Stella Dimoko Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post


Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Tuesday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #tuesday #newday #goodday #positiveday #itiswhatitis #donteversaynever

Good Morning.....

Today will be a good Tuesday for you and I pray that everything concerning you goes according to the will of God.....

Some of you are int o day Jobs that are stagnant because it is not Gods will for you..Some of you are escorting other people to fulfil their destiny and that is why nothing seems to be working for you...

Today will be good and different if you understand what you just read and let the will of God be effective..

Today, may you have testimonies so great that it sounds like a lie when you tell it tomorrow...
Let go and let God...
Live and let live..
Comment and let comment..


  1. Dear God,
    I LOVE the parents you gave me. If I have a million life times to come back to earth again, I still NEED them! πŸ’―
    But God, abeg ehn, if next life dey, my uncles and aunties from both sides of the family, abeg epp me reshuffle am.
    I don check am see say I no really help them. Dem sef no help me. So no need to join us again. I LOVE them. But reshuffle...πŸ™...

    1. Funny prayerπŸ˜€πŸ˜€

    2. Ali B,

      Growing up, I used to think my uncles are millionaires and are just being wicked until I become oneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

      I think I owe those men some apologies I swear. For the things I wished them as a child.

    3. Teejay: πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. True true, e nor easy o bro. Me sef don owe my nephews taya. Na everyday I dey promise. Chai! This my own brand of Uncle is not Uncle-ing at all. πŸ˜‚
      Abeg next life, Make God join me with Uncle Aliko and Aunty Alakija. Make e for soft small, so dat I go epp my nephews and nieces too. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    4. God bless my parents and give me all i need to make them very happy and comfortable Amen. They deserve the very best and will get it.

    5. Hahahaha it's everywhere, thou some are more better than others.

      Licious babe

  2. Our Divine Nature!!
    1 Peter 2:9.


    "Being a child of God isn’t merely a religious rhetoric. Rather, it means you’re an associate of the God-kind. You’re a God-man or God-woman."

    "God wants you to know you have eternal life. That’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The life you got from your parents when they gave birth to you has been supplanted by eternal life. You now have the divine life that dispels and obliterates all sicknesses, diseases, and afflictions. This is what makes us invincible in life."

    "This life dispels darkness, poverty, failure and death."


    I'm an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I'm superior to Satan, and I'm above the forces of darkness, because I've been brought into the God kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. Glory to God!

    Further Study:
    2 Peter 1:4 AMPC; 1 John 5:11-13 AMPC; 1 John 4:17.

    1. I'm superior to Satan and I'm above the forces of darkness....Amen πŸ™

    2. I'm an associate of the God-kind, in vital, inseparable oneness and union with divinity. I'm superior to Satan, and I'm above the forces of darkness, because I've been brought into the God kind, a divine pantheon. Divinity is at work in me. Glory to God!


  3. Heavenly father, we, thank you for this beautiful tuesday morning that we are alive to see the splendor of your creation. Lord we worship you and praise your holy name.
    Lord let the counsel of the enemies over our life not be accomplished,in Jesus name πŸ™
    Lord let this day count as another step towards our greatness in Jesus name πŸ™


    'Master...because you say so, I will.' Luke 5:5 NIV

    You say: 'What happened to the verse in Galatians 6 that promises whatever you sow you will also reap? I gave it my best shot. I trusted, sacrificed, did the right things, yet reaped nothing.' Whether it's a lack of reaping in your finances, job, marriage, children or ministry, it's discouraging and sometimes makes you feel like giving up. The disciples were experienced fishermen. But they had fished all night and caught nothing, so now they were discouraged. And that's when Jesus showed up! When they thought there was nothing more that could be done, he stepped into their boat. And he still works that way.

    As long as you think you can handle the situation yourself, Jesus will wait until you acknowledge that you're out of options, then he gets involved. 'Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch,' he instructed (Luke 5:4 NIV). Peter replied, 'We have already tried that and the fish just aren't biting.' Maybe Peter was thinking, 'Lord, you're the preacher, but I'm a fisherman. If there was anything out there, I'd have caught it.' Jesus was saying, 'This time, try it my way!' Peter replied, 'Master...because you say so, I will' (Luke 5:5 NIV). And that's when the miracle happened. Whatever Peter thought or felt, he obeyed Jesus anyway.

    That, too, is when your situation begins to change. When you're clueless and helpless, thinking there is no way out, just get quiet and listen, and Jesus will tell you what to do. And when he does, even though you have questions, say, 'Master, because you say so, I will obey.' Then, prepare for results only God can give.
    Word For Today

    ESSA Atelier

    1. Very interesting message. Thanks, sis.

    2. Take the wheel of my O Lord. Thanks for sharing sis, hope you're good.

    3. Remain blessed Essa babe 😘
      Good morning.

  5. Arise and shine πŸŒžπŸŒŸπŸ’«✨
    Good morning everyone
    Wonderful day people
    Amen to your prayers Stella Ma'am

  6. I say a big Amen to your prayers πŸ™
    Good morning beautiful people 😘😘
    Have a stress free day ahead

  7. Amen to your prayers, Stella πŸ™
    Good morning lovely people of SDK ville ♥️πŸ’™πŸ’œ

  8. Amen and Amen πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»@SDK prayers.
    Good morning everyone and have a lovely day πŸ’ž

  9. It was really interesting on Twitter yesterday I can tell you that.

    Wahala in the courtroom 🀣😭🀣

    PDP’s 2nd witness is another funny one.

    INEC: You will agree with me that Atiku scored 15% in FCT

    Witness: Yes

    INEC: So that means he cannot be made the president since he did not score 25% in FCT

    ‘In my mind I’m like ah, is this INEC’s way of telling us something’

    Witness: Even Tinubu did not score 25% and you made him president.

    Everyone in the courtroom was almost on the floor from laughter

    INEC: That is not my question. Atiku scored 15% in FCT so why did you write in your testimony that he should be declared president.

    Witness: Even Tinubu did not get 25% in FCT, if they can declare him then they can also declare Atiku as president.


    Wahala oh
    INEC this question you’re asking, you’re the one standing on the table you’re shaking
    And you will break that table.

    Una Good Morning ooo😁😁😁

    1. I saw that yesterday and I had a good laugh. Wahala 🀣

    2. No mind that inec lawyer.... iberibe

      Always objecting with APC lawyers..

    3. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    4. Morayo,

      I think what the INEC lawyer had in mind was to see the PDP witness to say that 25% isn't mandatory in the FCT inorder to declare Atiku a winner and by so doing, INEC would have justified their criminality but he was disappointed and that was why he told the witness ''that is not my question''

      They will keep shooting themselves at the foot.

  10. Amen to these prayers, Stella. Thank you. πŸ’™

    That meme is what I've been doing. So help me God. No time for what does not give physical and spiritual value. Life is transient, eternity is forever. Make person no kill himself with too much wahala wey no dey profiting.

    I greet y'all this cool morning. Have a blessed day ahead. πŸ’•πŸŒΊ

  11. Amen to your prayers Stella πŸ™
    Good morning everyone πŸ₯°

  12. Lord, may I never be overwhelmed with situations or circumstances of life but constantly appreciate your loving kindness. Amen.

  13. Amen to your prayer Stella.

    Beautiful morning and fruitful day beautiful soul πŸ’πŸŒΉ

  14. Amen and amen to your prayers Stella.

    Shout out to you Boss Dante. May God quicken your healing.
    @Eka. God bless you for rejoicing with your friend. The gift of God makes well and adds no sorrow. She will carry to term and bring forth at the right timeπŸ™.
    Good morning great people.

  15. Good morning my darlings😘😘. Ameeen to your prayers, Stella.πŸ™‡‍♀️. Didn't get much sleep. Tenant downstairs has decided to rear goats, and they decided that it's from 1am they want to have their bleating competition😑. I have no issues with him rearing the goats, just don't do that by my window. I have complained, and I am tired. One will just be having sleepless nights back to back. Enough of my rant. Y'all stay safe out there, and have a blessed day. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

    1. Sorry for the disturbance dear.

    2. Nawaa for some tenants oo. I can imagine the inconveniences you'll be facing. If possible, you can also complain to your landlord so that the matter can be properly addressed.

    3. Chai! I'm sorry but can't you tell your landlord or caretaker about it?

    4. Report to your landlord or caretaker or lawyer.
      This is one advantage of houses where rearing of animals is not allowed, e g my compound. You cannot rear even one chicken in my compound

    5. Haha, that's bad . Please report to landlord

    6. You need to let your landlord know about what is happening.

    7. Is there nothing like goat poison? One tenant that year had fowls scattered all over the compound. You will be walking your own, fowl will be pursuing you. Me wey dey fear fowl especially the 'nursing mothers', make I nor lie I killed all of them children. Even if I am too afraid to kill their mothers, I finished all the children.

      PS: I finished the chicks so that their mothers would return to normal.

    8. Minus the bleating sef, doesn't everywhere smell of goat? Oh God!
      And their poop! When it rains everywhere will now be messy. I want to throw up sef
      Tell the landlord, the owner of the goats too should hear it from you. What kind of nonsense is this?!

    9. That's not nice at all,rearing goats in a compound you share with other tenants. You can report to the landlord or whoever is in charge.
      So sorry about the disturbance.

    10. My darling sistas, I have complained to the guy, and the caretaker. Caretaker is his friend,he has been saying i should be patient with him, he is looking for where to move the goats to. How patient can one be? I sleep with ear plugs, but that doesn't help
      Olawealth, I sent him another message yday around 2am, he didn't respond. I just tire.
      Thanks Milkshakes

    11. Search for the landlord's number and report to him. Alternatively, call them out on social media

    12. Nne please don't get tired. It's time to start looking for another house. I can imagine the smell in your compound and your room. How long will you sleep with ear plugs. That man and the caretaker knows what they are doing. May God almighty provide money and good compound for you to park to.

    13. Abionah, are you for real?

    14. Candy so sorry about your ordeal. Maybe you should find a way of reaching the landlord or you insist that they should remove the goats. Their actions are very unfair.
      Abionah this your advice no follow abeg. Smh @ your method

    15. Abionah, you killed all the chicks? That was very wicked of you, very cruel. I pray you don't get to recieve in full dose the reward of what you did.

      No one here should follow that route shared by Abionah, I beg youπŸ™

    16. Abionah why will you do something so cruel? Nawah oh

  16. African leaders are very terrible in governance and this is why the continent still looks underdeveloped.

    The President of Senegal after serving two terms, connived with the justice system to change the rules and wants to go in for a third term.

    An opposition leader arose and he was accused of a rape case just to imprison him seeing that the masses are standing with the young man.

    Today, Senegal is boiling in protest over five days now and major media outlets aren't reporting it due to the internet blockage by the government. There's currently no internet access in the country so as to hide and cover their atrocities on the citizens.

    Now you understand why the countries on the African continent are backward in development.

    1. See ehn... the hard way is the only way.. but the death that will happen afterwards is what I'm scared about..

      Very useless set of politicians

    2. Exactly cos there's no internet access many people are not aware that Senegal is on fire.
      African leader n sit tight rule mentality.

    3. Just negodu! We have a long way to go as a continent.

    4. Just imagine if internet access is been cut down in Nigeria for a week. How would you have cope as an individual?. That's what these people are going through in Senegal for days now.

      Olawealth, only revolution can save Nigeria from the grip of the criminals destroying it but like you rightly said, it comes with a price of human lives.

      The Senegal crisis need to be heard and trend. If the government get away with it in Senegal, it may be replicated here in Nigeria. Injustice anywhere is a threat everywhere.

    5. Had to check his age. He was born in 1961 and he is this backward and wicked. No wonder they say power intoxicates. God please help Senegal.

  17. Good morning to all SDK family
    Today looks like y rainy day here.

    @Stella Amen to your your prayers to everyone here.
    Wonderful day to you all

  18. A blessed morning to everyone..
    Amen to your prayer πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™..
    I am just so happy about my work right now ,bcs any little work I do is money,on Sunday I was paid 2k for inner weaving..
    I was so happy,I know is the beginning of my career breakthrough πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

    1. May God continue to bless the work of your handsπŸ™

    2. Congratulations. Persistency pays

    3. Congratulations. Keep your hopes alive. More wins for you

    4. Well done! More to come. Congrats.

  19. Good morning beautiful people πŸ’‹

    Some young girls will have unprotected sex and relax, then after one week they'll start looking for an emergency contraceptive to take. My dear I'm sorry I can't help you. Just go home and relax, accept your fate like that. If possible start buying baby things in advance.

    1. Aaaah.. she should take folic acid and vitamins C. Morning afternoon night

    2. Good morning Super 😘

    3. You are very funny this morning.
      Good morning Super

    4. Ola πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. You forgot to add calcium, ferrous, multi vitamins and b-complex.

      Good morning Morayo ❤️

    5. Chai 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

    6. πŸ˜πŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ€£πŸ€£
      Na real folic acid, it seems Olawealth is taking from experience.

      Licious babe

    7. Ola don reach to give person belle and born pikin na, if marriage is not forthcoming. He is over 30 now and he has a business

  20. Amen.
    Good morning everyone.

  21. Beautiful morning lovelies. A resounding amen to your prayers Stella. It's cloudy this morning, but I'm praying for 🌞 to shine.

    Have a fantastic day everyone πŸ’–.

  22. Good morning folks and Stella, Amen Stella we all definitely need your prayers. Living in this country is getting difficult each day but there is nothing God cannot do to help his children with the hardships! Well folks stay faithful and positive this too shall pass πŸ™ŒπŸ½ πŸ™πŸΎ

  23. Good morning Stella and wonderful bvs
    Waiting for assembly bell to ring.
    Midterm test in progress and my learners are making me proud already.
    Have a beautiful day all.

  24. Money laundering: Atiku In 'Buga Mood' As Court Slams N10m Fine on Keyamo

    A Federal High Court, Abuja on Monday, awarded a N10 million fine against immediate-past Minister ofState for Labour and Employment, Mr Festus Keyamo for filing a frivolous suit.

    ''If you see Keyamo bear bear, dem lock am for jail for Abuja.......'' Eedris- jaga jaga

    1. Twitter people are mad, someone said SAN wet dey collect fine na sardine

    2. Lol at San wey dey collect fine. Naija na cruise

  25. Good morning, lovelies.
    Hope you had a wonderful night rest?
    The weather of recent has been absolutely beautiful.

  26. Amen and amen. Lord I need a miracle that will sound like a lie.

    Good morning lovely people of Sdkville

  27. Good morning Bvs
    Amen to your prayers @Stella
    Congratulations to your friend and to the remaining two in advance@Eka joy, their pregnancy will be smooth with safe deliveries.

  28. Hope everyone is doing great with the fuel ish in naija our country πŸ€” I pray that God comes through for us all πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  29. Thank you Jesus for fighting my battles for me. Though, I might have not gotten to where I'm going but surely with your live and favor upon my life, I will get there.

    I love u all

  30. Went to market yesterday, bought 2 beautiful okrika tops, I've already imagined how I'm going to combine the top with One akube Jeans, only for me to get home and the tops say I should carry them πŸ˜ͺ.I couldn't find the tops in my sack again😭. The thing pained me,don't even know if it's the 1k I wasted or for the fact that I loss something pained me pass.i was really pained that I loss my appetite,I only ate the 3 wraps of fufu I bought from market and small egunsi soup with eja kika , still paining me now sef, those tops finee dieee

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣. Sorry. Thank God you finished your 3 wraps of fufu🀣🀣

    2. Eeyaaa it happens. Sorry.

    3. I can imagine how it felt, lol .

      But wait o, three wraps of fufu is small compared to what you would have eaten if you didn't have loss of appetite?

    4. Zaram, you want make I begin cry again ba?

      Thanks@ pretty patience and Castle.

  31. Amen πŸ™ Jewelu, Blessed Tuesday to you too

    Still in bed , no lesson runs today. Will be working on my midterm report.
    Dante, Trust You're fairing well...

    I Salute everyone specially ❣️😍
    Beautiful Day Ahead ❣️

  32. To the chronicle poster from yesterday, your anger and how you feel about your husband’s lie is very valid. I cannot speak to how you choose to resolve the issue though.

    For those of you who still don’t get it, some of the reasons are:

    1. WHY did he hide or downplay such an important information. Lying is not an evidence or proof of love and or respect

    2. What else is he hiding? Losing trust is how relationships starts to fail


    3. If age difference was important and a deal breaker for the poster, he severely eroded her boundaries. Respect for boundaries is extremely important in relationships

    Doctor’s perspective

  33. Good morning everyone
    Out to hustle

  34. Good morning Jewelu and Bvs. Awesome day.

  35. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Ameen to your prayers Stella

  36. Good morning lovely Bvs.Kwara State Government has directed that the work days be reduced from 5 days to 3 days per week for every civil servantπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ.Thank you πŸ™ Mr Governor.

  37. Good morning everyone 😘
    It's a wet tueTues morning in the croc city,we thank God for the showers of blessings.

    Jewelu star woman, I say a very big amen to your prayers and thank you for always taking time to pray for us. God bless you and also do same for you.

    Eka Joy congrats to your friend and I pray she'll have a smooth journey and when it's time, she'll deliver safely. I admire the way you pray for your friends and i pray God comes through for all of them.

    Bvs have a beautiful day ahead ❤️
    E go surely be ✌️

  38. Amen to the prayers.

  39. Good morning everyone
    May our day be blessed

  40. Good morning Bvs, happy Tuesday to us, I watched When The Bough Breaks yesterday and honestly I understand Ekas joy for one of her J. God pls answer every woman out there with children, what women go through for a child and may God give us good health to enjoy the fruits of our labor, and may these children bring joy,pride to us Amen
    To all the Ttc I pray that God will visit your womb and bless you

  41. La someone should recommend single movies on Netflix that is very interesting,most of them na series o though enjoyable anyway , I be watched The mother, Unforgettable very nice single movies

  42. Good morning my Bvs ,pls is there a way I will do my pap and ogi baba(millet) I do it myself but once I make it ,it will be watery I have to resort to cooking it with stainless plate again, it's not like this if it's pap alone, I make it thick so I don't know what the matter.
    I want a combination of both for my child instead of pap alone somebody help pls

    1. Since millet is there, you must cook it for a short time before it will be done. Only corn pap can be made on the ground. Millet, guinea corn , etc will not done on ground, you have to cook it to avoid purging. I make even corn pap on the fire. I use the same method that I use for millet and the rest and they all come out thick if I want it thick

      I boil water in a pot, make the paste, then pour the paste into the boiling water while stiring it with turning stick. For corn pap, I put it down immediately it becomes thick and keep turning it to mix well.
      For millet and Guinea corn, I keep turning it on the fire till it boils a little before putting it down. Sometimes, I mix my townbrown powder in water and pour it into the pap on fire and allow it to boil a little before bringing it down. For it to be thick, control the amount of water you boil, it should be small compared to the pap paste.
      make sure the raw pap paste is not too thick so that it doesn't have lumps.
      Acknowledge if you see this reply so I won't repeat it in IHN.

    2. Thank you ezigbo madu, better person God bless you now I see why SDK rocks you too much God bless you once again , see the joy in my heart


  43. Plan your own life in a manner that at the end, you'll still be you.

    Give priority to things that people can't take away from you like your personality, character, transparency, dedication and your entire being.

    Have a great Tuesday ✌️

  44. Good morning, God help us

  45. Stella this your meme hit me... I have pondered and pondered, just don't know what next to do.. God na only you I get and know, if I am not where you want me to be, take me there in your mercy.


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