Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


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Friday, June 23, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



My hubby is cheating. 
I Got a call from a friend of his that he is cheating with his business partner who is a divorcee with 4 children and a mother to Cater for.
Hmmm...the story is long. Hubby lives in denial and keeps telling me lies. I am deeply hurt cos I have been faithful to him for more than 2 decades. 
She has gone fettish too.
Please is it wrong to have ask him to use condoms before he performs his conjugal rights?
I intend to catch them red handed but how I don't know.

No,it is not wrong to demand for protection if you are scared of catching something.... What do you want to catch them red handed doing?
Uf you end this one, what will you do about the next one?My dear please face front and concentrate on yourself or if you are sure he is cheating and you cant take it then give the Marriage a break and focus on you....


  1. Madam if u are still interested in ur marriage pray
    Don't bother investigating anything, u will get more heartbreak.
    It's time to prepare to leave that marriage or stay put, but brush up urself.
    Upgrade urself to the extent if that woman sees u, she will start feeling insecure.
    Let other men admire u and see ur husband die of envy.

    1. Wetin be dis, see woman I don’t know if it’s an age thing or what because I don’t understand why you need our perception on something as crucial as your health, please speak up I don’t understand!!!!! Is it that people marry partners they can’t speak to or what!!! or is it an age thing were we the upcoming speak for our self and it’s called disrespect, speak up before you contract STI please

  2. Poster na you hold yam na you hold knife. How an adult will take vows then be cheating is what I don't understand. Very disgusting attitude and recks of low self esteem. All the best

  3. You just do you and be happy
    Don't stress yourself too much over a man that's not faithful

  4. It seems you don’t want to leave so chase the woman away then
    But before using condoms go get tested and make sure you’re all clear
    If you’re clear, then start the condoms or stay away from sex with him

    1. I am not leaving for her. I have 4 kids. He was living in his father's house when we courted for 7 years. This year our marriage will be 21 years, though I married early @ 21.

    2. Poster, you said “she is fetish”, draw near to God first of all. Fetish people target your joy. They tend to be heartless & desperate. Accept the gift of salvation and then go to mfm prayer city and pray “like wounded lion” for your man’s “stuff” to stop working whenever he is with her and for God to cause a quarrel between them by fire in Jesus Name. Watch it happen.

      However, get yourself checked & insist he uses condoms if you are determined to stay in that kind of marriage. If he should ask you “why you insist on condoms”, let him know without betraying who gave you the info that you don’t want diseases & he is adulterous. By the way adultery is a biblical ground for divorce but I get your point of view.

      I have been married for much longer than your dating + courtship period added together but if my man sleeps with anyone especially a fetish person, as someone who doesn’t want “demons transferred”, I will not allow him touch me again and I will be up praying for myself & the children every night & for God to put a “Trailer between my man & the fetish woman, as in cause my enemies to fight each other”.

      It seems so many ladies have low self esteem and a poverty mindset. See them celebrating the baby mamas & home breakers while shouting that cheating is a deal breaker for them!

      Sleeping with a married man whose wife you are aware of (as in you know he is very married) is low self esteem. You truly can do better. She may even have divorced her ex for cheating but see what she is doing to someone else’s life and home!

  5. That woman won't leave your husband. She will do anything to keep him. If it were a single chic, she would leave him and get married last last, but this one, no transfer, no leave.

    1. I am the poster, blackberry your comment is scary. I can only pray and trust God to help me fight this battle.

  6. So the mistress don tie horsband down with juju.
    Pray or give it a break

  7. You got a call call from a friend of your husband and you've concluded that he is definitely cheating. Has there been any other reason you believe that your husband is cheating? Madam please do your own due diligence, don't destroy your marriage base on hearsay from an outsider.

    1. Poster, i have seen plenty dem say&speculations so abide with THIS THIS THIS plan of action!

    2. I have done due diligence to ascertain my doubts. He is cheating for real.

  8. DIVORCEES AND WIDOWS breaking other people's homes from time inmemorial. Selfish people everywhere

    1. Despite that, the most common advice here on matrimonial chronicles is "divorce him". And so the tribe of divorcees causing trouble in other marriages grows.

    2. The lady is from ebira.

    3. Run to MFM prayer city and pray. Cover yourself and your kids with the blood of Jesus. Fetish people are wicked people and she is desperately looking for someone to take care of her, her kids and mom. It won’t be easy but with God, all things are possible. Build a lot of financial muscle as well but cover your children with the blood of Jesus daily.

  9. Madam,have you confirmed from him?have you done your own investigation?do you have any reason to believe his friend?and why will your husband's friend call you about your husband infidelity?
    Men hardly snitch on each other, especially when it has to do with cheating ,they will rather stop being friends and move on if he is not in support of cheating.
    Ask questions and this is not the time to be emotional.
    All the best.

  10. Still don’t understand how some married people normalise cheating and still believe the next man or woman they meet “must” still cheat on them..such a poor esteem!!

    What kind of mentality is that? Don’t you have standards?
    Don’t you care about your health?

    If he or she wears condom,what about their mouth? Or do those who cheat tell
    You they use condoms to perform oral sex??

    What you allow is just what will continue..

    And No;not all men or women are like “You” or anyone that sees cheating as a normal way of life;it’s a dirty act for dirty people with dirty mindsets;and extremely poor health hygiene/standards.

    @Poster,if you ever give him the option of condom;reserve enough money for other STI and STD;you just gave him the license to cheat as he likes cos it’s an indication that you don’t love yourself enough and would accept any rubbish he brings home..

    How do you even marry someone you can’t express yourself too anytime??



    1. A million likes for your comment!, Martins

    2. How will they celebrate 40th anniversary if they leave
      They want to have the accomplishments. It’s not easy to be on the outside so they stay

    3. Martin 👌👌

    4. It is very shocking how men behave, you will see a married man performing oral sex on a single lady who obviously has multiple sex partners without using condom and then sleep with her wearing condom to supposedly protect themselves from STI, the ignorance is mind boggling. sexually transmitted diseases enter your body through your skin for goodness sake, your skin is an organ, it absorbs fluid and diseases can get in via the membrane in your mouth, saliva and what not! whether you swallow or not sheeesh!

    5. Oh Martin's. You make loving you so easy.

    6. Dear Martins, please keep being you 💜

    7. Martins , your last paragraph isn't true. The issue here is that he keeps denying that his a cheat as such why would he use protection to sleep with his wife.

  11. My dear, just try to stockpile some money for your financial security. Catching him red handed won’t do anything, unless you are seeking evidence to build a divorce case. Every time a person cheats in a marriage they have already spiritually divorced themselves from the union. On top of it, you said he has gone fetish too, you feel safe with that? Why would you want to commingle your body with a fetish person, even if he is your husband? Ain’t no itch needing to scratch worth all that. He already has a sex partner, he doesn’t need to have sex with you, so protect yourself spiritually and physically and refuse any sex with him. Even better if you tell him to sleep in a guest room.

    Just focus on securing yourself and understanding the assets and what you have access to. The whole fetish thing is worrisome, especially if it is brand new. Good luck.

    1. The lady went fettish not my hubby. I am saving already.

  12. Poster if this allegation is true, know you for sure that this woman is not going anywhere, she will milk your husband until nothing remain, it's only by the grace of God that your husband will be free from her grips, it's up to you to know whether you will stay or leave

    1. My God will not allow her to succeed with her evil plans

  13. This my fellow amebo that told you your husband is cheating sounds like he's a man right? If so, what's his motive for giving you this piece of information if your husband really is his friend? So you can address the matter with your husband before things go awry, so you can protect yourself from catching an infection or so you can vex and leave? Find out if the friend is equally close to the madam business partner make e no be say na im dem wan use. Na so Stella DANA use business associate level enter Ademinokan dat year till their marriage scatter. Because if not, na bro code enter mud laikdis so o. A true friend might tell you he had warned him many times but he didn't listen and so he wants you to know, confront him and say he told you. That's if they are not birds of a feather.

    You are not wrong for asking him to use protection. Life and good health come first. There is no way to catch them red-handed except you put thunderbolt on your husband and the 2 of dem now coman glue together and SDK now coman carry the news and you now coman read it on the blog. I say this because even if you see them together coming out of a hotel suite, dem go tell you say na for business. She will definitely not give you access to her home and your husband doesn't look like he'd be foolish enough to invite her home. So, where you wan catch dem rainbow-handed? Forget dat thunderbolt wey I first talk; na cruise. Mama Africa's tradition did not make provision for male thunderbolt, so forgerrabourit.

    Ask your husband to go with you for a comprehensive STI/STD test at 2 different clinics and pay for it so that he will know you do not joke with your health. If you are both okay, live your life happily but prepare to activate Plan B just in case. I pray there is no "caught" but if you do indeed catch him pants down, update us and the advice may be a little different than this. No go dey use paracetamol when headache never come o. That's drug abuse and it has consequences.

    1. She can pay a private investigator to catch him

    2. I am the poster. Anons 17.17 how do I get a private investigator? I am badly in need of one.
      @amebo...the whistle blower is his friend though they aren't too close but they both hang out at same rendevous and also
      a junior colleague to my hubby.
      He categorically told me his purpose of telling me was for me to confront him before things goes out of hand cos the relationship was getting stronger day by day. Their relationship is 3years now.

    3. Poster, he has been cheating on you for 3 years? As someone who has been married for decades, who gave the mfm advice above I will tell you to grab as much of your assets, change as much of it to your name, protect your life & those of your beautiful children. He isn’t worth it if he can do that for 3 years. I can take a “one-off” and repent non serial situation. That kind of man can unintentionally kill you… 3 years out of your 21 years of marriage? He is wicked. There are private investigators that advertise on IG under every news story, but of what use if I may ask?

      It took you so long to know and frankly, I personally won’t fight for such a man. He is on a suicide mission but don’t let him drag you & your children down. Stop sleeping with him. Run to mfm to pray. The woman may have taken your name & God forbid those of your children to fetish places. That’s your number one priority, prayer for them, not sex with him with condom. Read Martin’s advice above. In my time, men don’t “lick plate & mine won’t, we both see it as gross no offense to those who do. As a medical professional who knows that practice is a risk factor for throat & esophageal cancer, worse than STIs, I won’t even allow him to, as neat & as faithful as I am with only him as my body count. Condoms, private investigator won’t make a difference. Intense prayers may IF God still wants you to stay there. Fetish people are desperate & dangerous.

      To the commenter who grouped divorcees & widows together, I disagree. Widows are victims of circumstances and many of them even fear God and won’t break homes. You see the ones who divorce on flimsy excuses like “he got broke” “he cheated once & stopped but it’s a deal breaker” etc they divorce & become “side chick” without even trying to work through marital non violent challenges. Marriage like many long term friendships is full of challenges. To those making fun of longevity, “ she wants to be 40 years in the marriage”, etc, generals are known by their battle scars not the decoration on the uniform but you must survive the battle to even be a general.

      At least as bad as it is this poster is still trying to salvage it if she can. I’m for salvaging what can be. This 3-year affair, madam has resulted in a “co-wife unless you pray”. I really hope it’s salvageable or even worth the risks as juju is now involved.

  14. You need to confirm the allegation from the friend first

  15. His friend told you he is cheating on you, hmmmm, he is a bad friend sha, are you sure he is not jealous of both of you? Because its very hard for men to do this oooo.

    1. I thought of this too... Mrn hardly kiss and tell - bro code

    2. Jealous of rubbish

    3. My father’s friend told my mother that he was cheating and it was true. But my mother did nothing with the news, she still stayed there. Sometimes telling women these things is a complete waste of time. They eventually parted ways but she wasted so many years even with warning. Even she now regrets how long she stayed.

    4. @ last born, I don't think so...he actually did me a favour cause I so much trusted my hubby. If he hadn't tell I wouldnt have known.

    5. His friend may have seen how nice and loyal you are. Some hubby’s friends want good for them. When they see them with fetish women, they know their friend may even be at risk. That is a good friend though why did he take so long to tell you? You can ask him for more info & advice as he saw something he may not be talking about. He may be scared for you, your hubby and kids. Protect his identity.

  16. Hmmm this one Judy don enter her home

  17. Replies
    1. The problem is men think I'll do this once and that's all.
      BIG LIE. Just that encounter has given the person enough access into everything concerning the man.
      So if the woman is fetish, the man is gone 😪.
      Similar to what happened to Yul.
      May God continue to uphold everyone.

  18. This poster seems like a calm woman to me. Poster if you are not careful that woman go judy you o! Some things are handled with aggression. The fact that the woman in question is a divorcee makes this all the more infuriating. A woman who couldn't keep her home wants to come and break your own?

    Na you dey dull. Trace that woman and arrange for her to get the beating of her life. Tell her to leave your husband alone.

    If you notice, i didn't tell you anything regarding your husband. Your husband is a dog. For the entire 20 years of your marriage, your husband has never been faithful to you. The signs were all there, you choose not to see them because of how Trusting you were. Your husband won't stop cheating though. I'm not telling you to make peace with this fact.

    But here is the thing, if you walk out of your marriage, chances are that you will end up sleeping with someone else husband. You will become the present woman tormenting your home. You will become the very thing you hate.
    Leave or stay, the choice is yours.

    1. Beat the woman for what exactly? Instead she should go beat her husband nah, why the woman.

    2. Poster pls don't arrange any beating o. So many people no well before you turn murderer and spend all your days in jail moreso that woman may clap back on the beating and the after effects might be bloody

    3. Thanks Zaram..I won't stoop so low to engage her in a physical fight. I will embark on the spiritual.

  19. This is a problem alot married women are faced with.we ought to pray for our spouse cos there are lots of strange women out there who are ready to destroy happy homes.
    You need to have a conversation with your hubby, making him understand how important it is to build trust in the home.sometimes,these men may be under a love spell and only prayers can destroy whatever has been placed upon him.

  20. First, cheating is wrong. Let's clear that out of the way.

    However, counsel to women or men facing cheating challenge should not be based on the quest for likes and concurrence. It should not be the quick leave or bear. It is becoming clear that most (or some) who left are the ones wrecking havoc in other marriages because of financial pressure or the need for Sx, though more of the former.

    Most people who complain about cheating partners need to soul search if they contributed to the cheating at all or to what extent knowingly or unknowingly. Please this is not a matter of blaming the victim. Note that whenever anybody drenched by rain tells the story to those at home, they usually tell where they were when the rain started or when they went under it. The plain truth of most marriages is that spouses technically abandon their marriages or take their spouses for granted. For the men, the "where e wan go again after after" enters their hearts. For the women, the man's dependability and pillarhood in the marriage is taken for granted.

    Rather than the advise to bear and focus on children or leave usually given to women, it is better to find the broken hedge and make effort to fix it where possible.

    Women should also stop making marriage their focal point. They should make life and living it well their pivot. This will make them contribute value as persons in all relationships. When a woman contributes as "wife" in a relationship with a man (husband), she is treated as wife as understood in the social context of the man (husband). Where a woman conducts her affairs as a person, relates with her husband as person of value, and contributes as a person in her marriage, she is so treated by her husband. Only a man who lacks value or wisdom will treat the woman as a "wife" as taught him by his society.

    A woman conducting her affairs as a person does not see a husband as a passport and does
    see marriage as the ultimate. So she goes into marriage to give her best, to make it work as much as humanly possible, and to walk away if her partner chooses to sabotage the marriage. She walks not into another woman's marriage, but to freedom to choose.

    If a woman's whole life is "my husband", "my husband", then she should be ready to go the whole way.



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