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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative




I am confused and need some honest answer because i cant ask anyone around me......
I have a twin and she is very ugly and unattractive and I am the very very beautiful one but in the ugliness and beauty, we look alike and you would know that we are twins...

I am jealous f my twin cos she has all the good luck, all the money, all the toasters and all the love and i have NOTHING..
I dont understand it.. We have similar character traits but hers always seems to stand out and get her noticed for favour but no one even notices my presence.... 

We live together and I am thinking of moving out cos i think she may have tampered with my destiny cos she is very sharp eyed and one of my friends explained what stealing ones destiny is about and that if i give her space, it will wear out..

With what i am noticing, I pray never to have twins and if i ever get pregnant and its twins i wont keep it cos the torture is too much, the unspoken competition is killing me.....

How can this be happening? something is wrong somewhere.. Please i need some advice on how to let this jealousy go cos i hate my twin right now so much...

We are in our late 30's and not kids so i know what i am talking about...Please help!

Sad twin....

WOW and i always wanted to have twins!!..... Why dont you have a conversation with your twin? aint you supposed to be besties? I dont know what to say oooooh... How can your twin steal your destiny? Is this possible?

Maybe you have inferiority complex? stop monitoring your twin and become more open with your feelings and talk and maybe you will find closure on this issue.


  1. Wicked and jealous twins. Nonsense

    1. People don’t know this but some twins have competitions between themselves, it starts at an early age because that’s the first competition they have.
      Dear poster, what your sister has is “Confidence” , self confidence is the biggest human magnet anyone can have, it draws people in. Take a look at anne delvy, she was able to scam people with all the lies she told because she was confident and couldn’t be intimidated.

      I support your decision to move out, not because I suspect your sister but I don’t want to you get so jealous you end up hurting her. Move away for your own sanity.

      Work on yourself then grow to love her, envy creeps in from time to time (we are all human) but the ability to realize it and work on it is what makes us better people.

      Push up (original)

    2. you guys are getting it wrong but it has been there since Jacob and Esau was born. She need to read her bible to understand that and pray her way out with her twin sister in an agreement prayer things will turn out fine for her.

    3. I have twins and nothing like that about them. They support each other. Just be happy 4 your sister and you would receive your own breakthrough.

    4. I won't pretend like the tampering of destiny thing doesn't happen cos it does but from your write-up, you seem to be the one with a jealousy and competition problem. If we check closely now, there will be other things you are favoured with that she doesn't have but you choose to focus on her toasters and financial favours that she has more than you.

      You are the one checking every good thing going on for her and angry and jealous that it's not you, yet she might not be jealous that you are finer than her, my advise: move out and work on yourself, purge your heart of those feelings of hate, jealousy and competition, pray for what you want and believe you will receive in your own time.

    5. 17:30 you think this twins parent knows about it
      Ask them

    6. Inferiority complex and lack of confidence at play here!!

  2. Move out. Go and get your own life outside of being twins. It doesn’t matter whether she messed with your destiny or not. What matters is you’d be better giving her space for now

    1. Poster you're envious of your own twin? You need total mental overhaul tbvh. You have d beauty but God compensated her in other areas of life. You want to be only one with beauty and Good luck kuma,haba mana..u can't always have it all in life.

    2. You are a jealous person and so envious...You need to purge your heart of such evil thoughts starting from how you describe your twin...My dear people can smell bad characters like sharks from far away...Also work on your self-esteem...Being beautiful does not mean the world should stand at your beacon and call...Character is always the true beauty..All the best

    3. Guys I’m not sure she’s just jealous. You should be observant in life and sometimes that can make you seem bad or jealous. People agreed when the 39 year old said it seems her relationships fall apart when her fathers house is visited

    4. Exactly Phonenix,very envious and jealous being,tufiakwa.

    5. Geez!!! Poster your words even reeks hate and jealousy. You really think you are all that, that’s why you can’t go far in life, I’m sorry to say. The moment you get off your high horse and change that mentality of yours, you will definitely do better. Stay away from people that keep putting stupid ideas in your head.

  3. Your jealous will not stop even if you separate from her. I wish your sister will be the one to separate from you. Your sister did not steal your destiny or whatever. Why would you even think of terminating a pregnancy if you find out it's twins? Is this not evil?. Your thoughts are so warped. Why wont you have such a life? You need to purge yourself of the jealousy, hate and whatever. Find peace within yourself and learn to live godly. It will help you. Note that you attract what you are.

    1. It is easier to do good than evil . You are the jealous one , you have no peace of mind. Go on your knees and ask God for forgiveness and stop thinking evil else you will go down with HBP and its consequences

    2. The Original ShugarGirl10 November 2022 at 18:35

      Poster it is always so there's the twin who is talkative while the other is introverted.

      First of all quit being jealous bcz it will eventually consume the good in your twin and destroy you in the process. While at that cut off from that 'friend' who has been sowing the seed of discord in you.

      I am introverted and yes it may look as if someone who's extroverted is stealing the shine at the moment but people who are genuine still find me interesting and they love my confidence. You need to be sufficient in yourself and let your sister be in herself. If you dim out her light today your life will never get better bcz na she go still likely fit help you for this life.

      See it this way, the better it gets for your twin the better it will become for you. Vice versa.

  4. You have a wicked heart and mind and such exudes negative aura that would naturally make people not want to favour you or men even want to be around you.
    By Jove!,How can you write that your own blood sister is very ugly and unattractive? Is that what you really see when you look at her. My God.
    Pls move out with your rotten destiny and stay very far away from her. With all you wrote up there she’s not even safe around you.

    1. You say your sister is ugly? That's too much! I think she noticed your supposed beauty early enough and chose to work on herself (warm smile, fashion sense, great aura) et al and it has paid off. I pity you really. Move out before you start nursing murder.

    2. Gurrrllll!!! I mean… I can even smell her hate from my phone. Over here talking about stole your destiny. Change your fucking attitude (excuse my French cos I’m disgusted) and you will see your never stolen destiny.

    3. My thought exactly, she needs to move out before she poisons her sister, or suffocates her in her sleep.

  5. Twins =2 individuals and they can never be the same.
    One is usually smart/sharp/extrovert and gets attention, and it's normal.
    In most cases, the calm one normally marry correct/loaded guy.

    Love your twin, stay blessed and whatever she buys, it's for 2 of you. Don't be jealous o.

    1. Lol at calm one marrying rich. So not true

    2. Twins I know, the smart one takes it all.

    3. Poster you need repentance and deliverance. Cut ties with that friend putting ideas against your own twin and move out. Don’t live with her with so much envy in your heart against her. I am a mom of twins, I have never heard or read anything like this😳 Jacob & Esau didn’t hate each other until their parents bad marriage made them seek substitutes in the kids with each parent picking one to favor. Esau wanted to revenge AFTER what Jacob did. This is so messed up. I know it happens among siblings but twins? Identical twins? You think she is ugly & you are beautiful? Omg! Leave the woman alone, you each brought talents from God. He didn’t send anybody to this world empty handed!

  6. Wahala 😮
    I don't even know what to say
    I hope you get the advice you seek

  7. Get a life bitch,twin from hell.😐😐

  8. A bad seed is germinating. Why don't you move away from her before you kill her?
    Please, desist from this hatred before it consumes you. 🌹

    Live a healthy life and focus on your progress.. Seek Jesus, the giver of peace ✌️.

  9. See how you described your own twin with so much hatred despite as you say her ugliness. Kai God evil does live among us. Maybe your jealousy is what’s keeping from prospering. Why can’t you embrace this your ugly twin in love and maybe things will be better for you. Please God save us from household enemies.

  10. Nothing is wrong my dear, please stop being jealous of your twin sister.
    Don't let your friends poison your mind against her, draw her close and pray to God to let the hatred go and grant you inner peace and contentment.

    It is well with you.

  11. Poster, birds of a feather flock together. Your friend encouraged you to see your twin as a destiny thief because you are as toxic as she is. The only good thing about this write up is the fact that you acknowledged that you are jealous and pained by her success. You might be beautiful but I can bet you are nothing like her in character. Please move out fast and leave her alone,before you will poison her out of hate.

  12. I feel your pain poster, but I really don't know what to advise you to do in this situation. Let me read what other people have to say.

    1. What pain? I’m angry with this evil poster

      Fan Emmanuel

    2. Feel which pain? Are you jealous of someone too?

  13. Mmmn this feels like a Cain and Abel story....

  14. From your write up eh dear poster, I think it's a mind thing. Just maybe your twin has a good heart that attracts good things to her. I'm not saying yours is not good ooo but with the way you described your twin as very very ugly and unattractive it makes me wonder your thought process.

    Change environment for now. It'll help you.

  15. So if you are pregnant with twins, you’ll get rid of them? Try it and wait for God’s judgement.
    All fingers are not and will never be equal. Try and be happy and wish your twin well.
    Who knows if your wicked heart is the reason you are going through this?
    If you can have this mindset toward your own blood, how about outsiders?


  16. How can you describe your own sister as very very ugly? You are not a good person and have a negative mind set against others, that’s why good things never come your way.
    Learn to be positive and be happy for people including your twin. As you have planned leave the house before you poison your sister, as the devil has already built tent in your heart. While at that review your life and make changes where necessary, seek help where needed because this your mind set will definitely keep dragging you backwards.
    Your sister isn’t your problem, you are your own problem

  17. It takes strong will not to compare yourself with your twin. People permanently do that but a free mind settles you. This comparison is alive if the twins are of same sex. One of the twins secretly wishes there's competition and lives it albeit secretly.

    If you may, go back memory lane when you were growing up, you might find subtle jealousy, careless talk, behavior or attitude that was neglected or overlooked. what I'm saying is there's a possibility that she might have done or said some thing.

    Do not discuss anything with her lest she knows you know what's happening.

    Move out if you wish.

    I'm a twin of same sex so I understand the politics of twins.

    Good luck.

    1. You know what you’re saying
      Most others are just talking
      Poster knows what she has seen that makes her feel something is going on

    2. Anon 17:09, please stop supporting evil. I can't even describe another person as ugly as she described her twin. Doesn't that seem to you like she's the problem here? Poster, girl, you're evil and mean and that's the aura you exhibit, that's why people don't like you. And as cliche as it sounds, your vile spirit is what is making good things far from you, not your twin.

  18. What if it's false assumption's/accusations. Well we're here to learn.. pray you all get it right

  19. Wait wait you’re the very very beautiful one and she’s the very very ugly and unattractive one , both of you in your late 30’s . Both without a husband and children and yet you’re jealous of your twin ?!

    Lmaaooo so what happens to all the toasters she has that you’re jealous of ? No be meant be this ?
    You might be beautiful physically but you’re very very ugly and unattractive in your heart and hate never ever wins , never !

    You would listen to an outsider to develop hate against your twin ? Who did you Africans strong concerning destiny stealer and those nonsense?

    Check your attitude and check yourself, the way you’re ugly in heart , that’s why God isn’t coming through for you .

    Spits !

    Lady MorgiannE

  20. The earlier you live with your reality the better, no twins are ever on the same pedastal in life. One is always more fortunate in life and things of life than the other. Moreover the attitude displayed in your chronicle gives a lot away about your personality. Beauty without brain and character.

    1. Dear Poster, Please give your life to Christ Jesus, let Him lead your life and stop comparing yourself with your sister, you just have to stop. Esau and Jacob had this and it ruined thier relationship. You need to focus on your life in Christ more than any other thing and love yourself dont depend on other people to make you happy. YOU NEED TO MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY, STUDY THE WORD OF GOD DAILY

    2. One is not always more fortunate
      There are twin doctors twin Tik tokers everywhere

  21. I wish I know your twin, I'd advise her to stay clear of you because you're wicked, you have a wicked heart and mind. What sort of stupid competition is going on? We all have different destinies and attract different people, keep comparing those you attract with those she attracts. At least you can see that isn't not by being beautiful and attractive, your attitude stinks and can be perceived from a thousand miles that's why they'd rather go for her than you who claim to be the attractive one. Change your attitude, your life might become better, your destiny wasn't stolen

  22. Thank u Ma( Aunty Stella) what is actually killing her is inferiority complex! Poster pls take the second paragraph of the advise on red pen seriously it will change a whole lot about you. Thank goodness u are here on time for proper advice, else if na person wen want ur downfall u carry dis kind matter go meet e for tell u make u kill na wa! Do take care

  23. poster your twin sister is innocent and if you are thinking evil aginst her God will be angry with you. Those your friends telling you she took your destiny how can she take your destiny when you are even the most beautiful one while she is not beautiful.

    You cannot use the word very very ugly on a human being you did not create. you are truly a bitter soul that is why things did not favour you. Imagine calling your blood especially your twin sister ugly. You are a very terrible sister that one shouldn't have, sisters like you will kill their sisters for anything.

    Poster have you not read in the bible about Jacob and Esau, Your sister happens to be the Jacob or Zara is the favourite one while you happen to be the fairest abi Esau. Esau struggled before he was able to pray his way out or get something meaningful in life. You should not be angry with her or envy her all you need to do is to forgive her. Come together in agreement with her and pray your way out. This was instituted by God from generation to generation of Jacob and Esau. I do not have much time to give you the full gist but if you can read the book of genesis especially from 27 or read the book of genesis you will understand what i am talking about and then you can really do what i am saying.

    Do not hate your sister at all, those people telling you to hate her are evil. Please if i have time on my hand i will write more but right now i have to go. Please read your bible the book of genesis will explain everything better for you. If you notice with twins that one is usually doing better than one, if you have twins and experiencing same please you need both to love each other and pray together so that the cause placed from the beginning in the book of genesis will be removed from them and God can bless them.

    I have to go please..............

    1. I concur with your submission to an extent. You know, no two persons are the same. Of course, one must prosper more than the other. Even amongst siblings, different levels of prosperity. So, there is no curse anywhere on twins. It's just life.

    2. This kind news dey strange to my hearing, twins wey everybody dey find for their family, he reach your turn , it turns to war, na wa, better repent of these evil thought

  24. First of all you need a change of mindset.
    Now you have seen that it's not just about beauty, it takes more than beauty to reign in this world.
    Do you have strength of character? Do you even know yourself? Sit back and ask yourself questions.
    Your twin is not the problem here. You are.

    Imagine that you even entertained the thought of your twin tampering with your destiny! Ha!
    Yes I know that evil happens, but to entertain this kind of thought because you keep comparing yourself to your own sister is distasteful.

    And please start working on yourself. What do you love doing? What makes you happy? What are your talents? Explore yourself and see if your self esteem wont improve drastically.

    You attract who you are. Check your heart, babe.
    Imagine the kind of friend who will plant such wicked ideas in your mind!
    Youare worthy and you are unique in yourself, bit this won't even matter if yoi don't know this for yourself.
    DISCOVER YOURSELF, WORK ON YOU and stop comparing yourself with anybody,
    Humble yourself and learn from your twin, there are many things she understands about life that will help you.

  25. Weirdest stuff ever read in a while, what tosh!

  26. Sorry about the way u feel poster.u really need to fellowship with christ.its seems you are frustrated cos your expectations are always cut short.but I assure u,if you have faith and fear the lord,u shall have all ur heart desires.u don't need to envy ur twin,u both came to life same day and few minutes apart.u should be happy for her and pray for such blesses upon ur life as well.dont be sad.lots of hugs sweetie 🤗

  27. Twinny, mental karma is torturing you. Even if you move out, toasters will flee except you change your mindset😄

  28. Poster na wa for you oh. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, take note.
    I don't even know what to tell you.
    I also have a twin sister, not identical.
    Growing up she developed faster than me, more beautiful and had all the attention.
    I never read any meaning to it and will never do. We fight like normal siblings do and reconcile too.
    Why are you jealous of her?
    Are you not supposed to enjoy with her in all the goodies and favours she gets? This is bad blood.
    My sister and I always share everything together, during uni ,her toasters or boyfriends always took both of us out together and get us gift. We do everything thing together. Infact if you are dating either of us you have double responsibilities, but it ended there only, we are not greedy.
    Now she bloomed faster than me and we are in our mid 30s, she is married and I'm single but have a fiance, before I met my fiance I started having all the attention, she sees me as the hottest babe now, and I am always surprised when people tell me I'm more beautiful than her cos I feel she is the beauty queen and I adore her.
    Biko don't let evil minded people poison your mind against your twin sister.
    If you need clearance pray on your own.
    Stop being a witch.
    Except you people are diabolical in your family, and there is something you are not telling us that is why you can only reason this kind of thing.

    1. Awww!
      Poster ingest and digest this comment. I don’t know what went wrong in your upbringing but you ought to know that no two persons have equal destiny even if they are identical twins.
      Try and move out and start to love your sister from afar.
      See now, you’ve almost put me off of my prayer to have twins. Thank God for comments that say other twins are different

  29. Poster,your heart is evil,better pray and ask God to deliver you from jealousy and forgive you. You're supposed to be best of friends with your twin but you're here talking rubbish.

  30. You are wicked and arrogant who told you you are beautiful ,why don't you have all these things ?if indeed you are ,I wish I know her I will have told her to be careful because you are evil and can poison here ,see this devil and you will soon kill her if you don't move out ,so pls let her be

  31. Poster make sure you pack out,if you stay back ehn,shame on you!

  32. Poster, your twin didn't steal your destiny or whatever. You are the one with the problem.
    See how you described your twin as "very" ugly. Na wa oh! Yet with her "very ugliness" things are going on well for her and you, with your "very beautifulness" has nothing going on for you.
    From your post, one can sense your hatred. Like your hatred is so much.
    You need cleanse your mind. Like, purge it! You also need the Holy Spirit to help you.

  33. You are evil. It is your hatred and jealousy that is preventing you from prospering in life. Imagine writing such things about your sister. You need to repent. Who tricked that someone has stolen your destiny??! You have sabotaged your own self by your own wickedness. Who would want to steal the destiny of an evil person , if such a thing even existed? And that’s the reason why people stay away from you. Your negative character. Repent and start genuinely loving your sister and being happy for others. Also that friend you have who is advising you against your sister is as bad as you are. Repent to both of you. And yes it is a good idea to move out. Focus on your life.

  34. There is something twins and twin parents must !ever forget they fact they are not identical makes it alot more worse when it comes to people especially family making one the favourite. Your upbringing has affected you deeply . When bringing up twins or even close birthed siblings if yiudo not treat them equally of cos with equity or treat them each as an individual not a comparism you will always make them hate each other. So move out but always talk with your twin as distance enable you see that u problem is not her but maybe your narssacism based on Ur beauty ..

  35. Some of you that get this the other round remember she needs advice and before you blame her know that you are not in her shoes, you could have been worse than her. Are you telling me that you can comfortably live with a sister who always take it all? Without being jealous? This is not easy for her. My dear move away from your twin sister, lives at where you can see her once in a while. Build your self confidence with time you will overcome it. You need to live your own life.

  36. You're an evil person. Look at how you described your sibling above! Your twin! It says a lot about your personality. Please do not harm her.

  37. People are funny o. Why would you be jealous of your twin to talk about her this way? This is so unhealthy. One can't have it all in life. You are more attractive, she is more favoured monetary.
    Ask God to forgive you and pray to love your twin. See yourselves as team players.
    When I was in Uni, I had a very close friend. She has the beauty, I have the brain. She always attract boys that take us out and spoil 'us', while I help out with anything academic. We came out victorious in all. So poster, team up with her, make her an ally and compliment each other. Tell her to teach you how she does it.
    I would not term you evil as you are working with information at your disposal. You were not taught to look out for each other and see the kind friend that is advising you sef. All in all, I think you need to move out too.

  38. I mean this with the best of intentions, you sound like you have mental health issues. Seek help from a psychotherapist and move out before you do something dangerous to your twin one day.

  39. God have mercy🧐👇🏿🤮😳 ! Who is this poster you need pure detoxification of the brain and soul, Twins that I prayed earlier for God to bless me with when I newly got married , na in one aunty somewhere said she ll intentionally remove it because of hate hmmmm . Shehbi if you see person wey go impregnate you , you think God is not watching .
    My prayer for you today is for God to deliver you from all form of jealousy and May he rescue you before you intentionally kill your blood sister .
    Kindly stay away from any friend that ll twist your already corrupt mindset about your sister and create bad energy for you.
    Give your life to Christ, kindly move out if you feel like , I am scared 😱 for your sister already beside You are old enough to live alone, maybe you ll have peace when you find out that your character is part of your predicament beautiful twin as you call yourself.

    Mummy Anthony-Clever

  40. The only advice I have for you is that if you give birth to twins in future, please resist any form of competition between them. Don't say things like this to them: "your twin can do this better..., your twin is tall why are you short...? Your twin is more brilliant... " Just avoid every form of competition and preferential treatment because these things starts from childhood.

  41. The vile way you described your own twin depicts how dark your heart is and that is the root of your problem.

    FYI she is not ugly, God took his time and intrixately created her in his image and likeness,after creating her he looked at her and thought his creation was good, God doesn't make mistakes no human is ugly.

    1. You say? Abeg kon see my landlord daughters

    2. Anon 19.55 you are you fine? Don’t refer to anyone as ugly it’s very bad . The person has their own beauty that you probably can’t see.

  42. Poster you are the problem here.
    And that your friend that is advising you, you think she loves you more than your sister does?
    I pity you.
    May God deliver you.

  43. Poster. You are Esau and you twin is Jacob...may be you sold ya birthright for sweet curry goat

  44. Please poster,give your life to Jesus,he will purge of your envy,bitterness and low self esteem.If you're this envious of your blood,what about

  45. I am not surprised by this chronicle. This is what happens in a culture where people always seek someone or something to blame for perceived bad luck. It is always some witch or destiny thief. Instead of you to watch what qualities or habits make your sister stand out and improve yourself, you are looking for a spiritual excuse. It’s very sad, tbh. Before you look externally for the cause of your problems, look internally. Check your habits, your behaviour and your qualities as the answer more likely than not lies within. Your sister may be confident, friendly, intelligent and kind which draws people to her whereas you may come across as jealous, insecure and moody which can be off putting. Stop being a “victim” and focus on improving yourself. Go henceforth and be a changed woman!

  46. 1. No one, I mean, NO ONE can steal destiny. Whatever the devil (or his cohorts/servants) does, can be undone. Come completely to Jesus and he'll save, heal and restore you and make you completely whole. He'll even add extra blessings to you.

    2. Move out from the apartment. I'm not ruling out the fact that your twin may be sinister. So move out.

    3. You are in a very bad place mind-wise. Your mind has been corrupted by wicked thoughts from Satan. All you wrote negatively about your sister are excerpts from the whisperings of the devil. He has you where he wants you: in a bitter place. You need joy in your heart. Solution: sing praises to God continually, everyday. The Holy Spirit will come down and dwell in your heart. You will begin to see life differently.

    4. For wealth; give to the poor regularly. No matter how small. Make it daily, even if it is ten naira daily. Your pocket will increase after sometime. When it does, increase your giving capacity. Then continue with the progression. After sometime, you will be in a very wealthy place. Wealth has nothing to do with the spiritual or destiny. What you give determines what you get in life (you see why I said no one can steal destiny).

    5. To get married, pray with Isaiah 34:16. God responds swiftly to prayers made with his word. He'll answer you speedily.

    6. Pray the 'Thank you Jesus' prayer daily. It works wonders. Simply say 'thank you Jesus' 1000 times daily. Things will begin to change for you.

    7. Ask for children alongside marital settlement. Don't wait till you get married.

    8. Learn to take responsibility for your life. Stop blaming people for your woes. It doesn't change anything. Make a conscious choice to be happy no matter where you see yourself. Satan hates happy people. You know why? The Spirit of God dwells in joyous people and Satan can't go where the Spirit of God is.

    If you are not yet a child of God, become one. Check my ID to pray the prayer of repentance. Then God will take you up from there. Live a life of prayer daily. Fortify yourself daily with the word of God and with the blood of Jesus. Pray for your sister too. By the way, keep your twins if God blesses you with them. Lol. Nothing do twins, you hear? I love you poster but God loves you more.

    God bless you.

  47. I feel so sad reading this. Poster please don't allow jealousy to eat you up against your twin and don't let anyone poison your mind. Your twin is innocent. Stop discussing her success to any friend of yours.. I am a twin also. We are very beautiful but she is more beautiful than me . She is more social and fashionable. She command attention when she is out. Anytime people commend my beauty, I talk more of my sister at any given time. I praise her to whoever cares to listen. We are married and that bond is still there. We quarrel and we settle Nobody interfers in our issues.Not even the other of my siblings Please work on yourself. Remove jealousy from your heart. Love her so that good can come your way too.

    1. Thank you for your comment. Truly a beautiful relationship is what is expected in twins. That is why people love twins. They are always in sync, always love each other, always support each other, a strong gift that siblings do not have. This is what you have just described (commenter above).

      Poster, I will not echo the truthful criticisms that have been said to you. I will rather encourage you to cleanse your mind and your heart of any unkindness, bitterness, envy jealousy, competition etc towards your twin. Total and absolute cleansing and none other than the Holy Spirit can do this for you. Love her like she is your own flesh, which she is. There is so much you are missing out on in this current state. You both have your areas of strong suit, so does the rest of the population (world). Focus on the good!

  48. When you think you have heard it. There is nothing we will not hear on this blog. Self confidence is a great charm.

  49. 🙄 thought she was going to say that her twin is jealous of her because she's the "very very beautiful one", not knowing she's the one jealous even though she's more beautiful. My sister you're wicked and self centered oo. Ask God to help you come out of it, so you don't die and go to hell fire. Also with this kind of heart you can't attract good things o, no be curse

  50. Those of you that say one twin is finer than the other or compare sisters to their face. You’re more beautiful she’s smarter. This is part of what you create with your loose tongues

  51. If you are a believer I'll strongly advise you to pray about this your worries and also ask God for wisdom to run the affairs of your life. Focus more on you not her and yes you can make the arrangements packout not for bad but for your privacy. It is well.

  52. How can you open your mouth and call your own sister ''very very ugly". I think you are the wicked one and if given the opportunity, you will steal her destiny. So you are the one that deserves good things and not her?

  53. It's good you want to move out from the house, please do before you kill your sister out of jealousy.

  54. If a twin can write this… now I know why my sister hates me with a passion. I caught up with her in high school despite her being older, graduated college way before her and we have no relationship because every good thing I do is misinterpreted. She was so jealous and couldn’t hide it…., household wickedness is real. Joseph was nearly murdered by his siblings but sold into slavery where they thought they will never see him again. Please leave the girl alone to figure out her own life. That she is your twin is no offense. Omg instead of you to love each other and become prayer partners you are consumed with envy and hatred of your own twin! Hmmm


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