
Monday, October 10, 2022


 #newweek #newday #newplans #newhustleideas #blessedday #wahalanodeyfinish #smile #taeadeepbreath #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #dontletthesungodownonyourdreams #positivethoughts #motivationalbehaviour #smileafteryoureadthehashtags 

Good Morning!

Another beautiful day to be thankful..

I pray that all our hustles make meaning today... Dont worry too much because wahala no dey finish!

Enjoy the day and avoid negative minded toxic situations...




  1. Give Attention To The One Thing Needful!!
    Luke 10:42.


    "There’re those who get so carried away with their work and other activities that they lose focus of what truly matters—the Word! They get so preoccupied in the many activities that they don’t have time to fellowship, study and meditate on the Word. That’s wrong"

    "True and lasting success comes from conscious meditation on the Word of God"

    "Give attention to the Word and fellowship with the Holy Spirit! Spend quality time in prayer every day; you’ll experience such peace and prosperity—such blessings and glory in your life that you never thought possible"


    Dear Father, I’m blessed and transformed to hear and receive your Word today! Even now, your Word stirs faith in me, dispelling worry, doubt and fear; I’m built up by the Word of your grace, walking in my inheritance in Christ. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Proverbs 4:20-22; Psalm 119:16

  2. Happy Holidays everyone. Although, my own job, no holiday at all. Aluta continua!
    Congratulations to the entire Muslim Ummah on the celebration of the birth of the Holy Prophet. ❤️
    Have a great day everyone. Be kind and spread positivity wherever you find yourself today. Love And Nepa!
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks


    'Set your minds on things above.' Colossians 3:2 NIV

    Setting your mind is similar to setting a thermostat; it determines the climate you live in. So, instead of trying to stop thinking wrong thoughts, fill your mind with God's word. Jesus told his disciples that the Holy Spirit would remind them of what he had taught them (see John 14:26). So when you file the Scriptures in your memory bank, God's Spirit will pull those files when you need them.
    Picture an amateur pilot navigating through his first storm. He can't see any landmarks around which to fly because they're locked in a fog. But then a voice comes from the controller in the tower saying, 'Just listen to me, and I'll guide you.' Jesus said, 'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world' (John 16:33 NIV). Paul writes: 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV). For example, what should you do when the economy is bad? Recognise that neither the New Zealand Stock Exchange nor the government decide your security - God does.
    What should you do when someone criticises you? Take what's good and let no one but God determine your worth. By keeping your mind on God's word, you're at peace in any situation.
    Word For Today

  4. 2 Chronicles 13:14-15
    "And when Judah looked back, behold, the battle was before and behind: and they cried unto the LORD,... the men of Judah shouted, it came to pass, that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah."

    I pray as you step out this week the Almighty God will intervene and deliver you in the midst of those people who will surround you for evil. The Lord will expose their secret and you will overcome all the enemies that will rise before and behind you.
    This week I pray and decree the Lord will go before you, He will prosper your plan and purpose, He will favour and bless you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🏻. Good morning everyone 💕

    1. Today is my 2years marriage anniversary. Bvs, pray for God to bless me with children, no excitement like it was in our 1 year anniversary. God help me please

    2. Amen 🙏

      God will surely visit you and give you your own children. Keep trusting Him.

    3. Anon 09:24
      Be happy, don't give up..
      God will answer you 😘🤗

    4. God has answered your prayer today.. Congratulations in advance.
      Happy anniversary,🥰

    5. Happy Wedding Anniversary.
      May God surround your home with children. Amen

    6. @ Anon 09:24 the Lord will make you a Joyful Mother of Children in Jesus name.

  5. Replies
    1. Good morning. I hope you're enjoying the holiday.

    2. Good morning.
      May God heal all the sick bv, comfort the bereaved.
      Bv Fidel, how is your sonshine today ?
      Happy birthday to those bv celebrating, I wish you God's blessings.

  6. Lord Jesus, you brought success out of apparent defeat. Thank you that I can trust you even when circumstances seem to be against me. I put my trust and confidence in you today.

    Good morning everyone🤗
    May your breakthrough come unhindered.🙏

    1. Amen
      Good morning bro

    2. newweek #newday #newplans #newhustleideas #blessedday #wahalanodeyfinish #smile #taeadeepbreath #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #dontletthesungodownonyourdreams #positivethoughts #motivationalbehaviour #smileafteryoureadthehashtags

    3. Amen 🙏
      Beautiful Morning SBBoo

    4. Amen 🙏
      Good morning, bro.

  7. Good morning!
    Happy holiday Nigeria.

  8. Happy new week to y'all, Amen to your prayers Stella,I pray that God will bless,favour and uplift us this week, Amen.I wish y'all a great day.

  9. Good morning everyone 😊😊
    I hope Jeweluchi choc is doing fine
    Have a blessed week everyone 😊

    1. Good morning Blackie 💙

      A good win yesterday 😁⚽ I was cheering Gunners on too and I'm glad they won too

    2. Good morning King and queens ❤️❤️
      @paris, Arsenal football club are doing well. They should keep it up. I'm also happy Cristiano Ronaldo set another record yesterday,700 career club goals. What magnificent player 💪💪💪

  10. Greetings beloved family. How are we today? Here's wishing everyone happy holidays. You all, stay safe💋💋💋♥️♥️♥️

  11. Good morning, no matter how hard Last week was, this week is a new beginning, so buckle up and start your week. I hope this week and day brightens up your life and makes you energized for work. Good morning blog fam

  12. As today marks the beginning of a new day and a new week, we pray that God will renew everything that’s in us and take us to a new level in Jesus name.
    Today is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it,not because we have all that we wanted but because we are grateful to God for the gift of a new life and a new day.
    We worship and bless your holy name, as there’s none like you Baba.
    We ask for your strength to overcome any obstacles on our path to success today and bless us, so we can also be a blessing to others. IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME WE PRAY. AMEN

  13. Good morning everyone
    Amen to all the prayers
    I am smiling already.

  14. Morning everyone, happy holidays.
    It's thanksgiving day here, so there's a public holiday too.
    @fidel and any other person, abeg help, where can I watch the brotherhood featuring falz and tobi bakre? I can't find it on netflix.
    The brotherhood I keep seeing on my netflix is from another country. Epp me epp me.

    1. Is brotherhood even on Netflix? If it is then you possibly can't see it because your location wasn't included

    2. It's strictly in the cinema for now.

  15. A new and a new week. God please makes things new for us amen.

  16. Good morning everyone. Stay blessed.

  17. Arise and shine beautiful people ✨🌞🌟💫
    Good morning SDKville
    Wishing everyone a wonderful and winning new week ahead
    Big hug Stella 🤗🤗

  18. Amen, This is the day that the Lord has made, we'll rejoice and be glad in it.

  19. The face of in house news competition for October is officially open.
    Please send in two same photos with different postures to enter the photo must be full length and taken in a neat, not too crowdy creative.
    Send photos to

  20. Good Morning and Happy New Week One Big and Happy Family, hope we all had a good weekend?
    It's a new week to try again.
    CR7 is the real 🐐. Have a nice day guys one Love.

  21. A blessed morning to everyone 💖💋❣️
    Stella, amen to your prayer

  22. Blessed morning to us all oooooo

    My tommy no allow me at all but God dey shaa.👁️

    Why do some men run away when a woman tell them she has a kid? Why is it hard to marry a lady with a kid?🙆‍♂️

    Though, no football match can start with 1 - 0 but having a kid shouldn't be an issue now abi wetin una think?

    Blessed ahead and may God bless us all.

    Cynthia, how u dey
    Ali goes to school, hi
    Candy, bawo ni
    Miss Ess, twaale
    Teejay, wia u dey bro
    Kelvin, hope say u don repent?
    Dante, hope u didn't bed wet sir?
    Paris, how is life
    Martinz, I hail
    Arikeade, so wa pa
    Eka Joy, how the weather over there?

    My greetings to all the individual I'm unable to type out their names, you are all so special to me.

    Love u all and don't forget to;


    1. Good morning Pinky, have a nice day.

    2. Mo wa pa brother mi,sending you lots of love❤️❤️❤️❤️

    3. The Man isn't ready yet or he's probably not truly in love with her. So he should keep Moviiiiiiiing😊
      Morning Pinky 🤞

    4. No mind men wey dey fear single mums. It's born out of a mindset that single mums are wayward, loose and 2nd hand. Rubbish! While I don't encourage anyone to go out of their way to be single mamas, things happen, and life must surely go on. A single mum can make an amazing wife. A virgin can be a demonic spouse. Just pray to marry the RIGHT person. Dazzol! After all, even for Bible, God asked Prophet Hosea to marry a harlot so that He could prove a point to Israel.
      Meanwhile, of you are a single mum, NEVER settle for a man who doesn't wholeheartedly accept your kid(s) and constantly reminds you that you are a single mum, like he's doing you a favor by dating you, my sister, abeg run!!
      Good morning my bro. How's the family? Stay safe! ❤️

    5. Pink..

      Kindly go back to the post of that nollywood actor divorce post who isn't the father of the child by blood but has been the one playing fatherly role for over 10 years, go and read what the wife said, and read all the comments on that post too. You'll get the answer to your question. 2ndly, alot of weight rest on a man's shoulder,. Make person come dey hustle to train another man pikin when the man deh alive.. God abeg oh..

      Lol,. Werey, I actually 'golden showered' my bed up to secondary school, I remember in jss 1, our introtech teacher was like, some people in this class still wee wee on their beds, my laugh was the loudest, I was like how can someone in secondary school still be wee-wee-ing on the bed😂😂, dem no know say I just dey disguise,. I wee-wee'd the night before and was definitely gna wee-wee that night and other nights after😂😂,
      Me wey my mama dey carry me join body go mountain of fire say make I come go collect deliverance for Àtolé 😂😂,. I was the GOAT 🐐in this shii,. You could count on me and not be disappointed 😅😅..

      Fuel scarcity is dealing with us in Abj,. I bought fuel yesterday evening for 500 naira per litre in black market, coming back home around 2am, queues in filling stations still longer than river Nile..

      Everything don tire person sef

    6. U be correct wahala person, I don't know what to do to you again gan sef..

      Kosi werey, ama Fi Omi lo nani

    7. Life is beautiful 🥰🥰

      Thanks Pinky 💙 have an excellent day

    8. Ali B, More oil on your head . Na Man You Be!!!
      Dont mind some Myopic Humans Who cant see beyond their Nose!!!
      May Life Not happen to the women in their families... Amen!!!
      We Moveee🤞

    9. I am a single mum not by choice but life happened to me.I got married as a virgin to my ex hubby and he so betrayed me,if not for God and my family support I would have landed in a psychiatrist home.
      It's been four years now and I am so scared of anything dating let alone marrying again,I have poured all my love on my child even though some people are saying it's dangerous.
      His father has asked for forgiveness but I don't want to have anything to do with him on that aspect,but we are co parenting peacefully to the point his family members are wondering why I am so peaceful with him.
      It hurts sometimes but I am doing it for my child,he is the most intelligent seven years old I have ever seen,he doesn't even know his parents are divorced.He sees mummy has caring and intelligent person.
      He sees daddy as a super hero and hard worker who provides for all his need and he is super grateful for having both of us.
      Make I stop here before I begin the cry jarey!
      Not all single mum are bad.

    10. Greetings bro. A nice day ahead.

    11. You people define a real man based on convenience. On this and blog some people said they couldn't marry baby daddies and the men didn't wail.

      Teacher Nk you don't have to be emotional. Life is a matter of choice. A man is not myopic simply bcos he refused to marry a woman with child. It's his choice!

    12. Aboki..

      Leave them to be disguising..
      The guy asking the question and the one defending and calling his fellow men are both married, what stopped them from marrying a single mother, especially the one calling people myopic, why didn't he marry a single mother to support the movement.. if I talk now them go say I dey like wahala, na why I just no add this part for my earlier comment

  23. Good morning guys.
    Amen Stella.

  24. Goodmorning beautiful poeple of SDK blog. May God's mercies speak for us this new week. Amen.

  25. Good morning blog fam💕💕💕💕

    Stella babe 💕💕🙏 lovely morning

    Enjoying the public hold
    Wishing everyone a great week 🙏


  26. Suffer never tire you? Abi you no like progress like the one Obi brought to Anambra during his eight-year tenure as governor? 🙄


  27. TASTE BLISS CAKES AND PASTRIES10 October 2022 at 08:20

    Good morning bvs and Stella, hope we had a peaceful night, wishing us all a blissful week,
    How can someone even think that Wizkid is a fuji musician, the lady just blocked other serious contestants opportunity, i was so annoyed yesterday night,
    The squid of game question that she doesn't have any idea of, instead of her to walk away, she said that "it is not possible for her to just walk away with 100,000"
    At least she won her transport fare back to Calabar.

    1. Me sef tire having confidence on what you're not sure of.what of the state of the former president olusegun Obasanjo nawa ooo.
      My MCW is my son even though he is still a boy,answered most of the questions from who wants to be a millionaire yesterday,the one that off me was the hydra question, before they even placed the answers,I said two and my boy said nine that they showed it in his cartoon.
      Another question was about Atom and he was explaining.
      God bless you my son!mama is super proud of you🥰

    2. Saint Elsewhere Phoenix10 October 2022 at 10:32

      See from when she could not answer Obasanjo 's state of origin and used 2 lifelines before the 5 question. I know say she no fit go far on the show.

      Fidel how is your beautiful baby. EHUGS.

      My MCM is all the amazing guys on the blog. Where is Chikala C.its being a year.

  28. Today's public holiday sweet me die! I travelled to a nearby state and don't have to rush back this morning to meet up with lectures.

    My younger sis is currently writing her second semester exams and she wont let me rest with status updates. I'm glad Kogi State University is not a member of of ASUU. Yahaya Bello tried in that regard.

  29. Happy el-malud to all the Muslim faithfuls!

    May God bless our hustle for today.🙏

  30. It is well.Happy new week.Good morning.

  31. Thank you Jesus for another day
    Good morning everyone🥰🥰

    My darling Starr🥰🥰how are you doing? E-hugs to you.

    Oga pinky how are you and our wife?
    E-hugs to both of you.

  32. May God give us the grace to physically and spiritually take ownership of what is committed in our hands

    Good morning great people. The day began with the sun

  33. Heavenly father thank you for a new day, shine Your light upon us and open doors that no one can shut in our lives Amen 🙏

    Good morning everyone.

  34. Good morning my darlings😘😘😘. Hope y'all had a good weekend. Sandy darling, my prayers are with you🙏🙏. Morayo baibay, sorry I saw your shout out late. Sending you tons of 😘😘😘😘. Y'all have a fab day today. Stay blessed. ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Good morning sis 😍

    2. You too Candy... Good Morning.

    3. Candilicious, greetings from my end, sis

    4. Gloglo, good morning dear.😘
      Teacher NK, 😘
      Paris baibay 😘

  35. Amen to your prayers Stella
    Good morning everyone ❤

  36. Amen to your Prayers Stella, am blessed to be alive. Thank you Jesus for your Mercy's never Fail me.

    Good morning Everyone.

  37. Good morning folks, 🙏🏾 glad to be alive to see another lovely day. May all our wishes be answered this week 🙏🏾 in Father's name 🙏🏾. Have a positive and safe Monday ❤️

  38. 🧞 After Delilah k!lled
    She returned to her
    Home town at Nnewi 🙄😏😀😀🏃🏃🏃🏃


    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 where are you now running to?

    2. Nnewi??? This guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  39. Good Morning Everyone 💕 💞 💖 ❤

    New week
    New blessings
    New favour
    New hustle

    Our Lord bless our hustles today and beyond 🙏

    Blessed and fruitful week ahead Lovelies 🙏 🙌

  40. A. New Day
    A New Week
    Another Opportunity To Begin Everything Anew...
    Father we put you in front, Take over everything that concerns your children. Amen🙏
    Beautiful Morning Blog famZ 😍

  41. Good morning 🌞
    Holiday Monday 😍
    Happy new week
    Have a good day 💗

  42. Good morning dear BVs.
    Good morning SDK!!
    To all pregnant women, you will deliver safely, mother alive, baby alive, Daddy alive. No complications.
    To all those trusting God for their own babies, It shall be.
    Have a blessed week.

  43. Abia state government please repair your road,what kind of nonsense is this? That's a pure deathtrap!!

    1. That state would never change, that was the first place in my life I saw gutter in the centre of an expressway, and a diversion was created in the bush for cars to pass,. Heavy trucks as usual have already fallen and the road was blocked,. Na so we take sleep for road, this was as far back as 2014..
      Rubbish state.. I enjoy traveling by road but bad roads and insecurities no won allow person live this part of him life,. Imagine traveling to Lagos from abj and spending 3 days on the road, not due to bad road or any negative stuff but because you were stopping on your state to enjoy the trip, buying bush meats and palm wine in those villages by the road, lodging in motels and enjoying some fine ass girls you meet😁😁.. soft Life wey go calm person nerves 🤦

  44. Good morning to y'all on here.
    Happy eid maulud to the muslims on here and scattered all over the world.
    @Fidel,so sorry about your lad's predicament and i pray that God be kind to you soonest.

  45. Good morning.Thanking God for a day like this 🙏

  46. Happy New Week everyone.
    Remember those telling you he/she will change will also be the one telling you shebi you are aware of his/her character before marriage, so you have to compromise and manage.

  47. If they forget u, forget them too. You didn't come to this life to be anybody's memory card.

  48. Those guys that turn back to look at ladies ass every time. The day u will turn to salt is coming.

  49. Good morning Jewelu and bvs,this week is blessed and yeah,I will continue to smile.

  50. No matter how rich u are, illiteracy and poor education will always set you apart.

  51. Good morning everyone, may today be fruitful Amen 🙏

  52. No matter how much of a good person you are, if u are with the wrong partner you can never b valued.

  53. Good morning my neighbor's. God bless our week,amen. 💌

  54. Amen. Good morning Stella mama and BVs. Have a great day.

  55. We do tongue lash and complain when all these commercial drivers know their buses are faulty yet use it for their businesses. Among those who complain are ministers, pastors, elders, etc.
    The church bus was faulty, the youths complained, you people still made them use the bus like that!
    And now, Tim is gone! Tim I still saw on TV yesterday morning died yesterday afternoon! 😭😭😭😭😭 Oh God! I'm tired! My head hurts! My eyes hurt. My body aches!

    1. This is so sad. Pls take heart dear.

    2. So sorry. Pls take heart. May his soul rest in peace. Amen

    3. So sad! Be comforted. May God rest his soul.

  56. Bonjour Blogfam! Happy New week!

  57. Good morning family
    This is coming late but it's still better than nothing.
    This is me saying thank you, God bless, enlarge and open more doors for Mr Martins. You have really shown that good people still exist, my brother, mum, hubby and myself love our gadgets especially my birthday surprise, una do me wella.
    Stella biko help me tell Martins that he is the best!

  58. Amen and Amen
    May everyone have a glorious and fruitful week


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