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Thursday, September 08, 2022

Singer Niki Laoye Narrates How The Love Sparked Between Her And Husband Snatcha

WOW... Awesome responses to the Interview question...
This woman is Blessed, I fell in loe with her personality reading this piece!

Mrs Snatcha !

Congratulations! How does it feel to fall in love and get married again after so many years?

It certainly feels great to fall in love and get married again, especially as a mature single in her 40s. Finding love again after a divorce can be quite difficult because you have to heal first, fight your fears, let go of them and just trust God completely again for a new beginning. I wanted to get it right and I thank God for being the merciful Father that he is because he gave me a second chance of a lifetime with my best friend, Adekunle Adeyoola aka Snatcha.

How would you describe the experience so far?

It’s truly the best decision I have ever made. I can say that it is an experience of a lifetime already. The truth is we both have been on quite an emotional rollercoaster ride in our different life journeys and right now, we are in the same place. We just want to love and be loved. That is all we do. Every day we are intentional about how we express our love to each other in our words, and actions and how we deal with issues, our home and children.

Snatcha was a good friend of yours before he became your husband. How did the friendship start and metamorphosed into marriage?

Adekunle “Snatcha” Adeyoola and I have been friends for over 20 years. We worked on many projects including the single from my first album, Taka Sufe and the two of us also headlined The Experience Concert in 2009 as performing artists. Ironically, our first marriages were held in the same year, 2011. I supported his marriage which took place in the United Kingdom in November and he came back to Nigeria to attend mine in December that year, but life happened. I went through a divorce and he lost his first wife to cancer. Like we both say, God literally threw us at each other when we weren’t even looking.

Yes, God decided to settle the solitary Nikki and Snatcha in one family, just like the scripture in Psalms 68:6 says. I was just being a caring friend out on holiday in the United Kingdom and the COVID- 19 lockdown got me stuck in that country for seven months. I decided to spend the time, dropping in to check on Snatcha, who had lost his wife at the time and help out with his four children as much as I could, especially during the lockdown season. I even had plans to relocate to the United States as I had a job offer waiting for me out there, but God had other plans. He wanted us to build a loving home for these kids and also become a great team for his kingdom.

We didn’t know how much we needed each other until God opened our eyes beyond our friendship and we are forever grateful to our Father who brought us together. We had to allow ourselves to fall in love again and move forward into a new beginning with each other. We call it “The Remix of a Lifetime.”

A lot of ladies are usually reluctant to marry men with children from a previous marriage or relationship. How easy was it to make such a decision?

Funny enough, I have always been open-minded when it comes to my relationships. If the man has children from a previous marriage or relationship, it would never bother me and neither would it be a game changer. My major concern was just making sure this was the right step for me to take. After my divorce, I always asked God, where do you want me to serve next and I told him that I wouldn’t move if he doesn’t give me the go-ahead on my next relationship. And voila, the next man came rolling up with four children. “Ahhh! God, is this really you?” I had to check well with him too.

It was such an important step in my life, that I couldn’t take it casually. I had to pray about it and be sure this was what God wanted for me and he confirmed it with some soothing words, “Nikki, help me take care of my son and his four children and I will take care of you”. That was all I needed to hear and God took care of the rest.

God has added more to me as I am now the wife of an amazing man and the bonus mum of four adorable children. Their biological mum, Jennifer, was a wonderful angel and I am honoured to continue her legacy and wishes for these children as well.

Did you experience any form of rejection or hesitation from your respective families, based on your past marriages?

None at all. There have been lots of love and great acceptance from our families. They literally pushed us to each other, wondering why we both couldn’t see the love and potential staring right back at us.

Our mothers are excited to see their children happy again and our siblings are overjoyed. His sisters literally helped him to choose the engagement ring and co-planned the proposal with him. We share a beautiful bond with each other’s families and we are just blessed to have their unending support.

How have you been coping with the task of caring for your step-children?

Moving from being a single lady to a bonus mum of four children was quite a transition and a beautiful new beginning. My life has changed obviously as I have to balance my work, being a wife and taking care of the children. For example, I have always been a late owl, working all night but now, I have to go to bed early so I can get up at 7 am for school runs. That is one of the many changes I had to make, but it is totally worth it. The Fantastic 4, as we call them, are amazing, respectful, helpful, caring children and they make it so easy for me. My husband is also an amazingly supportive partner and we make a great team raising the children together.

Did you encounter any form of challenge before the children willingly accepted you as their mother?

I encountered no challenges at all. They already knew me and loved me as their fun-loving Aunty Nikki and when things got serious between Snatcha and me, he actually talked to them and asked for their blessing before he proposed. And they excitedly asked to be part of the proposal plans. Also, at that time, our three-year-old son, Rain, had started calling me mummy. He just got up one day, stopped calling me aunty and switched to mummy all by himself. Then, Zion, our six-year-old daughter went to meet her dad one morning and said, “Daddy is it okay for me to call aunty “mummy?”

I remember her older sister, Trinity who is seven ran upstairs to tell me because I wasn’t there when Zion asked and Trinity told me “Aunty, guess what happened? Zion went to ask daddy if she can call you mummy!”

Soon enough, they all started calling me mummy. We never told them to do that; they just did it at their own pace. It was so touching because to me, it meant “we accept you as our new mom”. We have an amazing bond and I’m somewhere between big sister and mummy to them because I am firm yet very playful and I understand their language. It has just been a blessing and of course, my husband, Snatcha, also made the transition very easy by helping me to understand what it is like to be a mum here in the United Kingdom and how it is different from Nigeria in terms of how you train and discipline them here. It’s been a beautiful experience indeed.

Now that you have a full house, are you planning to have more children?

We will cross that bridge when we get there. For now, we are focusing more on adjusting as a new family together in the UK.

Relocating abroad definitely will affect your music career. How are you going to handle that?

Relocating abroad doesn’t affect my musical career in Nigeria at all, especially now that the recent pandemic situation has changed the dynamics of how things are done globally these days. Everything has gone virtual. So no matter where I am in the world, I still communicate virtually with my fans in Nigeria and I can even set up virtual concerts, which are now the norm. My relocation simply enhances my career because it opens me up to a wider fan base in the UK and Europe as a whole.

How are you going to combine music, motherhood and other things you do together?

It is all about planning, scheduling and organising my time between my family and work. It can definitely get overwhelming sometimes, but I am taking my time to build a sustainable working routine for myself so I don’t burn out as well.

What advice do you have for ladies and men who are looking for a second chance at the marriage institution?

I would advise them all by saying “Go for it” – Everyone deserves to be happy and to find love again. Forgive yourself and forgive everyone who might have hurt you. Let go of your fears, heal thyself, learn from your mistakes, work at becoming a better version of yourself and just trust God completely to give you the gift of the right man or woman, who will be the blessing from God that will make your life rich and add no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).

That’s all Snatcha and I did and that’s what we asked God for and He gave it to us. And after that, we had to allow ourselves to fall in love again and move forward into a new beginning. You have to do the same for yourself and when you finally find that new love of your life, be Intentional about everything in your relationship. Give 100%, communicate endlessly, and be Kind and sensitive to one another. It’s never too late to start again because true Love awaits.

From TheWillNigeria..


  1. This is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

    I LOVE IT!
    I LOVE IT!!
    I LOVE IT!!!

    May God bless their union.

  2. Love is a beautiful thing 😍

  3. I love Nikky and her hubby, their YouTube channel is superb not just for widow/er and divorcee but anyone who desire a good marriage.
    There's nothing comparable having a father so much invested and intentional to parenting and God like Snatcha do. Nikky, nothing do you, enjoy your home.


  4. Beautiful interview,may the Lord keep your home.
    Fear will not even allow somborri to start is well!

  5. Yeah Jewelu,she is beautiful and intelligent.

  6. Beautiful read! Mature, classy and refreshingly thrilling....
    God bless your home. πŸ™πŸ™

  7. Niki is very intelligent,I love her responses.I wish her a beautiful marriage.

  8. Wow. This is beautiful story I just read. God continue to bless your home Nikky and Snatcha

  9. Beautiful

    The kids names are so lovely, Trinity, Zion and rain. I love it

    I wish them well

  10. So beautiful πŸ™

  11. Wow! I love thisπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    May God bless your homeπŸ₯°

  12. Enjoy your home Nikky

  13. Hearty congratulations
    God bless your home

  14. Interesting, may the love you have for each other grow from strength to strength.

  15. Never heard of them. God bless their Union

  16. Awww! I was full of smiles reading through this interview. I love TRUE LOVE & I pray this union lasts forever.

  17. Very interesting read,,if what i just read is true,then the children are too not easy finding a good stepmother in Nigeria especially my tribe...

    1. I would say the biological parents did well in the raising of their children. If you love children, it is easy to be a step mum in an enabling environment.

      I was ready to marry a man with a child and loved the child as my own. But the family dynamics and upbringing was wrong and made it impossible. The man made it seem as if the child is a no-go area and enabled all kinds of disrespect from the child. The first couple of months, the little one limited the disrespect to her father cos I tried to set boundaries. But when the little one became so comfortable with me, she manifested unprovoked over-the-top disrespect to me, and the dad did not caution her. Besides, that is how she relates with her dad.
      That day I made up my mind to leave them because "as you make your bed, so you must lie on it". I was taught to respect all (including children), and cannot be in an environment of constant tantrums , disrespect and no discipline.

  18. This is so beautiful. May God continue to make their marriage blissful.

  19. She gives the aura of someone that's kind hearted and simple may God bless their marriage

  20. It was an interesting read, I love this.

  21. If u want to remarry as a divorcee, say it was ur decision and leave God out of it, abeg.

    1. Why are you bitter. This was Gods plan for her.

    2. God cannot sanction the remarriage of a woman divorced from her husband when adultery was not even the case. Pls stop the blasphemy!

    3. Is it not amazing that the same God sanctioned Rahab the harlot in the lineage of the messiah? So grateful God is not a man!

    4. God using Rahab is not God sanctioning Rahab's harlotry. Did she continue as a harlot, nevertheless? Why is it easier for u ppl to rely on negatives than to seek grace of God to turn away from wrong and do His will? His words are clear on divorce; and I repeat, if the lady chose to remarry after divorce, she shd call it her decision and leave God out of the matter.

    5. Anon 17:01 she narrated her story based on HER relationship with her Lord Jesus, which is personal. Her story is beautiful. She seems genuinely in love with her husband & kids, grateful that God is a God of mercy & multiple chances. The prodigal son can testify to this after all he blew ALL his inheritance but still had a lot after he returned! Saying “God cannot….” Us playing assistant to the almighty.

      Why do some of us Christians PRETEND that ALL marriages are made in heaven & you must either die in one or live miserably out of one, once you miss it. Like you should never have a second chance only in that area? You could kill, steal money meant for a million people they don’t care, just stay in a miserable marriage to be perceived as “holy”? If God was like that in every area of our daily life, none of us would receive mercy. Mercy & grace are attributes of God towards us daily. If some of us are blessed to get it right with the first man/woman that we married, let’s be thankful & not get sanctimonious in misinterpreting the entire scriptures making God seem like a wicked “godfather” rather than a merciful God The Father!

      King David, “The man after God’s heart” married the daughter of king Saul, a woman named Micaia first but the foundation & the marriage were wrong for him. His ministry was praise, he wrote the book of psalms but Micaia mocked him when he was praising God! She made fun of David while praising God & is the only woman recorded as barren in the entire Bible. If the narrow interpretation of some were biblically sound, David would have missed his ministry, priesthood & destiny!
      Our Lord did NOT come from the lineage of David’s first marriage but from the most shameful (at least initially), through Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba’s second son with David, Solomon. God is a just God so “in wrath he remembers mercy”. What of Queen Esther who God used to save the entire nation? She married after Ahasuerus divorced Vatshi for her pride. Rachel was Jacob’s object of love but she ended up marrying him only after her dad DECEIVED him into marrying Leah who he did not love or ask for. I was blessed not to have done it with anyone other than my spouse but have met so many more devoted Christians (at least I esteem them better than me as the Bible admonishes us to) who missed it before they got it right. I’m not better than them because they divorced & remarried. No. God’s ways are not our ways, his thoughts aren’t ours and he relates with us “as a father”. A parent knows each child’s strengths, weaknesses etc and relates differently with them.
      Are you implying that those who use “jazz”, trap with pregnancy, victims of DV, emotional & psych abuse etc should die there & never marry even if they realize their sad state early in life?God is not a man. If you follow the mix of “culture with Bible” doctrines, Esther, David, Jacob etc will not be in their sanctimonious “ladder of man” heaven where corruption & looting of public funds, abuse of domestic staff, abuse of power etc are allowed but escape from marital error & terror is not allowed. Folks like Joel Osteen’ late Dad, Joel, Joyce Meyers & many who made mistakes should forget about heaven. The Nigerian heaven will have the pastor whose helicopter bought with his position flies over the groundnut seller in the hot Sun on their way to tithing the little mite they have so he can have more. Search the scriptures yourselves. Let God be God in each life. “There is no other name given among men..,other than the name of Jesus”. These are folks who add to the Bible by inserting the names of men still running the race in praise worship songs, replacing Abraham, Isaac & Jacob’s names. If as a human being you can introduce yourself as Jude or Shade & expect folks to respect your wishes, how do some feel when you ignore God’s command to “call me the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob” & insert the names of men that aren’t in his word?Congrats to Nikki & her new family!

    6. 06:19, most of what u have written are emotional arguments.

      I did not write the Bible. My part is to understand the word of God in it and obey.

      The case of the prodigal son is a story of repentance. Where does repentance feature in the subsisting marriage of a divorcee? King David did not divorce his first wife; he rather, married others, which was a norm in his day. He was punished for the matter of Bathsheba, not withstanding that the lineage came through her second son with him. The fact is that there was a punishment and therefore an acknowledgement by God that what King David did was wrong. If ur use of this analogy is to say that a divorcee's remarriage can still be blessed. That will be as God sees to do. He blesses whom He will. However that will not be to say that a wrong has not been done. King David and Bathsheba could not have been heard to say that what they did was the will of God or that He led them to do it. Vashti was to come no more before the king (Esther 1:19) and her royal estate given to another. The Bible makes no mention of divorce. For all we know she could have just been relegated as one of the numerous women that the kings of the day tended to keep in their harem.
      Finally, as with the 'Bathsheba' incident, the deception of Jacob's father-in-law may have eventually made the marriage to Leah and the lineage of Judah possible but it does not erase the fact of the wrongdoing.

      The question is, why wd we prefer to gamble with wrongdoing, constantly pointing to aberrations (and worse still, insisting that they are God's will) rather than simply ask God to give us the grace to do right? U are free to make ur choices but I continue to repeat, accept them as ur choices and refrain from carelessly ascribing them to God. Peace.

    7. At least it’s clear that “self righteous folks” imply that the men of faith in the Bible we’re engaged in wrongdoing, I guess “we are better” than folks like them, the parable on prayer by two men one of whom felt self righteous by Jesus comes to mind here. Luke 18: 9-14

      Thank God he is his own librarian, with the books, book of life, remembrance, etc and the fact that YOU define something as “wrong” does NOT mean God does. Judah came out of wrongdoing, Vatshi was relegated to where? Language evolves, many may not know that marriages were NOT conducted in churches or courts in the Bible times. The one where Jesus turned water into wine in Cana of Galilee WAS a traditional wedding, not a court or church wedding. You can’t fix self righteousness. The state of the country where almost everyone IS a religious person tells the story of religion in Nigeria. I don’t pray to divorce or re-marry but I will not accuse them of “wrongdoing” because I’m NOT the Holy Spirit.

    8. Ur arguments tend to be a bit disjointed.

      Are u against my calling the actions of ppl like the prodigal son, King David or Jacob's father-in-law wrong, when even the ppl in question, by their own admissions acknowledged that what they did was wrong? The prodigal son said to his father in Luke 15:21, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight...' ; in 2 Sam 12:13 (KJV), King David said, 'I have sinned against the Lord.' In Gen 29:25 (KJV), Jacob asks Laban, '..wherefore then hast thou beguilded me?' These ppl were not hesitant to admit their sins or acknowledge misdeeds as such, so why do u want to cover the wrongdoings for them in the characteristic manner of so called Christians of today, for whom every correction is 'judgement'; and who are ever quick to label anyone seeking to point out their faults as, 'self-righteous'?

      On the matter of Vashti and marriages, it is pretty clear in the Bible that their marriages were different from what we have today yet we are able to decipher from Scripture, when a marriage had taken place and when it had not. The same with divorce. As far as language evolution is concerned, the word 'divorce' is consistently used in English translations,from the time of Moses to the time of the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever may have happened to Vashti, the word 'divorce', I repeat, was not used in relation to her fate.

      It's ppl like u who make religion appear to be a problem. Religion is not anybody's problem and it's unfortunate to hear so called Christians follow the herd to repeat what many of the them can not even explain effectively. It is wrongful practice of religions that create problems. Can u say that Medicine and Education are bad because there are quacks in the field? Please let's be guided.

      I point out Scriptures to ppl. If u wish to call it 'accusation', that is up to u. Feel free to tell me where I err. I would appreciate it. That is part of the mandate of a Christian. Don't be hoodwinked to think otherwise.

  22. God continue to bless and keep their home

  23. This right here is a sermon on its own πŸ‘‡
    "“Go for it” – Everyone deserves to be happy and to find love again. Forgive yourself and forgive everyone who might have hurt you. Let go of your fears, heal thyself, learn from your mistakes, work at becoming a better version of yourself and just trust God completely to give you the gift of the right man or woman, who will be the blessing from God that will make your life rich and add no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22)."

  24. πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  25. This gave me hope,this is beautiful


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