Stella Dimoko Boredom Eliminating Post


Sunday, September 04, 2022

Boredom Eliminating Post



  1. It happened this year and it was at the church that's known with the "I celebrate you" line.

    The woman sitting right beside me opened my hand after the close of service and dropped cash.

    There are still cool people out there o and 👋 don't be deceived.

    1. Someone had given me offering money too before, it was time for offering and the guy gave 3 of us, I was surprised. I open my hand i see 1k I was like waaw.

    2. A stranger from the blog gave me a job in 2016, God bless you more Mr F***
      I'm glad I've also been able to pay it forward to some people.

    3. When I wanted to enter secondary school, we did not have money for settlement, we didn't have anyone, we were new in the town. I picked two government schools. One big school and one small one. All the three lists that came out for the small school, my name was not there and I did well in common entrance. Then their admission closed.
      The big school too, two list had come out, my name was not there. Remaining only one list.
      We were worried, I was sad cos I knew my parents could not afford a private school which were very rare and expensive in the nineties in the town we lived.
      Then one morning, my dad met a stranger in a taxi, he told him about me casually and he said he would see what he can do, he told my dad to come to his office the next day and gave him description.
      The following day, he gave dad a note to the principal and that was it. My name came out with the last list.
      It was a big government school and very difficult to get admission into it even till now.
      I appreciated and still appreciate that man and I will never forget him. God bless him

  2. Replies
    1. A total stranger gave me admission into a faculty where people were paying 200k, 250k, plot of land to gain admission, my relative by marriage helped me arrange my first job and a boss that I knew from a distance, who was well known to be ill tempered got me my second job.

      I am a woman of faith and I always receive grace, that's why I always carry out acts of mercy whenever I can because I know I will always reap mercy in my times of need.

  3. After shopping at the mall, I went to pay, the guy waiting before me asked them to add mine to his bill. I least expected it because the things I bought were much. He said it was because I greeted him when I passed him while picking things. I had already forgotten I greeted someone. I felt that in my soul.

  4. Several, but here's a recent one. I boarded a tricycle and the man was supposed to take one passenger in front but carried two to help out. At a check point, one of the guys alighted but not before the police caught sight of it and hastily arrested the keke-Napep driver. He had driven us for quite a distance and it would be wickedness to just walk away so I paid N50, hoping that I would use the remaining balance of N50 to get me home, all the tricycles I hailed down refused to take N50 and that was what I had, I had to start begging the keke-Napep drivers to please accept to take N50 but most just drove away. The last one I hailed down also wanted to drive away but the passenger just beckoned on me to get in, I thanked her for her help thinking she would complement what I had but she paid N100 for my Tfare. May God bless her immensely 🙏

  5. Gave me a ride

  6. Can't remember.

    But I remembered being nice to a stranger that came to visit her boyfriend in our compound but the guy travelled. She had no transport back, I begged my now late brother to give her transport fare. And I also gave her food too.

    1. Nice of you and your late bro. May he keep resting well.

    2. U tried jare,but how do people travel with no transport in their hands. Even if you are expecting, u still need to have something with you incase of urgent need.I can't imagine traveling without holding my complete T-fare both going and coming.

  7. I was on my way for an interview, I was rushing for the interview cos I was running late, I just saw this car parked by me to help me o boy I was happy, we talked told him where I was going to, we excha numbers. Later at night I got call from Mr stranger, he asked about my interview and I told him it went well,
    I got the job as a marketer but I didn't have a browsing phone,he asked how I was going to cope, I told him I'll use my first salary to buy. Booom! 2 days after he called me to meet him at an open place o, he gave me a brand new phone, ooh! I cried cos I was not expecting it. I have never experienced such favor before and to think I was out of browsing phone for over 16months then.
    That is the nicest thing I have ever experienced o and I am also praying to be an angel in someone's life one day. So help me God

    1. This is beautiful ❤️💕🥳

    2. WOW we still have so many beautiful souls in this nation. May the Lord bless your angel and help you fulfill your dreams of being an angel to others.

  8. Pls someone should drop the question for me. I can't view the pics. Thanks.

    1. What's the nicest thing a stranger ever did for you?

    2. TJ what has any stranger done for you that you think it is nice. Oya answer

    3. What is d nicest thing a stranger has ever done for u?

    4. Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate.

      A couple of things but the one I won't forget is when I traveled to Uyo for the first time I think 2009 or thereabout. A woman I didn't know gave me accomodation in her place to sleep when the number of the person I went to see suddenly became not available.

      I wasn't even having money for lodging but my transportation back to Enugu. I was a student at the time.

      Some people are just too nice in this life. In the morning she wanted to even make me a meal. If she had her way, she would have made me stay for some days more.

    5. TJ that' is normal in my place we don't hasited to help strangers.

    6. I agree with Trendy. Akwa ibom residents accommodate strangers and take good care of them well

    7. Though it may be normal at your place, it is still a very nice thing to do. Especially now in these times. That means your people are kind.

  9. I remember how I took a bus from one town to another without money to pay for tfare.
    And I was hoping for my cousin to meet me at the bus-stop to pay for me, we almost got to the bus-stop & cousin wasn't yet close, I was silently praying the conductor wont harass me.
    A stranger seated beside me struck of a conversation with me at the exact time i was thinking about my predicament and a after a few secs of pleasantries he paused and asked me if I had money to pay for my trip and that was it, he paid oh my gosh see relief🥰😂😂

  10. When I was 7 years I guess, (can't remember clearly) A stranger met me in the bookshop that was on the ground floor of our house then and He brought me book, it's a Bible story on Isaac and Rebecca. And told me that I was beautiful.

    I can't forget that experience. It is one of the reasons I do little nice things for strangers, I love planting seeds of beautiful words in the hearts of children.

    That was a great encounter for me❤️

    1. Thank you Odinaka, someone I don't know nor met before but he keep on encouraging me, sending me Data on phone.

  11. when I got divorced,I didn't appear in court and I wasn't sent a copy of the judgement.
    I and my ex were cordial about the divorce because of the kids,each time I asked for the divorce judgement,he said I do not need it,that I could continue using his name and he wouldn't mind submitting any papers regarding that,for about six years he never released it.
    Something important came up for me and he still refused.
    So I embarked on a journey to a state I had never been to because he took the case to a place he had upper hand, about 7hours journey to where I was based.
    That will be my first time in a court and I started asking for the clerk office.
    Immediately I got to her office and I explained why I was there,she offered me a seat beside her,she offered me drinks and snacks which I refused.
    She asked for the petition number,they searched and searched but they couldn't find my case file but saw the numbers before and after.
    We went from one court room to another maybe it would be there,at a point her colleagues wants to start raising mouth,she told them I was her younger sis,so the people in charge kept checking...nothing was found.
    I was so tired at this point,praying this journey shouldn't be fruitless.
    As she was thinking of what to do,a groundnut seller came again,she asked if I want,I said no and she asked me to stay calm.
    So she went through the divorce petition and saw that it's was a lawyer that she knew that handed the case.She called the man that I was her younger sister that the petitioner has refused to give me the divorce judgement and I really need the copy.The lawyer at first was been defensive but the woman said we are not contesting or appealing,that we just need a copy that she wants to send it to me
    Within few mins,his secretary brought his copy and I photocopied it.
    I have her 2k to buy card because she was using her phone to call people on my behalf,she refused but I forced her,I told her,can't I give my aunty money.she was just an angel if not I would have wasted time,money and my energy.
    When I went through the divorce judgement I died and woke up again I guess that's why my ex never wanted me to see it....

    1. God bless your angel but please can you complete the story,what did you found out about.

    2. Please what did you read in the judgement 😧😧

      God bless the Clerk.

    3. So touching,it is well with your soul.

    4. Wow
      God bless her

      You mean your ex literally held you down for 6 years, you were answering his name, you didn’t see the verdict.
      For 6 whole years?
      Didn’t you have plans to remarry?

      I really applaud your patience.

      What was in the divorce judgement?

      Please share with us.

      Mma NwaChukwu

    5. Continue the gist na

    6. Please, finish this gist.

    7. Pls bring the full gist as a stand-alone post. I hope you are in a better place now

    8. Kindly let us know the divorce wordings. We are here to learn

    9. Me sef follo wan know the judgment..............

    10. Aswear sdk don spoil una. Amebo no be work oooh.

  12. This happened recently,I was traveling,so I left the house very early.i waited for about 30mins no bike or bus and everywhere was still dark.
    Not long a car was driving out and the man asked if he could help,I said yes.
    He saw others on the road and he didn't picked them,he told me he doesn't pick people on the road but he helped because where I stood was dark.
    He didn't collect number or have silly conversations,I really do appreciate people like that.

    1. You took a risk because he might be a kidnapper or something else, Pls be careful next time

  13. He paid my transport from abuja to Kaduna.

    1. Did he collect your number afterwards?

    2. Anonymous what is your problem ? Allow people to share their experiences without being judged or mocked

  14. I stood at pie express waiting to get some snacks. A man parked his car and ordered for snacks too. The sales attendant gave him audience before me though I got there first. Surprisingly, the man paid for the snacks I ordered for.

    1. Lol,free snacks. That's the kind of things we all like.

    2. Thank God you didn't grumble or complain. If you had done so, he would not pay

  15. Many oo, but that particular one Once shared on the blog. God used him to guide me all the way back to Lagos after that fatal accident.

  16. She turned my life around for good financially. She gave me a testimony that seems like a lie. What can I have done without you SDK. I get emotional when I talk about you. God bless you.

  17. As students, with my twin, went to visit a cousin that lived in another state. Got there, cousin traveled out of the country. A woman that lived in same compound with cousin gave us accommodation and we went back the following day. Still grateful to her after all these years.

  18. This one comes to mind. Years ago, I was new in town and have/had no family member in that town/state. Only made a friend months later.
    One day, we had a program in church and I went. Nothing was wrong with me oh! Shortly after program started, ulcer issue started! No warning! Nothing! I went outside, sat down, hoping for a "break", so I can rush home. Omo, the thing no gree. My friend came out and saw me. Went back in to call someone with a car, so I could be taken home. Instead the man drove me to the hospital. We got there and I was quickly attended to.
    Not quite long the pastor came. After speaking with the doctor, the pastor and the man came back, asked my friend to stay with me, that the bill given, they were not having that amount on them. So, they have to go back to source for the money and would be back once the program ends.(The pastor left while the program was still on. I think he said, the man's wife told him).
    My friend and I waited for them to come. Like over an hour later, a nurse came in and asked, "Ahn ahn, you are still here?" We said yes, the pastor hasn't come. She then asked, "Are you not...?" I said I am.
    Then she said, "A man walked into the hospital, called your name and said he came to pay your bill. After he paid , he left."
    We were like 😳😳😳. Which man? From where? She described the man, "Tall, fair. Putting on white up and down." I know nobody in that town. I was still very new in that church. There was no tall fair man in that church that day, before that day or after that day. My friend ran out hoping to see the man, by chance. No way! We were just quiet and wondering.
    Later, pastor came to pay. He was told someone had come to pay. Who?! He came to me. I don't know anyone. He called the man who drove me to the hospital. That one, hadn't told anyone of the incident. Just the man, his wife and the pastor knew I was taken to the hospital. Pastor decided to call some members, maybe, by chance, they heard I was taken to the hospital and they came to pay. They were like, "The person we saw hours ago, is in the hospital?" We left the hospital finally and me, in my mind, I was like, "Boya it is Jesus". Abi, wetin make I say again..

    1. My dear yes is an angel..

    2. Na live angel be dis. Watta wow! 😳

  19. Was at Sandfill area in town doing partime babysitting, there was a manhunt I guess coz two guys dashed into the compound and hid, dunno where, and dunno where the gateman went leaving the gate unlocked. I thought it was kidnappers I peed a little, they took my phone and did a shhhh sign, I took the baby and made a run to go outside when uniformed men blocked the gate and asked if anyone entered, I just shook my head cos I was close to fainting. They left, I stood outside, knowing they won't hurt me in public. Gateman came back, told him there's hoodlums inside, he marched In. And was like who dey here, who goes you, minutes later he called me to come in, I did, lo and behold, they held him down, gave me my phone and thanked me for not snitching. Almost 2yrs later, on my way to Bonny, our boat ran into sea pirates with sophisticated guns that looked like trumpet, our boat stopped, they circled us twice creating waves, I was saying my prayers when I heard, Oyibo look up! Someone tapped me, As I looked up, he waved, another one said how you dey? I nodded fine. They looked familiar, I suddenly remembered where, didn't know when I smiled a little. He asked for my number, I called it out. That's how we left. A week later I got an SMS, "call me if you need any assistance". I replied, noted. I'd be damned if I ever need the services of a criminal. For what? Not even in naija anymore. The number is still active on WhatsApp. I informed my madam of the incident when they came back anyway, but left out some parts for safety purposes. Don't post if I'm not anonymous.

    1. Wow! They remembered your kindness and so they did not hurt the people in your boat.
      Pls don't ever call him, block him pls. You should not have given him your number. He is a criminal. If they arrest him now and search through his contact list and messages, I pray you are not implicated.

    2. What! 😲 This life sha..........

  20. Celebrating my birthday and fighting for me, chai my God dey besides me.

  21. I have benefited from strangers many times. But there's one that baffles me each time I remember it. It happened when I was pregnant with my last child. Hubby had just lost his job & things were very rough because I wasn't doing anything as at then. One day, I was going for my routine antenatal without any cash on me. Getting to the clinic, I was told I had low blood pressure & needed to take a bottle of coke. So I approached one of my colleagues who came with her husband & asked for #200. Immediately the husband heard that I had low blood pressure, he just dipped his hands in his pocket & gave me #5k. I was so excited because I got more than I asked for.

    1. Hmmm...... Some people are real angels oooo.

  22. A stranger also accommodated me, feed me and gave me transport fair, when l was seeking for admission in Osun State. A place l didn't know. I will forever remain greatful to God. He loves me so much . I have received a lots of help through strangers.
    God is great.

  23. SDK o,she blessed me financially,God answered me through her,it's a month now and I am still feeling the impact,my testimony is loading..God bless you ma

  24. He paid my taxi fare from the airport to my Sis place in kaduna. To think I wasn't talking to him while airborne. I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks stranger

  25. Many things oo that at times I say to myself that I must have plenty of Angels assigned to me alone on this earth and I'm always grateful. The recent one paid for my transport fare

  26. Included my name in the supplementary list back then.

  27. Many, I will just say this. Paid my medical bills several times

  28. When I was little, same year we relocated to Asaba from Benin. I went for my Common Entrance Examination(that was when you leave the premises of your to another school to take Common Entrance depending on where your name falls. Don’t know if they still do it now) after my mum dropped me off, she warned me not to leave after the exam that she will be coming back to take me home, and I said okay ma. I got done with my papers and saw other pupils(some whom I was older than) leaving the school to their various houses and something just whispered to me “no fall hand o, you can do it”. That was how I embarked on trekking o, until it was dark, I started crying. So many saw me and ignored only one lady who was in a road side shop stood up and walked towards me and tried to know what the problem was, after much persuasion by her, I opened up that I was lost as I couldn’t trace my way home, at this time crowd had gathered. After much questioning on the details of my address, I managed to tell them that one I get to a market(mami market then) I will be able to locate our house and so the same lady boarded a bike with me and that was how I was taken home. Immediately I was sited in my street, if you see the jubilation, my mum ran out and her eyes well both swollen and reddish. She couldn’t say anything to me but kept thanking the lady as she paid off the bike guy who also went to drop the lady. I remember that lady now and beg the Almighty to bless her and grant all her good heart desires. I do hear of missing persons for days, months and even years and I just wonder what could be going on with them. What if I had fallen into the hands of the wrong persons, what could have been my fate and that of my lovely family, I praise God.

    If I pass that school now eeh I go just smile. *St. Bridges Asaba

    1. Eyaaa. Thank God for that woman. The one who didn't look away.

  29. An Angel gave my sin a car seat years back on this blog, so grateful.

  30. I have enjoyed so many Favours by strangers. We were returning from LAUTECH to Lagos in a luxurious car the students paid for & we got to Berger arround 12pm & a woman Mrs Bedford I just got to know in the bus while we were jisting decided to accommodate me in her house at Ogba & gave me Egusi soap which I ate because I didn't eat throughout the day because of time factor. Note her husband came to pick her that night & in the morning she dropped me at the bus stop. Her husband is a pastor at Christ Embassy.
    I remembered her last week & I prayed for her & family.
    Mrs Bedford & family God's blessings will always be with you.
    I have lost her contact & would like to reconnect with her.

    1. Awwww God bless Mrs Bedford and family.

  31. Stranger once help me clear my debt,kept looking for him to appreciate that but till date I have not been years I'm greatful till tomorrow.what have i missed, power outage dealt with us.

  32. Sorry, going anonymous on this.

    The kindest thing a stranger has done for me is as a M.Sc student, I was really struggling to complete my dissertation, I had done quite a lot, the research, the thesis etc.

    But putting it together was tough. I had just 24 hours to deadline submission and I planned not leaving the library till I had completed it, all of a sudden, a stranger, a PhD student just came and sat beside me, he was Ghanaian, he saw I was struggling and asked if he could help me, I was like I need all the help I can get.

    We spent all night, not sure we blinked an eyelid putting everything together, before printing and binding in hard copy just before 12 noon submission.

    He was my guardian angel, I wouldn't have made it if not for him.

    God bless him wherever he is.

    Though he later told me he wanted to MARRY, I didn't know how to decline because I was not attracted to him physically. I only told him I was engaged back home.

  33. There are many instances. One that stood out was when I was seeking admission into higher institution. One lady that I just met in the bus helped me secure admission, she also housed me when I resumed and even left her apartment for me when she graduated. God bless her everyday. Such a nice lady. I wish I still have her contact.

    1. God bless her wherever she is.

  34. It was on a post you made last year on "what 2k can do for you" and an anonymous person actually reached out, I was overwhelmed and happy almost to the point of crying that a stranger can do such for me.. may God almighty continue to bless you and show up for you and your family.

    And all the giveaway data I got from Stella, it always came when I needed it the most.thanks Stellapotoriko

  35. When Ms. A sent my son money for birthday gift because they share the same date. I will never forget. Like a total stranger blessed my son! It meant a lot to me. God bless you Mrs A.

    Sunshine BV

  36. I was driving down the freeway and had a blown tire. I forgot my wallet at home. A pickup truck pulled up and inside were 2 balded white guys. I panicked thinking about White Supremacist but luckily my State is not known for such. I was desperate. They volunteered to give me a ride to the nearest tire shop. We got to the tire shop. I asked the owner for a used tire to be placed on my spare wheel. The plan was to leave my phone with the owner and then drive back to pay him and collect my phone. The owner came back with a brand new tire on the wheel. What? I was pissed. he told me that the 2 white guys paid for it and they will be back. I was dumbfounded. I turned and there they were. Tears rolled down my eyes. They still took me back to my car on the freeway and gave me a pamphlet about their church. They are born-again christians. One is actually a pastor. I am still in shock up till today. Never judge a book by its cover.

    1. Good lesson. See how they preached with their actions...............

  37. Some many,,but the ones that baffles me each time I remember is the GIVEAWAY I got here, SDK May God continue to lift you for allowing His to use you..
    Another one is one blog visitor playing Santa's to me 3yrs ago and I don't know him or her,may God's blessings fall on all the Angels here blessings stranger's..

    On many occasions,stranger's has been paying my transport fare without asking or them knowing me.

  38. Love this post. 😍 It has quite reignited my belief that there are still good people in this world and angels are still on assignment. 😊

  39. Showed their true colours & helped me opt out of the marriage 6 months in before more damage was done.

    1. Strangers showed their true colors and made you opt out of your marriage early? Did you get the question like this or you mistakenly posted in a wrong post?

    2. Asia, the partner was a stranger because they pretended to be what they were not, to lure the innocent party into marriage, once married, the craze started & the deceived party got out fast.

  40. Getting a giveaway from Angel Koof and Ma’am Stella. It was the nicest gift ever! I wouldn’t say ma’am Stella is a stranger, but considering the fact that we haven’t met before.

  41. The nicest thing I have ever got from (not a stranger) is rent money, when I was homeless with my family in December last year and we sort refuge in one of the church camp located at Lagos Ibadan expressway.
    Stella God bless you for coming through for us. If only you knew the burden that was taken away from us. To top it up you also gave a surprising birthday gift in March. @Stella, your children's children will continually know favor all the days of their lives.

    1. Awww thanks to Stella and her angels.

  42. I wanted to buy akara for the whole family to eat but I knew the money I had wouldn't buy enough akara for everyone. Standing there at the akara stand, I wished in my heart to get a little more money so I could buy more.

    The akara was fast finishing and while wondering if there would be any left when it got to my turn, one of the guys I met there asked the seller to sell to me. I politely refused since I met him there. (Even though I really needed the akara, I wanted to be fair). After he was attended to, he gave me 1k and left. I was dazed. Someone I don't know from Adam. It was as if he heard my thoughts. Can't even recognize him if I see him again. Didn't know what to say other than repeated, "God bless you. Thank you." I even started crying. I just sat on a chair close by.

    Then akara seller announced that there was still ground beans available and if I could wait, she'd fry more akara. So I was able to buy enough akara for everyone and still had some change left.

  43. Thanks Stella. When I needed money overseas and had to sell an expensive perfume. You vouched for it on my behalf even though we don't know each other. I sold it to a bv over there and it went a long way. God bless you my fellow August person.

  44. I remember when I was going for my nysc then,n I was posted to ebonyi in afikpo,when our bus got to oka it was getting dark,I can't even remember y d bus stop n I don't no anybody in d state,it was a lady who was also in d bus and a student in there university that took me to her hostel for me to sleep over...


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