Stella Dimoko Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog...


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Frequently Asked Questions On Stella's Blog...

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  1. Plz i need a serum dat clears dark knuckles and what to reduce under eye wrinkle. Thnx.

    1. Please i need help as Iโ€™ve tried and tried. Cosmetic sellers have used me to test their new commodities. Please i need help.

      Iโ€™m a fair lady, My work warranted me to work under the sun more during the first quarter of this year so now my face looks darker than my body apparently because of sun. Please i need the name of a good cream or lotion that would make me a shade lighter so as to match my body complexion. A good cream/lotion that wonโ€™t leave me with dark knuckles pls.

      Please someone answer me as this has hindered me from adorning some of my lovely dresses because it makes people ask me why all of my body is fairer than my face.๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข

    2. Pretty white clarifying tube. It causes deep peeling. For the eye, apply retin-A sparingly.

    3. Donโ€™t forget your sunscreen, they'll make your skin sensitive

  2. I don't know if it will wear off but my upper stomach is num or rather has been numb since surgery. I am almost one month post surgery but i still can't feel my abdomen and upper belly.

    1. I believe it will come back to normal, don't fret , just rest .

    2. Thank you much cause to be sincere I am fretting

    3. It's bin14 years I had a surgery last my lower abdomen is still numb.cheer up and relax.

    4. I am two years post surgery and it still feels numb

    5. You will be fine Miss Ess. Mine took almost 2months before the numbness stopped

    6. @miss Ess I did fibroid surgery November last year and my lower abdomen was numb for more than 4 months infact it is just of recent that I noticed it has come back to normal .so relax

    7. Mine is still there, and I had my surgery in 2016. I think it depends on the body.

    8. It is just relax.
      God's in control ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™Œ

    9. I think its normal in some cases. I know someone that complained same,but after childbirth,it becomes normal.

    10. Hahahaha
      Make una mercy for poster o

    11. Mine is since 2011. Every subsequent surgery adds to the numbness. After 3 CS I can't feel my lower abdomen.

    12. Women pass through a lot. Sorry to my fellow queens

    13. It's always like that, it will return to normal with time, just relax.

    14. Total recovery to you Miss Ess

  3. Good Afternoon everyone, please my people of SDK Villa, is it good to put metal Spoon inside the pot while cooking beans in order for ithe spoon to help the beans cook fast and we'll? Kindly help a sister. Thank you

    1. I don't do so. Though I've heard people do it.

    2. It is not good,just drop few drops of vegetable oil in it,at the beginning of your cooking.

    3. Just hearing this for the first time

    4. What's inside the spoon that gets the beans done quickly?

      Is it good for the health?

      What is the spoon made of?

      Whilst cooking,one or more components must get into your beans,and would be ingested by you..

      Kindly get a pressure cooker for your beans,health first..


    5. yes, but that was then i don't know if people still use that format. Why don't you buy pressure pot. That will help you cook your beans within 20 to 30 minutes depending on how soft you want it to be. The pressure pot will help you save time and gas.

    6. Just add onion it makes it cook faster

    7. If you don't have a pressure pot just cook it with lots of onions from the scratch. I mean lots of onions. Like, if you one to cook a derica of beans, use 4-5 medium size onions or 3 big ones. It will soften it one time.

    8. Beans I buy these days cooks faster

    9. Buy butter beans, less than an hour it's ready.

    10. Not just any spoon. There is a special spoon for that.

    11. The one I know of is foil paper

    12. Itโ€™s not healthy,why donโ€™t you buy honey beans add little drops of groundnut oil and onions while boiling and within and hour itโ€™s ready.if you can get a pressure pot,itโ€™s faster too.

    13. This pressure pot, how much is it let me start saving towards it

    14. You can get from 11k depending on size

    15. I think beans cooking faster depends on the kind of water you use to cook, if the water is hard water, your beans will take time or not Cook at all. So the best way is to use tap water ๐Ÿ’ฆ and if you do not have tap water ๐Ÿ’ง around where you stay, look for pure water or bottle water depending on what you have around you; and wala your beans is cooked with minutes. Try and give us your testimony later

    16. Am I buying the wrong beans? My beans gets real soft quick o. No onion, no nothing. Just normal cooking.

    17. Bee please don't use foil paper for your food. It's not healthy. That thing has some components in it that are not good for the health.

    18. I am surprised people complain of beans not cooking on time, I have bought and cooked different kind of beans and it gets done in less than an hour ABI I am not of this planet.?

    19. Don't put metal spoon and cook it.

      Having lead in your body is dangerous

    20. Beans has male and female. The female takes time to soft.

      Butter beans is the fastest. Don't put any metal inside beans. Pressure pot or that olden days heavy iron pot

  4. Time to ask all the questions in your mind, time to read all the questioned asked so that you will not ask same questions next time.

    come out and ask the house more questions.

  5. Are there natural ways to reduce the pain and possibly stop prostrate enlargement? My 70years old dad is battling this at the moment. He has done PSA at the teaching hospital, weโ€™re waiting for the test results. Breaks my heart to hear him complain of the discomfort. Please help me

    1. Look for small flowerd WILLOW herbs it must be taking religiously like tea daily . It works

    2. This ailment is very rampant nowadays. One of my uncles has it too. Thanks Anon

    3. Schedule him for surgery to remove it before it progresses to cancer. It happened to family friend l know

    4. Surgery for a 70yr old @love??

    5. Your dad should also eat lots of fresh tomato and cassava boiled using charcoal

    6. Lovetoloveyou, surgery won't fly for him. My father inlaw has it. He too is 70+, the doctors said we should keep managing it with drugs as surgery is high risk considering his age

  6. Please who knows what I can do to clear pregnancy induced acne?? And what are the important things to buy for baby's arrival apart from the ones in the hospital list. I don't want to waste money buying things that I will end up not using...

    1. The acne will clear up after giving birth.
      check online,you will see so many things to pick
      from.Ensure the baby clothes from 0-3months are not many because most babies quickly out grow them.

    2. Use an antiseptic soap for bathing.

    3. It will clear off on its own, buy few new born cloths others should be big size as baby grows big very quick.

  7. Please is there any bv that brought his or her partner to the UK recently (last month) via a work visa dependency, please long did it take for your partner to get the visa

    1. I need answers, please from anyone reading this. I schedule to travel out of the country by God's grace in December to seek greener pastures but a friend of mine was to introduce me to oil bunkering in Ph and I'm thinking of killing my UK dream and going into this oil bunker. I heard there is money in it. I don't know if I'm making the right choice. Help a brother thanks

    2. Oil bunkering is too risky for you to let go of your UK dream for. Oil bunkerers get killed by the military and other law enforcement agents daily, they also drown in the creeks,rivers and swamps. They get killed by wild animals too. They are arrested and thrown into jail daily. It is illegal. So go to the UK and hustle. God will bless your hustle.

    3. Thanks, Teemah G

    4. Anon 16:31 avoid bunkery. It's pays at short time. Face your dream.

    5. Thanks, Imelson

    6. I applied in December and my spousal visa came out in June. Travelled to UK same June. My Husband is a British citizen.

  8. TASTE BLISS CAKES AND PASTRIES18 August 2022 at 13:29

    Please yoruba bvs what is the meaning of Eko ni baje (not sure of the spelling)

    1. google said :

      โ€œEko oni bajeโ€ is a well-known locution used by Lagosians to assert their hopes in the progress of Lagos state. This mantra simply implies that all hands are on deck to ensure the progress and development of the state.

    2. 'Eko o ni baje' means Eko (Lagos) won't go bad or spoil.

    3. Lagos no go spoil, it's a a way of wishing Lagos well


  9. Please recommend an affordable baby soap and cream,good but not expensive,thanks

    1. Lagos will not bad/spoil/scatter

    2. Affordable is relative..

      For Good- Mothersdream

      Soap and cream 12k,good results assured.


    3. Cussons cream (small) 700 (big) 1000, soap 200. Very affordable. I use it for my kids.

    4. @marthins pls kindly help me Biko my goggle name is not showing on SDK..

    5. 12k for children cream? No wonder your kids looks like oyinbo kids,they're so clean,make I save buy am then.

    6. Johnsonโ€™s baby soap

    7. Baby secret is very good. Soap is 4000 as cream is same.

    8. Chai! See amount that someone is using to buy baby cream and soap. Mothers dream 12k and baby secret 8k. Even me as a mother cannot use half of that, my kids use blue seal Vaseline and Eva soap, everything is not up to 1000 and their skin radiates.

    9. Mother's dream is safe bleaching cream for kids. It tones then small small.

    10. Hi BlackBerry,Mothers dream is nothing close to bleaching..

      I have friends and family with dark kids and they are still on that colour till today,none has gone from dark to fair or versa..

      It has sunscreen,fruits and basic vitamins needed to glitter the skin all round and the adult set has been launched as well..

      If anyone is looking for a bleaching cream;not mothers dream..



    11. Why on earth will anyone want to tone a child's skin?

    12. I still maintain, mother's dream is a toner for children. It's written boldly on it.

  10. i don't understand aliecpress refund process at all, the vendor said i will get my money in 3 to 5 working days since last week. Where will that refund be i mean the money cos i cannot see it any alert from my bank on that.

    If you have their customer care please assist.

    1. aliexpress*

    2. Most times refund takes a month or more,you might also not get alert when it drops till you check statement online or offline.


    3. mine took less than 6 days ones i complained to their customer care, my order was cancelled. track the transaction it should say something like processing fund .i don't know why they are having problem with delivery lately

    4. It took them almost a month to refund me, meanwhile when the order was canceled they gave me between 3-10 business working days

  11. Please does anyone know the reliability of easy buy phones agent?
    I'm thinking of getting a new phone I will be paying in installments.

    1. Go to any store with easybuy as their preferred "Buy Now,Pay Later" agent..

      They would require Federal Means of Identification,BVN or NIN and Six months bank statement.

      It's reliable this way..


    2. Yes they are reliable. I know people who bought phone from them and I intend to buy too very soon.
      Make sure you visit an accredited store to complete the transaction.

    3. Pls I did that early this year, I don't know if I will like to do it again.....I mean if you can save then buy when the money is complete better bcos the interest charges you will pay can be enough for you to do something else depending on the type of phone you're going for.

    4. Luke Lee is correct;the company adds their interest;so phone of 40k for example can be 50k or more depending on their monthly percentage till you pay the debt..

      I donโ€™t advice my customers to do that,buy the one your money reach;or save and buy later when itโ€™s complete..


  12. I need good movies suggestion for date night with my hubby and any other added suggestions would be niece. Thank you

    1. you didn't state your preference. Hollywood or Nollywood. for the former check out The gray man. the man from toronto. the heat is an old movie but very hilarious, all are appropriate for family watch. for nollywood i have no suggestion i don't watch. for series check out Terminal List and the old man

    2. Bridgerton season 2(series)

  13. Bvs una answer me .how can I make money online .someone mentioned real estate and the rest . something I can start without capital.abeg una answer me

    1. We have many
      Affilate marketing
      Amazon ebook writing
      Dropshipping etc

  14. Please some help me.

    I would to revert to my father middle name(he is late)

    All my documents including passport and NIN has surname with initial M.

    How do I go about changing my surname from M to P as am no longer comfortable with the meaning of M name and would like to uphold my dad middle name as no one is doing so.

    My passport has expired and am about to renew it. Can someone educate me on how easy I can go about it. This is the only opportunity I have to change my surname.

    Am divorced and never use use my ex name.


    1. Get a sworn affidavit for a change of name at any high court.
      Submit the affidavit to any newspaper of your choice with the new name you want to change to for can also do it online.
      Going forward,you will need the newspaper publication and affidavit when the need arises.
      The process isn't difficult.

    2. If you are in Lagos go to ikeja and swear an affidavit, then a newspaper change of name.

    3. I will advice u get someone from immigration to ask on the process of changing name on your passport because I also tried it and they said I had to pay over 100k and also it wil take time so I had to change my NIN since it was easier and maintained the name on my passport

  15. I need a teaching job on the mainland. Anyone knows of any GOOD school?
    Checked online and applied to some but the "feedbacks" aren't just it. Also applied to some schools that didn't place adverts (even outside Lagos), just in case they later need one. I've an interview tomorrow though.

  16. Please, where can one buy thrift household items on the mainland? Living room chairs especially. And wardrobe. At AFFORDABLE price.

    1. careful so you don't buy bug infested items, it won't be funny

    2. You can check online you will find declutter pages,the only problem is those people online inflate prices for their items. Or you can visit Odolowu warehouse,itโ€™s on the mainland take a bus going to mile 2 and tell the driver you will stop at warehouse itโ€™s like 200naira,cross over and enter the warehouse u will get any item I want.All imported and neat.When u get there donโ€™t ask anyone to show you anything before they scam u just shine your eyes and find what you need by looking through.If you have further questions on description ask Iโ€™ll respond

    3. Go to Warehouse.Take a bus from Oshodi drop at Ijesha or church busstop. Ask anyone around for warehouse.they will show you

  17. Is there anything I can do so my tummy will be flat again after CS.
    Its been 3months and I still look 5months pregnant.

    1. Reduce your carbohydrate in take

    2. Less carbohydrate,more fruits and more water,more fiber foods.Lastly take it easy on yourself ok.Your tummy will go down soon.

  18. Help a sister, how can I curtail my over sleeping habit, I'm tired of it. I sleep like a log of wood overnight and find it hard waking up early, alarm does not help at all, I just turned it off and continue sleeping. Help me, please

    1. Plan your self ahead.....if you don't work for now, discipline yourself to do things without breaking it ,like time for workout, reading, cleaning etc

    2. Are you on any medication? Check your eating habit too.
      Take light meal as dinner and eat before 8:00pm.
      Multivitamins and antidepressants can make you sleep a lot.

    3. I sleep like this when I have malaria. Poster, hope you are fine.

    4. Youโ€™re not alone letโ€™s form a WhatsApp group Iโ€™m sure our type is rare ๐Ÿค—

    5. Keep the alarm far, so you have to stand up and off it. Once you do, rush to the bathroom and wash your face. Sleep must disappear. A more permanent way is to have a baby, if you manage to get 6hours sleep eh it's a miracle

    6. Thanks for your response, I think I'm fine medically but the sleep is getting overboard, I need to put my time to good use, waking up early enough is the major problem

    7. Don't worry yourself my dear. When you marry or give birth, nobody will wake you up. You will wake up by yourself at the right time.

  19. My people I hail oh. Please can anyone recommend a good soap for a dark skin. I'm using dove but I don't like it, I wanna change. Someone recommended extract but I feel it's for light skin. Those in the know what do you think?

    1. Extract
      Kojic acid soap

    2. Please what of nice body cream for chocolate skin color?

    3. Extract isn't for light skin, am dark and it fit perfectly

    4. @Rocky, kojic acid is a lightening agent.
      @O'visione, have you tried B&B Vanesalance body lotion? It's a good body lotion for dark skin
      Thank me later

    5. @Beauty and @Rocky you are the real MVPs thanks a million.

      I bought extract, when I read thru Kojic I was sceptical so I settled for extract. I'm glad I followed my instinct coming to read this now @Beauty.

    6. @Beauty am dark and kojic didn't lighten me when i used it

  20. How do I trail my hubby?? I suspect his cheating on me.
    How do i hack his phone? I don't know his password and he has refuse to tell me

    1. woman, are you cheating on your husband? why then do you think he's capable of cheating on you?
      remove your mind from such negative things before you go find wetin nor dey find you. don't go and give yourself HBP for nothing

    2. Google it. You will see many methods

    3. Pls Kidjo our instincts don't lie. Let her start digging before pant go wear her o. Before they will carry HIV and come and dash her in the house or she will hear that the man has impregnated another woman and married her as second wife like Yul Edochie. If she sees it now, she will adjust herself in the marriage. Not the one that she will be building with him and later another woman and kids will come and share it. She will know whether to start building herself by herself for herself and her own kids.

  21. Please house, can someone suggest a nice universities in the UK. I already know about University of Sunderland and University of Chester. But I still need suggestions from my fellow BVs๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™.
    I want to join the January batch and I want to start researching wella in the universities and course to read. Thank you so much fam.

    1. I think Teeside University is still admitting, and it's affordable too, just like Sunderland and Chester

  22. I have four kids for my hubby. We will be celebrating 18yrs wedding anniversary soon. I asked him who his next of kin is and he giggled and never replied. Do I need to worry???

    1. No. Next of kinship has nothing to do with inheritance generally as some women think.

      Next of kinship only affects inheritance IF the terms of a person's employment or investment so state.

      Most next of kin info are used for contacting the family of a person in case of emergency, looking for the person where he or she runs away after a crime or debt, or for contacting the person where very necessary and urgent after his/her known contact modes have failed.

      Most men don't want their wives to be the first to know (as protection of them) when the serious happens to the husband. In fact, most experienced HRM people tell wives next of kin to come with male relatives or the husband male relatives when the matter is serious and a next of kin is needed to attend.


    2. Yes you should be worried
      Ask him again

  23. Please Bvs oo. Can oneโ€™s age be reduced by more than four years in our NIN.
    Iโ€™m a footballer and I want to start using a new age in order to go far in my football career. Please help me my people. No bashing please

    1. It can, but make sure it the same age on your international passport also.

    2. Yes pls. You can reduce it by 10yrs sef so that you can play for longer.

  24. Please, can I use Moko Liquid for detox. My cousin said that it is very good

    1. I don't know about detox but I was given when I was battling constipation and haemorrhoid.This will make you purge.
      Why not use water from squeezed scent leaf and bitter leaf. warm water with tumeric,ginger and lemon also works for me.

    2. Try water infused with ginger, lemon, scent leaf, and cucumber.

    3. Body detox depend on what you want to achieve or what is presently wrong, if you use anything thst you don't understand the purpose and has a negative effect on his /her body whst will you do .

    4. I detox with baby guava leafs and lemon grass. U can try it.

  25. Can fibroid really stop conception? I see my periods when due but dont know if i ovulate cos i dont see that gummy stuff, but i feel ovulation pains and sometimes feel like the eggs are moving.

    1. No
      It can only stop conception if it is located inside the womb and it is big

    2. Yes and no.
      Go to the hospital first.
      Fibroid can stop you from conception and it cannot stop you from conception.

    3. You have a period youโ€™re ovulating

  26. Martin please, that xiaomi redmi note 10 pro, how much is it? I'm seeing so many different prices online. Thanks

    1. Price varies because quality varies in the general market..

      Else you would buy the fake and complain that โ€œREDMI is overratedโ€..

      Shop from GlossyMart..


  27. Please, I did change of name on my bank account last month, because my bvn carries my husband name,while bank carried my maiden name,so I had to change my bank account name to tally with Bvn, a customer sent money for materials since Monday,and its yet to reflect in my account, someone said its cos of change of name, I went to bank ,they said I should hold on,that the money will reflect, I don't understand what's going on, though the money is small,but still na my money

    1. Bank told you to hold on,so how do we help again

    2. Change of name won't stop money from dropping into your account once the account number is correct except there's a 'PNC' on your account. But you may not be able to access your account if you have conflicting names (Account name different from BVN) on your account.

      Deposits, transfers shouldn't take more than 24 hours to drop.
      1. Go to the bank and verify if the name change has been effected.
      2. Ask your customer to check his statement if the transaction was successful.

    3. When I had an issue similar to this, all my transactions were reflecting o. Just seeing the money and vexing cos I couldn't withdraw.
      Ask them very well. A statement of account or something

  28. Good afternoon family.
    My gum is swollen and I can't chew with the right side of my mouth or even open my mouth wide.
    Someone should please recommend a natural remedy for me

    1. Urgently look for clove ( kanafuru in yoruba) chew 4 or 5 seeds, 2 times daily come back and share testimony

    2. please go to the Dentist. there's a name for this particular gum issue, can't remember. Go to the Dentist so they diagnose what's wrong and treat it once and for all, pls.

    3. Go get bonjela, it's a cream for gum infection, apply it on the affected part as many times as possible, it's not harmful if swallowed.

    4. Cloves worked for me, get about ten cloves, just put it on that side that is paining you, pls do not chew it, your saliva will soak it and it will give you relieve. Sorry.

    5. Thank you so much, I'm very grateful ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    6. Garlic dear

  29. Since I changed to XR, I canโ€™t Access my blog ID
    Please what can I do to correct this

    1. Canโ€™t work with any other browser aside Puffin..

      So go to App Store and search โ€œPUFFINโ€ then download,log into with your email and thatโ€™s all..

      Your ID will show when you visit the blog..


    2. Just tried it and the response was couldnโ€™t sign in

    3. Download a VPN,TOUCH VPN or proxynel is okay..

      After installation,open app then minimize and go to your menu,settings then click on VPN to open..

      Select any VPN there then connect and come back to PUFFIN to load SDK..

      IHope this helps..


  30. How do i get rid of stubborn black spots on my face pls? Any active affordable solution is welcome.

    1. We are many on this table.
      I have reserved 5k to tackle this my face, BB and the rest, pls help us

    2. Get a very good cleanser for dark spots .I had terrible breakout some weeks ago,cos of my period.I used an organic cleanser and face soap and the breakout have stopped,the spots are really fading and the pimples I had are drying up,itโ€™s really impressive,I dunno if it will be enabled if i type it

    3. Organic? I guess it depends on the skin type. Organic stuff don't really go well with my skin.
      Chi and anon you can get Neutrogena range of face products, the cleanser, soap and face cream. Ask the seller for the one that matches your complexion

  31. Good afternoon Fam.โค
    Pls kindly suggest a good pressure pot for, and state the price too.
    Thank you

  32. Please how safe is buying a used phone from shop, though receipt was given with the imei on the receipt. Is it safe?

    1. So long as the shop is always there and with their signature,any issues is between the police and them..

      So anything you just show your receipt and thatโ€™s all..


  33. Please my people which side hustle can I start with small capital?

    1. You did not specify the amount you have. Each business has amount that can start it

  34. Good afternoon,Martins please help me with the link to the post on how to preserve food items. Sometimes we screenshot what we need, but loosing phones is another problem entirely. Thank you

  35. Good day. Please buying okirika in Yaba or Oshodi, which place is cheaper and nice quality clothes for children?

  36. My sister got duped at an ATM spot,she went to lay complaint at her bank,she filled a form and the bank told her to come after 10days,has anyone experienced that before?was the money recovered and the person caught?
    The guy actually did a transfer unknowing to my sis

    1. Pls wait for the bank to get back to her after 10days
      Did the guy transfer from your sister's account to his own? if yes, then go to your bank, ask for statement of account(the account no and name he transferred to would show in her statement of account),Take your statement of account to his own bank, ask for the anti-fraud unit(Meet the Customer Service Manager for this) explain to them, they know what to do from there.
      if they don't rectify the issue, then go to the bank's twitter handle, state your grievances and cc CBN

  37. Pls I did operamini weekly subscription but it didn't work can someone tell me what to do?

    1. Kindly do the normal weekly or daily or monthly sub next time..

      Those app sub fluctuate most times hence why..


  38. Please which cities in the UK are relatively cheap accommodation-wise?

  39. Martins, please is it true that I can unlock my airtel mifi to use another network with it? I want to unlock my airtel mifi cos the airtel network in this area is not so good. If it's possible can you please tell me how to go about it? Thank you

    1. It depends on the model,some can while some canโ€™t..

      Go to computer village and ask for old slot building,ask around there especially those guys that install software and phone apps..

      Hope this helps..


  40. Please is it necessary to do a newspaper change of name as I intend relocating to be with hubby in the us.Tho I renewed my passport and it bear my parents name.

    1. Your marriage certificate should suffice.

  41. Please caterers,the sqaure like board caterers use to present food tray, how do l get it,is It sold in the market

    1. Ask your fellow caterers or go to where they sell baking ingredients and ask them, they will tell you where to buy it

    2. It's carpenters that construct it

    3. Ask a carpenter to carve it for you.My carpenter did mine 2k

    4. Thanks everyone ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  42. Please house can anyone suggest what I can do to stop my baby from sucking her lips,she started this even before weaning her,thanks

  43. Pls what is cloves?

  44. Please how do I pick okirika cloth from Aba ,I don't have money for bale,which market in Aba can I get it pleae and which day is more preferable to select

  45. Please Martin' help me out how do I go to the next page because once I click on it ,it will take me to the last news on my phone ,my chrome the same,don't if it the phone or browser and again I haven't being able to download SDK app on google play store


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