Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative


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Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative



Good day Stella, . I have a story I want to share with you. It is my personal story .
I was a head usher in a fellowship called the Abiding Word Gathering in University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus in 1999. In year 2000 something happened. I had a crush on my classmate and a fellowship brother

For 22 years I have been on psychiatric medication and every year for 22 years he and his family have been coming to watch me and oppress me saying that they have come to marry me.
The attached is a breakdown of part of my experience in the past 22 years .

Thank you in advance for sharing my story with the world

The average person is self-righteous and eager to castigate or put down people
without giving them an opportunity to be heard or worse still the church as I see it is eager to throw away its wounded soldiers under the bus. There is not an iota of compassion in people. People are quick to judge others, to mock others, to laugh at others who make mistakes or fall by the side of the road. What happened to correcting people in love. DOG EATS DOG....

For the records, my name is ****** *********, I made an honest mistake for which I have tried severally to explain myself. I know that by doing this I am putting myself out there and leaving myself open to a lot of negativity. 

For the records I have given my life to Christ before the incident. Not once, or twice but thrice. While I admit that I was careless. Yes, careless I just felt once saved always saved. I have to get this out there because it has gone on for too long and it has affected my life negatively and kept me bound for 21 years and most painfully, I have lost my youth and can never get it back. 

My biological clock has also timed out on me meaning I may never have biological children of my own. They say it is a proud love, a powerful love.

Truth is I never chose this it happened on me. For the records I did not actually like this young man because I saw him as a snob. I did not consciously choose him.

Failure is an event not a destination. We can learn from any and every situation or
challenge. No experience is wasted. God orders our steps all the time it’s just that
we do not really pay attention. And God does answer prayers so we should be careful what we ask for. I remember praying passionately long ago when I was much younger.

I asked God to give me a man that would love me when there was absolutely nothing loveable about me, unconditionally. While I may not know if that is this case, I do know that God orchestrates things in ways only He can. He is a master orchestrator.

In all things, all things work together for the good of those who love God and who
are called according to His purpose. I have seen the hand of God but in all I judge
Him faithful because that is what He is.

I have come to see how human and clueless we are as humans. We judge from our own flawed perceptions. We of course question what we do not understand which is normal but God does not make mistakes. He is all knowing.
The worse part is that I have a clear conscience. I am not out to deceive anyone or lie to anyone yet I am treated like a criminal.

People are running around me shouting the grace of God, Grace of God but they really don’t know what it is all about.
I have learnt not to seek validation from man/men. I have learnt not to be a people pleaser and I have learnt to trust God even when the earth has caved in around me.

I have lost over twenty years of my life My youth just because the persons I had in my circle were all childish, immature and petty and cunning and smart in their own eyes.
The church is really not a healthy place. The church is the worst place to fall by the side of the road.

They came in their large numbers, they watched me closely for 24 hours yes 24
hours (round the clock) in a day for many months every year for 21 years and
counting. They came in their large numbers to watch me and make fun of me for 21 years while I was placed on Psychiatric medication and went from church to church and psychiatrist to psychiatrist while they told me that I was hallucinating.

They watched me bath, dress up, go to toilet and do everything I have to do as a
person. They were worse than big brother which I suspect they no doubt openly
condemn. This was like big brother only in my case it was and is uncensored, raw.
I had no privacy and when I woke up at night, it was to their voices and keen eyes watching me, psychoanalyzing me, mocking me. It was and still is fun to them. It was a sight to behold. They harassed me, bullied me for 24 hours a day ,7 days a week, and for months on ends at no time less than 2-3 months at a time.

They kept taunting me with the fact that I was an ajekpako. They made sure they followed me everywhere and told everyone around that I was an ajekpako and that I was a head usher who got born again to marry a boy. I was harassed by people as I walked on the road especially when I went to the market. As I walked through the market, the whole market people are mocking me, making snide remarks and starring at me with disdain and plain malice. People are mocking me for being from a poor home; mocking me for being unmarried, I am getting mocking looks. 

People greet me with mockery and scorn and laughter in their voices.” Born again to man, Born again to boy, a whole chief usher. This lasts for up to 3-4 months every time, every year for 21years now and still counting. Doctors make side comments like ‘naughty children’ and place me on psychiatric medication while they laugh at me in the background. 

It got so bad that I attempted suicide. I took a total of about 24 tablets of my psychiatric drugs:

I was lucky, even the psychiatrist I was taken to told me I was lucky to be alive.
Obviously, God didn’t want me dead yet. I slept in the shower while bathing because of the effects of the excess medication in my system. I have had to go through the process of getting stabilized on psychiatric drugs while in a haze most of the time with various side effects including having my tongue stick out from my mouth, walking around feeling like I was walking on air like a Zombie, and my reflexes being messed up under the influence of the medication. 

Being grounded for months while I try to stabilize on the medication. It has affected my career, my health, my faith in a way, my relationships and I have been unable to settle down. This did not stop them as they laughed it off saying that it was a very powerful love. Natural Love they called it. Abiding love according to them.

They follow me to church, to the office, they follow me everywhere I went an made sure they made a scene and got everyone around to make me feel uncomfortable.

Their aim was to embarrass me. They keep saying ‘keep embarrassing her’. So far, I have attended a number of churches. While in church they stay outside shouting that this lady got born again to marry a boy. This lady got born again to boy and is not a Christian. This happened continuously for 21years and still counting.

They even got a preacher that comes to do morning cry targeted at me. Because I
am supposed to be a fraud in church. I cannot be a real Christian, I got born again to marry a boy and I am always natural according to them I am Natural born again.

When I tried to pray or study the word, they kept harassing me and calling me ‘spiri’ That I was behaving as if I got born again to God, that I was born again to boy.

I was actually an object of public ridicule and display. An object of scorn to them.
People came from all over in their cars to watch me and laugh at me, to mock me and watch me go through my everyday life activities. I lost my privacy. For 21 years all

I did in the privacy of my house was being watched by a large number of people, men and women. They are the members of the church as we know it. They also watched my nieces, my mother (may her soul rest in peace), my sisters, and my female friends that were with me. They were collateral damage. They have seen the nakedness of all the women in my life. All people’s wives, mothers and daughters.

The office I worked at was broken into as a result of their activities and monies,
laptops and other valuables were carted away because they made us vulnerable.

They watched my mother and laughed at her and made fun of her and my poor

My neighbours on both sides and around opened up their houses and welcomed them into their houses and haboured them for months on end while they pretended like nothing was happening. People I considered to be like mother figures supposedly watched while I was dehumanized and abused emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually while I was tagged a mentally ill woman. Instead, they pretended to pray for me.

They called me a’ wayo woman’, a deceitful woman and said I was a perfectionist
though I would make a good wife but their son can never marry a woman like me.
They mocked me while I ate and called me an ajekpako who was behaving like an
ajebutter and taunted me saying that I was a foolish, hopeless, local ajekpako, local village girl.

I have not been able to function normally or live a normal life. They have haunted me and harassed me right from my call to bar, my national youth service especially while at the orientation camp and thereafter. At family occasions, especially in church. I have seen terrible things in church. They mock me saying ‘na lawyer’. I was like a pawn, still am. They camp in my neighbour’s houses and make fun of me. They find the whole thing entertaining and funny. Men watching my nakedness without any reservations.

 These are fathers, husbands, pastors. They have even watched my
sisters, nieces and female friends naked. It has been a real circus for them. They
have derived great comfort in seeing me suffer, in my humiliation. People murmur
wherever I went and wherever I go as it is still ongoing. People look at me with hate in their eyes while a lot of others laugh at me openly while they make a show of greeting me.

I have seen the church the way it is. Even those around me.
I remember going for a meeting of my classmates at a conference in Lagos and my classmates mostly the men were all laughing at me and making fun of me behind my back.
Twenty-one years. Some even invite me to join them for online prayers as they were receiving miracles.

They call me hopeless madam perfect

I realize that it is the grace of God that has sustained me so far. Yes, I fall into
depression because of the effects continuously.

They keep repeating’ this girl is dangerous. I have understood Madam perfect. This girl was head usher. This really true o. This is born again love. They keep debating among themselves that ‘she is too natural, always natural, she is born again to man, this one na chief usher. This na wayo girl. ‘Mba mba nga happu’ ‘o nwanyi’ this foolish girl can never marry my brother. This is the most dangerous woman on earth. 

You don marry o, this is the power of God. Very proud girl. This is a whole chief Usher, well done bo. Congratulations. Happu your wife, this one is always natural. Na born again for wife. They keep debating among themselves whether this girl has been born again before or whether she has never been born again before. I wonder if that fact depends on what they are saying or it depends on the true position which is a matter of fact. All that is needed to ask a simple question. A fact is actually a fact because it is a fact. It is not dependent on what people think or don’t think, say or don’t say.

It is simply what it is A FACT. At the end of the day what this is all about is a family with extensive resources and means playing God over a helpless less fortunate woman who does not come with a pedigree or from a family with means. 

At the bottom of it all is class, ethnicity and discrimination. The fact that a certain action or set of actions can be taken does not mean that they should be taken. Your right as a person stops where the other person’s right starts. Even as Christians, the bible is actually the standard and has spelt out what to do in every situation.

Let me keep reading this and comments until i understand it better...


  1. I am confused. I don't understand. I read this chronicle twice. Do I have a problem with comprehension?

    1. You are suffering from psychosis, please seek serious medical help.

    2. You really read it twice? Wow

    3. Poster, I think I know you based on the dates and schools you mentioned, you had a psychotic breakdown in law school but you still passed and was called to Bar. Please, keep up with your medications, there's no chief usher, born again for boy or ajekpako anywhere, it's just jumbled chemical reactions in your brain, keep up with your mediation, you'll be fine. Love and light to you.

    4. You mean you read it twice?
      You must be ready for ielts

      Dear poster, I pray for the peace of God to abide with you, in all you do, may the peace and love that surpasses all understanding abide with you my love.
      It is well

      Push up (original)

    5. The Original ShugarGirl16 November 2022 at 16:22

      Dear poster, I know that it's overwhelming trying to get your emotions out. You have been hurt and betrayed by the church and all others you thought highly of.

      But i didn't get exactly what mistake you said you made when you were younger?
      The way I see it, you could have taken your own life into your hands rather than being helpless with evil people surrounding you.
      If I were you I would have absconded bcz I can't stand being ridiculed and yet stay with the ones who have betrayed me. You seem to have given them so much power over you.

      I am sorry about your health condition even though it's not clear what it is. But I sure that you need to take matters into your hands and leave those places where they have treated you in such an inhumane way.

      Please get a professional to to help you recover medically while you strip yourself off these negative elements that have mocked you.

    6. This person is BIPOLAR!!! Help is needed oh

    7. Who understands?
      Please explain to me small abeg.

    8. Poster, you're suffering from serious Schizophrenia which is causing you to have serious hallucinations. Pls look for the nearest psychiatric hospital and submit yourself for treatment. I pray Jesus steps into your condition and make you whole again..

    9. You read it twice? Omoh you tried o. I read a bit, came back after an hour plus to continue and I still don't get the head or tail of this chronicle.

      Poster, may God heal you from whatever sickness and pain you are in🙏

    10. 😭😭😭
      I feel pity for this poster. Serious mental breakdown. No one follows you or watches you, it is just the symptoms that makes you see things. Who has that kind of time? Which neighbor houses strangers for months to watch you? May God come through for you. Sad! You are in my prayers.

    11. All i no is that poster has good command of English. As for the write up, i give up,don't understand it,but from what i can get, your doctors are yet to get the right drugs for you. And some of the things you mentioned are pure immigration, cos no one,in this hard economy, would have time to be mocking you up and down for 21yrs haba now. Are they that jobless.

  2. If I say I understand what this poster is on about,then I am a terrible liar. All I see everywhere is chief usher,poor background, born again Christian, mentally ill with no correlation to how you are unmarried and still under around the clock supervision with perceived enemies. Poster,please do well to yarn this story well. It's just a long empty read. No vex abeg.

  3. I did not understand your chronicle at all.
    I pray God flood your heart and life with peace and grant you a sound health. Stay safe


    1. I pray for her too Amen 🙏

    2. She's likely going through another psychotic episodes. I pray the mighty healing hands of God rest on you, in Jesus name.

  4. Poster it is well with you. Pls seek medical help.

  5. Asides your statement of you admit to making a 'mistake', U didnt state what you did to elicit the reaction from others.
    Were you stalking the boy, his loved ones and his family after been rejected?

    In any event, i am glad you have learnt from this experience and i pray Gods total healing over you and that you find peace and contentment in life.
    BV Sylvia

  6. Pls you still need to relax more in a psychiatric hospital.

    1. I totally agree! She really needs more psychiatric help!!!

  7. Been reading for 2minutes and i don't understand what I have read so far,I quit abegg,not reading further,it's like maze writing, too long

  8. It's well poster,may God give you strength and fight your battles.

  9. I tried the best way i can, i even read this twice just to make sure and i have been confused ever since. I feel like i am the one losing my mind, but all i can say is that God will heal and perfect everything concerning you.

  10. Congratulations to me, I read till the end,I will be reading comments today.

  11. Hmmm, Stella, reading through this chronicle it has no beginning and no end. This person is going through what they call 'major depressive disorder', where you hear people talk about you and place faces on these voices, meanwhile the voices are not real, only in your head. she still needs psychiatric attention, maybe needs to be admitted. i passed through something like this and it was God that saw me through, I was always fighting these people I thought are watching me and always talking about me. At home, at work, i was always feeling people telling others about me being a witch and I was always fighting people physically.
    Until one year , I did not sleep for like two whole days and I went to the hospital, i was given an injection to sleep, I slept that night but the following day I still could not sleep. Then I went to another hospital where I was diagnosed with 'major depressive disorder' and was referred to a psychiatric hospital. Immediately I started medication, I started sleeping well and these voices started fading away till I was not hearing them again. All this person needs is a proper psychiatric attention. It is well with her and I hope she finds help.

    1. Thank God you found help.
      May the poster find help too. She really needs it.

    2. The Original ShugarGirl16 November 2022 at 16:31

      Original Poster please take this. At least this person understands your chronicle unlike most of us here.

      You will be fine. But treating this for 21 years you said? Or is the medication they are administering to you not doing the job? Maybe you need to seek a better medical solution. Maybe this anon can help with referral.

    3. All you guys are under mind controlling spirits! satan and his cohorts likes to destroy God’s chosen using even people in the church who are their agents. My dear you all should find your way to the closest Mfm around you. Satan identified your star early and marked you for destruction. Do not even go the psychiatric help route; like they tried to make Kanye West look crazy! Big pharmaceutical and the medical line are under serious sorcery Rev 18:23 Revelation 18:23 KJV
      [23] And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
      which will be used to control very intelligent minds in the end times.

    4. Honestly the poster really needs psychiatric help because from her disjointed write-up her medications for the past 21yrs hasnt been working.

      I pray the almighty God heals and perfects your mental health.......Amen.

  12. I don't understand please.
    Poster it is well with you. May you find the healing you seek. Amen.

  13. I have never been this confused like this, in my whole life! But sorry poster are you sure this isn't the medication dealing with you? Because I don't understand a thing

    I pray for your healing my dear

    Bv Ush

  14. Poster I think your chronicle is not complete. What was the mistake you made as a result of your crush on the boy? Did you chase or harrass or harm him in any way? And what did he do as a result of your action? Anyway, regardless of what you are going through, or the debt you owe, the price has been paid in full and you are owing no more. You are free from satan's grip and he has no power over you. The blood was shed for this purpose, that you may have life in full. Hold unto he who came to set the captives free.. Jesus. May he have mercy on you and grant you peace. 🙏🏾

    E hugs my dear ❤️

    1. The truth is that nobody is disturbing her, or watching her or talking about her, it’s all in her head

      Push up (original)

    2. @push up, I agree that it's not real but maybe it was triggered by something - and the trigger started with her crush on the boy. Seems she is a middle aged woman who was quite fine and had a life before year 2000. Then probably liked a boy too much who did not like her back and boom, everything goes gaga for 22 years. She said she was careless and made a mistake and it resulted to all these. What if she tried to harrass /harm the boy or try to make him love her by force via occult or something else? And of course mental illness is stigmatized so the part of people alienating her is expected. Anyway, she is human and needs love, care and healing.

  15. If she says she's a psychiatrist patient for 21yrs, then whatever took her there in the first place really did a number on her.

    I really felt pity for u. You really tried to make us understand but...

    Only God can understand you.

    I love you!!!

  16. So so sorry sweetheart,may Almighty God heal you totally. Please keep taking your meds and if possible you can try other Doctors so you can be evaluated.It is well with you.

  17. Poster it is well with you oh.

  18. I would appreciate it if someone could explain this chronicle to me, like they would to a 10 year old! I tried to finish it, but it just felt like I was reading incoherent ramblings. Thanks!

  19. This poster is still sick. All these things are just jargons. Poster be well Amen

    1. Like I was literally confused about the whole thing....

  20. Hmmmm!I pray this poster find peace.She is speaking in parables.

  21. May the peace of God which passeth all understanding abide with you!! Amen


  22. Poster, Keep taking your meds and "they"(those who follow you 24hrs a day without getting hungry) will eventually stop.

    1. Lol @ without getting hungry.

      Get proper diagnosis poster and don't skip your medications That's the problem with some ppl with mental issues.
      I wish there was a cure for not wanting to take pills.

      It is well with you dear.
      May everything become easy for you.

  23. All the ppl watching her, everything she's saying is all in her head and voices she's hearing. She's hearing them, that can't be disputed but it's not real. It's a result of her mental condition.

    Nobody is watching you for 21 years or mocking you. No one is laughing at you anywhere.

    All she can do is stick religiously to using her medications.
    And also pray for healing.
    May God heal you poster.

  24. Nothing superceeds the power of God. Everything that is hidden, is glaring to the Almighty. The first step in the right direction is making peace with one's maker. It takes the grace of God to ascertain the root cause of a problem as deep as that.
    *Find your way to MFM Prayer city. If it is too far, take a bus to Iwaya, Yaba last bustop. Locate MFM HQ. I am a witness to God's power in that ministry.

    1. prayer aside she needs medication. i prayed and prayed for God to make me understand what i was going through then, I was frequenting MFM like its close to my house, so many deliverances but it was getting worse until i started psychiatric medication . I am not saying prayer is not good because if not for the prayers maybe I would have gone out of the house naked in the middle of the night because of these voices. so please she needs proper psychiatric attention.

    2. Everybody's case is different and get degree. Dont come and discourage her from going to MFM. Are you gifted in healing? No! Did prayers keep you off running naked yes! So abeg, dey your dey o. Some meds will not even work without prayers! Poster RUN to prayer city and get delivered! Nobody will ask you for money or candle! Just three days i guarantee you, the person wey do you this thing, go see God!

    3. Oh please!!! The person up there did not discourage the poster from going anywhere. MFM is not a magic center! Nobody NEEDS to go to MFM for anything. I can’t count how many times I went with my mother as a child to MFM yet what was happening was still happening. There are prayers that God will answer and some he will not, full stop! Whether you go to MFM or Ori Oke. Now what poster needs is to keep up with her psychiatric visits and hopefully they find a medication that will control her Schizophrenia!

    4. She needs to go to the hospital and keep praying also. Not neglect hospital.

  25. Let me send you hugs cos I don't understand🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  26. I thought I was the only confused one. Sometimes I'll go back and read a paragraph again to see if I'll understand, no way. I ended ditching the Chronicles because it's stirring confusion in my head. May God grant you the peace you so desire

  27. Dear poster, your constant worries has affected you need to take things easy,learn to forgive yourself no matter what had happened in the past.please be strong,take your medications regularly,get plenty of rest and hang around people who truly love you.dont worry much about people who hate you.keep your faith can move to another church to worship since members in your church are judging you for a mistake you made in the past.God will replenish all the years you have lost with's well.

  28. Stella I think the poster is Schizophrenic. Imagining everyone is talking of u and laughing. Poster u need to keep staying in the psychiatric hospital. It is well.

  29. Could be paranoid personality disorder. But sounds more schizophrenic. It is well

  30. Poster, I wish you all the best. Please continue to take your medication. Also follow-up with you psychiatrist to see if there are better medications or cocktail for you on the market. Mental health meducations are much different from they werse 20 yrs ago, more advancement and targeted treatment options are now on the market. While they don't offer perfection, they can allow you to have the best quality of life possible.

    When it comes to mistakes you will only be free when you forgive yourself and set your conscience free. So go ahead and forgive yourself and release condemnation from your soul.

    P.s. I did not read much of the chronicle, so apologies if I missed something vital.

  31. May God perfect all that concerns you poster

  32. The poor thing. Sounds like she’s suffering from schizophrenia or something similar and thus hearing voices and hallucinating that people have been following, mocking and watching her 24/7 for 21 years. She needs proper medical attention. Maybe the meds she’s on are not suitable or working properly. Sadly, this type of condition can quickly degenerate into violence if not dealt with adequately. She might embark on some action that the voices order her to do or attack the people she perceives to be watching and mocking her. The complete lack of coherence in her chronicle is a tell-tale sign. Please get help, poster and I wish you all the best.

  33. Everything this poster wrote is happening in her mind. They are are not real.
    Poster please you need help.
    God pls help her in Jesus name, amen 🙏

  34. Psychotic disorder /schizophrenia.
    Keep using your medications dear, the voices and faces you are seeing will go away if you are properly diagnosed and on the right medication.

    I will suggest you go to a teaching hospital if you've not been to one.

  35. And I think she had a heartbreak that triggered this.
    God pls heal her.
    From all indication she is a church girl. God abeg 🙏

  36. Dear poster sorry for every thing you went/still going through, May the peace of the Lord be with you, Pls keep taking your medications ok, It's well.

  37. Hmmmnn dear Lord please heal takes an intelligent mind to write all that even if I don't understand a single paragraph.

  38. This is very confusing..I have tried reading it with all my heart but it is still very is well with you..

  39. Jesu! Ewooo even the write up is still from her head maybe is not real, may God heal you dear hmm things are happening in this lifeoo

  40. To long and confusing to is well with you..

  41. STELLA whoever wrote this, is NOT MENTALLY BALANCED

    She is in need of care

    1. Poster we love you. Please take care

  42. can someone please summarize this chronicle cos me is not understanding anything at all.

    1. Seems na only me understand this chronicle so let me explain. It appears poster is a middle aged woman who was once normal, had a life, was a church girl and even head usher in her church - this was around year 2000. Then she had a powerful crush on a boy who most likely didn't love her back. Thinking that once saved, always saved, she proceeds to be careless and make a mistake which has cost her 22 years of her life in mental illness. She thinks life is unfair cos she did not choose to love this boy, yet every year she sees him and his family oppress and mock her, and she thinks that everyone else mocks her for not being married, for having mental illness, for her perfectionism and for being from a poor family. She believes humans are flawed, yet judgmental. She once attempted suicide and has been to different churches seeking a solution. She is a lawyer and has completed NYSC.

      My verdict: I believe poster may be suffering a mental illness triggered from deep unrequited love. I think we should teach young girls how to overcome unrequited love, that crushes are not real love (you are the one in crush, the other person is not in crush with you) and that no one is obligated to love you no matter how much you love them. One sided love is not love but desperation and obsession and must be let go. I recently watched a video by Pastor Kingsley and he mentioned how as a marriage counsellor he has come across quite a number of women who go crazy due to deep hurt and betrayal from their partners, so these things are not uncommon. Finally, let us all be kind to one another.

    2. 17:07
      Excellent. Your comments read with @ 16:17 gives a clearer picture of what some other Bvs have said.

    3. 17:07 you must be some kind of genius or something because I understand much better after reading your post.

      Dear poster just know you are loved. Whatever you are going through you are not alone, God is with you. I suggest you go to a psychiatric hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment because it appears that the one you are having now is not doing much to help you. But there is hope. Nothing to be ashamed of with mental illness, just as with physical illness. All will be well by God's grace. 🙏🏾

  43. This chronicle reminds of a movie titled, "A beautiful mind". It is well with you poster. I think you need a fresh diagnosis and psychiatric help.

    1. True. He even got a Novel prize. A Bv said above that Poster passed Law School exams despite her challenge. So Poster seek second and more medical opinions especially on your drugs

  44. I recommend the movie beautiful mind to anyone trying to understand her situations, John Nash lived a mirage almost all his life until he got brother has similar diagnosis too, I pray God comes through for you, my brother and every person out there trying to fight this monster

  45. Poster us schizophrenic.
    You need not only meds but therapy. You need to be able to begin positive self talk, and practice a lot of thought stopping. You need a real therapist to help your cognition. Stella pls tell poster to reach you. And I might help.

    1. Stella pls tell this to the poster. Help has come for her. I feel sad for her. Thanks Anon 17:13

    2. Telling her to self-talk on top of this one she's doing to herself?!!!. Dear Poster, I wish you can take a long trip to go and relax more at a mental institution that knows its onions, you will eventually be alright only with care from professioners. Immediately i read to the place she said the market women were all mocking her cos she's a church girl, I knew immediately that she's one of them. Help comes only when we seek for it, You're not totally delusional, just a little more medication and learn to unlove the boy that did this to you, no one is worth dying for much more going mad for! at the end of the day, I wish you peace!! Ire oh!!!

  46. From all I’ve read this lady is mentally unstable and it’s probably triggered by the rejection from the guy she crushed maybe the guy said mean things about her poor background that’s what messed her up.

  47. I don’t seem to understand what’s written & I have read it twice…

  48. Pure plain psychotic depression or schizophrenia.....
    Dear poster pls go back to the hospital and get help. Please....

  49. Stella, is there a way you can connect this poster to a physician? She needs help.

  50. I pray for the peace of God that transcends every understanding to abide in your life / soul. May the shining light of Jesus heal and enlighten your mind, body, spirit, and soul in Jesus name. 🙏

  51. This is sad. I pray you find healing and you experience total restoration.

    Whatever triggered this mental breakdown years ago needs to go. May God help you on every side

  52. Poster all these you wrote are like your imaginations, feels like an imaginary life you been living in your head cos this can't happen. I'm sorry to say but you have serious mental issues and you need help ASAP

  53. Jeez this poster needs God's intervention. She's sick. God please come through for her.

  54. Knowledge is power. I just went to Google the meaning of schizophrenia.

    Schizophrenia is characterised by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganised speech or behaviour and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.

    Treatment is usually lifelong and often involves a combination of medications, psychotherapy and coordinated speciality care services.

    Poster needs help. May help come to her. 22 years is a long time ago.

  55. After a very hectic day that made even my brain tired, I decided to console and comfort myself with SDK , only to read this confusion of chronicle.
    May God come through for you poster.

  56. I think Guilt is eating the poster up.

    What happened in 1999? Did you kill your crush? What happened that you can't forgive yourself?

    You are feeling guilty about something. It is time to face if squarely so you can move on.


  57. It is well is all I can say because I don't understand this chronicle at all. Poster God be with you.

  58. I'm just seeing this chronicle and dear poster, I wish I can hold your hands and pray for you. I wish I could command those voices to be silent as we pray together. I have said a prayer for you tonight and I'll say more on your behalf. May your yoke be broken in Jesus name.
    Dear poster, Just know that no one is mocking you. It's all in your head. Ask God to show you mercy. Also command the voice mocking/accusing you to be ssilenced by the blood of Jesus. Hold on to Jesus, he will deliver you. You need to believe and have faith. Trust that God is able to heal you.
    Do not be afraid. It is well with you.


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