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Monday, November 07, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Dear Stella and BVs

Where are you girls seeing those guys asking your hands in marriage and will really be serious about it?... 

All i face is disappointments...I am 39 will be 40 years by January 2023... this guys will ask for my hand in marriage and bother me about it for months or years when i eventually accept and they step their feet into my father's compound to make their intentions known, they will disappear and never show face gain for no reason.

 It has been going on for years during my twenties till now that i no more trust guys that ask for my hand in marriage anymore... i am wishing for that faithful day a man will seek for my hand in marriage and step his feet into my father's compound to make his intentions known and still come back to finish what he started. 

Note: i can be friends with a guy for years and things will be going well, we can be discussing marriage and things will be going well... but once he steps his feet into my father's compound to make his intention known to my family... he will never return again.

Hmmmmm what is going on looks more than ordinary oh... Was something buried in your Fathers compound? can you call any of these men and ask them to confide in you?...Something maes them even forget that you exist the minute they step out...Ask your father he knows what is going on or ask any elder in that compund... Dont wait until you are 50 oh


  1. Follow that advice 👆up there. It is not ordering my coins

    1. Haba poster, why did u fold your hands and keep quiet about this happenings for years now? Everyone sensitive in the spirit knows there's more to it. pls start midnight prayer, fasting and begin to pull down strong household enemies against your Marita settlement.

    2. The problem is from your father's compound.

    3. Don't let them step foot in your father's compound, fast, pray, hold GOD

    4. Then let them stop stepping foot there. Obviously! Can't you elope?

    5. Poster if you’re in Abuja, see if you can see the Parish priest at Catholic Church of Assumption Asokoro. I’ve forgotten his name. He is blessed with the gift of conducting deliverance from problems like this.

    6. Anon 19:22 by any chance you're talking about Fr. Stephen Omale??? He was my parish priest in Ushafa untill recently when he was transfered. He is a special breed.

  2. Do you have siblings that are married already or it’s just you?
    First, start with midnight prayer and fasting...observe your dreams carefully , some things will definitely be revealed through dreams.
    Look for a genuine pastor let him guide you through. I’m sure a convenant was made and it must be broken.


    1. This is a spiritual battle than ordinary.. Something makes them forget or discourage them in continuing the journey.. Is your mother still alive? 🤷‍♀️

      You need spiritual backing with a formidable prayer partner to unravel the mystery and liberate your caged life

  3. I'm here for comments and solution because this is highly spiritual!!

  4. I feel something is wrong somewhere o

  5. Common sense should tell you that you should ensure that your intended meets your people outside your fathers house.

    Stop letting them come into your father's house.

    20 years of something happening repeatedly should tell you what is wrong.

    1. Why the Insults🤨 you could advice without the insults.

    2. Haha poster, you should no the problem is not from the men asking your hand in marriage. this is from father house. please address the root cause with prayer and what God cannot do does not exist

    3. 15:37 is the same thing happening to you in your life. Take the advice and everything that came with it and run with it.

  6. You’ve come here with what you believe to be the issue. You just want support
    If you think that’s the answe, why not marry them without bringing them home. Some ladies also break the “jinx” by getting pregnant before announcing marriage. I’m not saying do that I’m just telling you what others said they did

    On the flip side, some guys confess marriage till the ish gets serious so that’s another angle
    Another angle is do they get to talk to your family members when you’re not there. Do you know what they might be telling them about. Do some CIA

    1. The solution is to deal with the problem. There’s an obvious problem, and that problem is fundamental. If you carry belle with the intention of tying the guy down, don’t turn bitter when the guy leaves you unless you just want to have a child or two since to beat biological clock which is still not bad.

    2. But what is the problem
      Some people believe their chi won’t allow marriage till there’s pregnancy

  7. Something might not be wrong anywhere.No be everybody go marry for this life and no be everybody go marry for their twenties. it looks like you’re already attaching a lot of your happiness to it which is a problem.

    1. Something is obviously wrong and you’re advising her to wave it off. Naso una go dey form woke come die for free. Poster no mind this annon o. Start looking for solutions. Life is more spiritual than physical.

  8. There is something hidden that needs to be revealed. Find your way to any MFM church around you or connect to their programmes on line. You need serious prayer to break yourself free.

    1. Poster, you have mentioned your problem, your family needs total liberation.
      You can break out from it through prayers upon prayers.

      The compound is evil and only prayer can break whatever was done

  9. Can they meet your people outside the family compound? Like if your father or mother comes visiting you do the introduction and see if it will end there?
    These days marriages can be conducted in hotel ooo. If something is buried in that compound I am afraid there is a problem.Do spiritual cleansing first if that should be the case before inviting any man to that compound .

  10. This is simple now. Choose a neutral place for the introduction (coming to ask for your hands in marriage). Some people use small capacity halls while some use short let apartments after all you will still marry if your Dad doesn't have a house.
    I believe something spiritual is going on and you just have to outsmart them eg foundational demons,ancestral powers or family spirit husband.
    Remember to engage in fasting and prayers..
    Go for deliverance too.

    1. As in, over 20 years ,is this not the most basic thing to do?

    2. Will she listen?
      Mine was trying to form that if I don’t bring him to his house, he won’t give his blessing.
      He knew he wasn’t needed when people were congratulating him after seeing us on the registry board (they display for a specific time) after we applied for marriage licence. He had no option than to go along with us, the bridal rites monetary value was sent to him.
      Despite his fetish nature, we knew what we had to do. She needs to be proactive, especially after the 2nd time it happened!

  11. The answer you know. You do.

    Something is not right with/in your father's compound. Is your mother alive? What's she saying? Are you the only one this is affecting?

    You can let the next man know that you're not comfortable him visiting your father's house. Your dad could be arranged to meet with him anywhere other than your father's compound. Is it a must he must visit your dad in his compound?

    If it's like this, how about the traditional marriage? Leave all this if you may. Let the intro be out side your father's compound. The trado could be done where you reside (it's doable these days). If your father complains, ask him if he's not in the know what's happening. Let him defend himself. By the way, what's your father saying in all the disappointments? He can't say he's not aware or not worried you're yet to married.

    Do family introduction outside family compound and go do church wedding.

    Good luck.

  12. Sounds like a spiritual problem. Ask your parents if they did anything before or at your birth. Also, you might have household enemies fighting you. Just pray about it and wait on God. This is an evil pattern.

  13. Something must be wrong somewhere. Ask questions and seek the face of God

  14. Something is wrong somewhere

    Seek God's face in prayers and fasting

    Go for deliverance and ask questions as Stella said..

    It is well

  15. The sort of topic Africans enjoy. Idle, made up and to promote their various churches. If really itw happening choose a new venue for introduction

  16. Omo let me go anon on this advice i wan give.
    Madam this is ancestral agreement made by your forefathers or even your father gangan.
    Or Spirit husband is the one chasing them away.
    It happened in my family, my grandfather and his cousins did some demonic covenant to protect the family in their evil way, that my grandfather was a conc wizard.
    When we were in uni every church we go pastors will always say no woman in my family can marry cos our fathers house used it to enter covenant. That we need to do deliverance, at first we didn't believe them.
    We were young and enjoying life. It got to a point relationships were not working, men were coming and running after they start getting serious, it also affected our job, to get good job was prob all of a sudden, when this continued, we took it serious and we started doing deliverance upon deliverance, it seemed as if all we did didn't work.
    But small by small, two of my sisters got married,(one got pregnant,had a baby first before they married, while the other got married before birthing)the evil uncles intensified o, even if my grandfather died long ago, we continued in prayer, sometimes it will look like we giving up, but we got up and continued.
    Now I have my own fiance that we are planning our life together, done court wedding already, my other sister is in a good relationship now and her career that was dead is now blossoming, like she's doing great! All thanks to God Almighty.
    See eh nne village people wahala is real as life itself, there is wickedness.
    What kind of dreams do you have? Take note of your dreams and the kind of life you live, you need to go on a spiritual journey with your maker for these things to end.
    You need deliverance for this yoke to be broken. And the deliverance will be continuous, you sef will even see evidence in your dreams that you are free and it will start manifesting in your real life.
    Life is deeper than what we see, some forefathers put their unborn grand and great grand children in bondage. Its only God that can save.
    What some granfathers and wicked relatives did as covenant ehh if you begin reason this matter e plenty.
    Poster first start going to a church that teaches real word, raw WORD OF GOD so you can build faith by listening to the WORD.
    Then also visit Mountain of fire for fasting and prayers, If you are not close to MFM look for true man of God that does deliverance ministry and be going there to fast and pray.
    No how your story go change.

    Again change tactics, don't let them know or predict your plan. Take them unawares.
    See even if the people that did evil covenant are dead, they usually hand over to their witches and wizard members to handle, it's like custodian of evil covenant. You might be like but they are all dead.
    So you can change tactics, don't go the official easy of introducing men to your father again, just go ahead and do court Mariah hush hush with your fiance and then live your life, have children then later on your father can go collect list and tell them you want to marry, that time you don already dey enjoy your life. Your parents need to understand.
    I have said my own sha.

  17. Something is chasing them away ,you really need to pray hard and do family deliverance if possible.

  18. Dear poster this is beyond ordinary please follow Stella advice and go spiritual about it

  19. Same thing happened to my sis in laws elder sis,her own is the main day for the traditional wedding when her husband to be and his people entered there Compound and she came out to greet them immediately the husband saw her he ran scatter that day it was prayers that helped them..the man letter said he was seeing a lions face instead of his wife's face,so pray very well it will solve ur problem

    1. lol ignore the idiot
      He wanted to run
      Unless you confirm it from a different source believe a flakey man at your own risk

    2. My dear as funny as it sounds these things happen o, a cousins of mine was rejected a life changing offer simple because on the D day his face wasn't what was seen. This world is wicked

    3. 16:55
      SOME women just hate men.

      What is the word for women who hate men?

      A man would gather his family to a marriage ceremony and then just run on sighting the bride? Was he tied up and dragged to the ceremony?

      Freedom to hate is a right. But every right expressed to the max infringes on other people's rights or grates their sensibilities - there are no absolute rights.

      Stella, please post. Give all equal voice. Thanks.

  20. This one na spiritual matter o.
    Village people or Spirit husband

  21. Tell the next man about it. Go on and have a civil marriage without even your dad and mum knowing because why are they not disturbed about the occurrences?

    I'm sur ether eis someone you are suspecting already in the family.

    Go on and get married without the family, pls.

  22. Abi you’re telling them you are rich and butter but they see different when they show up

    Instead of making enemies for no just reason, sit your father and mother down and explain what you have observed. Their legs are usually longer than ours and if you call their attention to this observation, they might know where to go to deal with it
    That’s the mother I have. I don’t know about yours so you know better. My mother just tell her you think something like this is happening, she will take it from there

  23. MFM
    Ask and beg some of those exes to tell you what made them disappear.

  24. Hmmmm, you need prayers, you can pray yourself out of it. Lemme tell you my story..... I've had 7 guys come ask for my hand in marriage, and each of them after coming to make their intentions, they stop communicating with me, I started praying knowing fully well that there's a God who answers prayers.... Finally I got married to the 8th guy, hmmmm I was so full of joy,!!! Marriage packed up coos of DV, but I'm glad it ended cos it was better for me to be alive.... I know there's nothing God cannot do, in his time I'll be gloriously married.... I'm in my 40's

  25. Something is wrong in your father's compound, it is more of spiritual than physical.

  26. Is your father alive? How do you guys treat him in the presence of your suitors? Was there any abnormal behavior in your family that background checks can reveal?

  27. Is it just you or it also happening to all ur sisters?
    It might be you and not the compound..prayers is the key,if it is a family thing,u need a good man of God.

  28. The best thing is to secretly get married when the next suitor comes.what people don't know,they can't destroy.
    Let it just be a gathering of your immediate family,others should see the celebration online.That's what smart and cautious people are doing now.

    1. See what online?

    2. Others should see the reception online which to me is to fulfill all righteousness.The main marriage which is paying of bride should be done discreetly.

    3. Nothing to prove online ABI you don't know village people have heavy presence online thesa days. Do your thing low-key and continue your life.

  29. Let me go anon on this. Dear Poster, this your case requires wisdom and prayers. Same happened to me. Yours is better, mine was that I couldn't keep a relationship for 3 months- heartbreaks upon heartbreaks. Pastors kept telling me and my sister that someone in the family has vowed that we wouldn't get married. Strangers I didn't know from Adam would tell me that if I wasn't careful, I wouldn't even give birth. I prayed, fasted, went to programs, did some giving to beggars and orphanages and believed God had me in mind. When I met my fiancee, I had given up all hope. He's the first man that I've dated for close to a year. I got pregnant- no one in my family knows apart from my immediate family. I'm getting married next year on a very very low key. Court wedding, then introduction and traditional-if I like. I would probably send their bride price to them-shikena....
    Na who no get family problems dey relax. You can opt for the marriage to be done elsewhere. Infact don't tell anyone you're about to get married. Your fiancée should first do court, then do both trad and intro same day in a different location, very low-key-just family and close friends. Let a group of church people be in a different location and be firing prayers on your behalf. Anyday, you want to go to your father's compound for visit, do vigil and be on fasting till you leave.
    Wake up and shine eyes. Don't listen to what people or family will say. Na you wear shoe and you know how it's pinching you. I have said my own.

  30. One thing I enjoy here Is that even many people especially youth with their way and doing talk as if no God exist but immediately this is spiritual problem come and see recommend of churches and men of God though ordinarily they don't like MFM ,or deeper life etc but once demonic problem come na go for fasting or night prayer ,while not be born again and follow God instead of waiting fo problem to come before seeking God ,am talking to the poser and the advisers on Stella blog , surrender your life to Christ instead of been occasional visitor of God an his church

    1. Problems come to all even the strict Jesus followers
      Such is life. Been in church my whole life. Pastors wife died when I was a kid. They prayed and prayed but death still took her

    2. Goke,
      Bvs are plenty here. So, it is not exactly same Bvs. Of course, except for Bvs with ID.

    3. You no wan make them go to the churches?
      Salvation is also preached there not only deliverance Mr Goke.

    4. dont mind them...they will not give their lives to christ or follow his ways of doing things but when problems come they want deliverance and prayers....sometimes you go for all these deliverance and no headway because your life is not right and the devil still has a doorway....God is not a babalawo that you visit when you only have problems...yes he is merciful but he desires a relationship with will be fornicating and expect things to be going right? yes your pastors wife died but we do not know all the story. Gods desire is not for men to die young so not all death is God's will like we think. las las all i am saying is God's desire is for us to know him and be in a relationship with him. bad things happen to everyone but as a christian who is born again your ultimate end is reigning with christ in eternity...

  31. you need to walk for yourself cos this is not ordinary at all, you need to ask your parents questions, uncles, aunties and relatives who are older than you. Something is wrong somewhere and only you will find the answers you seek.

    You can change history by falling parent and see if they will still come back

  32. Pray and fast.the lord will intervene in your case.have faith and believe the next man will not disappear like the strong dear.goodluck

  33. This is a spiritual problem that needs a spiritual solution

  34. Poster,
    Make sure you don’t take your next suitor to your father’s compound ever again!
    Yes, I’m yelling and hence the exclamations!!
    I have fetish parents so I applied UTTER WISDOM before getting married, such that he had no choice than to come meet us where we got married. Prior to that, with wisdom, we got the list and sent money for what was required. He kept pushing for him to come physically, but knowing where I’m from, I knew my man might die or something sinister would happen to him.
    Long story short, after the legal union, he took my husband’s picture to his ‘prayer house’ (please note my brothers did everything to make sure he didn’t take a picture of him, somehow he managed to sneak some and denies he didn’t) and my husband was so sick (we are based abroad so healthcare isn’t an issue, only noting this so you’d understand the gravity of what happened), it took serious prayers for him to get better. We’ve kept our distance ever since and he hasn’t been sick anymore.
    It’s 2022, your fiancé can arrange for a meeting at a place other than your father’s compound.
    Best wishes.

  35. This is serious foundational problem, you shouldn't have kept quiet this whole time when you observe this, the only solution to this is prayer,seek the face of God concerning this and he will intervene.

  36. James 5:16 AMP). There's enough power in you to turn any situation around in your favour? Challange God without weavering. Resist distractions.
    Prayer changes things

  37. Hmmmm na just look I dey look now, I have gone to several places, churches even MFM, prayed on my own and I no still see man marry. The one I was told by some men and women of God that is my husband after they prayed for me came and duped me. After him again one idiot came and I tot God sent him to come and wipe my tears, after 3 months he started behaving like traffic light wey don spoil, watapun las lass e say Im village people say Im must marry Im baby mama
    Meanwhile he never told me he had a baby mama. My people make Una leave matter for Mathias. As I said earlier na Siddon I dey Siddon look now because my tayad is tayad.

  38. Please go to MFM for 1 week deliverance. It is important. Watch what will happen after deliverance.

  39. Your solution is simple and in your phone -
    Join NSPPD on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram or Mixlr, Mon-Fri 7am and you'll testify.

  40. Poster,
    It could be spiritual
    It could be financial - some men run when they see the bill/list
    It could be reception - how some men and their team are received factors for some people.
    It could be financial burden anticipated - do you have a trailer of dependent siblings and family?
    It could be jealousy induced attitude from relatives (especially if your father/mother are no more to receive your suitors) this could be obvious to the men but oblivious to you - marriage is tough on its own and some men don't want wives families wahala.
    It could be you - how you behave or relate after the event.
    It could be your choice of men. Some people are attracted to some kind of men - timid or jeje men. We have read here of men told of strongholds who said that's not what God told them. And they stood firm in prayers with the women until victory came.

    If you think you have a family compound marriage challenge, look for men who are ready to join hands with you in the walk to freedom. You may need to sacrifice some specs in chosing men. But please DONT settle for less. Specs here refer to non-important things in marriage.

    May Almighty God let our lines fall in pleasant places


    Mr. Mann

    1. some of you read and can never comprehend...does the story up there sound financial or any of the nonsense you mentioned? yeye woke spiritually blind people....if it was they would have given her a reason...her problem is very spiritual and can only be solved through prayers....i also pity all those who think it is just to stop going to father's it is not, they can locate you even abroad spiritual so far you are a child in that family and bound by that covenant.....prayers and deliverance will reveal exactly what you are fighting agaisnt and how to break it...nothing is impossible with God so have no fear.

  41. Poster it is not ordinary at all, this is the kind of situation that needs serious fasting and prayers, you’ll need a good prayer partner to help you in this your race.

  42. Poster, it is well with you. You need to know God for yourself, seek him, he will show you hidden things about your life and marriage.

    There should be family deliverance and personal delivarance too. Wishing you great happiness.

  43. That's why I like my Yoruba people, nothing concern them with taking marriages to the village to feed the evil-eyes. Certain things should be done where you're based. Village people will find out later

    1. foolish has nothing to do with village.we have babalawos in lagos and we hear some things that happens in some families so forget tribe...go for deliverance sessions and hear stories.


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