studying law then, one day he wasn't into a lecturer's office, the man saw him and told him about his family being an idea family, that if he wants to succeed in life, he needs to tow that part. He was told to ask his father when he gets home about his foundation. Truly his father told him everything. Meanwhile he also had a gift of seeing things, through that way, he helped so many people. He graduated, tried using his law to make a living, but guess what? He never succeeded. Until he was told to practice IFA divination. He started, heplerd people and that's how heade his way in life. Poster, settle those that needs to be settled so you can make a headway in life. Do you want to just pass through life, Nd font want life to pass through you? Since when you were a Chile till now? Haba. Please do the needful. Traditional ways work!!!!

  41. Christianity is an exported religion. No one truly knows the construct of spirituality, just keep yourself clean and never harm anyone. I suggest you give the River its sacrifices and save urself unnecessary life issues. People would tell u to hold God tight, even God is operating in spiritual with all these other spirits u are praying against… Don’t u think God and then spirits have their boundaries and mode of operations? Pls go do d sacrifices and live your best life!

  42. Poster I will advise you to visit Zion ministry in okota Lagos. The 100days prayer and fasting will be coming to an end by 27th of this month (August). There's going to be a crusade starting from 21st and it will end on 27th, Evangelist Ebuka have asked people to come to Zion ground for the crusade. Just go there and I assure you that your problem will be resolved do not lose hope. God loves you.

  43. Dear poster,

    I think you saw your solution already but you may not have paid heed.
    Do you know one of the title's of our Lady (Mary)? She is the Medatrix of ALL Graces!. Use that! Call on her intercession.

    I will remember you in my prayers.
    May you feel the love of Christ as you journey through life.

    I do not know you but know you are loved. Not out of pity but because you are an embodiment of God because you among all His creations, was created with a soul.

  44. All these river solution they want you to consider hmmm. I always say to myself; if God doesn't bless me, no other power should bless me. If the power in the name of Jesus/Yeshua hamashiac doesn't deliver me, no other power should deliver. There is no other means by which one can be saved except through the name of Jesus Christ. Just get your mind well grounded with the word of God. Don't just pick one chapter or verse and read, It's not just about praying and fasting or visiting churches for deliverance. Your mindset about God alone can even save you. Filling your mind with the knowledge of God's word goes a long way in getting you free from every bondage. Reject every connection with the water spirit that they say you have. Tell yourself that you are made in God's image and likeness, you resemble God, you are God, you carry the mark of the living Christ so you have no connection with any evil spirit. Learn to follow Pastor Chris Oyakhilomes and Pastor Bankie's teachings, they will change your mentality.

    I see a lot of things in my dream before they happen just like you but the difference is that I don't see those ezenwanyi things. When I went for months without dreaming, I had to rekindle my relationship with God, coupled with constant prayer and studying the word. Sometimes I don't even remember my dreams but I don't really take that serious and the ability to remember my dreams later resurfaces on it's own without any effort.

    Cultivate the habit of studying the word and you will find peace in your soul I bet you. All these depression, anxiety, panics will disappear if you start studying. Don't say 'i already know the stories in this chapter...' no, re-read all those places you've read before and you will get a fresher message that alignes with the words you need at the moment to fill your spirit with. The word of God is God himself. When you read just believe that it is God himself speaking. There is no other way you can get peace in your soul except through studying of the scriptures believe me. You don't need anybody to lay hands on you before you can be free. Just His word in your spirit can deliver you if you believe. Jesus is the most supreme you know right? Pray and study please. Praying for His blessings, don't spend time casting and binding. Just ask for His favour, despite all odds he should prove that he is there through it all.

    You need to ask God to direct you to discover His exact purpose for your life. Those jobs you keep loosing may be God's handiwork because He purposely wants you to do another thing for Him. Maybe He scaters relationships because he wants to push you to a better place. Just keep your hope high in God.

  45. If you give up it is double loss for you. Where will you spend eternity if you kill yourself? Never give up on yourself. Just make sure you live your life for God, get busy with life and get your mind off those demonic spirit's though that they say you posses. The more you think about them ,you get more entangled with them

  46. Why don't you try Grace Nation? I know you've through many places but then God has a way of showing up, though I'm not a member of that commission but they're good with dealing with such ancestral marine cases...

  47. Please join Zion ministries prayers on YouTube or Facebook.Is there a way I can reach out to you? Are you in Lagos state??

  48. Poster, go back to MFM for more deliverance prayers. I have done MFM deliverance over 4 times. See just like God has great destiny for you, also know that there will be so much oppositions. Your comfort should be that God will deliver you out of them all. Don't give up now your deliverance is closer than expected. Go back to prayer city. Also continue NSPP prayers. God never fails. Don't go to any traditional stuff. It never ends well

  49. Dear poster
    I need you to start making some daily confessions. You could look up Joyce Meyers confessions or some other preachers own but you have to start speaking right. Confess what you want to see using the word.
    Say it loud till the devil hears you and you are convinced. For example Start by saying people are hopelessly in love with me. I am blessed every where I go etc
    It might look slow but things are happening in the spirit.

  50. Dear Poster

    As hard as this is to say your journey begins with forgiveness of your mum, friends, land colleagues. Make a list do a rosary novena for those who have hurt you. Ask the holy spirit to populate your list. Make it a covenant prayer i.e. I forgive _ I do not hold their actions against them and ask you not to hold their actions against them help me heal from this hurt and let the cycle of bullying be ended for me and my generations till the end of time. When they gather against or any of my generation fight for me lord in your mercy.

    Go for adoration, find a church where the blessed sacrament is exposed and sit with God. Listen for he will speak to you whatever he tells you to do do it. Make sure you discern that it is God's voice.

    See a therapist as you will need all the help getting over your type of trauma. Your bullies were able to get to you because you gave them a reaction. How to deal with this type of people is avoid them do not react keep a record of conversations so when they lie you can defend with the truth. When I am ganged up against and look for someoninst and I identify the person behind it I make sure all conversations are documented i.e. via email. Verbal conversations are recorded
    No one wants to lose their job so once you indict the first person. The department will avoid you and your walaha.

    Go abroad of you can afford it though I think you'll be very sensitive to racism as it will trigger your trauma

    God is with you you will not fail
    Nothing is impossible for God
    The demons know who God is and they are afraid of him

    I think your trauma left you brittle enough for darkness to seep through. Close that window by forgiving the impossible.
    Remember when Daniels prayers were not answered because the angel needed help and when help came Daniel received his answer. Everyone one has a personal guardian angel and by forgiving people and praying for their repentance you record their guardian angels to your cause. I have battled unforgiveness to the point I was I was a nervous wreck. God healed me let Go and let God. Never stop praying for even Satan prays ...Remember when Jesus told Peter Satan has asked to God to sift you like wheat.

  51. JESUS is the answer, attendNSPpPD services and MFM services and deliverances, Koinonia and listen to bible backed messages all the time, you will keep getting stronger and stronger... join MFm 70days prayer and fasting..with faith. your life will not remain the same again

  52. I am male, the difference btw this story and mine is just the dreams. but i just feel stucked and round in a circle. I heard my dad was kinda connected to marine spirits. i pray but no serious improvement. In all i keep prayinn even though i literally stop going to church. There is no better advice than prayer nd fasting with the word of God. i almost find myself doubting God but i think of the testimonies i hv heard and i continue to remain steadfast hoping on God. its not going to be easy but my sister breath.

    1. Please keep praying and don't give up, have you tried attending winners chapel? Try it and you can read the book " get behind me Satan" by Bishop David Oyedepo . It is available for free download online. I have been fighting similar battles and my dream life jas been improving, I have been experiencing a great change.You shall Testify

    2. Go back to school and study something in high demand then see if the marine spirits will stop you

  53. @ Poster i am so sorry for your ordeal. You are dealing with severe marine spirit and you see bah? I tell people marine spirit is a very difficult and hard spirit to conquer. You cant conquer them on your own o. Please go to Zion Ministry or you can go to upper room in Enugu.... look for zion ministry on youtube. there was one I watched today where brother Ebuka was delivering an Ezenwanyi o..... Ife mmili esika..... DO NOT HARM YOURSELF. thats what the spirit wants you to do. Arise and fight the battle..... From your story, I believe you have a strong calling to serve God but Ekwensu hijacked your glory....FIGHT NNE'M INUGO..... Start midnight prayers. Read psalms 109... I understand exactly your ordeal.. STELLA BIKO POST O

    1. She’s not
      She’s dealing with effects of child abuse
      She needs a therapist

  54. Dear Poster, it is very well with you! God did not create you in His image and likeness to suffer or die in vain, I am also happy that you acknowledged His goodness in your life despite the challenges.
    1. Genuinely repent and accept Jesus into your life as your Lord and saviour
    2. Denounce any link, attachment...that was done on your behalf before you were born, knowingly and unknowingly
    3. Plead the Blood of Jesus over your spirit, soul and body
    4. Pray for God's mercy and grace to speak for you
    5. Study the books of Romans, Galatians and Ephesians in the bible; you will begin to see the greatness of God
    6. I'm sorry it may seem like I am judging but the Bible says 'by their fruits you shall know them' by all means necessary, avoid mercyland, iginla, zion something abi ebuka etc. Study the Word and ALWAYS ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of what you want to read.
    7. I don't attend neither am I a member, but if you can, listen to David Ogbueli, Joel Ogede, Joshua Selman, Lagoshousewife... search facebook, youtube but above all let the Holy Spirit guide and direct you in all things.
    God loves you more than you can imagine and this is just the beginning of greatness in your life! Remain Blessed! Your are strengthened in Jesus Name

  55. I pray that the Almighty God, who is the ancient of days and is able to do all things will deliver. He for whom nothing is impossible, i pray He shows up for you and delivers you from the forces of darkness. Please pray Isaiah 49, God is able to deliver the lawful captive and the prey from the hand of the terrible. Do not bow before any other god.

  56. You need a mentor
    Not deliverance a mentor
    Seek some step by step help
    I would say see at her it you probably won’t do that

  57. See a therapist

  58. Dear sister, keep your hope strong in the LORD, just as the skin issue disappered, so will your problems. You will definitly conquer

  59. Hehehe.. You need the holy spirit.. you also need to break any legal grounds.. there are legalities in the realm of the spirit that gives this demons and marine powers right of way in your life . You'll need to give yourself to prayers.. 3hours min everyday.. listen to apostle arome osayi on YouTube ..


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