Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..


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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative..



Dear Stella,
Thank you for all you do for people all over the world.

This is a very long read.

We met in 2009. Introduced by a mutual friend. It was not a surprise meeting again a year later and getting introduced and exchanging numbers. He was a teacher in a private higher institution and I had just finished undergrad studies. In less than a month of chatting and calling, he said he wanted to marry me. At the time, I wasn’t interested because I wanted to go for youth service, get a Masters degree before tying the knot.

I made him understand that I was not ready for marriage and we could continue the relationship and get to know ourselves in the process. He refused. There was nothing to know. I found it comical then that he would come to my home one cool Saturday evening with a bottle of wine, well-packaged. He knew my parents were around and he told them that he was officially letting them know of his intentions to marry me. To me, it was a joke! My parents would NEVER accede his request but they did. They said he was a responsible young man doing things right.

He was given an easy route to marry me. My parents’ philosophy was that they were not selling their daughter and they needed him to treat me right so they negotiated on his behalf with the Umunna. Few months after we got married, I found out that he took a loan to marry me. He had told my parents that he was ready for marriage but he wasn’t.

The person who stood as guarantor for him was being harassed by the bank (he was preventing the bank from recouping their money by changing his salary account). That was how I knew. I found out also same period that he had an affair. I was crushed beyond my expectations because I was a virgin. He was my first and we were extremely adventurous. My self-esteem took a nose-dive. He denied flat but the girl told me what they had done. When I tried to probe, he slapped and shoved me. I was pregnant with our first child. I had no idea that what I read about abuse will happen to me.

From then on, it became worse. Because it wasn’t always bad, I stayed.

Years later, he wanted to take a bank loan for an academic pursuit and I refused because we had just finished paying one loan and he could have saved up to get the same money. He took it anyway and was misappropriating it. When I called him out on it, he beat me up and asked me to pack all my things and leave. When one of his friends saw me bruised and bloodied, they asked me to file a doctor’s report which I did. I moved out but he held on to our child. Within that space of time, we were separated. There was pressure from many people to go back. He gave an undertaking that such will never reoccur. My father told him there and then that if it reoccurred, I won’t go back.

In 2017, I stopped working because he got a job in another part of the country and irrespective of the fact that my job paid twice what he earned at that time, he told me I had to resign. I came home one day to see the children were not home. Their clothes gone! I called him and he said that I should choose between my job and the marriage. I tried to shuttle unsuccessfully for months and resigned.

Last year, he became incredibly jealous. I was on a call with my sister and he got violent asking me to end the call. He didn’t know who I was speaking with. When I wouldn’t end the call, he dragged the phone from me and beat me up. That was the beginning. Several times last year, he would beat me up and ask me to leave his house. He accused me of cheating on him (chatting with and calling). He mandated me to block the said individual which I did but each time I was on my phone, he would accuse me of chatting with the said fellow. Many times, he would beat me and ask me to leave. I would go to my mum. He would beg my mum and others and I’ll return.

Eventually, he did same and this time, I was beaten and asked to leave. I left under the pouring rain with only 4k to take me home (over 900km). I was stranded, decided to apply to a bank for a soft loan and I was told from the bank that my request had been denied because I took a loan and hadn’t paid back. I was shocked. I hate bank loans and would never take any. A family member sent me the money I eventually used to go home to my mother.

When I got home, I was called by my husband’s congregants – he’s a clergy. That he was crying to them that I left him for a younger guy who I was dating. In addition to physical abuse and fraud, he added slander to the mix. Obviously, the church has stood behind their own. They have offered me several incentives so I would return but I fear for my life. He has ruined my reputation and my children are suffering the consequences.

For a year, I haven’t been allowed to be with my children. He disabled their phone. I have sent messages to him to bring them for holidays or something. I am working now and working on a program at the moment. I had to buy a new phone for them but he blocked my number. My daughter hasn’t been spared. He is incredibly hostile to her and says “she will leave just as her mother did”. He beats her at will too.
Different people have suggested many things for me to do but I will not do anything that will put me or the children in jeopardy or break the law. Also recall that I started from ground zero, your suggestions will be appreciated.

This Chronicle got me so angry..... I feel like twisting your two ears until you hear word!!!... You will not do anything to break the Law but you ran away and left your children to the suffering that you ran away from? He is beating your daughter? Do you know the amount of damage going on? Your daughter will end up being attracted only to a man who will continue the abuse...The chain will continue and become a family tradition..
Go and steal your children if you must..... Pick them and run!


  1. Omg Stella your red pain made me shudder!! kai! That's how all these abuse start o

    Madam please do as Stella said o

    May God help you, the man is sick

    1. But Stella has said it here over and over again. NEVER LEAVE WITHOUT YOUR CHILDREN IF HE IS ABAD FATHER.

    2. Pick your children and RUN!

      Then do therapy for ALL OF THEM INCLUDING YOU

    3. The fact that without your consent, he bought a bottle of wine and went straight to your parents to ask for your hand in marriage was him overreaching and should have been a BIG RED FLAG that he's controlling and has no boundaries; all symptoms of narcissism. I wish you were wiser then or that your parents understood human psychology. Please do whatever is required to get your kids, including reaching out to anyone who can help you get support from the military barracks. If they lock him up for 3 days in guardroom and he's made to sign agreement not to touch you and to allow you go with the kids, it would be easier for you. Pele.

    4. I have no strength to type, may God help you.
      We have said it here several times, others go help you.

    5. Madam don’t you have evidence of all these beatings Haba
      You are educated for crying out loud, I am so angry with this chronicle.
      Why dint you ever pick them up from school and disappear?

      As it is let him have them, I hate when men dangle kids like fruits to lure their partners.
      I know it’s not easy but please try and focus on getting all evidences and finances you need to pursue this case to the last.
      Hold unto God as you fight this battle, get pictures of the bruises on your daughter and take to court. Marriage is not by force.

      I am too angry to even give good advice, let me just cool down, cus I have questions

      Push up (original )

  2. Save your daughter oh. That environment will make her hate men for life. You're damaging your kids.

    1. It will make her daughter see abusive relationship as a normal thing

  3. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars29 July 2023 at 15:14

    Plan to relocate outside the country.

    You are married to a mentally sick man. He won't change. You need loads of wisdom to work at getting the children from him.
    The congregation is deceived by the fact that he is a clergy and don't believe he is capable of doing these things. But he is very sick.
    He manipulated you into marrying him.
    I am sorry about what is happening.

    1. Who will sign consent for the children’s passport?

    2. Na so e easy to relocate out of the country?

    3. Which relocate
      She doesn’t have to go anywhere
      Steal your children if you can’t get someone in authority to take them from him.
      When he comes to your house, do not open the damn door, you both should end up in court, when they see bruises they won’t release those kids to him

  4. Poster so sorry for what you went through in the name of marriage. There's one philosophy I so much rely on in life and it's the words of Maya Angelou. ''When someone show you who they are, believe them the first time.'' This is one of the hardest life lesson anyone can learn.

    Going back to that marriage won't be safe to you. You may not be lucky next time to run away. If you have the means and finance, take it up legally.

    Away from that, there was a place I read you wrote you blocked a contact he asked you to block. Does that mean you were actually cheating with this person or it was your sister's number you blocked?

    1. I noticed that too. She used the word "fellow". If it was a female, she would have emphasized on her. All the same, run and don't look back. No matter the amount of cajoling, pleas, a beg or he's sorry. You go back, you may end up in the statistics of casualties of dv. Run.

  5. See peak Narcissist. Christian sisters be careful oh. Dem full church. Screaming submission and being the head. You'll see them showing zeal and dedication. By the time you get close, their narcissistic personality blows wide open.

    1. Them full church nobe small. They appear and even act very cheerful that you can even vouch for them

  6. I shame for the church members. Na clergy wey beat him wife una dey defend. TUFIAKWA.

    1. They only know what he told them. I wish she can reach out to the Church Board and tell her own side of the story or just find a way to get back her children.

    2. Thank you @15:52
      Unfortunately, she got involved in emotional cheating. That's what the man will use to knock out her case.

      Any woman tired of marriage should leave, not engage in cheating whether by calls, chats or texts messages.

      Poster, consult a lawyer. This case is very very simple to solve.

    3. Madame did they tie your destiny to that fool? Are you battling low esteem? What have your so call parents who didn’t sell you off DO? You know the solution to your problem, Goodluck!!!

  7. Na love beating or what? I don't understand why you continue receiving bad treatment and you still don't want to break the law. Any clergy that allows husband's or wives to be beaten by their spouses, check well that clergy is abusive at home.

    Better go and carry your children? Go with law enforcement, there must be evidence of cruelty to your children and you

  8. Nothing and no one should talk you into going back to that husband of yours. He will continue to beat you till he finally kills you.
    For those of you that prefer to stay in abusive marriages, i would encourage you to learn how to fight. There are instructors ready to teach you and please do so without your abusers knowledge.
    One day, surprise him. Give him the beating of his life.
    Poster, you made a huge mistake resigning from your job, that’s past anyway and I hope you have learned.
    For now, there is not much you can do concerning your kids. That man has taken your kids to punish you and force you back into his life, do not fall for it.
    Thank God you have a job now. Focus, strategize and save up some money so you can go get your kids and relocate to a different state.
    If you are able to pull that off, do not tell a soul about it, even your parents until sometime later.
    Before you go for your kids, hire hefty men just Incase 🙄
    If the whole church/community call you for settlement, do not ever accept. Have in mind that marriage is dead.
    Please stay safe.


    1. No need learning how to fight, the day you hit him and he dies, this same society will forget all the beatings he gave you.
      Once you get slapped please leave cus he will punch you one day.

      Push up (original)

    2. I agree on the part where a woman who is being abused should learn how to fight back.
      Listen, women should fight back physically. You do not have to kill him. Just give him one injury that he will never forget. It can be his nuts or a fracture. Just one very good injury. Then, he will rethink ever laying hands on you. Nonsense.

  9. Since you don't want to break the law, get law enforcement agencies to help you out.
    Visit his State of Residence Ministry of Women Affairs, and get to know if they can be of help with you having your kids.
    If no help is showing forth, break and smash the law for those children, they will be grateful you did.
    You married a monster who decided to feast on your family's innocence and simplicity.

    1. If only poster knows how frightened the kids are in his presence she will act fast to take them.

  10. I am so angry from this. So all these happened and you continued to procreate? Now you left your children to be talking rubbish. Madam law-abider.

    Abeg! Make I face my own problems. Rubbish! Keep to the law o. That law will judge you. Onuku odeku. Long hiss*


  11. I just feel you’re willing and happy to abandon the financial responsibilities to him despite the abuse and suffering of the children. Doh

    1. What in the world did you just write

    2. Stop thinking from your behind.Anonymous29 July 2023 at 15:29

    3. @15:48
      Read the chronicle and read the comment again you will see the comment is correct even if it is so till she got back on her feet.

  12. This man manipulated your parents who then manipulated you to marry him.
    This was not a marriage but hell. You left hell but left your children in hell.
    Go back to hell and get your children out.

  13. I actually shed a tear for the daughter. Poor girl.
    Poster, you and your family na mumu. What kind of keeping quiet is this? Fight with your blood and go get the kids. You are too naive and docile. Show the bully some crase and weyrey

  14. I don’t understand why a woman will runaway from abuse and leave her children. What will you achieve that will be bigger than those kids? That’s why I will never trade my mum, when she was running away she was always running with 6 of us. A poor village trader.
    Can’t you bring out 5days from your work, look for a cheap hotel around that place and monitor your kids, any little opportunity you steal them even if they don’t have clothes on. You don’t know what they’re going through. No body will take care of your kids more than you.
    Better do everything to steal those children or they will grow up and resent you for abandoning them.

    Fan Emmanuel

    Fan Emmanuel

    1. I don’t think she had a choice
      He kicked her out in pouring rain

    2. @15:49
      She had a choice. The man had sent her packing so many times without her children, every time she would return with no plans to escape with her kids. I hate to say but poster is not wise at all.

      As far back as 25 years ago, my mother went though this and she was very strategic in her running. She ran away with me, we didn’t pack any load. She had already taken her important documents to a safe place. I still remember the evening we left like yesterday. My mother wasn’t working so it’s not like she was rich.

  15. I never in my life want to have anything to do with pastors because almost everything is in their favour and some of them annoy me.. immediately you say you're a pastor, I run. A friend of mine has been cohabitating with a pastor for over 13 years and they have two children..The lady is currently running a program in school but her brother is paying for it but the so called pastor has never asked if she's paying fees or buying books..He owns a church and landed properties
    Everyday na quarrel and he uses his mouth to abuse the lady and will still used that mouth to pray to God. The lady said she'll soon leave ,that she has endured enough

    1. I'm on the alert once you introduce yourself as a pastor. They have rubbished every respect and regard I have for that title. Their greed is out of this world. The preaching is "do as I say not as I do". I don't think majority of them now think of heaven.

    2. Poster, you messed up. You should have ended the marriage the first time the DV happened.

    3. I am right there with you Baltika. Once you tell me you are a pastor, forget it. I count you as the worst human being on earth. Until you prove me wrong.

      Talking from experience.

  16. Them no you reach. You women love suffering as per virtuous maidens so you really should have stayed. Red flags will be announcing with vuvuzela and waving like 10 by 9 blanket, awon wedinnorseethesigns will claim ignorance.
    Someone who clearly overan run wishes that you were not ready to marry. I'm sure he was choking and dictatorial during the non existent courtship...anyways enjoy. Dont let him go o. Keep him. E go better. Go back again. First better, for worser. Read war room. Stay o, so you can receive your marriage crown in your mythical Heaven, at least one innocent woman out there will be spared the trash that calls himself a man.

  17. Get in touch with those child protective services. I believe u are educated enough to find them. I understand the need to run at the moment without taking ur kids but u should have started working on getting them back immediately. Do not break the law or u may just lose those kids permanently. Get witnesses that can testify to him assaulting ur daughter. Get ur kids out of his hand fast before he subjects them to even worse.

    Don’t stop at that. Make sure his miserable ass gets to pay child support as well.

  18. These is bad but we are in the end times bible didn't say you shouldn't devource it only says stay alone

    1. Don’t allow some people you never met tell you how to live your life

    2. Dey play 😏. Wooobish 😡😡. Stay alone in your realms of glory 😂😂😂

    3. Goke I have choice words for you but I won’t post them. It is hypocritical goats like you that told my dear mother this rubbish and made her keep hope alive for a dead marriage to a man who broke his marital vows. Now she is alone with no companion and I wish more than anything to turn back time for her sake so she can block her ears to evil advisers.
      One of her pastor advisers then, both the man and wife are now divorced and having dealings with multiple people

      Any woman reading this, it is not good for man and woman to be alone. Don’t listen to anybody that tells you that if you divorce you cannot remarry. They themselves will not follow the same rule oh. It is not easy to be by yourself in old age

    4. Hian. They have come o! Goke, there are so many things wrong with that your statement up there.

      First, it is always end-times. Consider the life you are living in earth and your death as your end time! There has always been evil in the world and there will always be evil in the world. Learning about a new kind of evil, or becoming aware of evil, does not mean the world is going to end. Only God will determine when it will end. It can be in the next 5 minutes, 5 years, or 50 years. It can be in the next 1000 years. We do not know. So, live your one life the best way, and do not concern yourself with the degree of evil you have encountered.

      In the same way, 100 years ago, divorce was seen as the biggest evil ever. And today, many people have committed this evil thing. Are they all in hell? If they did divorce and ended up giving their lives fully to Christ, will they miss heaven because they got a divorce?

      Please, let us open our eyes. Plus read Bible while asking for the presence of the Holy Spirit to interpret it. To make heaven you still need to read your Bible for yourself and have a personal relationship with Christ and not by spitting out the lies being told to us by many religious bodies.

  19. Madam you need a lawyer
    Get one and try to be little bit happy
    I think you should go back for the sake of your kids but alert child welfare and the police in the area about what’s going on

  20. Ah my sister! So in all your goings and comings from that man’s house, you could not plan properly to disappear with your kids?
    Don’t really know what to tell you except, like Fan said, take a week off work, go everyday to the vicinity of your children’s school, if you have one or two brothers that can go with you, even better. Watch out for any opportunity to get your kids alone and speak with them, then carry them and disappear.

    For women going through domestic violence, you do not rush to leave, make sure you plan every step. And once you leave, even if the man begs, you have to make sure he has changed before going back (if you must). That is, you people should do husband and wife from afar for like a year so you see there is sustainable change, as majority of them don’t change. Words of mouth and promises mean nada, you have to see with your eyes that he maintains a different character for a long period.

    1. Some pretend to lure back to cripple and destroy , they are doing their master's work

    2. Not more than 2% change.

  21. Iam so sorry for you,not because l pity you.You don't have amind if your own from the beginning.How can you allow a man and your family manipulate you like this?

  22. What's this rubbish story now, in this time and age?
    Na wa o.
    Pls find a way to take your children away from that abuser. You need to do better.
    Families/parents should do better too. Imagine if your parents always stood by you and didn't let this idiot man treat you the way he did you would have had more sense than this.

  23. Why do I think I know who this fake pastor is..
    Does his name begin with 'S'?
    I used to know one like that around that time you said you met that was a teacher too.. I and my friends used to call him pastor of girls because of his ahewo ways, and the guy na big time bully to chics, he enters them with rubbish visions, begin to call them for prayers, speaking in tongues and them falling before you know, they don begin see am like god, and then the nacking starts..

    Even some families get carried away with his pastor facade, and na their daughters dey hear am..

    Very stupid guy that god saved him not to cross my path, cos I be mean am that year.. I later heard he got married and was in some far away state in South West

  24. You need help!! You cannot do this alone. You need legal help and support from a woman’s advocacy group, a woman focused NGO, or a charity. You need character references of your own and someone who can corroborate the violence. We always tell women experiencing violence to log and document their cases, to tell others of the abuse and to take photos of themselves, no matter how bad they look. Documenting these event no matter how painful, builds your case. Your phone will date and stamp the photos, so they are solid proof. Letting others see you also is a record. Women need to stop hiding and protecting abusers for this very reason. Now you have been tossed out in the pouring rain no less and separated from your children for over a year, while your reputation has been tarnished through and through.

    You have to get up and fight. You have to eat well and strengthen your body. He has tarnished you, so what do you have to lose. Get down and start searching for an agency that can help you. Get down on your two achy knees and pray against him. Are you afraid to let God reel out destruction on him since he is terrorizing your child too. You are saint pass? Pray for fire and brimstone on his head for every evil he did and continues to do. Go deep spiritual on him until he releases your children. He took your innocence, joy, children, reputation, took your ability to earn an income and threw you to the wolves when he was done and you sitting there easy instead of putting on your armour and going to war on his ass. Never forget that the same God of love is also one of vengeance. He is fake clergy misleading God’s ppl and being wicked and you sit there thinking God is not ready for him. Tell God to go all out on his azz and to release every vengeance on him for his wickedness. No time to be nice my dear, it’s time to fight!!!

    1. Reading your second paragraph got me feeling sober and this in particular 👉👉" He took your innocence, joy, children, reputation, took your ability to earn an income and threw you to the wolves " got me teary

    2. Well said!!

  25. Go to any office of National Human Rights Commission & report your matter ensure that you have evidences of the abuses you have suffered & if possible the ones your kids are suffering. NHRC services are FREE. Which state is this happening?
    How old are your children? I hope he doesn't have evidences where you were in your lowest moments threatening,abusing & doing stuffs that will indicate that you are a bad mother etc
    The most complex B

  26. It’s a red flag for a man to want to marry a lady without dating her and you would have followed your plan through to go for nysc and masters degree before marriage. The guy took advantage of your naivety. That’s why it’s advisable to get married when you’re matured and ready to marry. Don’t let anyone rush you, been rushed is a red flag already. And staying to give birth after been beaten with your first pregnancy is been unjust to yourself, staying to receive all the beatings is mind boggling. What if he had killed you in the process? How can he be threatening you to leave his house and you still stayed put. Thank God you came out alive. As advised, go and steal your children and hide from this narcissist where he’ll never find you. If possible, japa with your children. May God help you.

  27. This is wrong. But how could you have left without your kids especially your daughter.pls go get your kids before he destroys their self esteem.
    Empower yourself, learn a skill or get a job and hope for the best.

  28. I always say it that any person that comes proposing marriage within a short space of meeting you should be highly scrutinized. Many of such marriage don't end well. I escaped one of them and he's even a clergy, gay, narcissist, insecure. Thank God I wasn't desperate. Within one month he wanted to see my family, saying he wanted to marry me in three months He mounted severe pressure on me to introduce him to my family and I should tell my family about him, but I didn't do as he wanted. Thank God I wasn't desperate. He was so good that when he showers kindness to you you will never have any doubt in you that this is husband material. You need to see the kind of speed he used to go get things done for me. I was like; ah, this is crazy. What have I done for this guy that he is this caring to me within this short period? This is too good to be true. He introduced me to his co.pastors and his mum within that short space of time, I told him to take things easy as there is no mutual affection from my side yet. We need some time to know each other... This guy was even talking about taking loan to a buy luxury car. All that to make me feel good. Na there I know say this one still be pikin. The guy doesn't even have an ambition except monthly salary from the church. I was like how can a young vibrant guy like you depend solely on church salary in this dispensation?

    Yeye pastor. He always shared every discussion we had with his gay partner. Many of them group of pastors like that have bad marriages. When discussing on phone many times he'd tell me "I am just coming from pastor so so's house, he and his wife are having a misunderstanding so I went to make peace between them"

    I still maintain that don't let anybody rush you into marriage. If I told my mum about the guy she would have gladly accepted his request to come and marry me even within one week of meeting .

    1. Domestic violence in the clergy is well known but nobody wants to address the issue openly. Everybody wants to pray and forgive.

      Thank goodness you naturally have a discerning spirit. Unfortunately, we are not all blessed with the same things and some have to work harder than others at wisdom and discernment. While I can be naive and gullible, what saves me is my slower pace. Folks get tired eventually, my turtle ways is what has protected me from the wicked, if I was a jumpy person I would have entered one chance a long time ago.

      Young women of marriageable ages, especially those who have been sheltered should get some training before starting to date. They need information on how to properly vet a potential spouse. It is sad that the poster’s parents didn’t even encourage her to pursue her further studies or demand that she end the marriage after the first violent episode. Parents need to do better for their daughters. Forgive doesn’t mean sending her back on a one way ticket to hell. What strength the average woman have to protect herself from a violent man. The vast majority women cannot fight a man and expect to win, so sending back these women to violent households is a death trap.

    2. 18:39 yes, their marriages appear enviable only in public.

  29. This Chronicle is so so annoying
    He beats you and you kept going back? All bcos you want to be married and keep smswerimg Mrs or there's marriage in heaven right?. Madam, you lack simple sense. Of what use us your education if i may ask?

    God forbid!
    Somebody needs to open your your head and pour some sense inside.

    So you're asking us for advice you on what so we advise you to go back to him right?
    No go back to the house amd co continue being married to him

    1. The parents dashed her to the man in the name of this ultimate thing called marriage. Where else would she have found solace? These things can actually damage a person's mental health.

  30. Dear Poster, there's a radio program on wazobia 95.1 fm that handles this kind of issues. It's usually aired on Mondays,Wednesday and Fridays between the hours of 10am -12pm. A lot of people have been helped. Give it try and may God help you.

  31. I couldn't read to the end cos I'm so angry. Why didn't you call it off the first time that he cheated and beat you up while pregnant?

    Y'all really need to stop making excuses and enabling abusers.

    If you want to remain there and suffer, that's on you. It's your children that would grow up traumatized that I pity for.

  32. This Stella's statement "Your daughter will end up being attracted only to a man who will continue the abuse" wow!!!! This was me several years ago when I entered uni. My dad was extremely abusive towards my mum and it became normal to me. I entered uni and one guy started beating me as well. And it didn't mean anything to me. It was my friends that made me know it wasn't normal and I ran for my life. Please ma, steal your kids. My mum stole us at some point, and I'm so grateful she did. We wouldn't have turned out well if she didn't .

  33. All these chronicles where the woman are always completely without sin, tueh for una o!

    1. So the sin warrants beating and throwing the woman out in the rain abi?

    2. What an anger inducing chronicle. I have the urge to say a lot, but I will be respectful of whatever you are going through because I am a parent and not in any way perfect as a woman. I hope your children do not suffer anymore of the pain and confusion brought upon them by you and their father. If all you wrote is true, I pray God intervene and provide a peaceful way for those children to come out of this mess and experience real love and joy that comes with being a child and from a parent that truly cares between you and their dad. Who in their right mind leave their livelihood, resign from a good job, returns to and grant every wish of an abusive man or marriage (regardless of incentives, plead from congregation or relatives). I work with students and words can’t describe how damaging poor choices made by selfish parents with zero values for their lives, that of their children and lack of self-respect that makes some women and men walk right into chaos in the name of marriage/desperation, are to the children. Will a person die if he or she asserts their stand/decision that this is how I want to live my life and not succumb to terrible consequences of forced Mr./Mrs. title. Like some BVs already mentioned, you saw the reg flag before entering into this mess. A man or woman who doesn’t honour your wish and corners you to ask for your hand in marriage will surely not respect you as a wife or husband in that marriage. Virginity doesn’t determine the outcome of a marriage. Although it’s cool to say I am married to my first.

      Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King and other great men and women who contributed to the betterment of human-kind did so by sacrificing theirs lives, betrayal m, immerse suffering and torture, and a lot more. Through their sacrifices, we are freed from sin, the hold of slavery has diminished, women have the right to vote, you can sit anywhere on the bus as a black person.

      Yet, some weaklings can’t sacrifice a little to live or give their children a good life by separating themselves from ruins. They will listen to relatives and non relatives who don’t suffer in the situations hip with them. They get beaten, humiliated, lose all their bearings and all they have worked for and built, and still return to the chaos of a marriage that brought it upon them at the first place. And we wonder why some men or women don’t have respect for their partners or spouses. When you made it easy for someone to use, manipulate and torment you. He or she will find it easy to continue and later do it to others. They move from one victim to another due to lack of reparations or accountability.

      May God help you on this. I wish wellness and strength moving forward. God knows best.

  34. Poster, get your children back by all means.

    Thank God this is holiday season. Go to his church during service when he is preaching, gently carry your children and leave. No drama or noise making.

    Take them to a relative ( not your parents) to spend some time.
    They can even miss school for a term if you can't afford it. Their lives and mental health is more important.


    That man is evil.

    Young people, hope you are reading and learning. The signs were there from the beginning. Autocratic and a liar.
    Be wise.
    May God send you help poster, and give you wisdom and boldness to do this quickly in Jesus name 🙏🙏


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