Stella Dimoko Actor Yul Edochie Says He Is A Proud Polygamist And Quotes Bible Verse To Back Up His Polygamous Marital Status


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Actor Yul Edochie Says He Is A Proud Polygamist And Quotes Bible Verse To Back Up His Polygamous Marital Status




  1. Everyone must have a backup even when they have done wrong. Hope I'd it was May who got married to another man and still quote bible he would be happy.

    Is your life, your decision, your choice. Whatever makes you happy just do it

    1. Yule has been suspended from our association. He is allowed to do whatever he wants to do with his life but we don't support this message.

      married and divorced men.

    2. Odogwu has spoken!

      He said what he said.

      Don't know why people are killing themselves over his decision and personal life.

      One more thing; Odogwu stop explaining to world people. It's your life. Onyeodiro mma, ya kua isi na Aja.😎

    3. Exactly! He has quoted Bible now and some are not happy. They will say it is old testament but when their pastors (god of men) quote the old testament of Malachi on tithe they don't say it is old testament.

  2. Hmmm,to give your son a proper identy,you married Judy,if you cheat again and impregnate another ,so that's how you will keep marrying them,well you accepted your polygamous nature.its well with you

    1. Yes, if he cheats again and impregnate another lady he will marry her, so how does that affect you? Why is it your problem?

  3. Your business and choice
    Your name is yuletide,keep disturbing the season. πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈ

  4. Whom the gods want to kill they first make mad.

    1. True, but I don't see any mad one here.

  5. May I not have any business with a man like Yul. Tufiakwa...

    That bible passage talks about slavery. If your father marries a slave that has been with the family for a period of 6 years or more for you... Or if you marry a slave, by the time you're marrying your legitimate wife, you must continue to fulfil your marital obligation to the bond woman that you married first.

    If you can't fulfill your marital obligation to her, you have to let her go (free her).

    What a backup to cover his stupidity!

    1. You are wrong. That is not the interpretation. Anyway, there is no where is the Bible, God spoke against practicing polygamy.
      My only issue with Yul was that he should have told his wife first before telling the public that he wanted to take a new wife.

    2. Anon 15:42, that's between him and Judy. Not between Yul and social media followers. We don't know what they've discussed or what transpired between them. If Judy isn't pleased she can leave. For me, as long as she hasn't left she is okay with it.

    3. @anon 15:42... I'm not wrong. You're not a bible student.

  6. Doing it with full chest would mean telling your wife about it from the beginning when she was marrying you or at least before youu started hide and seek with the other woman

  7. My only misgivings about this is that Yul wasn't advocating polygamy when he married Mary ( please I stand to be corrected), so I can understand the shock and disbelief Mary and the children had to go through.
    Going by the comment section in this blog, I can't say I would be surprised if Danta marries more than a wife because he is a firm believer in it( though I hope that he discusses it with anyone he's going out with)
    Same as Pa Ned, he's proudly a polygamist.

    So Yul, know that people are talking based on your previous perception.

    Here's wishing you and your family peace and love.

    But me ooh, say no to nwunye dα»‹, in Xp's voice ☺️☺️

    1. Na, Dante is not a believer of polygamy. He only frowns at feminists and call the men who treats their fuck ups his Gee 🀣 very blunt guy I like

      Fan Emmanuel

  8. Ah! Yul!! Izit not enuf already? Rest naw...Haba!

  9. Of course quoting verses to support your ways. Smh

  10. So Yul is indirectly referring to May as a slave married for him and now he can marry a legitimate wife? I no too know Bible sha but I am yet to see where a polygamous man married someone's wife except David after he made sure the woman's husband died in war to cover his adultery .
    One of the ten commandments is to never covet your neighbors wife.
    Yul, your fellow man said publicly you were dating his wife under his roof.
    You destroyed that marriage and that's why Judy destroyed yours but May staying is her big headache.
    Please your fellow men are polygamist to single women not married women, so stop disgracing yourself.
    As for Judy, you had a family with children, why didn't you use the opportunity Yul gave you in acting to beautify your own marriage, you would have been far successful now dear.
    Yul is a narcissist, I don't care what he's selling to you that made you loose guard or as person you like coveting what's not yours, but I know Yul is not a prize, I believe by now, you are seeing it but is late.
    I hope May holds on to this her game plan to torment Yul and Judy psychologically.
    Even polygamists we have in Nigeria and worldwide, they don't explain polygamy to us but Yul does his own every market day.
    Guy, see a therapist, be honest, your third leg has rewritten your destiny.
    Your fame is already fading

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ His third leg has truly rewritten his destiny but uncle ego will not allow him see it. Yul don't stop at 2 wives , you need more of those blessings. The more the merrier. Mpam

    2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ His third leg has truly rewritten his destiny but uncle ego will not allow him see it. Yul don't stop at 2 wives , you need more of those blessings. The more the merrier. Mpam

  11. Mtchwwww....yul when will you rest?

  12. Mtcheww....Yul it's like this your marriage to Judy is the only thing going for you now. Once upon a time, it was politics, now it's polygamy. Since you can quote the Bible very well, direct me to the part that says you can impregnate another woman before marrying her as a second wife.

    1. He has something going on for him. I hope you seriously have something going for you too. It will be sad if nothing is going on for you but you come here and start mocking someone who has one thing going on for him.

  13. That's the only way he sleeps well at night. His conscience has been dealing with him

  14. That's the only way he sleeps well at night. His conscience has been dealing with him

  15. Abi were ni Bobo yi ni?
    Town crier.You will shalaye till Jesus comes.Elejowewe

  16. Nobody cares. Your dyck, your problem

    1. Simple! His dyck his problem, same as you kini your problem.

    2. All the come you coming over here to defend him we still don't and won't care. Ain't nobody give a shit about your armchair PR attempts.

  17. On today's edition of let- me- explain- to- you why -I-disgraced-myself.πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  18. Attention seeker,continue to seek for validation.πŸ™„πŸ™„

    1. Definitely not seeking validation from you.

  19. Too many people drinking Panadol for another person head. If Yul likes let him marry 100 wives, na his problem. Ooni married total of 10 and divorced 3, life didn't end.

  20. Abeg this guy is dumb. Tired of his antics

  21. He’s bringing the panadol to the table. Let him rest and drink his polygamy once peace. Whatever rocks their boat.

    The Bible said Ann’s the two shall become one flesh. Hope he reads that part too since he quotes the Bible.

  22. how can we blame Yul when May has refused to leave the marriage....she must die in that marriage....a man rubbishes you but you will still hold on to the marriage like a trophy...why won't he vomit rubbish. of course other men will do same when they can get away with it. if she leaves him and stays on her own then maybe later marry a man for companionship will heaven fall? that is why i like oyibo people


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