
Thursday, August 18, 2022


 #thursday #positivethoughts #itiswhatitis #neversaynever #throwback #namaste #gutentag #ndeewo #ekaaro #motivationalbehaviour #inspirationalish #theloadup #covid19isreal

Good Morning.........

It is a beautiful new day and i cant help but praise God....

I hope that your day started right? If it did, I pray that it also ends well...

Have a tremendous and terrific Thursday.....

Tight hugs....



  1. Join This Bandwagon!!
    Acts 19:20.


    "Jesus preached that the Kingdom of heaven had come and that they should repent from their sins and get into the Kingdom that He had come to set up (Mark 1:14-15). But instead of believing in Him and getting into His Kingdom, they rejected Him. He was crucified; albeit, it all fulfilled the plan and purpose of God"

    "We're witnessing the greatest move of the Spirit in these last days. There's been such unprecedented harvest of souls into the Kingdom, beyond what we've ever seen"

    "The Word of God is growing mightily in the nations of the world"


    Dear Father, you've sent us ahead of the coming of Christ to give the knowledge of salvation unto All people. I'm committed to preaching the Gospel today, taking your Word to the ends of the earth, teaching all nations the way of righteousness. You've given us the ticket to the whole world, and we're impacting the nations with your truth, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Further Study:
    Mathew 24:14; Mathew 28:19-20; Daniel 12:3.

  2. Heavenly father you prepared a table for us in the presence of our enemies. You anointed our head with oil and our cups runs over. 
    Thank you, Lord, for your blessings this week.
    Grant us strength and energy to go through this blessed Thursday morning, as we seek your face, your comfort, your rest. Keep us safely wrapped in your loving arms and bless us with your peace that passes all understanding. IN JESUS NAME.πŸ™πŸ™

  3. MY WIFE,MY RIB......
    (1) Don't shout at your wife when you are talking it really hurts her.(proverbs 15:1).
    (2.) Don't speak evil of her to anyone.Your wife will become who you call her. (Gen.2:19).
    (3) Do not share her love or affection with another is called Adultery.(Matt 5:28).
    (4) Never compare your wife to another woman.if the other woman was good for you.God would have given her to you(2 Cor.10:12).
    (5) Don't ever allow her to beg you for sex she owes your body just as you own her body (1Cor.7:5).
    (6) Be gentle and accommodating . she has sacrificed so much to be with hurts her deeply when you are harsh and irritating be tender (Ephesians 4:2).
    (7)Hide nothing from her.You are now one and she's your helpmeet.let there be no secret you are keeping from her (Gen,2:25).
    (8) Do not make negative comments about her body.she risked her life and beauty to carry your babies.she is a living soul not just flesh and blood.
    (9) Do not let her body determine her Worth, cherish and appreciate her even till old age.(Eph 5:29).
    (10) Never shout at her in the public and in private,if you have an issue to sort with her,do it in the privacy of your room (Matthew 1:19).
    (11) Thank and appreciate her for taking good care of you.The kids and the is a great sacrifice she is making (1 the 5:18).
    (12)All woman cannot cook the same way; appreciate your wife's is not easy to cook three meals a day,365 days a year for several years (proverbs 31:14).
    (13) Never place your siblings before her.she is your wife, she is one with you, she must come before your family (Gen,2:24). (14)lnvest seriously in her spiritual growth.Buy books, tape and any material that will edify her and strength her walk with God. that's the best thing you can do for her (Ephesians 5:26).
    (15) Spend time with her to do Bible study and prayers (James 5:16), (16) Never use money to manipulate or control her,all your money belongs to her she is a joint heir with you of the grace of God (1 Pet 3:7).

    1. Will they listen to your write up nope they will they will rather prefer to spend time and money with their side chick

    2. GODs blessings on those following His Word and obeying his commandments

    3. Wshala dey, men will be like what is all these for a mere woman. Lol

    4. Lol🀣🀣Mary,the men should come up with their own. Marriage is sweet if we let God reign in it.

  4. Replies
    1. Good morning.

      e-hug Stella.

      A beautiful day to us all

  5. Good morning beautiful people 😘😘
    Have beautiful day ahead 😘

  6. My day started right, Amen to your prayers mama. You too

    Good morning Stella mama and BVs. Have a great day

  7. Truth is, there are many couples who met, dated and got married in just few weeks and the marriage lasted several years in peace...
    There are couples who courted for several years, got married and then marriage scatter sharp sharp before asoebi even fade.πŸ™†πŸ˜­.
    There's no standard time frame to this thing. It works differently for people....
    If you wan marry, just involve God. Na only God fit help you see beyond the physical. Some people can hide their real intentions for years. Na after marriage, dem go show you say you marry wahala! Involve God ooo.
    Una Gud Morning...#ALiSpeaks

    1. I always love reading your write-ups Ali. So true.

      Anything outside God can't go far if possible you even succeed starting it.

      Just involve God in everything!!

  8. Please and please,I know world people is concerned for Mercy Chinwo but please let's not give this Lady a heart attack. It's too early for this,what's up with all these digging and dugging? All these reference to Osinachi should stop already.
    Mercy would still have gotten married,if not to PB.It would have been someone else.
    Even Mercy has had her past. Let's allow the young man breathe, the critism is becoming something else. Someone was even asking on Facebook if the man has his own money or planned to feed off on Mercy? Even with the extravagant wedding this guy threw because of Mercy as a celeb, someone is still asking this question. We never heard anything about this young man since he has been pastoring waterbrook,but since his engagement to Mercy , everyone now claims to know one or things about him. I know Mercy would have been prepared for things like this.
    Many have come to love her as just Mercy and don't want any other attachment to her but that's pure demonic,you don't expect her to keep singing for you to be enjoying while you forge ahead with your life and she remains a spinster. Someone even said her voice is going to be affected now,that she will not be able to release hit tracks now as she would be too distracted.
    All these concern is turning to witchcraft already.
    I believe Mercy sought the face of God before going through with this and God doesn't lie nor does He misled anyone.
    My tired is tired already *yawns*.

    1. How people love to hear bad things about people. How people love to see negatives in everything. How people love to see others fail. These are levels of wickedness that I'd never understand. It is very very unfortunate!

    2. God bless you for me, don't mind people saying what they feel like is okay for them to say. Imagine someone saying because she is married her voice will be affected, if she refused to marry and have boyfriend people will still complain, since she has been singing who have even gotten her a man of her choice as husband.

      Now she has made her choice everyone is shouting like she made their own choices for them. I will say mercy should ignore everyone and focus on her life, marriage, husband. If she didn't make findings before she said yes to him that is her own headache.

      This is what is called entitlement mentality for my Nigerian people, imagine them expecting mercy to consult them before she settles down. Mercy enjoy your home, no human or marriage is perfect but accepting to work with an imperfect person to become perfect.

      She should keep her marriage out of world people and all will be beautiful for her.

    3. I hope Mercy ignores them.

    4. My dear this is life for you. Even Jesus experienced criticism, nailed on the cross by those he came to save. This marriage is blessed. Take it to the bank.
      people do not want others to move forward. They will get tired. Another issue will.soon come that will distract Mercy's enemies. I wish they will take their union off social media at the moment so that amebos will have less information about them. Mercy. Enjoy your marriage. Marriage is God's will for his children.

    5. E pain them that she married a pastor. They will have been happy to hear otherwise.

    6. How people derive joy in hearing negative things about someone amazes me.

    7. Blessing, you no post sermon today?

    8. We should be wishing her well. I like the 2 of them already. Positive vibes.

    9. 10:31 this is a sermon na, she is preaching against witchcraft, lies and envy

      i read on this platform last week were someone said her hubby is a social climber yen yen yen, na wa!!

    10. It's really annoying.... Read one write up yesterday saying Mercy's husband could be a cultist. Abeg, they should leave her alone to enjoy her marriage jor

  9. Good morning, bvs una help me how to earn online.something to do that I won't start with capital.someone mentioned real estate but the person is not replying my mail.anything legit abeg.i am tired oh.bvs please

  10. Beautiful Thursday morning everyone, so nothing last long in Nigeria. Imagine now that one should be enjoying power supply the national grid has fallen again like one million times .

    Have a lovely day everyone, off to work.

    1. National grid ke😭😭😭😭😭

    2. I have light 😁😜

    3. Thought they shut it down deliberately before they called off the strike.

    4. No light throughout last night here, insulin wey we dey always put for ice, now no place to buy ice this morning. Don't even ask if the ward doesn't hv a refrigerator. It shall be well in Nigeria. Na general hospital we dey o

    5. They did not even take our own light

    6. We have light in my area o.

  11. Arise,be thankful and shine πŸŒžπŸŒŸπŸ’«
    Good morning everyone, have a wonderful day
    Thanks Stella πŸ€—πŸ€—

  12. I'm grateful for life. Thank you, Jesus.

    Good morning yard people. Stay blessed always. ❤️


    1. Crying too long after being beaten
    2. Not crying after being beaten
    3. Crying without being beaten
    4. Standing where elders are sitting
    5. Sitting while elders are standing
    6. Walking around aimlessly where elders are seated
    7. Eating food prepared for visitors
    8. Refusing to eat
    9. Coming back home after sunset
    10. Eating at the neighbour's home
    11. Generally being too moody
    12. Generally being too excited
    13. Losing a fight with older age mate
    14. Winning a fight with your age mate
    15. Eating too slowly
    16. Eating too quickly
    17. Eating too much
    18. Not finishing your food
    19. Finishing your food and scraping your plate
    20. Eating and talking
    21. Sleeping while the elders in the house have already woken up
    22. Looking at the visitors while they are eating
    23. Stumbling and falling when walking
    24. Looking at an elder eye ball to eye ball
    25. When an elder is talking to you and you blink
    26. When an elder is talking to you and you stare and not blink
    27. When you look at an elder through the corner of your eye
    28. When your mates are playing street football and you join them
    29. When your mates are playing and you don’t join them
    30. When you don't wash your dish after eating
    31. When you wash your dish improperly
    32. When you almost break your dish
    33. When you break your dish
    34. When you bite your nails.
    34.. When you don't bathπŸ›€.
    35. When you bathπŸ›€too quickly
    36. When you take too long to bathπŸ›€.
    37. When you’re beaten in school for misbehaving
    38. When a car almost knocks you down
    39. When a car knocks you down and you don’t die!
    40. For not answering when spoken to
    41. For answering back when spoken to.
    42 Beaten for going to Church or Mosque late.
    43 Beaten for borrowing shoe/wears from friends.

    Some of these reasons for beating a child may appear far-fetched today but they sure did happen and they were the norm that shaped the adults of today.

    Kudos to African parents. We, the generation you almost killed with beating say ....

    And if you were beaten because of any 3 of the above, please gather here for" *Survival & Thanksgiving* πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

    2. African parents never disappoint πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. I chop beating sotey e no dey pain me again. My mother changed tactics to punishment 😭😭😭

    4. Oh my GodπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    5. I hail our parents 🀣🀣🀣🀣

    6. African parents be doing the most 🀣🀣🀣 but we still love them like that

    7. All the beatings I got as a child were from my mom,I broke plates tire,you will hear emere after beating, she would say I will pack everything for you during marriage,drag feet na beating.The baba na whenever they send me on errand my money often get missing that one my own don done.
      As I grew older I think Jss2,she stopped beating but will still stay break everything ooooo or she will just say Emere,iya ye gbo till I became really careful with plates,my money stopped missing and walk like a queen.

    8. Yeah, we survived πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸΌ

    9. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    10. Beautiful memories.
      Now that we are copying, things are getting out of hand.
      Oh Chim.

    11. I chop beating for house sotey, I enter sec school collect award as 2nd overall cane collector.🀣🀣🀣🀣. African parents do the most shaa.

    12. I chop beatings for my papa hand tire for stubborness

  14. Good Morning Everyone

    Up and grateful to God for lifeπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

    Amen and Amen πŸ™ πŸ™Œ πŸ‘ Stella..

  15. I find it difficult sleeping at night lately. This experience started last month. Uptill 2am I will still be awake begging for sleep to take over me. I don't know what could be the cause of it.

    Hmmmm.... Some married women won't stop amazing me. Na waaa.

    1. Chamomile tea or two capfuls of raw honey right before bed could help.

    2. It happens to me most times. The thing I do now is start praying my rosary before I finish praying it sleep has come again

    3. You have something disturbing you, your mind is not at rest that is the reason why you cannot sleep.i will say you should run a malaria test to be sure is not malaria or typhoid that is wrong with you.

      You need to stop thinking over things you cannot control or change. Hand it over to the one who knows the best time and season. I told myself I will never have sleepless nights no matter what is the situation and God has been faithful. It's well with your soul.

    4. Dear watch your thoughts. Worry less and allow Jesus take the wheels. Receive peace in the mist of any storm in Jesus name.... To be a man no easy o

    5. Thanks Sapio_Jules, I will give that a trial.

      @excited courtesy, smiles... Flesh and blood didn't reveal that to you. Thanks for the last paragraph. I truly appreciate.

    6. Amen to your prayers @Zaram. Thanks a lot.

    7. Hope nothing is bordering you.

    8. πŸ™„πŸ™„

    9. Go back and read Barr Kunle's post few days ago.

  16. Somewhere,Somebody is looking for someone exactly like you..
    Never beg for LoveπŸ™„πŸ™„,
    You are someone's prayer request πŸ’•πŸ’•

    Copied ✌πŸ»πŸ‘Œ

  17. Good morning beautiful lovely people, Today God added another new age to my life Thank the Father for making me land safely in this new age. May it be marked by new manifestations of Your great glory goodness in my life! AmenπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ❤️❤️❤️. Happy birthday to me πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸ₯‚πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉ.

    1. Happy birthday dear. 😘

    2. Happy beautiful birthday celebration to you, your change of level has come.

    3. Happy birthday beautiful woman. Welcome to a new season of great manifestations of God's kindness. This year will be remarkable for good in your life. You will.pook back and say. Thank you Jesus.

    4. Happy birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚

    5. Happy birthday to you 🎁🎁

    6. Happy Birthday dearie. May this be your best year yet in Jesus name....Amen

    7. Happy birthday dear. May your new age be blessed.

    8. Happy birthday to you πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸ₯³
      Many more years to celebrate in good health πŸ™πŸ»

    9. Happy birthday darling πŸŽ‚πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸ₯³πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽˆ God bless your new age richly πŸ™Œ have a blast πŸ₯‚

    10. Happy birthday,May lines continue to fall for you in pleasant places.

    11. Happy birthday to you. Your new age is blessed and highly favoured πŸ™.

    12. Happy birthday. God bless you.

    13. Happy Birthday! More Grace!

    14. Happy birthday to youπŸ₯³

    15. Happy birthday ma'am 🀸🀸

    16. Happy birthday to you,God bless ur new age.

    17. God bless your new age. Happy birthday to you

    18. Happy birthday Lee ,May God bless and prosper you

    19. Happy Birthday Dear πŸŽ‚ 🍾πŸ₯‚

    20. Happy birthday

  18. I can't help my sister than to thank God for waking me up to see today. He deserves our praise. Amen to your prayers. Good morning everyone.

  19. What a wonderful day, thank u Jesus πŸ™

  20. Thank you Lord for a brand new day..
    Amen to your prayer Stella

  21. Goodmorning Stellz and bvs
    It's a beautiful morning,let's make the best out of it.
    Have a good day all.

  22. Thank you Lord for a brand new day.Good morning everyone.

  23. Face of in house news competition August Edition is open. Start sending your entries to

    Send in two photos of same outfit but different postures...
    Photos must be latest photos and background of photos must be neat and clear, not clashing with your outfit.

    If you have any of these interesting articles below.. Chronicles of a blog visitor, Wedding night brouhaha, Omugwo Chronicles, Meeting Point, How Motherhood Changed Me, Service year Boulevard and Labour Room Drama etc.. Kindly send to

    thank you

  24. Good morning BVs and all the educationists in the house. So, I home school a special needs child and I noticed that the parent hardly put in any effort in enforcing my day's work. What I mean is that the child is allowed to watch what others are watching. Not like that is bad, but for his condition, a great deal of mental conditioning could help. So its like I put in two hours of work daily and and he is left at the mercy of cartoons and movies for the remaining hours he has. The child in question is quite good with lyrics of all the popular songs aired on radio. If he can attain this feat, I feel like this mental conditioning would help him outgrow this phase,but the parent (a widow) is not yielding to this. I recommended cartoons, apps, games... but she rarely has time to checkmate this. Shifted the care to the maid and the maid doesn't really care.

    Giving up on people/tasks is not my thing, but at this point, I am considering that

    1. I agree with Mao Akuh, you should sit her down and tell her giving reasons why it is important that she checkmate her son on what he watches or if you can, you may suggest in offering to be a stay home teacher for a higher fee if she will agree and will be willing to pay for your services with a written agreement stating terms and conditions that will benefit both parties.

  25. Good morning everyone, i bless God for the gift of Life.

  26. Amen πŸ™, Good morning everyone

  27. Good morning everyone, i bless God for the gift of Life.

  28. How can you use your wife's picture as dp on WhatsApp and still chat random girls asking for nude pictures up and down. Bros abeg respect that picture.
    Good morning wonderful souls. Enjoy your day.

    1. And the wife will be over the moon that her horseband lives her so much and cannot cheat on her. Some stupid girls too will respond to him and send him nudes

    2. That's of he didn't tell the ladies she's his sister. Men will do what again πŸ™„πŸ™„

    3. Na wa for this somebody's son o.And the wife will be feeling fly.

  29. Good morning peeps! God blessings be with you and I.

  30. Bonjour Blogfam! Iam so proud of our Falcons! They defeated Canada early this morning! The government should give them incentives to ginger those girls,they are making us proud in Costal Rica.

    1. Those ones that never know what to do, if I hear!!

    2. I'm so proud of them😊

  31. Ýes Lord we are grateful for this new day!
    Thank you Father .
    Goodmorning guys


    'God has given each of you a gift.' 1 Peter 4:10 NLT

    The Bible says: 'God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God' (1 Peter 4:10-11 NLT).
    Some people think you must have an epiphany, a Damascus Road experience such as Paul had, in order to know you are 'called'. No, the gift God gave you is the key to knowing what he wants you to do. You can't always be what you want to be, but you can be what God calls you to be. What do you love doing, and do well? Is music your forte? Crunching numbers? Working with kids? 'The Spirit has given each of us a special way of serving' (1 Corinthians 12:7 CEV). That means some of the things other people find boring will actually energise and enrich you.
    The Bible says that God is building a 'spiritual house' (1 Peter 2:5 KJV). And there is a place for you in it. This dispels the misconception that you're not valuable because you don't have the same talents other people do. It also defines your actual responsibility by doing away with the myth that you're supposed to do everything. Your goal should be to stay within the boundaries of God's plan for you (see 1 Corinthians 12:27 TLB). So, instead of apologising for skills you don't have, unpack the gift God has given you and put it to work.
    Word For Today

  33. Good morning everyone, please can any body help with a little advice?
    Please I need list of things someone who is going to UK will need.

    1. Are you relocating or just travelling on a visit?
      Take a few clothings including one or two very thick ones. Check the banned products online or on UK websites and take only products and foodstuff that are allowed

    2. Thank you and God bless you

  34. Just here to remind you that some of the novels you read growing up had rapey undertones. I'm talking Harlequin Romance, Silhouette, Mills and Boon, etc.

    Your introduction to the art of sex via these novels were tainted with subliminal rapey undercurrent where the female character is reluctant to have sex but the man persuades her one way or the other in either violent, semi-violent or non-violent means.

    To make up for it, you're told she ended up enjoying it and her bosoms heaved in ecstasy. But that does not change the fact that the sex was not fully consensual. Adding the bit about her enjoying it and subsequently wanting more does not change the fact that she didn't want it and was forced to do it.

    We consume this information and fantasize about it for years. We see the subtle coercion as normal. We say what the man did is "going after what he wants". After all, the lady ended up enjoying it. And they later fell in love and got married.

    The male reader sees it as a normal dating ritual. The lady sees it as harmless. It's not like he held her at gunpoint. They were already going to have sex eventually. Plus he gave good head.

    And just like that, rape culture lives in perpetuity.

    1. Wow, you did justice to this explanation, you know there is a saying that goes like this "to blind someone, you open their eyes first", you can't blind someone whose eyes are closed. so in order words, these writers blinded us when they exposed us to this aggressive way of responding to feelings.

  35. Good morning beautiful people of God. May God bless, protect and guid us all as we embark on our various business.

  36. Goodmorning everyone,happy Thursday!
    Recently I have been sleeping like a baby after casting all my fears on him.Thank you Lord for the gift of life.

  37. So some one said the other day that duck meat smells bad, Maybe it is the duck that you people eat in Nigeria, the one I eat here is very nice. Nigerian animals too are like the humans there, they have been corrupted..
    In other news, Stella the last giveaway is the fastest you have done in this blog, pls keep it up. I wanted to a take a leave from here when you announced it and come back after one month because I knew you would use like one month to pick recipients and use another one month to disburse the cash but you surprised me when you did it in two weeks or so. Let me go back to sleep, I get work to do in the morning.

    1. About nigeria and her strong and beautiful people who have been trying to survive life and bad government to be likened to animals…You’re very stupid.

      Big Booty Mechanic

  38. Good morning beautiful peeps
    The sun today will be serious. At least let our clothes dry.
    Stella how are you today? Hope the coolant worked? Sorry about the heat

  39. This woman's husband eloped with another woman leaving her with 4kids to carter for. The last child was barely a year when he left. We knew her in church as the woman who's husband left her for another woman.

    15years later this man came back a pauper and the woman received him with arms stretched wide, no accountability, no nothing. The last child he left was already done with secondary school and man just appeared from no where. She gave testimony in church and kept blaming everything on the enemy. The man stood besides her and said nothing.

    The church including the pastor said it was the handiwork of the enemy and all. He asked them both to kneel on the altar and said we should pray for them. So appalling yeah???

    Well 5years after his return, he has looted everything she's worked for and ran off again. #copied from Facebook

    Egb'Oloun tobi!

    1. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

  40. Replies
    1. Catarrh disturbed me for 6 to 7 months, I forgot about it after praying, e disappeared o. Always cover yourself.

  41. Good morning lovely family
    Wishing all a stress-free day ahead.

  42. I don't know why u both don't want to get a divorce but whatever it is ,get police involved and let them sign undertaking cos they could harm

  43. When searching for a house, we should always pray for peaceful neigbours. This my neighbour is always fighting with his wife. Midnight sometimes, they will be quarrelling and disturbing the whole house. I didn't sleep well last night due to their fight. Thinking of reporting them to the caretaker.

  44. Please fine for a divorce, you too should move on 10 yrs is too much nah,let him go and marry the girl for your peace.

  45. Thank youπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ❤❤


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