Stella Dimoko Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...


Friday, August 12, 2022

Chronicle Of Blog Visitor Narrative...



I will be 30 this year and he is 28. Stella and bvs I love being reassured all the time. He said he loves me but immediately I start responding, he starts misbehaving. 

If I call he wouldn't pick and call later without apologizing. 1 week today I asked why he does that all the time and ended the call. 2 days later he called me back and being visibly hurt, I  told him off. 

It's been over 5 days now and he hasn't called, i called him and he didn't pick or return my call. I deleted his contacts /chats. Don't have his number again but I think I have been ghosted.. its so painful.

 This love matter, when will my own come? Should I go check up on him or I should let it go like a bad dream?

*Why should you go and check up on him when the flow was not good?Both your tempos are different.... He is not into you so please let it rest and hope to meet a man that is for you, OK?

You didnt need to delete his number at all, if the relationship does not work out, cant you settle for being just friends? it must not always end like this!


  1. Rest aunty. Good afternoon

    1. Please go and look for him o! He may be depressed and starved for days. Help him cook, wash and clean. It's not likely he can live without you. Since you need Bro Joe to interprete the handwriting on the wall. Please don't forget to buy baby powder, so you can rub on his neck and bum. Take that your ankara wrapper with you, so you can back him when he wants to sleep. Ire o!

    2. πŸ˜‚ Why are you laidis?

    3. You are funny πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    4. See how I laugh like say I don get bank credit alert

  2. Seems you like heartbreak. Cant you read the sign? He is young and arrogant. He doesn't respect you because he's not mature enough for that. Is being 30 make most women desperate? This man is not into you and doesn't want to be with you, while continue to push it? Madam, focus on your life, love yourself, develop yourself, make money, live a happy life and men will come after you. Stop running after them and trying to please them.

    1. Please let it go like a bad nightmare. You also have to work on yourself.

  3. Why do you need to be reassured all the time? you don't need that. Men don't like clingy women and vise versa. if you love yourself you won't need to worry if another person loves you. the way you treat yourself is how he will treat you back. So when you find yourself in another relationship, ensure that you don't seek for validation, instead show him how to love you and if he doesn't, walk don't beg please.

    1. Goals Hub, God bless you very well. You understand the kind of person this poster is. Her "gum body" too much like a teenager that is in love for the 1st time.
      She needs to do a lot of work on herself.

    2. Dear poster, don’t show him how to love you any bullshit, a man that cares for you would call you at least once a day.
      It’s not even about you being clingy, you have told him how you want to be loved (which is words of affirmation and care) that’s your love language, anyone not will to learn your love language doesn’t care about you.

      You also cannot show people how to love you by loving them the way you want to be loved because what if their love language isn’t the same as yours.

      Please watch the movie β€œhe is not just that into you” learn to recognize when someone doesn’t want you in his space.
      Also he may actually come back to love bomb you when he realizes you have moved on… please do not fall for it.

      Push up (original)

    3. Love is a practical thing.
      Poster face front.

  4. My dear. Relationship is not by force. This guy is even trying to let you know his mind codedly without bluntly telling you to go. Let him be. Let his number stay deleted since it seems you are obsessed with him somehow.

    Take a deep breath, relax, listen to good music, if possible go on a vacation or go to the beach and have fun. Hangs out with some friends and do whatever makes you happy.

    Above all, thank God and ask HIM to give you your own life partner. God hears and answers prayers.


  5. Like Stella said, that guy is not into you.

    See his brain will touch and he will probably come back but that’s because he wants something from u, most probably sex.

    Send him away. This guy is a current and future heartbreak in waiting

  6. Nne, sit down and tell yourself the truth, which is...He is not just that into you. The signs he exhibits shows that he is telling you, that you worth nothing to him. Pls let it go. May a man that will love and cherish you come soon. Ok? If u peradventure go back to him, u wil still cry.

  7. Poster it's good you cut him off and please don't check on him!
    You can't be sulking over a guy that doesn't want you and hope to find true love in another guy.
    Know and show your worth and you will attract the right energy.

  8. my dear poster, there no love here.

    Don't reach out to him, just let it be.

    Yours will surely come, a man that reciprocate your love and cherish you.

  9. Just forget about him and be focus..yours will come.

    I keep telling you ladies to be very careful when choosing a partner cuz out of 100% of men we have now, 70%are fake and scammers when it comes to love.

    I hate when a woman comes online to say men are scam when it was vividly clear to the blind that he is not worth your heart but you keep pestering because you are desperate.

    My sister, abeg, face ur life and be hopeful that soon, your own will come.

  10. Keep walking, it seems like he likes you but not for anything serious. At this stage, you are looking for something serious so let him go and move on.

  11. When you put expectations on people you're giving them the will power to hurt you....
    Madam your insecure that's all, you should have let things be the way it has, maybe you scared him away with your assurance.

    What will be yours will surely come 4 you

  12. Immaturity at heart is what I see here.

  13. The pressure African put on single ladies to get married ehn,

    1. I don remove the pressure by myself.

  14. Stella I will never make friend with such person again.where is your self worth poster?you want to go check up on him? As in for what na,or because you are 30? Love will find you again,i know you have fallen in love already, but please occupy your mind with other profitable things please move on,move the f55k beg I dey beg,

    1. He ain't friendship material.

    2. The guy can not be a friend o,na Dem chop and clean mouth.

    3. The guy na chop and clean mouth, not a friend material.

  15. Poster please leave him alone, just reading this gave me headache. What is all this back and forth you two are doing ?abeg abeg abeg let him go.

  16. Matters of the heart. Please let him be. If a man loves you he will ALWAYS makes time for you. Dont beg for attention.

  17. Are you not human too? Shouldn't you be checked up on? Bro, face your front and let that guy be. He is not into you.

  18. My dear run like Usain Bolt, when you meet any guy, take your mind off love and marriage, just date then the flow comes in, he will come back begging my dear take him off your heart completely

  19. I know how it feels to be ghosted,brave up girl we have thousand of good men out there,it must not be that particular one who already has someone he is dying for.

  20. U can't force urself on a guy,it's wrong.he's dating someone else.pls move on.u will definitely find love again

  21. Poster, please let the sleeping dog lie, he is not that guy you wish to be with, just allow him be , there is no point going to see him and discuss nothing.
    Start by loving yourself before going into a relationship. keep the guy away from your life , he is better of as just hello$ hi than a partner.

  22. Poster he has another woman. free him for life, yo man will come soon

  23. poster you can have his contact but do not attach feelings to it at all, keep moving , this one is not for you and please do not act desperate cos you said you are 30 while he is 28.

    If you are not getting the vibe from anyone why go check up on him. I will say if he calls you up next time just take his call and act normal, never you act like you care just dey watch am.

  24. Move on with your life and forget about him. Don't go back to him even if he reach out to you. It is not easy but be patient and do not force it, your own will come.

  25. His actions should let you know that he isn't the man for you. Why would you go looking for someone who obviously is not into you. Just forget about him and keep searching. Your own man will locate you in due time.

  26. Small pikin still dey worry the dude ☺️ abeg let him go and let him be. Don't EVER Try go back to check on him . For what exactly???

  27. Just let him go, relax and stay focus, your real man will find you.30 is not late my dear, don't be presurred.

  28. Poster you have serious issue.
    Your chronicle alone shows that you have "ogbanje" character, not the real ogbanje ooo, as in you are the type that believe that couple must always fight and any relationship without fighting is boring.

    Listen to yourself, you broke up with him, deleted his number and chat and the same you is still expecting his call.
    You don't need only reassurance, you need to grow up and act mature.

    1. She did all that so that she's not tempted to call him first. She'd have been happy if he did. It'll show her he cares a bit about her

    2. *issues or a serious issue
      *couples or a couple

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Poster, a guy might be 40 years but act like a 15 year old and them plenty. Also a guy might be 20 years and have a matured mind. This your guy is 1. An enfant, 2. He thinks he is doing you a favour dating you and 3. He feels nothing for you.
    You on the other hand are very immature in your thinking and show your self as desperate and needy of affection. You don't need all that. First of, get this guy off your system and look for a matured in mind adult. Focus on other things and let nature take its course.
    Why do you people always delete and block. Talking for myself, I can keep your number forever and never chat with you or check anything concerning you. Learn that. Keep your enemies close. That's power.

  31. It's obvious guy man is not so into you. The handwriting is clear on the wall, move on sis, your own will come soon.

  32. His main chic is between 20 to 23. Face front ma. You are acting all desperate and clingy because of the big "30". Nigerian men and their families don't play with age. Know this and know peace

    1. So are you saying the big '30' can't find a good Nigerian man?

  33. Don't listen to them please reach out to him and ask why because the problem of Nigeria now makes people to react anyhow pls call him

    1. Na the guy be this. Because tell me why you would advise her to call again. Doesn’t she have self respect? You people in this country sef. Love yourselves. Stop expecting people to love you.

    2. Sheybe na only him Nigeria Dey do?
      See me now my bank just debited 5k from my account I feel like fighting someone and I hate bank waka enh…
      Poster better don’t call him, you will feel even more stupid, trust me.

      Push up (original)

  34. Dear poster it can be annoying when someone you love just starts acting up. However, this guy isn't worth your stress. Don't go and see him or take him back when he comes knocking again because he will.

    You need a mature and reasonable man and his actions say otherwise. Love will find you and you will find it in the right place and person. Just be cool-headed, keep improving yourself in all spheres and don't be desperate.

    You deserve someone who loves you and you will find him. You can be friends with him if he comes back but don't go rocking his boat.

  35. This man think he is doing you a favor please let him be
    God will bring yours to you

  36. You dodged a bullet, thank God it was not more than that, just move on & trust God to bring your own to you.

  37. Kpekue and gbola love...aunty rest in Jesus name

  38. He has the main girl and he's just toiling with your emotions. Please for your own good don't have anything to do with him again. He may come back for sex & afterwards disappear from you

  39. Pkekus and gbola love. Anty rest in Jesus name

  40. Everyone is blaming the guy. But una no see say she too get blame for the matter? Why will she tell him off?

    1. If from her post u can’t tell why she told him off, then carry on

  41. He's just a casual friend and nothing more.

  42. My dear, I am 37 years old and single. I have not died. Trust me, you haven’t met your person. Wait patiently for your time. You are only 30 and young, why the desperation. It causes more harm than good. Enjoy your life. It will happen at the appointed time.

  43. He is not into that into you,maybe you should let him be,just try and concentrate on yourself,it hard but true love will find you

  44. Poster, age is just a number, when your own man comes, you won't write us a chronicle, your mind, soul, body would confirm it, Let that guy go, your own would come, and always pray for the right man, so at least you can enjoy your marriage. It's not how far, it's how well.

  45. Stella I think it's better she delete has number. Someone like me I wouldn't stop calling him so long I still have has number. Don't know how to love. God help me

    1. Na wa. Some of you like to smother man with nonsense calling it love. Can’t you face front and love yourself??

  46. Lemme tell why the guy ran away? Ya too clingy, what's it with the reassurance? I'd run too.

  47. Check what girl? Have some dignity please. Even if he responds so you'll take him back?πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

  48. I'm 36 year old single mother of one, I think marriage isn't my calling, because I haven't met any serious guy, despite that, I'm not desperate.
    If I notice you're not into me, I drop you like bad habit, I love myself too much than allowing any man to toy on my emotions.
    Na marry I no marry, I no kill person.
    No be everybody go marry unless we're deceiving ourselves, nothing is guaranteed except death.
    But if I eventually get married, God should make it best among the best, if not, let me be happily single.

    1. Gbam. The key word is happy.
      Better to live single than be married and using tears for food.

  49. Forget him jari the right one will come

  50. Pls don't go to him forget about him. Occupy ur self with something ur own man will surely come it's never too late


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