Stella Dimoko AMEBO CHRONICLES - Madam I Too Know Got Served


Sunday, September 18, 2022

AMEBO CHRONICLES - Madam I Too Know Got Served

I always tell people that there is no manual for parenting and so help others when you can and don’t judge other people’s parenting style.

All these does not apply to some people as they keep judging other people’s children and think their own is the perfect one.

This particular judgina is a full house wife who doesn’t spare any child in the neighborhood. 

Oh my goodness!!! 

She complains about everything and even asks the children about their grades and how their clothes and hair affects it.

She stylishly gossips but pretends like she doesn’t. Judgina is the stepford wife of our street. Mrs perfect.

When a gist breaks she forms women supporting women but its all false because she wants to hear from the horse’s mouth so she can use it to scold others until her own news broke. LOL

Turns out Judgina’s daughter has been exploring. 

Dora the explora is pregnant and her mother does not know, but half of the street knows that Dora has found a treasure chest. When you are busy judging other people when will you have time for your own family? Everything is not good grades and dressing decent. S#x education nkor?

When good Samaritans asked Judgina about her daughter’s sudden roundness, she said it was good food and proper sleep no worries. She no get eye chai!

Dora was already five months gone and the father is a class mate and she told her mother the boy didn’t really put it inside but fluid came out. Hnmmmm

Judgina almost had a heart attack from the revelation. Dora’s father insists she won’t be taken anywhere and she will be home and have the treasure. Neighbors confirmed to us that Judgina’s husband blames her for how their family is turning out.

I have not seen Judgina since the news officially broke but I feel sorry for her abi I should go and hear from the horse’s mouth too?

*Better to go and support her and hear from the horse ooooooo


  1. Stella sef😂 amebo go and support her women must support women

  2. Judgina got served.. I wish Dora safe delivery...

  3. At least, this would keep her occupied and busy for the time being.

  4. 😂😂😂 plenty of women are like that. My neighbour is a judgina too but she's calm now cause her husband impregnated a girl that her mother owns the only provision store in the street.
    The girl's parents insisted he must marry the girl, oga married her o.
    Madam judgina don rest .

  5. Lol
    Abeg go & hear from the horses mouth jare

  6. Judgina was removing the speck in other people's eyes while going about with a big log in her own eyes. Trap catch who set am

  7. Shame go gree am de come out again? That's why it's not always good to judge people, especially when you know little or nothing about them.

  8. How old is the daughter? This must be terrifying for the girl.

  9. You should go and hear from the horse's mouth.

  10. Amebo send location,I wan follow you go hear from the horse's mouth abeg🤣😂

  11. Life as we see it.....judgina is being judged.

  12. Serve her same meal she has been serving others to hear the main gist from her mouth, I don't think she will agree to tell you the real gist.

    I love mum for this while growing up if you come to my mum with gist of who is pregnant, who is following man and mum will walk you out of her house and say she ha five girls and two boys . She doesn't know what tomorrow holds so please leave other children's gist.

    She will drive you for coming to gossip , then we tot she was tough but when we became adults we understood it better.

  13. Reminds me of a house mistress in my secondary school, extremely judgmental and nasty woman and for some reason, she believed we were all whores of Babylon lol (single gender secondary school). No day goes without us hearing “I know what you girls are capable of, your generation is something else. Your mothers do not raise you right that’s why you go astray. I see how you people dress outside school, very immoral and devilish, my daughter cannot do such because I raise her right” blah blah blah. And we literally didn’t do anything to receive all that diatribe.
    Long story short, her Angel and saint of a daughter didn’t last one semester in unilag before falling pregnant lol. Karmic justice

  14. This one wey everybody wan hear from the horse's mouth, I hope the horse no get halitosis wey fit turn person belle o

  15. This reminds me of my aunt... auntie Rita a very rich evangelist very gentle and caring but never bothered to check what's happening with her children... She is always going on house to house evangelism preaching to others while believing what her children heard in the church have sunk in their brains but she made a big mistake.. The first daughter got pregnant while in 300level and because she is a "strong believer" she gave birth and completed the rest of her education holding her baby in her hands, the second daughter got pregnant in 500level when she was about rounding up her degree program and because she is a "strong believer" she gave birth stayed some years in the house before going for her youth service, the third daughter followed the laid down procedure of her elder sisters but hers was different she was impregnated during her youth service days by a brother in her church but thank God they are all married now and living happily.... I believed God repaired them back and blessed them because they didn't abort they pregnancy. But truth be told my auntie learnt her lesson from there. Charity begins at home... Charity does not start from abroad.

    *I love infinix*

  16. Follow stella's advice untill horse wipe u cord for head inugo, fear a bitter womanoooooh she might pour u hot water join after the wiping🤣🤣🤣

  17. As a single girl in church I used to wonder why mothers will allow their kids to be misbehaving during service especially the boys and vowed my son cannot try that, years down the line yours faithful got married and gave birth to twins a boy and a girl and yours faithful know better not to judge kids misbehaving in church in fact the children dept dey ask me how I handle them at home that's the day there allow me go church.

  18. May God help us to de remove things in our eyes before others'.

  19. Sometimes this is just a lesson on pride! To avoid pride God Allie’s circumstances so we understand others oooo. Kaii me too I learnt my own in many ways thankfully before getting older is that I’m approaching 30 I will judge nobody!!

  20. This reminds me a story shared here some years ago. About an Alfa (Muslim cleric) that was busy calling every girl/lady that they are promiscuous only to be told his "so called" virgin daughters are being taken from their exhaust.

  21. In psychology, people who spend time worrying about other people's problems, are the ones who don't want to face their own problems. They should be avoided or treated very carefully.

    There was a time in my life when I used to be worried about others. Helping others, concerned for them,etc. At some point I fell into depression and went for therapy. I then realised that I was ignoring my problems to face others own - good or bad. I quickly understood the root of my problem so I could solve it.

    I grew up I a household where my parents did same. Today, my siblings and I aren't doing great- even though we all have so much potential. My parents spent soooo much time talking about and even trying to help others children. They didn't focus their attention on us. As children, we asked for that attention in different ways. One of us got it really bad till today, because they weren't properly understood. From this angle, I understand how bad such behaviour can be.

    Right now, anytime I see that person who always focuses on others problems or puts too much effort into trying to help me solve mine; I refuse. I understand the psychological implications and would not want the drama or regret that comes with such behaviour. It has helped me keep a healthier circle of friends and to mind my business. When I started minding my business, I stopped wasting time on nonsensical activities. In return, many don't like me. But the ones who want me to grow are okay with my modus operandi and vice versa.


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