Stella Dimoko Billionaire Tunde Ayeni's Wife Abiola SHUTS DOWN Baby Daddy Rumour Trailing Him


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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Billionaire Tunde Ayeni's Wife Abiola SHUTS DOWN Baby Daddy Rumour Trailing Him

OMG I love this woman!!!
Abiola Ayeni, is a Barrister-at-Law, Fashion Maker and Entrepreneur and wife of billionaire Businessman, Tunde Ayeni.
In this interview, she dismissed any threats to her marriage to her billionaire husband, and shut down the imposter who alleges she had a baby for him...

Oh my goodness this interview done by Vanguardngr is hot hot hot!!!

What is the greatest sacrifice you have made in life?

You just hit something. The greatest sacrifice I have had to make in life is having to give up my own career as a lawyer to obey my husband’s directive to stay with the children because we cant both be running after money and leaving home at 8 am in the morning and leave the children in the hands of nannies.

However,When I flash back or see some of my mates who are now Judges and Justices or SAN, the sacrifice hurts But I thank God today that my children are well mannered, and are doing well to the glory of God, And in the line of business that I chose for flexibility to work around the children I found fulfilment.

Because of his prominence, he is always in the news. Only recently a lady (name withheld), alleged that your husband is the father of her baby. How do you react to such news and how has this affected you?

Let’s take it one step at a time. Thank God you said because of his prominence he is always in the news. When a man is successful you know he will have a lot of enemies and they would write a lot of things about him. When you have made a name, you will become a target for traducers.

And that is when it’s good for you to know whom you are married to. It’s important to know the kind of person you are married to. There was some publication about some incident and people started calling me to make inquiries. They asked me how I was feeling or coping and I told them that I was fine. I don’t listen to what they say about my husband outside and I dont need anyone to tell me who my husband is outside. I have my husband beside me. When I need to clarify things, we talk about it.

We don’t hide anything from each other. I prefer to hear it directly from his mouth no matter how bad. He has no reason to lie to me because he knows I will stand by him anytime, any day.Thus no matter what anyone says about him, it doesn’t bother me.

I know My husband to have a good heart and will stand by you through thick and thin once you are his friend. He is a loyal person to a fault. And Even if you decide to make yourself his enemy by letting him down or cheating him you will never find him looking for your downfall.

There was a friend of his who was even living with us when we newly got married to tell you how close they were. They set up a business. My husband put down the money and the guy had the skills. And he ended up cheating him out of the business. And they fought and parted ways. Four years down the line, my Dad broke the news of the death of the guy and I was shocked. When my husband returned from work that night i just broke the news to him without thinking of how he will react to it because i thought they were enemies and he broke down and cried all night.

I was so so shocked that his anger over the friend on the issue of money had nothing to do with his love for the friend because this was someone who hurt and offended my husband. If he can have some empathy for someone who offended him, imagine what he could do for someone who didn’t offend him. So he took up the education of his late friend’s kids at age 4 and age 2 and sponsored their education in private universities till they graduated.

In the area of compassion you cant fault my husband,in the area of loyalty, you can’t fault him.
My husband can be too trusting and I warn him everytime that it is not everybody that has a good heart towards you like you have towards them but i see that he can’t change himself. It is his nature so i just always pray that God gives him discernment of spirit to know who to run away from in his endeavours

As for the impostor you mentioned, I will not glorify her by calling her a lady but somebody’s child. Because the age gap between her and my husband makes it more of an insult to refer to her as a lady. Her matter is not something I want to entertain.

As per your question on how I reacted to the news of her claim ,truth be told, the first thing I did when I heard the news was to check with God if truly He would fold His arms and let anyone destroy a home He uses His hands to build guard jealously for 31 years and He told me, its a lie disregard it. In the end, the truth will prevail. She knows the father of her child. And when i checked with my husband he told me the child is not his! GOD has spoken and my husband has also spoken nothing else matters so I am not moved by naysayers or rumour-mongering or her claims.

She is claiming in Abuja that she is Mrs Ayeni and that her child is a daughter of Ayeni, how would you react to that?

I am not surprised she is parading herself to be who she is not,because by so-doing it becomes clearer that she is a desperate gold digger and a sloth who thinks she can become Mrs Ayeni by merely pinning a child on her highest paying victim and its quite surprising to know that despite her degree in law she needs somebody to tell her that a child is not marriage certificate!

Neither is it a security to maintain a fake lifestyle that she has become accustomed to. And to now think the child does not belong to my husband makes her claim more embarrassing. Any way, She has been warned through our lawyers to desist from parading herself as Mrs Ayeni because she is not and she will never be as the Lord lives. My husband and I are legally married.

And as for her calling her child by my husband’s surname. Ayeni is many. The child is not Tunde Ayeni’s child. Period!. When she is tired of calling the child the borrowed name she will change it to her father’s name

You mentioned that your husband is quite generous and has a good heart and people take that for granted to say different things. It is alleged this particular impostor gets things from different men and claimed it’s your husband who buys her all these stuffs…?

Let me tell you something; I didn’t want to go to this length before but since you asked, I will answer. Hear is my take: It may appear as if my husband’s name is always associated with being in a messy affair with one lady or the other, it doesn’t change my opinion of my husband and you cannot convince me that my husband is a flirt because i didn’t marry him as a flirt,even if you show me all the evidence of how many women he has been with. Why?

Because money makes a man misbehave, Friends make a man misbehave,and strange women seduce men with all manner of Jazz to make a man misbehave! Rather, I pity my husband as an unsuspecting, and naive victim of the level of desperation and diabolical tendencies of this runs girl he got association with because even with Men my husband is too trusting, so you can imagine level of his nonchalance that led to the mess. I mean, you too, take a look at it. How can a man who is happily married, in his right senses and be spending lavishly on a prostitute of that age ?

Such magnitude of spending should raise the question “in return for what? 5 minutes pleasure?” When spending becomes unusual, you should suspect that a man is under a spell. So whatever she claims my husband bought for her, She knows what she did to get it from him. But that season has ended. I promise you.

To answer your question on whether the allegation has affected my marriage or my home ? I am happy to let you know that Christ is the bedrock of my home, he has built a wall of fire around it and i can confidently assure you that my home is not threatened, My marriage is standing Solid, my husband’s love for me is not threatened, my husband is not lost. My children are unmoved by the claim And my husband has no children outside of the 3 children we have together.

Do you have any advice for young ladies out there?

R- My advice is that they should marry their own friends and know what your husband is capable of doing or not doing so that you can properly defend him. In addition, build your home on Christ not on Trust. Trust may fail you along the line!
When you marry your own friend, it’s easy to see their pain and struggles rather than their faults and the injury they inflict so that you can render them the necessary support they need to live up to your expectation. That support is prayer. You cannot have a successful man or marriage without being prayerful.

A lot of people get into marriage praying for their husband to be rich without being prepared for what success brings with it. You need to know who your real spouse is. If I didn’t build my home on God and put my trust in God and have the power to differentiate an action that is my husband’s from what he did under influence, they enemy would have succeeded in their plans. But i thank God for his faithfulness in my life and the life of my husband and children.

Married to a billionaire whose business tentacles spread all over the world, this certainly comes with challenges. What is the experience like?

R-What I want you to understand is that life is a package and just like pineapple despite being known for sweetness it has different segments that comes with it.the first and the sweetest part is the bottom.

The upper part of it is not that sweet, and when you cut it into two halves,you have the hard core, and when eaten it has a mixture of bitter sweetness, it can cut your tongue or itch you.The outer skin is also another part of it that itches and can poke you and the crown of the pineapple another part that is basically useless. Six parts all in one fruit! Such is life.

Being married to a successful man will definitely come with its own challenges but how you manage everything that comes with it makes you a happy and fulfilled person. As for me I woke up to that reality early in life when my husband started moving up the ladder of success and tended to travel a lot and I felt this is not what I bargained for in marriage.

But I had to tell myself that “If you have a husband that is always at home, you will not get some of the comforts you enjoy! It is the choice life has made for me ! And i had to adapt to the unpleasant side of it. If you ask those whose husbands are home and around all the time they would probably tell you they prefer to have a husband who is hardly around with all the comfort you get. The earlier one understands that finding satisfaction in what life throws at you is the only way to be happy in life the better.

It was one thing for me to come to term with this reality and it is another thing to make our young children understand why their dad is not around most times like they see other parents do. When Iyiola was in kindergarten, his graduation from nursery clashed with Bolaji’s school exeat while she was doing A Levels in london and I had to travel for a week to stay with her for that period. I told my husband to ensure he attends Iyiola’s graduation but a meeting came up that he needed to attend that day and he tried to delegate someone to attend the meeting because he felt it was only a nursery graduation. So he told my sister to attend on his behalf.

Iyiola, went to wake his dad up in bed early in the morning and said: ‘Dad, you mean you won’t be at my graduation?’ He was about four years old at the period. My husband said he was compelled to shelve everything and attend the event because the way the boy put the question to him convicted him like it was a crime he was about to commit. At that young age Iyiola knew how to demand his rights.

Sometimes he came home insisting his dad had to come and pick him from school because his friend’s dads used to come to pick them up from school and he couldn’t understand why his dad couldn’t do that. I had to sit him down at that age and explained to him that his friends’ fathers are not in the same line of business as his dad. The fact that your Dad doesn’t pick you up from school doesn’t mean he loves you less than those whose father made out time to pick their children from school either because they didn’t have a driver or they just felt its right to do so.

These are some of the challenges I faced because of his business. I passed through the phase of suspicion of extramarital affairs, checking phones, and insisting on accompanying him on a trips and I grew up to see that those were mere traps and distractions that destablise peace in marriage. And finally come to realise that the best way to follow a man around is through prayers.

One thing you have to understand is that a handsome, successful and prominent man doesn’t have to be a flirt for him to start cheating on his wife, because even if he doesn’t chase women, women will chase him and if they dont, friends will influence him and in these days of desperate runs girls using diabolical means to seduce innocent men, it is only a naive wife that will be blaming or fighting her husband over women. These girls even go as far as trying men of God! So when married to a successful man, you CAN trust your husband with everything but NOT with women! Its TIME to SHIFT that trust to God and TRUST GOD concerning your husband that He will not allow him to hurt you or Let you down.


  1. Lmao @highest paying victim.
    Madam, you nor just try at all. It is a good thing to stand by your hubby in times like this but coming out to defend his whoring ways like this is sickening.
    You should have blamed your husband for going against his vows and then accepting to stand by him but making him the victim in all this is lame. Mtcheeeeeew.
    I guess the woman kidnapped your hubby and forced him to have her without protection.


    1. I got to the victim part and laughed out loud.
      She even mentioned jazz.
      I can imagine the myriad of STDs that she treats weekly

    2. Thank you oh. The Alfa malus have been screaming hold women accountable. So this time around please hold men accountable. He even bought a G wagon for his side chic.
      Just wow 😳😳.

    3. Go ahead and blame her husband for her nah@sluttychick🙄

    4. Why will she blame her husband? Because of outsiders opinions? So that they will call her woke feminist who doesn’t take sh*t? Of course she has to present a United front to the public, at home she can blame him all the blame in the world.

    5. I had to go read about the matter and my ears are full. Obviouy the man is a philanderer and the wife knows about his many affairs. Just that this Adaobi own choke as a child is involved. Madam should have just remained silent cos the man is not even worth defending. See the small girl he was disgracing himself with? The Adaobi girl too is a greedy girl. Dating your age mates father at just 24 years old? Already had a son by then and driving a g-wagon at 24 and living large in Abuja? Obviously a good-time girl.
      We know wifey isn't going anywhere but she shouldn't have bothered trying to clean up the reputation of such a man everyone knows is far from being a saint. I just feel for the children and even the daughter born by Adaobi. They are the real victims in all of these mess.

    6. Thank you @16:11

      We cannot be woke on this matter than the people who get the word "woke".

      Sebi Hillary stand by Clinton in public?

    7. How foolish and stupid can she be. She is just a typical Nigeria rich man’s wives case. Live in the mansion, ride in Rolls Royce and Private jet and cried many nights being in a marriage with a rich man and his many side chicks. Before she vouched and claimed that the child is not her husband’s child, perhaps she can ask for a DNA test between her husband and the child and posted the result publicly. Whoever advise her to give that interview gave her a bad advice. Sometimes giving no response makes the matter go away rather than responding and giving mire power/focus to the other side The interesting part is that 3 of them are lawyers. Adaobi is not a small fish and she got some properties and big financial gain from the man and Is okay to stand by your man as a wife but going to the extent of making her husband who is a REAL WOMANIZER with no regard or respect for her marriage is the most disgusting thing ever.

  2. When I say Nigerian women keep enabling their men to cheat. They'll come for my head. Just imagine a woman making these comments. I shake my head in pity.

    1. Your husband was having an affair outside the marriage contract.
    2. He was doing the do with someone way below him in age 🤢🤮🤮
    3. The the supposed person was your daughter's classmate. What😲😲
    4. You partner in crime was the alleged reason for thwarting your daughter's study in Abuja.

    Chaii Baba God women have suffered.

    I am guessing she's doing damage control while she gives him the cod shoulder at home.

    If you are so sure he's not the father, do you mean he did vasectomy or he's not the father of your children?
    I rest my case.

    By the way how much is a FREAKING DNA test? 😏😏
    Just dey play

    1. Why is the mother not taking the steps to do a DNA?

  3. What I basically understand from her submissions is that a philandering man can be excused if he provides his immediate family's needs to an absolute degree because philandering naturally comes with success. Hmmm... Shey na DNA confirm say the pikin no be for your husband abi na you just decide? Sounds like another Helen Prest and Dr. Ajayi drama in a way.

    Naija men get away with sh*t sha because they know their wives will cover up for them. Will her husband reason this way if na she dey pay her hookup guy come do paternity fraud? But well, if her mental conditioning works for her and she has found a supernatural way to protect herself from STIs/STDs, it is well. Cheating in marriage is bad enough but you see cheating without c*ndom ehn? Totally disgusting!🤮. Like your lives are no longer worth a thing because you can afford every runs girl?

    1. Is Hilary a Nigerian woman?

      For generations, women have too options. Leave their husbands for the woman outside or fight off the woman by any means available, defend their man in public, and do anything with him at home.

      If this woman choose the latter, we should let her be.

      And by the way, it has been said here several times that where the alleged concubine comes from, a child born outside marriage (without payment of bride price) does not belong to the man but the woman and her family Under that rule, no need for the man and his legally wedded wife to do DNA test unless the woman show proof that her bride price has been paid. See how these traditional rules we rely on to support this or that works?

  4. I am not understanding the essence of this interview. This has got to be the worst form of PR damage Control 🚮🚮

    1. Unintelligent damage control done by the wrong person

      Is the man DUMB? Let him defend HIMSELF
      Madam this isn't your place

    2. He must have agreed for her to do this.

  5. Wow! I thought Hilary Clinton was good when she never spoke out about her hubby and Monica Lewinsky. But this woman is pure gold. We married women need to learn a lot from this.
    Whether the man is guilty or not isn’t the point but her choosing to talk about his good virtues as well as laying her unflinching support for him is something to be studied
    She has soooo much wisdom.
    I wish I can be her friend


    1. Hian 🤧🤧🤧

    2. I don't want to learn from this kind of woman o. Condoning cheating because you're seeing money. Is this what she'll teach her daughters? Remain with a man even when he cheats and say he's jazzed?

    3. This isn't wisdom, my dear Anon 13:35, it's delusion and enabling character flaws. I prefer Hilary's style 100%, just refuse to say anything, silent can't be misconstrued. Let people chew the philanderers and speculate why the wife is quiet, insist on remaining quiet.

    4. She is supposed to keep quiet.

      Talk about something else. She was just throwing shade and even threw shade at Female SANs.


    5. Thank you 14:24. The best PR damage control is SILENCE. All this shalaye will not need to happen at all.

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 are you for real?!!

    7. MBA MBA MBA, please count me out, I shall NOT be publicly defending an unavailable and wayward man, God forbid.
      At best, I'd shut up and act indifferent publicly, but yo dey defend nonsense? No way.

    8. Sometimes,
      Silence is golden
      Silence is consent
      Silence is admission
      Silence can be explained
      Silence cannot be explained
      Silence is unwise.

      Silence is never a denial.

      Everybody has a right to remain silent or speak up.

      Any woman who is silent by words and conduct when her husband is confronted with accusation of infidelity is in support of it or is telling the other woman if that one is in pains, "serves you right".

      In law, silence in the face of verifiable and or verified case of extra marital affair(s) by a spouse is called condonation or, in other words, a pardon or waiver.

      So, Hilary's silence (whether selfish for her political career or status or whatever) was full support for Clinton and it weighed heavily in favour of Clinton in the public eyes. in fact it it tipped the scales for him.

      Anybody calling this woman an enabler should remember she is speaking up now after the big part of the events.

      Call it bad or poor PR. But she has spoken some words of wisdom. Any woman and man who likes doing other people's marriage partners should listen and learn - leave other peoples husbands and wives alone. It is no defence they first came for/to you.

      By the way, I am a man; not a holy man, but I do not do outside.

    9. I like this kinda woman.
      It's high time ladies/side chics got this, do not divorce your hubby because of an ahewo gold digger.

      Yeye female lawyer.

      For this mama to spew this, she and hubby don waka together wella. Throw away over 30 years of marriage because of a side dog?

      Ngoole kwanu.

    10. God forbid

  6. chere mama, can you beat your chest that your husband will defend you like this in the public? 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

    1. He just might, infidelity for women isn't such as abomination as some of us think, some men know and look the other way, after all, they've left her starved of affection for so long.

  7. Eyah! She will be fine
    All these randy men be putting their wives through stress.
    I didn't read where she asked her husband if he slept with the lady, without protection.

    1. She knows her husband already, according to the interview, so no need to ask.

      The man is a paymaster and gbenshes without protection

  8. Her thirty years investment. Is she divorcing him now to do what. A younger woman knows of his philandering ways and still wants to come in and then u expect her to leave her thirty years marriage,when he no dey beat her. At this age sex fit no be her problem sef. It's just the companionship and her children's future . At least the man no marry the side chick ... Abeg, pin there mama.

    1. You dey mind them, divorce after 30 years and be sleeping with other people who obviously might not be single to prove what point? All these people who have not got any serious relationship jumping up and down writing rubbish. If when it is your turn you can divorce your husband and sleep around codedly all in the name of self respect. Last time I check it is not only Nigerian men that sleeps around, people in same sex relationship sleeps around as well. Educate yourself ignorant lots.

    2. No one is asking her to divorce him but is this interview necessary?

      She didn't even talk about any meaningful subject about herself.


    3. You are the ignorant one 14:28.
      What most people are saying is that the woman had no business granting this interview.
      Another thing some of us are saying is that she really didn’t have to defend her husband this way, making him look like the saint he isn’t and slut shaming the woman involved with her husband. There are two irresponsible fools in this drama and making one look like he was “forced” into it is stupid and I am sure you agree with me 🙄
      Some women have been forgiving their cheating husbands since creation but never forget to share the blame around.


    4. 14:28 do you need medicine to heal your reprobate mind. This generation of men are doomed. Everywhere you go they keep telling them to make money and women will worship at your feet. Chaii 😪

    5. 14":28 said 'educate yourself ignorant lots' but is still sounding like a premium dun. ce 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6. Thank you o XOXO, the only thing about her I picked from this interview is that she used to be a barrister, and had to leave her career to be a stay at home mum, no other talks about her successes, business(es), achievements, contributions etc, the whole interview was centered around her husband, na wa!

    7. It is clear that the interview is about her husband. Okay, it is really about inheritance. Her children will not co-share because they do not have any half sister or brother anywhere.

      And truly @14:28, for any person of value, 30 years of marriage is 30 years of a woman or man's life invested in a spouse's life. So you have a point there. Especially as the usurper does want the man.

      @15:45, "Everywhere you go they keep telling them to make money and women will worship at your feet. Chaii 😪". The "everywhere" includes here. There are female BVs here who would not go near a broke good man by a mile.

    8. Waste 31 years because of a side dog? Your house your hubby, e remain small the man will repent and stop taking sugar, start avoiding some foods as per doctor's advise and he won't even remember them side dogs them. Pin there mama.

      Whether you have businesses, investments or achievement, pin there. You have your own husband from God.
      This kinda mama, even if you like born plenty kids for her husband she holds the key to his will & she can't cage the man.

      That was how one babe then born 2 kids for my late boss, na the wife get everything when they man kpai. The chic even collect hiv from him and the man stopped touching the wife for years till he kpai. The wife just dey bubble dey train kids for abroad. Side chic dey train children only her and she hearsay o.

      Leave marriage for who?

  9. This woman is totally living in deniability.

    She knows too well what's playing out but chose to act like her husband is the next Jesus Christ to come.

    What really got to me, was how she has come to rely on the holy spirit and yet has so much horrible names to describe people, amazed me.

    This woman needs to be watch very closely in order to avoid suicide.

    1. Exactly. She's just in denial. Hopefully mama don detach emotionally from the man. But it's painful that a union that's meant to be enjoyed and cherished is just there without any fire. Merely just living as housemates. No love again.

    2. Yes. I could read her desperation to hold on to her illusions.

    3. @14:12, "What really got to me, was how she has come to rely on the holy spirit and yet has so much horrible names to describe people, amazed me."

      Jesus Christ called some people by descriptive or figurative names - brood of serpent, whitewashed sepulchre full of rotting bones, hypocrites.

      The Bible described a woman as wearing the garment of an harlot.

      By today's standard, Jesus would be censored for not being holy enough or for not being politically/religiously correct by some of us.

      No bi say I holy pass, but everybody should chop the benefit and carry the name of their lifestyle.

  10. Life is a big teacher. Beyonce's mum divorced Mr Knowles because of extramarital affairs, she has also divorced her new husband over irreconcilable differences.
    Cheating is not Mrs Ayeni's deal breaker.

    1. Like she even SET the questions herself.

    2. On Mrs. Knowles, her new husband or her female-husband?

    3. JayZ's mum is the one who got married to a woman.

  11. Whatever works for one mehn.

  12. This is a talk that only a full ass grown woman would understand, not children. She is protecting her family not her husband! Smart woman.

    1. Her kids are grown.
      I don't see what she is protecting.

      Na she sabi


    2. This isn't smart, silence would have been smarter, send lawyers to reach out to the side chick and do a DNA, then announce to her embarrassment if it's not or make her sign an NDA to get child support.

    3. It is a defeated , manipulated and ignorant woman's attempt

      No sense in it

    4. She is protecting her and her children inheritance.

      Not everybody can be negotiated with. A woman who sets out to sleeps with another woman's husband does not go with the intention of negotiation. She goes with the intention to take all, or most off the wife and children, or the right of first option in any negotiation.

      It is the unmarried woman who should be fighting for DNA test not the wife. If the woman does not have a verified DNA test result in hand by now, that is her ball to kick.

      There has been "exposes" in news media for long on this matter, and the sources can be easily guessed.

      Her speaking up is better than silence. At the very least, nobody (lawyers included) would ask her tomorrow why she did not deny when the woman said she has a step-child.

  13. The conclusion of this absurd interview is that its ok for a husband to cheat if he has money. This woman knows her husband cheated but will never leave because of his money.

    1. Why should she leave because her husband cheated, so another woman will have the chance to jump in. A woman who didn't know how the man started. Dey play.

    2. Gbam .👍

    3. It is always easy to shout leave, as if marriage is a game.

    4. You people need to learn that cheating is not everyone’s deal breaker, young or old
      Doyin today said she will get her man a side chic and I can understand all points of view, do what works for you, but don’t complain about what you have chosen to accept.
      That’s why I don’t drag Chioma davido, cheating seems not to be her deal breaker and that’s ok

      Push up (original)

    5. Even Sister Caro said recently that if she knew better, she would not have left.

      Again, Sister Sonia made a recent post praising praising Broda J for providing after warning those who go to do monkey style for him.

      The other day, we read from a male Bv whose ex is ready to give it to him for his help to her and her children after she left her marriage.

      Even men, contrary to public opinion, do not leave so easily especially if they catch the woman before consummation of the main act.

      Sometimes it is best to counsel from experience, personal experience.

  14. She sacrificed her career for him and you expect her to leave.

    Madam goeth no where. I hope she has enough investment because her husband is efulefu.

    Why is that when men have money, they will be arrogant and be fooling around? But when women have money have money, they are expected to be humble , easygoing and faithful?

    Does she mean that other female SAN have ill mannered children???


    1. Because it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle…….

    2. She never said Female SANs have ill mannered children. She said of her choice and sacrifice; she is happy how her children turned out; and indirectly wondered or asked why the other woman cannot go sow her own sacrifice instead of coming to reap hers..

      Truth be told, for a man to be a SAN is no joke and double no joke for a married woman raising children. Most successful female law practice are built with the support of a male partner or loyal long serving male associate. She knows what she is saying. Those in law practice know what she is saying

  15. My kind of woman. I may not defend the fool but I will never leave a billionaire husband because of cheating. I can only leave my marriage because of cheating if my husband is poor or stingy then I will be scared of diseases. Nigerian women yen yen yen as if married men abroad don’t cheat and still get forgiven by their wife. Na dem dey still hail Regina Daniel

    Fan Emmanuel

    1. If a broke man was married to a billionaire too and she cheats, you think he would leave? Was it not here a married woman was cheating with the landlord and the husband knows but kept quiet? Now imagine if the wife was a billionaire? You think the man would come to tell the blog and write chronicle?


    2. Because disease send your husband's bank account abi ?

      Self respect and dignity ,
      A concept unknown to materialistic men and women

    3. @16:00
      In one chronicle, the husband who was out of job and late on rent found out that it appeared his wife was sleeping with the landlord.

      80% of commenting female BVs shamed him for ever thinking of confronting his wife. They all commented from the background that the wife was already feeding him from proceeds of her suspected waywardness and was so entitled since the man was being fed by her. None even wrote from the perspective that the woman may have a job or trade giving her legitimate money. Only few of the commenting female Bvs defended the woman that she may be innocent and that the landlord may just be pressuring her.

    4. @16:41
      It is the wives of lower class earners that you can scare with diseases.
      If Danjuma is not dead, Caro his ex is not dead, Davido is alive with all his baby mamas, Regina and Ned are alive with all their cowives, all your ex and current politicians are alive, then it is not this woman that will carry disease and die from it
      HIV/AIDS can be managed easily with money. Even Hepatitis C has cure. Herpes can be managed, Usher is living a good life with his own.
      These people can obtain the best medical care anywhere in the world so tell that disease story to someone else.

    5. Many do not get what it takes to be with a fresh graduate from a regular background for 31 years ago! I have been married for 30 years, gone through thick & thin with mine. There was a time we had less than $100 & I pawned my favorite jewelry set so the kids can get a TV for Christmas in the apartment complex we lived in 23 years ago as they were too young to get it. I was studying for my board exams & he was also trying to establish himself. They don’t know the times you had only one sofa & owned only one pot used for cooking stew after which you poured the stew into a bowl, washed the same pot to cook rice because money was tight. They don’t know when you both lived off your money because you made more than him but gave him access via a joint account so he feels like the man that he is! They have no idea how many bowls of Garri & groundnut you both soaked as a young couple.Thirty one years is about 1/3rd of a well lived life, May God bless us with long life in Jesus Name. Then a young lady will see me in a Mercedes or Porsche & expect me to leave for her because she has the young body I HAD & gave him thirty years ago? It’s not happening unless there is physical or emotional abuse! It’s about shared memories of the prime of your life. Young ladies say online that they don’t want to struggle with men due to stories of ungrateful men but many of us struggled with ours.

      How will you come into my home & take over? Do you know the history & tears behind every cookware, furniture, artwork, pictures, decoration, etc! If the woman did not support him, he may never have become “your zaddy spec”! Nigeria is still a place where they still “provide” “easy virtue” girls to those interested as “conference materials” on corporate visits & conferences! How low & objectified can a woman allow poverty to drive her to! The young actor that married her grandpa’s peer, can never be as sexually satisfied as his real wife was in his 30s,to 60s! Forget IG filtered photos of pretentious lives. Leave married men alone, get single men (divorcees, widowers), closer to your age. Mr Ayeni was nothing when they married. Many Naira billionaires were nothing 30 years ago! They made money under Obj, Jona as Naija government got more corrupt & oil prices went up globally under Jonathan. It’s the old moneyed folks that had money until about 35 years ago when looting got on steroids! What sexual satisfaction can a young lady get from 60 to 70 year olds most of whom need viagra or cialis to satisfy their own wives (typically their age or slightly younger), is it worth the $ & soft life?
      The law in the west recognizes the sweat equity a woman brings to the table. Look how many $billions Mackenzie Bezos who started Amazon with Jeff was awarded though she was a stay at home mom !
      I get that poverty & lack is stressful but a house built on sand will collapse eventually. What is not fair is not fair. Btw the man still cares for her else he won’t say the affair ended allegedly in 2019. Sex between two consenting adults=STD ≠(IS NOT equal) pregnancy IF a woman does not WANT a baby, there is plan b, postinor & even regular birth control pills up to 72 hrs! Again sex is separate from the decision to have a baby! Only ONE of the two DECIDEs to have a baby. Men without self control who I blame, get TRAPPED for a paycheck for life forgetting that the wife at home may have bought his first car, their first sofa, the seed money used in starting his business plus prayer night vigils to ensure he succeeds! Stop side chickism & pray for breakthroughs. Stop having kids the other party is initially “sad” to have. Dr Olukoya of mfm says, being an unwanted child has spiritual implications. A woman with self worth wants a man excited for HER to be the MOM of HIS kids. I’m not exonerating the men but I know Naija desperation! From one that exposed her boobs to get deposit for the Z bank to the embassy staff who try to trap foreign delegations with 🇳🇬 men, you have to give 👍🏾 up to disciplined men. Many men abandoned wives & children here!

  16. I’ll only leave a struggling wicked stingy man that cheats not a kind paymaster that his only flaw is women

  17. Why do women of cheating husband defend them when they mess up?ls only in this country that ii happens.Becos the woman at of desperate to be married covers the truth and attack the women so pathetic.Rubbish!

  18. This woman doesn't love this man anymore so she can't be bothered.

    She is only there for the money and investments same with the little girl Sleeping the papa old enough to be their father. The man cheating is just a means to an end at this point - a national cake. Maybe as his wife she loved him while they were young hustling together and raising their kids but as time passed and she realised the man is a cheat the love died and she is saying pit to savage whether she can for herself and her kids. So to her, she is not going to leave so another will reap her sweat

    That is why when broke men cheat the woman leaves but when a rich man cheats the woman may not leave like her case. She is not there for love anymore but her own gain. Who loves a cheat anyway?

    Women married to cheats do not care if he is alive or dead, sad or happy she doesn't care about him at all but his resources and what she has to gain or loss if she divorces him-afterall she has invested and that is what she is protecting.
    Most women who won't bat an eyelid when their husband cheats don't love their husbands anymore some even cheats with sugarboys in secrets.

    I did not even read what she wrote because all is just cheap epsitles but I know she is not leaving because she is protecting her investment.

    1. *she is staying put*
      *to gain or lose*
      Forgive the typo error

    2. A dignified silence by her would have made sense,not this nonsense up there

    3. Which kind silence? Tomorrow now the alleged baby mama will throw shade. She has made her point, let whoever get ear make she hear. That pikin can't be an Ayeni not in their will.
      What's even the aim of the female lawyer dating such a man? To scatter their home, to reap where she didnt sow or to become Mrs?
      Female lawyer wey no sabi law for sex matter.

      I lost money o. God help me.

  19. Abeg I can't defend any dog of a husband like this, highest I will keep mute on social media and not grant interviews concerning his philandering ways than this nonsense up there

  20. If i hear she doesn't defend him outside. Even poor women defend their cheating husband then its billionaire's wife that wont defend her

  21. The lady is Jennifer Adaobi alagwu,a lawyer and a former mbgn 2014 contestant (she was disqualified CU's of her tattoo)

  22. She should have asked May Edochie to teach her the art of SILENCE.

    1. I heard she has filed papers in court. If true, that is not silence. This madam is not filing any paper in court.

    2. Says who? As nonsensical as Yul is, we were hearing May’s voice and her insistence on not accepting a second wife. And this is after Yul accepted the outside child. Imagine if Yul had half the money this man has, nobody will hear word.
      Leave that thing! It’s easier to scream ‘stay silent’ until you are in the person’s shoes. This woman is sending a clear message to the strange woman/ usurper that she is rooted in her husband’s house and she and her husband will not accept any illegitimate child. She is not just talking for talks sake, It is a message. Billions are at stake here.

  23. The lesson here is that if a man cheats it is fine do long as he is loaded? Noted.

    1. Disease and mentally unbalanced women no send your loaded


  24. Abi o…all this small


    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. God bless you. Best comment.

  26. If my husband disgraces me this way in public, God knows I'll never come out publicly to defend him. He brought it upon himself so he should face whatever comes with it alone. Even if I talk inside, I no go talk pim for outside. Aru m n'aso mkpari.

    I can only defend what I'm so sure of, the truth.

  27. Women should stop defending the activities of a man’s penis. Please. If you know your man got a wandering dyck that is available to the community and you love him just the same and have no plans on leaving, either say that plainly or have the man answer these questions. Just stop getting pulled into questioning around your man’s dyck and what he does with it.

  28. There is an American saying that before criticizing the gait of a man, walk a mile in his moccasins.

    See, there are some decisions, investments, steps, etc. some marriage partners make together that completely rules out divorce when one of them starts to misbehave or falls under a spell invoked by an outsider. Make una read between the line as una like.

    If this woman wants to stay and deny her husband's paternity of any child outside her marriage, she has the full constitutional, legal and marital right to do so. It is the outside woman who has the burden to prove paternity.

    An Isoko proverb says you cannot wrongfully push a man and tell him where to fall.

    1. Thank you!
      I may not do the same has she has done but I understand her choice to stand firmly in support of her husband, at least in public. I know that despite appearances, the man will be receiving hell at home. It is only someone who has not experienced long term marriage that will blame this woman. If the man’s only fault is womanizing and she’s okay with it and enjoying the rest of her marriage, I wish her the very best. If she doesn’t support her husband, is it the nonsense side chick she will support? Hian!

  29. Wait. He stopped her from practicing law, ONLY to go and date a young lawyer who looks EXACTLY like her? (I googled). She herself said that she regrets when she sees her mates who are successful lawyers. But has chosen to be thankful to God for what she has (settling much?)

    You can tell that this woman longs for her career, which she has sacrificed to keep her marriage. You can also tell that the man likes light-skinned lawyers, one of which he married; but does not want his wife out there, because he knows what men like him get up to, with women who look as beautiful as his wife. May God not allow us to marry dream killers. This is a clear case of crying in a Lamborghini.

    Madam, I put it to you that that child is your husband's and no amount of denial can alter that. Unfortunately, you are too old to reverse certain decisions you have made and I feel for you. Nevertheless, life must go on.

    Lastly, Ayeni is NO victim. Greatness requires focus, discernment and the ability to play smart at all levels. As a fast-rising woman myself, I can see that the devil's tricks gain complexity as one rises. She sounds as though her husband is a baby, who gets pushed around by friends and women. This was so pitiful to read and I hope it works out well for the family. In the end, there is a child outside and he must EITHER show us a negative DNA test OR take responsibility for what is his.

    Proverbs 31:3 - Don’t dilute your strength on fortune-hunting women, promiscuous women who shipwreck leaders (MSG)

  30. She did not threaten his previous mistress who lived in Banana Island and adopted a child with him? If not for money, Mr and Mrs Ayeni are really low class people. You can tell from this interview.

    1. I think you mean someone else

  31. Mrs Ayeni has been damaged emotionally by this man's philandering ways that her best option is to dive further into the world of illusion. How magnanimous 🤦🤦

  32. It is obvious that this interview is to debunk the claim that there is another Mrs Ayeni apart from herself. So, it is appropriate to clarify that she is the only legal wife, given that Nigerians seem to take sides with the wife that is well known publicly. A similar case that comes to mind is Ms Helen Prest that was parading herself as the legal wife of her late baby father, while the man was still legally married to his relatively unknown wife. However, Mrs Ayeni should have just stated facts about being the only legal wife, and a DNA is needed to confirm that her husband fathered the love-child. Other details in the interview were not needed, being a lawyer herself she should know that only facts are necessary in case of a legal dispute.


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