Stella Dimoko FRIDAY In House News


Friday, April 21, 2023

FRIDAY In House News

  Thank God Its Friday!


Happy Sallh to all Muslim blog visitors!

How are you doing? Friday moving smoothly?... make una pray for me to make some money so that i can help out some people going through issues.... 
Did any Muslim BV kill Ram? having a party? 
Please i need to know why Muslims celebrate sallah two times...can anyone of you please explain the difference between both?

I get confused whether it is sallah, Ramadan, Eid el ftri and so on....
It is called ''Sugar fest'' in Germany today as Muslims break off their fast but it is not a National holiday at all...

Anonymous night post will take the place of Friday night post today, so those of you with gists for Friday night post, please save it and lets face today Anonymous post to see if it will be shocking and interesting.....If not, oh well....

Dont post chronicles but if you do, I will save it to the folder...

A Business giveaway is planned for the month of June, make i save up small.... 
By month end i will be gifting 20 people small change for foodstuff.... 

Warm hugs



How do you women cope during your first trimester. I just feel my own is different. I feel so exhausted (almost fainty) and nauseous. Though I've vomited only twice but other times it just feels like i have the vomit hanging on my throat with an acidic taste in my mouth which is very uncomfortable. I don't think is hyperemesis gravidarum but i don't feel good at all.

 I've 3 team mates that I've worked closely with during their pregnancies and i never noticed any sign of severe sickness 'or laziness like I'm feeling. As it is i can barely function both at home and at work. How come people don't talk about this? I can barely eat as almost everything irritates me. 

My husband is beginning to complain comparing me to other women out there because I'm literally useless at home. I took in immediately after wedding and started experiencing symptoms two weeks later so he feels he has ended up with a lazy woman which I'm not. 

I wonder how others do it even with other children to cater for. I'm 11weeks now. I just pray i start getting better soon as i was told.

You will be fine on the first day as you enter the 4th month so please dont worry..... Your man is already complaining? My dear that is a red flag, please be careful ooooooh.



I hail una for this corner wey una standa put oooo

There is this long time friend of mine(a lady) who loves to do yanga those days now, you know ladies, once they have good stature and God kan bless them with fine face, the yanga go dey on high level..

it's been a while(say 4years) have set my eyes on her, so yesterday, I got a message from Mark shukubag that, someone wants to message me, then I gave access, boom, the message came in "My run away boyfriend", I began to ask myself, who I date again kan run leave, then the chat started, later I got to know it was this my long time female friend. We were so close to the extent that we went to parties and sleeping in the same hotel room(don't guess, nothing because I hate to take advantage, it's against my rule).

We exchanged pleasantries and contact then moved to WhatsApp to continue the chat, she asked if I'm married and I replied yes and told her where I base now. the chat continued for like 2hours, then I decided to go deeper by asking her if she is married and also to know the kind of man she later got married to upon all her yanga(don't get it twisted, not to make gest of her ooo but just for my perusal ). Then, she broke my heart by saying No. I asked why, then she said nothing but she is not just ready(at what age). ok now, if that's your choice then no P.

I decided to call and just hear her voice, as we were discussing on phone, I heard the cry of a baby and I quickly popped in with my question. Whose baby is that crying? then Aunty broke my heart the second time, saying, it's a long story, long story ke, sister, speak, I want to know, I have enough card. She said, we should chat about it instead of the call then I hung up the call and we went back to WhatsApp.

She said, she doesn't know how it happened and till now, it's still a dream to her. Aunty, I don't get, you are not a kid, so open up and let's get to the crux of the matter. She said, she met a guy at her working place and they became friends, she never liked him for dating let alone marriage but she likes being a friend to him(that's all). 

One Saturday, she visited him at home as a friend and all she could remember was, she slept off and by the time she woke up, she met herself naked and that one panachukwu led to her pregnancy.

I asked her what she did when she woke up and saw herself naked? she said she was so angry and the guy began to apologize blablabla, that was how she got dressed up and went back home.

She never knew she was pregnant until after four months because she was still seeing Red Oil production every month. When she got to know she was pregnant, she used different drugs but all to no avail. Did you inform him? she said yes but his response was, "he is not ready to become a father". You wey be smart girl, you don become baby mama(I said this to myself). The baby boy is just a month plus now. I asked her what she does now? she said , she is just managing because she is not working any longer and she is fed up and planning to give up the child to Orphanage home(wayre leleyi oooo, something wey I need and you get am on a platter of gold and you tend to give him up, Ori e ti Daru).

I encouraged her and told her to push forward because she is a good friend to me. I told her that, that boy is a blessing to her and she should try to invest in him. My plan is, by God's grace, I will be sending her 3 -5k every month, depending oooo because for now, bukata Po like iyepe(though, I didn't inform her about this plan of mine).

My question is, why are we so wicked(talking to men in the house), why take advantage of people you call best of friends? You know you are not ready to become a father but your machine gun is active in a wrong manner? why?

To the ladies in the house; Do you think the guy is at fault or the lady? Give reasons and please don't put sentiment abeg because we both don't know the guy to confirm if what this my friend said is true.

Only God knows what happened between...You should have asked her why she did not report after she found out that he had drugged her and violated her.... Ladies should know that the first thing you do after a rape is to go to the Doctor for check up and clean up...... clean up immediately ensures there are no unwanted preggies....

May God see her through.

Advice her to go and get a Job and dont let her depend on you...You always get yourself too involved and one day you will get into real trouble...

If she doesnt want the baby, then adopt him and dont give her any money!







  1. Divine Health Confessions!!

    The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has freed me from death and the law of sin. I’ve been translated from the realm of death into the realm of life! The God-life is inherent in me; therefore, I refuse to accommodate sickness or anything that is of darkness.

    1. Pregnant woman,I also took in shortly after marriage with your same symptoms. But by month 4 I got stronger. That your husband is insensitive. I would reconsider have more kids with him if he keeps this up.
      A tip is to get someone you know to cook in bulk for you. I did this because I was sick of everything. I got a close friend who's a caterer to make the foods I could tolerate e.g ofada stew,onugbu and regular stew. You can also add moimoi to it,just store in the freezer and enjoy your laziness jawe. you can always get someone to clean up your house for you in the meantime.

    2. Thank you Jesus, í reject Barrenness in Jesus name.

    3. Amen @ Rhapsody.
      I am sad reading your story pinky. I have somebody that have similar story with her but hers no pregnancy, Jeweluchi the society will always try to twist the story in order to blame the lady.

    4. Pregnant lady. So sorry for your experience. Every pregnancy comes with different experience for different people.

      Don't be mad at your husband. He is experiencing pregnancy at close range the first time. He does not understand. By the 4th month, he will have experienced every stage and adapt to the new status. Be calm and get help as recommended by the Bv before me.

      Happy pregnancy and safe delivery.

    5. Pregnant woman, we are in the same boat right now. I had to quit work with my first pregnancy. My husband also complained but I guess they don't understand what we are going through. I look at other women without any symptoms as a special human. I am on my second journey now, same thing happening, I had to quit another job as I can't cope at all. My husband is very unedersat ding this time around and we have arranged for a cleaner. It is only those in our shoes that will understand. I can't function, can't talk, can't eat, can't sleep because of my 3year old but God is with us. By the way th month you will cope. Kudos to all the working pregnant mothers, the type of respect I have for you guys, can't be qualified.

    6. "took in immediately after wedding..."
      Side eyes at your husband,I don't think he's a nice person.
      He's supposed to still be on honeymoon and all over you.
      Watch him closely, there's something he's not telling you.

      You have a job? outsource your domestic chores to helping hands in your neighborhood and pay.
      He'll only return to a sparkling apartment maybe he hates the dirty disposition you're giving off.

      Wishing you safe delivery.

    7. I follow look with side eyes at the meanness of an insensitive husband, chief complainant instead of solution provider

      Poster small small your husband is showing himself, gird your loins

      These are some of the discussions normal older men should be having with younger ones , about pregnancy, life experiences in marriage, business and work life

      Not mentor on useless and irrelevant issues,how to chase women and drink useless things

  2. Good afternoon to y'all on this space.
    Happy eid-el-fitri to @EngrYakub,@TeemahG,@Mheenar,@PoshHajia,@Eesah,@Fatee,@Dimplez,@Salma,@Tblack and others celebrating today.
    I wish each and everyone of you the best the Ramadan season has to offer.
    Btw,i am just here sipping them sippables.

    1. Thanks Milkshakes

      That man's name is Engr Ayubb 😁

    2. Ameen,,,,,thank you Milkshakes

    3. Lol @TeemahG
      All join abeg
      Y'all should enjoy

    4. Thanks, come and eat rice and zobo

    5. Y'all are welcome
      Enjoy @Tblack
      I have chilled homemade zobo here already
      I will continue to sip it from time to time

  3. Welcome IHN 💜
    Greetings everyone

  4. Welcome IHN 💜
    Greetings everyone

    1. Happy birthday to your daughter Cynthia, may the light of God shine upon her and she will be a blessing to your family.

  5. My people, I greet una oo. Hope you're all enjoying the holidays? Kisses to everyone😘😘😘😘

  6. Seeing eniola badmus on GOL is a reminder that being overweight is bad for you!
    Don’t let awon body positivity fool you.

  7. First trimester showed me shege promax. Was on the bed for the whole 13weeks,funny how I was not vomiting but was bleeding.Thank God for my proactive dr,was on progesterone support throughout and bed rest.My bumbum hear am,and immediately after that 13weeks, I became so active and fine. Shout out to all women,to those still waiting, God will visit you soon.🙏

    1. I never dey active o😭
      Why my own different?! I even feel like that poster. From here to here, I don tire. Na only food I dey eat.
      And the pregnancy will not even make me have sense to eat small and leave the rest. I will finish big plate, then the nausea starts, because my stomach don too full 😭.. And I just jejely lie down like anaconda that swallow goat. 2hrs later I'm hungry🤦
      The cycle repeats itself! Never again abeg. Never again😕

    2. Hahahahhaahaha 😅😅🤣🤣
      Fidel biko don't finish me with laugh🤣😅🤣🤣😅😅. I was eating with my eyes oo,I will tell hubby to order this and that,when it comes no strength.

      Watermelon was my saviour.

    3. Fidel abeg leave me alone.
      Hahahahahahaha @ anaconda that swallow goat.

    4. 😂 😂 😂

      So sorry Fidel.

      Lucky me. No tiredness nor food irritation.

    5. Sorry Fidel
      That your anaconda feeling is exactly me, once I have an appetite for something I must it and finish it them nausea starts and cannot stand anything.
      Thinking about it is even making me sick
      You really need a great partner by your side because it’s not easy
      I don’t get myself until 5months.

      Push up (original)

  8. Your husband is complaining about his wife's pregnancy symptoms???? Na wa oh. He's probably one of those men that feel women deserve no accolades for childbirth.

    If he's complaining now, what will he do if u get those weird ass cravings and third trimester pelvic pains with constant (5-10mins) urination?

    Let me not just say more than this.

    1. Why are yo so quick at attacking other peoples husbands. I fear for you with the way you’re going. I won’t say much so your voltron can at least post this comment.

  9. @Stella,God bless you more for your kind heart.
    @pregnancy poster,you will be fine,some women are like that infact some are worse at first trimester.
    @Pinky,the lady should get a job ASAP and I pray help locate her, because it's not easy to train a child
    Happy Eid Mubarak to our Muslim BVs.
    Good afternoon everyone.

  10. That Manchester United lost that match yesterday was akin to rain falling on dust. The noise of Rashford winning Ballon d'O and Casemiro being world's best mid fielder has died. The day before, Man U fans on the blue app were making noise of winning treble this season as they have already won Carabao. Adding FA and Europa to their wishes.

    Issue is Man U plays mediocre football. Let's forget wining matches here and there. The matches they have lost can confirm this. Some are quick to label Man City local champion but it's better to be one than live off history. Talking about history, Liverpool has better history than Man U and better presently.

    Almighty Man U could not defeat ordinary Sevilla. Interesting.

    1. I hope u ain't a Chelsea fan sha.

    2. Relax 🌝🌝😭😭😭. Yesterday was heart wrenching.

    3. Maguire is going no where in summer. He's a Man U legend. Why forget he was at a time the most expensive defender in history.

    4. Na man city fan o. Man city! When start yesterday o
      Fear nor fit let relegation Chelsea fan like me talk. Dem fit slap me

  11. Good afternoon beautiful people. Welcome back XP mama 💋

    My boss's sister and I finally met again yesterday and I told her that I can't marry her brother, even though I still see the whole ish as a joke 😂😂😂. I love my peace of mind so much, nothing beats that.

    1. Super kindly check well o😜. Who knows, you might like the guy small and everything starts from small you know!!

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
      It's good that u said the truth, i hope things will not turn akward btwn the trio

    3. Starr you say? 😂😂
      Paprika truth sets one free 🤩

    4. Oshey 💋💋

      SKIN TAGS.
      For those who wish to remove theirs.
      Will post the procedures at 8pm Nigerian time.

      What you need;
      1 big green apple (not red).
      8 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.
      4 garlic bulbs.
      Sticks of cotton buds.
      A sieve.
      A spoon.
      A Muslim cloth(cut half of a handkerchief size).
      A glass cup and tight cover.
      A very ripe banana peel(no black stains please).


  12. @Pinky, the lady is not smart at all, she should have gone to the hospital for check and clean up like Stella said, getting pregnant is her fault, I understand she may not want to report because of stigma, but she should have taken care of herself to avoid STIs and unwanted pregnancy.

    Beautiful afternoon to everyone.

  13. SDK
    "Sallah" is what Hausa people call the days of Muslim festivals, just like we have 'odun' in Yoruba.
    It has now been adopted as the general name for Muslim festival days. So we greet each other "happy sallah" like "eku odun" in Yoruba.

    Eidel Fitr is the breaking of fast festival which is holding today.

    Eidel Kabir is the grand one, the biggest among the two where animals are slaughtered. It will hold later in the year (July).

    They are different and come up in different months, just like we have Christmas and Easter for Christians.

    Hope this helps 😁

    1. It helps in Martins voice 🤣😅

    2. Nai be say na the Kabir we go dey wait na. Make una show love o

    3. Thanks Teemah G for the explanation, yes it helps.

  14. Read it sometime ago on Twitter about men saying women aren't family and that the true family is their dad, mum, siblings and kids. The king of mentality some Nigerian men carry is shameful.. They have no regard for their wives and think they are free to do anyhow because it's a man's world. Na for old age some of you go feel am. And as for you ladies that will see another woman's husband but na that man go dey enter your eyes, continue o. You think you can calmly sit and enjoy someone else's labour? You go meet your own for front

    1. 🤣🤣I became my snatchers karma. I guess okafors law came in. I enjoy him better than when we were married. And I make he stays put in his marriage I don’t want to live with him anymore.

    2. Don't mind some of them!! But when that woman they don't consider family bite them, they start crying and yarning dust about how painful a family member's betrayal is. Confused set of people!

  15. Barka da sallah to all Muslims in the house.
    It's a boring day for me, still didn't sell off all my chickens 😢😢, i have 4 left
    Biko Stella shebi you have friends in KD? Abeg buy sallah chicken for them.
    Like i said earlier, it can be delivered live, slaughtered, frozen, fried, peppered and grilled. Infact anyhow you want it

    If i don't sell them off now, it means na me go chop am. I don't wanna eat my capital 😢😢😢😢😢😢

    Wishing you'll a happy happy holiday.

  16. Good afternoon everyone.....Eid il fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan, it is the festival of the breaking of fast.While Eid il adha which means feast of the sacrifice' is celebrated just over two months after Eid al-Fitr, at the same time when many Muslims perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

  17. Some guys can form and pretend rubbish ehhhn! just to show that they are innocent during s*x.

    Which one is "Baby, is this the hole?" Idiot, it is the gate, knock and enter.🙄

  18. Greetings to everyone 💕
    At home today resting and relaxing on my bed.
    Thank God 🙏🏻
    SDK,my Two times pregnancy journey eehh ,one thing I hate was spitting all through the nine months. I pray not to experience such again

  19. Nothing is sweeter than being in your room and scratching your nyash to your satisfaction and sometimes slowly perceive it 😂😂🏃🏃

    1. Hahhahahahhah. I did mine in the office and one my Deputy Director caught me. Wetin concern me. I used sanitizer sha.

  20. Happy Eid el fitri to all muslims here,may your prayers be answered.

    Good afternoon Bvs

  21. Happy Sallah celebration to all Muslim bvs.
    Pregnant poster, try and relax, you will feel better in your second trimester. I wish you safe delivery when you get to your full term.

  22. This Muslim holiday is holidaying. I saw 'Matilda: the Musical' two nights ago.

    Been reading details about military involvement in Nigerian politics since independence. I wonder if there were innocent ones amongst those that faced firing squads for carrying out coup d'etats. I read about a particular former minister of defence that kept saying he was innocent until he was killed with others.

    Pregnant poster, you'll be fine. Take it one day at a time.

    1. There were innocent ones among them. Some were fingered. A case of the guilty not wanting to die alone. Under Abacha, there were trumped up charges against officers for coup involvement. In some cases, as a friend of a coup suspect he will get arraigned too because "he was supposed to know". That's the way it is when there's coup or suspicion of coup. Incumbent regime uses it to deal with perceived enemies. Accuse them. Hound them. Deal with them.

      Check out the last time Turkey said a coup was planned against Erdogan. Even writers were accused. More than 10k people got arrested. A coup with civilians with that number of people?

  23. Replies
    1. XP XP maama, nwanyioma 💞 so good to see you here😘 welcome back.

  24. Thanks fam..

    I'm alright and my waist is intact 😎
    If waist don shift, you think say I go still dey do motivational speech of when there's life there's hope.. which kind hope kwanu? Na waist I first whine as I commot for the car sef.. God abeg oh Lol

    There are alot to be mad/sad about,
    But there are more to be thankful for..

    I doubt I can stop night crawling tho.. if I had my way, I'll prefer to work at night and stay indoors by day.. guess the whole Nightlife started in Lagos, while avoiding the terrible traffic situation during the day..

    Omo, I no know say Una love me like this oh🙃😌 so Una still won dey see my beautiful and inspiring comments 😁😌.. even Fidel wey dey always do me shakara like say she no dey see me sef come show love Lol..

    For those of you yet to show me love, this is your last chance oh,. 🚶🚶🚶

    1. Thank God you're safe.

    2. I'm glad you're doing just fine. Lol@ whining waist first.

    3. Lol. No matter what you type here against women, we can't wish you death or accident or evil, it's a blog and all banters. We have brothers and sons too and we don't know what they type on the social media.

    4. Lol, @last chance...
      Thank God say you don use your mouth talk am say we love you small..ngwa start giving us respect from today enugo😄
      But on a serious note Dante,, please reduce nightlife and driving ontop highness!

    5. Dante, honestly if you're a Lawyer, based in Abuja and your name starts with "I" and from South-South. Honestly, you are my "PP". The way he tackle women and how funny he is. Chio

    6. Awww Dante, I've been away for a while, but whatever it is, I'm glad you're safe.

      Happy birthday beautiful Zaram beibe!
      Congratulations dearest Eka on the new addition to your family.
      Paree 🥰!!! Missed ya

    7. Lol. Let me make use of the last chance oo. As you said you cannot avoid night crawling, may God continue to keep you from evil in Jesus name, amen.

    8. Dante thank God for safety.Keep staying safe.

    9. Awww...
      chei🙄 Dante na only me remain wey never show you love?
      Thank God for ya life and we pray you reduce your nighty kurukere movements dem. It is well with you❣️

    10. Dante may God continue to protect you

  25. Pinky, are you hearing from Stella? Stop getting too involved, help or advise if you can and keep it moving. A r*pe victim's first port of call should be a hospital ohhhhh...police station hardly yields any results, get treated first and other things can follow, the medical report will even be an evidence if need be.

  26. I greet oooooo

    I pray the Lord bless you Stella beyond your imagination in Jesus name. Amen.

    This Eid Fitri ehn, alot don dey happen for we side here..Someone took his or her time to fast for 30 good days and at the end, going back to what he or she has promised not to do again..eleyi bad gan ooooo.

    As for that oga up there, he dey play ni

  27. Welcome IHN
    Best wishes to all my Muslim friends 💞💞

  28. Pinky that story is touching, like you said, no one truly knows what happened that led to her having a child outside wedlock.
    May God come through for her, it is not easy to be a single mum especially without help from no where.

  29. She should take dude to court and Chet child support no matter how small

    1. The man is an animal, who knows if she was drugged (the sleep) tell her to go to an NGO for women rights (FIDA)
      He is a sexual predator, Nigerian men sex is not your right you do not just take , force/rape a person, it is evil

    2. Every baby mama needs to do this. Even if you don't need the money, take him to court to pay child support. Even if it's 1k per month the guy contributes, put it in a bank account for the kid.

  30. Good afternoon SDK and everyone here.
    Happy holiday ooooo.
    At least person rest small from this hot sun.

  31. Monet is so dead. His ghost even said it, "those kids are not gonna forgive you". Effie I'm so sorry oh. The breakup was so painful. Tariq behaving like the real ghost....I love it 💪💪💪.
    Someone needs to put Obi and his boss in their place honestly 🤦🤦🤦. How did Diana not notice the security camera. She played right into the feds 😩😩😩

    1. I want to kill Money myself. She brought her swagless Zeke into all of this, come dey do like say she be the mother of the year. He must die na, what was she expecting??
      And that Lauren should've really died and saved us all this nonsense. Me I like Effie o, with that her great hair😍😍
      Diana and Dru sef, I don't know who's more dumb🤦
      Camera dey look you, you nor see am. Dru went to shoot innocent Russians! Somebody need to shoot his ass😡
      The day that Obi will die😂😂😂

    2. Monet is mean. Lorenzo loved her.
      She is even jamming Cane and Dru's head.
      Dru is not smart at all, now they are at war with the Russians and he is also at war with Cane.
      Monet is dead once Diana know. As for Gardo, Dru or Cane will kill him.
      Noma and Obi will hear from Riq soon.
      The death that pained me so far is that of
      Ghost and

    3. Exactly Chike. She's trying to pit Dru vs Cane. 🤦🤦🤦. I hope Dru regains his senses. I was liking Effie and Tariq ship oh. Unfortunately it had to be broken. Fidel, 😹😹 I agree on Effie
      's hair especially the braided version from last episode . Seriously can't wait for Tariq to give Noma and Obi the "GHOST" treatment..

  32. Good afternoon Jewelu and Bvs

  33. Pregnant poster I hate to break it to you but just be prepared because those symptoms may or may NOT abate till the day you give birth.
    Some people feel miserable in just their first trimester while some others will not be well throughout, people are different so don't beat yourself up, you are doing just fine.
    Pregnancy is a whole different ball game, all you can do is try various treatments for those symptoms (with your doctor's input please) and see which works.
    I had that bitter taste all through my pregnancy and it just magically disappeared immediately I gave birth.
    Stella my vomiting did not stop till around the 20th week o.
    Your husband is a very insensitive human, he should try carrying a pregnancy and see for himself, mtscheeww, someone supposed to be pampering you left and right, no be him fault, if to say he dey take supplements upon medications in trying to get someone pregnant he won't be complaining.
    Woo, let me face my work this bright and cold morning, happy Friday to you all.

    1. All these children men getting married without understanding what marriage is about

    2. All these children men getting married without understanding what marriage is about

  34. Giveaway yaaaaay💃💃💃
    Waiting patiently

    Pinky i like ur good heart, while planning to help out, pls encourage her to get a job no matter how small or maybe start up a small bizness. I feel for her

  35. Stay with the Word of GOD in midst that situation. Refuse to give in to fear, boldly Voice out your Faith and watch God will give you a shocking and sudden TURNAROUND. In the name of Jesus, your testimony will be Loud and heard afar off.... PSB

  36. Cynthia dearie🤗, happy birthday to your daughter. May God keep her safe🙏. Happy Sallah to all the Muslims on this platform. Y'all enjoy the rest of your day. 😘😘😘😘😘😘

  37. Happy sallah to Muslim bvs

    So there is this woman two houses away that reared some chickens too for sale just like me. Due to the economy, she could not sell everything during Easter period, so she kept feeding them hoping to sell the rest this sallah. She was in our compound this morning holding two of the chickens and telling people to come and buy for 5k each, two for 9k. These chickens are worth at least 6k on a normal.
    When we were alone, she told me that I was lucky to have sold off mine back then, now she is selling at a loss cos their feed is expensive and she can't afford it anymore. She has already spent a lot on the feed. No one showed interest in my compound, she moved to other houses. I was just feeling bad for her.

    Osundi, how was it in your end? I trust Hausas to buy off your own for sallah celebration.

    1. Good afternoon ostrich.
      I've never made sales during any sallah celebration because of the area I stay. You can hardly find Muslims in my area.
      Honestly,the cost of chicken feed is quite discouraging but we'll keep pushing.

  38. Happy sallah celebration to our Muslims bvs, May Allah accept your prayers. Pregnant poster you'll be fine soon just relax, by your second trimester you'll be back to normal.

  39. Lovely hot afternoon to all the wonderful BVs here.

  40. Nice weather i must say today.
    Happy Sallah to our muslim brothers.

  41. These days work is taking lots of my time that I hardly visit the blog like I have always done. If na so the money take dey come, I for happy well well😁😁😁. E no easy I swear but we keep pushing.

    I just went back to my morning post and read the comments you guys dropped. I think I believed the Anon at 09:49 who wrote about the subtle fight between the two men of God. That could be the truth. I thought as much

    The Anon who said it wasn't money that made them chased him away is not telling the truth. They requested for money and he refused. Go to his official Facebook page and read up for yourself about it.

    I don't like reading anonymous night post. Things I read there in the past spoilt my mind on how I feel about women. It's really shocking and come to think they are the 'Saints' on IDs that will later preach to us or give holy sermon to us 😁😁😁😁

    My time is up. Let me rush back to work.

  42. Chai
    I miss IHN yesterday.
    Happy salah to all my Muslim friends.

  43. Happy holidays everyone. Abeg who made nice Jollof rice with better meat should drop location if you are around Ajah.

    Stella, may God bless your kind heart.
    Pls remember me for the business giveaway.

  44. Too many women have been taken advantage of, abused and raped for spending time with men they feel like they could trust. A lot have been left broken, bitter and struggling with a child they didn't plan for or want.
    Stories like these is why I'd never be alone in enclosed space with any man.
    As for the wailers that would come under my comment to wail that it's not all men, of course I know that, but how would you know the one that would rape you?

    1. Many men roaming around (even the educated, older, respected) are SEXUAL PREDATORS

    2. Many men roaming around (even the educated, older, respected) are SEXUAL PREDATORS

  45. Pregnancy wahala post na wa for that ya husband o.
    Instead of him to be encouraging you and be more helpful around the house or get a maid oŕ relative to come help out he is talking trash.
    Na serious red flag be that o.
    It is well with you .
    My Sister is one of the strongest and hardworking lady i know, best cook and very artistically tallented. But once she gets pregant from the 2nd month we all stay round her cos its almost like she is sick until the 4th month, like nothing stays in her stomach, everything irritates her, weak and all.
    How does that translate to being lazy.
    Some men are so uncaring and thoughtless

  46. As for the poster who's pregnant with a husband comparing her to her fellow women, I would not have resisted the urge to compare him to his fellow men who are way better than him in every aspect of life especially in sports and fitness.
    Yes, I'm childish like that 😀

    1. Poster ask him if the men who are kind and supportive to their pregnant wives have 2 heads

    2. Poster ask him if the men who are kind and supportive to their pregnant wives have 2 heads

  47. Stella thank you for posting my advert inverter advert.

    Good afternoon neighbors 🤗
    Please patronize my business 🙏

  48. Good afternoon everyone, @ Pregnant Poster you will be fine but your hubby is suppose to encourage you haba.

    I can't wait to experience pregnancy journey, remember me Lord and bless me with my bundle of Joy.

  49. Pregnant poster, the Lord is your strength. You are not lazy, some people don't understand that everyone pregnancy is different.

    My own from month one to 5 na vomiting get me and can't keep anything in my stomach that period. From 5 months, I eat what I like but spitting na till the day I deliver.

  50. In all your getting get yourself a kind man

    1. The truth.
      I don't like her husband's attitude.

    2. Truly a kind man is key not selfish, ignorant, lazy & unsupportive manipulative creatures

  51. Eid fitri is celebrated after fasting for 29 or 30 days. This is done during the month of Ramadan. For Eid Kabir Baban Sallah. That's ram festival lol this is celebrated in regards to Ibrahim (Abraham) when he was asked to slaughter his first son ishaq ( Isaac) but Allah asked him to stop and a ram was sent in replace of his son. So Eid (Baban Sallah) is celebrated during the month of Dhul hajji, that's after the Holy pilgrimage. I hope you understand

  52. Happy Sallah to our Muslim friends.
    This Sallah is on a very low key cos I've been looking around to see some jiggy groovy in my neighborhood but...

    Pinky ! Pinky!! Pinky !!!
    I love your good heart but pls be cautious too.
    Pregnant poster pele na small pikin still dey worry oga, Warm hugs to you .

    Let's enjoy this holiday as e dey go

    1. Then small pickin no suppose marry

      No excuse , he is an entitled and mean man

  53. Happy sallah to our Muslim brothers and sisters

  54. SKIN TAGS.

    Wash, deseed,slice tiny the green apple then pour in a strong tumbler and mash to a paste using a toothbrush handle, filter with a sieve then scoop into a mug. Keep the sharf out.

    2. Repeat process for garlic bulb but don't sieve because there won't be any liquid from its paste.
    3. Spread out the banana peel, scrape the hairy insides using a spoon.
    Add to the mug.
    4. Pour the apple cider vinegar into the jug.
    Then stir well.

    5. Use muslin cloth to filter finally into a cup.
    Cover it tightly for a full 24hours and away from sunlight.

    The following day, pour into a small clean bottle and for a whole week after night shower, use a cotton bud to dab the juice on the skin tags.
    It will fall off because the acidic juice burns it off.

    You won't like the smell though😭

  55. PLEASE.

    Dont use on your eye area.
    Don't rub all over the face just pick a cotton bud,DAB the tiny black tag.

  56. Pregnant poster discuss with your doctor if you have ulcer, there is a supplement for ulcer patient instead of Vitamin C. Then, If I finished eating and take drugs especially with Vitamin C, the next thing na to vomit and be spitting everywhere, they said that if I entered Second trimester I will be fine so I was enduring but was disappointed when I entered the second trimester and was still experiencing those symptoms like feeling tired always, not having appetite for food, spitting up and down, crying without any justifiable reason, at some point I was asking my hubby for separation seriously crying reasons being that I can't cope with marriage and this new phase is something else to me, looking for trouble where there is none. I added it as part of my petition, I equally changed hospital and I'm feeling a lot better now. I even quit my work cos of this pregnancy. Thank God for an understanding hubby that I have some would have given me a dirty slap or leave the house for me.

    1. Women please only marry a kind man


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