Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



I have a very big problem and I am afraid it will be my undoing..
How can someone as beautiful as I am be a thief... No Stella and BVs, i dont go around with a gun to steal but if i visit you or you visit me i must find a way to steal something from you... Doing this makes me feel good.

If you see me, you will not know. I wear the best clothes, the best makeup and the best hair..I live in a good flat in a good eatate, I drive a good car and have a good Job.....The most shockig thing is that i dont need the things i steal, i have somehwere i collect all the things, even the naira,, dollars and punds are all in the collection... I always feel almost climaxing when i go through the items of my theft...

One time a relationship i had broke up cos the guy suspected i stole his bundle of dollars but i denied it and walked away when he was becoming stressful and not letting go of the talk...
I am scared to datebecause of this but i have someone coming to beg for my hand in Marriage, I like him but i dare not!
Shuld i tell him of my problems and hope he can help me or do i find help on my own?
Imagine someone as beautiful as Caroline the actress stealing things!... this is my story... I need help!

*This na kleptomaniac oh... Its a big issue and there is no cure for it but it can be controlled....You need to tell the guy about it so that he can support you and understand when his things get missing and try to watch you so when you are out so that you dont steal...It is a big something and not what you can hide at all.. I know a popular celeb that has this behaviour and all the men she dated always lost things...
Please discuss with the guy or whoever you decide to marry and also invite all your closest friends to dinner and tell them oh....And retunr their things if you have stolen from them before, beg for help and understanding...its better than being caught, the disgrace can trigger deep depression ..##Goodluck!


  1. Poster you have klepto. Visit a therapist immediately before it disgraces you oo.

    Fan Emmanuel

    1. The woman I just got to help me clean my house left because she couldn't steal anything. I told her there are hidden cameras everywhere, she worked for a month and left. She stole stuff from the bathroom and outside the house. I felt sad and disappointed.
      My friend came to visit me stole the most stupid things I have ever seen anybody steal in my house. My baby's cotton bud, used sponge that I threw inside the bin already, coke and Fanta, my charger, earpiece, anything that is 2 or 3, one must follow her home, small small things that she was eating and drinking freely in the house.
      I got to know by searching her bag when she went to the market to get some stuff for me on the day she was to travel. I told her when she got back how disappointed I was in her.
      Yimu, you will feel she will be embarrassed, she still came back and did same on another occasion.
      I have never got to alvisit anybody, rich or poor and stolen anything.
      It's demeaning to me. Ojúkòkòrò is always the major a use of most people I know that likes stealing.
      Dear poster, the e is nothing in this world that can't be overcome. Always tell yourself whenever the urge to steal comes that it is not worth it at all.

    2. Hahahahaha. I have a best friend that everytime I go to his house, something must follow me. His perfume, food, coke, shirt, boxers. Na to carry chair remain. And no, I'm not hungry or greedy. I don't do it with anyone else though. Except my sisters of course. If I don't take their things, who will?!

    3. Poster, please go for therapy and be prayerful, if you're a Christian, please rededicate your life to Jesus, there's nothing too difficult for him to do. If you must tell anyone, you can tell the man that's seeking your hands in marriage, please don't tell any of your friends o. I wish you well.

  2. Nothing to hide dear. Most people have one thing or the other they are struggling with. Let him know so that when any of his thing get lost he will know where to find it. Most importantly what God cannot do does not exist.

  3. I heard a former queen of England had the same condition. I suggest you visit a therapist.

  4. Don’t tell the guy don’t tell your friends don’t tell anyone
    Go online and find a therapist or find one locally if available
    Get some help
    It’s doesn’t sound like klepto cause they usually don’t take things of high value. You stole money and that sounds like straight thief vibes

    1. She is klepto. Kleptos steal things that are valuable and things that are not valuable. The thing there is, they don't really need the things they steal or they can afford the things they steal.
      From what this lady wrote, she is comfortable and she can survive without any of the things she steals. As a matter of fact, she keeps a collection of things she steals she doesn't even use them. This is a typical behavioural pattern of a klepto.

    2. I wouldn’t tell anyone either. Ppl will always use your flaws against you and throw it in your face, or use it against your children later in life. She has taken the first step by accepting that she has a problem. Now, all you have to do poster is go seek help. Go seek help!

    3. 18:10 seek help how, where?

  5. You're Kleptomaniac,you need a therapy and lots of prayers.I pray you find true healing because it's a disgraceful act.

  6. Poster, I've schooled with a rich politician daughter that can hardly go shopping without shoplifting. It was giving her parents nightmare then. I believed she must have turned a new leaf as she's currently married with kids and based abroad. That babe can buy things of 50k at a go and then go ahead to steal something of 10k from same store. Most of them don't suspect her bcuz she buys a lot of things at once. They will be busy giving her vip reception while she will be busy looking for the one to steal and hide inside her bag. After the one she did at a popular store in Lagos that was the day i stopped being her friend and also stopped following her about bcoz of my own longer throat...Like we're both almost practically lynched. Damn.. Poster change before you're caught and the next is jungle justice God forbid m

  7. Lord Jesus, please help your daughter 🙏

  8. Hmmmmmm I know tye celab that has kleto

  9. Kleptomania?
    Be open-minded and tell people what you are having to deal with
    They should be able to help in one way or the other

  10. Hmmmmmm klepto I meant

  11. This is serious.
    Will be back to read comments

  12. Hmmmm.... Lemme read comments

  13. Deliverance is the only solution if you are a xtian

    1. We pray she doesn't meet people that will worsen the case in the name of deliverance. They may do it in a way that when the thing leaves her, it'll come back worse than it used to be after some years.

  14. Shaa no try am for Onitsha, because they go burn you

  15. Hmmm, this is a serious one

  16. Your deliverance is near, now that you’ve admitted your problem, tell everyone dear to you, get help and pray to God to deliver you.

  17. Poster, when did this start? Did it just start all of a sudden or since childhood? If it's from childhood, then it shouldn't be news to your family and friends but if it started in adulthood, therapy alone may not solve your problem. Imagine the scores of people who may have been accused in your stead because your looks don't match the crime. Did you read last week from the Poster whose SIL stole her 4m? Do you want to end like that? I hope not.

    Now to some very serious talk and a true life story: a woman whose son was an apprentice Anini had had it up to her neck and cried out. She was a very kind person in her neighbourhood which was why they didn't lynch him in the area but what if he left the environment and met his Waterloo?

    One Ilorin woman told her there was a town in the outskirts of Kwara State where the Islamic clerics didn't see the sun for the greater part of a year and could help no matter how tough the situation was. She went there with the boy and they stayed for a few days after which they gave him 2 pieces of bitter kola to put in his pocket or bag whenever he was going out and to touch it before he took anything. Long story short, he stopped stealing and is now a very popular pastor from the South-south region. You know him sef but lemme not mention his name.

    My personal thought after my big cousin (his family friend told this story to buttress that anyone could turn a new leaf) was: what if his healing was also psychological or mental? What if he remembered/touched the bitter kola in his pocket and the stress his mother went through and decided he didn't want to put her through anymore of that torture? I advise that you put bitterkola around your house and car and remember the shame and torture your loved ones would suffer if you were ever exposed and disgraced. Let this reset your brain, mind, spirit and body whenever you get the urge to take people's stuff. Come back and testify first before going into any relationship. Don't put the cart before the horse. Do well to also burn the mementos of your crimes to ashes rightaway and possibly confess to those you've wronged. God's healing be upon you blog sis🙏.

  18. Hmmm... In all, biko 🙏 no do am for Aba
    They won't give you a sec for explanation

    1. Or Onitsha or some areas in Lagos.

  19. Would a kleptomaniac steal a bundle of dollars? The only klepto I knew back then in secondary school stole almost worthless things that her victims would end up telling her to keep the stuff most times. She too is from a rich home.
    See a therapist before you start confiding in any non professional. Pray about it too and draw closer to God.

  20. This is a very big problem but there is nothing God cannot do...Just tell it to God and go for deliverance in a very good church...I thought you are my aunt, until you mentioned that you are not married,my aunt is married with kid ripe enough for marriage ,has a good job,build a big nice house,she has everything but she steals,so tell it to God.......... Josaria

  21. Her own is good me that you can’t leave even dog with I will sleep with it dem done disgrace me tire for where. I sleep with anything that has gbola.

    1. Chaii this ur own na spiritual oo u need proper deliverance please don’t take it for granted

    2. God abeg o, things are happening. I hope you are seeking solution

    3. Jesus Christ
      I pray jehovah heals you

    4. Anon @ 17:01, try and wake up in the midnight by 12am and pray to your creator. Ask him to help you.

    5. 17:01 Jesus Christ love you and He can deliver you from that bondage

    6. Please go for deliverance, there is nothing too difficult for God to do.

    7. Please seek help both medical and spiritual. May God deliver you from whatever spirit that's causing this in your life.

    8. I pray that God delivers you from this issue. From a medical angle, you might be bipolar and having mania episode. During maniac, which can last for an extensive period, people do have hypersexuality. It makes them make decisions they will regret later on. It is overpowering for them and they can't control the urge.

  22. This is a serious problem. Adhere to Ma'am Stella Advice.

  23. I will take this from the spiritual angle.poster, you need to give your life to Christ.there are spirits that possess humans inorder to destroy their lives.these spirits can enter the lives of men/women who constantly live in sin and do not know how to pray.
    You need to draw closer to the things of God.Discuss also with family members and let them help you find a way out of it spiritually before it brings total ruin to your life.goodluck dear.

  24. Try talking to God about it. He will definitely see you through.

  25. The worst disservice you can do yourself is telling people that you're a klepto. Don't tell anyone abeg, deal with it in the closet. Anyone telling you to broadcast it will be among the first ones to ostracize you. They will make fun of you and every little kissing item would be attributed to you.

    1. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞

  26. Poster pls seek help and I pray that the Good Lord will help you. Amen.

  27. Don't tell anybody o. Take it to God in Prayer. You need to give your life totally to God and watch Him deal with it. Tell the guy that wants to marry you to give you sometime then go to MFM or any good deliverance church for prayers. E get why.

  28. You had better not tell any man anything, unless you want to die the quickest, most painful death.

  29. You are a kleptomania .
    You need a concious effort to curb this thing.
    Also what God cannot do does not exist.
    Take it to God in prayer.
    Pele my dear

  30. You need to seek help and also tell people that you trust especially someone you want forever with cos some day he will find it about it. Talk with him so that you both can work hand in hand to find solutions, please before you discuss this with him just make sure you know him well and trust him with your secret.

    You also need a relationship with God cos only him can take away this from you.

  31. Pls go see a psychiatrist, could be an impulse control disorder like Kleptomania.
    On one hand tho, you didn't say anything like you've tried to stop or control yourself not to do it. It's almost as though you like it and keep indulging yourself stealing coz you like that going through the collection of stolen stuffs

  32. I remember a beautiful girl in my area who had it..I don't know where she is now.. I hope she isn't the one Sha..she was so beautiful..I feel so sad about her situation

  33. Poster, you need spiritual help. They life is too deep and even if there is a name for what you are going through, it definitely is abnormal and has spiritual undertone. Look for the address of a Cameroonian Pastor whose ministry is in Ivory Coast, Boniface Menye and narrate your problem, his aides will render you ministry and I am sure you will be delivered. May the mercy of God find you.

  34. You need help asap, give your life to Christ, if you must open up to anyone let it be a man of God and also seek help of therapist. I heard of a lady that was disgraced after being caught, the angry mob took the naked pictures of her, she wasn't able to endure it and commit suicide and worst still she came with her car. Seek help before it disgrace you. Don't tell your friends, they might become your enemy tomorrow and disclose your identity, no need of telling the guy except you are double sure that he really loves you and won't use it against you even if the relationship did not end in marriage.

  35. Lol, everyone is encouraging the lady not to tell anyone...some are advising the lady in hope that the man copes..see how it is easy for you ladies to advice a man to cope when thr lady habe got thr bad attitude.she has no business eith relationship.she should go fix herself first..imagine the tables were turn everyone would be like leave him..dump him..etc

  36. Jesus is the only solution I know that will be permanent.
    Surrender to Jesus, He will take the reproach away.

  37. Dear Poster, surrender your life to Jesus, pray to him or go for deliverance in a Bible believing church or you relocate abroad and marry an oyinbo man because l doubt if any 9ja guy will marry you due to our mentality. Nigerians don't see kleptomania as a disease, they see it as an habit or curse.

  38. You've got klepto, don't tell anyone for now, try and discourage urself from doing Sure just like a bv said , get a kolanut keep it in ur pocket and let it serve as a reminder for u not to stealing. You need to be careful so that you don't get beaten up

  39. Earnestly seek God's deliverance by yourself

  40. Please see a Psychiatrist in any Federal Psychiatric hospital very soon!!!


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