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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Woman Narrates Shocking Tale About Her Marriage...

This is a long story but worth the read.
Things are happening!

#longread #marriage #family #verbalabuse

''For some reason known only to Kelechi; he married me…but he never had plans to be my husband and he never regarded me as his wife.
One thing he insisted on was that we wouldn’t post our wedding pictures for ‘security reasons’…but that was just a ploy to keep living a double life. I will explain.

A few weeks after our wedding; an estranged Facebook lover of his confronted him about his wedding; he denied being married until she sent him the picture my dad had posted.

Not long after that too; he reconnected with another ex of his and even insulted me because of her. When I reminded him that he had taken vows before God and man to ‘forsake all others,’ he clearly told me; “The problem I have with you is that you think that I can be held down by any laws.”
As if that was not enough; he asked me out of the blue one night, “What do you think about me getting an ‘opportunity’ for a contract marriage abroad?” I was taken aback but I kept my cool as I asked him how I and the baby on the way would fit into that plan.

That conversation quickly deteriorated and ended up with him telling me how I got married and decided to just get pregnant when he had already told me to write IELTS and look for admission abroad. He told me without mincing words that he will ‘do anything’ including a contract marriage to make money for his family; I told him to count me out of that family.

While he kept at his shenanigans; I reminded him of this scripture. He clearly told me that he had not obtained any favor because he hadn’t made money. I asked him about everything else and he said that as long as he didn’t have money, he cannot see any favor.

I asked him how much money would be enough to make him believe he was favored and he had no answers.
These chain of events opened my eyes to the depth of this scripture; you have to first of all ‘find a wife’…and to find something or someone means to recognize it for what it truly is.

As long as you as a man do not recognize the woman by your side as ‘a wife’, don’t expect any favor from God.
And oh; did I mention that he falsified his signature on our marriage certificate??? He claimed to have forgotten his signature, but the day he decided to look for our marriage certificate, he told me, “I hope you know that without the sworn affidavit for the change in signature, that marriage certificate is null and void?”

I almost had a heart attack when he said that…so it’s no wonder he didn’t see any favor from God; he never recognized me as his wife and God actually doesn’t force anything on anyone.
This is still a portion of my story…pray for your spouse today as you fellowship and make sure that you regard them as your spouse.
Happy Sunday.
This is one of the many pictures that never got posted because he wanted to maintain his single status on Facebook but claimed that it was for security reasons and he wanted us to maintain our privacy.
I am a very private person; so I believed him until I realized that we were not on the same page.
Besides marrying me for selfish reasons; he was ashamed of me…a whole spec like me 
He constantly told me how his exes looked and would randomly post their pictures and talk about their skin and how he wanted me to look better so when they see me, they’d know that he upgraded.

He ridiculed my dressing and wanted me to wear makeup for every outing; no matter how brief. In his words, ‘I don’t want you to give me any reason to look at another woman.’

He didn’t care that I was struggling with a new pregnancy. Even when I made effort; he will ‘forget’ to tell me that I looked beautiful.
One time; he came to the bank to meet me and we went to the supermarket to get groceries. Dude tried so hard to act like he didn’t know me and we were not together.
When I introduced him to the manager, he had a scowl on his face. I didn’t notice initially until I called him ‘baby’ and he ignored me. I called him ‘baby’ again and he scolded me…”see how you’re just saying baby baby.”
All the other places we went to, he stayed very far from me and was on the phone the whole time, I still haven’t found the words to describe how I felt that day.
I survived…

But the night he woke me up at 4am (I was more than 6 months pregnant) to cuss me out for telling my sister in law how he was treating me; he made sure to tell me how I was nothing and didn’t measure up to the women in his life.
He said, “do you know the kind of women I left to marry you, you this thing.” He went on to call me many more unprintable names and added my sister in law to the insults.

Then he said, “my mother warned me about marrying an Umuahia woman (at this point I want to state that his mother died when he was 16), but I didn’t listen. I have asked questions and they told me that Umuahia women are domineering and evil.”

Umuahia people, come and collect your sub…because the insults he gave Umuahia people is immense; yet he worships Nnamdi Kanu of IPOB who is from Umuahia and happens to be my second cousin.
The following night; I woke from sleep to hear him on the phone with someone and he was telling this person how he doesn’t know how he married me because nothing about it made sense. He claimed that I held him down with some form of supernatural whatever and now that his eyes have cleared I had become repulsive to him and he couldn’t stand the sight of me.

No wonder he had in a spate of abuse told me, ‘you can go and burn more bay leaves to tie my legs.’ I burn bay leaves occasionally to get rid of mosquitoes and pesky fruit flies instead of using insecticide. And burning bay leaves relaxes my nerves and makes me sleep better, so I didn’t understand what he said until I overheard that phone conversation.

I was too numb to even cry…

He follows the likes of AllahKaduna who tell them that they’re alpha males and the prize…well, I was not in competition with anyone for anything so I removed myself from struggling for any prize biko.
He loves to insult women on social media but is always in women’s inboxes asking for money…I lost count of how many women kept sending him money for only God knows what; and when I complained, he would say that I’m just being insecure…he still won’t pay any bills or buy anything for me or the house.

The next time a random stranger told me I was beautiful; I was shocked to hear it. I had forgotten that I was beautiful because I was constantly belittled and demeaned by the one person who should have been praising me.
It has been one joy ride finding my way back to myself…and right now my voice is stronger than ever.
7 months of marriage that felt like 7 years of torture…

March 28, 2022; I was 28weeks and 5days pregnant…I was also traumatized from constant verbal, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse.
I had scars, but they were not physical for anyone to see. But on this day, I knew that I had reached the end of my rope and I needed some kind of help.
This was a Monday, and by Friday of the same week; news of Osinachi’s death broke the internet.

While I thanked God that I was still alive (even though I didn’t think I would be alive for much longer); I read the reactions that trailed the news of Osinachi’s death.
I read how most people kept asking why she didn’t speak up or leave; and I kept wondering how many of these same people would have been kind to her if she had indeed left that marriage.
They were only sounding kind now because hers resulted in death.
When Kelechi went full throttle with his abuse of me, I had hope that it was a phase that would pass and I mostly told myself that I would be a better wife so he wouldn’t abuse me.
But the more I tried, the worse he got. Nothing I ever did was enough and I was worn thin.
I watched a YouTube video recently in which the host said something profound; she said, “when they don’t treat you right, you don’t stop loving them, you stop loving yourself.”
I could totally relate because I was as in that exact situation a little over a year ago.

He would verbally assault me but won’t stop there; he would insult my parents, insult my brother and his wife, and insult my hometown.
Then he tried so hard to cut me off from my family; he claimed to have gotten a job in Abuja and wanted us to relocate immediately. I asked the salient questions about how the move would affect us, seeing as I was pregnant and already seeing an obstetrician here.

His answer was; “I’m the man and your head, you just have to follow me.” When I resisted such blind move, he said that I didn’t want him to make progress. I told him to go on without me and settle in but he refused.
He would ask me for money when he had finished emptying my purse; if I can’t provide, he would insult me and mention all the women he knows who are ‘holding their men down.’

Then he started borrowing money from people and making me pay…I was footing all the household expenses so I had no idea what that money was for, when I ask, he’d tell me, “I’m a man and a man cannot be telling his wife everything he does with money.”
I was working even with a difficult pregnancy while he hung out with friends and slept most of the day only to insult me for being pregnant when I know we don’t have money.

I never disrespected him because of his inability to provide; rather he insulted me for not being able to provide what he wanted.
I constantly funded his forex trading account and he constantly blew it…and would still tell me how a prophet told him that I was behind his downfall.

He will sleep all day and keep me awake all night, knowing I was pregnant and needed all the rest and care I could get. When I remind him about my condition; he would tell me, “my sister has 3 children and I never heard her complain about any of these things, you’re just pretending,” or “you’re pregnant, you’re not sick, you’ll be fine.”

When my brother’s wife made sure I was removed from that toxic environment; he continued abusing me via chats and started sending people to call me or my dad to blackmail me into going back.
My dad simply told everyone to let me give birth first before we discuss anything.
When his tricks didn’t work; he started telling everyone who cared to listen that the child I was carrying was not his.

My daughter’s first birthday is 10 days away and he has not set eyes on her; so help me ask him how he got the DNA samples for the test he carried out?
This is neither a sob post nor a joke; it is a post to remind family and friends to pay attention to their married friends.

Every scar is not visible, but is equally capable of great damage. If you choose to look away or hold on to certain ideologies more than you would hold on to that person; don’t come online to pretend that you care if anything happens.
I’m saying this because many people cut me off because of the lies Kelechi went on spreading about me and my family. It’s no wonder they never congratulated me on the birth of my daughter.

It is all good…I’m speaking out now because it has taken me a long time to get to this point where I can discuss this pain. I woke up every morning thinking it would be my last; but my family stayed by my side and I had a few good friends who reminded me of so many reasons to stay on and fight.

Help these people because we can’t even help ourselves; if my brother’s wife didn’t do anything; I wouldn’t have been able to do anything…I was that helpless and scared.
I’m grateful to my family who put me first and to the few friends who never left my side, because of you I am here and my daughter is here too.
We overcame because we got help, help others overcome too.''
From Facebook - By Hazel Ajuamiwe


  1. How and where do women meet these kind of men? Why are people in a hurry to marry just to please society? Why is it that individuals ignore the red flags thinking "change" will set in after marriage? How do women fund the lives of their horsebands? Why will an adult wait for oher people to save them from a toxic environment? Hmmm, so much for a "ring" and "status."

    1. Please learn, instead of judging, you just might save someone close to you in future, God bless her sister in law. Where are those on that earlier post abusing those encouraging them to be financially independent? Just imagine if this woman had nothing going on for her financially, even the person that wants to help you will be discouraged. How many friends and family are capable/kind enough to support you emotionally and financially?

    2. I couldn’t even finish this garbage
      She married a first grade narcissist
      Make everything your fault, you are to blame for them being broke
      They never go for their so called spec so they can subdue whoever they marry and make you feel you should be privileged just being with them.
      Anyone who notices these signs shouldn’t even bother spending a min in a relationship or marriage except you want to remain a “grey rock” all your life

      Push up (original)

  2. What a terrible's well ,I wish her healing and strength

    "When they don’t treat you right, you don’t stop loving them, you stop loving yourself" deep words on marble

    1. So many profound lines in her write up. Deep words.

  3. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars14 June 2023 at 12:33

    Wow! I congratulate thiw lady for leaving. And for loving herself enough. I thank God for her sister in law. She is a God sent.
    May more women speak out regardless of what is at stake.

    It is well with you and your daughter.

    That your lazy man doesn't deserve you.

  4. How you sef end up with such man. Nothing good about him at all. No be say he get money or good character abi you sef just wan answer Mrs.
    Person Dey abuse you from morning till night yet you still dey feed am, carry your money Dey fund his forex wallet. How you wan make him rate you when you sef no rate yourself.

    Nawa o for You.

    1. Exactly why many women in that position keep quiet. See them blaming the victim.

    2. Men like this are plenty and no they don’t start out like this, they love bomb you, because they place you on a pedestal then when they have you they don’t bother so they revert back to factory setting but by then you have fallen inlove and they have broken you to the point you think no one else will accept you.
      So you settle, you also remember all the so called “good times” and pray that they change back, outsiders hardly know their bad sides so it’s difficult to explain to anyone.
      Don’t ever get involved with a narcissist

      Push up (original)

    3. Push up has summarized it.

    4. Like Gideon Okeke 🙄

    5. Anon 12:38, pls stop. You blame the victim, you blame the one who has carried heavy burdens and need rest. Who kicks a person who is already wounded, instead of you to be kind, you behave inhuman. Kai, u need some kindness in your heart...

  5. Going Anon on this,I went through something similar to what she went through almost ran mad but thank God for my family...she is honestly true with this statement(when they don’t treat you right, you don’t stop loving them, you stop loving yourself.”)
    2years felt like 20 years of torture.
    I am not where I am supposed to be because I still have this little fear..God help me.
    It is well sis,🤗🤗🤗

    This story just made me cried, why are some men are so cruel

  6. God please help your people. May this not be my portion in Jesus Name. Amen.

  7. He deceived the lady into marriage when he knew he had other intentions. Thank God she survived the ordeal she went through in that marriage. Things de really occur.

  8. What a depressing tale. I thought they said the first few years of marriage is honey moon phase?

    So glad that you are alive.
    Stay strong

  9. The boy man is an infant. Always thinking the other side is greener and will continue to pursue "greener lands" till he meets his doom. Amounts to nothing and never will.

    Another girl will see all the signs and enter thinking he wil change.

    The kind that maltreats a woman in his youth and falls sick or down with disease later in life and remembers he's married and some bvs will preach she accepts him back when they won't answer his call how much more take him back.

  10. The signs are always there but many women refuse to heed them because they just want to get married. "We dated for just one month and we got married", "he was a player but met me a godly woman and decided to get married", etc, na dem.

  11. I am a man, been married for over 15 years and counting. I do not wish anyone evil or bad in their marital live(s) because God being faithful, mine is beautiful and good. But sometimes, I just wish to be close or related to a lady or so who is going through this so I can beat the man up mercilessly. On my dead mama’s grave. Any man who tries just 1/4 of this nonsense to my sisters na DIE. I am so pained. Evil men.

  12. Alfa Malus are you seeing your spec? Make una dey play. Chaii how someone jam a man that is emotionally damaged? beats me. God abegi 😪

  13. Couldn't even read everything..

    Life no suppose be war,. When I just notice some senseless behaviour, and I call your notice once and twice and you no give good explanation or see anything wrong with your actions.. I don bounce jeje..

    Who has time to be going through unnecessary sadness in life that's already complicated enough..

    Abeg Abeg


    1. I am also a victim, he was so loving during 2years no sex friendship, immediately after marriage I saw the other side of him, during love making he put his useless penis in my mouth, I will be expecting him to do same to me, all i will be hearing open open your legs wide, he will enter pour without me getting satisfaction. I tried to discuss it with him he will say i am not romantic at all. The day i will come out in romantic way and start same way, open open, i manage give birth to 2 and move out jejely i can't kill myself all in the name of being mrs. Now he is telling people that them don teach me
      and he want his children back, children that he could not help me to care for, hospital appointment na me alone, cooking, and daycare wahala na me alone.

  15. The greatest mistake a man/woman can ever make,is underrating prayers when it's comes to choosing the right partner.
    When you yield yourself to the holy spirit he will guide you in choosing the right one.

  16. Thank God she came out alive. Some people could not.

  17. It's just women are ashamed to speak up and men are seen as gods. What most women pass through, the scars are not seen but very deep and sore.
    Most men take advantage of a country that is lawless and are destroying women, even
    some police officers ,lawyers ,women etc still favours the men making women enduring alot.
    My only contribution is women should strive to engage themselves productively to be able to cater for themselves and children ( have number you can take care of as a woman).

  18. I am tired of reading ‘the signs were always there’. Were u in the relationship with them to have helped see the signs? If the person didn’t state that the signs were there or noted that, kindly resist the urge to insinuate that. This is u blaming the victim.

    1. Thank you. Help if you can, wish them well if you can't, passing blames doesn't solve any problem.

    2. Lady T /worth more than a thousand dollars14 June 2023 at 18:09

      @Eka, ❤️

  19. Read it all. Worth the read. Thank God she was able to ditch the narcissist.

  20. Her sister in-law is God sent. May good heal her in every phase, such a wicked and manipulative husband.

  21. I pity all these men following allah kaduna's teachings, thank God for using your sis inlaw to deliver u from the lions den

  22. The last time I tried helping someone or should I say advice someone who came to me to report her bf, she threw me under the bus, twisted all I told her to her boyfriend who happens to be my brother in law, them use me settle and I became the enemy. God! I was soooooo hurt!

  23. Dear Poster, did you marry my ex? In my case, I spent 8 yrs in the scam of a marriage so you can imagine the psychological, emotional, financial and verbal abuse I went through and the resultant damage to me before I FLED.. Thank God for my family because they stood by me and still standing by me since I left. 3 yrs after, I'm better than I was before and my future is very bright. Thank God I survived it.

    1. Thank God for you people that have family, me, if such happen to me, I have no family to support me, they are all alive by the way, father, mother and siblings. I feel so alone in this world

    2. @Able God, me too. My family is worse. This guy has a mental health issue and is a guy with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). The poster would have ended up dead or in a psych ward, God forbid. Thank God for those who came through for her. Especially her brother’s wife!

      Stereotyping everyone from a town or ethnicity is wrong and immoral. It’s like saying “can anything hood come out of Nazareth” like Nathaniel said about Jesus in the Bible. Thank God she survived him. Parents, raise both genders to be hardworking, kind and sensitive. Stop raising narcissist sons and in some cases daughters.

  24. Cliff notes please

  25. Some men are so inhuman that devil fears them.


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