Stella Dimoko Friday Morning Spontaneous Post


Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday Morning Spontaneous Post

 #friday #weekend #enjoymentunlimited #restperiod #positivethoughts #neversaynever #hmmm #fantasticfriday #funfriday #fabulousfriday #awesomeGod #miracleworker #waymaker #lightinthedarkness

How far?

May today be full of pleasant surprises for you...
May your hustle bring positive news...
May you find peace today...
May today be stress free....

See you in the in house new post...



  1. Christ Our Life!!
    Colossians 3:4.


    "We're not ordinary. When you received Christ, something actually transpired: the life and nature of God was imparted to your spirit. You no longer have the human life; you have the Christ-Life, the divine life."

    "When the knowledge of the divine life in you sinks into your spirit through meditation, it becomes your practice, experience and way of life."

    "The depraved, defeated, destroyed and broken human life has been supplanted by the Christ-life - the divine life of righteousness, honour, peace and glory."


    Christ is my life! Christ is my righteousness. Christ is my wisdom. Christ is my all! Christ in me is the hope of glory! Today, I fully express the essence of my divine nature impacting my world with the righteousness, honour, peace and dominion of Christ. Hallelujah!

    Further Study:
    Colossians 1:26-27; Colossians 3:3-4; Romans 8:10-11 ESV.

    1. Good morning everyone
      Pls who knows what I can use for a baby(less than 2 years) with cough?
      Natural remedies too. Thanks

    2. Good morning....I can try's very effective for cough ...just #500

    3. I normally use onions and sugar or honey. Wash the onions, slice it in a small bowl and sprinkle some sugar on it. Cover it and Leave it for about 3 hours. A syrup would have formed from which you can give the baby with a teaspoon. Refrigerate to avoid spoiling and make a fresh batch when it finishes.

    4. Thank you chardeyalade and triple.

    5. Please try not to give a baby sugar. Why not use honey? It has expectorant qualities.

    6. Honey is not advisable for a baby under 1yr bcos it contains bacteria that may be harmful. So, even though sugar isn't really good, it may be a better option in this case.

  2. Replies
    1. Data well received SDK.
      Thanks so much Ma.
      May God continue to keep you safe and yours Amen 🙏🏻
      God bless you.
      Thanks Waju.

    2. Amen and Amen!! I received Data too, thank you Stellame, God continue to bless and increase you in Jesus name, thank you Madam Waju.

  3. I remember when I was in Jss1 and our teacher asked the class what 'cold blooded animals' meant and Kosi ready to show how intelligent she was raised up her hand and when she was asked to speak said "cold blooded animals are animals that blood does not come out from when they are killed such as Lizard". Our teacher was shocked, my classmates were shocked and I was shocked too cos believe me, I'm certain I read it somewhere in primary school then😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. But true true, what are cold blooded animals?🥱
      Not examples o, what are they? Make today be school day for SDK 🙃

    2. TASTE BLISS CAKES AND PASTRIES13 January 2023 at 09:16

      I want to know too, what is cold and warm blooded animals?
      I didn't understand what I read from google.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣. Me too want to know oo.

    4. @Fidel and Taste Bliss;cold blooded are not capable of maintaining a constant body temperature by themselves,it changes as they move from one place to another,and they depend on external factors to regulate their temperature..

      Example is Lizard,frog,Fish,crocodile etc..

      A frog or lizard for example stays under the sun,when there is cold,then migrates towards water when hot..same as crocodile etc..
      Meaning they depend on the sun and water to regulate their temperature..

      While warm blooded are capable of maintaining a nearly constant temperature by themselves irrespective of any environment they find themselves..

      Example are Human,Lion,sheep etc..

      Hope this helps..


    5. TASTE BLISS CAKES AND PASTRIES13 January 2023 at 10:06

      Thanks a lot Martins.

  4. Amen to your prayers Stella,I wish y'all a great day.

    1. Amen to all your prayers Stella.Thanks for the Data.God bless you


    2. Amen
      Stella thanks
      Data received
      Waju thanks

  5. Amen to these prayers, Stella. Amin yen po! Very important.

    TGIF.... Rest mode activated!
    Good morning lovelies 😊

    Eeyah Chelsea, una doh oo.

    1. Good morning Sis ❤️💝

      Rest is needed oh,before person will break down .. Chelsea team is doing well 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Amen to your prayers, SDK 🙏
    Fantastic Friday morning, my dear blog family ❤️💜💕

  7. 3gb data received from Waju. Thanks and God bless you Stella , thanks waju.

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Stella for the data gift,it came when I needed it most. Thanks Waju for choosing me, am grateful 💃


    'Do not think you are better than you are.' Romans 12:3 NCV

    'Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: "I thank you, God, that I am not like other people - cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I'm certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income." But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to Heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, "O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner." I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled...those who humble themselves will be exalted' (Luke 18:10-14 NLT).

    The lesson in this story is, God has more tolerance for an honest sinner than a self-righteous Christian. When the Pharisee was congratulating himself for the sins he didn't commit - cheating, adultery, etc. - he was guilty of the sin of spiritual pride. Question: what good behaviour is a source of pride to you? Do you measure others by your performance and mark their scorecard accordingly?

    The only performance that makes any of us acceptable to God is based on Jesus' performance on the cross. 'God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ' (2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT). The righteousness that saves us is imputed - not earned. So don't be self-righteous!
    Word For Today

    Essa Atelier

  10. Ekaaro gbogbo ile
    Ameen to your prayers Stella
    Received my Data.Thank you Stella your pocket will never run.
    Thanks BvWaju may God bless

  11. Thank you so much Stella and waju data,God bless you

  12. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Haruna Quadri is doing well.

  13. Good morning folks, hope you all had a good night rest regardless of the heat and nepa. Have a blessed day and stay positive and safe 🙏🏾 ❤️

  14. S.A I Baba today would have been your 75th Birthday, countine to R.I.P ,we miss you.# 1/13

  15. Good morning everyone
    I remember when Arsenal football club were losing we abused them. They said they played like league 2 championship

    Liverpool was not walking alone when they were collecting wotowoto but the fans still stood by them

    Manchester united was also losing back to back,we were nickname the red devils but they called us red chickens cos we played like chickens. But we stood firmly and believed in our club

    Please dear Chelsea football club fans, stay with your club is your turn to lose. Remember you have a defender that said he will be the security to your team 😆😆😆😆😆. I hope he's not securing the team to relegation zone 😆😆😆
    Chelsea fans una never see anything 😂😂😂😂

    1. Good morning Blackie 💙

      Hehehehe you don finish work 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 make I help amplified it, Blackie said y'all Chelsea fans should stay with your club and savor the moment 🤣🤣🤣🤣 don't run and go and be supporting other clubs outside EPL

      In this part of the world,only few person's are genuine Chelsea fans when Celestine Babayaro, Giofranco Zola,Jimmy Flyod Hasslebank was playing for them..others were Arsenal fans who left and joined them when they were bought by Abramovish and José Mourinho was brought in to coach them! Them go see shege 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Before nko! Are we quiting the best club in the world because they're having challenges? Nwanne, it's Chelsea forever!

      I wonder why you people have been crying our cry for us, I mean, Chelsea haven't gone half of what you people went through and you have been crying since for us. I wonder why's paining you more than us.

      Leave us to cry our cry Na, Bikonu 🙏🏼😪🤷

      We never even begin feeling the pain but una don dey cry since.

      Even if we go relegation, we won't be the first.

      Even people that hasn't qualify for champions league since how many seasons dey follow cry for Chelsea. Wonder wonder!!

      Blues forever and ever!!!😎😎😎

    3. 😂😂😂u are not serious

    4. Good morning beautiful queens ❤️❤️
      Paris, leave them oo, it's their turn
      @Apples of God's own eyes, make season end first we go then know whats up

  16. Good morning all,blessed day to you all, Stella thank you for the data and thanks waju.

  17. Sometimes you just have to forgive people without getting an apology. Forgive them in silence & move on in silence. People don't always have the maturity or the honesty to apologize & if you are going to sit & wait for an apology, you'll only hurt yourself. Pain & anger grows into more pain & more anger. The more you hold on to what was done to you, the more you will suffer.

    In life, no one forgets how you made them feel or how poorly they have been treated.

    Life is bitter sweet.

  18. Replies
    1. Uzu Anwili please how do i contact you.. how you please lete know how to reach you..

      P.s. Thanks Martins.

    2. @Anon,my email is in my bio,don't know if stella will publish if I type,you can also reach stella directly.

    3. Ok thanks al@ Uzu Anwili

  19. Entering a danfo bus without Tfare and informing the conductor that I will be making a transfer is something I'll love to try one day.Wish me well,especially oshodi
    or eko idumota conductors 🤣🤣🤣😅😅🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

    Data received with gratitude, God bless you abundantly Big Stellz and Ma'am Waju.🙏🙏

    Good morning and TGIF 💃💃✌

  20. Arise and shine 🌞🌟💫✨
    Good morning everyone
    Amen to your prayers Stella Ma'am


  21. Beautiful weekend to everyone.

    Licious babe

  22. Good morning all..
    Amen to your prayers Stella jewelu.

  23. Amen to your prayers Stella.
    Happy weekend sdk family, may our weekend be awesome in Jesus name. Amen

  24. 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
    Thank you SDK and waju for the data, I'm grateful.

  25. Data received this morning. Thanks Stella. Thanks Waju

  26. #Fact

    Lagos is the smallest State in Nigeria. Lagos measures about 3,345 square kilometers just a little smaller than Anambra, which is the second smallest and measure about 4,844 square kilometers.

    Good morning bvs

  27. Good morning,

    The following bv's have been gifted 3GB data by Stella.

    I have successfully sent to numbers 1-33 and will send to 34-40 before IHN and post the names again.

    Pls dial *461*4# to check your data balance.

    1.Stella Maris Baby
    2. Debby baby
    3. firstlady blessing
    4 adaoluchi
    5. Micheal Justina
    6. vinathan
    7. Osundi
    8 Baltika
    9. mor
    11. Canny
    12. Beautiful Soul
    13. Raquel
    14. fabulous momma and wify
    16. Modupeola
    17. Bunmi Idoko
    20. Esther Okoro
    21. Cyberbrity
    22. Mao Akuh
    23. Tochi
    24. Lee
    25. Pretty Patience
    26. Oracle of God
    27. Sweetberry
    28. Ms tee
    29. fav1
    30 Tutu
    31. last born
    32. Varey B
    33. Slim Shaddy
    34. Pretty Mary
    35. Phinite
    36. Lane Minder'
    37. Lagos Mainland Girl
    38. ChardeyAlade
    39. Sandra
    40. Able God

    Thank you Stella

    1. Data well received, thanks a lot to stella, i really do appreciate, and thanks to waju for choosing me, thanks🙏🙏🙏

    2. Thanks sweethearts.
      . Much appreciated

    3. Data received, God bless Stella
      Thanks waju

    4. Sent successfully to numbers 34-40.
      Thanks for your patience.
      I'll post the names again on IHN.
      Thank you.

    5. Thank you data received. 💋 😘 Stella .

    6. Data received with thanks.
      God bless you Jewelu star woman and replenish your pocket.Thank you Waju, God bless you and your business will continue to grow and flourish.

    7. Nawahh! How una Take dey share this data sef wey e never reach me since my 7 years here??

      What are the qualifications for it ,Biko??

      When the other guy dey share, same.

      You started after the guy, same.
      The other p.a started, same. The one after her nko? Same. Now, you don start again? There's God ooo!!!🥺

    8. TASTE BLISS CAKES AND PASTRIES13 January 2023 at 10:00

      Data received with thanks,
      God bless SDK and Waju.

    9. Data well received with thanks.
      God bless you Stella and really grateful. I really appreciate.

    10. Data received with a grateful heart. Thanks Stellicoco
      Thanks bv Waju.

    11. Stella you're indeed trying so much for ur bvs walai.
      But see ee stop giving data to bvs dat don't comment but only show face to collect data. Wen they get d data they use it to do other things but don't come here to comment. Example is this Requal,I only see her here only wen data show.

    12. This year go over good for us.

      Thanks so much Stella
      Waju, thanks

    13. Gbam @12:07, I totally support your submission. Users everywhere

    14. I missed this data faa. Not happy
      Anyways next time ....

  28. Thank you Stella and waju..
    Data received with a lot of thanks 💃
    God bless you plenty.

  29. 3GB data receive from waju. Thanks very much Stella, God bless you and thanks to waju too,G bless you. Good morning to you all. TGIF.

  30. Good morning beautiful people 😘

    Thank you so much Stella and Waju, God bless you now and forever, Amen. Thank you for all you do.

  31. Lagos Mainland Girl13 January 2023 at 08:51

    Data received this morning

    Thanks so much,blessings.

  32. Why did I even join this club called blues?... I'm sick and tired..the disgrace is too much for me..can't bear this anymore.🤦🙆🙆🙆🙆

  33. Those using your problem to describe you,this year they will use your testimony to describe you,In Jesus Name. Happy weekend

  34. Good morning everyone❤❤❤

  35. Data (3gb) well received,thank you Stella with heart of gold,may God bless you.Thank you waju,I really appreciate.

  36. I'm shine Stella. Beautiful day to try again. 😘

  37. Good morning.

    Thank you Stella. Data has been received.

    Thanks Waju.

  38. Good morning everyone

    3G data received from Waju...God bless u Stella....I am very grateful 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Have a lovely day ahead

  39. Good morning everyone.. Thanks jeweluchi Stella.. thanks waju. God bless you so much. Got my data

  40. Amen, 🙏 and Thank God it's Friiiiiiiiii💃💃💃

    Beautiful Morning blog famZ 😍
    You All Stay Blessed ❤️

  41. Life of a teacher in a Private School. So this morning, in class a student said she wanted to use the toilet, I asked her to wait for as another student just took permission to go to the toilet and wasn't yet back . She came after some minutes that she wants to use the toilet. I asked her if the other girl was back , she said yes and I told her she can go.After some seconds I noticed the first girl wasn't in the class and infact both girls weren't in the class. I went to the toilet and saw both of them there chatting. I told them to go kneel down .
    The first girl knelt down quickly but the second one told me she is not going to kneel down , that her parents said nobody should punish her in school.
    I don't understand how a parent will lecture their children that they can't be punished in school. Anyway I took her to the administrator, since the school don't even allow you to flog students.
    There she was told to kneel down, and she started crying, that her mum said nobody should punish her.
    I know her mum has a small school and her father is a Pastor ..But I wonder why some parents give their children the impression that a teacher can not discipline them.The mum was called and she was told to apologize to me.

    1. That's how they end up raising spoilt menace of the society. You can't beat, fine! You still can't punish??? Na wa oh

    2. That's the Woke and Gen Z
      generation we find ourselves.
      Anon, Bet me, it's not all teachers they can try that nonsense with though .
      It is well with Us !

  42. Bonjour Blogfam! So grateful and giving thanks to God,being alive is a gift!

  43. Data received. Stella may your pocket never run dry, Thank you for all you do . Waju I am grateful.

  44. Good morning beautiful souls

    Thank you Stella for the data. God's blessing always. Thank you too Waju. I appreciate

  45. Good morning house, have a great day 😘

  46. Good morning everyone💋💜😍💞💕💙💟
    Stella thank you I got my 3GB data this morning may God bless you ❤💞💕💙💟💜💋😍
    Waju data thank you for choosing me for the data giveaway ❤💖💞💕💙💟💜💋😍

  47. Thank you Stella and waju data..I received my data ❤️

  48. Good morning Jewelu and Bvs.

  49. Thanks Stella Jewelchi,your pocket will never run dry 🙏🙏🙌
    Data GIVEAWAY 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 Received.
    Thanks Stella

    Thanks Waju 😊

    Thank God its Friday


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