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Friday, June 23, 2023


 Think about men and Church... Does it register?

Growing up, we never missed Sunday church service and all other activities. I was raised as a church boy. My step mother took us to her church after our mum left and we grew in the house of God.

Fast forward to when I grew up and started living on my own, working, I started backsliding. My church attendance reduced. I would sleep at home on Sunday mornings most times and stroll out later in the day. I started seeing church as a chore. I was a Christian, I loved God, I prayed and minimized my sins to the barest minimum but I wasn't too intrigued by church activities anymore.

Then I met my wife. She was the church girl, pastor's favourite sister. I was happy that at last, I would have a motivation to be a serious Christian once again and also have someone intercede in prayers on my behalf asides my mum.

My wife(fiance back then) would attend all church activities including night vigils, which I did not like. I started detesting vigils when I saw the fornication and adultery being committed under the cover of night vigil by members of the churches I attended as a young guy. I swore never to allow my woman attend any church program that would extend to midnight or make her spend days in the church sleeping and waking up there, asides the crossover service which holds on 31st December which we will all attend together.

I tried persuading her to stop attending night vigils. I told her she can wake up at midnight and pray in the comfort of her home. God will answer.
With time, she stopped as a result of the messed up security system in the country. Two of her church members were kidnapped on their way to night vigil that year, raped and killed.
I was glad that she stopped as I started worrying about her safety too.

Then we got married. Today, she attends church service with the kids most times as I hardly attend. They don't even know me in her church. The zeal is not just there anymore. I worship God in my house.

Well, I noticed I am not alone in this. Many men especially do not attend church, the population of females in all the churches I ever attended was always more than triple of that of the males.


  1. Na why Jesus reveal himself to woman after resurrection 😁😁😁....Most males just don't believe in organized religion..

  2. You are right about female population tripling that of males.

  3. Very true about men and church
    Concerning your claims about night vigil, many atrocities happen under the cover of darkness, anywhere, and the church is no exception

  4. Mmhmm
    Odi nma.
    Try and rekindle it again oga.
    It is a joyous and uplifting thing to fellowship with the brethren

  5. We need more female preachers

  6. To each his own. I'm the one who is not spiritually inclined in my home. My wife hardly goes to church nor prays. But ofcourse as the head of the home, I am the priest of my home and what's a priest without an altar? What's an altar without prayer? It is a sense of duty as a father and as a husband.

    It takes nothing away from a man really. I still find time to hang with the guys and take a couple of drinks or so but you see that prayer and quality time with God, i don't joke with it.
    Like I said, to each, his own.

  7. The only males in church are children and seniors. Men are just not as interested in church. At least you still maintain an active spiritual life, most men don’t even do that. They may run in when they have some problem to overcome, but once that is resolved, they go right back to forgetting church exists.

    I told my mother the other day that if women stopped going to church every church would crumble. It is women who are keeping church life together.

    1. There are plenty young men in my church sha

  8. My bhusband goes to church a lot and I am happy about it. He is also a worker in church and I know that soon they make him a pastor. He deserves it as he emulates all the qualities of a good and diciplined christian. As of for me,I go to church but I am not ready to join the workforce yet. I pray too but I am just not that into the whole thing.

  9. We need more men who would see the need to lift men into church. Truth be told if the men can get it right with God. All the homes will be in alignment and godly kids would emerge in the society


  10. Yes you are right, the population of female are more than that of male in churches.i believe we women have got alot of work to do in persuading our husbands to church.i can't imagine myself in church and my hubby isn't beside me.women we need to do more.

  11. My own hubby doesn't go to church too. For many years now, he stopped going.. but he is of impeccable character.

  12. Because men are not moved by words. They can see through the antics of the pulpit bandits.

  13. What a shame! Instead of you to show remorse for failure as a man to lead your home in spiritual matters and take your place to direct your children to know God, you come to public space to seek endorsement from like minded people all chorusing the same shameless thing. The devil has deceived you and holding you and your family in self delusion that you're smart. Better repent, the fruit of your carnality will only reap a harvest of regret.
    Your excuse of painting at other people's scandal for backsliding is terrible mistake of blaming others for your slothfulness


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